Haplogroup E-Z827

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Haplogroup E-Z827
Possible time of origin24,100 BP [1]
Coalescence age23,500 BP [1]
Possible place of origin Northern Africa, [2] Middle East [3]
Ancestor E-M35
DescendantsE-L19, E-Z830
Defining mutationsZ827

E-Z827, also known as E1b1b1b, [4] is a major human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is the parent lineage to the E-Z830 and E-V257 subclades, and defines their common phylogeny. The former is predominantly found in the Middle East; the latter is most frequently observed in North Africa, with its E-M81 subclade observed among the ancient Guanche natives of the Canary Islands. [5] E-Z827 is also found at lower frequencies in Europe, and in isolated parts of Southeast Africa.


Subclades of E-Z827 and Distribution

Family Tree

The following phylogeny is based on the YCC 2008 tree and subsequent published research as summarized by ISOGG. [6] [7] [8]

E-V257/L19 (E1b1b1b1)

Within E-M35, there are striking parallels between two haplogroups, E-V68 and E-V257. Both contain a lineage which has been frequently observed in North Africa (E-M78 and E-M81, respectively) and a group of undifferentiated chromosomes that are mostly found in southern Europe. An expansion of E-M35 carriers, possibly from the Middle East as proposed by other authors, and split into two branches separated by the geographic barrier of the Mediterranean Sea, would explain this geographic pattern. However, the absence of E-V68* and E-V257* in the Middle East makes a maritime spread between northern Africa and southern Europe a more plausible hypothesis.



PF2431 is the sister branch of M81 which was discovered in Paolo Francalacci (2011). Previously, it was designated L19*/V257*. This mutation has been discovered in North Africa (in Souss in Morocco, in central and eastern Algeria, West Nile in Egypt), the Sahel (Chad, Gambia), Western Europe (United Kingdom (Derbyshire), Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy) and Near Eastern (Turkey, Karabakh and Urmia). It would have formed 13800 years ago and is thought to originate from the "green" Sahara. Its TMRCA is estimated at 10600 years by yfull.

Archeology unearthed the remains of a member of the Hungarian conquering elite was analyzed from branch E-FGC19010, it had been discovered in Sandorfalva in Hungary and is dated to the second half of the tenth century. [14] A skeleton was discovered at the Monastery of San Pietro, Villa Magna in Italy, whose DNA belongs to the same branch and lived around 1180CE. [15] Scientists have examined the DNA of a mass grave of victims of the bubonic plague in Ellwangen in Germany, this one dates from the 16th century and belongs to another branch E-FGC18981. [16]


E-L19/V257's dominant sub-clade E-M81 is thought to have originated in the Near East of Africa 13,000 years ago and to have been spread by either Phoenicians or by Arabs, [17] [18] or an origin in the area of the northwest of Africa 7,000 years ago, [19] however all Yfull members are M183 and have a TMRCA of just 4200 years ago. [20]

E-M81 is the most common subclade of haplogroup E-L19/V257. It is concentrated in MENA, and is dominated by its E-M183 subclade. E-M183 is believed to have originated in the Near East or Northwest of Africa, and has an estimated age of 4200 ybp. [21]

Regional distribution for haplogroup E-M81. Y Hap EM-81.PNG
Regional distribution for haplogroup E-M81.

The E-M183 sub haplogroup reaches a mean frequency of 42% in North Africa. It decreases in frequency from 100% among some populations to approximately 28.6% to the east of this range in Egypt. [3] [22] [23] The E-M81 subclade is predominant among North-African Berber speaking populations and Maghrebi Arabs. In Tunisia, it reached 100% frequency among a sample of Arabs from Zriba, [24] 89.5% in Andalusians (Qalaat-al-Andalous) and 100% in Berbers from Chenini-Douiret, Jradou and Takrouna. [24] It is generally found at frequencies around 45% in coastal cities of the Maghreb (Oran, Tunis, Algiers). [3] [25]

Diagram displaying the geographic frequency. Haplogroup E-M81 distribution.jpg
Diagram displaying the geographic frequency.

It is also prevalent among other Berber populations and reaches frequency of 72.4% in Marrakesh Berbers, [26] 80% in Mozabite, and 71% in Middle Atlas Berbers (Moyen). It also reaches high levels (77.8%) among the Tuareg population inhabiting the Sahara in Burkina Faso, near Gor it reaches a much lower frequency of 11.1% in the vicinity of Tanut in the Republic of Niger.

In this key area from Egypt to the Atlantic Ocean, [3] report a pattern of decreasing STR haplotype variation (implying decreasing lineage age in those areas) from East to West (but [27] reports West to East for M183), accompanied by a substantial increasing frequency. At the eastern extreme of this core range, [23] M81 is found in 28.6% (10 out of 35 men) in El-Hayez in the Western desert in Egypt

The pattern of distribution and variance to be consistent with the hypothesis of a post Paleolithic "demic diffusion" from the Middle East. [3] The ancestral lineage of E-M81 in their hypothesis could have been linked with the spread of Neolithic food-producing technologies from the Fertile Crescent via the Nile, although pastoralism rather than agriculture. E-M81 and possibly proto-Afroasiatic language may have been carried either all the way from Asia, or they may represent a "local contribution to the North African Neolithic transition".

The E-M81 subclade has been found in ancient Guanche (Bimbapes) fossils excavated in Punta Azul, El Hierro, Canary Islands, which are dated to the 10th century (~44%). [5] Also found in ifri n'ammar that makes the Northwest African origin the likely origin of where it expanded, and not the Middle East.


In Europe, E-M81 has a widespread distribution at very low frequencies but is common mostly in the Iberian Peninsula, where unlike in the rest of Europe, [28] shows an average frequency of 4.3% (49/1140) in the Iberian Peninsula with frequencies reaching 4% and 9% in two separate surveys of Galicia, 10% in Western Andalusia and Northwest Castile. However this study also includes 153 individuals from Majorca, Minorca and Ibiza islands as well as 24 individuals from Gascony which are not in the Iberian Peninsula. Without these 177 individuals, real average for Iberian Peninsula is 4.9% (47/963) [28] it is more common than E-M78, with an average frequency around 5%. Its frequencies are higher in the western half of the peninsula with frequencies reaching 8% in Extremadura and South Portugal, 4% in one study and 9% in another in Galicia, 10% in Western Andalusia and Northwest Castile and 9% to 17% in Cantabria. [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] The highest frequencies of this clade found so far in Europe were observed in the Pasiegos from Cantabria, ranging from 18% (8/45) [32] to 41% (23/56). [26] An average frequency of 8.28% (54/652) has also been reported in the Spanish Canary Islands with frequencies over 10% in the three largest islands of Tenerife (10.68%), Gran Canaria (11.54%) and Fuerteventura (13.33%). [33]

E-M81 is also found in other parts of Europe, such as Britain – especially Wales and Scotland – and France, where it has an overall incidence of 2.7% (15/555), with frequencies surpassing 5.0% in Auvergne (5/89) and Île-de-France (5/91). [34] [35] [36] E-M81 was also observed in Italy with frequencies of 0,7% to 5,8% in Sardinia, [37] [38] approximately 2.12% overall in Sicily (but up to 7.14% in Piazza Armerina), [39] and in very much lower frequency near Lucera (1.7%), in continental Italy, [40] possibly due to ancient migrations during the Islamic, Roman, and Carthaginian empires. In a 2014 study by Stefania Sarno et al. with 326 samples from Cosenza, Reggio Calabria, Lecce and five Sicilian provinces, E-M81 shows an average frequency of 1.53%, but the typical Maghrebin core haplotype 13-14-30-24-9-11-13 has been found in only two out of the five E-M81 individuals. These results, along with the negligible contribution from North-African populations revealed by the admixture-like plot analysis, suggest only a marginal impact of trans-Mediterranean gene flows on the current SSI genetic pool. [39] [41]

Latin America

As a result of Spanish and Portuguese colonization of the Americas, this sub-clade is found throughout Latin America, for example 6.1% in Cuba, (8 out of 132), [42] 5.4% in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) (6 out of 112), "The presence of chromosomes of North African origin (E3b1b-M81; [26] can also be explained by a Portuguese-mediated influx, since this haplogroup reaches a frequency of 5.6% in Portugal, [30] quite similar to the frequency found in Rio de Janeiro (5.4%) among European contributors." [43] and among Hispanic men from California and Hawaii 2.4% (7 out of 295), [44]


In smaller numbers, E-M81 men can be found in areas in contact with the Maghreb, both around the Sahara, in places like Sudan, and around the Mediterranean in places like Lebanon, Turkey, and amongst Sephardic Jews.


The following gives a summary of most of the studies which specifically tested for E-M81, showing where its distribution is greater than 1% in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

MauretaniaArabs1794 [45]
AlgeriaArabs6080 [46]
TunisiaArabs from Zriba32100 [47]
TunisiaArabs from Djerba4793.7 [48]
AlgeriaMozabite Berbers6786.6 [49]
AlgeriaMozabite Berbers2080 [26]
AlgeriaOran10245.1 [25]
AlgeriaAlgiers3542.9 [3]
AlgeriaKabyles from Tizi Ouzou1947.4 [3]
AlgeriaArabs and Berbers15644.2 [50]
AlgeriaZenata3548.6 [51]
BrazilRio de Janeiro1125.4 [43]
Burkina FasoTuaregs3877.8 [52]
Canary IslandsFuerteventura7513.3 [33]
Canary IslandsGran Canaria7811.5 [33]
Canary IslandsTenerife17810.7 [33]
Canary IslandsLanzarote976.2 [33]
Canary IslandsLa Palma855.9 [33]
Canary IslandsGomera924.4 [33]
Canary IslandsHierro472.1 [33]
Cuba1326.1 [42]
CyprusTurkish Cypriots468.7 [26]
EgyptNorthern Egyptians214.8 [26]
EgyptWestern Desert3528.6 [23]
Egypt1478.2 [29]
EgyptArabs37011.8 [50]
France853.5 [26]
FranceAuvergne895.6 [34]
FranceÎle-de-France915.5 [34]
FranceNord-Pas-de-Calais684.4 [34]
FranceProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur452.2 [34]
FranceMidi-Pyrénées671.5 [34]
FranceBéarnais561.8 [35]
FranceBigorre442.3 [35]
IberiaSpain, Portugal6555.2 [33]
IberiaSpain, Portugal11404.3 [28]
IsraelBedouins283.6 [26]
ItalyCentral Italians892.2 [26]
ItalyNorthern Italians671.5 [26]
ItalyEast Campania841.2 [31]
ItalyLucera601.7 [31]
ItalyPeninsular Italy9150.3 [31]
ItalySicily2362.1 [53]
ItalySicilians1360.7 [26]
ItalySardinians3670.3 [26]
ItalySardinia12045.8 [38]
JordanArabs1014 [29]
LebanonArabs1041.9 [29]
LebanonArabs9141.2 [54]
LibyaTuaregs4748.9 [55]
LibyaArabs21535.9 [56]
LibyaArabs and Berbers8345.7 [50]
MauritaniaArabs and Berbers18955.5 [50]
MoroccoMarrakesh Berbers2972.4 [26]
MoroccoSouthern Moroccan Berbers18789.8 [57]
MoroccoMoyen Atlas Berbers6971 [26]
MoroccoMoroccan Arabs5431.5 [26]
MoroccoMarrakesh (Amizmiz Valley)3384.8 [22]
MoroccoNorthern Moroccans (Beni Snassen)6779.1 [49]
MoroccoNorthern Moroccans (Rhiraya)5479.6 [49]
MoroccoImmigrants resident in Italy5154.9 [58]
MoroccoArabs and Berbers22165 [33]
MoroccoArabs and Berbers76067.3 [50]
MoroccoSaharawi2976 [59]
NigerTuaregs229.1 [26]
NigerTuaregs3111.1 [52]
North AfricaSahara8959.6 [33]
North AfricaAlgeria, Tunisia20239.1 [33]
PortugalNorth1095.5 [60]
PortugalSouth4912.2 [26]
PortugalNorth504 [26]
PortugalSouth787.7 [28]
PortugalNorth603.3 [28]
Portugal3035.6 [61]
PortugalNorth1016 [61]
PortugalCenter1024.9 [61]
PortugalSouth1006 [61]
PortugalMadeira1295.4 [61]
PortugalAçores1215 [61]
Portugal6575.6 [30]
PortugalEntre Douro e Minho2286.6 [30]
PortugalTras os Montes643.1 [30]
PortugalBeira Litoral1165.2 [30]
PortugalBeira Interior585.3 [30]
PortugalEstremadura434.6 [30]
PortugalLisboa e Setubal626.5 [30]
PortugalAlentejo657.7 [30]
PortugalCoruche649.4 [52]
PortugalPias464.3 [52]
PortugalAlcacer do Sal214.8 [52]
PortugalTras-os-Montes (Jews)575.3 [62]
PortugalTras-os-Montes (Non Jews)3010 [62]
Somalia2011.5 [29]
SpainPasiegos from Cantabria1936.8 [63]
SpainPasiegos from Cantabria5641.1 [26]
SpainPasiegos from Cantabria4517.8 [32]
SpainSpanish Basques553.6 [26]
SpainAsturians902.2 [26]
SpainSouthern Spaniards621.6 [26]
SpainCastile, NorthWest10010 [28]
SpainAndalucia, West739.6 [28]
SpainGalicia1910.5 [60]
SpainGalicia2924.1 [64]
SpainGalicia889.1 [28]
SpainGalicia449.1 [65]
SpainGalicia1649.1 [66]
SpainExtremadura527.7 [28]
SpainValencia734.1 [28]
SpainCastile, NorthEast313.2 [28]
SpainAragon342.9 [28]
SpainMinorca372.7 [28]
SpainAndalucia, East952.1 [28]
SpainMajorca621.6 [28]
SpainCastile, La Mancha631.6 [28]
SpainCatalonia801.3 [28]
SpainCatalonia1113.6 [65]
SpainCantabria16113 [31]
SpainMalaga2611.5 [60]
SpainCantabria708.6 [60]
SpainCordoba277.4 [60]
SpainValencia316.5 [60]
SpainValencia595.1 [65]
SpainAlmeria365.6 [65]
SpainLeon605 [60]
SpainCastile214.8 [60]
SpainSeville1554.5 [60]
SpainHuelva224.5 [60]
SpainBasques452.2 [60]
SpainHuelva1673 [67]
SpainGranada2503.6 [67]
SpainPedroches Valley681.5 [22]
SpainAndalucia942.1 [22]
SpainZamora2355.5 [68]
TunisiaTunis14837.9 [3]
TunisiaImmigrants resident in Italy5232.7 [58]
TunisiaBerbers from Bou Omrane4087.5 [69]
TunisiaBerbers from Bou Saad4092.5 [69]
TunisiaArabs from Djerba4660.8 [69]
TunisiaBerbers from Djerba4776.6 [69]
TunisiaBerbers from Chenini–Douiret27100 [70]
TunisiaBerbers from Sened3565.7 [70]
TunisiaArabs from Jradou32100 [70]
TunisiaAndalusians from Zaghouan3240.6 [70]
TunisiaCosmopolitan Tunis3354.4 [70]
TunisiaArabs60162.7 [50]
TurkeyIstanbul Turkish355.7 [26]
TurkeySephardi Turkish195.3 [26]
TurkeySouthwestern Turkish402.5 [26]
TurkeyNortheastern Turkish412.4 [26]
EgyptBerbers931.1 [71]

E-Z830 (E1b1b1b2)

A recently confirmed sub-clade of E-Z827, Z830, includes the confirmed sub-clades of E-M123, E-M293, and E-V42, and is a sibling clade to E-L19. Currently, the E-M35 phylogeny project recognizes four distinct clusters of Z830* carriers, two of which are exclusively Jewish in origin. The remaining two are significantly smaller, and include scattered individuals in Germany, Spain, Latin America, Egypt, and Ethiopia. [72] [73] [74] [75]


E-M123 is mostly known for its major subclade E-M34, which dominates this clade. [76]


A new clade (E-V1515) was defined by Trombetta et al. 2015, which originated about 12 kya (95% CI 8.6-16.4) in eastern Africa where it is currently mainly distributed. This clade includes all the sub-Saharan haplogroups (E-V42, E-M293, E-V92, E-V6) reported as E-M35 basal clades in a previous phylogeny. [2]

We observed the highest frequency and diversity of this haplogroup in the northern part of the Horn of Africa (present day Eritrea and northern Ethiopia), where the majority of the deepest E-V1515 subhaplogroups and paragroups were found. In the southern part of the Horn (southern Ethiopia, Somalia and northern Kenya), haplogroup E-V1515 is almost exclusively represented by the recent (3.5 ka; 95% CI: 1.7–5.9 ka) subhaplogroup E-V1486. Further south, in southern Kenya and southern Africa, a single E-V1486 terminal clade, known as E-M293 (Henn et al. 2008), was found (fig. 3). This phylogeographic pattern is strongly suggestive of human movements from the northern part of the Horn to the Ethiopian/Kenyan borders between 12 ka (the coalescence of E-V1515) and 3.5 ka (the coalescence of E-V1486), and from here toward southern Africa across the equatorial belt in more recent times. [2]

Multiple instances of commercially observed E-V1515 have also been detected in Arabia. [77]


E-M293 is a subclade of E-V1515. It was identified by ISOGG as the second clade within E-Z830. It was discovered before E-Z830 and is associated with the spread of pastoralism from Eastern Africa by South Cushites into Southern Africa. [78] So far high levels have been found in specific ethnic groups in Tanzania and Southern Africa. Highest were the Datog (43%), Khwe (Kxoe) (31%), Burunge (28%), and Sandawe (24%). Two Bantu-speaking Kenyan males were found with the M293 mutation. [78] Other E-M215 subclades are rare in Southern Africa. The authors state...

Without information about M293 in the Maasai, Hema, and other populations in Kenya, Sudan, and Ethiopia, we cannot pinpoint the precise geographic source of M293 with greater confidence. However, the available evidence points to present-day Tanzania as an early and important geographic locus of M293 evolution.

They also say that "M293 is only found in sub-Saharan Africa, indicating a separate phylogenetic history for M35.1 * (former) samples further north". E-P72. [7] This is a subclade of E-M293. [13]


E-V42 was discovered in two Ethiopian Jews. [13] It was suggested that it may be restricted to the region around Ethiopia. However, further testing by commercial DNA testing companies confirmed positive results for this subclade in Arabia as well. [79]


The E-V6 subclade of E-V1515 is defined by V6 and has been identified a significant presence of these lineages in Ethiopia, and also some in the neighboring Somali population. [26] Among the Ethiopian and Somali samples, the highest were 14.7% among the Ethiopian Amhara, and 16.7% among the Ethiopian Wolayta.


E-V92 was discovered in two Ethiopian Amhara. [13] Like E-V6 and E-V42 it possibly only exists in the area of Ethiopia.


Phylogenetic History

Prior to 2002, there were in academic literature at least seven naming systems for the Y-Chromosome Phylogenetic tree. This led to considerable confusion. In 2002, the major research groups came together and formed the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC). They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use. Later, a group of citizen scientists with an interest in population genetics and genetic genealogy formed a working group to create an amateur tree aiming at being above all timely. The table below brings together all of these works at the point of the landmark 2002 YCC Tree. This allows a researcher reviewing older published literature to quickly move between nomenclatures.

YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand)(α)(β)(γ)(δ)(ε)(ζ)(η)YCC 2002 (Longhand)YCC 2005 (Longhand)YCC 2008 (Longhand)YCC 2010r (Longhand)ISOGG 2006ISOGG 2007ISOGG 2008ISOGG 2009ISOGG 2010ISOGG 2011ISOGG 2012
E-M33 21III3A13Eu3H2BE1*E1E1aE1aE1E1E1aE1aE1aE1aE1a
E-M44 21III3A13Eu3H2BE1aE1aE1a1E1a1E1aE1aE1a1E1a1E1a1E1a1E1a1
E-M75 21III3A13Eu3H2BE2aE2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2
E-M54 21III3A13Eu3H2BE2bE2bE2bE2b1-------
E-P2 25III414Eu3H2BE3*E3E1bE1b1E3E3E1b1E1b1E1b1E1b1E1b1
E-M2 8III515Eu2H2BE3a*E3aE1b1E1b1aE3aE3aE1b1aE1b1aE1b1aE1b1a1E1b1a1
E-M58 8III515Eu2H2BE3a1E3a1E1b1a1E1b1a1E3a1E3a1E1b1a1E1b1a1E1b1a1E1b1a1a1aE1b1a1a1a
E-M116.2 8III515Eu2H2BE3a2E3a2E1b1a2E1b1a2E3a2E3a2E1b1a2E1b1a2E1ba12removedremoved
E-M149 8III515Eu2H2BE3a3E3a3E1b1a3E1b1a3E3a3E3a3E1b1a3E1b1a3E1b1a3E1b1a1a1cE1b1a1a1c
E-M154 8III515Eu2H2BE3a4E3a4E1b1a4E1b1a4E3a4E3a4E1b1a4E1b1a4E1b1a4E1b1a1a1g1cE1b1a1a1g1c
E-M155 8III515Eu2H2BE3a5E3a5E1b1a5E1b1a5E3a5E3a5E1b1a5E1b1a5E1b1a5E1b1a1a1dE1b1a1a1d
E-M10 8III515Eu2H2BE3a6E3a6E1b1a6E1b1a6E3a6E3a6E1b1a6E1b1a6E1b1a6E1b1a1a1eE1b1a1a1e
E-M35 25III414Eu4H2BE3b*E3bE1b1b1E1b1b1E3b1E3b1E1b1b1E1b1b1E1b1b1removedremoved
E-M78 25III414Eu4H2BE3b1*E3b1E1b1b1aE1b1b1a1E3b1aE3b1aE1b1b1aE1b1b1aE1b1b1aE1b1b1a1E1b1b1a1
E-M148 25III414Eu4H2BE3b1aE3b1aE1b1b1a3aE1b1b1a1c1E3b1a3aE3b1a3aE1b1b1a3aE1b1b1a3aE1b1b1a3aE1b1b1a1c1E1b1b1a1c1
E-M81 25III414Eu4H2BE3b2*E3b2E1b1b1bE1b1b1b1E3b1bE3b1bE1b1b1bE1b1b1bE1b1b1bE1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1a
E-M107 25III414Eu4H2BE3b2aE3b2aE1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1aE3b1b1E3b1b1E1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1E1b1b1b1aE1b1b1b1a1
E-M165 25III414Eu4H2BE3b2bE3b2bE1b1b1b2E1b1b1b1b1E3b1b2E3b1b2E1b1b1b2aE1b1b1b2aE1b1b1b2aE1b1b1b2aE1b1b1b1a2a
E-M123 25III414Eu4H2BE3b3*E3b3E1b1b1cE1b1b1cE3b1cE3b1cE1b1b1cE1b1b1cE1b1b1cE1b1b1cE1b1b1b2a
E-M34 25III414Eu4H2BE3b3a*E3b3aE1b1b1c1E1b1b1c1E3b1c1E3b1c1E1b1b1c1E1b1b1c1E1b1b1c1E1b1b1c1E1b1b1b2a1
E-M136 25III414Eu4H2BE3ba1E3b3a1E1b1b1c1aE1b1b1c1a1E3b1c1aE3b1c1aE1b1b1c1a1E1b1b1c1a1E1b1b1c1a1E1b1b1c1a1E1b1b1b2a1a1

Original Research Publications

The following research teams per their publications were represented in the creation of the YCC Tree.

See also


Y-DNA E Subclades

Y-DNA Backbone Tree


  1. 1 2 "YFull YTree v6.02". YFull: Y-Chr Sequence Interpretation Service.
  2. 1 2 3 Trombetta B, D'Atanasio E, Massaia A, Ippoliti M, Coppa A, Candilio F, et al. (June 2015). "Phylogeographic Refinement and Large Scale Genotyping of Human Y Chromosome Haplogroup E Provide New Insights into the Dispersal of Early Pastoralists in the African Continent". Genome Biology and Evolution. 7 (7): 1940–50. doi:10.1093/gbe/evv118. PMC   4524485 . PMID   26108492.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Arredi B, Poloni ES, Paracchini S, Zerjal T, Fathallah DM, Makrelouf M, Pascali VL, Novelletto A, Tyler-Smith C (August 2004). "A predominantly neolithic origin for Y-chromosomal DNA variation in North Africa". American Journal of Human Genetics. 75 (2): 338–45. doi:10.1086/423147. PMC   1216069 . PMID   15202071.
  4. ISOGG (2015), Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2015
  5. 1 2 Ordóñez AC, Fregel R, Trujillo-Mederos A, Hervella M, de-la-Rúa C, Arnay-de-la-Rosa M (2017). "Genetic studies on the prehispanic population buried in Punta Azul cave (El Hierro, Canary Islands)". Journal of Archaeological Science. 78: 20–28. Bibcode:2017JArSc..78...20O. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2016.11.004.
  6. ISOGG (2008). "Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2008". International Society of Genetic Genealogists "ISOGG".
  7. 1 2 3 Karafet TM, Mendez FL, Meilerman MB, Underhill PA, Zegura SL, Hammer MF (May 2008). "New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree". Genome Research. 18 (5): 830–8. doi:10.1101/gr.7172008. PMC   2336805 . PMID   18385274.
  8. Y Chromosome Consortium "YCC" (February 2002). "A nomenclature system for the tree of human Y-chromosomal binary haplogroups". Genome Research. 12 (2): 339–48. doi:10.1101/gr.217602. PMC   155271 . PMID   11827954.
  9. 1 2 3 ISOGG 2015
  10. "E-PF2431 YTree".
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Further reading