2026 in public domain

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The works of Thomas Mann will enter the public domain in Europe in 2026. Thomas Mann 1929.jpg
The works of Thomas Mann will enter the public domain in Europe in 2026.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of creators whose works enter the public domain in 2026. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.


Entering the public domain in countries with life + 70 years

With the exception of Belarus (Life + 50 years) and Spain (which has a copyright term of Life + 80 years for creators that died before 1987), a work enters the public domain in Europe 70 years after the creator's death, if it was published during the creator's lifetime. For previously unpublished material, those who publish it first will have the publication rights for 25 years. 2026 marks the first year since 2006 that works will enter the public domain in Australia, which changed its copyright term length from a "plus 50" law to a "plus 70" law in 2004. [1] The list is sorted alphabetically and includes a notable work of the creator that entered the public domain on 1 January 2026.

NamesCountryBirthDeathOccupationNotable work
James Agee Flag of the United States.svg  United States 27 November 190916 May 1955Novelist, Journalist, Poet, Screenwriter A Death in the Family
Silvio D'Amico Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 3 February 18871 April 1955Theatre theorist
Ruby M. Ayres Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 28 January 188114 November 1955Romance novelist Bibliography
Johannes Baader Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 21 June 187514 January 1955Writer, Artist, Architect
Lloyd Bacon Flag of the United States.svg  United States 4 December 188915 November 1955Actor, Film director Filmography as director
Guido Battelli  [ de ]Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 24 September 186913 April 1955Writer Works
Dale Carnegie Flag of the United States.svg  United States 24 November 18881 November 1955Writer How to Win Friends and Influence People
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Flag of France.svg  France 1 May 188110 April 1955 Jesuit priest, Scientist, Paleontologist, Theologian, Philosopher The Phenomenon of Man
Eugenio Cirese  [ it ]Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 21 February 18848 February 1955Poet Works
Paul Claudel Flag of France.svg  France 6 August 186823 February 1955Poet, Dramatist Works
Donald Corley Flag of the United States.svg  United States 8 June 188611 December 1955Short story author, illustrator, architect
Alfredo Cuscinà  [ it ]Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 30 November 188130 March 1955Composer Main operettas
William C. deMille Flag of the United States.svg  United States 25 July 18785 March 1955Screenwriter, Film director Filmography
Isaak Dunayevsky Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 30 January 190025 July 1955Composer Compositions
Albert Einstein Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
14 March 187918 April 1955Theoretical physicist Scientific publications, The Evolution of Physics , The Meaning of Relativity
George Enescu Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 19 August 18814 May 1955Composer Compositions
Concha Espina Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 15 April 187919 May 1955Writer Bibliography
Émile Fabre Flag of France.svg  France 24 March 186925 September 1955Playwright Plays
Joseph Jefferson Farjeon Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 4 June 18836 June 1955Novelist, Playwright, Screenwriter Works
Alexander Fleming Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 6 August 188111 March 1955Physician
José Ortega y Gasset Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 9 May 188318 October 1955Philosopher, Essayist Works
Rodolfo Graziani Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 11 August 188211 January 1955General Books
Arthur Honegger Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 10 March 189227 November 1955Composer Compositions
Clemence Housman Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 23 November 18616 December 1955Author
María Izquierdo Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 30 October 19022 December 1955Painter
Jaime Ovalle Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 5 August 18949 September 1955Composer Works
James P. Johnson Flag of the United States.svg  United States 1 February 189417 November 1955Composer, pianist Charleston
Fernand Léger Flag of France.svg  France 4 February 188117 August 1955Painter, Sculptor, Filmmaker
Thomas Mann Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 6 June 187512 August 1955Writer, Philanthropist, Essayist Works
Francesco Balilla Pratella Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 1 February 188017 May 1955Composer Selected Works
Max Pechstein Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 31 December 188129 June 1955Painter
Robert Riskin Flag of the United States.svg  United States 30 March 189720 September 1955Screenwriter, Playwright Filmography
Nat Schachner Flag of the United States.svg  United States 16 January 18952 October 1955Author and biographer Space Lawyer
Robert E. Sherwood Flag of the United States.svg  United States 4 April 189614 November 1955Screenwriter, Playwright
Nicolas de Staël Flag of France.svg  France 5 January 191416 March 1955Painter
Al. T. Stamatiad Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 9 May 1885December 1955Poet, Short story writer, Dramatist
Wallace Stevens Flag of the United States.svg  United States 2 October 18792 August 1955Poet The Auroras of Autumn
Yves Tanguy Flag of France.svg  France 5 January 190015 January 1955Painter Paintings
Yevgeny Tarle Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 27 October 18746 January 1955HistorianNapoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812
Tin Ujević Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 5 July 189112 November 1955Poet Works
Maurice Utrillo Flag of France.svg  France 26 December 18835 November 1955Painter
Anwar Wagdi Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 11 October 190414 May 1955Director The Flirtation of Girls
Léon Werth Flag of France.svg  France 17 February 187813 December 1955Writer Books
Hermann Weyl Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 9 November 18858 December 1955Mathematician, Theoretical physicist, Philosopher Bibliography

Entering the public domain in countries with life + 80 years

Spain has a copyright term of life + 80 years for creators that died before 1987. In Colombia and Equatorial Guinea, a work enters the public domain 80 years after the creator's death. The list is sorted alphabetically and includes a notable work of the creator that entered the public domain on 1 January 2026.

NamesCountryBirthDeathOccupationNotable work
Achmed Abdullah Flag of the United States.svg  United States 12 May 188112 May 1945Pulp writer and screenwriter
Nikola Avramov Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 21 May 189715 June 1945Still life paintings
Milena Pavlović-Barili Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 5 November 19096 March 1945Painter, poet
Maurice Baring Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 27 April 187414 December 1945Writer
Béla Bartók Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 25 March 188126 September 1945Composer Concerto for Orchestra
Robert Benchley Flag of the United States.svg  United States 15 September 188921 November 1945Humoristnewspaper and magazine columns
Henry Bellamann Flag of the United States.svg  United States 28 April 188216 June 1945WriterKings Row
Ursula Bethell Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 6 October 187415 January 1945PoetCollected poetry
Vilhelms Bokslafs Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia
Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire
12 October 18589 March 1945ArchitectMost notable buildings are Jaunmokas Manor near Tukums and Commercial school in Riga (now Art Academy of Latvia)
Nicola Bombacci Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 24 October 187928 April 1945Marxist-Fascist journalistIl mio pensiero sul bolscevismo (1941),
I contadini nella Russia di Stalin (1942),
I contadini nell'Italia di Mussolini (1943)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 4 February 19069 April 1945Theologian
Robert Brasillach Flag of France.svg  France 31 March 19096 February 1945Writer Je suis partout
Miles J. Breuer Flag of the United States.svg  United States 3 January 188914 October 1945Writer"The Gostak and the Doshes" (1930) and other science fiction stories
Fritz Brupbacher Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 30 June 18741 January 1945WriterDer Sinn des Lebens
Thomas Burke Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 29 November 188622 November 1945Writer Limehouse Nights
Alexander Stirling Calder Flag of the United States.svg  United States 11 January 18707 January 1945Sculptor George Washington as President
David Young Cameron Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 28 June 186516 September 1945Artist
Franklin Carmichael Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5 May 189024 October 1945Artist
Benjamin De Casseres Flag of the United States.svg  United States 3 April 18737 December 1945Journalist, poet The Shadow-Eater
Anica Černej Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 3 April 19003 May 1945Author, poet
John R. Commons Flag of the United States.svg  United States 13 October 186211 May 1945EconomistInstitutional Economics
Margaret Deland Flag of the United States.svg  United States 23 February 185613 January 1945Writer John Ward, Preacher
Mário de Andrade Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 9 October 189325 February 1945WriterMacunaíma
Robert Desnos Flag of France.svg  France 4 July 19008 June 1945Poet
Maurice Donnay Flag of France.svg  France 12 October 185931 March 1945Dramatist
Lord Alfred Douglas Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 12 June 185920 March 1945Writer Two Loves
Theodore Dreiser Flag of the United States.svg  United States 27 August 187128 December 1945Writer, journalist Sister Carrie , An American Tragedy
E. R. Eddison Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 24 November 188218 August 1945Writer The Worm Ouroboros
Gus Edwards Flag of the United States.svg  United States 18 August 18797 November 1945Songwriter"By the Light of the Silvery Moon", "In My Merry Oldsmobile"
Eleanor Fortescue-Brigdale Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 187110 March 1945Artist The Uninvited Guest , Riches
Anne Frank Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 12 June 1929February 1945Diarist The Diary of a Young Girl
Øvre Richter Frich Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 24 March 187213 May 1945Writer, journalist
David Lloyd George Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 17 January 186326 March 1945PoliticianThe Truth About The Peace Treaty, War Memoirs
Zinaida Gippius Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 20 November 18699 September 1945Writer, poet
Joseph Goebbels Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 29 October 18971 May 1945Politician Goebbels Diaries
Adolf Hitler Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 20 April 188930 April 1945Politician, Dictator of Nazi Germany Mein Kampf , Zweites Buch
Suphi Nuri İleri Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 18871945Writer
Ljubomir Ivanović Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 24 February 188223 November 1945Printmaker, draughtsman
Malcolm Jameson Flag of the United States.svg  United States 21 December 189116 April 1945WriterWriter for American pulp magazines during the Golden Age of Science Fiction
Joseph Jastrow Flag of the United States.svg  United States 30 January 18638 January 1945Psychologist
Juliusz Kaden-Bandrowski Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 24 February 18858 August 1945Writer, journalist
Osman Cemal Kaygılı Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 4 October 18799 January 1945Writer
Carl Wilhelm Kern Flag of the United States.svg  United States 4 June 187419 August 1945Composer
Käthe Kollwitz Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 8 July 186722 April 1945ArtistThe Prisoners
Julius Korngold Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 24 December 186025 September 1945Music critic
Jaroslav Kratochvil  [ cs ]Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 17 January 188520 March 1945Writer
René Lalique Flag of France.svg  France 6 April 18601 May 1945Glass designer
Else Lasker-Schüler Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 11 February 186922 January 1945Writerpoetry and plays
James Leatham [2] Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 19 December 186514 December 1945Writer, printer, publisher
Jonas Lie Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 31 December 189911 May 1945Writer, minister
David Lindsay Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 3 March 187616 July 1945Writer A Voyage to Arcturus
August Lösch Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 15 October 190630 May 1945EconomistDie räumliche Ordnung der Wirtschaft
Eoin MacNeill Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 15 May 186715 October 1945WriterPhases of Irish History
Tobias Matthay Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 19 February 185815 December 1945Teacher, pianist, composerwritings on piano playing
Arthur Mendel  [ ro ]Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 18721945Painter
Régis Messac Flag of France.svg  France 2 August 18931945Writer, poet, translator
James V. Monaco Flag of the United States.svg  United States 13 January 188516 October 1945Songwriter"You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)"
Arthur Morrison Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 1 November 18634 December 1945Writer A Child of the Jago
Benito Mussolini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 29 July 188328 April 1945Politician My Autobiography
Moritz Nähr Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 4 August 185929 June 1945Photographer
Alla Nazimova Flag of the United States.svg  United States 3 June 187913 July 1945Writer, actor
Dobri Nemirov  [ bg ]Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 3 February 188230 September 1945WriterWhen I was young
Otto Neurath Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 10 December 188222 December 1945WriterAnti-Spengler
Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 21 June 186321 February 1945SculptorEquestrian Statue of King Christian IX, Copenhagen
Charles Gilman Norris Flag of the United States.svg  United States 23 April 188125 July 1945Writer, playwrightSalt (1919)
George S. Patton Flag of the United States.svg  United States 11 November 188521 December 1945GeneralWar As I Knew it
Harry Pease  [ de ]Flag of the United States.svg  United States 6 September 18868 November 1944Songwriter
Calel Perechodnik Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 8 September 1916September 1945Diarist
Ion Pillat Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 31 March 189117 April 1945PoetPe Argeș în sus, Poeme într-un vers
Karel Poláček Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 22 March 189221 January 1945Writer
Vilhelms Purvītis Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia
Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire
3 March 187214 January 1945Landscape painter and educator
Ernö Rapée Flag of the United States.svg  United States 4 June 189126 June 1945Composersilent film music
Edward Prosser Rhys Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 4 March 19016 February 1945WriterCerddi Prosser Rhys
Albert Richards Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 19 December 19195 March 1945ArtistArtwork produced during the Second World War about the British war effort
Alexander Roda Roda Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 13 April 187220 August 1945Writer
Hando Ruus Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 16 May 191731 March 1945Military captain, artist
Felix Salten Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 6 September 18698 October 1945Writer Bambi. Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde
Alexander Siloti Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 9 October 18638 December 1945Pianist, composer
Kārlis Skalbe Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia
Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire
7 November 187914 April 1945Writer, poet, and activist
Paul Smărăndescu  [ ro ]Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 26 June 188112 January 1945Architect
Antal Szerb Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 1 May 190127 January 1945Writer The Pendragon Legend
Ong Schan Tchow Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 19 September 190020 December 1945ArtistBook of Chrysanthemums
Nikolai Tcherepnin Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 15 May 187326 June 1945Composer
Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 15 May 187326 June 1945Writer Aelita , The Garin Death Ray , The Road to Calvary
Teodor Trayanov  [ bg ]Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 30 January 188215 January 1945PoetSong of songs, Regina Mortua, Hymns and Ballads
Halid Ziya Uşaklıgil Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 186627 March 1945Writer
Anton Webern Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 3 December 188315 September 1945Composer
Franz Werfel Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 10 September 189026 August 1945Writer The Song of Bernadette
Charles Williams Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20 September 188615 May 1945Writer Descent into Hell
Yun Dong-ju Flag of Korea (1899).svg  Korea 30 December 191716 February 1945PoetThe Sky, the Wind, the Stars, and the Poem (하늘과 바람과 별과 시)
Ignacio Zuloaga Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 26 July 187024 June 1945Painter

Entering the public domain in countries with life + 60 years

In Bangladesh, India, and Venezuela a work enters the public domain 60 years after the creator's death.

NamesCountryBirthDeathOccupationNotable work
Ahn Eak-tai Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5 December 190616 September 1965Composer Aegukga , Symphonic Fantasy Korea
T. S. Eliot Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom,
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
26 September 18884 January 1965Poet, Essayist, Playwright Works
Park Su-geun Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 21 February 19146 May 1965PainterA Wash Place (빨래터)
Syngman Rhee Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 26 March 187519 July 1965 President of South Korea The Spirit of Independence (독립정신)
Yoon Yong-ha  [ ko ]Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 16 March 192223 July 1965ComposerBarley Field (보리밭), Gwangbokjeol song (광복절 노래)

Entering the public domain in countries with life + 50 years

In most countries of Africa and Asia, as well as Belarus, Bolivia, New Zealand, Egypt and Uruguay; a work enters the public domain 50 years after the creator's death.

NamesCountryBirthDeathOccupationNotable work
John Akar Flag of Sierra Leone.svg  Sierra Leone 19271975Entertainer, writer, diplomat High We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free
Leroy Anderson Flag of the United States.svg  United States 29 June 190818 May 1975Composer Sleigh Ride , Blue Tango , The Typewriter , The Syncopated Clock
Ivo Andrić Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 9 October 189213 March 1975Writer, Poet The Bridge on the Drina
Pablo Antonio Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 25 January 190114 June 1975Architect Ideal Theater, Life Theater, White Cross Orphanage, Capitan Luis Gonzaga Building
Hannah Arendt Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
14 October 19064 December 1975Writer, Political philosopher The Human Condition , Eichmann in Jerusalem
Mikhail Bakhtin Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 16 November 18957 March 1975Philosopher Works
Thomas Hart Benton Flag of the United States.svg  United States 15 April 188919 January 1975Painter
James Blish Flag of the United States.svg  United States 23 May 192130 July 1975Writer Cities in Flight , Star Trek novelizations
Arthur Bliss Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2 August 189127 March 1975Composer Compositions
Tim Buckley Flag of the United States.svg  United States 14 February 194729 June 1975Guitarist, Singer, Songwriter Discography
Luigi Dallapiccola Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 3 February 190419 February 1975Composer Compositions
Lefty Frizzell Flag of the United States.svg  United States 31 March 192819 July 1975Singer, Songwriter Discography
Konstantine Gamsakhurdia Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 3 May 189317 July 1975Writer The Right Hand of the Grand Master
Bernard Herrmann Flag of the United States.svg  United States 29 July 191124 December 1975Composer Film scores
Edna Mayne Hull Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 1 May 190520 January 1975SF authorPlanets for Sale
Julian Huxley Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 22 June 188714 February 1975Evolutionary biologist Works
Chiang Kai-shek Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 31 October 18875 April 1975 President of the Republic of China China's Destiny (中国之命运)
Rowland V. Lee Flag of the United States.svg  United States 6 September 189121 December 1975Director, Actor, Screenwriter, Producer
Murray Leinster Flag of the United States.svg  United States 16 June 18968 June 1975Writer Bibliography
Herbert List Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 7 October 19034 April 1975Photographer Collection at Deutsche Fotothek
Donal R. Michalsky  [ nl ]Flag of the United States.svg  United States 13 July 192831 December 1975ComposerFanfare after 17th Century Dances
Elijah Muhammad Flag of the United States.svg  United States 7 October 189725 February 1975Leader of the Nation of Islam Message to the Blackman in America
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh 17 March 192015 August 1975Politician Books
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Flag of India.svg  India 5 September 188817 April 1975Philosopher, President of India The Dhammapada , The Principal Upanishads
Alfred Hamish Reed Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 30 December 187515 January 1975Writer, publisherThe Gumdiggers: The Story of Kauri Gum
Maria Elizabeth Rothmann Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 28 August 18757 September 1975AuthorKinders van die Voortrek
Nora Sanderson Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 14 February 19052 March 1975Romance writerHospital in New Zealand
Rod Serling Flag of the United States.svg  United States 25 December 192428 June 1975Screenwriter, Playwright, Television producer The Twilight Zone
R. C. Sherriff Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 6 June 189613 November 1975Playwright, writer Journey's End , The Hopkins Manuscript
Dmitri Shostakovich Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 25 September 19069 August 1975Composer Compositions
Noble Sissle Flag of the United States.svg  United States 10 July 188917 December 1975Jazz composer, Lyricist Shuffle Along , I'm Just Wild About Harry
Christopher Strachey Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 16 November 191618 May 1975Computer scientist CPL , Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages
Bill Sutch Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 27 June 190728 September 1975EconomistPoverty and Progress in New Zealand, The Quest for Security in New Zealand
Arnold J. Toynbee Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 14 April 188922 October 1975Historian A Study of History
Thornton Wilder Flag of the United States.svg  United States 17 April 18977 December 1975Playwright, Novelist The Bridge of San Luis Rey , Our Town
P. G. Wodehouse Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 15 October 18817 December 1975Playwright, Novelist Bibliography
Fritz Wotruba Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 23 April 190728 August 1975Sculptor Wotruba Church
Giselda Zani Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 19091975Poet, short story writer, criticLa costa despierta


In 2022 copyright in Canada changed from a "plus 50" law to a "plus 70" law, in line with the United States and the European Union. But the change was not made retroactive (unlike the 1995 change in the European Union which brought some (British and possibly other) authors back into copyright, especially those who died from 1925 to 1944). [3] [4] No more new Canadian authors will come out of copyright until 1 January 2043 (those who died in 1972). Crown copyright was not changed, thus any government works published in 1974 entered the public domain in 2025. [5]

United States

The earliest Betty Boop cartoons will enter the public domain in the United States in 2026. Betty Boop patent fig1.jpg
The earliest Betty Boop cartoons will enter the public domain in the United States in 2026.

Under the Copyright Term Extension Act, books published in 1930, films released in 1930, and other works published in 1930, will enter the public domain in 2026. [6] Sound recordings that were published in 1925 will enter the public domain. [7]

Unpublished works whose authors died in 1955 will enter the public domain.

Among the literary works that will enter public domain in 2026 are Dashiell Hammett's detective novel The Maltese Falcon , Agatha Christie's Miss Marple-novel The Murder at the Vicarage , William Faulkner's novel As I Lay Dying , H. Rider Haggard's final work Belshazzar , Noël Coward's play Private Lives , Philip Wylie's novel Gladiator , often theorised to be an inspiration for The Reign of the Superman, Milt Gross's graphic novel He Done Her Wrong , Bertold Brecht's play The Decision in its original German, the first appearance of Herge's Tintin in Tintin in the Land of the Soviets in its original French, the first English translation of Franz Kafka's The Castle , the first Elson-Gray Readers books featuring Dick and Jane by William S. Gray, the first English translation of Hermann Sudermann's The Excursion to Tilsit and Carolyn Keene's The Secret of the Old Clock and the character Nancy Drew (although only the original 1930 text).

Significant films entering the public domain this year include All Quiet on the Western Front , Greta Garbo's first sound film Anna Christie , Bing Crosby's film debut King of Jazz , Jean Harlow's film debut Hell's Angels , John Wayne's film debut in The Big Trail , Animal Crackers starring the Marx Brothers, Soup to Nuts featuring an early iteration of The Three Stooges, George Cukor's directorial debut Grumpy , Josef von Sternberg's The Blue Angel and Morocco , both starring Marlene Dietrich (the first of eight films they made together), The Unholy Three , starring Lon Chaney in his only speaking role, the Alfred Hitchcock films Juno and the Paycock and Murder! , F.W. Murnau's City Girl , the John Ford films Men Without Women, Born Reckless , Seas Beneath and Up the River , G.W. Pabst's Westfront 1918 , Robert Siodmak's directorial debut People on Sunday , Jean Vigo's directorial debut À propos de Nice , Luis Buñuel's The Golden Age , the first Italian sound film The Sound of Love , the first Polish sound film Niebezpieczny romans , the first Czech sound film Tonka of the Gallows , the first Argentinian sound film Goodbye Argentina and the oldest surviving television broadcast The Man with the Flower in His Mouth . The earliest Betty Boop and Bimbo works will enter into the public domain, including Dizzy Dishes . The Disney character Pluto also makes his first appearance, first as an unnamed dog in The Chain Gang, and later called Rover in The Picnic , [a] along with Clarabelle Cow. Another Ub Iwerks cartoon creation, Flip the Frog, will also enter the public domain.

The first comic appearances of Hergé's Quick & Flupke and Chic Young's Blondie will also enter the public domain.

Some of the better-known works of art entering the public domain are Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red Blue and Yellow , Ansel Adams' photobook Taos Pueblo with writing by Mary Hunter Austin, Martin Munkácsi's photograph Three Boys at Lake Tanganyika , Edward Weston's photograph Pepper No. 30 , early prints of M.C. Escher ( The Bridge and Castrovalva ), and the first designs of the Brno chair and the Tugendhat chair .

Among the better-known songs that will be entering the public domain are "Georgia on My Mind", "Just a Gigolo" and "I Got Rhythm".

See also


  1. He would first be referred to as Pluto in the 1931 short The Moose Hunt .

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Copyright law of Canada</span> Canadian statutes controlling copyright

The copyright law of Canada governs the legally enforceable rights to creative and artistic works under the laws of Canada. Canada passed its first colonial copyright statute in 1832 but was subject to imperial copyright law established by Britain until 1921. Current copyright law was established by the Copyright Act of Canada which was first passed in 1921 and substantially amended in 1988, 1997, and 2012. All powers to legislate copyright law are in the jurisdiction of the Parliament of Canada by virtue of section 91(23) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

Copyright expiry in Australia depends on when a work was created, and on the type of work. Under the current law, copyright usually expires 70 years after the death of the author, or for anonymous works, 70 years from the date of publication. Crown copyright expires 50 years after publication. The law has evolved over the years, and previously photographs were treated differently from other works. Anonymous works and photographs created before 1955 are no longer under copyright. For non-photographic works created before 1955, where the author is known, the copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Public Domain Day</span> Observance for when works enter the public domain

Public Domain Day (PDD) is an observance of when copyrights expire and works enter into the public domain. This legal transition of copyright works into the public domain usually happens every year on January 1 based on the individual copyright laws of each country.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Public domain</span> Works outside the scope of copyright law

The public domain (PD) consists of all the creative work to which no exclusive intellectual property rights apply. Those rights may have expired, been forfeited, expressly waived, or may be inapplicable. Because no one holds the exclusive rights, anyone can legally use or reference those works without permission.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Public domain in the United States</span>

Works are in the public domain if they are not covered by the intellectual property right known as copyright, or if the intellectual property rights to the works have expired. Works automatically enter the public domain when their copyright has expired. The United States Copyright Office is a federal agency tasked with maintaining copyright records.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of works that entered the public domain in 2017. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2018 in public domain</span> Overview of works entering public domain

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of works that entered the public domain in 2018. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of works that entered the public domain in 2019. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of creators whose works entered the public domain in 2020. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works is not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of works that entered the public domain in 2011. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of creators whose works entered the public domain in 2021. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

The following is a list of creators whose works entered the public domain on 1 January 2022. When copyright expires in a creative work, it enters the public domain. Since copyright terms vary from country to country, the copyright status of a work may not be the same in all countries.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of creators whose works entered the public domain in 2023. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of creators whose works entered the public domain in 2024. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of works is not uniform. The following lists list creators whose works entered the public domain in 2025 under the most common copyright regimes.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of works that entered the public domain in 2008. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of works that entered the public domain in 2007. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2027 in public domain</span> Overview of works entering public domain

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of creators whose works enter the public domain in 2027. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of creators whose works enter the public domain in 2028. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works is not uniform.

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works is not uniform. The following lists include creators whose works entered the public domain in 2029 under the most common copyright regimes.


  1. "How long does copyright last? | National Library of Australia". www.nla.gov.au. Retrieved 10 June 2020.
  2. Crick, Martin (1994). The History of the Social-Democratic Federation. Edinburgh University Press. p. 311. ISBN   978-1-85331-091-1.
  3. "An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022 and other measures". Parliament of Canada. 2022-06-23. Archived from the original on 2023-01-01. Retrieved 2022-11-28.
  4. "PC Number: 2022-1219". Government of Canada. 2022-11-17. Archived from the original on 2022-11-28. Retrieved 2022-11-28.
  5. "Crown Copyright - FAQ". Government of Canada. www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca. Archived from the original on 7 February 2024. Retrieved 13 March 2024.
  6. "Copyright and the Public Domain". Public Domain Information Project. Archived from the original on 2014-08-01. Retrieved 2019-01-23.
  7. Hirtle, Peter B. (3 January 2020). "Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States". Cornell University Library Copyright Information Center. Retrieved 17 December 2020.