Greater noctule bat | |
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Nyctalus lasiopterus showing its large teeth | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Mammalia |
Order: | Chiroptera |
Family: | Vespertilionidae |
Genus: | Nyctalus |
Species: | N. lasiopterus |
Binomial name | |
Nyctalus lasiopterus (Schreber, 1780) | |
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Nyctalus lasiopterus range map |
The greater noctule bat (Nyctalus lasiopterus) is a rare carnivorous bat found in Europe, West Asia, and North Africa. [2] It is the largest and least studied bat in Europe with a wingspan of up to 46 centimetres (18 in) and is one of the few bat species to feed on passerine birds. Greater noctule bats are the only bat species to hunt birds on the wing rather than when roosting. The greater noctule bat has wings adapted for open-air hunting and uses echolocation frequencies above the hearing range of birds. [3] [4]
The greater noctule bat belongs to the suborder Yangochiroptera (family Vespertilionidae) and uses echolocation. Echolocation is a perceptual system where echoes are produced by emitting ultrasonic sounds. Echolocation allows bats to compare the outgoing pulse with returning echoes which produces detailed images of the bat's surroundings. With echolocation, bats are able to detect, localize and classify their prey in complete darkness. [4] The greater noctule bat has been observed as only emerging from its roosts well after dusk when it is completely dark. [3] The greater noctule bat has keen hearing and sense of smell, however its eyes are poorly developed.
The wings of the greater noctule bat are thinner than those of birds which allow it to maneuver quickly and accurately. While its wing is delicate and rips easily, it is able to regrow. The greater noctule is the largest bat in Europe, with a wingspan of 41–46 cm (16–18 in). Its head-and-body length is from 8.4 to 10.4 cm (3.3 to 4.1 in), its tail is from 5.5 to 6.6 cm (2.2 to 2.6 in) and its forearm ranges from 6.2 to 6.8 cm (2.4 to 2.7 in). [4] The body mass of adults ranges from 41 to 76 g (1.4 to 2.7 oz). [5] The greater noctule bat has been observed as a high altitude flier and a low altitude forager. [3] The dorsal fur of the greater noctule bat is uniformly reddish-brown to dark brown. Its muzzle is broad with enlarged short ears and its tragus (ear) is broad, short, and mushroom-shaped. Calcar, also known as calcaneum, is present and it reaches close to midway to the tail membrane. [6]
The greater noctule bat has a robust skull and its rostrum is square with an ordinary nasal slit. The zygomatic arches are very slender and the braincase is smooth, turned upwards. The sagittal crest is not present, while the lambdoid crest is well developed. Most of the projecting point of the skull is made up of exoccipital condyles. The basisphenoid is wide and deep and the tympanic bullae are relatively small. [7]
Even though the fossil record of bats extends over 50 million years, their fossils are extremely rare. The fossil record of the greater noctule in the Iberian Peninsula suggests that they lived at different geographical locations from that of today. The fossils of greater noctule are almost non-existent prior to the Miocene epoch. The deterioration of the climate at the end of Neogene led to the disappearance of tropical species and vespertilionids profited by accessing a wider range of habitats. [8]
The greater noctule bat is a tree-dwelling bat that roosts in trees all year round. [8] It is found throughout the deciduous forests of Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to the Bosporus region of Turkey. [2] [8] [9] [10] The largest concentration of greater noctule bat is in the south western portion of Spain. [8] The greater noctule bat is a tree-obligate species that prefers oak or beech trees that have a hollow space for day roosting. [8] [10] Greater noctule bats also roost in pine trees if there are no other options. [8] Other studies have shown that this bat greatly prefers birch trees. [9] The studies’ differing results may suggest instead that the greater noctule bat does not prefer a specific tree, but perhaps looks for the physical condition of the tree. It has been noted in several studies of greater noctule bat roosting behavior that different trees have different functions for the greater noctule bat, and that these tree-specific needs could affect roost selection for communities of greater noctule bats. [8] Studies in Hungary (Ke´ kes peak, 1014 m a.s.l.) indicates that greater noctules prefer high roost locations. The study also hypothesizes that older, decayed trees are preferred by the species. [11]
While the majority of the world's carnivorous bats are insect eaters, greater noctule bats do regularly prey on birds. One study has shown that predation on birds accounts for over 80% of the greater noctule bat’s diet during periods of the year when the birds are migrating. [3] [9] The greater noctule bat switches its prey type opportunistically depending on the time of year. [9] In addition, with the possible exception of the Asian great evening bat, the greater noctule bat is the only bat that hunts birds on the wing rather than when roosting. The greater noctule is well adapted for hunting passerines in the air. It is large in size, has wings with a wingspan of up to 46 centimeters that are evolved for open-air hunting, and employs echolocation with frequencies beyond the hearing range of birds. [4]
N. lasiopterus is understudied due to its rarity; very little is known of its mating habits, reproductive pattern, life cycle and sex ratio. N. lasiopterus, as a Nyctalus species, has an outstanding capability for migration which can possibly result in considerable seasonal changes in sex ratio. The studies in North-East Hungary indicates that the sex-ratio differs greatly depending on the location. Males were exceedingly dominant in Greece and the Czech Republic while females were dominant in NE Germany, the Moscow-region, Voronezh, and NE Hungary. This sexual segregation is due to difference in sex-specific thermoregulatory and energetic requirements. The females are dominant in warmer locations because it is optimal for fetal development and milk production. On the other hand, males are dominant in cooler locations because of lower energetic demands. [12] These results verified that N. lasiopterus have nursing colonies located in Hungary. [13]
The greater noctule bat is known to participate in a fission-fusion society. [14] These societies vary in size, but studies show that each society has a social order and a territory in a specific group of trees that are used for roosting and breeding. [14] The greater noctule bat has been shown to travel between several roosting sites and to participate in several societies through radio tracking studies. It has been conjectured that ranking in society dictates different roles in society, e.g. some bats are scouts, others are hunters. [10] There has been correlation between a specific bat's social ranking and the size of that bat's potential home range; the higher the social ranking, the lower the home range. [14] The greater noctule bat has an observed active range of 2500 km2. [9] which is one of the largest observed ranges for any bat species. This large area of activity has several effects on the way the greater noctule bat forages and roosts. It has been noted that changes by humans to the natural environment could have had an effect on the way the greater noctule bat travels and roosts in its attempts to find suitable food sources. [8] [9] [14] It has been noted that a lack of roosting sites near food sources could be the reason for the large home range that is displayed by the greater noctule bat. [9] Differences observed between two populations of bats with drastically different habitats, Great Britain and Spain respectively, show that the greater noctule bat would not travel great distances for food unless absolutely necessary. [9] This need to fly great distances for food has been theorized as a reason for the decline of the species. [9] One study reported finding a greater noctule bat on the ground exhausted from flight. Another study of owl droppings found in areas in between GNB roosting sites has shown that the greater noctule bat is susceptible to predation in flight. [15]
It has also been noted that the foraging range for the greater noctule bat increases during the lactating period for the greater noctule bat, potentially due to an increased need for energy. [9] The greater noctule bat is also known to increase its foraging range in response to different levels of potential food sources. In the summer and fall months, when water levels and insect abundance is lower in the northern parts of Europe, the greater noctule bat has been found to increase its foraging range south to areas with a larger abundance of insects. [9] The greater noctule bat is also one of the few known species of bat that also preys on nocturnally migrating birds. [9] These birds tend to pause for rest during the day in the marshland fields that the greater noctule bat forages for insects in at night. When the birds start to migrate again at dusk, the greater noctule bat is known to prey on them during flight. These changes in habitat based solely on food source suggest that the greater noctule bat is heavily dependent upon areas that can support its food supply regardless of how far it must travel to get to their prey. [9] [15]
The greater noctule bat also interacts with parasites that live in the trees that they roost in and transfer themselves to the bats while they are sleeping. [14] The greater noctule bat also interacts with the few nocturnal flying predators in its area, mainly owls that are much larger than the bat. Evidence of greater noctule bat bones have been found in owl pellets. [9] [15]
The most common predators of greater noctule bat are the barn owl (Tyto alba) and Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo). [8] The greater noctule bat generally leaves its roost to forage after it is already completely dark outside, and this coincides with the general time of day when these two owl species hunt. [15] There is also some risk to the greater noctule from parasitism between bats. [14] In Seville, Spain, one of the largest breeding colonies in Europe, the bats are in danger of obliteration. Rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri), an invasive species, compete for homes in tree hollows, and will attack and kill adult noctules before colonising their habitat. There has been an 81% decrease in trees inhabited by the bats since researchers first began keeping track. [16]
The greater noctule bat is currently classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. [1] It is classified as 'vulnerable' in Spain (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2006). No other country in Europe has a specific endangered status for the greater noctule bat.
The organism separates itself socially and spatially with roosts. [14] A colony has several roosts, with most of the populations centered in one large roost and several fringe roosts which other bat species may share. These are useful for sharing information between colonies. These roosts however can communicate disease and parasites. [14] The individuals often fly from one roost to another to exchange information, and this also creates a pathway for infection. For reasons uncertain, such as being perhaps too advantageous to the colony, they continue to roost within these trees despite the disadvantages to themselves. [14] It would be beneficial to the conservation of the species to locate the trees with roosts that have high levels of disease/ parasite infections in addition to high rates of transfers between roosts and cut them down to lessen the rate of infection among them. The functions of each roost also needs to be identified, as to understand which roosts would be better left intact. [14] However, only day roosts studies were performed, and further research into their nocturnal habits may be required.
The species has not yet been well defined in their areas of roosting. [11] Some have even been found to roost in caves and possibly housing, though whether this is typical behavior or an effect of displacement is uncertain. [11] Tracking the species by radio signals, it was found that the species prefers older, larger trees, specifically beeches, perhaps due to possessing relatively spacious trunks and branches, allowing for ease of entry. The species does not have one specific roost, but a network through which the colony can rotate individuals. [11] Recent years have seen less reliance on fossil fuels and rather relying on wood as a source of energy, and consequently an increase in logging, therefore it is important to locate the areas in which they roosts to identify those which should be protected to prevent their decline, through which radio tracking proves an effective method. [11]
Vespertilionidae is a family of microbats, of the order Chiroptera, flying, insect-eating mammals variously described as the common, vesper, or simple nosed bats. The vespertilionid family is the most diverse and widely distributed of bat families, specialised in many forms to occupy a range of habitats and ecological circumstances, and it is frequently observed or the subject of research. The facial features of the species are often simple, as they mainly rely on vocally emitted echolocation. The tails of the species are enclosed by the lower flight membranes between the legs. Over 300 species are distributed all over the world, on every continent except Antarctica. It owes its name to the genus Vespertilio, which takes its name from a word for bat, vespertilio, derived from the Latin term vesper meaning 'evening'; they are termed "evening bats" and were once referred to as "evening birds".
The lesser bulldog bat is an insectivorous and occasionally carnivorous bat of the (Neotropics), ranging through Central America and northern South America. Some unique characteristics of the bat include, large feet that are used to rake the surface of water to capture prey, and precise echolocation. Occasionally, the larger bats catch and consume small fish.
Horseshoe bats are bats in the family Rhinolophidae. In addition to the single living genus, Rhinolophus, which has about 106 species, the extinct genus Palaeonycteris has been recognized. Horseshoe bats are closely related to the Old World leaf-nosed bats, family Hipposideridae, which have sometimes been included in Rhinolophidae. The horseshoe bats are divided into six subgenera and many species groups. The most recent common ancestor of all horseshoe bats lived 34–40 million years ago, though it is unclear where the geographic roots of the family are, and attempts to determine its biogeography have been indecisive. Their taxonomy is complex, as genetic evidence shows the likely existence of many cryptic species, as well as species recognized as distinct that may have little genetic divergence from previously recognized taxa. They are found in the Old World, mostly in tropical or subtropical areas, including Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.
The ghost bat is a species of bat found in northern Australia. The species is the only Australian bat that preys on large vertebrates – birds, reptiles and other mammals – which they detect using acute sight and hearing, combined with echolocation, while waiting in ambush at a perch. The wing membrane and bare skin is pale in colour, their fur is light or dark grey over the back and paler at the front. The species has a prominent and simple nose-leaf, their large ears are elongated and joined at lower half, and the eyes are also large and dark in colour. The first description of the species was published in 1880, its recorded range has significantly contracted since that time.
The serotine bat, also known as the common serotine bat, big brown bat, or silky bat, is a fairly large Eurasian bat with quite large ears. It has a wingspan of around 37 cm (15 in) and often hunts in woodland. It sometimes roosts in buildings, hanging upside down, in small groups or individually. The name serotine is derived from the Latin serotinus, which means 'evening', while the generic name derives from Greek ἔπιεν and οίκος, which means 'house flyer'.
The dwarf dog-faced bat is a species of free-tailed bat from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Paraguay and Uruguay, typically at lower elevations. It is one of two species in the genus Molossops, the other being the rufous dog-faced bat. Three subspecies are often recognized, though mammalogist Judith Eger considers it monotypic with no subspecies. It is a small free-tailed bat, with a forearm length of 28.9–32.5 mm (1.14–1.28 in) and a weight of 5–8 g (0.18–0.28 oz); males are larger than females. It is brown, with paler belly fur and darker back fur. Its wings are unusual for a free-tailed bat, with exceptionally broad wingtips. Additionally, it has low wing loading, meaning that it has a large wing surface area relative to its body weight. Therefore, it flies more similarly to a vesper bat than to other species in its own family. As it forages at night for its insect prey, including moths, beetles, and others, it uses two kinds of frequency-modulated echolocation calls: one type is to navigate in open areas and to search for prey, while the other type is used for navigating in cluttered areas or while approaching a prey item.
The birdlike noctule is a species of bat. It nests in the holes in old trees and buildings, and sometimes in mineshafts. It is distributed across Northeast Asia, from northeast China and Siberia through the Korean Peninsula to Japan.
The lesser noctule, Leisler's bat or the Irish bat, is a species of insectivorous bat belonging to the vesper bat family, Vespertilionidae. The species was named to honour the naturalist Johann Philipp Achilles Leisler.
The large slit-faced bat is a species of slit-faced bat with a broad distribution in forest and savanna habitats in West, Central, and East Africa. N. marica, is the available name for the southern savanna species if it is recognized as distinct from this species.
The Azores noctule is a species of bat found in the dry forests of the Azores. It is the only species of mammal endemic to the Azores. It has been recorded on most of the islands of the Azores, and remains common on some but is rare on others. Its numbers are threatened due to habitat loss caused by humans, and the remaining populations are quite fragmented. It is known to roost in hollowed-out trees, buildings, and caves.
The common noctule is a species of insectivorous bat common throughout Europe, Asia, and North Africa.
The greater mouse-eared bat is a European species of bat in the family Vespertilionidae.
The Hawaiian hoary bat, also known as ʻōpeʻapeʻa, is a species of bat endemic to the islands of Hawaiʻi. Whereas the mainland hoary bat is found throughout North America, the Hawaiian hoary bat is distributed only among the major volcanic islands of Hawaiʻi, making it the only extant and native terrestrial mammal in the state; although some studies also posit that the mainland hoary bat lives in sympatry on the Hawaiian Islands alongside the Hawaiian hoary bat, this has been disputed. The Hawaiian hoary bat was officially named the state land mammal of Hawaiʻi in 2015. It is a federally listed endangered taxon of the United States.
The variegated butterfly bat is a species of vesper bat. It is sometimes also called the leaf-winged bat, or simply the butterfly bat. It is not currently endangered, but may be threatened by habitat loss in some parts of its range.
Nyctophilus geoffroyi is a vespertilionid bat. a flying nocturnal mammal found in Australia, The species is relatively common. They have been referred to as the lesser long-eared bat.
The golden-tipped bat is a species of Microchiropteran in the family Vespertilionidae. It is found in Papua New Guinea and in Australia, especially scattered along the eastern part of Australia. The species is considered uncommon, and is listed as endangered in Australia.
The little brown bat or little brown myotis is an endangered species of mouse-eared microbat found in North America. It has a small body size and glossy brown fur. It is similar in appearance to several other mouse-eared bats, including the Indiana bat, northern long-eared bat, and Arizona myotis, to which it is closely related. Despite its name, the little brown bat is not closely related to the big brown bat, which belongs to a different genus.
Scotophilus is a genus of vespertilionid bats commonly called yellow bats. They are found in southern Asia and Africa. They are the only members of the tribe Scotophilini.
The Chinese noctule is a common and widespread species of bat belonging to the family Vespertilionidae.
Pipistrellini is a tribe of bats in the family Vespertilionidae. It contains several genera found throughout the Old World and Australasia, including the pipistrelles, noctules and related species.