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The Laventan (Spanish : Laventense) age is a period of geologic time (13.8 to 11.8 Ma) within the Middle Miocene epoch of the Neogene, used more specifically within the SALMA classification in South America. It follows the Colloncuran and precedes the Mayoan age. [1] [2]



The age is named after the Miocene Lagerstätte La Venta, where a rich biodiversity from the Middle Miocene has been recovered from the Honda Group. [2]


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Locations of Laventan formations
bold is type
Honda Group Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Upper Magdalena Valley
Honda Group Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia Quebrada Honda Basin
Aisol Formation Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina San Rafael Block
Bahía Inglesa Formation Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Caldera Basin
Capadare Formation Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Falcón Basin
Choquecota Formation Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia Altiplano Basin
Cura-Mallín Group Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Cura-Mallín Basin
Ipururo Formation Flag of Peru.svg  Peru Ucayali Basin
Paraná Formation Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina Paraná Basin
Pebas Formation Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia
Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador
Flag of Peru.svg  Peru
Amazon Basin
Pisco Formation Flag of Peru.svg  Peru Pisco Basin
Santa Inés Formation Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Eastern Venezuela Basin
Sincelejo Formation Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Sinú-San Jacinto Basin
Socorro Formation Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Falcón Basin
Urumaco Formation Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Falcón Basin

Fossil content

Mammals lesser bulldog bat (Noctilio albiventris), LaVal's disk-winged bat (Thyroptera lavali), Spix's disk-winged bat (Thyroptera tricolor), Acarechimys minutissimus , Anachlysictis gracilis , Anadasypus hondanus , Aotus dindensis , Boreostemma acostae , B. gigantea , Brievabradys laventensis , Cebupithecia sarmientoi , Dukecynus magnus , Eodolichotis elachys , E. maddeni , Glossotheriopsis pascuali , Granastrapotherium snorki , Hilarcotherium castanedaii , Hondadelphys fieldsi , Hondathentes cazador , Huilabradys magdaleniensis , Huilatherium pluriplicatum , Kiotomops lopezi , Lagonimico conclucatus , Lycopsis longirostrus , Megadolodus molariformis , Micodon kiotensis , Micoureus laventicus , Microscleromys cribiphilus , M. paradoxalis , Microsteiromys jacobsi , Miocallicebus villaviejai , Miocochilius anomopodus , Mohanamico hershkovitzi , Mormopterus colombiensis , Nanoastegotherium prostatum , Neoglyptatelus originalis , Neonematherium flabellatum , Neoreomys huilensis , Neotamandua borealis , Notonycteris magdalenensis , N. sucharadeus , Nuciruptor rubricae , Pachybiotherium minor , Palynephyllum antimaster , Patasola magdalenae , Pedrolypeutes praecursor , Pericotoxodon platignathus , Pithiculites chenche , Potamops mascahehenes , Potamosiren magdalenensis , Prodolichotis guerreroi , P. pridiana , Prolicaphrium sanalfolsensis , Prothoatherium colombianus , Pseudoprepotherium confusum , Rhodanodolichotis antepridiana , R. vucetichae , Ricardomys longidens , Saimiri annectens , S. fieldsi , Scleromys colombianus , S. schurmanni , Scirrotherium hondaensis , Stirtonia tatacoensis , S. victoriae , Thylamys colombianus , Thylamys minutus , Thyroptera robusta , Villarroelia totoyoi , Xenastrapotherium kraglievichi , Cochilius sp. , Diclidurus sp. , Eumops sp. , Hapalops sp. , Olenopsis sp. , Theosodon sp. , ?Steiromys sp. , Dolichotinae sp., ?Echimyidae sp., Megalonychidae sp., Megatheriinae sp., Nothrotheriinae sp., Dasypodidae sp., Leontiniidae sp., Proterotheriidae indet., Toxodontidae sp. Honda
Acyon myctoderos , Australogale leptognathus , Chimeralestes ambiguus , Guiomys unica , Hapalops angustipalatus , Hemihegetotherium trilobus , Hiskatherium saintandrei , Hondalagus altiplanensis , Lakukullus anatisrostratus , Mesoprocta hypsodus , Miocochilius federicoi , Palaeothentes relictus , P. serratus , Propalaehoplophorus andinus , Quebradahondomys potosiensis , Acarechimys sp. , cf. Paratrigodon sp. , Prolagostomus sp. , cf. Prozaedyus sp. , Lagostominae indet., Mesotheriinae indet., Borhyaenidae indet., Caenolestidae indet., Capromyidae indet., Caviidae indet., Chinchillidae indet., Echimyidae indet., Euphractinae indet., Macraucheniidae indet., Octodontidae indet., Proterotheriidae indet., ? Xenastrapotherium indet. Honda
Nesodon taweretus , cf. Astrapotherium sp. , cf. Theosodon sp. , Lomaphorini indet., Mylodontinae indet., Propalaehoplophorinae indet., Toxodontidae indet. Aisol
Microtypotherium choquecotense , Prozaedyus sp. , Chinchillidae indet., Glyptodontidae indet., Hegetotheriidae indet. Choquecota
Heteropsomyinae (aff. Acarechimys) sp. , Dasyproctidae (aff. Alloiomys) sp. , Prolagostomus sp. , Caviomorpha indet., Dasypodidae indet., Typotheria indet. Cura-Mallín
Drytomomys cf. aequatorialis , Granastrapotherium cf. snorki , Miocochilius anomopodus , Neoglyptatelus originalis , Parapropalaehoplophorus septentrionalis , Pericotoxodon cf. platignathus , Potamarchus murinus , cf. Theosodon sp. , Acarechimys sp. , Boreostemma sp. , Megathericulus sp. , cf. Tetramerorhinus sp. , Urumacotherium sp. , Xenastrapotherium sp. , Borhyaenoidea indet., Delphinida indet., Glyptodontidae indet., Macraucheniidae indet., Megalonychidae indet., Mylodontidae indet., Octodontoidea indet., Potamarchinae indet., Uruguaytheriinae indet. Ipururo
Pontistes rectifrons , Prionodelphis rovereti , Properiptychus argentinus , Protautoga longidens , cf. Balaenoptera sp. , Chrysophrys sp. , Dioplotherium sp. , Balaenidae indet., Physeteridae indet., Sciaenidae indet., ?Sparidae indet. Paraná
Dinomyidae indet., ? Octodontoidea indet. Pebas
Boreostemma venezolensis Santa Inés
Neoglyptatelus sincelejanus Sincelejo
Mirandabradys socorrensis , Megatheriidae indet. Socorro
cf. Olenopsis sp. , Mylodontidae indet. Urumaco
Birds Aramus paludigrus , Galbula hylochoreutes , Hoazinoides magdalenae Honda
Psilopteridae indet. Aisol
Pygoscelis calderensis , Spheniscus megaramphus , S. urbinai , Pelagornis sp. , aff. Thalassarche sp. Bahía
Pelagornis cf. chilensis Capadare
Reptiles &
cane toad (Bufo marinus), Chelus colombiana , Chelonoidis hesterna , Colombophis portai , Dracaena colombiana , ?Eunectes stirtoni , Podocnemis medemi , Gryposuchus colombianus , Langstonia huilensis , Purussaurus neivensis , Balanerodus logimus , Charactosuchus fieldsi , Mourasuchus atopus , Eocaiman sp. , Gavialis sp. , Sebecus sp. , Alligatoridae indet. Honda
Crocodylia sp. Aisol
Bairdemys thalassica Capadare
Barinasuchus arveloi Ipururo
Caiman wannlangstoni , Gnatusuchus pebasensis , Gryposuchus pachakamue , Purussaurus neivensis , Kuttanacaiman iquitosensis , Mourasuchus atopus , Paleosuchus sp. , Podocnemis sp. , Gavialoidea indet. Pebas
Colombophis spinosus , Ikanogavialis gameroi , Caiman sp. , Mourasuchus sp. , Purussaurus sp. , Thecachampsa sp. , Alethinophidia indet., Boinae indet. Socorro
Globidentosuchus cf. brachyrostris , Caiman sp. , Mourasuchus sp. , Purussaurus sp. Urumaco
Fishes &
Colossoma macropomum , Lepidosiren paradoxa , cf. Acanthicus , Arapaima sp. , Brachyplatystoma cf. B. vaillanti , Brachyplatystoma promagdalena , Sylviocarcinus piriformis , cf. Corydoras sp. , Hoplias sp. , cf. Hoplosternum sp. , Hydrolycus sp. , Phractocephalus hemioliopterus , Serrasalmus sp. , Pygocentrus sp. , or Pristobrycon sp. ( cf. Myletes sp. ), Ariidae indet., Characidae cf. Tetragonopterinae, Cichlidae indet., Doradidae indet., Loricariidae indet., Potamotrygonidae indet. Honda
Megalodon, Carcharias acutissima , Carcharodon hastalis , Galeocerdo aduncus , Hemipristis serra , Carcharhinus sp. , Heterodontus sp. , Squalus sp. , Squatina sp. , Dasyatidae indet., Myliobatoidea indet., Potamotrygonidae indet. Paraná
cf. Hydrolycus sp. , Leporinus sp. , Potamotrygon sp. , Pristis sp. , Anostomidae indet. Pebas
Megalodon, Aetobatus arcuatus , Hemipristis serra , Mugil cephalus , Carcharhinus sp. , Citharichthys sp. , Galeocerdo sp. , Rhinoptera sp. , Sphyrna sp. , Symphurus sp. Socorro
Insects Macroteleia yaguarum , Sycorax peruensis Pebas
Flora Astroniumxylon parabalansae , Piptadenioxylon paraexcelsa , Solanumxylon paranensis Paraná


The Laventan (13.8 to 11.8 Ma) correlates with:

Laventan correlations in South America
Formation Honda Honda Aisol Cura-Mallín Pisco Ipururo Pebas Capadare Urumaco Inés Paraná Map
Basin VSM Honda San Rafael Caldera Pisco Ucayali Amazon Falcón Venezuela Paraná
South America laea relief location map.jpg
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Dark Green 004040 pog.svg
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Laventan (South America)
CountryFlag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Flag of Peru.svg  Peru Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina
Boreostemma Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg
Hapalops Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg
Miocochilius Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg
Theosodon Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg
Xenastrapotherium Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg
Mylodontidae Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg
Sparassodonta Yellow pog.svg Yellow pog.svg
Primates Brown pog.svg
Rodents Steel pog.svg Steel pog.svg Steel pog.svg Steel pog.svg Steel pog.svg Steel pog.svg Steel pog.svg
Birds White pog.svg White pog.svg White pog.svg
Terror birds Red pog.svg
Reptiles SpringGreen pog.svg SpringGreen pog.svg SpringGreen pog.svg SpringGreen pog.svg SpringGreen pog.svg SpringGreen pog.svg SpringGreen pog.svg
megalodon Cyan pog.svg Cyan pog.svg Cyan pog.svg
Flora Green pog.svg
Insects Blue pog.svg
Environments FluvialFluvio-deltaicFluvio-lacustrineFluvio-deltaicFluvial
Pink ff0080 pog.svg Laventan volcanoclastics

Yellow pog.svg Laventan fauna

Dark Green 004040 pog.svg Laventan flora

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  1. "Laventan". The Paleobiology Database. Archived from the original on 2012-10-12.
  2. 1 2 Madden et al. 1997
  3. Villarroel A. et al. 1996, p. 54
  4. Marshall & Sempere 1991, p. 635
  5. Forasiepi et al. 2011, p. 149
  6. Le Roux et al. 2016, p. 46
  7. Penín Cendón & Villarroel Estaba 2005, p. 138
  8. Marshall & Sempere 1991, p. 636
  9. Utgé et al. 2009 [ page needed ]
  10. 1 2 Antoine et al. 2016, p. 56
  11. Martín Pérez 2013, p. 51
  12. Wesselingh et al. 2006, p. 304
  13. Brand et al. 2011 [ page needed ]
  14. Simpson 1947, p. 2
  15. 1 2 Villarroel A. & Clavijo 2005, p. 348
  16. Linares 2004, p. 5
  17. Linares 2004, p. 16
  18. Croft, 2007, p.299
  19. Croft, 2007, p.300
  20. Croft, 2007, p.301
  21. Croft, 2007, p.302
  22. Croft, 2007, p.303
  23. Meldrum & Kay, 1997
  24. Organ & Lemelin, 2011
  25. Rosenberger et al., 1991
  26. Setoguchi & Rosenberger, 1988
  27. Setoguchi, 1985
  28. Takai et al., 2001
  29. Tejedor, 2013, p.22
  30. Defler, 2004, p.32
  31. Cebupithecia sarmientoi at
  32. Miocallicebus villaviejai at
  33. Neosaimiri annectens at
  34. Stirtonia tatacoensis at
  35. Stirtonia victoriae at
  36. Vallejo Pareja et al., 2015
  37. Pardo Jaramillo, 2010
  38. Granastrapotherium snorki, Sebecus sp. at
  39. Villarroel, 2000, p.118
  40. Kay & Madden, 1997, p.171
  41. Neonematherium flabellatum at
  42. Brievabradys laventensis at
  43. Huilabradys magdaleniensis at
  44. Czaplewski et al., 2003, p.278
  45. Neotamandua borealis at
  46. Pseudoprepotherium confusum at
  47. Anadasypus hondanus at
  48. Boreostemma acostae at
  49. Boreostemma gigantea at
  50. Neoglyptatelus originalis at
  51. Pedrolypeutes praecursor at
  52. Scirrotherium hondaensis at
  53. Prolicaphrium sanalfolsensis at
  54. Prothoatherium colombianus at
  55. Duke Locality 33 at
  56. Villarroelia totoyoi at
  57. Villarroel, 1997
  58. Villarroel et al., 1996, p.63
  59. Hoffstetter, 1971, p.40
  60. Suárez et al., 2015
  61. Marshall, 1976
  62. Hondadelphys fieldsi at
  63. Pachybiotherium minor at
  64. Thylamys colombianus at
  65. Thylamys minutus at
  66. Hondathentes cazador at
  67. Pithiculites chenche at
  68. Neoreomys huilensis at
  69. Rhodanodolichotis antepridiana at
  70. Scleromys colombianus at
  71. Scleromys schurmanni at
  72. Prodolichotis guerreroi at
  73. UCMP V4936 at
  74. Eodolichotis elachys at
  75. Eodolichotis maddeni at
  76. Rhodanodolichotis vucetichae at
  77. Takai et al., 1991
  78. Kiotomops lopezi at
  79. Potamops mascahehenes at
  80. Thyroptera robusta at
  81. Engelman et al., 2016
  82. Pujos et al., 2014
  83. Hondalagus at
  84. Quebrada Honda at
  85. Engelman et al., 2018
  86. Forasiepi et al., 2015
  87. 1 2 3 Cerro Aisol at
  88. Choquecota at
  89. Cerro los Pinos at
  90. 1 2 IN-DTC-20 at
  91. IN-DTC-28 at
  92. IN-DTC-32 at
  93. Río Sepa at
  94. SEP 005 at
  95. IN 008 at
  96. 1 2 Pueblo Brugo to Diamante at
  97. 1 2 3 CTA-45 at
  98. Banks of the Rio Guere at
  99. Calle Fria-Segovia at
  100. 1 2 South East of 'Cerro los Chivatos' at
  101. Mirandabradys Urumaco 01 at
  102. Biozona 1 Loc 44-FU at
  103. Rasmussen, 1997
  104. Miller, 1953
  105. Los Dedos at
  106. Zumbador Cave at
  107. Estes & Wassersug, 1963
  108. Gryposuchus colombianus at
  109. Sebecus huiensis at
  110. Dracaena colombiana at
  111. Purussaurus neivensis at
  112. Charactosuchus fieldsi at
  113. Mourasuchus atopus at
  114. UCMP Locality V4524 at
  115. Balanerodus logimus at
  116. Eocaiman at
  117. Cadena et al., 2008, p.1206
  118. De la Fuente et al., 2013, p.102
  119. Geochelone hesterna at
  120. Hsiou et al., 2010
  121. (in Spanish) Fauna de La Venta - serpientes
  122. Ferreira et al., 2015
  123. Salas Gismondi et al., 2015
  124. IQ114 at
  125. Quebrada Honda at
  126. East of Capirote, road to Quebrada Honda at
  127. Sur Quebrada Bejucal at
  128. (in Spanish) Fauna de La Venta - flora, cangrejos y peces
  129. Kay & Madden, 1997, p.185
  130. Lundberg & Chernoff, 1992, p.5
  131. Brachyplatystoma promagdalena at
  132. Socorro at
  133. Amazonian amber at
  134. Toma Vieja at
  135. Barstovian at
  136. Clarendonian at
  137. Astaracian at
  138. Central Paratethys Stages at
  139. Badenian at
  140. Sarmatian] at
  141. Southland epoch at
  142. Lillburnian at
  143. Waiauan at
  144. Tunggurian at


Honda Group, Colombia
Honda Group, Bolivia
Aisol Formation
Bahía Inglesa Formation
Capadare Formation
Choquecota and Mauri Formations
Cura-Mallín Group
Gran Bajo del Gualicho Formation
Ipururo and Pebas Formations
Paraná Formation
Pisco Formation
Santa Inés Formation
Sincelejo Formation
Socorro and Urumaco Formations

Further reading