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Temporal range: Late Carboniferous - Early Permian 303.4–290.1  Ma
Edops craigi12DB.jpg
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Order: Temnospondyli
Superfamily: Edopoidea
Family: Edopidae
Langston, 1953
Genus: Edops
Romer and Witter, 1936
Type species
Edops craigi
Romer and Witter, 1936

Edops ('swollen face') is an extinct genus of temnospondyl amphibian from the Late Carboniferous - Early Permian periods. [1] Unlike more advanced temnospondyls of the time, such as Eryops , Edops exhibited an archaic pattern of palatal bones, and still possessed various additional bones at the back of the skull. Edopoids also had particularly big premaxillae (the bones that form the tip of the snout) and proportionally small external nostrils. Within the clade, the most basal member seems to be Edops from the Early Permian Archer City Formation of the US, a broad-skulled animal with large palatal teeth.


Edops was fairly big, at 2 metres (6.6 ft) in length. Fragmentary remains from the Viséan of Scotland appear to come from Edops or a close relative and hence predate the type Edops material of the Permian. [2]

Discovery and naming

Skulls of Edops (1) and other Edopoids. Edopoidea diagram.png
Skulls of Edops (1) and other Edopoids.

The American paleontologist Alfred Sherwood Romer named Edops "swollen face" (from Greek oidos "swelling" and Greek ops "face") in 1936, noting that the "premaxillaries are greatly thickened and produced externally into rounded swellings (whence the generic name)." [3] (The Latinized spelling "edo" for "oidos" resembles the Latin word edo meaning a glutton, but this is not the formal etymology.) In a 1943 popular article, Romer explained that the original fossil find was nicknamed "Grandpa Bumps" for the lumps of bone, which had survived while the rest of the first skull had been largely destroyed. [4] Romer and his preparator R. V. Witter from Harvard University described Edops in more detail from additional fossil material in 1942. [5]


Edops craigi in a cladogram after Steyer et. al., 2006: [6]


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  1. "†Edops Romer 1936 (tetrapod)". Paleobiology Database . Retrieved 2024-01-31.
  2. "Edopoidea". Archived from the original on 2023-09-23.
  3. HARTMANN-WEINBERG, А. (1936-06-03). Проблемы палеонтологии: PROBLEMS OF PALEONTOLOGY. Alexander Doweld.
  4. Cattell J. Mckeen (1943). The Scientific Monthly Vol-lvii (1943).
  5. Romer, Alfred S.; Witter, Robert V. (1942). "Edops, a Primitive Rhachitomous Amphibian from the Texas Red Beds". The Journal of Geology. 50 (8): 925–960. doi:10.1086/625101. ISSN   0022-1376.
  6. Steyer, J.S., Damiani, R., Sidor, C.A., O’Keefe, F.R., Larsson, H.C.E., Maga, A., Ide, O. (2006). "The vertebrate fauna of the Upper Permian of Niger. IV. Nigerpeton ricqlesi (Temnospondyli: Cochleosauridae), and the edopoid colonization of Gondwana". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 26 (1): 18–28. doi:10.1671/0272-4634(2006)26[18:TVFOTU]2.0.CO;2.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

Further reading