2014 Massachusetts Question 2

Last updated
Question 2
Massachusetts Expansion of Bottle Deposits Initiative
Votes %
Check-71-128-204-brightblue.svg Yes564,38126.55%
Light brown x.svg No1,561,59173.45%
Valid votes2,125,972100.00%
Invalid or blank votes00.00%
Total votes2,125,972100.00%

MA Question 2 2014 Counties.svg
MA Question 2 2014 Municipalities.svg
MA Question 2 2014.svg

The Massachusetts Expansion of Bottle Deposits Initiative, Question 2 was an unsuccessful initiative voted on in the Massachusetts general election held on November 4, 2014. It was one of four 2014 ballot measures put to public vote.



Question 2 on the ballot, "Expanding the Beverage Container Deposit Law". [1]

YES on the question would extend the deposit law to all nonalcoholic, noncarbonated beverages not already included (with some exceptions), as well as raise handling fees. The state would also be required to adjust the deposit amount every five years based on the consumer price index, but this amount could never fall below 5 cents. [2]
A NO VOTE means the law will remain as is. [2]

Source: [1]

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  1. 1 2 "Statewide Ballot Questions — Statistics by Year: 2014". sec.state.ma.us. Retrieved March 10, 2018.
  2. 1 2 Stephanie, Vallejo (November 2, 2014). "2014 Massachusetts ballot questions: Your cheat sheet" . The Boston Globe . p. R.9. Retrieved March 10, 2018 via pqarchiver.com.

Further reading