1 Chronicles 24

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1 Chronicles 24
  chapter 23
chapter 25  
The complete Hebrew text of the Books of Chronicles (1 and 2 Chronicles) in the Leningrad Codex (1008 CE).
Book Books of Chronicles
Category Ketuvim
Christian Bible part Old Testament
Order in the Christian part13

1 Chronicles 24 is the twenty-fourth chapter of the Books of Chronicles in the Hebrew Bible or the First Book of Chronicles in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. [1] [2] The book is compiled from older sources by an unknown person or group, designated by modern scholars as "the Chronicler", and had the final shape established in late fifth or fourth century BCE. [3] This chapter records the organization and departments of priests (verses 1–19) and a list of non-priestly Levites (verses 20–31). [4] The whole chapter belongs to the section focusing on the kingship of David (1 Chronicles 9:35 to 29:30), [1] which from chapter 22 to the end does not have any parallel in 2 Samuel. [5]



This chapter was originally written in the Hebrew language. It is divided into 31 verses.

Textual witnesses

Some early manuscripts containing the text of this chapter in Hebrew are of the Masoretic Text tradition, which includes the Aleppo Codex (10th century), and Codex Leningradensis (1008). [6]

Extant manuscripts of a Koine Greek translation known as the Septuagint, made in the last few centuries BCE, include Codex Vaticanus (B; B; 4th century), Codex Alexandrinus (A; A; 5th century) and Codex Marchalianus (Q; Q; 6th century). [7] [lower-alpha 1]

David organizes the priests (24:1–19)

This section details the organization of the priests, the highest branch of the Levites, in a more advanced and systematic manner than anywhere else in the Hebrew Bible and was adhered rigidly until the Roman period (cf. Luke 1:5). [4] [11] Lists of the priestly families also found partially in 1 Chronicles 9:1013 ; Nehemiah 10:2–8 ; Nehemiah 12:1–7 ; Nehemiah 12:12–21 . [12]

Verse 1

Now these are the divisions of the sons of Aaron. The sons of Aaron; Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. [13]

Among the four sons of Aaron (Exodus 6:23 ), Nadab and Abihu died without children (verse 2); and the other two had to supply the "chief men of the house", of which Eleazar had sixteen, and Ithamar eight (verse 4). [14]

Verse 3

And David distributed them, both Zadok of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the sons of Ithamar, according to their offices in their service. [15]

Of the two priestly families (1 Chronicles 15:11; 18:16–17 ; 25:1 ; cf. 2 Samuel 8:16–18 ), Zadok represented the family of Eleazar, and Ahimelech represented the family of Ithamar, [16] to help David organizing the priests. [4] The Chronicler emphasizes the equal treatment of the two groups in the passage (cf 24:31; 26:13) using a procedure of drawing lots (verse 5), also in 1 Chronicles (24:31; 25:8; 26:13) and elsewhere (for examples. Nehemiah 10:35), to indicate God's hand in the distribution of the personnel. [4]

List of the priestly divisions

VerseDivision !English nameHebrew nameGreek nameNote
7 1st Jehoiarib יה֣וֹיָרִ֔יבἸωαρίμ 1 Chronicles 9:10. [12] In Talmud Arakhin 11b Rabbi Yosei ben Halafta states that when Solomon's Temple was burnt on the ninth of Ab [586 BCE] the 'priestly guard' was of Jehoiarib division, and they were singing Psalm 94, but only to the first half of Psalm 94:23 (until "their own wickedness") before 'the enemies came and overwhelmed them'. [17] Mattathias ben Johanan was a descendant of Jehoiarib according to 1 Maccabees 2:1 . [4]
2nd Jedaiah ידַעְיָ֖הἸεδίᾳ 1 Chronicles 9:10; [12] one fragment of Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q325; "Mishmarot D") mentions:
The beginning of the se[cond] month is [on the si]xth [day] of the course of Jedaiah. On the second of the month is the Sabbath of the course of Harim.... [18]
8 3rd Harim חָרִם֙Χαρὶβ Nehemiah 10:5; Nehemiah 12:15, possibly "Rehum" in Nehemiah 12:3; [12] one fragment of Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q325; "Mishmarot D") mentions:
The beginning of the se[cond] month is [on the si]xth [day] of the course of Jedaiah. On the second of the month is the Sabbath of the course of Harim.... [18]
4th Seorim שְׂעֹרִ֖יםΣεωρὶμMeaning "barley" or "bearded"; Latin: Barbatus. [19] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
9 5th Malchijah מַלְכִּיָּה֙Μελχίᾳ Nehemiah 10:3, Nehemiah 12:42; other mentions: 1 Chronicles 9:12, Nehemiah 11:12; Jeremiah 21:1; Jeremiah 38:1. [14] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20] Another Malchijah, an Israelitish layman, was in Nehemiah 3:11 and Ezra 10:25. [14]
6th Mijamin מִיָּמִ֖ןΜεϊαμὶν Nehemiah 10:7; Nehemiah 12:5; "Minjamin" in Nehemiah 12:17 [12] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
10 7th Hakkoz הַקּוֹץ֙Κὼς Ezra 2:61; Nehemiah 3:4, 21. [12] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
8th Abijah אֲבִיָּ֖הἈβίᾳ Nehemiah 10:7; Nehemiah 12:4, 17. Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, was of the course of Abijah (Luke 1:5; also spelled as "Abia"). [12] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
11 9th Jeshua יֵשׁ֙וּעַ֙Ἰησοῦ Ezra 3:2; Ezra 5:2. [12] This Hebrew name is rendered as Ἰησοῦς in Greek, and as "Jesus" in English. [12] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
10th Shecaniah שְׁכַנְיָ֖הוּΣεχενίᾳ Nehemiah 12:3; [12] possibly "Shebaniah" in Nehemiah 10:4, Nehemiah 12:14. [12] also in 1 Chronicles 3:21 [19] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
12 11th Eliashib אֶלְיָשִׁיב֙Ἐλιαβὶ Nehemiah 13:4-7; [12] also 1 Chronicles 3:24. [19] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
12th Jakim יָקִ֖יםἸακὶμEquivalent to Eliakim and Jecamiah (1 Chronicles 8:19). [19] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
13 13th Huppah חֻפָּה֙ὈπφᾷAnother use as "covering, canopy" in Isaiah 4:5; probably the same as "Huppim" in 1 Chronicles 7:12. [19] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
14th Jeshebeab יֶֽשֶׁבְאָ֖בἸεσβαὰλSpelled in LXX as Ιεσβααλ or Ισβααλ, Eshbaal, "man of Baal"; Vulgate has "Isbaab." [19] Listed in the Yemeni inscription with the division number and place of residence. [20]
14 15th Bilgah בִלְגָּה֙Βελγᾷ Nehemiah 12:5; [12] "Bilgai" in Nehemiah 10:8 [12]
16th Immer אִמֵּ֖רἘμμὴρ1 Chronicles 9:12; Ezra 2:37; Jeremiah 20:1. [12]
15 17th Hezir חֵזִיר֙ΧηζὶνListed in the Caesarea inscription with the division number and place of residence. [21] Mentioned as a name of a layman in Nehemiah 10:20. [14]
18th Happizzez הַפִּצֵּ֖ץἈφεσὴListed in the Caesarea inscription with the division number and place of residence. [21] Spelled in LXX as Αφεσση, in Vulgate as "Aphses;" in Syriac and Arabic as "Phasin." [19]
16 19th Pethahiah פְתַחְיָה֙ΦεταίᾳEzra 10:23; Nehemiah 9:5 [12] Listed in the Caesarea inscription with the division number and place of residence. [21]
20th Jehezkel יחֶזְקֵ֖אלἘζεκὴλListed in the Caesarea inscription with the division number and place of residence. [21]
17 21st Jachin יָכִין֙Ἀχὶμ 1 Chronicles 9:10; Nehemiah 11:10 [12] Other mentions: Genesis 46:10; 1 Kings 7:21. The same name as Jehoiachin. [19] probably "Achim" in Matthew 1:14 [14]
22nd Gamul גָמ֖וּלΓαμοὺλAnother use as "weaned" in Isaiah 11:8. [19]
18 23rd Delaiah דְלָיָ֙הוּ֙Ἀδαλλαὶ1 Chronicles 3:24; Nehemiah 6:10; Nehemiah 7:62; Ezra 2:60.; spelled with the addition of a shurek (וּ) in Jeremiah 36:12, 25. [14]
24th Maaziah מַֽעַזְיָ֖הוּΜαασαὶ Nehemiah 10:8; [12] probably "Maadiah" in Nehemiah 12:5. [19]

Remaining Levite assignments (24:20–31)

This section contains the list of Levites which overlaps with the one in 1 Chronicles 23:7–23 . The Levites had similar rotation schedule as the priests (verse 31), [16] and used the same system of drawing lots as the priests with almost the same witnesses, indicating that the Levites are considered as important as the priests. [4]

Document witnesses for priestly divisions

"Today is the holy Sabbath, the holy Sabbath unto the Lord; this day, which is the course? [Appropriate name] is the course. May the Merciful One return the course to its place soon, in our days. Amen." [24]
After which, they would recount the number of years that have passed since the destruction of Jerusalem, and conclude with the words:
"May the Merciful One build his house and sanctuary, and let them say Amen."
1. In 1920, a marble stone inscription was found in Ashkelon showing a partial list of the priestly wards, attesting to the existence of such plaques, perhaps mounted to the walls of synagogues.

2. In 1962 three small fragments of one Hebrew stone inscription, dated to the 3rd/4th centuries, were found in Caesarea Maritima, bearing the partial names of places associated with the priestly courses (the rest of which had been reconstructed) as follows: [25] [26]
The 17th course Hezir Ma]mliah
The 18th course Hapizzez Nazareth
The 19th course Pethahia Akhlah Arab
The 20th course Ezekiel Mi]gdal Nunaiya

This is the oldest inscription mentioning Nazareth as a location, outside the Bible and pilgrim notes. [21]

3. In 1970 a stone inscription was found on a partially buried column in a mosque, in the Yemeni village of Bayt al-Ḥaḍir, showing ten names of the priestly wards and their respective towns and villages. The Yemeni inscription is the longest roster of names of this sort ever discovered, unto this day. The names legible on the stone column discovered by Walter W. Müller read as follows: [27]
English TranslationOriginal Hebrew
[Se'orim 'Ayṯoh-lo], fourth wardשְׂעוֹרִים עיתהלו משמר הרביעי
[Malkiah, Beṯ]-Lehem, the fif[th] wardמַלְכִּיָּה בית לחם משמר החמשי
Miyamin, Yudfaṯ (Jotapata), the sixth wardמִיָמִין יודפת משמר הששי
[Haqo]ṣ, 'Ailebu, the seventh wardהַקּוֹץ עילבו משמר השביעי
Aviah 'Iddo, Kefar 'Uzziel, the (eighth) wardאֲבִיָּה עדו כפר עוזיאל משמר
the eighth (ward). Yešūa', Nišdaf-arbel השמיני יֵשׁוּעַ נשדפארבל
the ninth wardמשמר התשיעי
Šekhaniyahu, 'Avurah Cabūl, the t[enth] wardשְׁכַנְיָה עבורה כבול משמר העשירי
Eliašīv, Cohen Qanah, the elev[enth] wardאֶלְיָשִׁיב כהן קנה משמר אחד עשר
Yaqīm Pašḥūr, Ṣefaṯ (Safed), the twelf[th] wardיָקִים פַּשְׁחוּר צפת משמר שנים עשר
[Ḥū]ppah, Beṯ-Ma'on, the (thirteenth) wardחוּפָּה בית מעון משמר שלשה
the thirteenth (ward). Yešav'av, Ḥuṣpiṯ Šuḥīn עשר יֶשֶׁבְאָב חוצפית שוחין
the fourteenth wa[rd]משמר ארבע עשר

See also


  1. The extant Codex Sinaiticus only contains 1 Chronicles 9:27–19:17. [8] [9] [10]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2 Chronicles 23</span> Second Book of Chronicles, chapter 23

2 Chronicles 23 is the twenty-third chapter of the Second Book of Chronicles the Old Testament in the Christian Bible or of the second part of the Books of Chronicles in the Hebrew Bible. The book is compiled from older sources by an unknown person or group, designated by modern scholars as "the Chronicler", and had the final shape established in late fifth or fourth century BCE. This chapter belongs to the section focusing on the kingdom of Judah until its destruction by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar and the beginning of restoration under Cyrus the Great of Persia. The focus of this chapter is the reigns of Athaliah and Joash, rulers of Judah.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Joshua 21</span> Book of Joshua, chapter 21

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  1. 1 2 Ackroyd 1993, p. 113.
  2. Mathys 2007, p. 268.
  3. Ackroyd 1993, pp. 113–114.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mathys 2007, p. 280.
  5. Mathys 2007, p. 279.
  6. Würthwein 1995, pp. 35–37.
  7. Würthwein 1995, pp. 73–74.
  8. Würthwein, Ernst (1988). Der Text des Alten Testaments (2nd ed.). Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. p. 85. ISBN   3-438-06006-X.
  9. Swete, Henry Barclay (1902). An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek. Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. pp. 129–130.
  10. Wikisource-logo.svg This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Codex Sinaiticus". Catholic Encyclopedia . New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  11. Coogan 2007, p. 610 Hebrew Bible.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges. 1 Chronicles 24. Accessed 28 April 2019.
  13. 1 Chronicles 24:1 KJV
  14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Exell, Joseph S.; Spence-Jones, Henry Donald Maurice (Editors). On "1 Chronicles 24". In: The Pulpit Commentary . 23 volumes. First publication: 1890. Accessed 24 April 2019.
  15. 1 Chronicles 24:3 KJV
  16. 1 2 Coogan 2007, p. 611 Hebrew Bible.
  17. 1 2 Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein, translator. "The Babylonian Talmud". The Soncino Press. New York, 1990; apud Torahcalendar.com.
  18. 1 2 Wise, Abegg & Cook 1996, p. 317.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ellicott, C. J. (Ed.) (1905). Ellicott's Bible Commentary for English Readers. 1 Chronicles 24. London : Cassell and Company, Limited, [1905-1906] Online version: (OCoLC) 929526708. Accessed 28 April 2019.
  20. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Urbach 1973, pp. 304–327
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 Avi-Yonah 1962, p. 139.
  22. Whiston, William. "The Work of Josephus", p. 208; apud "The 24 Priestly Courses" at Torahcalendar.com.
  23. Robert Bonfil, Jews in Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures, Brill: Leiden 2012, p. 42 ISBN   978-9-004-20355-6
  24. Bodleian Library, Oxford Ms. Heb. 2738/6, fol. 899 in Vardaman, E. Jerry and Garrett, J.L., The Teacher's Yoke, Waco TX 1964
  25. Avi-Yonah 1962, pp. 137–139.
  26. Avi-Yonah, Michael (1964). "The Caesarea Inscription of the Twenty-Four Priestly Courses". Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies. L.A. Mayer Memorial Volume (1895-1959): 24–28. JSTOR   23614642. (Hebrew)
  27. Urbach, Ephraim E., Mishmarot u-ma'amadot, Tarbiz (A Quarterly for Jewish Studies) 42, Jerusalem 1973, pp. 304 – 327 (Hebrew); Rainer Degen, An Inscription of the Twenty-Four Priestly Courses from the Yemen, pub. in: Tarbiẕ - A Quarterly for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem 1973, pp. 302303
  28. Poem entitled, Lamentation for the 9th of Ab, composed in twenty-four stanzas, and the last line of each stanza contains the name of the village where each priestly family lived.
  29. Samuel Klein, Barajta der vierundzwanzig Priester Abteilungen (Baraitta of the Twenty-Four Priestly Divisions), in: Beiträge zur Geographie und Geschichte Galiläas, Leipzig 1909
