Timeline of the war in Donbass (September 2018)

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Map of the war in Donbass.svg

This is a timeline of the War in Donbass , from 1 September 2018. The timeline follows an ongoing conflict between Ukraine and anti-government pro-Russian separatists supported by Russia in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine.



1 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 11 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day; [1] the fire was not returned. [2] By morning of 1 September six ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [2] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on the last day of August. [2] No violations of the ceasefire were recorded along the demarcation line by authorities from both separatist republics on 31 August. [3] [4]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 4 occasions. [5] By the end of the day total 11 ceasefire violations were registered, as a result, one Ukrainian soldier was killed and two others were wounded. Pro-Russian forces attacked Shyrokyne, Vodiane and Pavlopil, in the region of Mariupol, and Yuzhne, Troitske and Krymske, in the northern section of the demarcation line, using small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. [6]

2 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 11 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [6] (including on 6 occasions in Donetsk region and on 5 occasions in Luhansk region [7] ). By morning of 2 September three ceasefire violations were registered, as a result, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded. [7] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and another was wounded by explosion of an unidentified explosive device, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded by shelling in the Donbass region on the first day of September. [7] For the second consecutive day, no violations of the truce were reported by officials from both separatist republics. [8] [9]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 3 occasions, as a result, five Ukrainian servicemen were wounded. [10] By the end of the day total 16 ceasefire violations were registered, total four Ukrainian servicemen were wounded and four were injured. Pro-Russian troops opened fire at Ukrainian positions around Marinka, Lebedinske, Kamianka, Hnutove, Vodiane, Pavlopil, Shyrokyne and Berezove, in the surroundings of Donetsk city and Mariupol, and Yuzhne, Shumy and Krymske, in the northern sector of the demarcation line, using infantry weapons and rocket launchers. [11] [12]

3 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 16 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [11] (including on 11 occasions in Donetsk and on 5 occasions in Luhansk region [13] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [13] By morning of 3 September four ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [13] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that eight Ukrainian servicemen were wounded and injured in the Donbass region on the second day of September. [13] For the third consecutive day, no Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire were reported by authorities from both separatist republics. [14] [15]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 3 occasions, no casualties were reported. [16] By the end of the day total 20 ceasefire violations were registered, two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded. In the outskirts of donetsk city and Mariupol, the separatists fired infantry weapons and grenade launchers at Vodiane, Pavlopil, Pisky, Lebedinske, Opytne and Hnutove. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Krymske, Shumy, Zaitseve and Mironovske were hit by small arms fire, heavy machine gun frie and antitank rockets. [17] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city recorded a series of Ukrainian attacks on Zaitseve, in the area of Horlivka, using small arms and automatic grenade launchers. [18] Five civilian residences were set on fire. [19]

4 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 20 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [17] (including on 15 occasions in Donetsk region and on 5 occasions in Luhansk region [20] ). By morning of 4 September six ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [20] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the Donbass region on 3 September. [20] Pro-Russian authorities from Donetsk city said that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire on one occasion, when the town of Zaitseve came under attack. [21] No Ukrainian violations of the truce were recorded by pro-Russian sources within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. [22]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 5 occasions, no casualties were reported. [23] By the end of the day total 24 ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. Ukrainian forces became the target of small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers at Vodiane Pavlopil, Pisky, Lebedinske, Opytne and Hnutove, in the outskirts of Donetsk city and Mariupol and, in the northern section of the demarcation line, Shumy, Zaitseve, Mironovske and Krymske. [24] [25]

5 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 24 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [24] (including on 19 occasions in Donetsk and on 5 occasions in Luhansk region [26] ); the fire was not returned. [26] By morning of 5 September (as of 9:00 am) two ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [26] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 4 September. [26] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 13 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in nine different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, snipers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. [27] No violations of the ceasefire were reported by local authorities in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. [28]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 11 occasions, as a result, two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded; the fire was returned on several occasions. [29] By the end of the day total 31 ceasefire violations were registered, one Ukrainian soldier was killed, one was wounded. The separatists used infantry weapons and rocket launchers to engage Ukrainian forces at Vodiane, Hnutove, Chermalyk, Lebedinske, Krasnohorivka, Opytne, Shyrokyne, Pisky, Pavlopil and Marinka, in the environs of Donetsk city and Mariupol, and Stanytsia Luhanska, Krymske, Zolote, Novotoshkivke, Shumy, Syze and Novhorodske. [30] [31] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city told the press that Ukrainian forces had shelled Uzhivka and Pikuzy with 120 mm mortars, in the region of Mariupol. [32] [33] Colonel Andryi Marochko, military spokesman from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, reported that Ukrainian forces from Zolote opened fire on rural areas around Yekaterinivka. [34]

6 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 31 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [30] (including on 18 occasions in Donetsk region and on 13 occasions in Luhansk region [35] ); the fire was returned on 7 occasions. [35] By morning of 6 September four ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [35] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and three were wounded in the Donbass region on 5 September. [35] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 17 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in seven different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars and 120 mm mortars. [36] Pro-Russian sources from the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic recorded no Ukrainian violations of the truce. [37]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 6 occasions, no casualties were reported. [38] By the end of the day total 28 ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. In the area around Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, pro-Russian forces employed small arms, heavy machine guns and different types of rocket launchers to attack Ukrainian positions at Chermalyk, Krasnohorivka, Syrokyne, Pisky, Lebedinske, Marinka, Pavlopil, Vodiane and Hnutove. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Ukrainian troops at Yuzhne, Zolote, Krymske and Mayorsk came under fire from small arms, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers and armoured fighting vehicles. [39] [40] A series of Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire were reported by pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city. Trudivske and Spartak, in the surroundings of Donetsk city, Krasnoarmesk, Pikuzy, Uzhivka, Dzerzhinske and Novoshyrokivske, in the region of Mariupol, and in the area of Horlivka, Gagarin mining complex, Zaitseve and Horlivka itself came under attack. In the main incidents, 120 mm mortar volleys hit Pikuzy, while Dzerzhinske, Pokrovsk and Trudivske were shelled from automatic grenade launchers and 73 mm antitank recoilless guns. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Shumy engaged pro-Russian positions at Gagarin mining complex, and BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Pyshchevik raked pro-Russian positions at Dzerzhinske with 30 mm gunfire. [41]

7 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 28 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [39] (including on 21 occasions in Donetsk and on 7 occasions in Luhansk region [40] ). By morning of 7 September seven ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [40] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 6 September. [40] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city recorded 19 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, antiaircraft artillery, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [42] The same authorities revealed that Ukrainian troops had briken the ceasefire 50 times over the past week, using 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles. [43] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire once within the republic boundaries. Ukrainian forces from Krymske shelled Slavyanoserbsk with 82 mm mortars. [44]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 8 occasions, two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded as a result; the fire was returned on several occasions. [45] By the end of the day total 32 ceasefire violations were registered, one Ukrainian soldier was killed in action. In the area of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Lebedinske, Pavlopil, Vodiane, Opytne and Avdiivka became the target of infantry weapons and rocket launchers. Heavy fire was reported instead in the northern section of the demarcation line, where Krymske was hit by 152 mm self-propelled artillery firing from Holubovske and Svitlodarsk received 120 mm mortar volleys and antitank rocket fire. Elsewhere, pro-Russian forces opened fire on Ukrainian positions at Shchastya, Katerinivka, Novhorodske, Yuzhne, Malinove, Orekhove and Luhanske. [46] [47] Pro-Russian authorities told the press that the Ukrainian military had broken the ceasefire on several occasions by evening. Spartak and Trudivske, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve and Gagarin mining complex in the area of Horlivka, and in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka and Pikuzy, came under hostile fire. In the main incidents, Spartak and Trudivske were hit by intense fire from automatic grenade launchers, while BMP-2 armoured fighting vehicles from Talakivka opened fire on pro-Russian positions at Pikuzy. [48]

8 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 32 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [46] (including on 18 occasions in Donetsk region and on 14 occasions in Luhansk region [47] ); the fire was returned on 10 occasions. [47] By the morning of 8 September (as of 9:00 am) one ceasefire violation was registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [47] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and two were wounded in the Donbass region on 7 September. [47] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 18 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in ten locations using small arms, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [49] No Ukrainian violations of the truce were reported by authorities from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. [50]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 6 occasions, no casualties were reported. [51] [52] By the end of the day total 25 ceasefire violations were registered, one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded, two soldiers were killed in a traffic accident at around 6:00 pm. In the surroundings of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Ukrainian troops at Hnutove, Lebedinske, Krasnohorivka, Vodiane, Pavlopil, Verkhnetoretske and Marinka were harassed with small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian positions at Krymske, Luhanske and Svitlodarsk. Krymske also became the target of infantry weapons and grenade launchers, while small arms and heavy machine gun fire was reported at Zolote, Mayorsk and Yuzhne. [53] [52] A series of Ukrainian violations of the truce were recorded by pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city by evening. Yakovliivka, Mineralne, Staromykhailivka, Spartak, Volvo Center and Donetsk airport, in the surroundings of Donetsk city, Zaitseve and Gagarin mining complex and, in the region of Mariupol, Pikuzy, Nova Tavrya and Sakhanka became the target of Ukrainian forces. In the main incidents, Mineralne, Yakovliivka, Spartak, Gagarin mining complex and Pikuzy were shelled with automatic grenade launchers, while 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles were used against Spartak and Sakhanka. [54]

9 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 25 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [53] (including on 11 occasions in Donetsk and on 14 occasions in Luhansk region [52] ); the fire was returned on 11 occasions. [52] By morning of 9 September (as of 9:00 am) two ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [52] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in action in the Donbass region on 8 September; two soldiers were killed in a traffic accident, he added. [52] Pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city recorded 22 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 12 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles and 120 mm mortars. [55] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire two times within the republic boundaries, when Ukrainian troops attacked Molodezhne with infantry weapons and automatic grenade launchers. [56]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 10 occasions, no casualties were reported; the fire was returned on several occasions. [57] By the end of the day total 25 ceasefire violations were registered. In the area of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Vodiane and Lebedinske were shelled with 82 mm mortars. Separatist forces fired small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers at Ukrainian positions around Novomykhaiiivka, Verkhytoretske, Krasnohorivka, Novotroitske, Shyrokyne, Lebedinske and Marinka. In the northern section of the demarcation line, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles attacked Krymske, while Ukrainian positions at Yuzhne, Zolote and Svitlodarsk became the target of infantry weapons and rocket launchers.. [58] [59] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city recorded a series of Ukrainian violations of the truce throughout the day. Trudivske, Spartak, Yasynuvata and Staromykhailivka, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve and Gagarin mining complex in the area of Horlivka, and in the region of Mariupol, Pikuzy, Uzhivka and Sakhanka came under hostile fire. In the main incidents, BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Lebedinske engaged pro-Russian positions at Uzhivka, while Trudivske became the target of ZU-23-2 antiaircraft guns. A heavy barrage of 82 mm mortar fire hit pro-Russian redoubts at Sakhanka. Yasynuvata and Gagarin were shelled with automatic grenade launchers. [60]

10 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 25 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [58] (including on 20 occasions in Donetsk region and on 5 occasions in Luhansk region [61] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [61] By morning of 10 September three ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [61] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 10 September. [61] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 17 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 13 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [62] No Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire were reported by local officials within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. [63]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 11 occasions, no casualties were reported. [64] By the end of the day total 24 ceasefire violations were registered, as a result, one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and two others were wounded. In the outskirts of Donetsk city and Mariupol, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar barrages hit Vodiane, which also became the target of antitank rockets. The separatists also fired infantry weapons and grenade launchers at Lebedinske, Pavlopil and Shyrokyne. In the northern section of the demarcation line, Luhanske came under 120 mm mortar fire, while 82 mm mortars pounded Krymske. Ukrainian troops at Zolote, Shumy, Luhanske, Yuzhne and Mayorsk were harassed with small arms fire, heavy machine gun fire and rocket propelled grenades. [65] [66] Pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city told the press that Ukrainian forces broke the truce on numerous occasions throughout the day. Yasynuvata, Spartak, Staromykhailivka and Trudivske, Gagarin mining complex, Zaitseve and Ozeryanivka in the area of Horlivka and, in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Nova Tavrya and Pikuzy, came under attack. [67] In the main incidents, heavy shelling was reported at Pikuzy, which was struck by a sixteen 120 mm mortar barrage, while 82 mm mortar rounds hit Sakhanka. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Zhovanki engaged pro-Russian redoubts at Zaitseve. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Zhovanki also opened fire at Pikuzy, while BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Shumy riddled pro-Russian positions at Gagarin with 30 mm gunfire. [67]

11 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 24 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [65] (including on 8 occasions in Donetsk and on 16 occasions in Luhansk region [68] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [68] By morning of 11 September (as of 11:00 am) eight ceasefire violations were registered, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded as a result. [65] [68] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman (born in 1980) was killed and another was wounded in action in the Donbass region on 10 September. [68] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 21 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 11 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [69] No violations of the truce were reported by local sources within the borders of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. [70]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 9 occasions, as a result, two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded; the fire was returned on several occasions. [71] By the end of the day total 33 ceasefire violations were registered, one Ukrainian serviceman was lethally wounded. In the environs of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, 120 mm mortar rounds landed in Shyrokyne, while Vodiane came under 82 mm mortar fire. Ukrainian troops at Vodiane, Hnutove, Pavlopil, Shyrokyne, Kamianka, Pisky, Starohnativka and Marinka became the target of infantry weapons and rocket launchers. In the northern section of the demarcation line, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian redoubts at Krymske. Small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were used to harass Ukrainian troops at Luhanske, Katerinivka, Zolote, Novoluhanske, Mayorsk and Pisky. [72] [73] A series of Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire were reported by pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city by evening. The Ukrainian military carried out attacks on Staromykhailivka, Mineralne, Trudivske, Spartak and Donetsk airport, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve, Gagarin mining complex and Bayrak, in the area of Horlivka, and in the region of Mariupol Sakhanka, Nova Tavrya, Uzhivka and Pikuzy. In the main incidents, Sakhanka was shelled with 82 mm mortars, while Gagarin, Trudivske and Spartak became the target of automatic grenade launchers. Pikuzy and Spartak were also hit by 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. An antitank guided missile was fired at a civilian tractor at Bayrak, missing its target. [74]

12 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 33 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [72] (including on 15 occasions in Donetsk region and on 18 occasions in Luhansk region [75] ). By morning of 12 September (as of 9:00 am) six ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [75] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that four Ukrainian servicemen were wounded, including one lethally, in the Donbass region on 11 September. [75] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 23 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, antitank guided missiles, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [76] According to local authorities, Ukrainian forces broke the truce on one occasion within the boundaries of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, when Mykhailivka was shelled with 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. [77]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 14 occasions, no casualties were reported. [78] By the end of the day total 38 ceasefire violations were registered, as a result, two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded. In the surroundings of Donetsk city and Mariupol, Chermalyk and Lebedinske came under 82 mm mortar fire. The separatists fired infantry weapons and rocket launchers at Vodiane, Chermalyk, Krasnohorivka, Shyrokyne, Novotroitske, Starohnativka, Berezove, Lebedinske, Hnutove and Pavlopil. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Novoluhanske, Svitlodarsk, Novotoshkivske, Zolote and Krymske. [79] [80] Pro-Russian sources from Donetsk city told the press that Ukrainian forces had broken the ceasefire on several occasions throughout the day. The Ukrainian military targeted Dokuchaievsk and Yasynuvata, in the surroundings of Donetsk city, Gagarin mining complex, Holmivsky, Verkhnyotoretske and Zaitseve, in the area of Horlivka, and in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Novolaspa, Uzhivka, Pikuzy, Bezimenne and Nova Tavrya. In the main incidents, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys landed in Uzhivka, Pikuzy, Sakhanka and Zaichenko. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Novotroitske and Hnutove engaged pro-Russian positions at Dokuchaievsk and Pikuzy, respectively. BMP-2 armoured vehicles raked pro-Russian redoubts at Uzhivka and Gagarin mining complex. [81] A civilian resident was wounded at Sakhanka. [82]

13 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 38 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [79] (including on 21 occasions in Donetsk and on 17 occasions in Luhansk region [83] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [83] By morning of 13 September (as of 12:00 am) thirteen ceasefire violations were registered, as a result, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded; the fire was returned on several occasions. [83] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in action in the Donbass region on 12 September. [83] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 25 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 16 different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [84] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire once within the republic boundaries. Ukrainian forces shelled Mariivka with rocket launchers and 82 mm mortars. [85]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 15 occasions, as a result, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded; the fire was returned on several occasions. [86] By the end of the day total 37 ceasefire violations were registered. In the area around Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Vodiane and Chermalik were hit by 120 mm mortars; 82 mm mortar volleys landed also in Vodiane and Hnutove. Pro-Russian troops fired infantry weapons and rocket launchers at Starohnativka, Berezove, Shyrokyne, Vodiane, Verkhnyotoretske, Pisky, Marinka, Krasnohorivka, Avdiivka, Hranitne, Lebedinske, Pavlopil, Chermalyk and Hnutove. In the northern section of the demarcation line, Krymske came under 120 mm mortar fire. Pro-Russian armoured fightimng vehicles engaged Ukrainian redoubts at Troitske and krymske, while small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were used to harass Ukrainian troops at Novotoshkivka, Krymske and Luhanske. [87] [88] [89] By evening, pro-Russian authorities reported a series of Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire. Mineralne, Trudivske, Dokuchaievsk and Oleksandrivka, in the surroundings of Donetsk city, Verkhnyotoretske, Gagarin mining complex and Holmivsky, in the area of Horlivka, and in the region of Mariupol, Nova Tavrya, Pikuzy and Sakhanka came under hostile fire. In the main incidents, BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Shyrokyne launched a sustained attack on pro-Russian positions at Sakhanka, while Gagarin mining complex and Pikuzy came under 82 mm mortar fire. [90]

14 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 37 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [87] (including on 27 occasions in Donetsk region and on 10 occasions in Luhansk region [89] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [89] [87] By morning of 14 September seven ceasefire violations were registered. [89] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in action in the Donbass region on 13 September. [89] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 17 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in ten different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [91] The same sources reported 143 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire over the past week. The Ukrainian military fired 75 rounds from 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. They also employed antitank guided missiles and armoured fighting vehicles. One civilian resident was wounded. [92]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 13 occasions, no casualties were reported. [93] By the end of the day total 25 ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. In the outskirts of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Chermalyk and Vodiane were hit by 82 mm mortar barrages. Pro-Russian forces fired infantry weapons and rocket launchers at Ukrainian positions around Vodiane, Shyrokyne, Hnutove, Chermalyk, Pavlopil, Krasnohorivka and Lebedinske. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were employed to attack Ukrainian positions at Stanytsia Luhanska, Novotoshkivka, Krymske, Zhovte and Svitlodarsk. [94] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported a series of violations of the ceasefire by Ukrainian forces. Yasynuvata, Staromykhailivka, Spartak and Trudivske, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve, Holmivsky and Gagarin mining complex, in the area of Horlivka, and in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka and Pikuzy, came under attack. Most incidents involved the use of infantry weapons, automatic grenade launchers and 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Krasnohorivka, supported by automatic grenade launchers, engaged pro-Russian positions at Staromykhailivka. The fire was directed by three drones. Seven residential buildings were damaged. [95]

15 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 25 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day, [94] the fire was returned on several occasions. [96] By morning of 15 September four ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [96] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 14 September. [96] Pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city recorded 19 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in nine different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [97] Officials from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire two times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, rocket launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles and 82 mm mortars to open fire on pro-Russian positions at Krasny Yar, Sokolniki and Kalynivka. [98]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 4 occasions, no casualties were reported; the fire was returned on several occasions. [99] By the end of the day total 28 ceasefire violations were registered, no casualties were reported. In the surroundings of donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Hnutove and Vodiane were hit by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys, while Lebedinske came under 82 mm mortar fire. Pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles attacked Ukrainian positions at Hnutove supported by infantry weapons and rocket launchers. Small arms and heavy machine gun fire was reported at Pisky, Krasnohorivka, Avdiivka, Chermalyk, Pavlopi, Marinka and Novotroitske. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian redoubts at Krymske for the second consecutive day. Novoluhanske became the target of heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers and 82 mm mortars. Infantry weapons were used to harass Ukrainian troops at Svitlodarsk, Yuzhne, Novhorodske, Luhanske and Novotoshkivke. [100] By evening, pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded several Ukrainian violations of the truce. Oleksandrivka, Spartak, Mineralne, Trudivske, Yasynuvata and Donetsk airport, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve, Gagarin mining complex, Ozeryanivka and Mykhailivka, in the area of Horlivka, and in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Uzhivka, Novolaspa and Zaichenko, were targeted by Ukrainian forces. In the main incidents, Spartak and Sakhanka came under 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Lebedinske engaged pro-Russian positions at Uzhivka supported by ZU-23-2 antiaircraft guns and 120 mm mortars. BMP-2 armoured vehicles fired 30 mm cannon rounds at Ozeryanivka. [101]

A USAF reconnaissance sortie over the demarcation line, launched from the NATO airbase at Sigonella and carried out by an RQ-48 Global Hawk strategic drone was denounced by pro-Russian media. [102] [103]

16 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 28 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [100] (including on 17 occasions in Donetsk region and on 11 occasions in Luhansk region [104] ); the fire was returned on 10 occasions. [104] By morning of 16 September four ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [104] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 15 September. [104] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 26 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 17 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [105] Officials from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire two times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to engage pro-Russian troops at Lozove and Sokolniki. [106]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 9 occasions, no casualties were reported. [107] By the end of the day total 30 ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. In the area around Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Lebedinske was shelled with 82 mm mortars; separatists forces also employed infantry weapons and grenade launchers to harass Ukrainian troops atMarinka, Opytne, Vodiane, Nevelske, Krasnohorivka, Lebedinske, Shyrokyne, Starohnativka, Novohryhoriivka, Chermalyk, Novotroitske, Pavlopil and Hnutove. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, 120 mm mortar rounds landed in Novoluhanske. Krymske, Novotoshkive, Zolote Novozvanoika, Svitlodarsk became the target of small arms, heavy machien guns and rocket launchers.. [108] [109] Pro-Russian sources told the press that Ukrainian forces had broken the ceasefire on several occasions by late evening. Yakovliivka, Spartak, Vasiilivka, Dokuchaievsk and Staromykhailivka, in the surroundings of Donetsk city, in the area of Horlivka, Dolomitne, Gagarin mining complex, Verkhnyotoretske, and in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Uzhivka and Pikuzy, came under hostile fire. In the main incidents, Sakhanka, Pikuzy and Uzhivka were struck by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys. Spartak came under 120 mm mortar fire. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Shyrokyne opened fire on pro-Russian redoubts at Sakhanka. BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Novotroitske riddled pro-Russian positions at Dokuchaievsk with 30 mm gunfire. [110]

17 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 30 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [108] (including on 22 occasions in Donetsk and on 8 occasions in Luhansk region [111] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [111] By morning of 17 September two ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [111] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 16 September. [111] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 28 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 13 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [112] According to local sources, the Ukrainian military broke the ceasefire five times within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to engage pro-Russian positions at Zholobok, Sentianivka, Mykhailivka, Sokolniki and Lozove. [113]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 5 occasions, no casualties were reported; the fire was returned on several occasions. [114] By the end of the day total 21 ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. In the environs of Donetsk city and Mariupol, Pavlopil came under 120 mm mortar fire, while 82 mm mortar rounds landed in Lebedinske. Pro-Russian troops fired infantry weapons and grenade launchers at Starohnativka, Shyrokyne, Hnutove, Vodiane and Chermalyk. In the northern section of the demarcation line, krymske was the target of small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. Heavy machine guns were fired at Luhansk and Svitlodarsk, which also became the target of 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. [115] [116] A series of Ukrainian violations of the truce were reported by pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city. The Ukrainian military attacked Staromykhailivka, Vasiilivka, Yakovliivka and Mineralne, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Gagarin mining complex, Zaitseve and Dolomitne, in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Zaichenko, Sakhanka, Uzhivka and Pikuzy. Most incidents involved the use of infantry weapons, automatic grenade launchers and 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. Sakhanka was hit by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys. [117]

18 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 21 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [115] (including on 16 occasions in Donetsk region and on 5 occasions in Luhansk region [118] ); the fire was returned on 3 occasions. [118] By morning of 18 September (as of 9:00 am) four ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side; the fire was not returned. [118] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 17 September. [118] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city recorded 22 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in ten different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [119] Authorities from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire four times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed automatic grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to engage pro-Russian positions at Mykhailivka and Donetskyi. [120]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 9 occasions, no casualties were reported. [121] [122] By the end of the day total 25 ceasefire violations were registered, as a result, two Ukrainian servicemen were killed in action, one was wounded. In the surrounding of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Lebedinske, Vodiane, Shyrokyne, Pavlopil, Pisky, Hnutove, Starohnativka and Novotroitske were fired at from infantry weapons and rocket launchers. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, heavy shelling was reported at Luhanske, which became the target of 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. Small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were fired at Yuzhne, Luhanske, Yuzhne, Krymske and Novotoshkivke. [123] [124] Pro-Russian sources from Donetsk city told the press that Ukrainian forces had broken the ceasefire on several occasions by evening. Yasynuvata, Trudivske, Lozove, Zhabicheve and Spartak, in the surroundings of Donetsk, Zaitseve, Gagarin mining complex and Dolomitne in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Bezimenne, Uzhivka, Sakhanka and Pikuzy came under hostile fire. The bulk of incidents involved the use of infantry weapons and automatic grenade launchers. Bezimenne was hit by 120 mm mortar rounds, while Sakhanka became the target of 82 mm mortars. BMP-1 and BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Lebedinske attacked Uzhivka, supported by antiaircraft artillery, and BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Novoluhanske engaged pro-Russian positions at Dolomitne. Spartak was hit by 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. [125] A gas pipeline was damaged at Yasynuvata. [126]

19 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 25 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [123] (including on 13 occasions in Donetsk and on 12 occasions in Luhansk region [127] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [127] By morning of 19 September three ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [127] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen (born in 1970 and in 1982) were killed and one soldier was wounded in the Donbass region on 18 September. [127] Pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city recorded 18 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 13 different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, snipers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [126] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire three times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to pound pro-Russian positions at Pryshyb, Donetskyi and Kalynivka. [128]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 5 occasions, as a result, one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in action. [129] By the end of the day total 24 ceasefire violations were registered. In the area of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Ukrainian forces at Lebedinske received fire from 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles and 82 mm mortars; 82 mm mortar rounds also landed in Vodiane. Berezove, Nevelske, Hnutove, Vodiane, Shyrokyne, Pavlopil and Pisky came under small arms and heavy machine gun fire; antitank rockets landed in Marinka, Novomikhaylivka and Pisky. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys struck Krymske; while antitank guided missiles targeted luhanske. Pro-Russian forces also fired grenade launchers at Troitske, Novotoshkivske and Svitlodarsk. [130] [131] A series of Ukrainian violations of the truce were reported by pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city by evening. Spartak, Mineralne, Volvo Center and Kruta Balka, in the outskirts of Donetsk, Shyroka Balka, Dolomitne, Gagarin mining complex, Zaitseve and, in the region of Mariupol, Uzhivka, Pikuzy, Dzerzhinske and Sakhanka, came under hostile fire. In the main incidents, BMP-1 armoured vehicles launched a sustained attack on pro-Russian redoubts at Sakhanka supported by 82 mm mortar fire. Elsewhere, pro-Russian troops became the target of infantry weapons and automatic grenade launchers. [132]

20 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 24 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [130] (including on 15 occasions in Donetsk region and on 9 occasions in Luhansk region [133] ); the fire was returned on 6 occasions. [133] By morning of 20 September (as of 11:00 am) four ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side; the fire was not returned. [133] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in the Donbass region on 19 September. [133] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 22 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 13 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, snipers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [134] According to local sources, the Ukrainian military broke the ceasefire six times within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, antitank rocket launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to engage pro-Russian positions at Zholobok, Sokolniki, Donetskyi, Sentianivka and Lozove. [135]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 5 occasions, the fire was returned on several occasions, no casualties were reported. [136] By the end of the day total 22 ceasefire violations were registered. In the environs of Donetsk city and Mariupol, Lebedinske and Shyrokyne were hit by 82 mm and 120 mm mortars firing from Sakhanka. Infantry weapons and rocket launchers were used to attack Ukrainian positions at Chermalyk, Vodiane, Hnutove, Novotroitske, Lebedinske, Marinka and Shyrokyne. In the northern section of the demarcation line, Krymske became the target of small arms, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and 120 mm mortars. [137] [138] Pro-Russian authorities from Donetsk city told the press that Ukrainian forces had broken the ceasefire on several occasions by evening, specially in the southern area of the republic. The Ukrainian military launched attacks on Spartak and Donetsk airport, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve, in the area of Horlivka, and Sakhanka, Bezimenne and Uzhivka, in the region of Mariupol. In the main incidents, Bezimenne, Sakhanka and Uzhivka were hit by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar barrages. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Avdiivka and Shyrokyne engaged pro-Russian positions at Spartak and Sakhanka, respectively. [139] Pro-Russian media reported that a Ukrainian drone fired a rocket with a high-explosive anti-tank warhead at a civilian residence at Yasynuvata. [140] Another armed drone was shot down by pro-Russian forces over the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. [141]

21 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 22 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [137] (including on 16 occasions in Donetsk and on 6 occasions in Luhansk region [142] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [142] By morning of 21 September (as of 11:30 am) six ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [142] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 20 September. [142] Pro-Russian reports at Donetsk city recorded 17 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in six different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [143] The same source said that the Ukrainian army had broken the truce on 152 occasions over the last week, firing 234 rounds from 82 mm and 120 mm mortars and employing armoured fighting vehicles to attack pro-Russian troops. [144] Authorities from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire two times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles and 120 mm mortars to attack pro-Russian positions at Sokolniki, Kalynivka and Lohvynove. [145]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 4 occasions, two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in action. [146] By the end of the day total 18 ceasefire violations were registered, one more Ukrainian soldier was wounded. In the environs of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles launched attacks on Ukrainian redoubts at Vodiane, Hnutove and Shyrokyne supported by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire. Vodiane and Shyrokyne also became the target of antiaircraft artillery and antitank guided missiles. Ukrainian troops at Marinka, Chermalyk, Pavlopil and Avdiivka were harassed with small arms fire, heavy machine gun fire and antitank rockets. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Ukrainian positions at Krymske and Troitske were attacked with infantry weapons and rocket launchers. [147] [148] Pro-Russian officials recorded a series of Ukrainian violations of the truce throughout the day. Kruta Balka, Yasynuvata, Trudivske, Dokuchaievsk, Oleksandrivka and Donetsk airport, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Gagarin mining complex, Shyroka Balka, Zaitseve, in the area of Horlivka, and in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Uzhivka, Pikuzy and Novoshyrokivske, came under hostile fire. In the main incidents, Sakhanka was hit by 82 mm mortar fire, while nearby Pikuzy was shelled with 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Vodiane, Shyrokyne, Hnutove and Lebedinske opened fire repeatedly on pro-Russian positions at Sakhanka, Pikuzy and Uzhivka. Sakhanka was also fired at from ZU-23-2 antiaircraft guns. BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Novhorodske engaged pro-Russian redoubts at Shyroka Balka. [149]

22 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 18 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [147] (including on 11 occasions in Donetsk region and on 7 occasions in Luhansk region [150] ); the fire was returned on 5 occasions. [150] By morning of 22 September (as of 9:00 am) seven ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side; the fire was returned on 2 occasions. [150] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that three Ukrainian servicemen had suffered minor wounds in action in the Donbass region on 21 September. [150] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 24 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 13 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [151] Officials from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire two times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, antitank rocket launchers and 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles to attack pro-Russian positions at Zholobok and Kalynivka. [152]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 7 occasions, the fire was returned on several occasions, no casualties were reported. [153] By the end of the day total 28 ceasefire violations were registered. In the area of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, 120 mm mortar volleys landed in Lebedinske and Shyrokyne. Pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian forces at Hnutove and Lebedinske, while infantry weapons and grenade launchers were used to harass Ukrainan positions at Pavlopil, Vodiane, Lebedinske, Hnutove, Novoselivka, Starohnativka, Pisky, Shyrokyne and Marinka. In the northern section of the demarcation line, Novoluhanske became the target of 82 mm mortars. while small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket launchers targeted Ukrainian troops at Krymske, Zolote, Novotoshkivke and Shumy. [154] Pro-Russian authorities from Donetsk city told the press that Ukrainian forces had broken the ceasefire on several occasions by evening. Mineralne, Yasynuvata, Kruta Balka, Spartak and Vasiilivka, in the environs of Donetsk city, Zaitseve, Izotove, Dolomitne, Shyroka Balka, Ozeryanivka and Gagarin mining complex, in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Uzhivka and Dzerzhinske, came under attack. Most incidents involved the use of small arms, heavy machine guns, snipers and automatic grenade launchers. BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Vodiane engaged pro-Russian forces at Uzhivka, supported by 120 mm mortar fire. Zaitseve and Dzerzhinske were hit by 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. [155]

23 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 28 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [154] (including on 20 occasions in Donetsk and on 8 occasions in Luhansk region [156] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [156] By morning of 23 September (as of noon) thirteen ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [156] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 22 September. [156] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 17 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 12 different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, snipers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [157] According to local sources, the Ukrainian military broke the ceasefire three times within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles and 82 mm mortars to attack pro-Russian positions at Mykhailivka, Khristove and Donetskyi. [158]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 17 occasions, as a result, one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in action. [159] By the end of the day total 35 ceasefire violations were registered, another two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded. In the surroundings of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, pro-Russian forces launched a sustained attack on Hnutove using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers and armoured fighting vehicles. Antitank rokets hit Ukrainian redoubts at Avdiivka and Chermalyk. In the northern section of the demarcation line, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys hit Yuzhne. Shumy, Mayorsk came under 82 mm mortar fire. Luhanske was fired at from 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles and 82 mm mortars. Light weapons were fired at Ukrainian positions at Pisky, Vodiane, Lebedinske, Avdiivka and Pavlopil. [160] [161] A series of Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire were reported by pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city by evening. Ukrainian forces attacked Volvo Center, Spartak, Yasynuvata and Dokuchaievsk, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Holmivsky, Zaitseve and Gagarin mining complex, in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Uzhivka and Sakhanka. In the main incidents, Ukrainian tanks from Vodiane engaged pro-Russian redoubts at Uzhivka, while BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Shyrokyne opened fire on Sakhanka. Gagarin mining complex was hit by 120 mm mortar fire. BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Avdiivka opened fire on pro-Russian forces at Spartak. Holmivsky was targeted by ZU-23-2 antiaircraft guns. Two civilian residents were wounded at Sakhanka, [162] when hostile drones dropped bombs on a residential area. [163]

24 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 35 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [160] (including on 16 occasions in Donetsk region and on 19 occasions in Luhansk region [164] ); the fire was returned on 12 occasions. [164] By morning of 24 September four ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side; the fire was not returned. [164] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that three Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the Donbass region on 23 September. [164] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 26 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 12 different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles and tanks. [165] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire three times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, antitank rockets, 82 mm mortars and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to pound pro-Russian positions at Kalynivka, Sentianivka, Molodezhne and Donetskyi. [166]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 8 occasions, the fire was not returned, no casualties were reported. [167] By the end of the day total 27 ceasefire violations were registered. In the outskirts of Donetsk city and Mariupol, Hnutove was hit by 120 mm mortar rounds; Shyrokyne, Hnutove, Vodiane, Lebedinske, Pisky, Marinka, Krasnohorivka and Novotroitske became the target of infantry weapons and rocket launchers. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, 120 mm mortar were fired at Yuzhne, while small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were fired at Zaitseve, Novotoshkivke, Svitlodarsk, Zolote and Krymske. [168] [169] Pro-Russian officials told the press that Ukrainian forces had carried out a number of attacks on pro-Russian troops by evening. Yasynuvata, Vasiilivka, Abakumove, Kruta Balka, Staromykhailivka, Trudivske and Oleksandrivka, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve, Gagarin mining complex, Izotove mining complex, Shyroka Balka and Holmivsky, in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Pikuzy, Uzhivka, Dzerzhinske and Petrovske, came under hostile fire. In the main incidents, BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Talakivka opened fire on Ukrainian positions at Pikuzy, supported by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire. Dzerzhinske was also shelled with 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, while 82 mm mortar rounds landed in Yasynuvata and Staromykhailivka. BMP-1 armoured vehicles launched a sustained attack on Ukrainian forces at Sakhanka, supported by automatic grenade launchers and 120 mm mortars. BMP-2 armoured vehicles, meanwhile, riddled Ukrainian redoubts at Vasiilivka, Uzhivka, Shyroka Balka and Holmivsky with 30 mm gunfire. [170]

25 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 27 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [168] (including on 16 occasions in Donetsk and on 11 occasions in Luhansk region [171] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [171] By morning of 25 September two ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [171] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 24 September. [171] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 24 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 18 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [172] According to local sources, the Ukrainian military broke the ceasefire six times within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, antitank rocket launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, BMP-1 armoured vehicles and 122 mm self-propelled artillery to engage pro-Russian positions at Mariivka, Pryshyb, Kalynove, Veselehorivka and Donetskyi. [173]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 6 occasions, as a result, three Ukrainian servicemen were wounded. [174] By the end of the day total 24 ceasefire violations were registered, two more Ukrainian soldiers were wounded. In the surroundings of donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, Hnutove became the target of infantry weapons and 82 mm mortars, while small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket launchers were fired at Vodiane, Taramchuk, Shyrokyne, Lebedinske and Pisky. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Krymske, Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote, Zaitseve, Novoluhanske and Katerinivka received fire from infantry weapons and grenade launchers. [175] [176] Pro-Russian officials recorded a series of Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire throughout the day. The Ukrainian military attacked pro-Russian troops at Yasynuvata, Spartak, Oleksandrivka, Staromykhailivka, Trudivske, Mineralne and Kruta Balka, in the surroundings of Donetsk, Zaitseve and Gagarin mining complex, in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Uzhivka and Pikuzy. In the main incidents, 120 mm mortar barrages hit Oleksandrivka, while Sakhanka, Uzhivka and Pikuzy came under 82 mm mortar fire. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Nevelske launched a sustained attack on Ukrainian redoubts at Trudivske supported by 120 mm mortars. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Talakivka also shelled Pikuzy. BMP-2 armoured vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian troops at Staromykhailivka and Uzhivka. Yasynuvata was hit by 73 mm antitank recoilless guns. [177]

26 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 24 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [175] (including on 13 occasions in Donetsk region and on 11 occasions in Luhansk region [178] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [178] By morning of 26 September (as of 11:00 am) two ceasefire violations were registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [178] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that five Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the Donbass region on 25 September. [178] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 21 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 11 different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, snipers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [179] Local officials reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire two times within the boundaries of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, antitank rocket launchers and 82 mm mortars to attack pro-Russian positions at Kalynove and Lozove. [180]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 3 occasions, no casualties were reported. [181] By the end of the day total 15 ceasefire violations were registered. In the surroundings of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, 120 mm mortar rounds landed in Vodiane. Pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian positions at Lebedinske and Hnutove. Ukrainian troops at Vodiane, Pavlopil, Krasnohorivka, Chermalyk and Shyrokyne. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Krymske was hit by 120 mm mortar fire. Infantry weapons and rocket launchers were used to harass Ukrainian forces at Svitlodarsk, Krymske and Zolote. [182] [183] A series of Ukrainian violations of the truce were recorded by pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city by evening. Ukrainian forces opened fire on Yasynuvata, Oleksandrivka, Spartak, Trudivske, Zhabicheve, Kruta Balka and Mineralne, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve, in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Pikuzy, Uzhivka and Dzerzhinske. In the main incidents, 120 mm mortar rounds landed in Uzhivka, Dzerzhinske, Pikuzy and Spartak. Yasynuvata was hit by automatic grenade launchers and 82 mm mortars, while Zaitseve, Zhabicheve, Kruta Balka and Pikuzy became the target of 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. Two civilian residents were wounded. [184]

27 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 15 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day[ citation needed ] (including on 11 occasions in Donetsk and on 4 occasions in Luhansk region [185] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [185] By morning of 27 September eight ceasefire violations were registered, with no casualties on the Ukrainian side; the fire was returned on several occasions. [185] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 26 September. [185] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 23 Ukrainian violations of the truce in 11 different settlements. The incidents involved the use of small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. [186] According to local sources, the Ukrainian military broke the ceasefire four times within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, antitank rocket launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to engage pro-Russian positions at Pervomaisk, Lozove, Sokolniki and Mykhailivka. [187]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 8 occasions. [188] By the end of the day total 22 ceasefire violations were registered, no casualties were reported. Pro-Russian forces employed small arms, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers and armoured fighting vehicles to engage Ukrainian positions in the surroundings of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol. The main incidents occurred at Pavlopil, Shyrokyne, Vodiane, Novotroitske, Hnutove and Lebedinske. In the northern section of the demarcation line, Troitske and Zolote were hit by heavy machine gun fire and antitank rockets, while ZSU-23-2 antiaircraft guns were fired at Krymske and Novotoshkivke. [189] [190]

28 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 22 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [189] (including on 16 occasions in Donetsk region and on 6 occasions in Luhansk region [191] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [191] By morning of 28 September four ceasefire violations were registered, the fire was returned on several occasions. [191] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 27 September. [191] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 19 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 12 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [192] During the same briefing, 160 violations of the truce were reported over the past week. The Ukrainian military fired 171 rounds from 82 mm and 120 mm mortars and also employed armoured fighting vehicles on several occasions. Two pro-Russian soldiers were killed in action and two others were wounded. [193] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire three times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to pound pro-Russian positions at Veselehorivka, Smile and Donetskyi. [194]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 13 occasions, as a result, two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded; the fire was returned on several occasions. [195] By the end of the day total 34 ceasefire violations were registered, another two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded. In the environs of Donetsk city and Mariupol, Hnutove came under intense attack by pro-Russian forces, which employed ZU-23-2 antiaircraft guns, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured fighting vehicles and 122 self-propelled artillery. Pavlopil, Marinka, Avdiivka, Novotroitske and Lebedinske became the target of infantry weapons and rocket launchers. In the northern section of the demarcation line, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar barrages hit Novoluhanske, while pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian redoubts at Luhanske. Zolote received fire from ZU-23-2 antiaircraft guns, and Novotoshkivske, Zolote, Luhanske, Katerinivka, Troitske, Stanytsia Luhanska, Novoluhanske and Krimske were hit by small arms fire, machine gun ire and antitank rockets. [196] [197] A series of Ukrainian violations of the truce were reported by pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city by evening. Yasynuvata, Staromykhailivka, Oleksandrivka, Dokuchaievsk, Kruta Balka, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Dolomitne, Zaitseve, Gagarin mining complex and Holmivsky, in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Uzhivka, Pikuzy and Nova Tavrya, came under attack. In the main incidents, Staromykhailivka, Uzhivka, Sakhanka, Pikuzy, Nova Tavrya, while 82 mm mortar rounds hit Yasynuvata, Oleksandrivka, Sakhanka, Kruta Balka, Nova Tavrya and Uzhivka. BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Shyrokyne and Talakivka attacked Sakhanka and Pikuzy, respectively; BMP-2 armoured vehicles from Vodiane engaged meanwhile pro-Russian positions at Uzhivka. Sakhanka and Nova Tavrya became the target of ZU-23-2 antiaircraft guns. [198]

29 September

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 34 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [196] (including on 18 occasions in Donetsk and on 16 occasions in Luhansk region [199] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [199] By morning of 29 September six ceasefire violations were registered, with no casualties on the Ukrainian side; the fire was returned on several occasions. [199] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that four Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in action in the Donbass region on 28 September. [199] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 26 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 13 locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, snipers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [200] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic reported that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire four times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, antiaircraft guns and BMP-1 armoured vehicles to engage pro-Russian positions at Zholobok, Mykhailivka and Sokolniki. [201]

The press-centre of the JFO reported in the evening that from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 13 occasions, no casualties were reported. [202] By the end of the day total 32 ceasefire violations were registered, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded. In the outskirts of donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, 82 mm mortar rounds landed around Ukrainian positions in Vodiane. Shyrokyne, Chermalyk, Pavlopil, Vodiane, Lebedinske, Krasnohorivka, Avdiivka, Starohnativka, Hnutove and Marinka received fire from infantry weapons and rocket launchers. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Svitlodarsk, Travneve, Novoluhanske and Krymske came under 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. Heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were used to harass Ukrainian trops at Luhanske, Novoluhanske, Novozvanivka and Krymske. [203] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city told the press that the Ukrainian military had broken the ceasefire on several occasions by evening. Yasynuvata, Spartak, Lozove, Kruta Balka and Oleksandrivka, in the outskirts of Donetsk city, Zaitseve, in the area of Horlivka, and Serhiivka, Sakhanka, Uzhivka and Bezimenne, in the region of Mariupol, came under hostile fire. In the main incidents, Ukrainian tanks from Shyrokyne carried out an attack on pro-Russian redoubts at Bezimenne, supported by 120 mm mortar fire; 120 mm mortar rounds also landed in Spartak, Lozove, Sakhanka, Serhiivka and Uzhivka. Serhiivka also became the target of 82 mm mortars and antiaircraft guns. [204]

30 September

The spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters reported in the morning, that pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 32 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day [203] (including on 17 occasions in Donetsk region and on 15 occasions in Luhansk region [205] ); the fire was returned on several occasions. [205] By morning of 30 September (as of 9:00 am) one ceasefire violation was registered with no casualties on the Ukrainian side. [205] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence confirmed at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in the Donbass region on 29 September. [205] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 16 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in ten different locations using small arms, heavy machine guns, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, antiaircraft guns, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and tanks. [206] According to local sources, the Ukrainian military broke the ceasefire eight times within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, antitank rocket launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, BMP-1 armoured vehicles and 122 mm self-propelled artillery to engage pro-Russian positions at Sokolniki, Krasnyi Yar, Kalynivka, Kalynove, Pryshyb and Lozove. [207]

According to the information provided by the press-centre of the JFO in the evening, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm pro-Russian military had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 6 occasions, the fire was returned on several occasions, no casualties were reported. [208] By the end of the day total 28 ceasefire violations were registered, as a result, one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded. In the surroundings of Donetsk city and in the region of Mariupol, pro-Russian forces fired 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and antitank guided missiles at Ukrainian redoubts near Hnutove and Vodiane. Ukrainian troops at Pisky, Lebedinske, Hnutove, Pavlopil, Vodiane, Shyrokyne and Opytne became the target of infantry weapons and grenade launchers. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, 120 mm mortar rounds landed in Luhanske. Small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket launchers were fired at Ukrainian positions around Katerinivka, Luhanske, Troitske, Krymske, Novozvanivka and Novotoshkivke. [209] [210] A series of Ukrainian violations of the truce were reported by pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city by evening. Ukrainian forces attacked Yasynuvata, Zhabicheve, Kruta Balka, Lozove, Spartak, Kashtanove and Staromykhailivka, in the environs of Donetsk city, Zaitseve and Dolomitne, in the area of Horlivka, and, in the region of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Uzhivka, Pikuzy, Novoshyrokivske and Kulikove. In the main incidents, 120 mm mortar volleys landed in Sakhanka, while BMP-1 armoured vehicles from Hnutove launched an attack on pro-Russian positions at Novoshyrokivske. Zu-23-2 antiaircraft guns opened fire at Spartak and Pikuzy. BMP-1 armoured vehicles also engaged pro-Russian redoubts at Dolomitne and Uzhivka, which later became the target of 82 mm mortars. BMP-2 armoured vehicles shelled Lozove, Kulikove and Staromykhailivka, where a teenager girl was wounded. [211] [212] [213] [214] [215] [216] Three boys, aged between 13 and 15, were killed and a fourth boy, aged 10, was injured by a land mine in the outskirts of Horlivka. [217] [218]

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    ВСУ продолжают обстреливать территорию Республики из гранатометов - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по шахте им. Гагарина в Горловке - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Зайцево, Горловке и Коминтерново - СЦКК
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    ВСУ обстреливали Спартак, Коминтерново и Трудовские - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Саханку из гранатометов - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли поселок шахты им. Гагарина - СЦКК
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  54. ВСУ вновь обстреляли Коминтерново - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Яковлевке - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Коминтерново и Вольво-центр - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Новую Таврию - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Минеральному - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Спартак из миномета и гранатомета - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли ряд населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Коминтерново и Спартаку - СЦКК
  55. "ВСУ вели огонь по населенным пунктам Республики - СЦКК". Официальный сайт ДНР. 9 September 2018. Retrieved 9 September 2018.
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    ВСУ обстреляли Трудовские, Коминтерново, Спартак - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали Ясиноватую и Саханку - СЦКК
    ВСУ ведут обстрел территории Республики - СЦКК
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  67. 1 2 ВСУ обстреливали Саханку, Новую Таврию и Спартак - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Саханку из гранатомета - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Горловку и Старомихайловку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли поселок Трудовские - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Коминтерново - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли ряд населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Ясиноватой, Коминтерново, Горловке и Зайцево - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Горловку из БМП - СЦКК
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  74. ВСУ обстреливали Новую Таврию и Ленинское - СЦКК
    ВСУ вели огонь по Зайцево и Старомихайловке - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Саханку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Минеральное - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Коминтерново и Зайцево (южное) - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Байрак и Коминтерново - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли ряд населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Спартак и Саханку - СЦКК
    ВСУ из гранатометов обстреляли Коминтерново и Трудовские - СЦКК
    В районе Горловки ВСУ обстреляли сельхозтехнику - Оперативное командование ДНР
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    ВСУ обстреляли Ясиноватую и Заиченко - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Новоласпе, Коминтерново и Горловке - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Горловку из БМП - СЦКК
    Под обстрелом ВСУ Саханка, Гольмовский и Докучаевск - СЦКК
    ВСУ ведут обстрел со стороны оккупированного Широкино - СЦКК
    ВСУ ведут обстрел мирных поселков на южном направлении - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали Верхнеторецкое (нижнее) и шахту им. Гагарина - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Коминтерново, Новой Таврии и Ленинскому - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали Зайцево и Коминтерново - СЦКК
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  90. ВСУ обстреляли Новую Таврию из крупнокалиберных пулеметов - СЦКК
    ВСУ в очередной раз обстреляли Саханку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Трудовские - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Горловке - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Минеральное - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Коминтерново - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Гольмовскому - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Докучаевску - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали шахту им. Гагарина и Саханку - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Докучаевску, Коминтерново и Александровке - СЦКК
    Со стороны ВСУ обстреляны Верхнеторецкое и Саханка - СЦКК
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    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Зайцево и горловской шахте им. Гагарина - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Саханку и Заиченко - СЦКК
    Со стороны ВСУ обстрелян Спартак - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Минеральному - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Трудовские и Ленинское - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли ряд населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
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    ВСУ обстреливали Доломитное и Спартак - СЦКК
    ВСУ активизировали обстрелы территории Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали Ленинское и Саханку - СЦКК
    ВСУ ведут огонь по всей линии фронта - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Старомихайловку, Саханку, Ленинское - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Спартак из миномета - СЦКК
  111. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 17 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 17 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 17 September 2018. Retrieved 17 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:41 17/09/2018
  112. "За сутки ВСУ применили по территории Республики более 370 боеприпасов - СЦКК". 17 September 2018. Retrieved 17 September 2018.
  113. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 16 на 17 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
  114. "Зведення станом на 18:00 17 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). Press-centre of the JFO HQ. 17 September 2018. Retrieved 17 September 2018.
  115. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановки в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 18 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 18 September 2018. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
  116. "Militants launched 21 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 18 September 2018. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
  117. ВСУ обстреляли Саханку, Зайцево и Горловку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ленинское - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Старомихайловку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Васильевку и Ленинское - СЦККВСУ обстреляли ряд населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Зайцево - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Зайцево, Доломитному и Саханке - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Васильевке и Саханке - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Коминтерново, Зайцево и Яковлевке - СЦКК
  118. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 18 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 18 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 18 September 2018. Retrieved 18 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:46 18/09/2018
  119. "ВСУ обстреливали территорию Республики по всем направлениям - СЦКК". 18 September 2018. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
  120. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 17 на 18 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
  121. "Операція об'єднаних сил / Joint forces operation | Зведення станом на 18:00 18 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). Press-centre of the JFO HQ. 18 September 2018. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
  122. "Зведення щодо ситуації в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 18:00 18 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 18 September 2018. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
  123. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановка в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 19 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 19 September 2018. Retrieved 19 September 2018.
  124. "Militants launched 25 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 19 September 2018. Retrieved 19 September 2018.
  125. ВСУ обстреляли Безыменное - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Зайцево - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Ясиноватой, Саханке и Лебединскому - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по ряду населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали Доломитное, Спартак и Ясиноватую - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Коминтерново - СЦКК
  126. 1 2 "В Ясиноватой поврежден газопровод - СЦКК". Официальный сайт ДНР. 19 September 2018. Retrieved 19 September 2018.
  127. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 19 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 19 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 19 September 2018. Retrieved 19 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:54 19/09/2018
  128. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 18 на 19 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
  129. "Зведення щодо обстановки в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 18:00 19 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 19 September 2018. Retrieved 19 September 2018.
  130. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановки в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 20 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 20 September 2018. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
  131. "Militants launched 24 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 20 September 2018. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
  132. Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Коминтерново - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Дзержинскому и Ленинскому - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Ленинскому и Коминтерново - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали Саханку, Доломитное и Коминтерново - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по ряду населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ ведут обстрелы территории Республики - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Ленинскому, Спартаку и Крутой Балке - СЦКК
  133. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 18 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 20 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 20 September 2018. Retrieved 20 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:50 20/09/2018
  134. "В результате обстрела со стороны ВСУ ранение получил мирный житель Ясиноватой - СЦКК". Официальный сайт ДНР. 20 September 2018. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
  135. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 19 на 20 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
  136. "Зведення щодо ситуації в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 18:00 20 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 20 September 2018. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
  137. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановка в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 21 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 21 September 2018. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  138. "Militants launched 22 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 21 September 2018. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  139. ВСУ обстреливали Ленинское, Саханку, Безыменное и Спартак - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ленинское - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Саханке и Ленинскому - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Саханку и Безыменное из минометов - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли ряд населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
  140. "В ДНР каратели применили технологии, которые используют террористы на Ближнем Востоке". News Front - Новостной Фронт. Новости Мира России Украины (in Russian). Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  141. "В ЛНР сбили беспилотник украинских силовиков". News Front - Новостной Фронт. Новости Мира России Украины (in Russian). Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  142. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 21 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 21 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 21 September 2018. Retrieved 21 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:51 21/09/2018
  143. "За сутки ВСУ выпустили по территории Республики более 250 боеприпасов - СЦКК". Официальный сайт ДНР. 21 September 2018. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  144. "Ситуация на линии разграничения в ДНР: 152 обстрела, 24 населенных пункта под огнем". News Front - Новостной Фронт. Новости Мира России Украины (in Russian). Retrieved 23 September 2018.
  145. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 20 на 21 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  146. "Зведення щодо обстановки в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 18:00 21 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 21 September 2018. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  147. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановки в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 22 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 22 September 2018. Retrieved 22 September 2018.
  148. "Militants launched 18 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 22 September 2018. Retrieved 22 September 2018.
  149. ВСУ обстреливали Саханку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Крутую Балку - СЦКК
    Зафиксирован обстрел со стороны ВСУ по Октябрю - СЦКК
    • [https://dnr-online.ru/zafiksirovany-obstrely-so-storony-vsu-po-gorlovke-i-kominternovo-stskk-2/ Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Горловке и Коминтерново - СЦКК

    ВСУ обстреляли Ясиноватую - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливают Ленинское, Саханку, Ясиноватую, Александровку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Докучаевск из гранатомета - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Зайцево, Донецку и Широкой Балке - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ясиноватую - СЦКК
  150. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 18 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 22 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 22 September 2018. Retrieved 22 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:57 22/09/2018
  151. "ВСУ активизировали обстрелы Республики - СЦКК / The AFU have stepped up shelling of the Republic – JCCC". Официальный сайт ДНР. 22 September 2018. Retrieved 22 September 2018.
  152. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 21 на 22 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 22 September 2018.
  153. "Зведення щодо ситуації в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 18:00 22 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 22 September 2018. Retrieved 22 September 2018.
  154. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановка в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 23 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 23 September 2018. Retrieved 23 September 2018.
  155. ВСУ обстреляли Горловку, Зайцево, Ленинское, Минеральное - СЦКК
    ВСУ вели огонь по шести населенным пунктам - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Широкой Балке, Васильевке и Зайцево - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли ряд населенных пунктов Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ленинское - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Горловку - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Ленинскому и Саханке - СЦКК
  156. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 23 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 23 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 23 September 2018. Retrieved 23 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:34 23/09/2018
  157. "В результате обстрела со стороны ВСУ повреждена трансформаторная подстанция, пять поселков без света - СЦКК". 23 September 2018. Retrieved 23 September 2018.
  158. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 22 на 23 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 23 September 2018.
  159. "Зведення станом на 18:00 23 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). Press-centre of the JFO HQ. 23 September 2018. Retrieved 23 September 2018.
  160. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановки в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 24 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 24 September 2018. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  161. "Militants launched 35 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 24 September 2018. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  162. ВСУ обстреляли Донецк - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Саханку, есть раненые - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ленинское и Горловку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Горловку и Саханку - СЦКК
    ВСУ вновь обстреляли территорию Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Зайцево и Докучаевск - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ясиноватую - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы обстрелы со стороны ВСУ по Горловке, Саханке и Зайцево - СЦККВ результате обстрела со стороны ВСУ Гольмовского повреждены дома - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Спартак из БМП и гранатомета - СЦКК
  163. "Раненый житель Саханки рассказал об обстреле с украинского беспилотника (видео+фото)". 25 September 2018. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
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  165. "В результате обстрела со стороны ВСУ ранения получили двое мирных жителей". Официальный сайт ДНР. 24 September 2018. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  166. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 23 на 24 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  167. "Операція об'єднаних сил / Joint forces operation | Зведення станом на 18:00 24 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). Press-centre of the JFO HQ. 24 September 2018. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  168. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановка в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 25 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 25 September 2018. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  169. "Militants launched 27 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 25 September 2018. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  170. ВСУ обстреляли Горловку и Ясиноватую - СЦКК
    ВСУ активизировали обстрелы - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли территорию Республики, применив минометы и гранатометы - СЦКК
    ВСУ в очередной раз обстреляли Горловку - СЦКК
    ВСУ продолжают обстреливать территории Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Старомихайловку - СЦКК
    ВСУ из миномета обстреляли Коминтерново - СЦКК
    Зафиксированы очередные обстрелы Республики со стороны ВСУ - СЦКК
    ВСУ при обстреле Горловки использовали вооружение БМП - СЦКК
  171. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 25 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 25 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 25 September 2018. Retrieved 25 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 13:38 25/09/2018
  172. "На Донецком и Мариупольском направлениях ВСУ используют минометы - СЦКК / The AFU use mortars in the direction of Mariupol and Donetsk – JCCC". Официальный сайт ДНР. 25 September 2018. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  173. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 24 на 25 сентября". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  174. "Зведення станом на 18:00 25 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). Press-centre of the JFO HQ. 25 September 2018. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  175. 1 2 "Зведення щодо обстановки в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 26 вересня 2018 року" (in Ukrainian). MoD. 26 September 2018. Retrieved 26 September 2018.
  176. "Militants launched 24 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 26 September 2018. Retrieved 26 September 2018.
  177. Ночью ВСУ произвели обстрел Ясиноватой - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали Спартак, Горловку, Зайцево (южное) - СЦКК / The AFU engaged Spartak, Gorlovka, Zaitsevo (southern part) – JCCC
    ВСУ обстреляли Александровку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Александровку, Донецк и Старомихайловку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Донецк и Ленинское - СЦКК
    ВСУ усиливает обстрелы - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ленинское - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли три поселка - СЦКК
  178. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 26 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 26 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 26 September 2018. Retrieved 26 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:44 26/09/2018
  179. "ВСУ 21 раз нарушили режим прекращения огня - СЦКК". 26 September 2018. Retrieved 27 September 2018.
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  183. "Militants launched 15 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 27 September 2018. Retrieved 27 September 2018.
  184. ВСУ обстреляли Спартак и Александровку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреливали Трудовские, Спартак и Александровку - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ясиноватую из миномета - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Коминтерново и Ленинское - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Жабичево - СЦКК
    В результате обстрела ВСУ получили ранения два мирных жителя в Коминтерново
    ВСУ обстреливали Зайцево, Ленинское и Крутую Балку - СЦКК
    ВСУ увеличили плотность огня по территории Республики - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Ясиноватую и Спартак - СЦКК
  185. 1 2 3 4 "ООС: сводные данные – 27 сентября 2018" [JFO – Summary information as of 27 September 2018]. mediarnbo.org (in Russian). NSDC. 27 September 2018. Retrieved 27 September 2018. Posted By: Galat 12:57 27/09/2018
  186. "Под обстрелом ВСУ были Зайцево, Ясиноватая, Минеральное, Крутая Балка, Спартак, Жабичево, пос. шахты "Трудовская", Александровка, Дзержинское, Ленинское, Коминтерново - СЦКК / The AFU engaged Zaitsevo, Yasinovataya, Mineralnoye, Krutaya Balka, Spartak, Zhabichevo, Trudovskaya coal mine's village, Aleksandrovka, Dzerzhinskoye, Leninskoye and Kominternovo – JCCC". 27 September 2018. Retrieved 27 September 2018.
  187. "Оперативная сводка за сутки с 26 на 27 сентября от НМ ЛНР". Социальная сеть Новороссии GOVES. Retrieved 27 September 2018.
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  190. "Militants launched 22 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day". Ukrinform. 28 September 2018. Retrieved 28 September 2018.
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  192. "ВСУ девятнадцать раз нарушили режим прекращения огня - СЦКК". Официальный сайт ДНР. 28 September 2018. Retrieved 28 September 2018.
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    ВСУ обстреляли Крутую Балку и Доломитное - СЦКК
    ВСУ обстреляли Гольмовский и Ленинское - СЦКК
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