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Temporal range: Ordovician-Devonian
~498–388  Ma
Scientific classification

  • A. campanula Mound
  • A. deltatus Lindström, 1955
  • A. firmus Viira, 1970
  • A. primitivus Zeballo and Albanesi, 2013 [3]
  • A. tripterolobus Mound
  • A. zeballus Voldman et al, 2016 [4]

Acodus is an extinct genus of conodonts.




Fossils of Acodus have been found in Argentina, Canada (Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut), China, Colombia (Tarqui, Huila), [6] the Czech Republic, Estonia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, the Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Indiana, New York, Tennessee, Nevada, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Utah). [5]


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  1. Monographie der fossilen fische des silurischen systems des Russisch-baltischen gouvernements. CH Pander, 1856
  2. Catalogue of Conodonts, Willi Ziegler, 1977
  3. New conodont species and biostratigraphy of the Santa Rosita Formation (upper Furongian–Tremadocian) in the Tilcara Range, Cordillera Oriental of Jujuy, Argentina. Fernando J. Zeballo and Guillermo L. Albanesi (2013), Geological Journal, 48 (2–3): 170–193, doi:10.1002/gj.2425
  4. New conodont taxa and biozones from the Lower Ordovician of the Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentina. Gustavo G. Voldman, Guillermo L. Albanesi, Gladys Ortega, María Eugenia Giuliano and Carlos Ruben Monaldi (2016), Geological Journal, in press, doi:10.1002/gj.2766
  5. 1 2 Acodus at
  6. Moreno et al., 2008, p.10
