Light rail in the United States

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The San Diego Trolley, the most heavily used light rail system in the United States. MTSgreenline-convctr.jpg
The San Diego Trolley, the most heavily used light rail system in the United States.

Light rail is a mode of rail-based transport, usually urban in nature.


Light-rail systems are typically designed to carry fewer passengers than heavy-rail systems like commuter rail or rapid transit (subway). They can operate in mixed traffic (street running) or on routes that are not entirely grade-separated.

They typically take one of four forms: "first-generation" legacy systems, "second-generation" modern light-rail systems, streetcars, and hybrid rail systems (light rail with some commuter-rail features). All use similar technologies, and some systems blur the lines between the different forms.

The United States has 27 light-rail systems, as counted by the Light Rail Transit Association, not including streetcar systems. Six of them (Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Portland (Oregon), San Diego, and San Francisco) achieve more than 30 million unlinked passenger transits per year. [1] The next-most are in Germany, 10; and Japan, nine. [2]


New Orleans streetcars, early 1900s NOLAstreetcar078@CampSt.1900s.jpg
New Orleans streetcars, early 1900s

From the mid-19th century onwards, horse-drawn trams (or horsecars) were used in cities around the world. The St. Charles Avenue Line of New Orleans' streetcar system is the oldest continuously operating street railway system in the world, beginning operation as a horse-drawn system in 1835. [3]

In the late 1880s, electrically powered street railways became technically feasible with the invention of a trolley pole system of collecting current. American inventor Frank J. Sprague installed the first successful electrified trolley system in Richmond, Virginia, in 1888. Before the invention of the internal combustion engine and the advent of motor-buses, they were the only practical means of public transport around cities. [4]

The streetcar systems constructed in the 19th and early 20th centuries typically ran single-car setups. Some rail lines experimented with multiple-unit configurations, joining streetcars to make short trains, but this did not become common until later. When lines were built over longer distances (typically with a single track) before good roads were common, they were generally called interurban streetcars or radial railways in North America.

Historically, the rail gauge has had considerable variations, with a variety of gauges common in many early systems (e.g. the broad Pennsylvania trolley gauge, etc. used by New Orleans' streetcars and by the light rail systems in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh). However, most modern second-generation light rail systems now operate on standard gauge rail. [5]

After World War II, six major cities in the United States (Boston, Newark, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco) continued to operate large first-generation streetcar systems, although most of them were later converted to modern light rail standards. [6] Toronto in Canada marks the other city in North America with a continuing first-generation streetcar system. Additionally, a seventh American city, Cleveland, maintained an interurban system (e.g. the Blue and Green Lines) equivalent to what is now "light rail", that opened before World War I, and which is still in operation to this day. [6]

When several of these cities upgraded to new technology (e.g. San Francisco, Newark, and Pittsburgh), they called it "light rail" to differentiate it from their existing streetcar systems since some continued to operate portions of both the old and new systems.

In the United States, most of the original first-generation streetcar systems were decommissioned from the 1950s onward through approximately 1970 as the usage of the automobile increased through government policy.

Although a few traditional streetcar or trolley systems still exist to this day the term "light rail" has come to mean a different type of rail system. Modern light rail technology has primarily German origins, since an attempt by Boeing Vertol to introduce a new American light rail vehicle was a technical failure. After World War II, the Germans retained their streetcar (Straßenbahn) networks and evolved them into model light rail systems (Stadtbahn). [5]

The renaissance of light rail in the United States began in 1981, when the first truly second-generation light rail system was inaugurated in the United States, the San Diego Trolley in California, which adopted use of the German Siemens-Duewag U2 light rail vehicle. (This was just three years after the first North American second-generation light rail system opened in the Canadian city of Edmonton, Alberta in 1978, and which used the same German Siemens-Duewag U2 vehicles as San Diego). [6] Other North American cities, particularly on the West Coast, began planning their own light rail systems in the 1980s. [7]

As of March 2020, there are a total of 53 operational light rail-type lines and systems (noting that some cities, such as Philadelphia, Portland, San Francisco and Seattle, have more than one light rail system) that offer regular year-round transit service in the United States: 26 modern light rail systems, [8] 14 modern streetcar systems, and 13 heritage streetcar systems (including the San Francisco cable car system).

"First-generation" legacy systems

First-generation systems are typically vestigial elements of sprawling streetcar systems decommissioned between the 1950s and about 1970. These elements were generally preserved because of their high ridership and some exclusive right of way. [6] Many have been at least partly upgraded to more closely resemble the more modern second-generation light rail systems.

LocationOperatorSystemYear originally opened [9] System lengthLinesCurrent typeDescription
Boston MBTA MBTA Green Line 189726.7 mi (43.0 km)4 Light rail While changes were made to the original 1897 Tremont Street subway in 1962 and 2004, and to some of the line routes over the years, and the Green Line's streetcar A branch was closed in 1969, both systems have run intact with mostly uninterrupted service since their opening dates.
Mattapan Line 19292.5 mi (4.0 km)1
Cleveland Greater Cleveland RTA Green Line / Blue Line 191315.3 mi (24.6 km)2Light railAside from line and station renovations in the early 1980s, and the Waterfront extension in 1996, these lines have operated essentially uninterrupted as light rail (interurbans) from their opening.
Newark New Jersey Transit Newark Light Rail 19356.2 mi (10.0 km)2Light railOutside of a switch to modern vehicles in 2001 and extensions in 2002 and 2006, this line still operates essentially unchanged since the 1930s.
New Orleans New Orleans RTA New Orleans Streetcars 183522.3 mi (35.9 km)4 Heritage streetcar The St. Charles Avenue Line is the oldest continuously operating street railway system in the world, beginning operation as a horse-drawn system in 1835; the line was electrified in 1893. Three additional lines built to more modern standards have been added since 1988.
Philadelphia SEPTA SEPTA subway–surface trolley lines 190619.8 mi (31.9 km)5Light rail / Streetcar The subway–surface trolley lines began operation as a mixed subway/streetcar system in 1906, and have continued operation essentially unchanged since that time.
Media–Sharon Hill Line 190611.9 mi (19.2 km)2Light rail / StreetcarSEPTA Routes 101 & 102 (the Media-Sharon Lines) began operation as rail lines in mostly exclusive rights-of-way (light rail) in 1906, and have also operated mostly unchanged since then.
SEPTA Route 15 18598.4 mi (13.5 km)1Heritage streetcarSEPTA Route 15 (the Girard Avenue Line) started as a horse car line, electrified in 1895. It was replaced with buses in 1992, but service on the line with heritage streetcars resumed in 2005.
Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Regional Transit Pittsburgh Light Rail 190326.2 mi (42.2 km)2Light railBegan as a streetcar network, but was partially converted to light rail. By the 1970s, most routes were converted to bus, and the remaining streetcar lines (all of which still used the 1904 Mt. Washington Transit Tunnel) were converted to light rail. This included the construction of a new 1.1 miles (1.8 km) downtown tunnel. The converted system partially opened for service in 1984.
San Francisco MUNI Cable cars 18785.2 mi (8.4 km)3 Heritage cable car World's last manually operated cable car system. Of the 23 lines established between 1873 and 1890, only three remain. While the cable cars are used to a certain extent by commuters, the vast majority of their seven million annual passengers are tourists.
Muni Metro 191235.7 mi (57.5 km)7Light rail / StreetcarBegan as a streetcar network, but was partially converted to light rail. While most of San Francisco's original streetcar lines had been converted to buses, five lines with dedicated rights-of-way could not be converted. The streetcars were partially converted to light rail in 1980, sending the lines into the Market Street subway. The lines still operate as streetcars on surface streets. The T Third Street and S Shuttle lines added later are true light rail.
E Embarcadero / F Market & Wharves 19827.7 mi (12.4 km)2Heritage streetcarEstablished in 1982 during a closure of the cable car system for refurbishment, to provide an alternative tourist attraction. Streetcars operated on the Market Street tracks recently abandoned by the streetcar lines that became the Muni Metro. Service proved popular and was retained and expanded.

"Second-generation" modern systems

Inspired by the German Stadtbahn (English: city rail) systems, [5] the second generation of modern light rail systems generally have large multi-car trains that travel larger distances, make fewer stops, and run at least partly on exclusive rights-of-way. [10] [11] The first was the San Diego Trolley, which opened in 1981.

City/Area servedStateSystemYear openedSystem lengthStationsLinesYear last expandedRef.
Baltimore Maryland Baltimore Light Rail 199233 mi (53 km)3332006 [12]
Buffalo New York Buffalo Metro Rail 19846.4 mi (10.3 km)1411986 [13]
Charlotte North Carolina LYNX Blue Line 200719.3 mi (31.1 km)2612018 [14] [15]
Dallas Texas Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) 199693 mi (150 km)6442016 [16] [17] [18]
Denver Colorado RTD Light Rail 199460.1 mi (96.7 km)5762019 [19] [20] [21]
Houston Texas METRORail 200422.7 mi (36.5 km)3932017 [22] [23] [24] [25]
Jersey City New Jersey Hudson–Bergen Light Rail (NJ Transit) [note 1] 200017 mi (27 km)2432011 [26] [27]
Los Angeles California Metro Rail A, C, E, & K lines [note 1] 199094.4 mi (151.9 km)8742024 [28]
Minneapolis–Saint Paul Minnesota Metro: Blue & Green lines200421.8 mi (35.1 km)3722014 [29] [30]
Norfolk Virginia The Tide 20117.4 mi (11.9 km)111 [31] [32]
Phoenix Arizona Valley Metro Rail 200829.8 mi (48.0 km)4112024 [33]
Portland Oregon MAX Light Rail 198660 mi (97 km)9752015 [34] [35]
Sacramento California SacRT light rail 198742.9 mi (69.0 km)5332015 [36]
St. Louis Missouri and Illinois MetroLink 199346 mi (74 km)3722006 [37] [38]
Salt Lake City Utah TRAX 199944.8 mi (72.1 km)5132013 [39] [40]
San Diego California San Diego Trolley 198165 mi (105 km)6242021 [41]
San Jose California VTA light rail 198742.2 mi (67.9 km)6232005 [42] [43]
Seattle Washington Link light rail 200931.25 mi (50.29 km)2722024 [44] [45]
Tacoma Washington T Line (Link light rail)20034.0 mi (6.4 km)1212023 [46]

Streetcar systems

Modern streetcar systems generally have smaller single-car trains that travel on short routes with frequent stops in lanes that are shared with automobile traffic (street running). The first was the Portland Streetcar, which opened in 2001. Some are heritage streetcar lines, which run vintage or historic-replica vehicles.

City/Area servedStateSystemYear openedSystem lengthStopsLinesYear last expandedSystem typeRef.
Atlanta Georgia Atlanta Streetcar [note 2] 20142.7 mi (4.3 km)121Modern [47]
Charlotte North Carolina CityLYNX Gold Line 20154 mi (6.4 km)1712021Modern [48] [49]
Cincinnati Ohio Connector 20163.6 mi (5.8 km)181Modern [50] [51]
Dallas Texas Dallas Streetcar 20152.45 mi (3.94 km)612016Modern [16] [17] [18]
M-Line Trolley 19894.6 mi (7.4 km)4012015 Heritage [52] [53] [54]
Detroit Michigan QLine 20173.3 mi (5.3 km)201Modern [55]
El Paso Texas El Paso Streetcar 20184.8 mi (8 km)271Heritage [56]
Kansas City Missouri KC Streetcar 20162 mi (3.2 km)161Modern [57] [58]
Kenosha Wisconsin Kenosha Streetcar 20002 mi (3.2 km)171Heritage
Little Rock Arkansas Metro Streetcar 20043.4 mi (5.5 km)1512007Heritage [59] [60]
Memphis Tennessee MATA Trolley 19936.3 mi (10.1 km)2532021Heritage [61] [62] [63]
Milwaukee Wisconsin The Hop 20182.5 mi (4 km)2122023Modern
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Oklahoma City Streetcar 20184.6 mi (7.4 km)222Modern [64]
Portland Oregon Portland Streetcar 20017.35 mi (11.83 km)7622015Modern [65] [66]
St. Louis Missouri Loop Trolley 20182.2 mi (3.5 km)101Heritage [67]
Salt Lake City Utah S Line 20132 mi (3.2 km)71Modern
Seattle Washington Seattle Streetcar 20073.8 mi (6.1 km)1722016Modern [68] [69] [70] [71]
Tampa Florida TECO Line Streetcar 20022.7 mi (4.3 km)1112010Heritage [72] [73]
Tempe Arizona Tempe Streetcar 20223 mi (4.8 km)141Modern [74]
Tucson Arizona Sun Link 20143.9 mi (6.3 km)221Modern [75]
Washington, D.C. District of Columbia DC Streetcar 20162.4 mi (3.9 km)81Modern [76] [77]

"Hybrid rail" systems

Hybrid rail systems, routes operating on the national rail network which do not operate with commuter rail characteristics, were introduced in 2004 with New Jersey's River Line. Hybrid rail systems operate vehicles which do not meet Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) guidelines, usually (but not always) small multiple unit railcars like a light rail system, but like commuter rail, they are typically powered by diesel engines over tracks which may be shared with freight trains (which typically only operate overnight, when passenger service has stopped). [78] Unlike most commuter rail systems which only operate during the weekday peak travel periods, hybrid rail systems operate all-day, every day, but typically at longer headways than light rail.

City/Area servedStateSystemYear openedSystem lengthStationsLinesYear last expandedRef.
Austin Texas CapMetro Rail 201032 mi (51 km)1012024 [79]
Contra Costa County California eBART 201810.1 mi (16.3 km)31 [80]
CamdenTrenton New Jersey River Line 200434 mi (55 km)201 [26] [81]
Denton County Texas A-train 201121 mi (34 km)61 [82]
Fort Worth Texas TEXRail 201927.2 mi (43.8 km)91 [83]
North San Diego County California Sprinter 200822 mi (35 km)151 [84]

Systems under construction

The following table lists entirely new light rail, streetcar, or hybrid rail systems under construction. [85] Systems that are in the planning stages but not yet under construction (e.g. Glassboro–Camden Line, Interborough Express, and the Austin CapMetro Rail Project Connect system), are not listed; expansions of existing systems are also not listed here.

City/Area servedStateSystem/LinePlanned openingSystem lengthSystem typeRef.
Orange County California OC Streetcar 20254.1 mi (7 km)Streetcar [86] [87] [88] [89]
Tarrant, Dallas, and Collin counties Texas Silver Line 2025–202626 mi (42 km)Hybrid rail
Omaha Nebraska Omaha Streetcar 2026–20273.0 mi (4.8 km)Streetcar
Montgomery and Prince George's counties Maryland Purple Line 202716.2 mi (26.1 km)Light rail [90] [91]

See also


  1. 1 2 This system also has a heavy rail rapid transit/metro portion (see List of metro systems), and connections to a commuter rail system; the figures and statistics presented here represent the light rail portion of the system only.
  2. This system also has a heavy rail rapid transit/metro portion (see List of metro systems); the figures and statistics presented here represent the light rail portion of the system only.


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