Haplogroup E-M132

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Haplogroup E-M132
Possible time of origin49,800 years BP [1]
Coalescence age19,800 years BP [1]
Possible place of origin Africa
Ancestor E-P147
DescendantsE-M44, E-Z958
Defining mutationsM132, L633, M33
Highest frequencies Fulbe (Cameroon) 53%, [2] Dogon (Mali) 45%, [3] Felupe-Djola (Guinea-Bissau) 34%, [4] Papel-Manjaco-Mancanha (Guinea-Bissau) 20%, [4] Tali (Cameroon) 20%, [2] Hausa (Sudan) 16%, [5] Nalú (Guinea-Bissau) 12%, [4] Wolof (Senegambia) 12%, [3] Balanta (Guinea-Bissau) 12%, [4] Fulani (Sudan) 12%, [5] Fulbe (Burkina Faso) 10% [2]

Haplogroup E-M132, formerly known as E-M33 (E1a), is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Along with E-P177, it is one of the two main branches of the older E-P147 paternal clade. E-M132 is divided into two primary sub-branches, E-M44 and E-Z958, with many descendant subclades.


Ancient DNA

E-M132/E1a has been found in the remains of one Guanche (1/30) from the Canary Islands, and one Bimbape (1/16) from El Hierro that has been dated to the 10th century CE. [6]

A man from the Koban culture (1/15) of the North Caucasus, which has been dated between the 9th century BCE and the 7th century BCE, carried paternal haplogroup E1a2a1b1b, as well as maternal haplogroup J1b1 or J1c. [7]


E-M132 Frequencies in select populations Y Hap EM-33.PNG
E-M132 Frequencies in select populations

E-M132 is found most often in West Africa, and today it is especially common in the region of Mali. One study has found haplogroup E-M132 Y-chromosomes in as much as 34% (15/44) of a sample of Malian men, including 2/44 E-M44 and 13/44 E-M33/M132(xE-M44). [8] In particular, the Dogon people of Mali have been found to carry haplogroup E-M132 with a frequency as high as 45.5% (25/55). This makes it perhaps the most common Y-DNA haplogroup in this population, though haplogroup E-P1 appears to be almost equally frequent among the Dogon (24/55 = 43.6%). [3] Another study has found haplogroup E-M132 in 15.6% (44/282) of a pool of seven samples of various ethnic groups in Guinea-Bissau. [4]

Haplogroup E-M132 also has been found in samples obtained from Moroccan Berbers, Sahrawis, Burkina Faso (including E-M33/M132(xE-M44) in 2/20 = 10% Fulbe and 2/37 = 5.4% Rimaibe [2] ), northern Cameroon (including E-M44 in 9/17 = 53% Fulbe and E-M33/M132(xE-M44) in 3/15 = 20% Tali [2] ), Senegal (7/139 = 5.0% [9] ), Ghana (1/29 = 3% Ga, 1/32 = 3% Fante [3] ), Sudan (including 5/32 = 15.6% Hausa and 3/26 = 11.5% Fulani [5] ), Egypt (1% [3] -1.4% [10] ), Calabria (including both Italian and Albanian inhabitants of the region), Shiite Muslims from Lebanon (3/193 = 1.55%), [11] Syrians (2/202 = 1%), [12] Druze from Lebanon (5/363 = 1.3%), [13] Maronites from Lebanon (2/200 = 1%), [14] an Italian (1/67 = 1.5%) from Trentino in northeastern Italy, [15] and Romanians from Constanţa. [16]

E-M132 has also been observed among private commercial DNA testers from Switzerland, France, Yemen, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Portugal, Mali, Italy, Ashkenazi Jews and African Americans. [17]



Haplogroup E-M44 is a subclade of haplogroup E-M132. [1]


Haplogroup E-Z958 is a subclade of haplogroup E-M132. [1]


Phylogenetic history

Prior to 2002, there were in academic literature at least seven naming systems for the Y-Chromosome phylogenetic tree. This led to considerable confusion. In 2002, the major research groups came together and formed the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC). They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use. Later, a group of citizen scientists with an interest in population genetics and genetic genealogy formed a working group to create an amateur tree aiming at being, above all, timely. The table below brings together all of these works at the point of the landmark 2002 YCC tree. This allows a researcher reviewing older published literature to quickly move between nomenclatures.

YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand)(α)(β)(γ)(δ)(ε)(ζ)(η)YCC 2002 (Longhand)YCC 2005 (Longhand)YCC 2008 (Longhand)YCC 2010r (Longhand)ISOGG 2006ISOGG 2007ISOGG 2008ISOGG 2009ISOGG 2010ISOGG 2011ISOGG 2012
E-M33 21III3A13Eu3H2BE1*E1E1aE1aE1E1E1aE1aE1aE1aE1a
E-M44 21III3A13Eu3H2BE1aE1aE1a1E1a1E1aE1aE1a1E1a1E1a1E1a1E1a1
E-M75 21III3A13Eu3H2BE2aE2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2
E-M54 21III3A13Eu3H2BE2bE2bE2bE2b1-------
E-P2 25III414Eu3H2BE3*E3E1bE1b1E3E3E1b1E1b1E1b1E1b1E1b1
E-M2 8III515Eu2H2BE3a*E3aE1b1E1b1aE3aE3aE1b1aE1b1aE1b1aE1b1a1E1b1a1
E-M58 8III515Eu2H2BE3a1E3a1E1b1a1E1b1a1E3a1E3a1E1b1a1E1b1a1E1b1a1E1b1a1a1aE1b1a1a1a
E-M116.2 8III515Eu2H2BE3a2E3a2E1b1a2E1b1a2E3a2E3a2E1b1a2E1b1a2E1ba12removedremoved
E-M149 8III515Eu2H2BE3a3E3a3E1b1a3E1b1a3E3a3E3a3E1b1a3E1b1a3E1b1a3E1b1a1a1cE1b1a1a1c
E-M154 8III515Eu2H2BE3a4E3a4E1b1a4E1b1a4E3a4E3a4E1b1a4E1b1a4E1b1a4E1b1a1a1g1cE1b1a1a1g1c
E-M155 8III515Eu2H2BE3a5E3a5E1b1a5E1b1a5E3a5E3a5E1b1a5E1b1a5E1b1a5E1b1a1a1dE1b1a1a1d
E-M10 8III515Eu2H2BE3a6E3a6E1b1a6E1b1a6E3a6E3a6E1b1a6E1b1a6E1b1a6E1b1a1a1eE1b1a1a1e
E-M35 25III414Eu4H2BE3b*E3bE1b1b1E1b1b1E3b1E3b1E1b1b1E1b1b1E1b1b1removedremoved
E-M78 25III414Eu4H2BE3b1*E3b1E1b1b1aE1b1b1a1E3b1aE3b1aE1b1b1aE1b1b1aE1b1b1aE1b1b1a1E1b1b1a1
E-M148 25III414Eu4H2BE3b1aE3b1aE1b1b1a3aE1b1b1a1c1E3b1a3aE3b1a3aE1b1b1a3aE1b1b1a3aE1b1b1a3aE1b1b1a1c1E1b1b1a1c1
E-M81 25III414Eu4H2BE3b2*E3b2E1b1b1bE1b1b1b1E3b1bE3b1bE1b1b1bE1b1b1bE1b1b1bE1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1a
E-M107 25III414Eu4H2BE3b2aE3b2aE1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1aE3b1b1E3b1b1E1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1aE1b1b1b1a1
E-M165 25III414Eu4H2BE3b2bE3b2bE1b1b1b2E1b1b1b1b1E3b1b2E3b1b2E1b1b1b2aE1b1b1b2aE1b1b1b2aE1b1b1b2aE1b1b1b1a2a
E-M123 25III414Eu4H2BE3b3*E3b3E1b1b1cE1b1b1cE3b1cE3b1cE1b1b1cE1b1b1cE1b1b1cE1b1b1cE1b1b1b2a
E-M34 25III414Eu4H2BE3b3a*E3b3aE1b1b1c1E1b1b1c1E3b1c1E3b1c1E1b1b1c1E1b1b1c1E1b1b1c1E1b1b1c1E1b1b1b2a1
E-M136 25III414Eu4H2BE3ba1E3b3a1E1b1b1c1aE1b1b1c1a1E3b1c1aE3b1c1aE1b1b1c1a1E1b1b1c1a1E1b1b1c1a1E1b1b1c1a1E1b1b1b2a1a1

Research publications

The following research teams per their publications were represented in the creation of the YCC tree.

Phylogenetic trees

This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup subclades is based on the YCC 2008 tree [18] and subsequent published research.

See also


Y-DNA E subclades

Y-DNA backbone tree

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Haplogroup E-P147 is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Haplogroup E-P147, along with the less common haplogroup E-M75, is one of the two main branches of the older haplogroup E-M96. The E-P147 clade is commonly observed throughout Africa and is divided into two subclades: the less common, haplogroup E-M132, and the more common, haplogroup E-P177.

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Haplogroup E-M75 is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Along with haplogroup E-P147, it is one of the two main branches of the older haplogroup E-M96.

Haplogroup E-P2, also known as E1b1, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. E-P2 has two basal branches, E-V38 and E-M215. E-P2 had an ancient presence in East Africa and the Levant; presently, it is primarily distributed in Africa where it may have originated, and occurs at lower frequencies in the Middle East and Europe.

In human population genetics, Y-Chromosome haplogroups define the major lineages of direct paternal (male) lines back to a shared common ancestor in Africa. Men in the same haplogroup share a set of differences, or markers, on their Y-Chromosome, which distinguish them from men in other haplogroups. These UEPs, or markers used to define haplogroups, are SNP mutations. Y-Chromosome Haplogroups all form "family trees" or "phylogenies", with both branches or sub-clades diverging from a common haplogroup ancestor, and also with all haplogroups themselves linked into one family tree which traces back ultimately to the most recent shared male line ancestor of all men alive today, called in popular science Y Chromosome Adam.

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Sources for conversion tables