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Temporal range: Asselian
~298–290  Ma
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Temnospondyli
Clade: Stereospondylomorpha (?)
Genus: Palatinerpeton
Boy, 1996
Type species
Palatinerpeton kraetschmeri
Boy, 1996

Palatinerpeton is an extinct genus of temnospondyl amphibian. [1] Fossils have been found in the Lauterecken-Odernheim Formation of Germany. [2]


Palatinerpeton is one of several Late Carboniferous and Early Permian European temnospondyls with uncertain affinities; the others include Iberospondylus , Sclerocephalus , and Cheliderpeton . Phylogenetic studies have placed them as either early representatives of a group called Stereospondylomorpha, or close relatives of a group called Eryopidae. Stereospondylomorpha is a large clade mostly made up of Mesozoic taxa, while Eryopidae is a small family consisting of several Carboniferous and Permian temnospondyls. These two groups are usually considered distantly related. Schoch & Witzmann (2009) conducted a phylogenetic analysis in which Eryopidae and Stereospondylomorpha were found to be closely related, both members of a clade called Eryopoidea. Palatinerpeton was found to be the sister taxon of Eryopoidea. Below is a cladogram from their study: [1]


Capetus palustris

Dendrerpeton acadianum

Trimerorhachis insignis


Acanthostomatops vorax

Ecolsonia cutlerensis

Micropholis stowi

Iberospondylus schultzei

Palatinerpeton kraetschmeri


"Onchiodon" frossardi

Onchiodon labyrinthicus

Eryops megacephalus


Sclerocephalus spp.

Cheliderpeton latirostre

Archegosaurus decheni

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  1. 1 2 Schoch, R. R.; Witzmann, F. (2009). "Osteology and relationships of the temnospondyl genusSclerocephalus". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 157: 135. doi: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2009.00535.x .
  2. Palatinerpeton at