Timeline of the war in Donbass (July 2017)

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Map of the war in Donbass.svg

This is a timeline of the War in Donbass , for July 2017. The timeline follows an ongoing conflict between Ukraine and anti-government pro-Russian separatists supported by Russian troops [1] in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine.



1 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 35 occasions on Ukrainian positions on the last day of June (including on 17 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 17 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 1 occasion in Luhansk region [2] [3] ). [4] [5] [6] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO, polkovnyk Andriy Lysenko, reported at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and nine were wounded and injured in the Donbass region on 30 June. [3] [2]  Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 36 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 different locations using small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and heavy artillery. In the area of Donetsk city, Ukrainian forces shelled pro-Russian positions using 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks, 122 mm and 152 mm artillery. In the region of Mariupol, 120 mm volleys was reported in two areas, while in Horlivka the Ukrainian army fired small arms and rocket launchers. [7] [8] Local officials in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the truce on three occasions within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured fighting vehicles and 152 mm self-propelled artillery to engage pro-Russian forces at Lohvynove, Mariivka and Sanzharivka. [9]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian troops had opened fire on Ukrainian troops on 9 occasions, no casualties were reported. In the outskirts of Donetsk city and Horlivka, pro-Russian tanks and armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian positions at Krasnohorivka, supported by heavy machne guns. Nearby Avdiivka became the target of small arms fire and rocket propelled grenades. Armoured fighting vehicles also opened fire on Ukrainian redoubts near Luhanske. In the region of Mariupol, 82 mm mortar volleys landed in Vodiane, while Shyrokyne was shelled with automatic grenade launchers. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Krymske received 152 mm artillery fire. [10] [11]

2 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 25 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 4 occasions in Luhansk region, on 13 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 8 occasions in the region of Mariupol [12] ). [13] [14] [15] [16] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO, polkovnyk Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, reported at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen were killed and three were wounded and injured in the Donbass region on the first day of July. [12] [15] The fatalities were caused by explosion of a mine near the village of Pisky. [12] [15]  Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 35 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 17 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks, 122 mm and 152 mm artillery. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, pro-Russian forces received 120 mm mortar fire. In the region of Mariupol, the Ukrainian military shelled rebel positions in five areas using 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks, 122 mm and 152 mm artillery. Two areas around Horlivka were fired at by small arms, grenade launchers and 82 mm mortars. [17] [18] Local officials in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the truce on three occasions within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military attacked pro-Russian redoubts at Pervomaisk, Frunze and Sokolniki with small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles. [19]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 4 occasions, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded. In the region of Mariupol, Vodiane was shelled with 152 mm artillery. In the outskirts of Horlivka, armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian positions at Zaitseve along with small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Ukrainian redoubts at Stanytsia Luhanska became the target of small arms and grenade launchers, while 120 mm mortar barrages struck the area of Krymske. Zhovte was shelled with 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles. [20] [21]

3 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 20 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 7 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 8 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 5 occasions in Luhansk region [22] ). [21] [23] [24] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the Donbass region on 2 July. [22] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 26 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 15 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and 122 mm and 152 mm artillery. Around of Donetsk city, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys were fired on pro-Russian forces in nine areas. In the region of Mariupol, the Ukrainian army opened fire with 120 mm mortars, tanks and 122 mm artillery. Zaitseve, north of Horlivka, became the target of small arms and antitank rockets. [25] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire two times within the republic boundaries. Kalynove and Kalinivka were fired at by small arms and rocket launchers. [26]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 7 occasions, one Ukrainian serviceman was killed, another wounded. In the region of Mariupol, Hnutove came under 152 mm artillery fire. Rebel forces used small arms and grenade launchers to attack Ukrainian forces at Lebedinske, and armoured fighting vehicles shelled Shyrokyne. North of Horlivka, hostile snipers harassed Ukrainian troops at Luhanske. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, rocket propelled grenades landed in Zhovte. Small arms fire was reported at Donetz and sniper fire at Novotoshkivke. [27] [28]

4 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 22 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 7 occasions in Luhansk region, on 7 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 8 occasions in the region of Mariupol [29] ). [28] [30] [31] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen were killed and three were wounded in the Donbass region on 3 July. [29] A 59-year-old male civilian was injured by shelling in Marinka. [29]  Pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city reported 23 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 11 different locations using small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. Donetsk city was targeted by banned 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. [32] [33] Local authorities in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the truce on three occasions within the republic borders. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, automatic grenade launchers, and 82 mm mortars to attack pro-Russian positions at Kalynove, Kalinivka and Frunze. [34]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 6 occasions, no casualties were reported. In the surroundings of Donetsk city and Horlivka, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles attacked Ukrainian positions at Zaitseve, while Avdiivka and Opytne became the target of heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. In the region of Mariupol, rebel forces fired small arms and automatic grenade launchers at Hnutove. Pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian redoubts at Kryakivka, in the northern section of the demarcation line, supported by automatic grenade launchers. [35] [36]

5 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 15 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 6 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 7 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 2 occasions in Luhansk region [37] ). [36] [38] [39] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 4 July. [37] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 26 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 15 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles and tanks. Pro-Russian positions around Donetsk city were attacked by Ukrainian tanks supported by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire. Zaitseve, north of Horlivka, became the target of small arms and grenade launchers, while in the region of Mariupol Ukrainian forces fired small arms and antitank rockets on pro-Russian forces in two different areas. [40] [41] According to local sources, the Ukrainian military broke the ceasefire four times within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian forces shelled pro-Russian positions at Sokolniki, Nyzhne Lozove and Donetskyi using 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, Zu-23-2 antiaircraft guns, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles. [42]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 5 occasions, no casualties were reported. Rebel forces fired antitank rockets at Ukrainian forces in Shyrokyne and Lebedinske. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, Pisky was shelled with 120 mm mortars, while Avdiivka became the target of small arms, snipers, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and antiaircraft guns. [43] [44]

6 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 13 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day — including on 2 occasions in Luhansk region, on 8 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 3 occasions in the region of Mariupol. [44] [45] [46] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the Donbass region on 5 July. [47] The casualties occurred during demining activities in the region of Mariupol, when a demining vehicle they were driving on exploded on a mine. [47] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 28 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 15 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles and tanks. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, Ukrainian tanks engaged pro-Russian strong points, supported by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire. In the region of Mariupol, two settlements became the target of small arms and rocket launchers. In the surroundings of Horlivka, meanwhile, separatist troops at Zaitseve were harassed with small arms fire and antitank rockets. [48] [49] Sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire five times within the republic boundaries. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles to pound pro-Russian positions at Zholobok, Nyzhne Lozove, Donetskyi and Molodezhne. [50]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 15 occasions, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian positions at Avdiivka, Opytne, Pisky and Nevelske. These areas also became the target of small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. In the region of Mariupol, 82 mm mortar volleys landed in Shyrokyne, where light weapons fire was also reported. Meanwhile, rebel forces fired small arms and grenade launchers at Ukrainian redoubts in Hnutove, Pavlopil and Lebedinske. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Ukrainian forces at Stary Aidar and Zhovte were harassed with small arms fire and antitank rockets. [51]

7 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 25 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day — including on 8 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 11 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 6 occasions in Luhansk region. [52] [53] [54] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and another wounded in the Donbass region on 6 July. [55] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 33 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 19 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and 122 mm artillery. Ukrainian tanks opened fire on pro-Russian redoubts around Donetsk city. These positions also became the target of 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm guns. The same sources asserted that there were 207 violations during the past week. The Ukrainian army fired 865 rounds from banned weapons like mortars, tanks and artillery. One pro-Russian soldier was wounded in action. [56] [57]  In the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, local officials recorded four Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire, The Ukrainian military engaged the rebel strongholds of Pervomaisk, Raevka, Sokolniki and Veselehorivka with small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, Zu-23-2 antiaircraft guns, 82 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles. [58]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 10 occasions, four Ukrainian servicemen were wounded. In the region of Mariupol, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian forces around Lebedinske, supported by small arms fire. Shyrokyne was attacked with heavy machine guns, antiaircraft guns, 82 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles. Novotroitske became the target of heavy machine guns, grenade launchers and 120 mm mortars. Around Donetsk city, heavy machine gun fire was reported at Avdiivka and Krasnohorivka. In the northern section of the demarcation line, rebel troops fired slight weapons and antitank rockets at Donetz. Small arms fire was reported near Krymske. [59] One civilian was killed and two were injured by explosion in the center of Luhansk. [60]

8 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 22 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day — including on 5 occasions in Luhansk region, on 3 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 14 occasions in the region of Mariupol. [61] [62] [63] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO, Andriy Lysenko, reported at noon that four Ukrainian servicemen were wounded and injured in the Donbass region on 7 July. [64] A male civilian was killed and a female civilian was injured by explosion of an unidentified explosive device near Mayorsk ( 48°23′48″N37°58′32″E / 48.39667°N 37.97556°E / 48.39667; 37.97556 [65] ), Lysenko added. [64]  Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 44 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 15 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and 122 mm artillery. In the surroundings of Donetsk city, pro-Russian forces in two areas were shelled with 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm self-propelled guns. North of Horlivka, Zaitseve was fired at by small arms and rocket launchers. In the region of Mariupol, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys landed in four different areas. [66] [67] According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire four times inside the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military attacked pro-Russian troops at Veselhorivka, Zholobok and Kalynove with small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, Zu-23-2 antiaircraft guns and BMP-1 armoured vehicles. [68]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian troops on 10 occasions, no Ukrainian casualties were recorded. In the region of Mariupol, Shyrokyne was attacked with small arms, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and armoured fighting vehicles. In the area of Donetsk city and Horlivka, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian redoubts around Avdiivka, Zaitseve and Pisky, supported by small arms and heavy machine gun fire. Marinka came under 120 mm mortar fire. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, specifically in the area of Bakhmutka road, rebel forces fired automatic grenade launchers and 82 mm mortars at Ukrainian positions in Krymske. [69]

9 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 27 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day — including on 8 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 12 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 7 occasions in Luhansk region. [70] [71] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the Donbass region on 8 July. [72] [73] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 41 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 15 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks and heavy artillery. Around Donetsk city, pro-Russian positions were shelled by 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks, 122 mm and 152 mm artillery. in the area of Horlivka, pro-Russian forces were the target of small arms and rocket launchers. In the region of Mariupol, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar barrages landed in five different areas. One pro-Russian soldier was wounded in action. [74] Authorities from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic recorded seven Ukrainian violations of the truce within the republic borders. The Ukrainian army engaged pro-Russian troops at Nyzhne Lozove, Slavyanoserbsk, Kalynove, Sokolniki and Lohvynove with small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fightng vehicles. [75]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 10 occasions, no casualties were reported. In the region of Mariupol, rebel forces attacked the Ukrainian strongholds of Shyrokyne, Vodiane, Pavlopil and Hnutove with small arms, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and armoured fighting vehicles. Berezove, Novomyhailivka and Novotroitske received 120 mm mortar fire. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, Ukrainian troops at Avdiivka became the target of light weapons, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. Nearby Krasnohorivka was likewise shelled by 120 mm mortars, while Marinka came under small arms, heavy machine gun and rocket propelled grenade fire. Later in the evening, antitank rockets hit the area of Verkhnyotoretske. In the northern section of the demarcation line, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian redoubts at Novooleksandrivka. The separatists also attacked the Ukrainian garrison at Novozvanivka with heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and 82 mm mortars. Krymske was fired at by heavy machine guns, antitank rockets and 120 mm mortars, while small arms fire was reported at Zolote, Donetz and Zhovte. Rocket propelled grenades landed in Malinove. [76] [77] [78]

10 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 38 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day — including on 10 occasions in Luhansk region, on 8 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 20 occasions in the region of Mariupol. [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 9 July. [83] One Ukrainian soldier died in a hospital of wounds he had suffered in the region of Mariupol on 29 June. [83] [84] Pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city reported 32 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 different locations using small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and 122 mm artillery. In ten areas around Donetsk city, Ukrainian troops fired 82 mm and 120 mm mortars on ten settlements. Around Mariupol, pro-Russian forces in five areas were shelled with 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm self-propelled artillery. [85] [86]  Local authorities in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic said that Ukrainian forces broke the truce on six occasions within the republic borders. The Ukrainian military employed small arms, rocket launchers, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars to attack pro-Russian positions at Pervomaisk, Smile, Zholobok and Kalynove. [87]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 10 occasions, no casualties were reported. In the region of Mariupol, rebel forces fired small arms and rocket launchers upon Ukrainian troops at Pavlopil and Shyrokyne, which was also shelled by armoured fighting vehicles. Machine gun fire was also reported at Talakivka. In the surroundings of Donetsk city, small arms, heavy machine guns and antitank rocket launchers were fired at Avdiivka. In the northern section of the demarcation line, 82 mm mortar volleys hit Malinove and Katerinivka. Heavy machine gun fire was reported at Novotoshkivke and Novozvanivka. [88] [89]

11 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 22 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 2 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 12 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 8 occasions in Luhansk region [90] ). [89] [91] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed in the Donbass region on 10 July. The fatality was caused by a landmine explosion in the region of Stanytsia Luhanska. [90] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 39 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 17 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and 122 mm artillery. Two civilian residents were wounded in Trudovske. Around Donetsk city, Ukrainian forces shelled the rebels' capital with 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, 122 and 152 mm howitzers. Ukrainian tanks engaged pro-Russian redoubts in the region of Mariupol, supported by small arms and rocket launchers. [92] [93]  In the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, local officials recorded four Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire, The Ukrainian military engaged rebel positions at Pervomaisk, Raevka, Berezovske and Kalinivka using small arms, grenade launchers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. [94]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 7 occasions, one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded. In the region of Mariupol, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian forces at Novotroitske. Pavlopil came under small arms and rocket propelled grenade fire. In the outskirts of donetsk, the separatists attacked Avdiivka and Marinka with small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. Heavy machine gun fire was also reported at Butivka coal mine. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Novotoshkivke and Novooleksandrivka became the target of small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. Later in the evening, heavy machine guns and antitank rockets were fired at Stanytsia Luhanska and Novozvanivka. [95] [96]

12 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 21 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 9 occasions in Luhansk region, on 3 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 9 occasions in the region of Mariupol [97] ). [96] [98] [99] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian soldier was wounded in the Donbass region on 11 July. The casualty occurred in the region of Troitske. [97]  Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 36 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 18 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles and tanks. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, Ukrainian tanks, supported by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire shelled pro-Russian redoubts in 12 different areas. In the area of Horlivka, the Ukrainian army fired small arms, grenade launchers and 82 mm mortars. Four areas in the region of Mariupol were shelled by 82 mm mortars and tanks. [100] [101]  According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire five times inside the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military used small arms, rocket launchers, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars to pound pro-Russian positions at Slavyanoserbsk, Pervomaisk, Zholobok and Kalinivka. [102]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 7 occasions. In the surroundings of Donetsk city and Horlivka, pro- Russian tanks engaged Ukrainian positions at Luhanske. Ukrainian forces at nearby Zaitseve and Troitske were meanwhile attacked by armoured fighting vehicles. Troitske was also shelled with 82 mm mortars. Small arms, heavy machine guns and antitank rockets were fired at Butivka mining complex and Verkhnyotoretske. In the region of Mariupol, small arms fire was reported at Vodiane. Ukrainian troops at Krymske, in the northern section of the demarcation line, were likewise harassed with light weapons fire. [103] Residential areas of Marinka, west of Donetsk city, witnessed heavy shelling from 82 mm mortars later in the evening. [104] One Ukrainian serviceman was fatally wounded in the region of Zaitseve, north of Horlivka, [105] [106] [107] in action against pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles. [103]

13 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 30 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 12 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 10 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 8 occasions in Luhansk region [108] ). [109] [110] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and another wounded in the Donbass region on 12 July. [108] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 35 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 21 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks and heavy artillery. In the outskirts of Donetsk, Ukrainian tanks attacked pro-Russian positions supported by 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm self-propelled artillery. In the region of Mariupol, separatist troops in five different came under fire from 82 mm mortars, tanks and 122 mm self-propelled guns. In the area of Horlivka, pro-Russian forces became the target of small arms fire and antitank rockets. [111] According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire seven times inside the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military used small arms, rocket launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles to attack pro-Russian positions at Sokolniki, Kalynove, Zholobok and Kalinivka. [112]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 7:30 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 13 occasions, no casualties were reported. Pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian forces at Shyrokyne, in the region of Mariupol, with the support of 120 mm mortar fire. Nearby Vodiane was hit by 82 mm mortar volleys, and light weapons were fired at Hnutove, Pavlopil, Chermalyk and Lebedinske. In the surroundings of Donetsk city, rebel forces opened fire on the stronghold of Avdiivka with small arms and rocket launchers. Small arms fire was reported at Krymske, in the northern section of the demarcation line. [113] [114]

14 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 29 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 6 occasions in Luhansk region, on 6 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 17 occasions in the region of Mariupol [115] ). [116] [117] [118] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in the Donbass region on 13 July. [115] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 31 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and 122 mm artillery. In the course of the past week, Ukrainian forces broke the truce on 251 occasions, and fired 566 rounds of banned weapons like mortars, tanks and heavy artillery. [119] [120] There were four Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire within the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian army shelled Donetskyi, Sokolniki, Kalinivka and Knyaz Igor memorial with 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. [121]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 9 occasions, no casualties were reported. In the outskirts of Donetsk city and Horlivka, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian redoubts at Luhanske, supported by small arms and rocket launchers. Heavy machine gun fire was reported at Butivka mining complex, while Krasnohorivka became under 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire. In the region of Mariupol, rocket propelled grenades landed around Ukrainian positions at Hnutove, Pavlopil and Shyrokyne. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, rebel forces shelled Stary Aidar and Novotoshkivka with 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. [122] [123]

15 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 35 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 6 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 13 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 16 occasions in Luhansk region [124] ). [125] [126] [127] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and three others were wounded in action in the Donbass region on 14 July. [124] The fatality occurred in the course of a skirmish between pro-Russian scouts and Ukrainian soldiers in the area of Bakhmutka road (at Novotoshkivske [126] ) that lasted until the first hours of 15 July. [124] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 49 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 22 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks and heavy artillery. Around Donetsk city, the Ukrainian army shelled 14 settlements with 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm artillery. Zaitseve, north of Horlivka, becamethe target of small arms and grenade launchers. In the region of Marupol, Ukrainian tanks opened fire on pro-Russian positions supported by 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm self-propelled artillery. One rebel soldier was killed. [128] [129] According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire nine times inside the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military used small arms, rocket launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles to attack Raevka, Kalynove, Zhovte, Prishib, Frunze and Slavyanoserbsk. [130]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 11 occasions. In the region of Donetsk, pro-Russian tanks engaged Ukrainian forces at Krasnorivka, and later in the evening at Butivka coal mine and Nevelske. Krasnohorivka and Nevelske also came under 120 mm mortar fire. Rebel troops fired small arms and heavy machine guns near Avdiivka. In the region of Mariupol, the stronghold of Novotroitske was attacked by heavy machine guns and armoured fighting vehicles. Rocket propelled grenades and 152 mm artillery volleys landed in Shyrokyne. in the northern section of the demarcation line, 82 mm mortar volleys hit Troikhizbenka, while small arms and rocket launchers were fired at Krymske and Malinove. Small arms fire was also recorded at Novooleksandrivka and Donetz. A clash between Ukrainian and pro-Russian patrols was reported near Frunze. [131] [132]

16 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 26 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 14 occasions in Luhansk region, on 4 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 8 occasions in the region of Mariupol [133] ). [132] [134] [135] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO, Andriy Lysenko, reported at noon that one Ukrainian soldier was wounded in the Donbass region on 15 July; the casualty occurred near Shyrokyne. [133] One Ukrainian serviceman was killed by explosion of a mine near Nevelske, Lysenko added. [133] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 57 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 20 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and heavy artillery. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, Ukrainian tanks, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, 122 mm and 152 mm artillery shelled 15 different areas. In the region of Mariupol, pro-Russian positions were pounded by 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm self-propelled guns. Two pro-Russian soldiers were wounded. [136] [137] In the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, local officials recorded 10 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire. The Ukrainian military used small arms, antitank rockets, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, Zu-23-2 antiaircraft guns and armoured fighting vehicles to attack pro-Russian positions at Krasny Yar, Kalynove, Frunze, Prishib, Lohvynove, Mariivka and Knyaz Igor memorial. [138]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 7 occasions. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, pro-Russian tanks opened fire on Ukrainian positions at Avdiivka, while Butivka coal mine came under small arms and heavy machine gun fire. In the region of Mariupol, 122 mm self-propelled guns shelled Shyrokyne and Lebedinske. In the northern section of the demarcation line, antitank rockets landed in Krymske, Malinove and Novozvanivka. Zolote was shelled with 82 mm mortars. [139]

A USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk strategic drone from Sigonella air base in Italy carried out a long-range reconnaissance flight over the demarcation line, without crossing it, at an altitude of 16,700 meters. This was the third sortie of this kind since 14 May. [140]

17 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 16 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 2 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 7 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 7 occasions in Luhansk region [141] ). [142] [143] [144] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in the Donbass region on 16 July; the casualty occurred in Talakivka. [141] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 30 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 17 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks and heavy artillery. Around Donetsk city, pro-Russian positions were shelled by 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks, 122 mm and 152 mm artillery. Around Donetsk city, Ukrainian tanks opened fire on separatist positions supported by 82 mm mortaars, 120 mm mortars, 122 mm and 152 mm self-propelled artillery. Pro-Russian entrenchments in the region of Mariupol were pounded by 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm artillery. In the area of Horlivka, the Ukrainian military harassed pro-Russian troops with small arms and rocket launchers. One rebel soldier was killed in action. [145] [146] Ukrainian forces in Novozvanivka shelled pro-Russian positions at Kalynove with 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, according to sources from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. [147]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 6 occasions. Around Donetsk city, Krasnohorivka, Pisky and Avdiivka were shelled with 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. In the latter case, the rebels also fired small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. Small arms fire was reported at Butivka mining complex. In the region of Mariupol, Pavlopil became the target of small arms and rocket launchers. Later in the evening, Lebedinske was shelled with grenade launchers and 120 mm mortars. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Novozvanivka and Novooleksandrivka came under heavy machine gun fire, while Ukrainian troops at Stanytsia Luhanska received small arms fire. [148] [149] One civilian and one employee of the State Emergency Service were injured during demining activities at Hnutove, where the tractor they were riding on was blown up by explosion of unidentified explosive device. [150] [151] [152]

18 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 17 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 6 occasions in Luhansk region, on 5 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 6 occasions in the region of Mariupol [150] ). [149] [153] [154] [155] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded and injured in the Donbass region on 17 July; the casualties were caused by shelling in Avdiivka. [150] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 41 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 20 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. One female civilian was killed and two men wounded in Staromyhailivka. Around Donetsk city, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys landed in 14 different areas. Pro-Russian forces near Horlivka came under small arms and 82 mm mortar fire. In the region of Mariupol, the Ukrainian military attacked Bezimenne with small arms, rocket launchers, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. [156] [157] Local officials recorded three Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire within the boundaries of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian army shelled pro-Russian positions at Kalynove, Kalinivka and Knyaz Igor memorial with 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles and 82 mm mortars. [158]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 10 occasions, three Ukrainian servicemen were reported wounded. Pro-Russian tanks engaged Ukrainian redoubts at Krasnohorivka, southwest of Donetsk city. In the same area, rebel forces fired small arms and rocket launchers at Ukrainian positions at Butivka mining complex and near Avdiivka, while 82 mm mortar volleys struck Pisky. In the outskirts of Horlivka, armoured fighting vehicles attacked Zaitseve. In the region of Mariupol, Talakivka became the target of 82 mm mortars. In the northern section of the demarcation line, small arms fire was reported at Stanytsia Luhanska and Krymske. [159] [160] Two civilians were injured by shelling in Avdiivka. [161]

19 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 23 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 13 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 4 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 6 occasions in Luhansk region [160] ). [162] [163] [164] [165] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that two Ukrainian servicemen were killed and four others were wounded in the Donbass region on 18 July. [160] [166]  Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 41 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 19 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and heavy artillery. One pro-Russian soldier was killed. [167] [168] According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire seven times inside the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military pounded Lohvynove, Lozove, Krasny Yar and Knyaz Igor memorial with small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. [169]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 7 occasions, one Ukrainian soldier was killed. In the region around Donetsk city and Horlivka, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian forces at Luhanske, while Avdiivka came under heavy machine gun and 82 mm mortar fire. Ukrainian troops at Butivka coal mine were harassed with small arms fire and antitank rockets. Sniper fire was reported at Marinka. In the region of Mariupol, armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian forces at Novotroitske, where hostile sniper harassed Ukrainian troops. Pavlopil became the target of small arms and rocket launchers. Later in the evening, the Ukrainian garrison at Novozvanivka, in the northern sector of the demarcation line, was engaged by heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and armoured fighting vehicles. [170] [171]

20 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 21 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 6 occasions in Luhansk region, on 6 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, and on 9 occasions in the region of Mariupol [171] ). [172] [173] [174] As of 11:00 am of 20 July fourteen ceasefire violations were recorded. [171] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian soldier was killed in the Donbass region on 19 July; the fatality was caused by shelling of Marinka. [171] Three Ukrainian servicemen were killed and three others were wounded by explosion of unidentified explosive device in Novotoshkivske. [171] [175] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 30 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 17 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and heavy artillery. Ukrainian tanks opened fire on pro-Russian redoubts around Donetsk city along with 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm artillery. In the regions of Mariupol and Horlivka, six settlements became the target of small arms and rocket launchers. [176] [177] According to authorities from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire on five occasions within the republic's boundaries. The Ukrainian military engaged on pro-Russian positions at Zholobok, Kalynove, Nyzhne Lozove, Lohvynove and Knyaz Igor memorial with small arms, rocket launchers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoillesss rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles. [178]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 20 occasions. Pro-Russian tanks, supported by 122 mm self-propelled artillery, "Grad-P" single rocket launchers and infantry, engaged Ukrainian redoubts at Krasnohorivka, southwest of Donetsk city, killing four Ukrainian servicemen, taking one prisoner and wounding seven others. The Ukrainian military claimed that six rebel soldiers were killed and eight wounded. Several houses were hit by tank fire. Also around Donetsk city, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar volleys landed in Nevelske and Novhorodske, where a Ukrainian soldier was killed by sniper fire. rebel forces fired small arms and rocket launchers at Ukrainian positions in Avdiivka and Butivka mining complex. In the northern sector of the demarcation line, Ukrainian forces received small arms and antitank rocket fire at Troikhizbenka, Novooleksandrivka, Novozvanivka and Donetz. Krymske was shelled with 82 mm mortars. Ukrainian troops returned fire, [179] [180] [181] [182]

21 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 29 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 13 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city and on 13 occasions in Luhansk region [180] ). [181] [183] [184] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO, Andriy Lysenko, reported at noon that five Ukrainian servicemen were killed, eight were wounded, and one Ukrainian soldier was captured in the Donbass region on 20 July. A battle between pro-Russian infantry, supported by four tanks, and the Ukrainian army took place in the region of Krasnohorivka, where four of the fatalities occurred. [180] [182] One Ukrainian soldier was killed by a sniper bullet near Novhorodske and another by shelling at Butivka mining complex. Seven Ukrainian soldiers were wounded at Krasnohorivka and one at Butivka mining complex, Lysenko detailed. [180] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city reported 41 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 different locations using small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers and armoured fighting vehicles. [176] Over the past week, there were 298 Ukrainian violations of the truce, according to the same sources. The Ukrainian military fired 1,092 rounds of mortars, tanks and heavy artillery. Eight pro-Russian soldiers were killed in action and one civilian resident died as the result of heavy shelling. Five servicemen and six civilians were wounded. [185] In the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, local officials recorded 10 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire, The Ukrainian military used small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars to attack pro-Russian redoubts at Pervomaisk, Nyzhne Lozove, Kalynove, Kalinivka, Zholobok, Donetskyi, Krasny Yar and Knyaz Igor memorial. [186]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 5 occasions, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded at Novhorodske. In the region of Mariupol, heavy machine gun fire was reported at Hnutove and Shyrokyne. Ukrainian forces fired back. In the area around Donetsk city, Ukrainian troops were harassed with small arms fire at Verkhnyotoretske and Butivka coal mine. In the northern section of the demarcation line, rocket propelled grenades and mortar volleys landed in Krymske. [187] Four civilians, including two children, were injured by shelling in Marinka. [188] [189]

22 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 11 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 2 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 5 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 4 occasions in Luhansk region [189] ). [190] [191] [192] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian soldier was killed and two others were wounded in the Donbass region on 21 July. [189] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 45 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 20 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks and heavy artillery. One pro-Russian soldier was killed in action. [193] [194] Local officials recorded four Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire within the borders of the self-styled Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military used small arms, rocket launchers, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles to engage pro-Russian troops at Kalynove and Lohvynove. [195]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 3 occasions. In the area of Donetsk city and Horlivka, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian positions at Luhanske. Later in the evening, Avdiivka became the target of heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. Antitank rockets also landed in Butivka mining complex and Krasnohorivka. In the northern section of the demarcation line, rebel forces pounded Ukrainian redoubts at Novozvanivka, Zhovte, Novotoshkivke and Krymske with small arms and grenade launchers later in the night. Earlier, rocket launchers had been fired at Donetz. [196] [197]

23 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 18 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 6 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 4 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 8 occasions in Luhansk region [198] [199] ). [197] [200] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 22 July. [199] [198] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 42 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 different locations using small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and heavy artillery. Ukrainian tanks engaged pro-Russian positions around Mariupol and Donetsk city, which also became the target of 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm artillery. The area of Horlivka was shelled with 82 mm mortars. [201] [202] According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire on nine occasions within the boundaries of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military used small arms, grenade launchers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles to attack pro-Russian positions at Kalynove, Nyzhne Lozove, Zhovte, Lohvynove, Krasny Yar and Knyaz Igor memorial. [203]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 5 occasions.In the surroundings of Donetsk city and Horlivka, two civilian residences burnt to the ground when areas of Zaitseve were raked by small arms fire. Rebel forces also fired small arms and rocket launchers at Ukrainian troops at Avdiivka and Marinka, while 82 mm mortar rounds landed in Butivka mining complex. Rocket propelled grenades were fired on Ukrainian forces at Kamyanka. In the northern section of the demarcation line, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian redoubts at Novozvanivka. Rocket propelled grenades and mortar volleys landed in Krymske and Novooleksandrivka. [204]

24 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 14 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 5 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 2 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 7 occasions in Luhansk region). [205] [206] [207] [208] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian soldier was wounded in the Donbass region on 23 July; the casualty occurred in Marinka. [205] Pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city reported 45 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 20 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and heavy artillery. The outskirts of Donetsk city were shelled with 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 self-propelled artillery. The Ukrainian military fired small arms and rocket llaunchers on pro-Russian positions at Zaitseve in the area of Horlivka. Ukrainian tanks engaged separatist redoubts in the region of Mariupol, supported by small arms, grenade launchers and 120 mm mortars. [209] [210] According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire five times inside the territory of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military used small arms, grenade launchers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles to engage pro-Russian troops at Alamazna, Znamianka, Frunze, Lozove, Kalynove, Molodezhne, Slavyanoserbsk, Lohvynove and Knyaz Igor memorial. [211]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 4 occasions. In the region of Mariupol, later in the evening, rebel forces shelled Lebedinske, Novotroitske and Shyrokyne with antitank rockets. Small arms fire was reported at Bohdanivka. Around Donetsk city and Holrivka, Avdiivka and Butivka coal mine came under rocket and mortar fire. Rocket propelled grenades also landed in Svitlodarsk, where one soldier was wounded. During the night, Ukrainian positions at Krasnohorivka became the target of grenade launchers, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. In the northern section of the demarcation line, Ukrainian troops clashed with pro-Russian scouts near Troikhizbenka. The fighting lasted for one hour. The separatists also fired small arms and heavy machine guns at Donetz, Stanytsia Luhanska, Malinove, Katerininvka and Novozvanivka. [212]

25 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 27 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 5 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 8 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 14 occasions in Luhansk region [213] ). [214] [215] [216] [217] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO at noon that three Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the Donbass region on 24 July. [213] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 42 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles and heavy artillery. Pro-Russian positions around Donetsk city came under fire from 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, 122 mm and 152 mm artillery. In the outskirts of Horlivka, pro-Russian forces at Zaitseve became the target of small arms and rocket launchers. In the region of Mariupol, three different areas were fired at by small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. [218] [219] In the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, local officials recorded ten Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire. The Ukrainian military used small arms, antitank rockets, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilles rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured fighting vehicles and 122 mm self-propelled artillery to attack pro-Russian positions at Almazna, Znamianka, Krasny Yar, Lozove, Kalynove and Knyaz Igor memorial. [220] Two pro-Russian soldiers were killed in the area. [221]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 6 occasions. Pro-Russian tanks engaged once again Ukrainian redoubts at Krasnohorivka, west of Donetsk city. Ukrainian forces returned fire. In other areas around Donetsk city and Horlivka, antitank rockets landed in Luhanske and Kamyanka, an later in the evening, 82 mm mortars were fired on Ukrainian troops at Pisky. In the northern section of the demarcation line, armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Novozvanivka, supported by 82 mm mortars. Small arms and rocket launchers were fired at Krymske, Troitske and Stanytsia Luhanska. Novotoshkivke came under 120 mm mortar fire later in the night. [222]

26 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 22 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 4 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 3 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 24 occasions in Luhansk region [223] ). [224] [225] [226] [227] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon no combat related casualties in the Donbass region on 25 July; one Ukrainian soldier was injured by explosion of an explosive device in the area of Popasna. A clash with pro-Russian scouts took place at the village of Katerynivka. [223] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city recorded 43 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 19 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and heavy artillery. Ukrainian tanks attacked pro-Russian positions around Donetsk city, which also became the target of 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm self-propelled artillery. In the region of Mariupol, the Ukrainian military used small arms, rocket launchers, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars to pound pro-Russian troops in six different areas. Two civilian residents were wounded. [228] [229] Local officials recorded 11 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire within the boundaries of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian army engaged pro-Russian positions at Lohvynove, Zholobok, Smile, Lozove, Kalinivka and Knyaz Igor memorial using small arms, grenade launchers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles. [230]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 9 occasions. In the region of Mariupol, small arms fire was reported at Nikolaevka and Vodiane. In the outskirts of Donetsk city, the separatists fired small arms and rocket launchers at Ukrainian positions in Avdiivka. The Ukrainian military returned fire. Nearby Krasnohorivka became the target of heavy machine guns, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. In the northern front, Ukrainian forces were harassed with small arms fire in Katerinivka, Donetz and Novozvanivka. One Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in Avdiivka. [231] [232]

27 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 17 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 3 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 6 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 8 occasions in Luhansk region [232] ). [233] [234] [235] [236] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO at noon that one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in the Donbass region on 26 July. [232] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 43 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 16 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and heavy artillery. In the area of Donetsk city, Ukrainian tanks opened fire on pro-Russian positions, supported by 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire. In the regions of Mariupol and Horlivka, six different areas came under small arms and antitank rocket fire. [237] [238] According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire on nine occasions within the boundaries of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military used small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles to attack pro-Russian positions at Kalinivka, Pervomaisk, Krasny Yar, Kalynove and Knyaz Igor memorial. [239]  

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 7:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 8 occasions; one Ukrainian soldier was reported killed, four others wounded. The fatality occurred at Vodiane at around 8:00 am; [240] two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded during a clash with pro-Russian scouts at Novotoshkivke in the morning at around 7:40 am. [241] In the region of Mariupol, later in the evening, Pavlopil and Vodiane came under mortar fire. Rebel forces fired small arms and grenade launchers at Talakivka. In the area around Donetsk city and Horlivka, Ukrainian troops at Zaitseve and Novhorodske were harassed with small arms fire. The separatists fired small arms, rocket launchers and mortars at the Ukrainian stronghold of Avdiidvka. Pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian redoubts at Novozvanivka and Troitske, in the northern sector of the demarcation line, supported by small arms, antitank rockets, 82 mm and 120 mm mortar fire. The nearby settlements of Novotoshkivke and Krymske became the target of small arms and grenade launchers. [242] [243] [244]

28 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 22 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 4 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 8 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 10 occasions in Luhansk region [243] ). [245] [244] [246] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian soldier was killed and five others were wounded in the Donbass region on 27 July. [243] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 34 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 14 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and 122 mm artillery. Areas of Donetsk city were shelled by 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks and 122 mm self-propelled artillery. [247] [248] According to authorities from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire on six occasions within the republic's boundaries. The Ukrainian military engaged pro-Russian positions at Zholobok, Kalynove, Pervomaisk and Frunze with small arms, machine guns, rocket launchers, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoillesss rifles, 82 mm mortars and armoured fighting vehicles. [249] The same sources reported 59 Ukrainian violations of the truce over the past week. [250]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 5 occasions, one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in the vicinity of Marinka in the morning. In the same area,rebel forces fired heavy machine guns and rocket launchers at Avdiivka, Kamyanka and Butivka mining complex. Kamyanka was also hit by mortar fire. In the northern section of the demarcation line, the separatists shelled Novozvanivka, Novotoshkivke and Krymske with 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. Armoured fighting vehicles opened fire on Ukrainian positions at Troitske. In the region of Mariupol, pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian positions at Talakivka, while nearby Hnutove came under mortar fire. [251] [252]

29 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 19 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 5 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 4 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 10 occasions in Luhansk region [252] ). [253] [254] [255] [256] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon no casualties in the Donbass region on 28 July. [252] Pro-Russian authorities at Donetsk city recorded 54 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 23 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks and heavy artillery. Ukrainian tanks engaged pro-Russian redoubts outside Donetsk city, supported by small arms, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm artillery. Five locations near Mariupol were attacked with small arms fire and rocket launchers [257] [258]  In the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, local officials recorded 10 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire, The Ukrainian military used small arms, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilless rifles, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars to attack pro-Russian redoubts at Kalynove, Frunze, Sokolniki, Smile and Knyaz Igor memorial. [259]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 2 occasions; one Ukrainian soldier was killed and six others were wounded by 120 mm mortar fire at Krasnohorivka in the morning at around 8:00 am. Later in the evening, also in the surroundings of Donetsk city and Horlivka, Ukrainian forces were attacked with small arms, rocket launchers and armoured fighting vehicles near Kamyanka, while Avdiivka came under mortar fire. Small arms fire harassed Ukrainian troops at Pisky and Butivka mining complex, which also became the target of grenade launchers. Pro-Russian armoured fighting vehicles engaged Ukrainian redoubts at Novozvanivka, in the northern section of the demarcation line. Heavy machine gun was reported at nearby Stanytsia Luhanska. In the region of Mariupol, rebel forces fired automatic weapons and 73 mm antitank recoilles rifles at Ukrainian positions around Shyrokyne. Small arms fire raked Ukrainian outposts at Bohdanivka. [260] [261] [262] [263]

30 July

The ATO HQ reported in the morning that pro-Russian forces had opened fire on 14 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 8 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 3 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 3 occasions in Luhansk region [263] ). [262] [264] [265] [266] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that one Ukrainian soldier was killed and nine others were wounded in the Donbass region on 29 July. [263] Pro-Russian officials at Donetsk city reported 54 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 18 locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, tanks and heavy artillery. Ukrainian tanks shelled pro-Russian redoubts around Donetsk city, supported by small arms, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars and 122 mm self-propeleld artillery. The Ukrainian military used small arms and grenade launchers to harass pro-Russian troops in the region of Mariupol. [267] [268]  In the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, local officials recorded 10 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire. The Ukrainian military used small arms, antitank rockets, automatic grenade launchers, 73 mm antitank recoilles rifles, 82 mm mortars and 152 mm self-propelled artillery to attack pro-Russian positions at Pervomaisk, Kalynove, Zholobok and Nyzhne Lozove. [269]

According to the information provided by the ATO press-centre in the evening, as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops on 2 occasions, one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded by a sniper bullet in the region of Marinka at about 4:00 pm and died of wounds in a hospital on 18 February 2018. [270] Rocket propelled grenades landed in Zaitseve. [271] [272]

31 July

According to the information provided by the spokesman of the Ukrainian operational headquarters in the morning, pro-Russian troops had opened fire on 26 occasions on Ukrainian positions the previous day (including on 5 occasions in the outskirts of Donetsk city, on 6 occasions in the region of Mariupol, and on 15 occasions in Luhansk region [273] ). [274] [275] [276] [277] The spokesman of the Ministry of Defence on issues related to ATO reported at noon that four Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the Donbass region on 30 July. [273] Pro-Russian sources at Donetsk city recorded 62 Ukrainian violations of the ceasefire in 25 different locations using small arms, grenade launchers, 82 mm mortars, 120 mm mortars, armoured personnel carriers, armoured fighting vehicles, and tanks. Ukrainian tanks engaged pro-Russian positions around Donetsk city, which also became the target of 82 mm and 120 mm mortars. In the regions of Mariupol and Horlivka, the Ukrainian military fired small arms, rocket launchers and 82 mm mortars on pro-Russian troops in nine different locations. [278] [279]  According to local sources, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire on eight occasions within the boundaries of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. The Ukrainian military used 82 mm and 120 mm mortars to shell Zhelobok, Sokolniki, Slavyanoserbsk and Kalynove. [280]

The press-centre of the ATO HQ reported in the evening that as of 6:00 pm pro-Russian forces had opened fire on Ukrainian positions on 3 occasions; rebel forces fired small arms and antitank rockets at Ukrainian forces at Novotoshkivske, where one Ukrainian soldier was wounded and two others were injured at around 12:45 pm. Small arms fire was reported at Popasna and Novooleksandrivka. [281] [282]

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