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Temporal range: Late Permian
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Temnospondyli
Family: Archegosauridae
Subfamily: Melosaurinae
Genus: Koinia
Gubin, 1993
Type species
Koinia silantjevi
Gubin, 1993

Koinia is an extinct genus of temnospondyl amphibian from the Late Permian of Russia. It is an archegosauroid in the subfamily Melosaurinae. Koinia was named in 1993 with the description of the type species K. silantjevi, based on fossils that were found in the Ocher Assemblage Zone, near the Vym River in the Komi Republic. [1]


Below is a cladogram modified from Ruta et al. (2007) showing the relationship of Koinia to other archegosauroids: [2]


Sclerocephalus haeuseri

Syndyodosuchus tetricus

Cheliderpeton vrayni

Cheliderpeton latirostre

Intasuchus silvicola


Konzhukovia vetusta

Tryphosuchus paucidens

Koinia silantjevi

Melosaurus uralensis

Uralosuchus tverdochlebovae

Archegosaurus dyscriton

Archegosaurus decheni

Collidosuchus tchudinovi

Kashmirosaurus ornatus

Australerpeton cosgriffi

Bashkirosaurus cherdyncevi

Platyoposaurus stuckenbergi

Prionosuchus plummeri

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  1. Shishkin, M.A.; Novikov, I.V.; Gubin, Y.M. (2003). "Permian and Triassic temnospondyls from Russia". In Benton, M.J.; Shishkin, M.A.; Unwin, D.M. (eds.). The Age of Dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 35–59. ISBN   9780521545822.
  2. Ruta, Marcello; Pisani, Davide; Lloyd, Graeme T; Benton, Michael J (2007). "A supertree of Temnospondyli: Cladogenetic patterns in the most species-rich group of early tetrapods". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 274 (1629): 3087–3095. doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.1250. PMC   2293949 . PMID   17925278.