The law of rational indices is an empirical law in the field of crystallography concerning crystal structure. The law states that "when referred to three intersecting axes all faces occurring on a crystal can be described by numerical indices which are integers, and that these integers are usually small numbers." [2] The law is also named the law of rational intercepts [3] or the second law of crystallography.
The International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) gives the following definition: "The law of rational indices states that the intercepts, OP, OQ, OR, of the natural faces of a crystal form with the unit-cell axes a, b, c are inversely proportional to prime integers, h, k, l. They are called the Miller indices of the face. They are usually small because the corresponding lattice planes are among the densest and have therefore a high interplanar spacing and low indices." [4]
The law of constancy of interfacial angles, first observed by Nicolas Steno, [6] : 44 [7] (De solido intra solidum naturaliter contento, Florence, 1669), [8] and firmly established by Jean-Baptiste Romé de l'Isle (Cristallographie, Paris, 1783), [9] was a precursor to the law of rational indices.
René Just Haüy showed in 1784 [10] that the known interfacial angles could be accounted for if a crystal were made up of minute building blocks (molécules intégrantes), such as cubes, parallelepipeds, or rhombohedra. The 'rise-to-run' ratio of the stepped faces of the crystal was a simple rational number p/q, where p and q are small multiples of units of length (generally different and not more than 6). [6] : 46 [11] Haüy's method is named the law of decrements, law of simple rational truncations, or Haüy's law. [12] : 322 The law of rational indices was not stated in its modern form by Haüy, but it is directly implied by his law of decrements. [12] : 333
In 1830, Johann Hessel [13] proved that, as a consequence of the law of rational indices, morphological forms can combine to give exactly 32 kinds of crystal symmetry in Euclidean space, since only two-, three-, four-, and six-fold rotation axes can occur. [14] [15] : 796 However, Hessel's work remained practically unknown for over 60 years and, in 1867, Axel Gadolin independently rediscovered his results. [16]
Miller indices were introduced in 1839 by the British mineralogist William Hallowes Miller, [17] although a similar system (Weiss parameters) had already been used by the German mineralogist Christian Samuel Weiss since 1817. [18]
In 1866, Auguste Bravais [19] showed that crystals preferentially cleaved parallel to lattice planes of high density. [20] This is sometimes referred to as Bravais's law or the law of reticular density and is an equivalent statement to the law of rational indices. [12] : 333 [6] : 48
The law of rational indices is implied by the three-dimensional lattice structure of crystals. A crystal structure is periodic, and invariant under translations in three linearly independent directions. [22]
Quasicrystals do not have translational symmetry, and therefore do not obey the law of rational indices.
Crystallography is the branch of science devoted to the study of molecular and crystalline structure and properties. The word crystallography is derived from the Ancient Greek word κρύσταλλος, and γράφειν. In July 2012, the United Nations recognised the importance of the science of crystallography by proclaiming 2014 the International Year of Crystallography.
Mineralogy is a subject of geology specializing in the scientific study of the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical properties of minerals and mineralized artifacts. Specific studies within mineralogy include the processes of mineral origin and formation, classification of minerals, their geographical distribution, as well as their utilization.
In crystallography, crystal structure is a description of ordered arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules in a crystalline material. Ordered structures occur from intrinsic nature of constituent particles to form symmetric patterns that repeat along the principal directions of three-dimensional space in matter.
Niels Steensen was a Danish scientist, a pioneer in both anatomy and geology who became a Catholic bishop in his later years. He has been beatified by the Catholic Church.
In mathematics, physics and chemistry, a space group is the symmetry group of a repeating pattern in space, usually in three dimensions. The elements of a space group are the rigid transformations of the pattern that leave it unchanged. In three dimensions, space groups are classified into 219 distinct types, or 230 types if chiral copies are considered distinct. Space groups are discrete cocompact groups of isometries of an oriented Euclidean space in any number of dimensions. In dimensions other than 3, they are sometimes called Bieberbach groups.
In geometry and crystallography, a Bravais lattice, named after Auguste Bravais, is an infinite array of discrete points generated by a set of discrete translation operations described in three dimensional space by
In crystallography, a crystallographic point group is a three dimensional point group whose symmetry operations are compatible with a three dimensional crystallographic lattice. According to the crystallographic restriction it may only contain one-, two-, three-, four- and sixfold rotations or rotoinversions. This reduces the number of crystallographic point groups to 32. These 32 groups are one-and-the-same as the 32 types of morphological (external) crystalline symmetries derived in 1830 by Johann Friedrich Christian Hessel from a consideration of observed crystal forms. In 1867 Axel Gadolin, who was unaware of the previous work of Hessel, found the crystallographic point groups independently using stereographic projection to represent the symmetry elements of the 32 groups.
René Just Haüy FRS MWS FRSE was a French priest and mineralogist, commonly styled the Abbé Haüy after he was made an honorary canon of Notre Dame. Due to his innovative work on crystal structure and his four-volume Traité de Minéralogie (1801), he is often referred to as the "Father of Modern Crystallography". During the French Revolution he also helped to establish the metric system.
Miller indices form a notation system in crystallography for lattice planes in crystal (Bravais) lattices.
Jean-Baptiste Louis Romé de l'Isle was a French mineralogist, considered one of the creators of modern crystallography.
A crystallographic database is a database specifically designed to store information about the structure of molecules and crystals. Crystals are solids having, in all three dimensions of space, a regularly repeating arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules. They are characterized by symmetry, morphology, and directionally dependent physical properties. A crystal structure describes the arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules in a crystal..
Johann Friedrich Christian Hessel was a German physician and professor of mineralogy at the University of Marburg.
A crystal model is a teaching aid used for understanding concepts in crystallography and the morphology of crystals. Models are ideal to learn recognizing symmetry elements in crystals.
In mathematics, a centered octahedral number or Haüy octahedral number is a figurate number that counts the points of a three-dimensional integer lattice that lie inside an octahedron centered at the origin. The same numbers are special cases of the Delannoy numbers, which count certain two-dimensional lattice paths. The Haüy octahedral numbers are named after René Just Haüy.
Moritz Ludwig Frankenheim was a German physicist, geographer, and crystallographer.
This is a timeline of crystallography.
Arnould Carangeot was a French naturalist and mineralogist who invented one of the first goniometers for measuring the angles of the faces of crystals. Through its use came about the first ideas in crystallography on the constancy of the dihedral angles and symmetry of crystals of specific chemicals.
Axel Vilhelmovich Gadolin was a Finnish/Russian lieutenant general, and also a scientist in the field of artillery, metallurgy, mineralogy and crystallography. Gadolin was a professor at the Mikhailov Artillery Academy and the Saint Petersburg Institute of Technology, doctor of mineralogy from Saint Petersburg University, and academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. He was awarded the Lomonosov Prize in 1868 for his work on crystallographic point groups.
The law of constancy of interfacial angles is an empirical law in the fields of crystallography and mineralogy concerning the shape, or morphology, of crystals. The law states that the angles between adjacent corresponding faces of crystals of a particular substance are always constant despite the different shapes, sizes, and mode of growth of crystals. The law is also named the first law of crystallography or Steno's law.
The law of symmetry is a law in the field of crystallography concerning crystal structure. The law states that all crystals of the same substance possess the same elements of symmetry. The law is also named the law of constancy of symmetry, Haüy's law or the third law of crystallography.