The 801 was an experimental central processing unit (CPU) design developed by IBM during the 1970s. It is considered to be the first modern RISC design, relying on processor registers for all computations and eliminating the many variant addressing modes found in CISC designs. Originally developed as the processor for a telephone switch, it was later used as the basis for a minicomputer and a number of products for their mainframe line. The initial design was a 24-bit processor; that was soon replaced by 32-bit implementations of the same concepts and the original 24-bit 801 was used only into the early 1980s.
The 801 was extremely influential in the computer market.[ citation needed ] Armed with huge amounts of performance data, IBM was able to demonstrate that the simple design was able to easily outperform even the most powerful classic CPU designs, while at the same time producing machine code that was only marginally larger than the heavily optimized CISC instructions. Applying these same techniques even to existing processors like the System/370 generally doubled the performance of those systems as well. This demonstrated the value of the RISC concept, and all of IBM's future systems were based on the principles developed during the 801 project.
For his work on the 801, John Cocke was recognized with several awards and medals, including the Turing Award in 1987, National Medal of Technology in 1991, and the National Medal of Science in 1994.
In 1974, IBM began examining the possibility of constructing a telephone switch to handle one million calls an hour, or about 300 calls per second. They calculated that each call would require 20,000 instructions to complete, and when timing overhead and other considerations were added, such a machine required performance of about 12 MIPS. [1] This would require a significant advance in performance; their current top-of-the-line machine, the IBM System/370 Model 168 of late 1972, offered about 3 MIPS. [2]
The group working on this project at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center, including John Cocke, designed a processor for this purpose. To reach the required performance, they considered the sort of operations such a machine required and removed any that were not appropriate. This led to the removal of a floating-point unit for instance, which would not be needed in this application. More critically, they also removed many of the instructions that worked on data in main memory and left only those instructions that worked on the internal processor registers, as these were much faster to use and the simple code in a telephone switch could be written to use only these types of instructions. The result of this work was a conceptual design for a simplified processor with the required performance. [1]
The telephone switch project was canceled in 1975, but the team had made considerable progress on the concept and in October IBM decided to continue it as a general-purpose design. With no obvious project to attach it to, the team decided to call it the "801" after the building they worked in. For the general-purpose role, the team began to consider real-world programs that would be run on a typical minicomputer. IBM had collected enormous amounts of statistical data on the performance of real-world workloads on their machines and this data demonstrated that over half the time in a typical program was spent performing only five instructions: load value from memory, store value to memory, adding fixed-point numbers, comparing fixed-point numbers, and branching based on the result of those comparisons. This suggested that the same simplified processor design would work just as well for a general-purpose minicomputer as a special-purpose switch. [3]
This conclusion flew in the face of contemporary processor design, which was based on the concept of using microcode. IBM had been among the first to make widespread use of this technique as part of their System/360 series. The 360s, and 370s, came in a variety of performance levels that all ran the same machine language code. On the high-end machines, many of these instructions were implemented directly in hardware, like a floating point unit, while low-end machines could instead simulate those instructions using a sequence of other instructions encoded in microcode. This allowed a single application binary interface to run across the entire lineup and allowed the customers to feel confident that if more performance was ever needed they could move up to a faster machine without any other changes. [4]
Microcode allowed a simple processor to offer many instructions, which had been used by the designers to implement a wide variety of addressing modes. For instance, an instruction like ADD
might have a dozen versions, one that adds two numbers in internal registers, one that adds a register to a value in memory, one that adds two values from memory, etc. This allowed the programmer to select the exact variation that they needed for any particular task. The processor would read that instruction and use microcode to break it into a series of internal instructions. For instance, adding two numbers in memory might be implemented by loading those two numbers into registers, adding them, and then storing the sum back to memory. [3] The idea of offering all possible addressing modes for all instructions became a goal of processor designers, the concept becoming known as an orthogonal instruction set.
The 801 team noticed a side-effect of this concept; when faced with the plethora of possible versions of a given instruction, compiler authors would usually pick a single version. This was typically the one that was implemented in hardware on the low-end machines. That ensured that the machine code generated by the compiler would run as fast as possible on the entire lineup. While using other versions of instructions might run even faster on a machine that implemented them in hardware, the complexity of knowing which one to pick on an ever-changing list of machines made this extremely unattractive, and compiler authors largely ignored these possibilities. [3]
As a result, the majority of the instructions available in the instruction set were never used in compiled programs. And it was here that the team made the key realization of the 801 project:
Imposing microcode between a computer and its users imposes an expensive overhead in performing the most frequently executed instructions. [3]
Microcode takes a non-zero time to examine the instruction before it is performed. The same underlying processor with the microcode removed would eliminate this overhead and run those instructions faster. Since microcode essentially ran small subroutines dedicated to a particular hardware implementation, it was ultimately performing the same basic task that the compiler was, implementing higher-level instructions as a sequence of machine-specific instructions. Simply removing the microcode and implementing that in the compiler could result in a faster machine. [3]
One concern was that programs written for such a machine would take up more memory; some tasks that could be accomplished with a single instruction on the 370 would have to be expressed as multiple instructions on the 801. For instance, adding two numbers from memory would require two load-to-register instructions, a register-to-register add, and then a store-to-memory. This could potentially slow the system overall if it had to spend more time reading instructions from memory than it formerly took to decode them. As they continued work on the design and improved their compilers, they found that overall program length continued to fall, eventually becoming roughly the same length as those written for the 370. [5]
The initially proposed architecture was a machine with sixteen 24-bit registers and without virtual memory. [6] [7] It used a two-operand format in the instruction, so that instructions were generally of the form A = A + B
, as opposed to the three-operand format, A = B + C
. The resulting CPU was operational by the summer of 1980 and was implemented using Motorola MECL-10K discrete component technology [8] on large wire-wrapped custom boards. The CPU was clocked at 66 ns cycles (approximately 15.15 MHz) and could compute at the fast speed of approximately 15 MIPS.
The 801 architecture was used in a variety of IBM devices, including channel controllers for their S/370 mainframes (such as the IBM 3090), [9] : 377 various networking devices, and as a vertical microcode execution unit in the 9373 and 9375 processors of the IBM 9370 mainframe family. [10] [11] The original version of the 801 architecture was the basis for the architecture of the IBM ROMP microprocessor [9] : 378 used in the IBM RT PC workstation computer and several experimental computers from IBM Research. A derivative of the 801 architecture with 32-bit addressing named Iliad was intended to serve as the primary processor of the unsuccessful Fort Knox midrange system project. [12]
Having been originally designed for a limited-function system, the 801 design lacked a number of features seen on larger machines. Notable among these was the lack of hardware support for virtual memory, which was not needed for the controller role and had been implemented in software on early 801 systems that needed it. For more widespread use, hardware support was a must-have feature. Additionally, by the 1980s the computer world as a whole was moving towards 32-bit systems, and there was a desire to do the same with the 801. [13]
Moving to a 32-bit format had another significant advantage. In practice, it was found that the two-operand format was difficult to use in typical math code. Ideally, both input operands would remain in registers where they could be reused in subsequent operations. In the two-operand format, one of the two values was overwritten with the result, and it was often the case that one of the values had to be re-loaded from memory. By moving to a 32-bit format, the extra bits in the instruction words allowed an additional register to be specified, so that the output of such operations could be directed to a separate register. The larger instruction word also allowed the number of registers to be increased from sixteen to thirty-two, a change that had been obvious from the examination of 801 code. Despite the expansion of the instruction words from 24 to 32-bits, programs did not grow by the corresponding 33% due to avoided loads and saves due to these two changes. [13]
Other desirable additions include instructions for working with string data that was encoded in "packed" format with several characters in a single memory word, and additions for working with binary-coded decimal, including an adder that could carry across four-bit decimal numbers. [13]
When the new version of the 801 was run as a simulator on the 370, the team was surprised to find that code compiled to the 801 and run in the simulator would often run faster than the same source code compiled directly to 370 machine code using the 370's PL/I compiler. [14] When they ported their experimental "PL.8" language back to the 370 and compiled applications using it, those applications ran as much as three times as fast as the PL/I versions. This was due to the compiler making RISC-like decisions about how the generated code uses the processor registers, thereby optimizing out as many memory accesses as possible. These were just as expensive on the 370 as the 801, but this cost was normally hidden by the simplicity of a single line of CISC code. The PL.8 compiler was much more aggressive about avoiding loads and saves, thereby resulting in higher performance even on a CISC processor. [14]
In the early 1980s, the lessons learned on the 801 were combined with those from the IBM Advanced Computer Systems project, resulting in an experimental processor called "Cheetah". Cheetah was a 2-way superscalar processor, which evolved into a processor called "Panther" in 1985, and finally into a 4-way superscalar design called "America" in 1986. [15] This was a three-chip processor set including an instruction processor that fetches and decodes instructions, a fixed-point processor that shares duty with the instruction processor, and a floating-point processor for those systems that require it. Designed by the 801 team, the final design was sent to IBM's Austin office in 1986, where it was developed into the IBM RS/6000 system. The RS/6000 running at 25 MHz was one of the fastest machines of its era. It outperformed other RISC machines by two to three times on common tests, and easily outperformed older CISC systems. [10]
After the RS/6000, the company turned its attention to a version of the 801 concepts that could be efficiently fabricated at various scales. The result was the IBM POWER instruction set architecture and the PowerPC offshoot.
For his work on the 801, John Cocke was awarded several awards and medals:
Michael J. Flynn views the 801 as the first RISC. [22]
A complex instruction set computer is a computer architecture in which single instructions can execute several low-level operations or are capable of multi-step operations or addressing modes within single instructions. The term was retroactively coined in contrast to reduced instruction set computer (RISC) and has therefore become something of an umbrella term for everything that is not RISC, where the typical differentiating characteristic is that most RISC designs use uniform instruction length for almost all instructions, and employ strictly separate load and store instructions.
In processor design, microcode serves as an intermediary layer situated between the central processing unit (CPU) hardware and the programmer-visible instruction set architecture of a computer, also known as its machine code. It consists of a set of hardware-level instructions that implement the higher-level machine code instructions or control internal finite-state machine sequencing in many digital processing components. While microcode is utilized in Intel and AMD general-purpose CPUs in contemporary desktops and laptops, it functions only as a fallback path for scenarios that the faster hardwired control unit is unable to manage.
The Pentium is a microprocessor introduced by Intel on March 22, 1993. It is the first CPU using the Pentium brand. Considered the fifth generation in the x86 (8086) compatible line of processors, succeeding the i486, its implementation and microarchitecture was internally called P5.
In electronics and computer science, a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) is a computer architecture designed to simplify the individual instructions given to the computer to accomplish tasks. Compared to the instructions given to a complex instruction set computer (CISC), a RISC computer might require more instructions in order to accomplish a task because the individual instructions are written in simpler code. The goal is to offset the need to process more instructions by increasing the speed of each instruction, in particular by implementing an instruction pipeline, which may be simpler to achieve given simpler instructions.
The IBM AS/400 is a family of midrange computers from IBM announced in June 1988 and released in August 1988. It was the successor to the System/36 and System/38 platforms, and ran the OS/400 operating system. Lower-cost but more powerful than its predecessors, the AS/400 was extremely successful at launch, with an estimated 111,000 installed by the end of 1990 and annual revenue reaching $14 billion that year, increasing to 250,000 systems by 1994, and about 500,000 shipped by 1997.
In computer science, an instruction set architecture (ISA) is an abstract model that generally defines how software controls the CPU in a computer or a family of computers. A device or program that executes instructions described by that ISA, such as a central processing unit (CPU), is called an implementation of that ISA.
Very long instruction word (VLIW) refers to instruction set architectures that are designed to exploit instruction-level parallelism (ILP). A VLIW processor allows programs to explicitly specify instructions to execute in parallel, whereas conventional central processing units (CPUs) mostly allow programs to specify instructions to execute in sequence only. VLIW is intended to allow higher performance without the complexity inherent in some other designs.
The transputer is a series of pioneering microprocessors from the 1980s, intended for parallel computing. To support this, each transputer had its own integrated memory and serial communication links to exchange data with other transputers. They were designed and produced by Inmos, a semiconductor company based in Bristol, United Kingdom.
Tandem Computers, Inc. was the dominant manufacturer of fault-tolerant computer systems for ATM networks, banks, stock exchanges, telephone switching centers, 911 systems, and other similar commercial transaction processing applications requiring maximum uptime and no data loss. The company was founded by Jimmy Treybig in 1974 in Cupertino, California. It remained independent until 1997, when it became a server division within Compaq. It is now a server division within Hewlett Packard Enterprise, following Hewlett-Packard's acquisition of Compaq and the split of Hewlett-Packard into HP Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
The iAPX 432 is a discontinued computer architecture introduced in 1981. It was Intel's first 32-bit processor design. The main processor of the architecture, the general data processor, is implemented as a set of two separate integrated circuits, due to technical limitations at the time. Although some early 8086, 80186 and 80286-based systems and manuals also used the iAPX prefix for marketing reasons, the iAPX 432 and the 8086 processor lines are completely separate designs with completely different instruction sets.
PRISM was a 32-bit RISC instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). It was the outcome of a number of DEC research projects from the 1982–1985 time-frame, and the project was subject to continually changing requirements and planned uses that delayed its introduction. This process eventually decided to use the design for a new line of Unix workstations. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) of the microPrism version had completed design in April 1988 and samples were fabricated, but the design of other components like the floating point unit (FPU) and memory management unit (MMU) were still not complete in the summer when DEC management decided to cancel the project in favor of MIPS-based systems. An operating system codenamed MICA was developed for the PRISM architecture, which would have served as a replacement for both VAX/VMS and ULTRIX on PRISM.
Addressing modes are an aspect of the instruction set architecture in most central processing unit (CPU) designs. The various addressing modes that are defined in a given instruction set architecture define how the machine language instructions in that architecture identify the operand(s) of each instruction. An addressing mode specifies how to calculate the effective memory address of an operand by using information held in registers and/or constants contained within a machine instruction or elsewhere.
The Future Systems project (FS) was a research and development project undertaken in IBM in the early 1970s to develop a revolutionary line of computer products, including new software models which would simplify software development by exploiting modern powerful hardware. The new systems were intended to replace the System/370 in the market some time in the late 1970s.
Berkeley RISC is one of two seminal research projects into reduced instruction set computer (RISC) based microprocessor design taking place under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency VLSI Project. RISC was led by David Patterson at the University of California, Berkeley between 1980 and 1984. The other project took place a short distance away at Stanford University under their MIPS effort starting in 1981 and running until 1984.
PL.8 is a dialect of PL/I developed by IBM Research in the 1970s by compiler group, under Martin Hopkins, within a major research program that led to the IBM RISC architecture. It was so-called because it was about 80% of PL/I. Written in PL/I and bootstrapped via the PL/I Optimizing compiler, it was an alternative to PL/S for system programming, compiling initially to an intermediate machine-independent language with symbolic registers and machine-like operations. It applied machine-independent program optimization techniques to this intermediate language to produce exceptionally good object code. The intermediate language was mapped by the back-end to the target machine's register architecture and instruction set. Back-ends were written for IBM 801, S/370, Motorola 68000, and POWER/PowerPC.
The history of general-purpose CPUs is a continuation of the earlier history of computing hardware.
Explicit data graph execution, or EDGE, is a type of instruction set architecture (ISA) which intends to improve computing performance compared to common processors like the Intel x86 line. EDGE combines many individual instructions into a larger group known as a "hyperblock". Hyperblocks are designed to be able to easily run in parallel.
An instruction set architecture (ISA) is an abstract model of a computer, also referred to as computer architecture. A realization of an ISA is called an implementation. An ISA permits multiple implementations that may vary in performance, physical size, and monetary cost ; because the ISA serves as the interface between software and hardware. Software that has been written for an ISA can run on different implementations of the same ISA. This has enabled binary compatibility between different generations of computers to be easily achieved, and the development of computer families. Both of these developments have helped to lower the cost of computers and to increase their applicability. For these reasons, the ISA is one of the most important abstractions in computing today.
IBM POWER is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by IBM. The name is an acronym for Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC.
A compressed instruction set, or simply compressed instructions, are a variation on a microprocessor's instruction set architecture (ISA) that allows instructions to be represented in a more compact format. In most real-world examples, compressed instructions are 16 bits long in a processor that would otherwise use 32-bit instructions. The 16-bit ISA is a subset of the full 32-bit ISA, not a separate instruction set. The smaller format requires some tradeoffs: generally, there are fewer instructions available, and fewer processor registers can be used.