Timeline of Hungarian history

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The timeline of Hungarian history lists the important historical events that took place in the territory of the Carpathian Basin, in the territory of the historical Hungarian lands, i.e belonging to the former Kingdom of Hungary, history of Hungarians and events closely connected to the history of Hungary.


5400–4500 BC Tisza culture
4500–4000 BC Tiszapolgár culture
4000–3600 BC Bodrogkeresztúr culture
3600–2690 BC Baden culture
3500–2500 BC Coțofeni culture
3000–2200 BC Vučedol culture
2200–1500 BC Wietenberg culture

9th century BC

Smaller groups of pre-Scythians (Cimmerians) of the Mezőcsát culture appeared. [1]

7th century BC

700–500 BCThe classic Scythian culture spread across the Great Hungarian Plain between the 7th–6th century BC. [1]

5th century BC

The Syginnae live in the Great Hungarian Plain. Archaeological finds show their commercial contacts with the Adriatic Veneti and Greeks. [2]

4th century BC

Celts invade Pannonia and gradually conquer the lands along the Middle Danube. [3]

3rd century BC

The Celticisation of Transdanubia is completed and the native languages disappear. [4]
279 BCCelts invade the Balkan Peninsula from the Middle Danube region, reaching as far as Greece. [3]

2nd century BC

113 BCThe Celtic Boii control the Middle Danube region when the Cimbri move across their territory during their migration towards the Alps. [5] [6]

1st century BC

50 BCThe Sarmatians arrived in multiple waves. [1]
c. 50 BCThe Osi, Cotini and Anarti live in the northern regions of the Great Hungarian Plain. The Dacians take control of the lands to the east of the river Tisza. [7]
c. 45 BCThe Dacian king, Burebista, defeats the Celtic ruler, Critasirus, and occupies lands east and north of the Middle Danube. [8]
c. 44 BCBurebista dies and his kingdom disintegrates. [8] [9]
35 BCThe Romans force the Pannonian tribes living along the Sava into submission. [10]
Roman denarii start circulating in Transdanubia. [10]
13 BCThe Roman generals Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Tiberius crush the Pannonian tribes' revolt between the Sava and the Dráva. The young Pannonians are captured and sold as slaves. [11]
c. 12 BCThe Germanic tribe of Marcomanni force the Boii to abandon the lands north of the Middle Danube. [12]
11 BCThe Romans include Pannonia in the Roman province of Illyricum, declaring the Danube as its northern border. [13] [14]
10 BCThe Roman general Marcus Vinicius launches an expedition across the Danube, forcing the Celtic tribes of the Great Hungarian Plain to make an alliance with the Roman Empire. [15]

1st century

6Tiberius wages war against the Marcomanni. After the governor of Illyricum, Marcus Valerius Messalla Messallinus, orders the enlistment of the Pannonians in the Roman army, the Illyrian tribes rose up. Tiberius abandons his military campaign along the Elbe to fight against the rebels. [16] [17]
6–9The Romans force the Illyrian tribes one by one into submission. [18]
8/9Illyricum is divided into two along the Sava. The new Roman province incorporating the lands between the Sava and the Middle Danube is known as Pannonia. [19] [20]
10sThe Sarmatian tribe of the Iazyges settle in the plains between the Danube and the Tisza and force the Dacians to withdraw to Transylvania. [19]

Emperor Tiberius settles veterans and civilians at Scarbantia (now Sopron) and Salla (now Zalalövő) on the Amber Road. [21]

c. 18 – c. 50Allied with Rome, Vannius, king of the Germanic Quadi, forces the tribes of the Great Hungarian Plain to pay tribute to him. [22]
40s–50sEmperor Claudius establishes the colonia (or town) of Savaria (now Szombathely) on the Amber Road, settling veterans of the Legio XV Apollinaris in the town. Colonists from Aquilea and other north Italian towns move to Savaria and natives also live in the town. [23]

Pliny the Elder lists the Boii, Azali, Eravisci, Cotini, Arabiates and Hercuniates among the native tribes living in Transdanubia in his Natural History . The native tribes are organized in civitates peregrinae (semi-autonomous districts supervised by a Roman military officer). [24] [25]

c. 50Emperor Claudius forbids the governor of Pannonia, Sextus Palpellius Hister, to assist Vannius against his rebellious nephews, Sido and Italicus. Vannius is forced to abdicate and flee to Pannonia. His nephews divide his realm among themselves. [26]

Natives are first recruited as auxiliaries in the Pannonian regions north of the Dráva. [19]

Auxiliary forts are established at Arrabona, Brigetio and Aquincum (now Győr, Szőny and Budapest in Hungary). [27]

68–69The governor of Pannonia, Lucius Tampius Flavianus, intervenes in the struggle for the imperial throne in Rome. He dispatches Roman legionaries and the troops of Sido and Italicus to Rome to fight against Emperor Vitellius. [28]
c. 73The governor of Pannonia, Gaius Calpetanus Rantius, orders the strengthening of the auxiliary fort at Aquincum. [29]
88The Marcomanni and the Quadi refuse to support the Romans during Domitian's Dacian War. Emperor Domitian invade their territory, but he abandons the military campaign without defeating the Germanic peoples. [29]
89The Germanic tribes wage war against the Iazyges with Roman support. [30]
92/93The Iazyges invade Pannonia and route a Roman legion. Domitian comes to Pannonia and defeats the Iazyges. [31]
98Emperor Trajan appoints new kings to rule the Marcomanni and Quadi. [32]
c. 100A new fortress is built at Brigetio and the Legio XI Claudia is transferred to there. The Legio X Gemina is stationed at Aquincum. [33]

Gorsium (now Tác) is made the center for the imperial cult in Pannonia. [34]

2nd century

c. 104Pannonia is divided into two provinces, Pannonia Superior and Pannonia Inferior. [35]
106The newly established Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix replaces the Legio XI Claudia in Brigetio after the fall of Decebal's Dacian kingdom. The Iazyges take possession of the lowlands to the east of the Tisza. Roman watch towers are erected across the Middle Danube. [36] [37]
117The Legio I Adiutrix replaces XXX Ulpia at Brigetio and Legio II Adiutrix takes over Aquincum from X Gemina. [38]
117–119The Iazyges make raids against Pannonia Inferior. Emperor Hadrian charges Marcius Turbo with the united command of Pannonia Inferior and Dacia to secure the coordination of military actions against the Iazyges and their allies, the Roxolani. [39]
124Hadrian make Aquincum a municipium . [40]
c. 135 – c. 140The Marcomanni and Quadi make raids against both Pannonian provinces. [41]
c.140Hadrian's designated heir, Lucius Aelius, is made the governor of both Pannonian provinces. [41]
161Emperor Marcus Aurelius transfers the Legio II Adiutrix to the empire's eastern border at the beginning of the Roman–Parthian War, replacing it with Legio IV Flavia Felix in Aquincum. [42]
160s Vexillationes (or detachments) of the Danubian legions are sent to fight against the Parthian Empire. Marcus Aurelius plans to annex the territory of the Marcomanni and Iazyges and establishes two new legions, Legio II Italica and Legio III Italica . [43] [44]
c. 166Start of the Marcomannic Wars. The Germanic Lombards and Ubii attack Pannonia near Brigetio, but the Roman troops defeat them. Ballomar, the king of the Marcomanni, and envoys from 10 other tribes dwelling along the Roman border enter into negotiations with the governor of Pannonia Superior, Marcus Jallius Bassus. [45] [46]
167–171Marcus Aurelius and his co-emperor, Lucius Verus, are planning to launch a military expedition across the Danube, but Lucius dies unexpectedly and a plague forces Marcus Aurelius to return to Italy. [47]
167–168Marcus Aurelius and his co-emperor, Lucius Verus, are planning to launch a military expedition across the Danube, but Lucius dies unexpectedly and a plague forces Marcus Aurelius to return to Italy. [47]
171The Quadi's request for free access to the Roman markets is denied. [48]
171–175Marcus Aurelius writes parts of his Meditations while staying in Pannonia during his campaigns against the neighboring Germanic tribes. [49]
172Marcus Aurelius defeats the Quadi, forcing them to make a peace and release their Roman prisoners. He appoints Furtius to be their new king. Groups of Quadi are allowed to settle in the Danubian provinces. [50]
173Marcus Aurelius forces the Marcomanni to make peace and abandon the lands along the northern banks of the Danube. The Quadi dethrone Furtius and elect Ariogaesus their new ruler. [51]
173, WinterIazyges invade Pannonia across the Danube. Ariogaesus makes alliance with the Iazyges, but the Romans capture him. [52]
174, EarlyThe Romans route the Iazyges. The Iazyges capture their king, Banadaspus, and elect Zanticus his successor. [52]
c. 174The remnants of the Cotini and the Germanic Naristae are settled in Pannonia. [52]
175The Iazyges agrees to release their Roman prisoners and to abandon the lands along the eastern banks of the Danube. [52]
177–178Germanic tribes and Iazyges make raids against Pannonia. [53]
178, SummerMarcus Aurelius and his co-emperor, Commodus, come to Pannonia to command the local troops in person. [53]
178, LateLate. 40,000 Roman troops occupy the land of the Marcomanni and Quadi and winter there. [53] [54]
180, SpringMarcus Aurelius prevents the Quadi from migrating to the north. [53]
180, AutumnMarcus Aurelius' successor, Commodus, makes peace with the Marcomanni and Quadi. He appoints Roman centurions to control the two tribes' activities before marching to Rome. [53] [55]
c. 185Watchtowers are erected along the Middle Danube. [56]
193, April, 9After Commodus' death, the governor of Pannonia Superior, Septimius Severus is proclaimed emperor by the Pannonian legions. [57]
193, JuneAfter seizing Rome, Septimius Severus musters primarily Pannonian troops to the Praetorian Guard. [57]
194Septimius Severus grants the rank of colonia to Aquincum. [58] [59]
196Septimius Severus sends his son and heir, Caracalla, to Pannonia before his campaign against Clodius Albinus. [60]

3rd century

202Septimius Severus personally inaugurates a new temple in Gorsium. [61]
212Caracalla grants Roman citizenship to all natives, but the conquered peoples (or dediticii ) in the Roman Empire. [61]
212/213The Quadi invade Pannonia, but Emperor Caracalla had their king, Gaiobomarus, executed. [62]
214Caracalla makes the river Rába the new boundary between the two Pannonian provinces. [63]
c. 230Iazyges invade Pannonia. [64]
248Emperor Philip the Arab appoints Pacatianus the commander of the troops both in Pannonia Inferior and in Moesia Superior. The Illyricianithe troops of the Danubian provincesproclaim Pacatianus emperor, but they murder him when the Emperor appoints one of their number, Decius, their commander. [65] [66]
249, SummerThe Illyriciani proclaim Decius emperor. [67]
250sQuadi make raids against Pannonia. [68]
258–260The westward expansion of the Goths forces the Germanic Gepids and the Sarmatian Roxolani to move to the Carpathian Basin. Sarmatian and Germanic tribes make a series of raids against Pannonia. Emperor Gallienus settles groups of Marcomanni in Pannonia. [69]
260sClashes between the Roxolani, Gepids, Iazyges and Vandals along the borders of Pannonia and Dacia. [70]
270s, EarlyEmperor Aurelian orders the evacuation of the province of Dacia. [71]
c. 278Iazyges invade Pannonia. [72]
282Emperor Carus defeats the Sarmatians and the Quadi. [73]
285The Sarmatians invade Pannonia, but Emperor Diocletian defeats them. [74]
290The Goths and the Taifali wage war against the Vandals and Gepids. [75]
293A Roman fort is built on the left bank of the Danube opposite Aquincum. [76]
293Diocletian defeats the Sarmatians. [77]
294A canal is built between the Lake Balaton and the Danube. [78]
295 Carpians are settled around Sopianae. [79]
290s, LateBoth Pannonian provinces are divided into two, with their parts north of the Dráva forming Pannonia Prima and Pannonia Valeria provinces. [80]

4th century

303, February, 24Diocletian forbids Christian worships in the Roman Empire. [81]
303, June, 8Bishop Quirinus of Sescia (now Sisak in Croatia) is executed in Savaria. [82]
305Galerius and Constantine invade Sarmatian territory. [83]
308, NovemberPannonia is assigned to Emperor Licinius. [84]
314, October, 8 Battle of Cibalae: Constantine defeats Licinius, forcing him to abandon Pannonia. [84]
320s–330sNew fortifications are built on plateaus along the Middle Danube. [85]
322, May–JuneA Sarmatian chieftain, Rausimodus, besieges Campona (in present-day Budapest), but Constantine forces him to abandon the siege. [86]
332The Goths invade Sarmatian territory, forcing the Argaragantes (the ruling Sarmatians) to arm their unfree subjects, the Limigantes. The Romans intervene in the war on the Sarmatians' behalf and defeat the Goths. The Limigantes rose up and defeat the Argaragantes who flee to Vandal and Roman territory. [87] [88]
332–334After a series of clashes with the Romans, the Sarmatians accept Roman protectorate. [87]
330s–350sThe Vandals, Gepids and Goths take possession of the northern regions of the Great Hungarian Plain. [87]
356The Quadi invade Pannonia Valeria and the Sarmatians attack Pannonia Secunda. [89]
357, SummerEmperor Constantius II comes to Sirmium to conduct negotiations with the Quadi and the Sarmatians. [90]
357, WinterThe Quadi and the Sarmatians make a raid against the Pannonian provinces. [90] [91]
358, AprilConstantius II invade the Limigantes' territory and Roman troops from Pannonia Valeria attack the Quadi, forcing their leaders to pay homage to the Emperor. [91] [92]
358, WinterThe Limigantes make raids against their neighbors. [93]
359, AprilConstantius II meets with the envoys of the Limigantes near Aquincum. The envoys try to capture him, but his retainers massacre them. The Romans invade Sarmatian territory, destroying their settlements. [94] [95]
365The Quadi and the Sarmatians invade Roman territories. [96]
c. 367Emperor Valentinian I's magister militum , Aequitius, had new fortresses built along the Middle Danube. [97]
374, EarlyThe Quadi protest against the erection of a Roman fortress on their territory, but Dux Maximianus kills their king Gabinius. [98]
374, JulyThe Quadi invade Pannonia Valeria and slaughter or capture the local peasants. [98]
375, August–NovemberValentinian I invade Quadi territories. [99]
375, November, 17Valentinian I dies in Brigetio during the peace negotiations with the Quadi envoys. [99]
c. 375Roman coins cease to circulate in Pannonia to the north of the Dráva. [100]
378, Late Summer–AutumnGoths, Alans and Huns invade the Balkan provinces and Pannonia after their victory over the Romans in the Battle of Adrianople. [101]
379The Pannonian provinces suffered from the Migration Period from 379 onwards, the settlement of the Goth-Alan-Hun ally caused repeated serious crises and devastations, the contemporaries described it as a state of siege, Pannonia became an invasion corridor both in the north and in the south. [101]
383Pannonian grain is traded for wine in northern Italy. [102]
395The attacks of the Marcomanni, Hun and Goth armies devastate Pannonia. [103]

5th century

401The Vandals march through Pannonia to Italy. [103]
402The Visigoths led by Alaric arrives in Pannonia from Italy. [103]
405The army of the Goth Radagaisus marches through Pannonia and attacks the Western Roman Empire. [103]
408The Visigoths return to Italy. [103]
c. 420sThe Huns settle on the Hungarian Plain. [104]
427 Pannonia Secunda and Pannonia Savia are ceded to the Huns. [105]
433The control of Pannonia Valeria is given up to the Huns. [106]
433The Roman administration withdraws from Pannonia Prima, the land is ceded to the Huns. [105]
442Sirmium is under the control of the Huns. [107]
c. 450sGoths are settled in large numbers by Marcian in Pannonia. [108]
After Attila's death, three Ostrogoth kingdoms come into existence. Western Pannonia is ruled by Theodemir, Vidimir controls the center region, the eastern parts of Pannonia belong to king Valamir. [109]
Theoderic the Great, the son of the Ostrogoth King Theodemir, was presumably born in Pannonia. [110]
453King Attila died suddenly, resulting in the quick disintegration of his empire.
454A coalition of Germanic tribes defeats the Huns in the Battle of Nedao. [111]
Sirmium is under Gepid control. [107]
455–456Successful campaigns by the Western Roman emperor Avitus in Pannonia, praised later by Sidonius Apollinaris. [112]
469After Valamir's death, the Ostrogoths defeat the armies of the Germanic and Sarmatian tribes in the Battle of Bolia. [113]
474The Ostrogoths led by Theoderic migrate from Pannonia to Lower Moesia. [114]

6th century

547The Langobards settle in Pannonia, permitted by Justinian I. [115]
c. 565At the end of the reign of Justinian I, the Gepid-controlled Pannonian settlement of Sirmium is still a significant city, subsequently occupied by Justin II. [112]
566/567The Longobard king, Alboin, sends envoys to the Avar khagan, Bayan, offering an alliance against the Gepids to him. Bayan accepts the offer only after Gepidia is promised to him. [116]
567The Longobards and the Avars invade Gepidia. Cunimund, the last king of the Gepids, dies fighting against the Longobards. The Avars occupy Gepidia. [117]
568, AprilThe Longobards and masses of Gepids, Sarmatians, Suebi and other peoples leave Pannonia for Italy. The Avars take possession of Pannonia. [118]
568The Avars, under Khagan Bayan I established an empire in the Carpathian Basin. [119]
582The fall of Byzantine Sirmium to the Avars. [120]
595The Kutrigurs, related peoples from the east arrived in the Avar Kaganate. [121]

7th century

670The Onogurs. related peoples from the east arrived in the Avar Kaganate. [121]

8th century

776A Lombard lord, Aio, seeks refuge in Avar territory after a Lombard revolt against the Franks collapsed. [122]
782The Avar khagan and jugurrus send envoys to Charlemagne to Paderborn. [122] [123]
788Frank and Bavarian troops defeat an Avar army near the river Ybbs. [124]
791, Late AugustCharlemagne's son, King Pepin of Italy, makes a raid against Avar territory. [125]
791, AutumnCharlemagne invades Avar territory, reaching as far as the river Rába, but an epidemic forces him to return to the Carolingian Empire. [125]
795, AutumnDuke Eric of Friuli's Slav military commander, Vojnomir, sacks the khagan's seat. [126]
795/796Rebels murder the Khagan and the jugurrus. [127]
796, EarlyThe Avar tudun swears fealty to Charlemagne and converts to Christianity. [126]
796, SummerPepin of Italy invades Avar territory, forcing the khagan to yield without resistance and chasing Avar leaders as far as the river Tisza. Paulinus II, Patriarch of Aquileia and other bishops in Pepin's army decide to start proselytizing among the Avars. [128]
799Archbishop Arno of Salzburg appoints Theoderic to proselytize among the Carantans and their neighbors to the north of the river Dráva. Gerold, Prefect of Bavaria who accompanies Theoderic is killed before a battle against rebellious Avars. [129]

9th century

The Khazar Khagan appoints Levedi to be the supreme head of the confederation of the Magyar tribes, allegedly granting the Khazar title kündür to him. [130] [131]
The Life of Saint Emmerama hagiography of Emmeram of Regensburg is rewritten to encourage clergymen to proselytize among the Avars. [132]
803Charlemagne sends an army to Pannonia. The Avar tudun and his Slav and Avar retainers come to Regensburg to pay homage to Charlemagne. [133]
c. 804 Krum, Khan of Bulgaria, invades Avar territory and defeats an Avar army. [134]
805, FebruaryCharlemagne cedes the territory between Sabaria (now Szombathely in Hungary) and Carnuntum (now Petronell-Carnuntum in Austria) to the Christian Avar kapkhan , Theodorus, and his people whom Slavs forced to leave their homeland. [135]
805, September, 21Charlemagne restores the khagan's authority over the Avars. The khagan converts to Christianity at the Fischa. [135]
811, SpringCharlemagne sends an army to Pannonia to prevent further clashes between the Avars and the Slavs. [136]
811, July, 26 Battle of Pliska: The Hungarians were in alliance with Krum of Bulgaria against Emperor Nikephoros. [137]
811, NovemberThe envoys of the Avar khagan and tudun and of the chiefs of the Slavs living along the Danube appear in Charlemagne's court in Aachen. [138] [139]
c. 822The collapse of the Avar Khaganate. [140] [121]
824Khan Omurtag of Bulgaria sends an embassy to Louis the Pious, offering peace. Louis the Pious sends an envoy to Bulgaria. [141]
825, MayNegotiations about the borders of the Carolingian Empire and Bulgaria in Aachen. [142]
827The Bulgars sail up the Dráva and destroy the lands on both sides of the river. [142]
828Louis the Pious's son, Louis the German, launches an unsuccessful military campaign against the Bulgars. [143]
829The Bulgars destroy villages along the Dráva. [143]
c. 830After being defeated by the Pechenegs, the Magyars settle in Etelköz (in the Pontic steppes) and get rid of Khazar suzerainty. The Kabars a group of peoples who rose up against the Khaganjoin them. [144] [145]
830sBurials with consistent east–west orientation spread in Pannonia. [146]
833Expelled across the Danube by Prince Mojmir I of Moravia, Pribina comes to Pannonia. He is baptised and joins the retinue of Radbod, the newly appointed prefect of the March of Pannonia. [147]
837The Bulgarians hire Magyar warriors to prevent a group of Byzantine prisoners from returning to their homeland across the Lower Danube, but the Byzantines defeat the Magyars. [148]
c. 837After a conflict with Radbod, Pribina flees first to Bulgaria, then to Ratimir, Duke of Lower Pannonia. [149]
838After Radbod defeats Ratimir, Pribina and Radbod are reconciled. Pribina receives a large estate in fief on the Zala River. [150]
840s, EarlyPribina gathers people on his domains and builds the fortress Mosaburg on the Zala (now Zalavár). [151]
848, EarlyThe wandering Saxon priest, Gottschalk of Orbais, stays in Pannonia. [152]
848, October, 12Louis the German reward Pribina with the complete ownership of his estates in Pannonia. [153]
850, January, 24 Liupramm, Archbishop of Salzburg consecrates a church dedicated to Mary the Virgin in Mosaburg. [154]
860, May, 8Louis the German grants 20 peasant households near Savaria to the Benedictine Mattsee Abbey. [155]
860, November, 20Louis the German grants Savaria and other settlements in Pannonia to Adalwin, Archbishop of Salzburg. [155]
860sOfferings of food and drink disappear in burials in Pannonia. [146]
860/861Pribina dies fighting against the Moravians. His son, Kocel, inherits his estates. [156]
c. 861Methodius comes across Magyar raiders in the Crimea. [157]
862–895The Hungarians took possession of the Carpathian Basin in a pre-planned manner, with a long move-in between 862 and 895. [158]
862The Magyars' first raid against East Francia (or Germany). [note 1] [159] [160]
866–867The Byzantine missionaries, Constantine and Methodius, stay in Mosaburg during their journey from Moravia to Rome. Kocel learns the Glagolitic script and entrust 50 pupils to them. [161]
869 Pope Hadrian II sanctions the use of Old Church Slavonic in liturgy. Methodius returns to Mosaburg as papal legate, but Kocel sends him back to Rome, requesting the Pope to appoint Methodius bishop of Pannonia. The Pope makes Methodius archbishop of Sirmium with jurisdiction in Pannonia and Moravia. [162]
c. 870The Magyars dominate the steppes between the Lower Danube and the river "Atil" (most probably the Don River). Their tribal confederation is headed by a paramount chief, the kende , and a military leader, the gyula . [157] [130]
870, EarlyBishop Ermanrich of Passau captures Methodius. [163]
873, Spring Pope John VIII achieves the release of Methodius. [164]
c. 876 Kocel dies. [165]
881The Magyars and the Kabars make a plundering raid against the Duchy of Bavaria. [166] [167]
c. 892According to scholarly theories, the first Magyar groups settle in the Carpathian Basin (in the lowlands east of the river Tisza). [168]
892Magyar horsemen support Arnulf, King of East Francia against King Svatopluk I of Moravia. [169] [170]
c. 894Magyar raiders destroy Pannonia in alliance with Svatopluk I. After the Magyar leaders, Árpád and Kurszán conclude an alliance with the Byzantines against King Simeon I of Bulgaria, Magyar troops invade Bulgaria. [169] [171]
c. 895Bulgarians and Pechenegs invade Etelköz while the bulk of the Magyar army is away on a military campaign. The Magyars leave Etelköz and cross the Carpathian Mountains to settle in the lowlands east of the Middle Danube. [168] [172]
896Arnulf appoints Braslav, Duke of Lower Pannonia to rule Mosaburg and the March of Pannonia. [173]
899, SummerArnulf persuades the Magyars (or Hungarians) to invade the Po Valley (in Italy). [174]
899, September, 24 Battle of Brenta: the Hungarians route Arnulf's opponent, King Berengar I of Italy. [174]
900The Hungarians occupy Pannonia (to the west of the Middle Danube). [175]
900, November, 20 Battle of Linz: Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria and Richar, Bishop of Passau defeat the Hungarians who has invaded Bavaria. [175] [176]

10th century

902The Hungarians invade Moravia. [175] [176]
902–907The Hungarians destroy Moravia. [176]
904The Bavarians murder Kurszán at a banquet. [168] [175]
907, July, 4–6 Battle of Pressburg: Three East Francian armies led by Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria, which entered the Hungarian territory in order to expel the Hungarians from the Carpathian Basin, is annihilated by the Hungarian army. Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria, Dietmar I, Archbishop of Salzburg, Prince Sieghard, 19 counts, 2 bishops, and 3 abbots are killed in the battle, together with the majority of the soldiers. The Hungarian army immediately attacked Bavaria, and the Bavarian army led by King Louis the Child was defeated at Ennsburg. The Hungarians defeated other Bavarian armies at Regensburg, Lengenfeld. The Hungarian victory forced the new Bavarian prince, Luitpold's son, Arnulf to conclude a peace treaty, the prince recognized the loss of Pannonia and Ostmark, pushing Hungary's borders deep in the Bavarian territory, the river Enns became borderline, paid tribute, and agreed to let the Hungarian armies, which went to war against Germany or other countries in Western Europe, to pass through the duchies lands. [140] [175] [177]
908, August, 3 Battle of Eisenach: A crushing victory by a Hungarian army over an East Frankish army composed of troops from Franconia, Saxony, and Thuringia.
910, June, 12 Battle of Augsburg: An important victory by a Hungarian army over the combined forces of East Francia and Swabia under the nominal command of Louis the Child. [178]
910, June, 22 Battle of Rednitz: The Hungarian army entered Franconia, and defeated a united army of the duchies of Franconia, Lotharingia and Bavaria.
919, Summer Battle of Püchen: Hungarian victory over Henry the Fowler, the East Francian king.
926 Henry I, King of East Francia, agrees to pay an annual tribute to the Hungarians to prevent their raids. [179]
932Henry I denies to pay further tributes. [175]
933, March, 15 Battle of Riade: Henry I defeats the Hungarians who has invaded the Duchy of Saxony. [175]
934The Hungarians and Pechenegs make a joint plundering raid against the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantines agrees to pay a yearly tribute. [180]
c. 948A high-ranking Magyar chieftain, the horka Bulcsú visited the court of Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII, where he was received with a great pomp. Bulcsú adopted Christianity, the emperor became his godfather. He was a "guest friend of the Byzantine emperor" and was awarded the title of "Roman patrician". [181] [182] [183]
c. 949The second-ranking Magyar chieftain, Gylas, is baptised in Constantinople. The Ecumenical Patriarch consecrates a Greek monk, Hierotheos, bishop of Tourkia (or Hungary) and Hierotheos accompanies Gylas back to Hungary. [184] [185]
c. 950Árpád's grandson, Fajsz, is the paramount leader of the confederation of the seven Magyar tribes and the Kabars. [186]
955, August, 10 Battle of Lechfeld: Otto I, King of Germany, annihilates the Hungarian raiders near Augsburg. [148]
960s–990sThe Bavarians gradually seize the territory between the Enns and Leitha rivers. [187]
970, March Battle of Arcadiopolis: the Byzantines defeat the united Rus', Bulgarian and Hungarian armies. [188] [189]
970s, EarlyGerman and Italian missionaries came to Hungary. Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians Árpád's great-grandsonis baptised, but he does not fully abandon the veneration of pagan deities. [190]
973, EasterHungarian delegates are present at Otto I's court in Quedlinburg. [191]
996 Géza, Grand Prince of Hungary renounced the lands west of the river Leitha in his peace treaty of 996 with Henry IV of Bavaria. The river Leitha became the historic border between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Holy Roman Empire.
c. 997Géza's son, Stephen, marries Gisela, a relative of Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor who is accompanied by German knights to Hungary. [192]
997Géza dies and his kinsman, Koppány, contests Stephen's right to succeed his father. German knights assist Stephen to defeat Koppány. [193]
c. 1000The establishment of the earliest Benedictine abbey, Pannonhalma and of the first Roman Catholic dioceses (Veszprém, Esztergom and Győr). [note 2] [194]
1000, December, 25Stephen is crowned the first king of Hungary in Esztergom. [note 3] [193]

11th century

1000sStephen I issues his earliest decrees, ordering the building of churches and prohibiting pagan practices. [note 4] [194]
1002–1009The first counties territorial units of royal administrationare mentioned in royal charters. Each county was headed by an appointed royal official, styled ispán (or count). [195]
c. 1003 Ajtony a chieftain ruling Banat is baptised in Vidin. He establishes a Greek monastery in his seat at Morisena (now Cenad in Romania). [196]
1003Stephen I invades Transylvania, forcing his maternal uncle, Gyula, into submission. [193]
1018Stephen I opens Hungary to pilgrims coming from Western Europe to Jerusalem. [197]
c. 1020Bishop Fulbert of Chartres sends a copy of Priscian's Grammar to Bonipert, Bishop of Pécs, implying the existence of a cathedral school at Pécs. [198]
1020sA king's mirror entitled Admonitions is completed in Hungary. [199]
c. 1028Stephen I's military commander, Csanád, defeats Ajtony. Ajtony's realm is transformed into a county. The Greek monks are transferred from Morisena to a nearby monastery and a Roman Catholic diocese is set up in Ajtony's former seat (which is renamed for Csanád). [200] [201]
1030 Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor, invades Hungary, but the Hungarians repel his attack. [202]
1031Stephen I's son and heir, Emeric, dies unexpectedly. [202]
1030sStephen I appoints his sister's son, the Venetian Peter Orseolo, to be his heir. Stephen I's cousin, Vazul, is executed and Vazul's sons Andrew, Béla and Levente are forced into exile. [203] [204]
1046 Vata pagan uprising failed. [205]
1070sThe power conflict in the royal family caused a civil war. It lasted up to Solomon's abdication in favor of one of his cousins, Ladislaus, in the early 1080s. [206]


  1. Archaeologist Béla Miklós Szőke proposes that a Magyar groups has already settled along the Upper Tisza before their raid.
  2. The Pannonhalma Archabbey and the bishopric of Veszprém may have been set up already during Géza's reign.
  3. Alternatively, Stephen may have been crowned on 1 January 1001.
  4. The dating of Stephen I's first decrees is uncertain.


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