List of United States Air Force three-star generals since 2010

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lieutenant general Flag of a United States Air Force lieutenant general.svg
Flag of an Air Force
lieutenant general

This is a list of three-star generals in the United States Air Force since 2010. The rank of lieutenant general (or three-star general) is the second-highest rank normally achievable in the U.S. Air Force, and the first to have a specified number of appointments set by statute. It ranks above major general (two-star general) and below general (four-star general).


There have been 158 lieutenant generals in the U.S. Air Force since 1 January 2010, 27 of whom were elevated to four-star general. All 158 achieved that rank while on active duty in the U.S. Air Force. Lieutenant generals entered the Air Force via several paths: 73 were commissioned via the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), 52 via Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) at a civilian university, 18 via Air Force Officer Training School (OTS), 8 via AFROTC at a senior military college, 6 via direct commission (direct), and one via direct commission inter-service transfer from the Army National Guard (ARNG).

List of generals

Entries in the following list of lieutenant generals are indexed by the numerical order in which each officer was promoted to that rank while on active duty, or by an asterisk (*) if the officer did not serve in that rank while on active duty in the U.S. Air Force or was promoted to four-star rank while on active duty in the U.S. Air Force. Each entry lists the general's name, date of rank, [1] active-duty positions held while serving at three-star rank, [2] number of years of active-duty service at three-star rank (Yrs), [3] year commissioned and source of commission, [4] number of years in commission when promoted to three-star rank (YC), [5] and other biographical notes (years of birth and death are shown in parentheses in the Notes column). [6] Officers transferred to the U.S. Space Force in the grade of lieutenant general are included while having previously held that rank in the Air Force previously are included, while Air Force officers first promoted to lieutenant general in the U.S. Space Force are excluded.

#NamePhotoDate of rank [1] Position [2] Yrs [3] Commission [4] YC [5] Notes [6]
1 Richard C. Harding RichardCHarding.JPG 2 Feb 2010 41980 (direct)30(1947–    ) [7]
* Larry O. Spencer Lt Gen Larry O. Spencer.jpg 3 Apr 2010 
  • Director, Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, Joint Staff, J8, 2010–2012.
21980 (OTS)30(1954–    ) [8] Promoted to general, 27 Jul 2012. Served nine years in the enlisted ranks before receiving his commission in 1980.
2 Eric E. Fiel General Eric E Fiel.jpg 11 Jun 2010 41981 (OTS)29(1958–    )
3 Frank J. Kisner Lt Gen Frank J. Kisner.jpg 26 Jul 2010 
  • Commander, NATO Special Operations Headquarters (CDRNSHQ), 2010–2013.
31980 (USAFA)30-
4 Stephen P. Mueller Lt. Gen. Stephen P. Mueller USAF.JPG 6 Sep 2010 41979 (USAFA)31(1960–    )
5 Douglas H. Owens Lt Gen Douglas H. Owens.jpg 9 Sep 2010 31980 (USAFA)30-
6 Michael R. Moeller Lt. Gen. Michael R. Moeller USAF.JPG 7 Oct 2010 41980 (USAFA)34-
7 Burton M. Field Burton M. Field (3).jpg 25 Oct 2010 41979 (USAFA)31 [9]
8 Kurt A. Cichowski Lt Gen Kurt A. Cichowski.jpg 16 Nov 2010 31977 (USAFA)33 [10]
9 Stanley T. Kresge LIEUTENANT GENERAL STANLEY T. KRESGE USAF.JPG 10 Dec 2010 41980 (USAFA)30-
10 Darrell D. Jones Lt. Gen. Darrell D. Jones.jpg 14 Dec 2010 
  • Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services, Air Staff (DCS A1), 2010–2013.
31979 (AFROTC)31 [10]
11 James M. Kowalski Kowalski 2013.jpeg 6 Jan 2011 41980 (AFROTC)31(1957–    )
12 Susan J. Helms Helms sj4.jpg 21 Jan 2011 31980 (USAFA)31(1958–    ) [11] [12]
13 Michael J. Basla Lt. Gen. Michael J. Basla USAF.JPG 2 Mar 2011 31979 (OTS)32(1952–    )
* Ellen M. Pawlikowski Ellen M. Pawlikowski.jpg 3 Jun 2011 41978 (AFROTC)33(1956–    ) Promoted to general, 8 Jun 2015.
14 Bradley A. Heithold Heithold 2016.jpg 19 Jul 2011 71981 (AFROTC)30(1956–    )
* David L. Goldfein Lt Gen David L. Goldfein, USAF.jpg 3 Aug 2011 41983 (USAFA)28(1959–    ) [8] [13] Promoted to general, 17 Aug 2015.
15 David S. Fadok LIEUTENANT GENERAL DAVID S. FADOK USAF.JPG 12 Aug 2011 31982 (USAFA)29 [9]
16 Stanley E. Clarke III StanleyEClarke.JPG 31 Aug 2011 41981 (AFROTC)30 [14]
17 Charles R. Davis LIEUTENANT GENERAL CHARLES R. DAVIS USAF.JPG 1 Sep 2011 31979 (USAFA)32-
18 Brooks L. Bash LIEUTENANT GENERAL BROOKS L. BASH USAF.JPG 9 Sep 2011 41981 (USAFA)30-
19 Mark F. Ramsay Mark F. Ramsay.jpg 23 Sep 2011 41982 (OTS)29(c.1958    )
20 C.D. Moore II Lt Gen CD Moore II 2012.jpg 3 Oct 2011 31980 (USAFA)31(1958–    )
21 Stephen L. Hoog LIEUTENANT GENERAL STEPHEN L. HOOG usaf.JPG 7 Nov 2011 41979 (USAFA)32-
22 John W. Hesterman III John W. Hesterman III.jpg 17 Nov 2011 51983 (USAFA)28Relieved, 2016.
* Robin Rand Lt Gen Robin Rand, USAF.jpg 1 Dec 2011 21979 (USAFA)32(c.1956    ) [15] Promoted to general, 10 Oct 2013.
23 Judith A. Fedder Lt Gen Judith A. Fedder (2).jpg 5 Dec 2011 
  • Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support, Air Staff (DCS A4/7), 2011–2015.
41980 (AFROTC)31(1958–    )
24 Jan-Marc Jouas LIEUTENANT GENERAL JAN-MARC JOUAS USAF.JPG 6 Jan 2012 21979 (USAFA)33 [9]
25 Ronnie D. Hawkins Jr. LIEUTENANT GENERAL RONNIE D. HAWKINS JR. USAF.JPG 11 Jan 2012 31977 (AFROTC)35-
26 Craig A. Franklin Lt Gen Craig A. Franklin.jpg 30 Mar 2012 21981 (USAFA)31(c.1961    ) [16] Resigned, 2014.
* John E. Hyten Lt Gen John E. Hyten, USAF.jpg 18 May 2012 21981 (AFROTC)31(1959–    ) [17] [18] Promoted to general, 15 Aug 2014.
27 Bruce A. Litchfield LIEUTENANT GENERAL BRUCE A. LITCHFIELD USAF.JPG 10 Jul 2012 31981 (Norwich)31-
28 Thomas W. Travis LtGenThomasTravis.jpg 13 Jul 2012 31976 (Virginia Tech)36Senior Vice President, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2015–present.
29 Salvatore A. Angelella LIEUTENANT GENERAL SALVATORE A. "SAM" ANGELELLA USAF.JPG 20 Jul 2012 31981 (USAFA)31(c.1959    )
30 Andrew E. Busch Lt. Gen. Andrew E. Busch.jpg 20 Jul 2012 51979 (USAFA)33-
31 James F. Jackson JamesFJackson.JPG 30 Jul 2012 41978 (USAFA)34(1948–    )
32 Noel T. Jones Lt Gen Noel T. Jones (2).jpg 3 Aug 2012 31989 (USAFA)23-
* Darren W. McDew Lt Gen Darren W. McDew, USAF.jpg 6 Aug 2012 21982 (VMI)30(1960–    ) [17] Promoted to general, 5 May 2014.
33 Michael D. Dubie Lt Gen Dubie digital photo.jpg 14 Aug 2012 31982 (ARNG)31(1960–    ) [19]
* Joseph L. Lengyel Lt Gen Joseph L. Lengyel.jpg 18 Aug 2012 41981 (AFROTC)31(1959–    ) [20] Promoted to general, 3 Aug 2016.
34 Christopher C. Bogdan LIEUTENANT GENERAL CHRISTOPHER C. BOGDAN USAF.JPG 6 Dec 2012 51983 (USAFA)29-
35 Gregory A. Biscone Lt Gen Gregory A Biscone Air Force Inspector General.JPG 12 Jan 2013 31981 (USAFA)32-
36 William H. Etter William H. Etter (2).jpg 7 Mar 2013 31979 (AFROTC)34(c.1957    )
* Lori J. Robinson Lt Gen Lori Robinson 2013.JPG 20 May 2013 11981 (AFROTC)32(c.1959    ) [17] Promoted to general, 16 Oct 2014.
37 Robert P. Otto Lt. Gen. Robert P. "Bob" Otto USAF.JPG 24 Jun 2013 31982 (USAFA)31-
* James M. Holmes LIEUTENANT GENERAL JAMES M. "MIKE" HOLMES USAF.JPG 2 Aug 2013 41981 (OTS)32(1957–    ) Promoted to general, 10 Mar 2017.
39 Michelle D. Johnson Lt Gen Michelle D. Johnson (3).jpg 12 Aug 2013 41981 (USAFA)32(c.1959    ) First woman to command a Department of Defense service academy.
40 Mark O. Schissler LIEUTENANT GENERAL MARK O. SCHISSLER USAF.JPG 30 Aug 2013 31981 (OTS)32 [21]
* Tod D. Wolters LIEUTENANT GENERAL TOD D. WOLTERS USAF.JPG 24 Sep 2013 31982 (USAFA)31(1960–    ) [22] Promoted to general, 11 Aug 2016.
41 Douglas J. Robb Lt Gen Douglas J. Robb (2).jpg 1 Oct 2013 21979 (USAFA)34-
* Stephen W. Wilson Lt Gen Stephen W. Wilson (2).jpg 23 Oct 2013 31981 (Texas A&M)32(c.1959    ) [8] Promoted to general, 22 Jul 2016.
42 Samuel D. Cox Lt. Gen. Samuel D. Cox USAF.JPG 3 Dec 2013 41984 (USAFA)29(1961–    )
* John W. Raymond Lt Gen John W. Raymond (2).jpg 31 Jan 2014 21984 (AFROTC)30(1962–    ) [17] [23] [24] Promoted to general, 25 Oct 2016.
43 Wendy M. Masiello LIEUTENANT GENERAL WENDY M. MASIELLO.JPG 8 May 2014 31980 (AFROTC)34(1958–    )
44 Christopher F. Burne Lt. Gen. Christopher F. Burne.JPG 23 May 2014 41983 (direct)31 [7]
45 Darryl L. Roberson Roberson latest portrait.jpg 30 May 2014 31983 (USAFA)31(1960–    )
46 Thomas J. Trask LIEUTENANT GENERAL THOMAS J. TRASK.JPG 16 Jun 2014 31984 (AFROTC)30-
47 Samuel A. Greaves LIEUTENANT GENERAL SAMUEL A. GREAVES.JPG 19 Jun 2014 51982 (AFROTC)37-
* Carlton D. Everhart II LIEUTENANT GENERAL CARLTON D. EVERHART II Commander, 18th Air Force.JPG 20 Jun 2014 11983 (Virginia Tech)31(1961–    ) Promoted to general, 11 Aug 2015.
48 Anthony J. Rock Anthony Rock Inspector General.jpg 17 Jul 2014 31982 (OTS)32(1959–    )
50 Marshall B. Webb Lt. Gen. Marshall B. Webb.jpg 28 Aug 2014 81984 (USAFA)30(1961–    )
51 William J. Bender LIEUTENANT GENERAL WILLIAM J. BENDER.JPG 19 Sep 2014 31983 (AFROTC)31-
52 John F. Thompson LIEUTENANT GENERAL JOHN F. THOMPSON.JPG 2 Oct 2014 71984 (USAFA)30-
53 Steven L. Kwast Kwast 2018.jpg 10 Nov 2014 51986 (USAFA)28-
54 Mark C. Nowland Lt. Gen. Mark C. Nowland.jpg 19 Dec 2014 41985 (USAFA)29(1958–    )
* Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy LIEUTENANT GENERAL TERRENCE J. O'SHAUGHNESSY.JPG 19 Dec 2014 21986 (USAFA)28(c.1964    ) [17] Promoted to general, 12 Jul 2016.
  • Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support, Air Staff (DCS A4/7), 2015–2018.
31983 (Citadel)32-
56 John L. Dolan Lt Gen John L. Dolan (2).jpg 5 Jun 2015 31986 (AFROTC)29(c.1964    )
57 Mark A. Ediger LIEUTENANT GENERAL MARK A. EDIGER.JPG 5 Jun 2015 31985 (direct)30-
58 Lee K. Levy II Lt Gen Lee K. Levy II (2).jpg 5 Jun 2015 31985 (AFROTC)30 [25]
59 Jeffrey G. Lofgren LIEUTENANT GENERAL JEFFREY G. LOFGREN.JPG 19 Jun 2015 31984 (USAFA)31-
* Arnold W. Bunch Jr. LIEUTENANT GENERAL ARNOLD W. BUNCH JR.JPG 24 Jun 2015 41984 (USAFA)31(1962–    ) Promoted to general, 31 May 2019.
* Charles Q. Brown Jr. Charles Q. Brown Jr. (2).jpg 29 Jun 2015 31985 (AFROTC)30(1962–    ) [13] Promoted to general, 26 Jul 2018.
* Timothy M. Ray Timothy M. Ray (3).jpg 2 Jul 2015 31985 (USAFA)30(1963–    ) Promoted to general, 21 Aug 2018.
60 John N.T. Shanahan Lt Gen John N.T. Shanahan.jpg 11 Aug 2015 
  • Director for Defense Intelligence (Warfighter Support) (DDIWS), 2015–2017.
  • Director for Defense Intelligence (Warfighter Support)/Director, Algorithmic Warfare Cross-Functional Team (Project Maven) (DDIWS/DIRAWCFT), 2017–2018.
  • Director, Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (DIRJAIC), 2018–2020.
51984 (AFROTC)31-
61 David J. Buck LIEUTENANT GENERAL DAVID J. BUCK.JPG 14 Aug 2015 21986 (OTS)29 [26] Vice President, Space Force Association, 2019–present.
  • Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services, Air Staff (DCS A1), 2015–2018.
31986 (AFROTC)29(1964–    ) U.S. Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Human Resources and Administration/Operations, Security and Preparedness, 2021–present.
63 Jack Weinstein LIEUTENANT GENERAL JACK WEINSTEIN.JPG 20 Nov 2015 31982 (AFROTC)33-
64 John D. Bansemer LIEUTENANT GENERAL JOHN D. BANSEMER (2).jpg 7 Jan 2016 31987 (OTS)29-
65 L. Scott Rice Rice 2016 2.jpg 4 May 2016 41980 (AFROTC)36(1958–    )
66 R. Scott Williams Lt. Gen. Scott Williams official photo 160708-F-FY024-006.jpg 6 Jul 2016 31984 (AFROTC)32-
67 Thomas W. Bergeson Deputy Commander Lieutenant General Thomas W. Bergeson.jpg 8 Jul 2016 41985 (USAFA)31(1962–    )
* Maryanne Miller LIEUTENANT GENERAL MARYANNE MILLER.jpg 15 Jul 2016 21981 (AFROTC)35(1961–    ) Promoted to general, 7 Sep 2018.
* Jeffrey L. Harrigian LIEUTENANT GENERAL JEFFREY L. HARRIGIAN.jpg 22 Jul 2016 31985 (USAFA)31(c.1962    ) Promoted to general, 1 May 2019.
* Kenneth S. Wilsbach Lt. Gen. Kenneth S. Wilsbach (2).jpg 16 Aug 2016 41985 (AFROTC)35(c.1963    ) Promoted to general, 8 Jul 2020.
68 Stayce D. Harris Harris IG AF.png 19 Aug 2016 31981 (AFROTC)35(1959–    ) First female African-American lieutenant general in the Air Force.
* Mark D. Kelly Lt. Gen. Mark D. Kelly.jpg 3 Oct 2016 41986 (AFROTC)30(c.1962    ) Promoted to general, 28 Aug 2020.
69 Jerry P. Martinez LIEUTENANT GENERAL JERRY P. MARTINEZ.jpg 6 Oct 2016 31986 (USAFA)30(c.1964    )
70 Richard M. Clark Lt Gen Richard M. Clark.jpg 21 Oct 2016 61986 (USAFA)30(c.1964    ) First African-American superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy.
71 VeraLinn Jamieson VeraLinn Jamieson (3).jpg 2 Nov 2016 31982 (AFROTC)34(1960–    ) [27]
72 Steven M. Shepro Steven M. Shepro (4).jpg 3 Nov 2016 31984 (USAFA)32(c.1962    )
73 Jerry D. Harris Jr. LIEUTENANT GENERAL JERRY D. HARRIS JR.jpg 22 Feb 2017 
  • Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements, Air Staff (DCS A5/8), 2017–2018.
  • Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Programs, Air Staff (DCS A8), 2018–2019.
21985 (AFROTC)32-
74 Robert D. McMurry Jr. Lt. Gen. Robert D. McMurry, Jr.jpg 2 May 2017 31984 (AFROTC)33-
75 Giovanni K. Tuck Lt. Gen. Giovanni K. Tuck (3).jpg 1 Jun 2017 31987 (AFROTC)30-
76 Bradford J. Shwedo Lt. Gen. Bradford J. Shwedo.jpg 9 Jun 2017 
  • Chief, Information Dominance/Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force (SAF/CIO A6), 2017–2018.
  • Director, Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber and Chief Information Officer, Joint Staff, J6, 2018–2020.
31987 (USAFA)30 [28]
77 Scott A. Howell Lt Gen Howell.png 2 Aug 2017 41987 (USAFA)30(1965–    )
78 James C. Vechery Lt. Gen. James C. Vechery.jpg 2 Aug 2017 
  • Deputy to the Commander for Military Operations, U.S. Africa Command (DCDR-MILOP, USAFRICOM), 2017–2020.
31988 (AFROTC)32(1966–    )
79 Jay B. Silveria Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria.jpg 11 Aug 2017 31985 (USAFA)32(c.1963    )
* Jacqueline D. Van Ovost Lt. Gen. Jacqueline D. Van Ovost.jpg 8 Nov 2017 31988 (USAFA)29(1965–    ) [17] Promoted to general, 20 Aug 2020.
* Anthony J. Cotton Lt. Gen. Anthony J. Cotton.jpg 15 Feb 2018 31986 (AFROTC)32Promoted to general, 27 Aug 2021.
* David D. Thompson Lt Gen David D. Thompson.jpg 4 Apr 2018 21985 (USAFA)33(c.1963    ) [29] [30] Promoted to general, 1 Oct 2020.
80 Jeffrey A. Rockwell Lt. Gen. Jeffrey A. Rockwell (2).jpg 18 May 2018 41987 (direct)34-
81 Dorothy A. Hogg LIEUTENANT GENERAL DOROTHY A. HOGG.jpg 4 Jun 2018 31984 (direct)34(1959–    ) First woman to serve as Surgeon General of the United States Air Force.
82 James C. Slife Lt. Gen. James C. Slife (2).jpg 29 Jun 2018 41989 (AFROTC)29(1967–    )
83 Donald E. Kirkland Lt. Gen. Donald E. Kirkland (2).jpg 7 Aug 2018 31988 (OTS)30-
84 Warren D. Berry Lt. Gen. Warren D. Berry.jpg 17 Aug 2018 
  • Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Air Staff (DCS A4), 2018–present.
41987 (AFROTC)31-
85 Christopher P. Weggeman Lt. Gen. Christopher P. Weggeman.jpg 21 Aug 2018 31987 (AFROTC)31(1965–    )
86 Thomas A. Bussiere Lt Gen Thomas A. Bussiere (2).jpg 24 Aug 2018 41985 (Norwich)33(1963–    )
87 Joseph T. Guastella Jr. Lt Gen Joseph T. Guastella Jr.jpg 30 Aug 2018 41987 (USAFA)31(1965–    )
88 Brian T. Kelly Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly.jpg 4 Sep 2018 
  • Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services, Air Staff (DCS A1), 2018–2022.
41989 (AFROTC)29-
89 Jon T. Thomas Jon T. Thomas August 2020.jpg 4 Sep 2018 31989 (USAFA)29(1967–    )
90 Richard W. Scobee Lt. Gen. Richard W. Scobee.jpg 7 Sep 2018 41986 (USAFA)32(1964–    ) Son of NASA astronaut and Space Shuttle Challenger commander Dick Scobee.
91 Timothy G. Fay Lt. Gen. Timothy G. Fay.jpg 1 Oct 2018 31987 (USAFA)31-
92 Thomas J. Sharpy Lt. Gen. Thomas J. Sharpy.jpg 12 Oct 2018 31987 (USAFA)31-
93 Michael T. Plehn Lt Gen Michael T. Plehn (3).jpg 22 Oct 2018 41988 (USAFA)30(1965–    )
* David W. Allvin Lt. Gen. David W. Allvin.jpg 31 Jan 2019 11986 (USAFA)33(c.1963    ) [8] Promoted to general, 12 Nov 2020.
94 Sami D. Said Lt. Gen. Sami D. Said.jpg 31 Jan 2019 31991 (OTS)28(1964–    )
95 Kevin B. Schneider Lt Gen Kevin B. Schneider (2).jpg 5 Feb 2019 31988 (USAFA)31-
96 Steven L. Basham Lt. Gen. Steven L. Basham.jpg 1 May 2019 31989 (OTS)30(1965–    )
97 Marc H. Sasseville Lt. Gen. Marc H. Sasseville (2).jpg 18 Jun 2019 31985 (USAFA)34(1963–    )
98 Duke Z. Richardson Lt. Gen. Duke Z. Richardson.jpg 20 Jun 2019 31989 (OTS)33(c.1964    )
99 Eric T. Fick Lt. Gen. Eric T. Fick.jpg 11 Jul 2019 31990 (AFROTC)29-
100 David S. Nahom Lt. Gen. David S. Nahom.jpg 4 Sep 2019 
  • Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Programs, Air Staff (DCS A8), 2019–present.
31988 (AFROTC)31(1966–    )
101 Scott A. Kindsvater Lt. Gen. Scott A. Kindsvater.jpg 27 Sep 2019 21989 (USAFA)30-
* Michael A. Minihan Lt. Gen. Michael A. Minihan.jpg 27 Sep 2019 21990 (AFROTC)29(1967–    ) Promoted to general, 5 Oct 2021.
* Glen D. VanHerck Lt. Gen. Glen D. VanHerck.jpg 27 Sep 2019 11987 (AFROTC)32(1962–    ) [17] Promoted to general, 20 Aug 2020.
102 Timothy D. Haugh Lt. Gen. Timothy D. Haugh.jpg 11 Oct 2019 31991 (AFROTC)28(1969–    ) [7]
103 Mary F. O'Brien Lt. Gen. Mary F. O'Brien.jpg 8 Nov 2019 31989 (USAFA)30-
104 James B. Hecker Lt. Gen. James B. Hecker.jpg 22 Nov 2019 31989 (USAFA)30-
105 David A. Krumm Lt. Gen. David A. Krumm (2).jpg 20 Apr 2020 21989 (AFROTC)31(1967–    )
106 Scott L. Pleus Lt. Gen. Scott L. Pleus.jpg 12 Jun 2020 21989 (AFROTC)31-
107 S. Clinton Hinote Lt. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote.jpg 15 Jun 2020 
  • Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategy, Integration and Requirements, Air Staff (DCS A5), 2020–2022.
  • Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Force Futures, Air Staff (DCS A5), 2022–present.
21992 (USAFA)28-
108 Gregory M. Guillot Lt Gen Gregory M. Guillot (2).jpg 16 Jul 2020 21989 (USAFA)31-
109 Carl E. Schaefer Lt. Gen. Carl E. Schaefer.jpg 21 Jul 2020 21990 (USAFA)30-
110 Michael A. Loh Lt. Gen. Michael A. Loh.jpg 22 Jul 2020 21984 (USAFA)36(1962–    ) Son of Air Force four-star general John M. Loh.
111 Kirk S. Pierce Lt. Gen. Kirk S. Pierce (cropped 2).jpg 29 Jul 2020 21988 (AFROTC)32-
112 Tony D. Bauernfeind Lt. Gen. Tony D. Bauernfeind.jpg 31 Jul 2020 11991 (USAFA)29-
113 Kirk W. Smith Lt Gen Kirk W. Smith.jpg 4 Aug 2020 21989 (USAFA)31(1967–    )
114 Brian S. Robinson Lt. Gen. Brian S. Robinson.jpg 14 Aug 2020 21987 (OTS)33-
115 Jeffrey A. Kruse Lt. Gen. Jeffrey A. Kruse.jpg 16 Aug 2020 21990 (AFROTC)30(1968–    )
116 Charles L. Moore Jr. Lt Gen Charles L. Moore Jr.jpg 3 Sep 2020 21989 (USAFA)31(1966–    )
117 Shaun Q. Morris Lt. Gen. Shaun Q. Morris.jpg 3 Sep 2020 21988 (USAFA)32-
118 Sam C. Barrett Lt. Gen. Sam C. Barrett.jpg 4 Sep 2020 21988 (USAFA)32-
119 James C. Dawkins Jr. Lt. Gen. James C. Dawkins, Jr.jpg 1 Oct 2020 21989 (OTS)31(1966–    )
120 Andrew A. Croft Lt. Gen. Andrew A. Croft (3).jpg 28 Dec 2020 21988 (AFROTC)32(1965–    )
121 Robert J. Skinner Lt Gen Robert J. Skinner.jpg 25 Feb 2021 11989 (OTS)32-
122 Robert I. Miller Lt Gen Robert I. Miller.jpg 4 Jun 2021 11985 (direct)36(1963–    )
123 Russell L. Mack Lt Gen Russell L. Mack.jpg 16 Aug 2021 11988 (OTS)33-
124 Tom D. Miller Lt Gen Tom D. Miller.jpg 17 Aug 2021 11990 (AFROTC)31-
125 James A. Jacobson Lt Gen James A. Jacobson.jpg 20 Aug 2021 11990 (USAFA)31-
126 Mark E. Weatherington Lt Gen Mark E. Weatherington.jpg 23 Aug 2021 11990 (USAFA)31(1967–    )
127 Ricky N. Rupp Lt Gen Ricky N. Rupp.jpg 27 Aug 2021 11988 (AFROTC)33-
128 David J. Julazadeh Lt Gen David J. Julazadeh.jpg 4 Oct 2021 11990 (AFROTC)31(1966–    )
129 Lance K. Landrum Lt Gen Lance K. Landrum.jpg 11 Oct 2021 11992 (USAFA)29(c.1970    )
130 John D. Caine Lt Gen John D. Caine.jpg 3 Nov 2021 11990 (VMI)31-
131 Stephen L. Davis Lt Gen Stephen L. Davis.jpg 2 Mar 2022 01989 (OTS)33-



Stephen L. DavisJohn D. CaineLance K. LandrumDavid J. JulazadehRicky N. RuppMark E. WeatheringtonJames A. JacobsonTom D. MillerRussell L. MackRobert I. MillerRobert J. SkinnerAndrew A. CroftJames C. Dawkins Jr.Sam C. BarrettShaun Q. MorrisCharles A. Moore Jr.Jeffrey A. KruseBrian S. RobinsonKirk W. SmithTony D. BauernfeindKirk S. PierceMichael A. LohCarl A. SchaeferGregory M. GuillotS. Clinton HinoteScott L. PleusDavid A. KrummJames B. HeckerMary F. O'BrienTimothy D. HaughGlen D. VanHerckMichael A. MinihanScott A. KindsvaterDavid S. NahomEric T. FickDuke Z. RichardsonMarc H. SassevilleSteven L. BashamKevin B. SchneiderSami D. SaidDavid W. AllvinMichael T. PlehnThomas J. SharpyTimothy G. FayRichard W. ScobeeJon T. ThomasBrian T. KellyJoseph T. Guastella Jr.Thomas A. BussiereChristopher P. WeggemanWarren D. BerryDonald E. KirklandJames C. SlifeDorothy A. HoggJeffrey A. RockwellDavid D. ThompsonJacqueline D. Van OvostAnthony J. CottonJay B. SilveriaJames C. VecheryScott A. HowellBradford J. ShwedoGiovanni K. TuckRobert D. McMurry Jr.Jerry D. Harris Jr.Steven M. SheproVeraLinn JamiesonRichard M. ClarkJerry P. MartinezMark D. KellyStayce D. HarrisKenneth S. WilsbachJeffrey L. HarrigianMaryanne MillerThomas W. BergesonR. Scott WilliamsL. Scott RiceJohn D. BansemerJack Weinstein (general)Gina M. GrossoDavid J. BuckJohn N.T. ShanahanTimothy M. RayCharles Q. Brown Jr.Arnold W. Bunch Jr.Jeffrey G. LofgrenLee K. Levy IIMark A. EdigerJohn L. DolanJohn B. CooperTerrence J. O'ShaughnessyMark C. NowlandSteven L. KwastJohn F. Thompson (general)William J. BenderMarshall B. WebbJames K. McLaughlinAnthony J. RockCarlton D. Everhart IISamuel A. GreavesThomas J. TraskDarryl L. RobersonChristopher F. BurneWendy M. MasielloJohn W. RaymondSamuel D. CoxStephen W. WilsonDouglas J. RobbTod D. WoltersMark O. SchisslerMichelle D. JohnsonRussell J. HandyJames M. HolmesRobert P. OttoLori J. RobinsonWilliam H. EtterGregory A. BisconeChristopher C. BogdanJoseph L. LengyelMichael D. DubieDarren W. McDewNoel T. JonesJames F. JacksonAndrew E. BuschSalvatore A. AngelellaThomas W. TravisBruce A. LitchfieldJohn E. HytenCraig A. FranklinRonnie D. Hawkins Jr.Jan-Marc JouasJudith A. FedderRobin RandJohn W. Hesterman IIIStephen L. HoogC. D. MooreMark F. RamsayBrooks L. BashCharles R. DavisStanley E. Clarke IIIDavid S. FadokDavid L. GoldfeinBradley A. HeitholdEllen M. PawlikowskiMichael J. BaslaSusan J. HelmsJames M. KowalskiDarrell D. JonesStanley T. KresgeKurt A. CichowskiBurton M. FieldMichael R. MoellerDouglas H. OwensStephen P. MuellerFrank J. KisnerEric E. FielLarry O. SpencerRichard C. HardingOperation Inherent ResolveIraq WarWar in Afghanistan (2001–2021)List of United States Air Force three-star generals since 2010


The United States Air Force originated as the Air Corps of the Regular Army. During World War II the Regular Army was augmented with a larger temporary force of reservists, volunteers, and conscripts to form the Army of the United States. Air personnel in the combined force belonged to the Army Air Forces. After the war, all Air Corps and Army Air Forces personnel split off from the Army to form the independent Air Force.

1939–1947 (U.S. Army Air Forces)

Delos C. Emmons Lieutenant General Delos C Emmons.jpg
Delos C. Emmons

The first United States airman to become a lieutenant general was Delos C. Emmons, commanding general of General Headquarters Air Force, who was appointed to that grade under a 1940 law authorizing the President to appoint Regular Army officers to temporary higher grades in the Army of the United States. The first airman to become a lieutenant general in the Regular Army was Frank M. Andrews, who was automatically elevated to that grade upon assuming command of the Panama Canal Department in 1941. The Regular Army grade of lieutenant general had been abolished at the end of World War I, but was revived in 1939 when Congress authorized the officers commanding certain important Army formations to be temporarily appointed to the grade while detailed to those positions; these commands included the four field armies and the Panama Canal and Hawaiian Departments. [31]

Numerous airmen were promoted to lieutenant general during World War II. Lieutenant generals typically commanded one of the numbered field armies or air forces; served as deputy theater commanders; or headed major headquarters staffs, administrative commands, or support organizations. Most World War II lieutenant generals were appointed to that grade in the Army of the United States, even if detailed to a position that already carried the Regular Army grade; unlike the ex officio Regular Army grade, which was lost if an officer was reassigned, the Army of the United States grade was personal to each individual, making it easier to transfer officers without inadvertently demoting them. [32]

Although most air lieutenant generals belonged to the Regular Army Air Corps, anyone could be appointed lieutenant general in the Army of the United States, including reservists and civilians; James H. Doolittle was promoted to lieutenant general as an Air Corps Reserve officer and William S. Knudsen was commissioned lieutenant general directly from civilian life. [33]

1947–1960 (U.S. Air Force)

Otto P. Weyland Weyland op.jpg
Otto P. Weyland

The National Security Act of 1947 transferred all personnel in the Army Air Forces, Air Corps, and General Headquarters Air Force to the newly created United States Air Force. Lieutenant generals in the new service typically headed divisions of the Air Staff in Washington, D.C.; the unified command in Alaska; the theater air forces in Europe or the Far East; or the Air Force's top-level strategic, tactical, air defense, materiel, or transportation commands. Many early three-star commands were subsequently upgraded to four stars, and their vice commanders were elevated to three stars along with the commanders of the larger numbered air forces. [34]

All three- and four-star ranks were made ex officio by the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, meaning that a lieutenant general had to be reconfirmed in that grade every time he changed jobs. During the Korean War the Far East Air Forces (FEAF) vice commander for operations, Major General Otto P. Weyland, was slated for a three-star job in the United States but Air Force Chief of Staff Hoyt S. Vandenberg wanted Weyland to be promoted to lieutenant general while still in the war zone, so Vandenberg created the new three-star position of deputy commanding general of FEAF just for Weyland. Once promoted, Weyland immediately returned stateside but remained technically assigned to FEAF in order to keep his new grade while waiting for the Senate to confirm him in his permanent three-star assignment as commanding general of Tactical Air Command. [35]

It was rare but not unheard of for a lieutenant general to be demoted by accepting a transfer to a lower ranking job. Air Force Inspector General Truman H. Landon and Fifth Air Force commanding generals Frank F. Everest and Glenn O. Barcus all reverted to major general for their next assignments but regained their third stars in subsequent postings. [36] Conversely, Major General Muir S. Fairchild skipped three-star rank entirely when he was appointed to the four-star office of vice chief of staff of the Air Force. [37]

Modern use

Retired Col. Brian O'Connor, Dr. Camille Grosso, and retired Lt. Col. Gerry Grosso help pin Lt. Gen. Gina Grosso's new rank during her promotion ceremony in the Pentagon on 16 November 2015. Grosso Promotion 151116-F-FC975-107.jpg
Retired Col. Brian O'Connor, Dr. Camille Grosso, and retired Lt. Col. Gerry Grosso help pin Lt. Gen. Gina Grosso's new rank during her promotion ceremony in the Pentagon on 16 November 2015.
Maj. Gen. Michael A. Loh is promoted to lieutenant general during a change of responsibility ceremony at the Pentagon on 28 July 2020. 13th ANG Director Change of Responsibility Ceremony 200728-Z-MT804-004.jpg
Maj. Gen. Michael A. Loh is promoted to lieutenant general during a change of responsibility ceremony at the Pentagon on 28 July 2020.

There are presently 29 three-star billets in the United States Air Force. [38] Three-star generals in the Air Force typically serve in high-level command and staff positions throughout the service, [39] including as commanders of major commands (MAJCOMs), [40] commanders of numbered air forces (NAF) [40] [41] that are concurrently designated as service component commands under a four-star unified combatant commander and deputy commanders of Air Force four-star commands, such as the deputy commander of Air Force Global Strike Command. Staff-level positions include the director of staff and deputy chiefs of staff (limited to 8 by statute) [42] under the authority of the chief and vice chief of staff of the Air Force, as well as the inspector general of the department of the Air Force [43] who answers directly to the service secretary. High-level specialty positions such as the surgeon general, [44] judge advocate general, [45] and chief of Air Force Reserve [46] may also hold three-star rank, though not by statute. The superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy and director of the Air National Guard have been three-star positions since 1983 [47] and 2002 respectively.

Maj. Gen. Maryanne Miller receives her third star with assistance from her family during her promotion ceremony on 15 July 2016. Lt. Gen. Maryanne Miller's promotion 160715-F-AU128-0108.jpg
Maj. Gen. Maryanne Miller receives her third star with assistance from her family during her promotion ceremony on 15 July 2016.
Lt. Gen. Robert I. Miller has his new three-star flag unfurled during his promotion ceremony on 4 June 2021. CSAF promotes Maj. Gen. Robert Miller 210604-F-LE393-0291.jpg
Lt. Gen. Robert I. Miller has his new three-star flag unfurled during his promotion ceremony on 4 June 2021.

About 20 to 30 joint service three-star billets exist at any given time that can be occupied by an Air Force three-star general, among the most prestigious being the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS), principal staff advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and historically considered a stepping stone to four-star rank. [48] All deputy commanders of the unified combatant commands are of three-star rank, as is the vice chief of the National Guard Bureau [49] and directors of Defense Agencies not headed by a civilian such as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIRDIA). [50] Internationally based three-star positions include the deputy chair of the NATO Military Committee (DCMC), the United States military representative to the NATO Military Committee (USMILREP), and the security coordinator for the Palestinian National Authority in Israel.

Statutory limits, elevations and reductions

The U.S. Code states that no more than 30 officers in the U.S. Air Force may be promoted beyond the rank of major general and below the rank of general on the active duty list, with the exception of those on joint duty assignments. [51] However, the president [51] may designate up to 15 additional three-star appointments, with the condition that for every service branch allotted such additional three-star appointments, an equivalent number must be reduced from other service branches. Other exceptions exist for non-active duty or reserve appointments, as well as other circumstances. [52] As such, three-star positions can be elevated to four-star status or reduced to two-star status where deemed necessary, either to highlight their increasing importance [53] to the defense apparatus (or lack thereof) or to achieve parity with equivalent commands in other services or regions. Several three-star positions have been created, consolidated, or even eliminated entirely during this era.

The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act explicitly prohibits adding new general officer billets to the Space Force beyond the sole four-star billet of the Chief of Space Operations. This necessitated that five Air Force three-star appointments be transferred to the Space Force, leaving them with 24 as opposed to 29 available three-star positions. [70] [71] [51]

See also

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  1. 1 2 Dates of rank are taken, where available, from the U.S. Air Force register of active and retired commissioned officers, or from the officer's official Air Force biography. The date listed is that of the officer's first promotion to lieutenant general. If such a date cannot be found, the next date substituted should be that of the officer's assumption of his/her first three-star appointment. Failing which, the officer's first Senate confirmation date to lieutenant general should be substituted.
  2. 1 2 Positions listed are those held by the officer when promoted to lieutenant general. Dates listed are for the officer's full tenure, which may predate promotion to three-star rank or postdate retirement from active duty. Positions held in an acting capacity are italicized.
  3. 1 2 The number of years of active-duty service at three-star rank is approximated by subtracting the year in the "Date of rank" column from the last year in the "Position" column. For those presently in their position, values are as of 2020. Time spent between active-duty three-star assignments is not counted, nor is time spent on special duty as an unassigned general of the Air Force.
  4. 1 2 Sources of commission are listed in parentheses after the year of commission and include: the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA); the United States Military Academy (USMA); the United States Naval Academy (USNA); Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) at a civilian university; Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) at a civilian university; ROTC or AFROTC at a senior military college such as Texas A&M University (Texas A&M), the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), or Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI); Air Force Officer Training School (OTS); Officer Candidate School (OCS); the aviation cadet program (cadet); the Army National Guard (ARNG); the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF); and direct commission (direct).
  5. 1 2 The number of years in commission before being promoted to three-star rank is approximated by subtracting the year in the "Commission" column from the year in the "Date of rank" column.
  6. 1 2 Notes include years of birth and death; awards of the Medal of Honor, Congressional Gold Medal, Presidential Medal of Freedom, or honors of similar significance; major government appointments; university presidencies or equivalents; familial relationships with other significant military officers or significant government officials such as U.S. Presidents, cabinet secretaries, U.S. Senators, or state governors; and unusual career events such as premature relief or death in office.
  7. 1 2 3 Promoted directly from rank of brigadier general.
  8. 1 2 3 4 Served as Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force (VCSAF).
  9. 1 2 3 Retired, 1 Jan 2015.
  10. 1 2 Retired, 1 Jan 2014.
  11. Commissioned into Air Force as second lieutenant, 1980–1990; on active duty under NASA, 1990–2002; on active duty with Air Force, 2002–2014.
  12. Nomination to be Vice Commander, U.S. Space Command withdrawn, 2013.
  13. 1 2 Served as Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force (CSAF).
  14. Retired, 2016.
  15. First nomination as commander, Twelfth Air Force and Air Forces Southern (COMAFSOUTH) returned to the President, 2010.
  16. Resigned, Apr 2014, and retired as major general.
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Served as a combatant commander (CCDR).
  18. Served as Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (VJCS).
  19. Transferred from Army National Guard, 1982.
  20. Served as Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB).
  21. Retired, 1 Jan 2017.
  22. Served as Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).
  23. Transferred to U.S. Space Force, 20 Dec 2019.
  24. Served as Chief of Space Operations (CSO).
  25. On active duty as major general, 2018–2019; retired as major general, Nov 2019.
  26. Retired, 1 Jan 2018.
  27. Retired, 1 Jan 2020.
  28. Retired, 1 Feb 2021.
  29. Transferred to U.S. Space Force, 30 Mar 2020.
  30. Served as Vice Chief of Space Operations (VCSO).
  31. Army Register; Acts of July 31, 1940, and September 9, 1940.
  32. Army Register; "Krueger Is In Line For New Command; President Prepares to Give Third Army Chief New Task by Confirming His Rank", The New York Times, p. 5, 9 February 1943; "63 Army Officers Move Up In Rank; 3 Named Lieutenant General, Eight Major General and 52 Brigadier General", The New York Times, p. 11, 5 May 1943.
  33. DuPre, p. 59; "Knudsen the Only Civilian To Enter Army at His Rank", The New York Times, p. 9, 17 January 1942.
  34. 2011 Air Force Almanac; Air Force Register.
  35. Y'Blood, pp. 425, 442, 444–445, 477.
  36. Air Force Register.
  37. Puryear, p. 129.
  38. Not including Air Force commands dual-hatted as joint duty assignments including the commanders of Fifth Air Force, Seventh Air Force and Eleventh Air Force.
  39. "United States Air Force – O-9 Lieutenant General" . Retrieved 9 August 2021.
  40. 1 2 10 U.S.C.   § 9065 – Commands: territorial organization
  41. "Numbered Air Forces – Air Force Historical Research Agency". U.S. Air Force.
  42. 10 U.S.C.   § 9035 – Deputy Chiefs of Staff and Assistant Chiefs of Staff.
  43. 10 U.S.C.   § 9020 – Inspector General.
  44. 10 U.S.C.   § 9036 – Surgeon General: appointment; duties.
  45. 10 U.S.C.   § 9037 – Judge Advocate General, Deputy Judge Advocate General: appointment; duties.
  46. 10 U.S.C.   § 9038 – Office of Air Force Reserve: appointment of Chief.
  47. There exists several three-star superintendents since the academy's founding, but there have been no Senate-confirmed officeholders below the rank of lieutenant general since Winfield W. Scott Jr. assumed office in June 1983.
  48. Woodward, Bob (2006). State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III . Simon and Schuster. pp.  22, 40. ISBN   978-0-7432-7223-0. scott fry joint staff.
  49. 10 U.S.C.   § 10505 – Vice Chief of the National Guard Bureau.
  50. "ON RAISING THE RANK OF THE CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU" (PDF). Library of Congress. February 2007.
  51. 1 2 3 10 U.S.C.   § 525 – Distribution of commissioned officers on active duty in general officer and flag officer grades.
  52. 10 U.S.C.   § 526 – Authorized strength: general and flag officers on active duty.
  53. 10 U.S.C.   § 601 refers to positions held by four-star and three-star officers as "positions of importance and responsibility".
  54. Greenhill, Jim (19 June 2012). "Air Force Maj. Gen. Joseph Lengyel nominated as vice chief, National Guard Bureau". DVIDS.
  55. Greenhill, Jim (26 July 2012). "Chief, vice chief of National Guard Bureau confirmed". DVIDS.
  56. Per the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, at least one deputy commander of USNORTHCOM must be a National Guard or Reserve general or flag officer unless the commander is already such an officer. See Pub.L. 110-181: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, and Pub.L. 110-181: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 full text
  57. Miller, Jason (9 November 2018). "Air Force restructures CIO to bring business, IT and data closer together". Federal News Network.
  58. Pomerlau, Mark (18 July 2018). "Air Force has new acting CIO". C4ISRNET.
  59. "MATTHEW P. DONOVAN". U.S. Air Force. Retrieved 10 August 2021.
  60. as Air Training Command, before consolidating with the Air University
  61. Congressional approval would be required to bypass the authorized limit of nine four-star commands.
  62. Christenson, Sig (28 February 2015). "Training Command loses a star". Express News.
  63. Everstine, Brian (25 April 2015). "3-star nominated to head Air Education and Training Command". Air Force Times.
  64. "Air Force recommends four-star position for Global Strike Command". U.S. Air Force. 28 May 2014.
  65. "First Air Force changes command, receives first three-star commander". Tyndall Air Force Base. 31 August 2011.
  66. "12th Air Force (AFSOUTH) Change of Command [Image 4 of 5]". DVIDS. 3 August 2018.
  67. Chiles, Cody (27 December 2019). "14th Air Force Redesignated as Space Operations Command". Space Operations Command Public Affairs. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  68. Bultman, Lori. "Air Force integrates missions, strengthens information warfare capabilities". U.S. Air Force. Sixteenth Air Force Public Affairs.
  69. "Barrett takes command of 18th AF". U.S. Air Force.
  70. "Congress creating Space Force with limited headroom". Defense News. 10 December 2019.
  71. Pub.L.   116–92 (text) (PDF) – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020.
  72. "Lt. General John F. Thompson Retires From U.S.A.F. Active Service At The Space & Missile Systems Center, L.A.F.B." Sat News. 3 August 2021.
  73. "General Officer Announcements". U.S. Department of Defense. Retrieved 15 July 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  74. "PN823 – Maj. Gen. Michael A. Guetlein – Space Force". U.S. Congress. Retrieved 29 July 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  75. Pons, Chip (13 August 2021). "SSC stands up, Guetlein takes command". DVIDS. Space and Missile Systems Center Public Affairs.