A Rotary Vacuum Filter Drum consists of a cylindrical filter membrane that is partly sub-merged in a slurry to be filtered. The inside of the drum is held lower than the ambient pressure. As the drum rotates through the slurry, the liquid is sucked through the membrane, leaving solids to cake on the membrane surface while the drum is submerged. A knife or blade is positioned to scrape the product from the surface. [1]
The technique is well suited to slurries, flocculated suspensions, and liquids with a high solid content, which could clog other forms of filter. It is common to pre-coated with a filter aid, typically of diatomaceous earth (DE) or Perlite. In some implementations, the knife also cuts off a small portion of the filter media to reveal a fresh media surface that will enter the liquid as the drum rotates. Such systems advance the knife automatically as the surface is removed.
Rotary vacuum drum filter (RVDF), patented in 1872, [2] is one of the oldest filters used in the industrial liquid-solids separation. It offers a wide range of industrial processing flow sheets and provides a flexible application of dewatering, washing and/or clarification.
A rotary vacuum filter consists of a large rotating drum covered by a cloth. The drum is suspended on an axial over a trough containing liquid or solids slurry with approximately 50-80% of the screen area immersed in the slurry.
As the drum rotates into and out of the trough, the slurry is sucked on the surface of the cloth and rotated out of the liquid or solids suspension as a cake. When the cake is rotating out, it is dewatered in the drying zone. The cake is dry because the vacuum drum is continuously sucking the cake and taking the water out of it. At the final step of the separation, the cake is discharged as solids products and the drum rotates continuously to another separation cycle.
The advantages and limitations of rotary vacuum drum filter compared to other separation methods are:
Basically there are five types of discharge that are used for the rotary vacuum drum filter such as belt, scraper, roll, string and pre coat discharge.
The filter cloth is washed on both sides with each drum rotation while discharging filter cakes. The products for this mechanism are usually sticky, wet and thin thus, requiring the aid of a discharge roll. Belt discharge is used if slurry with moderate solid concentration is used or if the slurry is easy to filter to produce cake formation or if a longer wear resistance is desired for the separation of the mentioned slurry. [3] [4] ....
This is the standard drum filter discharge. A scraper blade, which serves to redirect the filter cake into the discharge chute, removes the cake from the filter cloth just before re-entering the vat. Scraper discharge is used if the desired separation requires high filtration rate or if heavy solid slurry is used or if the slurry is easy to filter to produce cake formation or if a longer wear resistance is desired for the separation of the mentioned slurry. [3] [4]
It is a suitable discharge option for cakes that are thin and have the tendency to stick with one another. Filter cakes on the drum and discharged roll are pressed against one another to ensure that the thin filter cake is peeled or pulled from the drum. Removal of solids from the discharge roll is done via a knife blade. Roll discharged is used if the desired separation requires high filtration rate, if high solid content slurry is used or if the slurry is easy to filter to produce cake formation or if the discharged solid is sticky or mud-like cake. [3] [4]
The filtrate cakes that are thin and fragile are usually the end products of this discharge lie. The materials are capable of changing phases, from solid to liquid, due to instability and disturbance. Two rollers guide the strings back to drum surface and at the same time separation of the filtrate cake occurs as they pass the rollers. Application of the string discharge can be seen at the pharmaceutical and starch industries. String discharge is used if the high solid concentration slurry is used or if the slurry is easy to filter to produce cake formation or if the discharged solid is fibrous, stringy or pulpy or if a longer wear resistance is desired for the separation of the mentioned slurry.
Application of this discharge are usually seen where production of filter cakes that blind the filter media thoroughly and processes that have low solid concentration slurry. Pre coat discharge is used if slurry with very low solid concentration slurry is used that resulted in difficult cake formation or if the slurry is difficult to filter to produce cake . [3] [4]
Generally, the main process in a rotary vacuum drum filter is continuous filtration whereby solids are separated from liquids through a filter medium by a vacuum. The filter cloth is one of the most important components on a filter and is typically made of weaving polymer yarns. The best selection of cloth can increase the performance of filtration. Initially, slurry is pumped into the trough and as the drum rotates, it is partially submerged in the slurry. The vacuum draws liquid and air through the filter media and out the shaft hence forming a layer of cake. An agitator is used to regulate the slurry if the texture is coarse and it is settling rapidly. Solids that are trapped on the surface of the drum are washed and dried after 2/3 of revolution, removing all the free moisture. [5]
During the washing stage, the wash liquid can either be poured onto the drum or sprayed on the cake. Cake pressing is optional but its advantages are preventing cake cracking and removing more moisture. Cake discharge is when all the solids are removed from the surface of the cake by a scraper blade, leaving a clean surface as drum re-enters the slurry. [5] There are a few types of discharge which are scraper, roller, string, endless belt and pre coat. [4] The filtrate and air flow through internal pipes, valve and into the vacuum receiver where the separation of liquid and gas occurs producing a clear filtrate. [6] Pre coat filtration is an ideal method to produce a high clarity of filtrate. Basically, the drum surface is pre coated with a filter aid such as diatomaceous earth (DE) or perlite to improve filtration and increase cake permeability. It then undergoes the same process cycle as the conventional rotary vacuum drum filter however, pre coat filtration uses a higher precision blade to scrape off the cake. [5]
The filter is assessed by the size of the drum or filter area and its possible output. Typically, the output is in the units of pounds per hour of dry solids per square foot of filter area. The size of the auxiliary parts depends on the area of the filter and the type of usage. Rotary vacuum filters are flexible in handling variety of materials therefore the estimated solids yield from 5 to 200 pounds per hour per square foot. For pre coat discharge, the solid output is approximately 2 to 40 gallons per hour per square foot. [4] Filtration efficiencies can also be improved in terms dryness of filter cake by significantly preventing filtrate liquid from getting stuck in the filter drum during filtration phase. Usage of multiple filters for example, running 3 filter units instead of 2 units yields a thicker cake hence, producing a clearer filtrate. This becomes beneficial in terms of production cost and also quality. [5]
Vat level and drum speed are the two basic operating parameters for any rotary vacuum drum filter. These parameters are adjusted dependently to each other to optimize the filtration performance. Valve level determines the proportion filter cycle in the filter. The filter cycle consist of the filter drum rotation, release of cake formation from slurry and the drying period for the cake formation shown in figure 1. By default, operate the vat at its maximum level to maximise the rate of filtration. Reduce vat level if discharged solid is in the form of thin and slimy cake or if the discharged solid is very thick. [4] [7] [8]
Decrease in the vat level eventually leads to a decrease in the portion of the drum being submerge under the slurry, more surface exposure for the cake dying surface hence, larger cake formation to dry time ratio. This result in less moisture content of formed solid and lessen the thickness of the form solid. In addition to operating at lower vat level, the flow rate per drum revolution decreases and ultimately thinner cake formation occurs. In the case of pre coat discharge the filter aid efficiency increases. Drum speed is the driving factor for the filter output and its units is in the form of minutes per drum revolution. At steady operating conditions, adjusting the drum speed gives a proportional relationship with the filter throughput as shown as in figure 2.
Select filter cloth to obtain a good surface for cake formation. Use twill weave variation in the construction pattern of the fabric for better wear resistance. The belt tension, de-mooning bar height, wash water quantity and discharge roll speed are carefully tuned to maintain a good path for the cake formation to prevent excessive wear of the filter cloth.
Select filter cloth to obtain good wear and solid binding characteristics. Use moderate blowback pressure to avoid high wear. Adjust duration of blow back pressure short enough to remove the cake from the filter cloth. The tuning of valve body is important for the blow back to prevent the excess filtrated being force back out of the pipe to with the release cake solid as this minimises wear and filter media maintenance.
Select filter cloth to obtain solid binding resistance and good cake release. Use coated fabric for more effective cake release and have a longer-lasting cloth media due to solid binding filter cloth. Both the discharge roll speed and drum speed must be the same. Adjust the scraper knife to leave a significant heal on discharge roll to produce a continuous cake transfer.
Minimise the lateral pressure of the strings by adjusting the alignment tine bar to avoid the string being cut off. Have ceramic tube place over each aligning tine bar to act as bearing surface for the strings. [4]
Select filter cloth based on the type filter aid used (refer Filter aid selection), adjust the advancing knife to optimize the knife advance rate per drum revolution. (Detail explained in Advance blade section)
Filter aid selection: filter aid are recoat cake that act as the actual filter media and there two different types which are diatomaceous earth or perlite. Important parameter to consider is the solid penetration into the pre coat cake and its limits 0.002 to 0.005 inch penetration thickness. Large amount of filter aid is used i.e. “open”, more filter aid is aid removed which lead to higher disposal cost. If little amount of filter aid is used i.e. “tight” will lead to no flow rate into the drum. This comparison can be illustrated in figure 5 as below. [4]
The approximate knife advance rate can be determined for a set of operating conditions using table 6 below. The table indicates the number of hours that the filter can operate in a one-inch pre coat cake; the required condition is that the advance blade must be at a constant position. This method can be used to check for optimum operation range.
If the operating parameter is higher than the optimum range, the user can reduce the knife advance rate and use a tighter grade of filter aid. This will result in less filter aid used (lower capital cost) and less filter aid being removed (lower disposal cost). However, if the operating parameter is lower than the optimum range, the user can increase the knife advanced rate (more production) and decrease the drum speed for less filter air usage (reduced operating cost). [4]
Most commonly used post treatment, where chlorine is dissolved in water to form and hydrochloric acid hypochlorous acid. The latter act as a disinfectant that is able to eliminate pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa by penetrating the cell walls. [9]
The waste stream is irradiated with Ultraviolet radiation. The UV radiation disinfect by disrupting the pathogen cell to be mutated and prevent the cell from replicating. Eventually the mutated cell becomes extinct and this process eliminates odour. [9]
The stream is exposed to ozone and ozone is unstable at atmospheric condition. The ozone (O3) decomposes into oxygen (O2) and more oxygen is dissolved into the stream. The pathogen is oxidised to form carbon dioxide. This process eliminates the odour of the stream but result in slightly acidic product due to the effect of carbon dioxide present. [9]
The waste discharge can be used as land stabilizer as dry bio-solids that can be distributed to the market. The land stabilizer is used in reclaiming marginal land such as mining waste land. This process will help to restore the land to its initial appearance. [9]
The waste discharge can be sent into incineration plant, where the organic solid undergoes combustion process. The combustion process produces heat that can be used to generate electricity. [9]
The rotary vacuum drum filter designs available vary in physical aspects and their characteristics. The filtration area ranges from 0.5 m2 to 125 m2. Disregarding the size of the design, filter cloth washing is a priority as it ensures efficiency of cake washing and acting vacuum. However, a smaller design would be more economical as the maintenance, energy usage and investment cost would be less than a bigger rotary vacuum drum filter. Over the years, the technology drive has pushed development to further heights revolving around rotary vacuum drum filter in terms of design, performance, maintenance and cost. This has also led to the development of smaller rotary drum vacuum filters, ranging from laboratory scale to pilot scale, both of which can be used for smaller applications (such as at a lab in a university) [10] High performance capacity, optimised filtrate drainage with low flow resistance and minimal pressure loss are just a few of the benefits. With advanced control systems prompting automation, this has reduced the operation of attention needed hence, reducing the operational cost. Advancements in technology also means that precoat can be cut to 1/20th the thickness of human hair, thus making the use of precoat more efficient [11] Lowered operational and capital cost can also be achieved nowadays due to easier maintenance and cleaning. Complete cell emptying can be done quickly with the installation of leading and trailing pipes. Given that the filter cloth is usually one of the more expensive component in the rotary vacuum drum filter build up, priority on its maintenance must be kept quite high. A longer lifetime, protection from damage and consistent performance are the few criteria that must not be overlooked. Besides considering production cost and quality, cake washing and cake thickness are essential issues that are important in the process. Methods have been performed to ensure a minimal amount of cake moisture while undergoing good cake washing with large cake dewatering angle. An even thickness of filter cake besides having a complete cake discharge is also possible. [5] [12]
Filtration is a physical separation process that separates solid matter and fluid from a mixture using a filter medium that has a complex structure through which only the fluid can pass. Solid particles that cannot pass through the filter medium are described as oversize and the fluid that passes through is called the filtrate. Oversize particles may form a filter cake on top of the filter and may also block the filter lattice, preventing the fluid phase from crossing the filter, known as blinding. The size of the largest particles that can successfully pass through a filter is called the effective pore size of that filter. The separation of solid and fluid is imperfect; solids will be contaminated with some fluid and filtrate will contain fine particles. Filtration occurs both in nature and in engineered systems; there are biological, geological, and industrial forms.
Sewage sludge treatment describes the processes used to manage and dispose of sewage sludge produced during sewage treatment. Sludge treatment is focused on reducing sludge weight and volume to reduce transportation and disposal costs, and on reducing potential health risks of disposal options. Water removal is the primary means of weight and volume reduction, while pathogen destruction is frequently accomplished through heating during thermophilic digestion, composting, or incineration. The choice of a sludge treatment method depends on the volume of sludge generated, and comparison of treatment costs required for available disposal options. Air-drying and composting may be attractive to rural communities, while limited land availability may make aerobic digestion and mechanical dewatering preferable for cities, and economies of scale may encourage energy recovery alternatives in metropolitan areas.
Agitated Nutsche filter (ANF) is a filtration technique used in applications such as dye, paint, and pharmaceutical production and waste water treatment. Safety requirements and environmental concerns due to solvent evaporation led to the development of this type of filter wherein filtration under vacuum or pressure can be carried out in closed vessels and solids can be discharged straightaway into a dryer.
In chemical engineering, biochemical engineering and protein purification, crossflow filtration is a type of filtration. Crossflow filtration is different from dead-end filtration in which the feed is passed through a membrane or bed, the solids being trapped in the filter and the filtrate being released at the other end. Cross-flow filtration gets its name because the majority of the feed flow travels tangentially across the surface of the filter, rather than into the filter. The principal advantage of this is that the filter cake is substantially washed away during the filtration process, increasing the length of time that a filter unit can be operational. It can be a continuous process, unlike batch-wise dead-end filtration.
An industrial filter press is a tool used in separation processes, specifically to separate solids and liquids. The machine stacks many filter elements and allows the filter to be easily opened to remove the filtered solids, and allows easy cleaning or replacement of the filter media.
A vacuum ceramic filter is designed to separate liquids from solids for dewatering of ore concentrates purposes. The device consists of a rotator, slurry tank, ceramic filter plate, distributor, discharge scraper, cleaning device, frame, agitating device, pipe system, vacuum system, automatic acid dosing system, automatic lubricating system, valve and discharge chute. The operation and construction principle of vacuum ceramic filter resemble those of a conventional disc filter, but the filter medium is replaced by a finely porous ceramic disc. The disc material is inert, has a long operational life and is resistant to almost all chemicals. Performance can be optimized by taking into account all those factors which affect the overall efficiency of the separation process. Some of the variables affecting the performance of a vacuum ceramic filter include the solid concentration, speed rotation of the disc, slurry level in the feed basin, temperature of the feed slurry, and the pressure during dewatering stages and filter cake formation.
Dewatering is the removal of water from a location. This may be done by wet classification, centrifugation, filtration, or similar solid-liquid separation processes, such as removal of residual liquid from a filter cake by a filter press as part of various industrial processes.
Electrofiltration is a method that combines membrane filtration and electrophoresis in a dead-end process.
The belt filter is an industrial machine, used for solid/liquid separation processes, particularly the dewatering of sludges in the chemical industry, mining and water treatment. Belt filter presses are also used in the production of apple juice, cider and winemaking. The process of filtration is primarily obtained by passing a pair of filtering cloths and belts through a system of rollers. The system takes a sludge or slurry as a feed, and separates it into a filtrate and a solid cake.
High-density solids pumps are hydrostatically operating machines which displace the medium being pumped and thus create a flow.
A dewatering screw press is a screw press that separates liquids from solids. A screw press can be used in place of a belt press, centrifuge, or filter paper. It is a simple, slow moving device that accomplishes dewatering by continuous gravitational drainage. Screw presses are often used for materials that are difficult to press, for example those that tend to pack together. The screw press squeezes the material against a screen or filter and the liquid is collected through the screen for collection and use.
A filter drier is a piece of process equipment used during the filtration and drying phase of a pharmaceutical, bio pharmaceutical or chemical process for an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) or other compounds production. Filter dryers are designed for washing and isolating solids with or without integrated containment systems.
A pusher centrifuge is a type of filtration technique that offers continuous operation to de-water and wash materials such as relatively in-compressible feed solids, free-draining crystalline, polymers and fibrous substances. It consists of a constant speed rotor and is fixed to one of several baskets. This assembly is applied with centrifugal force that is generated mechanically for smaller units and hydraulically for larger units to enable separation.
The peeler centrifuge is a device that performs by rotating filtration basket in an axis. A centrifuge follows on the principle of centrifugal force to separate solids from liquids by density difference. High rotation speed provides high centrifugal force that allows the suspended solid in feed to settle on the inner surface of basket. There are three kinds of centrifuge, horizontal, vertical peeler centrifuge and siphon peeler centrifuge. These classes of instrument apply to various areas such as fertilisers, pharmaceutical, plastics and food including artificial sweetener and modified starch.
A centrifuge is a device that employs a high rotational speed to separate components of different densities. This becomes relevant in the majority of industrial jobs where solids, liquids and gases are merged into a single mixture and the separation of these different phases is necessary. A decanter centrifuge separates continuously solid materials from liquids in the slurry, and therefore plays an important role in the wastewater treatment, chemical, oil, and food processing industries. There are several factors that affect the performance of a decanter centrifuge, and some design heuristics are to be followed which are dependent upon given applications.
A solid bowl centrifuge is a type of centrifuge that uses the principle of sedimentation. A centrifuge is used to separate a mixture that consists of two substances with different densities by using the centrifugal force resulting from continuous rotation. It is normally used to separate solid-liquid, liquid-liquid, and solid-solid mixtures. Solid bowl centrifuges are widely used in various industrial applications, such as wastewater treatment, coal manufacturing, and polymer manufacturing. One advantage of solid bowl centrifuges for industrial uses is the simplicity of installation compared to other types of centrifuge. There are three design types of solid bowl centrifuge, which are conical, cylindrical, and conical-cylindrical.
A conical plate centrifuge is a type of centrifuge that has a series of conical discs which provides a parallel configuration of centrifugation spaces.
Screen/Scroll centrifuge is a filtering or screen centrifuge which is also known as worm screen or conveyor discharge centrifuge. This centrifuge was first introduced in the midst of 19th century. After developing new technologies over the decades, it is now one of the widely used processes in many industries for the separation of crystalline, granular or fibrous materials from a solid-liquid mixture. Also, this process is considered to dry the solid material. This process has been some of the most frequently seen within, especially, coal preparation industry. Moreover, it can be found in other industries such as chemical, environmental, food and other mining fields.
Pile Cloth Media Filtration is a mechanical process for the separation of organic and inorganic solids from liquids. It belongs to the processes of surface filtration and cake filtration where, in addition to the sieve effect, real filtration effects occur over the depth of the pile layer. Pile Cloth Media Filtration represents a branch of cloth filtration processes and is used for water and wastewater treatment in medium and large scale. In Pile Cloth Media Filtration, three-dimensional textile fabrics are used as filter media. During the filter cleaning of the pile layer the filtration process continues and is not interrupted.
Diatomaceous earth (DE) filtration is a special filtration process that removes particles from liquids as it passes through a layer of fossilized remains of microscopic water organism called diatoms. These diatoms are mined from diatomite deposits which are located along the Earth's surface as they have accumulated in sediment of open and moving bodies of water. Obtained diatomaceous earth is then purified using acid leaching or liquid-liquid extraction in order for it to be used in any form of application. The process of D.E. filtration is composed of three main stages: pre-coating, body feed, and cleaning.