List of churches in Moscow

Last updated

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is the tallest Orthodox church. Moscow July 2011-7a.jpg
The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is the tallest Orthodox church.

In 2019 there were more than 1,200 churches from different Christian denominations in Moscow. The majority of the population belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church, [1] which consequently has by far the largest number of churches; (1154 in 2017) compared to over 1600 before the 1917 revolution; much smaller numbers belong to various Eastern and Western denominations. Non-orthodox churches include the Seventh-day Adventist church, the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary and the Anglican St. Andrew's Church. There have been indications of other Christian denominations in Moscow since the 14th century, when the first non-orthodox parishes were created (such as Protestant Churches). [2]


Until 1917, more than 1,600 churches existed in Moscow; however, this changed after the 1917 Revolution in Russia, when the Bolsheviks came to power. One of their ideologies was state atheism, and subsequently many churches were destroyed or reconstructed for other purposes. [3] By the time the Soviet Union's last president, Mikhail Gorbachev, introduced his glasnost (openness) policy to eliminate persecution against religious groups and instead adopt freedom of religion. [4] there were only about 150 open churches left in Moscow. Since then, religion in Russia and Moscow has experienced a revival, and many churches have or are being reconstructed or restored and then reconsecrated. Today, there are more than 900 religious organizations and more than 40 denominations in Moscow. The dominant denomination in both believers and churches is the Russian Orthodox Church, with 320 parishes. [2] [3]

On 29 July 2011, the Moscow Patriarchate and the acting mayor of Moscow, Vladimir Resin, agreed upon the project "Program 200". [5] Their aim is to reconstruct 200 churches that were destroyed during the Soviet Era. The first church from that project, the Church-Chapel of the Blessed Saint Dmitry Donskoy, was consecrated on 13 June 2012 in the Northwestern Okrug. [6] By December 21, 2017 statistics, Russian Orthodox Church had 1154 churches and chapels [1] in Moscow, including: 6 Kremlin cathedrals, 2 cathedral churches, 295 parish churches, 31 baptismal churches, 114 temporary churches, 54 monastery churches. By 2018, there were 507 Russian Orthodox churches with no less than once a week sacred worship. [1]

The list below is geographically subdivided into ten administrative okrugs: Centre, North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest and Zelenograd. Within each of these ten tables, the boldfaced entries are alphabetically sorted by the patron saint or the church's consecrated feast day. The column "Year of completion" lists date of the church's completion or the consecration of the respective active building, without consideration of any subsequent renovations, expansions or additional construction (e.g., former wooden churches on the same location). If the build year is unknown, an approximate date is listed. The column "District" indicates the Moscow district where the church is located. The precise geographic coordinate is included under the district; these coordinates link to a map of the city and the location of the selected church.

The list is restricted to isolated consecrated churches and cathedrals. Desecrated, former churches are not listed here, nor are churches which do not occupy their own building or a part of it (e.g., house churches within secular buildings). Chapels and other sacred buildings without regular church services are not listed (including pure baptisteries and memorial chapels).

List of churches by districts


List of churches in the Central Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Novo-Alekseyevsky convent, St.Alexis (1).jpg Church of the Man of God Alexius in Krasnoye Selo
Храм Алексия человека Божия в Красном селе
1858 Russian Orthodox Krasnoselsky
55°46′58″N37°39′54″E / 55.78278°N 37.66500°E / 55.78278; 37.66500 (Church of the God's Man Alexius)
Nikoloyamskaya 58 July 2009 02.JPG Church of the Metropolitan Alexius of Moscow in Rogozhskaya Sloboda
Храм святителя Алексия, митрополита Московского, что в Рогожской слободе
1751 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′47.43″N37°39′55.86″E / 55.7465083°N 37.6655167°E / 55.7465083; 37.6655167 (Church of the Metropolitan Alexius)
All Saints Church in Krasnoe Selo 12+.jpg Church of All Saints in Krasnoye Selo
Храм Всех Святых в Красном селе
1891 Russian Orthodox Krasnoselsky
55°47′04″N37°40′04″E / 55.78444°N 37.66778°E / 55.78444; 37.66778 (Church of All Saints)
All Saints Church in Kulishki 04.jpg Church of All Saints on the Swamp
Храм Всех Святых на Кулишках
1689 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°45′12″N37°38′06″E / 55.75333°N 37.63500°E / 55.75333; 37.63500 (Church of All Saints)
The Church of St. Amvrosiy Mediolanskiy (Novodevichy Convent).jpg Church of Saint Ambrose of Milan at the Novodevichy Convent
Храм святителя Амвросия Медиоланского в Новодевичьем монастыре
1550 or earlier Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°43′34.2″N37°33′20.3″E / 55.726167°N 37.555639°E / 55.726167; 37.555639 (Church of Saint Ambrose of Milan)
Vagankovo Cemetery Andrew Church.jpg Church of Saint Andrew at the Vagankovo Cemetery
Храм апостола Андрея Первозванного на Ваганьковском кладбище
1824 Russian Orthodox Presnensky
55°46′5.4″N37°33′16.6″E / 55.768167°N 37.554611°E / 55.768167; 37.554611 (Church of the Apostle Andreas)
Voznesensky 8-5 May 2009 1200px.jpg St. Andrew's Anglican Church
Англиканская церковь Святого Андрея
1884 Anglican Presnensky
55°45′30″N37°36′17″E / 55.75833°N 37.60472°E / 55.75833; 37.60472 (Saint Andrew's Anglican Church)
Moscow, M Znamensky 8,2-8 Apr 2009 02.JPG Church of the Bishop Antipas of Pergamum
Храм священномученика Антипы, епископа Пергамского
1596 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′52.8″N37°36′19.4″E / 55.748000°N 37.605389°E / 55.748000; 37.605389 (Church of the Bishop Antipas of Pergamon)
Moscow, Bolshoy Afanasyevsky.jpg Church of the Patriarchs Athanasius and Cyril at the Sivka Gorge
Храм святителей Афанасия и Кирилла, патриархов Александрийских, на Сивцевом Вражке
1856 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°44′52.5″N37°35′51.6″E / 55.747917°N 37.597667°E / 55.747917; 37.597667 (Church of the Patriarchs Afanasy and Cyril)
Tserkov' Soshestviia Sviatogo Dukha na byvshem Lazarevskom kladbishche.jpg Church of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the former Lazarev Cemetery
Храм Сошествия Святого Духа на бывшем Лазаревском кладбище
1787 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°47′29″N37°37′6.6″E / 55.79139°N 37.618500°E / 55.79139; 37.618500 (Church of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit)
Tserkov' Soshestviia Sviatogo Dukha v Zachat'evskom monastyre.jpg Church of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception of the Theotokos
Храм Сошествия Святого Духа в Зачатьевском монастыре
1850 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′22.8″N37°35′57.1″E / 55.739667°N 37.599194°E / 55.739667; 37.599194 (Church of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit)
Moscow, Varvarka 2 (3).jpg Church of the Martyr Barbara on the Varvarka
Храм великомученицы Варвары на Варварке
1804 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′08″N37°37′34″E / 55.75222°N 37.62611°E / 55.75222; 37.62611 (Church of the Martyr Barbara)
Novodevichy Convent Bellfry.jpg Church of the Venerable Barlaam and Josaphat at the belltower of the New Maidens' Monastery
Храм преподобных Варлаама и Иоасафа в колокольне Новодевичьего монастыря
1690 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°43′32.7″N37°33′27.7″E / 55.725750°N 37.557694°E / 55.725750; 37.557694 (Church of the Venerable Barlaam and Josaphat)
Tserkov' prepodobnogo ispovednika Vasiliia.jpg Church of the Venerable Confessor Basil
Храм преподобного исповедника Василия
1897 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′42.8″N37°40′59.9″E / 55.745222°N 37.683306°E / 55.745222; 37.683306 (Church of the Venerable Confessor Basil)
Basil-cathedral-morning.jpg Cathedral of Saint Basil [Note 1]
Собор Василия Блаженного
1561 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′09″N37°37′23″E / 55.75250°N 37.62306°E / 55.75250; 37.62306 (Saint Basil's Cathedral)
Gagarinsky 20 Mar 2009 01.JPG Church of the Martyr Saint Blaise
Храм священномученика Власия
1644 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′42.9″N37°35′30.6″E / 55.745250°N 37.591833°E / 55.745250; 37.591833 (Church of the Marty Saint Blaise)
Church of St Catherine, Bolshaya Ordynka Street, Moscow.jpg Church of the Martyr Catherine on the Field
Храм великомученицы Екатерины на Всполье
1775 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°43′59″N37°37′26″E / 55.73306°N 37.62389°E / 55.73306; 37.62389 (Church of the Martyr Catherine)
Moscow, 2nd Kadashevsky 7 -2.jpg Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Kadashi
Храм Воскресения Христова в Кадашах
1695 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′36″N37°37′20″E / 55.74333°N 37.62222°E / 55.74333; 37.62222 (Church of the Resurrection of Christ)
Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the Protection of the Theotokos
Храм Воскресения Христова и Покрова Богородицы
1908 Old Believers
55°46′00″N37°40′15″E / 55.76667°N 37.67083°E / 55.76667; 37.67083 (Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the Protection of the Theotokos)
Moscow July 2011-7a.jpg Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Кафедральный Соборный Храм Христа Спасителя
2000 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′41″N37°36′20″E / 55.74472°N 37.60556°E / 55.74472; 37.60556 (Cathedral Christ the Saviour)
Wiki Ascension Church in Kazakov Street, Basmanny District, Moscow, Russia.jpg Church of the Ascension of Christ on the Pea Field
Храм Вознесения Господня на Гороховом поле
1793 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′50.3″N37°40′17.9″E / 55.763972°N 37.671639°E / 55.763972; 37.671639 (Church of the Ascension of Christ)
Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya 18 (2).jpg Church of the Ascension of Christ on the Nikitskaya
Храм Вознесения Господня на Никитской
1680 Russian Orthodox Presnensky
55°45′25″N37°36′13″E / 55.75694°N 37.60361°E / 55.75694; 37.60361 (Church of the Ascension of Christ)
Moscow, Ascension church at Serpukhov Gates (2).jpg Church of the Ascension of Christ behind the Serpukhov Gate
Храм Вознесения Господня за Серпуховскими воротами
1762 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°43′33.9″N37°37′25.3″E / 55.726083°N 37.623694°E / 55.726083; 37.623694 (Church of the Ascension of Christ)
Great Ascension Church Nikitskie Gates Moscow.jpg Church of the Ascension of Christ in Storozhy
Храм Вознесения Господня в Сторожах
1816 Russian Orthodox Presnensky
55°45′27″N37°35′44″E / 55.75750°N 37.59556°E / 55.75750; 37.59556 (Church of the Ascension of Christ)
Church of Saint Clement, the Pope of Rome 2009.jpg Church of the Martyr Saint Clement of Rome
Храм священномученика Климента, Папы Римского
1662 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′26.4″N37°37′38.7″E / 55.740667°N 37.627417°E / 55.740667; 37.627417 (Church of the Martyr Saint Clement of Rome)
Tserkov' sviatoi Anny v Uglu.jpg Church of the Conception of Saint Anne at the Corner
Храм Зачатия праведной Анны, что в Углу
1493 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′0.5″N37°37′51.6″E / 55.750139°N 37.631000°E / 55.750139; 37.631000 (Church of the Conception of Saint Anne)
Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Maroseyka 99.jpg Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian on the Maroseyka
Храм Космы и Дамиана на Маросейке
1793 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′28.4″N37°38′18.7″E / 55.757889°N 37.638528°E / 55.757889; 37.638528 (Church of Saint Cosmas and Damian)
Moscow, Stoleshnikov Lane, Cosma and Damian.jpg Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Shubino
Храм Космы и Дамиана в Шубине
1657 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′41.8″N37°36′41.4″E / 55.761611°N 37.611500°E / 55.761611; 37.611500 (Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian)
Kosma Damian Kitay gorod1.JPG Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Staryye Pany
Храм Космы и Дамиана в Старых Панех
1560? Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′22″N37°37′34.3″E / 55.75611°N 37.626194°E / 55.75611; 37.626194 (Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian)
Ivanovsky Convent 12.jpg Cathedral of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist at the John the Baptist Monastery
Собор Усекновения главы Иоанна Предтечи в Иоанно-Предтеченском монастыре
1879 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′16″N37°38′24″E / 55.75444°N 37.64000°E / 55.75444; 37.64000 (Cathedral of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist)
Chernigovsky Lane, St.John 09.JPG Church of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist ahead the Forest
Храм Усекновения главы Иоанна Предтечи под Бором
1675 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′41″N37°37′34.9″E / 55.74472°N 37.626361°E / 55.74472; 37.626361 (Cathedral of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist)
Moscow, Leninsky 8K12 Aug 2009 06.JPG Church of the Orthodox Tsarevich Dmitry at the First Municipal Hospital
Храм благоверного царевича Димитрия при 1-й Градской больнице
1801 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°43′23.94″N37°36′1.99″E / 55.7233167°N 37.6005528°E / 55.7233167; 37.6005528 (Church of the Orthodox Tsarevich Dmitry)
Tserkov' prepodobnogo Dimitriia Prilutskogo na Devich'm pole.jpg Church of the Venerable Dimitry Prilutsky on the Virgin Field
Храм преподобного Димитрия Прилуцкого на Девичьем поле
1903 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°43′44.5″N37°33′48.4″E / 55.729028°N 37.563444°E / 55.729028; 37.563444 (Church of the Venerable Dimitry Prilutsky)
Ilyinka 3-8C2 01.jpg Church of the Prophet Elijah at the Novgorod Metochi
Храм пророка Илии на Новгородском подворье
1520 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′16.4″N37°37′26.2″E / 55.754556°N 37.623944°E / 55.754556; 37.623944 (Church of the Prophet Elijah)
Tserkov' Ilii proroka v Obydenskom.jpg Church of the Prophet Elijah in the Obydensky Alley
Храм пророка Илии в Обыденском переулке
1706 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′32.3″N37°36′14.4″E / 55.742306°N 37.604000°E / 55.742306; 37.604000 (Church of the Prophet Elijah)
Moscow, Podsosensky 2 Aug 2009 04.JPG Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple of Jerusalem in Barashy
Храм Введения во храм Пресвятой Богородицы в Барашах
1701 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′33″N37°38′59″E / 55.75917°N 37.64972°E / 55.75917; 37.64972 (Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple of Jerusalem)
Yelokhovskaya 04b.jpg Cathedral of the Epiphany in Yelokhovo
Собор Богоявления Господня в Елохове
1845 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°46′22″N37°40′30″E / 55.77278°N 37.67500°E / 55.77278; 37.67500 (Cathedral of the Epiphany)
Church of the Holy Theophany, Moscow, Russia.jpg Church of the Epiphany at the former Epiphany Monastery
Храм Богоявления Господня в бывшем Богоявленском монастыре
1696 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′21.2″N37°37′24.5″E / 55.755889°N 37.623472°E / 55.755889; 37.623472 (Church of the Epiphany)
Moscow, 1st Truzhenikov lane 8.jpg Church of the Feast of the Cross at the Clean Gorge
Храм Воздвижения Креста Господня на Чистом Вражке
1708 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′19.3″N37°34′28.1″E / 55.738694°N 37.574472°E / 55.738694; 37.574472 (Church of the Feast of the Cross)
Novospassky proezd - 40 martyrs 01.jpg Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
Храм Сорока мучеников Севастийских
1645 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°43′54.4″N37°39′32″E / 55.731778°N 37.65889°E / 55.731778; 37.65889 (Church of the Vierzig Martyr von Sebaste)
Moscow, Dubininskaya Street, St. Frol and Lavr.jpg Church of the Martyrs Frol and Lavr in Zatsep
Храм мучеников Флора и Лавра на Зацепе
1778 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°43′42.3″N37°38′16.5″E / 55.728417°N 37.637917°E / 55.728417; 37.637917 (Church of the Martyrs Frol and Lavr)
Menshikov tower (1).jpg Church of the Archangel Gabriel [Note 2]
Храм архангела Гавриила
1707 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′47″N37°38′20″E / 55.76306°N 37.63889°E / 55.76306; 37.63889 (Church of the Archangel Gabriel)
Moscow, Georgian Square Cathedral.jpg Church of the Martyr Saint George the Victorious in Grusiny
Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца в Грузинах
1750 Georgian Orthodox Presnensky
55°45′57″N37°34′36.8″E / 55.76583°N 37.576889°E / 55.76583; 37.576889 (Church of the Martyr George the Victorious)
Moscow, St George v Endove.jpg Church of the Martyr George the Victorious in Yendovo
Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца в Ендове
1653 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′50.7″N37°37′37.4″E / 55.747417°N 37.627056°E / 55.747417; 37.627056 (Church of the Martyr George the Victorious)
Khram Georgiia Pobedonostsa.jpg Church of the Martyr George the Victorious on the Pskov Mountain
Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца на Псковской горе
1658 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′09″N37°37′51″E / 55.75250°N 37.63083°E / 55.75250; 37.63083 (Church of the Martyr George the Victorious)
Tserkov' Georgiia Pobedonostsa v Starykh Luchnikakh.jpg Church of the Martyr George the Victorious in Staryye Luchniki
Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца в Старых Лучниках
1694 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′29.5″N37°37′48.9″E / 55.758194°N 37.630250°E / 55.758194; 37.630250 (Church of the Martyr George the Victorious)
Moscow, Bolshaya Polyanka St.Grigory closeup.jpg Church of Saint Gregory of Neocaesarea
Храм святителя Григория, епископа Неокесарийского
1679 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′15″N37°37′9″E / 55.73750°N 37.61917°E / 55.73750; 37.61917 (Church of Saint Gregory of Neocaesarea)
Moscow, Catholic Church in Presnya.jpg Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary
Собор Непорочного Зачатия Пресвятой Девы Марии
1911 Roman Catholic Presnenski
55°46′2″N37°34′17″E / 55.76722°N 37.57139°E / 55.76722; 37.57139 (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary)
Moscow, St.Irina church (1).jpg Church of the Martyr Irene in Pokrovskoye
Храм мученицы Ирины в Покровском
1792 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°46′30.7″N37°41′17″E / 55.775194°N 37.68806°E / 55.775194; 37.68806 (Church of the Martyr Irene)
Church of Saint James in Kazyonnaya Sloboda 05.jpg Church of the Apostle James
Храм апостола Иакова Заведеева
1676 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′29.8″N37°39′15.2″E / 55.758278°N 37.654222°E / 55.758278; 37.654222 (Church of the Apostle James)
Moscow, Bogoslovsky Lane church (2).jpg Church of the Apostle John on the Bronnaya
Храм апостола Иоанна Богослова на Бронной
1665 Russian Orthodox Presnensky
55°45′43.9″N37°36′3.1″E / 55.762194°N 37.600861°E / 55.762194; 37.600861 (Church of the Apostle John)
Moscow, Bolshaya Yakimanka St.John.jpg Church of the Martyr John the Warrior
Храм мученика Иоанна Воина
1717 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°43′57″N37°36′40″E / 55.73250°N 37.61111°E / 55.73250; 37.61111 (Church of the Martyr Johannes (of the Kriegers))
Tserkov' Ioanna Zlatousta v Bogoroditse-Rozhdestvenskom monastyre.jpg Church of Saint John Chrysostom at the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery
Храм святителя Иоанна Златоуста в Богородице-Рождественском монастыре
1687 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°45′55.95″N37°37′28.04″E / 55.7655417°N 37.6244556°E / 55.7655417; 37.6244556 (Church of Saint John Chrysostom)
Predtecha church.jpg Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist on the Presnya
Храм Рождества Иоанна Предтечи на Пресне
1734 Russian Orthodox Presnenski
55°45′31.9″N37°34′19″E / 55.758861°N 37.57194°E / 55.758861; 37.57194 (Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist)
Katolicheskaia tserkov' Liudovika v Moskve.jpg Church of Saint Louis of France
Храм Святого Людовика Французского
1835 Roman Catholic Krasnoselsky
55°45′45.62″N37°37′52.45″E / 55.7626722°N 37.6312361°E / 55.7626722; 37.6312361 (Church of Saint Louis of France)
Tserkov' pustynnika Marona na Iakimanke.jpg Church of the Venerable Hermit Maron
Храм преподобного пустынника Марона
1730 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′6.6″N37°36′41.5″E / 55.735167°N 37.611528°E / 55.735167; 37.611528 (Church of the Venerable Hermit Maron)
Moscow, St.Martin church side.jpg Church of the Pope Saint Martin of Rome
Храм святителя Мартина, папы Римского
1806 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′37″N37°39′38″E / 55.74361°N 37.66056°E / 55.74361; 37.66056 (Church of the Pope Saint Martin of Rome)
Tserkov' Maksima blazhennogo.jpg Church of the Venerable Blessed Maximus the Confessor
Храм преподобного Максима блаженного
1699 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′9.13″N37°37′38.22″E / 55.7525361°N 37.6272833°E / 55.7525361; 37.6272833 (Church of the Venerable Blessed Maksim)
Korpus kelii i masterskikh v byvshem Skorbiashchenskom monastyre.jpg Church of the Merciful Saviour at the former Monastery of the Theotokos icon "Joy of all who Sorrow"
Храм Спаса Всемилостивого в бывшем Скорбященском монастыре
1894 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°47′24.5″N37°35′38.45″E / 55.790139°N 37.5940139°E / 55.790139; 37.5940139 (Church of the Merciful Saviour)
Cathedral of the Archangel in Moscow Kremlin.jpg Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in the Kremlin
Собор Архангела Михаила в Кремле
1508 Russian Orthodox (unassigned)
55°45′1″N37°37′4″E / 55.75028°N 37.61778°E / 55.75028; 37.61778 (Cathedral of the Archangel Michael)
Church of Saint Michael at Andronikov Monastery 02.jpg Church of the Archangel Michael at the former Andronikov Monastery
Храм Архангела Михаила в бывшем Спасо-Андрониковом монастыре
1739 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′56.7″N37°40′12.9″E / 55.749083°N 37.670250°E / 55.749083; 37.670250 (Church of the Archangel Michael)
Moscow, Archangel Michael church (1).jpg Church of the Archangel Michael on the Maidens' Field
Храм Архангела Михаила на Девичьем поле
1897 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′6″N37°34′25.1″E / 55.73500°N 37.573639°E / 55.73500; 37.573639 (Church of the Archangel Michael)
Church of Saint Michael in Ovchinniki 04.jpg Church of the Archangel Michael in Ovchinniki
Храм Архангела Михаила в Овчинниках
17th century Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′40.9″N37°37′58.1″E / 55.744694°N 37.632806°E / 55.744694; 37.632806 (Church of the Archangel Michael)
Church of Saints Michael and Fyodor in MSK.jpg Church of the Orthodox Ruler Michael and of the Boyar Theodor of Chernigov
Храм Черниговских чудотворцев благоверного князя Михаила и боярина Феодора
1572 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′40.2″N37°37′34.6″E / 55.744500°N 37.626278°E / 55.744500; 37.626278 (Church of the Orthodox Ruler Michael and of the Boyar Theodor of Chernigov)
Tserkov' Deviati muchenikov Kizicheskikh.jpg Church of the Nine Martyrs of Cyzicus
Храм Девяти мучеников Кизических
1735 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°45′16.5″N37°34′47.3″E / 55.754583°N 37.579806°E / 55.754583; 37.579806 (Church of the Nine Martyrs of Cyzicus)
Andronikov Monastery (3).jpg Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands at the former Andronikov Monastery
Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа в бывшем Спасо-Андрониковом монастыре
1427 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′57.3″N37°40′15.2″E / 55.749250°N 37.670889°E / 55.749250; 37.670889 (Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands)
Zachatyevsky Convent 2008 6.JPG Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands at the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception
Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа в Зачатьевском монастыре
1696 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′25″N37°35′58.7″E / 55.74028°N 37.599639°E / 55.74028; 37.599639 (Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands)
Tserkov' Spasa Nerukotvornogo Obraza na Nikol'skoi.jpg Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands on the Nikolskaya
Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа на Никольской
1660? Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′23.5″N37°37′15.5″E / 55.756528°N 37.620972°E / 55.756528; 37.620972 (Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands)
Church of Saint Nikita in Shvivaya Gorka 06.jpg Church of the Martyr Saint Nikita on the Louse Mountain
Храм священномученика Никиты на Швивой горке
1595 Russian Orthodox Taganski
55°44′45″N37°38′41″E / 55.74583°N 37.64472°E / 55.74583; 37.64472 (Church of the Martyr Saint Nikita)
Wiki Staraya Basmannaya Street Moscow Russia.jpg Church of the Martyr Nikita on the Basmannaya
Храм великомученика Никиты на Старой Басманной
1751 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′56″N37°39′43″E / 55.76556°N 37.66194°E / 55.76556; 37.66194 (Church of the Martyr Nikita)
Church of Nikola in Bersenevskaya.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas on the Bersenevka
Храм Николая Чудотворца на Берсеневке
1657 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′37″N37°36′38″E / 55.74361°N 37.61056°E / 55.74361; 37.61056 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
V Radischevskaya 20 Jan 2010 02.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas on the Bolvanovka
Храм Николая Чудотворца на Болвановке
1682 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′34″N37°39′09″E / 55.74278°N 37.65250°E / 55.74278; 37.65250 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Tserkov' Nikolaia Chudotvortsa pri NII imeni Burdenko.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas at the Research Institute for Neurosurgery "N.N.Burdenko"
Храм Николая Чудотворца при НИИ нейрохирургии имени Бурденко
1902 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′27.25″N37°35′51.97″E / 55.7742361°N 37.5977694°E / 55.7742361; 37.5977694 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Moscow, St Nicholas in Khamovniki.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Khamovniki
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Хамовниках
1682 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°43′55.2″N37°35′29.4″E / 55.732000°N 37.591500°E / 55.732000; 37.591500 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Tserkov' Nikolaia Chudotvortsa v Derbeneve.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Derbenevo
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Дербеневе
1715 Russian Orthodox Krasnoselsky
55°46′6.4″N37°38′16.3″E / 55.768444°N 37.637861°E / 55.768444; 37.637861 (Church of the Saint Nicholas)
Nikolay church.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas on the Three Mountains
Храм Николая Чудотворца на Трёх Горах
1775 Russian Orthodox Presnensky
55°45′31″N37°33′59″E / 55.75861°N 37.56639°E / 55.75861; 37.56639 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Moscow, St Nicholas in Golutvin.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Golutvino
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Голутвине
1687 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′17″N37°36′41.4″E / 55.73806°N 37.611500°E / 55.73806; 37.611500 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Tserkov' Nikolaia na Shchepakh.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas on the Wooden Staffs
Храм Николая Чудотворца на Щепах
1686 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°44′57.1″N37°34′49.6″E / 55.749194°N 37.580444°E / 55.749194; 37.580444 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of Saint Nicholas in Klyoniki 05.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Klyonniki
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Клённиках
1657 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′27″N37°37′56″E / 55.75750°N 37.63222°E / 55.75750; 37.63222 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of Saint Nicholas in Kotelniki 04+.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Kotelniki
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Котельниках
1824 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′40″N37°38′42″E / 55.74444°N 37.64500°E / 55.74444; 37.64500 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Tserkov' Sviatitelia Nikolaia Chudotvortsa v Kuznetsakh.JPG Church of Saint Nicholas in Kusnetsy
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Кузнецах
1805 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′12″N37°37′58.1″E / 55.73667°N 37.632806°E / 55.73667; 37.632806 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Novospasskii monastyr' - tserkov' Nikolaia Chudotvortsa 1.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas at the Novospassky Monastery
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Новоспасском монастыре
1652 Russian Orthodox Taganski
55°43′57″N37°39′25.1″E / 55.73250°N 37.656972°E / 55.73250; 37.656972 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Tserkov' Nikoly v Podkopaiakh .jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Podkopai
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Подкопаях
1858 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′11″N37°38′30″E / 55.75306°N 37.64167°E / 55.75306; 37.64167 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of Saint Nicholas in Pokrovskoe 15+.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Pokrovskoye
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Покровском
1766 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°46′49″N37°41′42″E / 55.78028°N 37.69500°E / 55.78028; 37.69500 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of Saint Nicholas in Pyzhy 12.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Pyzhy
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Пыжах
1657 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′20″N37°37′30″E / 55.73889°N 37.62500°E / 55.73889; 37.62500 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Wiki raushskaya.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Sayaitskoye
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Заяицком
1759 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′49″N37°38′7.7″E / 55.74694°N 37.635472°E / 55.74694; 37.635472 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Tserkov' Nikolaia Krasnyi Zvon.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas "Beautiful Ringing"
Храм Николая Чудотворца «Красный звон»
1858 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′13.3″N37°37′45.7″E / 55.753694°N 37.629361°E / 55.753694; 37.629361 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Saint Nicholas Church (Vagankovo).jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Staroye Vagankovo
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Старом Ваганькове
1759 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°45′0.8″N37°36′27″E / 55.750222°N 37.60750°E / 55.750222; 37.60750 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Taganskaya 20 Jan 2010 06 2000px.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Studentsy
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Студенцах
1673 Russian Orthodox
55°44′24.9″N37°39′37.7″E / 55.740250°N 37.660472°E / 55.740250; 37.660472 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Moscow, Rozhdestvenka, St.Nicholas v Zvonaryakh.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Zvonary
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Звонарях
1781 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°45′51″N37°37′23″E / 55.76417°N 37.62306°E / 55.76417; 37.62306 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of Saint Nicholas in Tolmachy 03.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Tolmachy
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Толмачах
1697 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′26.8″N37°37′13.4″E / 55.740778°N 37.620389°E / 55.740778; 37.620389 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Staroovera Nikolay.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas at the Twersky City Gate
Храм Николы Чудотворца у Тверской заставы
1921 Old Believers
(Old-Rite Church)
55°46′40″N37°35′8″E / 55.77778°N 37.58556°E / 55.77778; 37.58556 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
VysokopetrovskyMonastery StPeter.JPG Cathedral of the Metropolitan Peter of Moscow at the former High Monastery of Saint Peter
Собор святителя Петра, митрополита Московского, в бывшем Высоко-Петровском монастыре
1517 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′1.9″N37°36′54.9″E / 55.767194°N 37.615250°E / 55.767194; 37.615250 (Cathedral of the Metropolitan Peter of Moscow)
Lutheran St. Peter and Paul Cathedral Moscow.jpg Church of Saints Peter and Paul
Лютеранский храм апостолов Петра и Павла
1905 Evangelical-Lutheran Basmanny
55°45′24″N37°38′23″E / 55.75667°N 37.63972°E / 55.75667; 37.63972 (Church of Saints Peter and Paul)
St. Peter and Paul, Novaya Basmannaya Street, Moscow.jpg Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul on the Basmannaya
Храм апостолов Петра и Павла на Новой Басманной
1728 Russian Orthodox Krasnoselsky
55°46′11.5″N37°39′23.3″E / 55.769861°N 37.656472°E / 55.769861; 37.656472 (Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul)
Petropavlovsky 6 05.jpg Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul at the Yauza Gate
Храм апостолов Петра и Павла у Яузских ворот
1702 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°45′4″N37°38′36″E / 55.75111°N 37.64333°E / 55.75111; 37.64333 (Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul)
Moscow, Gilyarovskogo 35 Aug 2009 03.JPG Church of the Metropolitan Philipp of Moscow
Храм святителя Филиппа, Митрополита Московского
1691 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°46′51.2″N37°37′51.6″E / 55.780889°N 37.631000°E / 55.780889; 37.631000 (Church of the Metropolitan Philipp of Moscow)
Tserkov' Pimena v Novykh Vorotnikakh.jpg Church of the Venerable Pimen the Great in Novyye Vorotniki
Храм преподобного Пимена Великого в Новых Воротниках
1702 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′42.4″N37°36′15.6″E / 55.778444°N 37.604333°E / 55.778444; 37.604333 (Church of the Venerable Pimen the Great)
Sretensky Monastery 4.JPG Katholikon of the Sretensky Monastery
Собор Сретения Владимирской иконы Божией Матери в Сретенском монастыре
1679 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°45′56″N37°37′49″E / 55.76556°N 37.63028°E / 55.76556; 37.63028 (Cathedral of the Presentation of the Theotokos of Vladimir)
Moscow, Filippovsky Lane.jpg Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem on the Arbat
Храм Воскресения Словущего на Арбате
1688 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°45′0.9″N37°35′56.2″E / 55.750250°N 37.598944°E / 55.750250; 37.598944 (Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem)
Moscow, Bryusov 15 (1).jpg Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem at the Ascension Gorge
Храм Воскресения Словущего на Успенском Вражке
1634 Russian Orthodox Presnensky
55°45′34″N37°36′26″E / 55.75944°N 37.60722°E / 55.75944; 37.60722 (Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem)
Khram Voskreseniia s Nikol'skim pridelom, domovaia krestovaia tserkov' episkopov Sarskikh i Podonskikh.jpg Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem in Krutitsy
Храм Воскресения Словущего в Крутицах
1650s Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°43′40.4″N37°39′28.8″E / 55.727889°N 37.658000°E / 55.727889; 37.658000 (Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem)
Pokrovskii monastyr' - tserkov' Voskreseniia Slovushchego.jpg Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem at the Protection of the Theotokos Monastery
Храм Воскресения Словущего в Покровском монастыре
1856 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′17.4″N37°40′12.8″E / 55.738167°N 37.670222°E / 55.738167; 37.670222 (Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem)
Voskr sl 01.jpg Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem at the Vagankovo Cemetery
Храм Воскресения Словущего на Ваганьковском кладбище
1824 Russian Orthodox Presnensky
55°46′06″N37°33′13″E / 55.76833°N 37.55361°E / 55.76833; 37.55361 (Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem)
Tserkov' Voskreseniia na Armianskom kladbishche 01.jpg Church of the Holy Resurrection at the Armenian Cemetery
Храм Святого Воскресения на Армянском кладбище
1815 Armenian Apostolic Presnensky
55°45′57.4″N37°33′16.7″E / 55.765944°N 37.554639°E / 55.765944; 37.554639 (Church of the Holy Resurrection)
Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov at the Expo Center in Moscow City
Храм преподобного Серафима Саровского при Экспоцентре на Пресне
2008 Russian Orthodox Presnensky
55°44′57.31″N37°32′43.98″E / 55.7492528°N 37.5455500°E / 55.7492528; 37.5455500 (Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov)
VysokopetrovskyMonastery ChurchOfStSergiusOfRadonezh.JPG Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh at the former High Monastery of Saint Peter
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского в бывшем Высоко-Петровском монастыре
1702 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′3″N37°36′55″E / 55.76750°N 37.61528°E / 55.76750; 37.61528 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Moscow, Krapivensky Lane, St.Sergiy Radonezhsky.jpg Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского в Крапивниках
1678 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′1.2″N37°37′3.3″E / 55.767000°N 37.617583°E / 55.767000; 37.617583 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Moscow, Novospassky Monastery 01.jpg Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh at the Bell Tower of the Novospassky Monastery
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского в колокольне Новоспасского монастыря
1787 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°43′55.1″N37°39′27.4″E / 55.731972°N 37.657611°E / 55.731972; 37.657611 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Church of Saint Sergius in Rogozhskaya Sloboda 03.jpg Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh in Rogoshskaya Sloboda
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского в Рогожской слободе
1818 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′48″N37°40′6″E / 55.74667°N 37.66833°E / 55.74667; 37.66833 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Moscow, 2 Tv-Ya 52 Sep 2009 01.JPG Church of the Venerable Sergius and German of Valaam
Храм преподобных Сергия и Германа Валаамских
1904 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′29.5″N37°35′20.8″E / 55.774861°N 37.589111°E / 55.774861; 37.589111 (Church of the Venerable Sergius and German of Valaam)
Church of Saint Simeon Stolpnik by Yauza 16.jpg Church of the Venerable Simeon Stylites behind the Yauza
Храм преподобного Симеона Столпника за Яузой
1657 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′50″N37°39′0″E / 55.74722°N 37.65000°E / 55.74722; 37.65000 (Church of the Venerable Simeon Stylites)
Tserkov Simeona Stolpnika na Povarskoj 02.jpg Church of the Venerable Simeon Stylites on the Povarskaya
Храм преподобного Симеона Столпника на Поварской
1679 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°45′11.9″N37°35′50.3″E / 55.753306°N 37.597306°E / 55.753306; 37.597306 (Church of the Venerable Simeon Stylites)
Tserkov' Premudrosti Bozhiei Sofii u Pushechnogo dvora.jpg Church of Sophia, Wisdom of God, at the Cannon Yard
Храм Софии – Премудрости Божией у Пушечного двора
1650 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°45′38.7″N37°37′32.3″E / 55.760750°N 37.625639°E / 55.760750; 37.625639 (Church of Sophia, Wisdom of God)
Moscow, Sofiyskaya Embankment 32.jpg Church of Sophia, Wisdom of God, in Srednyye Sadovniki
Храм Софии – Премудрости Божией в Средних Садовниках
1682 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′53.44″N37°37′17.22″E / 55.7481778°N 37.6214500°E / 55.7481778; 37.6214500 (Church of Sophia, Wisdom of God)
Tserkov' muchenitsy Tatiany pri Moskovskom universitete.jpg Church of the Martyr Tatiana at the Moscow State University
Храм мученицы Татианы при Московском университете
1791 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°45′16.4″N37°36′42.1″E / 55.754556°N 37.611694°E / 55.754556; 37.611694 (Church of the Martyr Tatiana)
Arkhangelsky 15A Jan 2010 01.jpg Church of the Martyr Theodore of Stratelates
Храм великомученика Феодора Стратилата
1806 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′46.63″N37°38′20.88″E / 55.7629528°N 37.6391333°E / 55.7629528; 37.6391333 (Church of the Martyr Theodore Stratelates)
Fedor Studit church in Moscow shot 01.jpg Church of the Venerable Theodore Studites
Храм преподобного Феодора Студита
1627 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°45′25.1″N37°35′51.7″E / 55.756972°N 37.597694°E / 55.756972; 37.597694 (Church of the Venerable Theodore Studites)
The Annunciation Cathedral, Kremlin, Moscow (4030612191).jpg Cathedral of the Annunciation in the Kremlin
Собор Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы в Кремле
1489 Russian Orthodox (nicht ingewiesen)
55°45′0″N37°37′1″E / 55.75000°N 37.61694°E / 55.75000; 37.61694 (Cathedral of the Annunciation)
Vysokopetrovsky Monastery ChurchOfOurLadyOfBogolyubovo.JPG Church of the Theotokos icon of Bogolyubovo at the former High Monastery of Saint Peter
Храм Боголюбской иконы Божией Матери в бывшем Высоко-Петровском монастыре
1684 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′0.8″N37°36′57.6″E / 55.766889°N 37.616000°E / 55.766889; 37.616000 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Bogolyubovo)
Dormition (Kremlin).JPG Cathedral of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the Kremlin
Собор Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Кремле
1479 Russian Orthodox (unassigned)
55°45′4″N37°37′1″E / 55.75111°N 37.61694°E / 55.75111; 37.61694 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Church of Dormition in Gonchary 06.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Gonchary
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Гончарах
1654 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°44′31.8″N37°39′2″E / 55.742167°N 37.65056°E / 55.742167; 37.65056 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Moscow, Dormition church, Vlasyevsky lane (1).jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos on the Tombs
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы на Могильцах
1806 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°44′37.6″N37°35′26.1″E / 55.743778°N 37.590583°E / 55.743778; 37.590583 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Tserkov' Uspeniia Bogoroditsy na Uspenskom Vrazhke.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos at the Ascension Gorge
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы на Успенском Вражке
1860 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′30.8″N37°36′35.4″E / 55.758556°N 37.609833°E / 55.758556; 37.609833 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Moscow, Dormition church in Bolshaya Polyanka.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the Cossacks Quarter
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Казачьей слободе
1697 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′7″N37°37′12.5″E / 55.73528°N 37.620139°E / 55.73528; 37.620139 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Krutitsy Metochion1.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Krutitsy
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Крутицах
1690 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°43′42.25″N37°39′32.33″E / 55.7284028°N 37.6589806°E / 55.7284028; 37.6589806 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Refectory. Novodevichy convent.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos at the Refectory of the New Maidens' Monastery
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в трапезной Новодевичьего монастыря
1687 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°43′34.2″N37°33′20.4″E / 55.726167°N 37.555667°E / 55.726167; 37.555667 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Pechatniki 14.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Pechatniki
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Печатниках
1695 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°46′1.2″N37°37′51.8″E / 55.767000°N 37.631056°E / 55.767000; 37.631056 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Moscow, Uspensky Lane 4 Dormition Church.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Putinki
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Путинках
1676 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′8.1″N37°36′27″E / 55.768917°N 37.60750°E / 55.768917; 37.60750 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Tserkov' Uspeniia Bogoroditsy na Chizhevskom podvor'e.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos at the Chishevskoye Metochi
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы на Чижевском подворье
1691 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′26.1″N37°37′25.4″E / 55.757250°N 37.623722°E / 55.757250; 37.623722 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Moscow ChurchTheotokosIviron Vspolye.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Iviron at the Field
Храм Иверской иконы Божией Матери на Всполье
1802 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′10″N37°37′29″E / 55.73611°N 37.62472°E / 55.73611; 37.62472 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Iviron)
Tserkov' Iverskoi ikony Bozhiei Materi na Polianke.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Iviron in the former Iviron Parish of the Gracious Sister of Mercy
Храм Иверской иконы Божией Матери при бывшей Иверской общины сестёр милосердия
1901 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′18.5″N37°37′2.4″E / 55.738472°N 37.617333°E / 55.738472; 37.617333 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Iviron)
Tserkov' Ierusalimskoi ikony Bozhiei Materi v Kalitnikakh.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Jerusalem
Храм Иерусалимской иконы Божией Матери
1915 Russian Orthodox Taganski
55°44′0.9″N37°40′40.7″E / 55.733583°N 37.677972°E / 55.733583; 37.677972 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Jerusalem)
Tserkov' Vsekh Skorbiashchikh Radost' bol'nitsy MONIKI.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Joy of all who Sorrow" at the MONIKI-Research Institute Hospital
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Всех скорбящих Радость» при больнице МОНИКИ
1899 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°47′5.7″N37°37′44.2″E / 55.784917°N 37.628944°E / 55.784917; 37.628944 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Joy of all who Sorrow")
Church of the Theotokos Joy of All Who Sorrow in Ordynka 03.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Joy of all who Sorrow" on the Ordynka
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Всех скорбящих Радость» на Большой Ордынке
1685 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′29″N37°37′27″E / 55.74139°N 37.62417°E / 55.74139; 37.62417 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Joy of all who Sorrow")
Kazansky Cathedral in MSK.jpg Cathedral of the Theotokos icon of Kazan
Собор Казанской иконы Божией Матери
1993 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′20″N37°37′9″E / 55.75556°N 37.61917°E / 55.75556; 37.61917 (Cathedral of the Theotokos icon of Kazan)
Rozhdestvensky Convent 11.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Kazan at the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery
Храм Казанской иконы Божией Матери в Богородице-Рождественском монастыре
1906 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°45′58.5″N37°37′29.6″E / 55.766250°N 37.624889°E / 55.766250; 37.624889 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Kazan)
Tserkov' Rozhdestva Bogoroditsy v Bogoroditse-Rozhdestvenskom monastyre.jpg Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos at the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в Богородице-Рождественском монастыре
1505 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°45′57.2″N37°37′28.4″E / 55.765889°N 37.624556°E / 55.765889; 37.624556 (Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos)
Nativity Church at Putinki.jpg Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Putinki
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в Путинках
1652 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′1″N37°36′24.3″E / 55.76694°N 37.606750°E / 55.76694; 37.606750 (Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos)
Tserkov' Rozhdestva Bogoroditsy na strelke.jpg Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos on the Swamp
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы на Кулишках
1804 Russian Orthodox Taganski
55°45′10″N37°38′24″E / 55.75278°N 37.64000°E / 55.75278; 37.64000 (Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos)
Cerkov Rizpolozhenia (Kreml).JPG Church of the Deposition of the Robe in the Kremlin
Храм Ризоположения в Кремле
1486 Russian Orthodox (unassigned)
55°45′3″N37°37′0″E / 55.75083°N 37.61667°E / 55.75083; 37.61667 (Church of the Deposition of the Robe)
Old Believers Church. Moscow, Novokuznetskaya Street.jpg Cathedral of the Protection of the Theotokos
Покровский собор
1910 Old Believers
55°43′57″N37°38′3″E / 55.73250°N 37.63417°E / 55.73250; 37.63417 (Cathedral of the Protection of the Theotokos)
VysokopetrovskyMonastery ChurchOfTheIntercessionAboveTheGates.JPG Cathedral of the Protection of the Theotokos at the former High Monastery of Saint Peter
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в бывшем Высоко-Петровском монастыре
1696 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′2.3″N37°36′52.5″E / 55.767306°N 37.614583°E / 55.767306; 37.614583 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Church of Our Lady's Protection in Krasnoe Selo 22.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Krasnoye Selo
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Красном селе
1701 Russian Orthodox Krasnoselsky
55°46′38″N37°40′8″E / 55.77722°N 37.66889°E / 55.77722; 37.66889 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Church of Our Lady's Protection in Lyschikov Hill 06.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos on the Lyshchikov Mountain
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы на Лыщиковой горе
1696 Russian Orthodox Taganski
55°44′54″N37°39′15″E / 55.74833°N 37.65417°E / 55.74833; 37.65417 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Old Believers Church in Gavrikov Lane (Moscow) 03.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in the Ascension of the Theotokos Parish
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы Покрово-Успенской общины
1911 Old Believers
55°46′24.5″N37°41′10.1″E / 55.773472°N 37.686139°E / 55.773472; 37.686139 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Pokrovskii monastyr' - tserkov' Pokrova Bogoroditsy 01.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos at the Protection of the Theotokos Monastery
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Покровском монастыре
1814 Russian Orthodox Taganski
55°44′17.5″N37°40′14.7″E / 55.738194°N 37.670750°E / 55.738194; 37.670750 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Church of the Protection of the Theotokos (Marfo-Mariinsky Convent) 05.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in the Mary and the Theokos Parish of the Sister of Mercy
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Марфо-Марьинской обители сестёр милосердия
1912 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°44′15.5″N37°37′24.5″E / 55.737639°N 37.623472°E / 55.737639; 37.623472 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Novospasskii monastyr' - tserkov' Pokrova Bogoroditsy.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos at the Novospassky Monastery
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Новоспасском монастыре
1675 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°43′53.89″N37°39′22.68″E / 55.7316361°N 37.6563000°E / 55.7316361; 37.6563000 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Moscow, Turchaninov 4 (2).jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos on the Ostoshenka
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы на Остоженке
1908 Old Believers
(Old-Rite Church)
55°44′12″N37°35′51″E / 55.73667°N 37.59750°E / 55.73667; 37.59750 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Rubtsovo 11.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Rubtsovo
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Рубцове
1626 Russian Orthodox
55°46′54″N37°41′43″E / 55.78167°N 37.69528°E / 55.78167; 37.69528 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Moscow, Varvarka 8A (2).jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign at the former Monastery of the Theotokos of the Sign
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» в бывшем Знаменском монастыре
1684 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′8.7″N37°37′43.9″E / 55.752417°N 37.628861°E / 55.752417; 37.628861 (Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign)
Novospasskii monastyr' - Znamenskaia tserkov'.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign at the Novospassky Monastery
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» в Новоспасском монастыре
1795 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°43′55″N37°39′21.3″E / 55.73194°N 37.655917°E / 55.73194; 37.655917 (Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign)
Cerkov znamenia.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» в Переяславской слободе
1766 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°47′30.2″N37°38′24.4″E / 55.791722°N 37.640111°E / 55.791722; 37.640111 (Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign)
Znamenskaia tserkov' za Petrovskimi vorotami.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign behind the Petrovka Gate
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» за Петровскими воротами
1679? Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°46′9.4″N37°36′52.3″E / 55.769278°N 37.614528°E / 55.769278; 37.614528 (Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign)
Znamenskaia tserkov' na Sheremetevom dvore.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign in the Sheremetev Yard
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» на Шереметевом дворе
1691 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°45′14″N37°36′34″E / 55.75389°N 37.60944°E / 55.75389; 37.60944 (Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign)
Smolensky Cathedral 02.jpg Cathedral of the Theotokos icon of Smolensk at the New Maidens' Monastery
Собор Смоленской иконы Божией Матери в Новодевичьем монастыре
1525 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°43′33.3″N37°33′24.2″E / 55.725917°N 37.556722°E / 55.725917; 37.556722 (Cathedral of the Theotokos icon of Smolensk)
Tihvinskaya,13.JPG Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin in Sushchovo
Храм Тихвинской иконы Божией Матери в Сущёве
1694 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°47′17.2″N37°35′59.2″E / 55.788111°N 37.599778°E / 55.788111; 37.599778 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin)
VysokopetrovskyMonastery OurLadyofTolga.JPG Church of the Theotokos icon of Tolga at the former High Monastery of Saint Peter
Храм Толгской иконы Божией Матери в бывшем Высоко-Петровском монастыре
1750 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′58.7″N37°36′57.5″E / 55.766306°N 37.615972°E / 55.766306; 37.615972 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Tolga)
Novospasskii monastyr' - Spaso-Preobrazhenskii sobor.jpg Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Jesus at the Novospassky Monastery
Собор Спаса Преображения в Новоспасском монастыре
1647 Russian Orthodox Tagansky
55°43′55″N37°39′23.3″E / 55.73194°N 37.656472°E / 55.73194; 37.656472 (Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Jesus)
Moscow, Spas-na-Bolvanovke.jpg Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus on the Bolvanovka
Храм Спаса Преображения на Болвановке
1755 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′4″N37°37′53″E / 55.73444°N 37.63139°E / 55.73444; 37.63139 (Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus)
The Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior (Novodevichy Convent).jpg Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus over the North gate of the New Maidens' Monastery
Храм Спаса Преображения над северными вратами Новодевичьего монастыря
1689 Russian Orthodox Khamovniki
55°43′36.6″N37°33′28″E / 55.726833°N 37.55778°E / 55.726833; 37.55778 (Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus)
Moscow, Spas na Peskah.jpg Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus on the Sand
Храм Спаса Преображения на Песках
1711 Russian Orthodox Arbat
55°44′58″N37°35′17.9″E / 55.74944°N 37.588306°E / 55.74944; 37.588306 (Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus)
Wiki Khitrovka Market, Church in Khitrovsky Lane, Moscow, Russia.jpg Church of the Three Holy Hierarchs on the Swamp
Храм Трёх Святителей на Кулишках
1674 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′15″N37°38′40″E / 55.75417°N 37.64444°E / 55.75417; 37.64444 (Church of the Three Holy Hierarchs)
Moscow, New Year in Khokhlovsky Lane.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Khokhly
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Хохлах
1657 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′24.1″N37°38′38.4″E / 55.756694°N 37.644000°E / 55.756694; 37.644000 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Moscow, Samoteka, Trinity Church.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity at the Metochion of the Trinity Monastery
Храм Живоначальной Троицы на Троицком подворье
1706 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°46′32.75″N37°37′16.59″E / 55.7757639°N 37.6212750°E / 55.7757639; 37.6212750 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Moscow, Sretenka 29 June 2008 01.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Listy
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Листах
1661 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°46′18.2″N37°37′55.4″E / 55.771722°N 37.632056°E / 55.771722; 37.632056 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Holy Trinity Church in Nikitniki 03.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Nikitniki
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Никитниках
1628 Russian Orthodox Tverskoy
55°45′14.5″N37°37′52.9″E / 55.754028°N 37.631361°E / 55.754028; 37.631361 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Tserkov' Troitsy na Shabolovke.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity on the Shabolovka
Храм Живоначальной Троицы на Шаболовке
1747 Russian Orthodox Yakimanka
55°43′22.7″N37°36′41.4″E / 55.722972°N 37.611500°E / 55.722972; 37.611500 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Troitsi na Griazeh.JPG Church of the Holy Trinity on the Mud
Храм Живоначальной Троицы на Грязех
1861 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′34″N37°38′38″E / 55.75944°N 37.64389°E / 55.75944; 37.64389 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Moscow, Trinity in Serebryaniki church.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Serebrjaniki
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Серебряниках
1781 Russian Orthodox Taganski
55°45′0.02″N37°38′40.42″E / 55.7500056°N 37.6445611°E / 55.7500056; 37.6445611 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Moscow, Pyatnitskaya 31, Trinity Church.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Vishnyaki
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Вишняках
1811 Russian Orthodox Zamoskvorechye
55°44′09″N37°37′42″E / 55.73583°N 37.62833°E / 55.73583; 37.62833 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Tserkov' Zhivonachal'noi Troitsy pri Strannopriimnom dome.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity at the Charity House of Count N.P.Sheremetev
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Странноприимном доме графа Н.П.Шереметева
1810 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°46′27.9″N37°38′2.7″E / 55.774417°N 37.634083°E / 55.774417; 37.634083 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
StTrifonChurch2.JPG Church of the Martyr Tryphon in Naprudnoye
Храм мученика Трифона в Напрудном
1895 Russian Orthodox Meshchansky
55°47′17.8″N37°37′36.2″E / 55.788278°N 37.626722°E / 55.788278; 37.626722 (Church of the Martyr Tryphon)
Kreml-12apostel.jpg Church of the Twelve Apostles in the Kremlin
Храм Двенадцати апостолов в Кремле
1656 Russian Orthodox (unassigned)
55°45′5″N37°37′2″E / 55.75139°N 37.61722°E / 55.75139; 37.61722 (Church of the Twelve Apostles)
Church of Saint Vladimir in Old Gardens 06.jpg Church of the Ruler Vladimir in the Old Gardens
Храм Святого равноапостольного князя Владимира в Старых Садех
1516 Russian Orthodox Basmanny
55°45′19″N37°38′26″E / 55.75528°N 37.64056°E / 55.75528; 37.64056 (Church of the Ruler Vladimir)


List of churches in the Northern Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Sokol All Saints Church 03-2011 01.jpg Church of All Saints in Vsekhsvyatskoye
Храм Всех Святых во Всехсвятском
1736 Russian Orthodox Sokol
55°48′14″N37°30′50″E / 55.80389°N 37.51389°E / 55.80389; 37.51389 (Church of All Saints)
Church of the Martyr Boniface at the Central Psychiatric Oblast Hospital
Храм мученика Вонифатия при Центральной областной психиатрической больнице
1998 Russian Orthodox Aeroport
55°48′0″N37°33′19″E / 55.80000°N 37.55528°E / 55.80000; 37.55528 (Church of the Martyr Boniface)
Tserkov' Borisa i Gleba v Degunine.jpg Church of the Orthodox Rulers Boris and Gleb in Degunino
Храм благоверных князей Бориса и Глеба в Дегунине
1866 Russian Orthodox West Degunino
55°52′0.5″N37°32′3.4″E / 55.866806°N 37.534278°E / 55.866806; 37.534278 (Church of the Orthodox Rulers Boris and Gleb)
Tserkov' Rozhdestva Khristova v Cherkizove.jpg Church of the Nativity of Christ in Cherkizovo
Храм Рождества Христова в Черкизове
1789 Russian Orthodox Molzhaninovsky
55°56′58.6″N37°21′11.7″E / 55.949611°N 37.353250°E / 55.949611; 37.353250 (Church of the Nativity of Christ)
Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sheremetyevo
Храм Воскресения Христова в Шереметьеве
2002 Russian Orthodox Molzhaninovsky
55°58′4.9″N37°26′14.8″E / 55.968028°N 37.437444°E / 55.968028; 37.437444 (Church of the Resurrection of Christ)
Moscow, church of St George in Koptevo (30684374604).jpg Church of the Martyr Saint George in Koptevo
Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца в Коптеве
1998 Russian Orthodox Koptevo
55°49′49.6″N37°31′48.4″E / 55.830444°N 37.530111°E / 55.830444; 37.530111 (Church of the Martyr Saint George)
Church of the Metropolitan Saint Innocent of Moscow in Beskudnikovskoye
Храм святителя Иннокентия, митрополита Московского
2005 Russian Orthodox Beskudnikovsky
55°51′26.3″N37°33′41.1″E / 55.857306°N 37.561417°E / 55.857306; 37.561417 (Church of the Metropolitan Saint Innocent)
Khram Mitrofana Voronezhskogo.JPG Church of Bishop Saint Mitrophan
Храм святителя Митрофана, епископа Воронежского
1895 Russian Orthodox Savyolovsky
55°48′12.3″N37°33′47.5″E / 55.803417°N 37.563194°E / 55.803417; 37.563194 (Church of the Bishop Saint Mitrophan)
Church of Saint Nicholas at the Thatched Hut
Храм Николая Чудотворца у Соломенной сторожки
1997 [Note 3] Russian Orthodox Timiryazevsky
55°49′6.7″N37°34′5.4″E / 55.818528°N 37.568167°E / 55.818528; 37.568167 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of the Czar and Martyr Nicholas and all Russian New Martyrs and Confessors
Храм святого царя-мученика Николая и Всех Новомучеников и Исповедников российских
2005 Autonomous Golovinsky
55°50′20.54″N37°30′5.51″E / 55.8390389°N 37.5015306°E / 55.8390389; 37.5015306 (Church of the Czar and Martyr Saint Nikolaus and all Russian New Martyrs and Confessors)
Tserkov' Sergiia Radonezhskogo v Businove.jpg Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh in Businovo
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского в Бусинове
1859 Russian Orthodox West Degunino
55°52′59.7″N37°29′55.5″E / 55.883250°N 37.498750°E / 55.883250; 37.498750 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Church of the Annunciation in Petrovsky Park 06.jpg Church of the Annunciation in Petrovsky Park
Храм Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы в Петровском парке
1847 Russian Orthodox Aeroport
55°47′44.5″N37°33′10.4″E / 55.795694°N 37.552889°E / 55.795694; 37.552889 (Church of the Annunciation)
Znamenie v Aksinyino (1).jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Aksinyino
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» в Аксиньине
1884 Russian Orthodox Levoberezhny
55°51′28.5″N37°29′10.7″E / 55.857917°N 37.486306°E / 55.857917; 37.486306 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign")
Znamenskaia tserkov' v Khovrine.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Khovrino
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» в Ховрине
1870 Russian Orthodox Khovrino
55°51′53″N37°30′33.4″E / 55.86472°N 37.509278°E / 55.86472; 37.509278 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign")
Church in Hodynskoe Pole.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Vatopedi
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Отрада» (Ватопедской)
1909 Russian Orthodox Khoroshyovsky
55°46′49.8″N37°32′48.4″E / 55.780500°N 37.546778°E / 55.780500; 37.546778 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Vatopedi)
Tserkov' Troitsy pri byvshei Cherkasskoi bogadel'ne.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity at the former Cherkasski poor house
Храм Живоначальной Троицы при бывшей Черкасской богадельне
1858 Russian Orthodox Begovoi
55°46′53.57″N37°34′38.97″E / 55.7815472°N 37.5774917°E / 55.7815472; 37.5774917 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Church of the Hieromartyr Vladimir at the Petrovsky Park
Храм священномученика Владимира в Петровском парке
2002 Russian Orthodox Aeroport
55°47′45.51″N37°33′5.86″E / 55.7959750°N 37.5516278°E / 55.7959750; 37.5516278 (Church of the Martyr Saint Vladimir)


List of churches in the Northeastern Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Tserkov' Adriana i Natalii v Babushkine 02.jpg Church of the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia in Babushkin
Храм мучеников Адриана и Наталии в Бабушкине
1916 Russian Orthodox Yaroslavsky
55°51′55.5″N37°41′58″E / 55.865417°N 37.69944°E / 55.865417; 37.69944 (Church of the Martyr Adrian and Natalia)
Krestovozdvizhenskaia tserkov' v Altuf'eve.jpg Church of the Feast of the Cross in Altuvyevo
Храм Воздвижения Креста Господня в Алтуфьеве
1763 Russian Orthodox Lianozovo
55°54′29.2″N37°35′10.4″E / 55.908111°N 37.586222°E / 55.908111; 37.586222 (Church of the Feast of the Cross)
Tserkov' na Miusskom kladbishche 02.jpg Church of the Martyrs Fides, Spes, Caritas and their Mother Sophia at the Miusskoye Cemetery
Храм мучениц Веры, Надежды, Любови и матери их Софии на Миусском кладбище
1823 Russian Orthodox Maryina roshcha
55°47′40.2″N37°35′51.8″E / 55.794500°N 37.597722°E / 55.794500; 37.597722 (Church of the Martyrs Fides, Spes, Caritas and their Mother Sophia)
Tserkov' Nikolaia Chudotvortsa v Otradnom.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Otradnoye
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Отрадном
1997 Russian Orthodox Otradnoye
55°51′21.5″N37°35′25.3″E / 55.855972°N 37.590361°E / 55.855972; 37.590361 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov in Rayevo
Храм преподобного Серафима Саровского в Раеве
2006 [Note 4] Russian Orthodox North Medvedkovo
55°52′59.85″N37°40′3.31″E / 55.8832917°N 37.6675861°E / 55.8832917; 37.6675861 (Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov)
Tserkov' Sergiia Radonezhskogo v Bibireve.jpg Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh in Bibirevo
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского в Бибиреве
1894 Russian Orthodox Bibirevo
55°53′12.2″N37°35′53.6″E / 55.886722°N 37.598222°E / 55.886722; 37.598222 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Church of the Annunciation in Rayevo
Храм Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы в Раеве
1997 Russian Orthodox Babushkinsky
55°51′47.96″N37°39′42.94″E / 55.8633222°N 37.6619278°E / 55.8633222; 37.6619278 (Church of the Annunciation)
Tserkov' Rizopolozheniia v Leonove 02.jpg Church of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonovo
Храм Ризоположения в Леонове
1722 Russian Orthodox Rostokino
55°50′29″N37°38′39″E / 55.84139°N 37.64417°E / 55.84139; 37.64417 (Church of the Deposition of the Robe)
Tserkov' Uspeniia v Arkhangel'skom-Tiurikove.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Arkhangelskoye Tyurikovo
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Архангельском-Тюрикове
1758 Russian Orthodox Severny
55°55′4.06″N37°33′17.47″E / 55.9177944°N 37.5548528°E / 55.9177944; 37.5548528 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Tserkov' Rozhdestva Bogoroditsy v Butyrskoi Slobode.jpg Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Butyrskaya Sloboda
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в Бутырской слободе
1684 [Note 5] Russian Orthodox Butyrsky
55°48′3.53″N37°35′1.49″E / 55.8009806°N 37.5837472°E / 55.8009806; 37.5837472 (Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos)
Tserkov' Rozhdestva Bogoroditsy vo Vladykine.jpg Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Vladykino
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы во Владыкине
1859 Russian Orthodox Otradnoye
55°50′57.1″N37°35′2.4″E / 55.849194°N 37.584000°E / 55.849194; 37.584000 (Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos)
Church in Medvedkovo.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Medvedkovo
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Медведкове
1635 Russian Orthodox South Medvedkovo
55°51′55″N37°38′16.9″E / 55.86528°N 37.638028°E / 55.86528; 37.638028 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Tikhvin-Alekseyevskaya 01.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin in Alekseyevskoye
Храм Тихвинской иконы Божией Матери в Алексеевском
1680 Russian Orthodox Alexeyevsky
55°49′5.2″N37°38′39.3″E / 55.818111°N 37.644250°E / 55.818111; 37.644250 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin)
Moscow, Church Nechayannaya radost.JPG Church of the Theotokos icon "Unexpected Pleasure"
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Нечаянная радость»
1904 Russian Orthodox Maryina roshcha
55°48′19″N37°36′54″E / 55.80528°N 37.61500°E / 55.80528; 37.61500 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Unexpected Pleasure")
Moscow, St Vladimir in Severny 6.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Vladimir in Vinogradovo
Храм Владимирской иконы Божией Матери в Виноградове
1777 Russian Orthodox Severny
55°56′33″N37°32′47″E / 55.94250°N 37.54639°E / 55.94250; 37.54639 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Vladimir)
Church in Ostankino 2.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Ostankino
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Останкине
1683 Russian Orthodox Ostankinsky
55°49′27″N37°36′49.2″E / 55.82417°N 37.613667°E / 55.82417; 37.613667 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Life-giving Trinity Church.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity at the Pyatnitskoye Cemetery
Храм Живоначальной Троицы на Пятницком кладбище
1835 Russian Orthodox Alexeyevsky
55°47′59.7″N37°38′22.2″E / 55.799917°N 37.639500°E / 55.799917; 37.639500 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Sviblovo tserkov' Troitsy 02.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Sviblovo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Свиблове
1708 Russian Orthodox Maryina roshcha
55°51′11.5″N37°37′55.3″E / 55.853194°N 37.632028°E / 55.853194; 37.632028 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Church of the Hieromartyr Saint Vladimir in Sviblovo
Храм священномученика Владимира в Свиблове
2009 Russian Orthodox Sviblovo
55°51′24.54″N37°39′27.57″E / 55.8568167°N 37.6576583°E / 55.8568167; 37.6576583 (Church of the Marty Saint Vladimir)
Moscow Armenian cathedral 2019.jpg Holy Transfiguration Cathedral
Собор Преображения Господня
2013 Armenian Apostolic Alexeyevsky
55°47′17.02″N37°37′16.3″E / 55.7880611°N 37.621194°E / 55.7880611; 37.621194 (Holy Transfiguration Cathedral)


List of churches in the Eastern Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Church of Saint Alexander Nevsky in Kozhukhovo 02.jpg Church of the Orthodox Ruler Alexander Nevsky in Kozhukhovo
Храм благоверного князя Александра Невского в Кожухове
2008 Russian Orthodox Kosino-Ukhtomsky
55°42′9.13″N37°40′7.06″E / 55.7025361°N 37.6686278°E / 55.7025361; 37.6686278 (Church of the Orthodox Ruler Alexander Nevsky)
Church of All Saints of Russia in Novokosino 05.jpg Church of All Saints of Russia in Novokosino
Храм Всех Святых в земле российской просиявших в Новокосине
2010 Russian Orthodox Novokosino
55°44′11.34″N37°50′47.09″E / 55.7364833°N 37.8464139°E / 55.7364833; 37.8464139 (Church of All Saints of Russia)
Tserkov' Blagoveshcheniia Presviatoi Bogoroditsy pri Sapiornom batal'one.jpg Church of the Annunciation in Sokolniki
Церковь Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы при бывших казармах Сапёрного батальона
1903 Russian Orthodox Sokolniki
55°47′06.88″N37°41′19.89″E / 55.7852444°N 37.6888583°E / 55.7852444; 37.6888583 (Church of the Resurrection of Christ)
Izm nativity 2.jpg Church of the Nativity of Christ in Izmailovo
Храм Рождества Христова в Измайлове
1664 Russian Orthodox Izmailovo
55°48′3″N37°46′10″E / 55.80083°N 37.76944°E / 55.80083; 37.76944 (Church of the Nativity of Christ)
Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Semyonovskoye Cemetery 15+.jpg Church of the Resurrection of Christ on the former Semyonovskoye Cemetery
Храм Воскресения Христова на бывшем Семёновском кладбище
1855 Russian Orthodox Sokolinaya gora
55°46′47″N37°43′8″E / 55.77972°N 37.71889°E / 55.77972; 37.71889 (Church of the Resurrection of Christ)
KhramVoskreseniiaKhristovavSokol'nikakh.jpg Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki
Храм Воскресения Христова в Сокольниках
1913 Russian Orthodox Sokolniki
55°47′27.6″N37°40′37.2″E / 55.791000°N 37.677000°E / 55.791000; 37.677000 (Church of the Resurrection of Christ)
Church of the Transfiguration in Bogorodskoe 04.jpg Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus in Bogorodskoye
Храм Спаса Преображения в Богородском
1880 Russian Orthodox Bogorodskoye
55°48′52.7″N37°41′45.8″E / 55.814639°N 37.696056°E / 55.814639; 37.696056 (Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus)
Church of Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki in Blagushe 18.jpg Church of the Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki in Blagusha
Храм великомученика Димитрия Солунского на Благуше
1911 Russian Orthodox Sokolinaya gora
55°46′52″N37°43′53″E / 55.78111°N 37.73139°E / 55.78111; 37.73139 (Church of the Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki)
Church of Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki in Vostochnoe 03.jpg Church of the Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki in Vostochny
Храм великомученика Димитрия Солунского в посёлке Восточный
1997 Russian Orthodox Vostochny
55°49′8″N37°51′35″E / 55.81889°N 37.85972°E / 55.81889; 37.85972 (Church of the Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki)
Church of Saint Elijah the Prophet in Cherkizovo 12.jpg Church of the Prophet Elijah in Cherkizovo
Храм пророка Илии в Черкизове
1690 Russian Orthodox Preobrazhenskoye
55°48′1″N37°44′3″E / 55.80028°N 37.73417°E / 55.80028; 37.73417 (Church of the Prophet Elijah)
Krestovozdvigenskaya Old Believers' Church 11.jpg Church of the Feast of the Cross on the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery
Храм Воздвижения Креста Господня на Преображенском кладбище
1801 Old Believers
55°47′36″N37°43′2″E / 55.79333°N 37.71722°E / 55.79333; 37.71722 (Church of the Feast of the Cross)
Church of Nativity of John the Baptist in Ivanovskoye 05.jpg Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Ivanovskoye
Храм Рождества Иоанна Предтечи в Ивановском
1801 Russian Orthodox Ivanovskoye
55°46′8.5″N37°50′21″E / 55.769028°N 37.83917°E / 55.769028; 37.83917 (Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist)
Church of Nativity of John the Baptist in Sokolniki 08.jpg Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Sokolniki
Храм Рождества Иоанна Предтечи в Сокольниках
1917 Russian Orthodox Sokolniki
55°47′56″N37°41′40″E / 55.79889°N 37.69444°E / 55.79889; 37.69444 (Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist)
Church of the Merciful Saviour in Kuskovo 18.jpg Church of the Merciful Saviour in Kuskovo
Храм Спаса Всемилостивого в Кускове
1739 Russian Orthodox Veshnyaki
55°44′5″N37°48′30″E / 55.73472°N 37.80833°E / 55.73472; 37.80833 (Church of the Merciful Saviour)
Tserkov' Spasa Nerukotvornogo v Gireeve.jpg Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands in Gireyevo
Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа в Гирееве
1717 Russian Orthodox Novogireyevo
55°45′27.78″N37°48′51.28″E / 55.7577167°N 37.8142444°E / 55.7577167; 37.8142444 (Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands)
Izmailovsky kremlin - panoramio (2).jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in the Izmailovo Kremlin
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Измайлове
2000 Russian Orthodox Izmailovo
55°47′39.3″N37°45′3.4″E / 55.794250°N 37.750944°E / 55.794250; 37.750944 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of Saint Nicholas in the Pirogov Medical Center 03.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas at the Medical Surgical Centre "Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov"
Храм Николая Чудотворца при Медико-хирургическом центре имени Н.И.Пирогова
2005 Russian Orthodox East Izmailovo
55°47′21.53″N37°49′22.5″E / 55.7893139°N 37.822917°E / 55.7893139; 37.822917 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of Saint Nicholas in Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery 02.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas on the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery
Храм Николая Чудотворца на Преображенском кладбище
1784 Russian Orthodox Preobrazhenskoye
55°47′28″N37°43′2″E / 55.79111°N 37.71722°E / 55.79111; 37.71722 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Seventh-Day Adventist church (Moscow) 02.jpg Seventh-day Adventist Church
Храм адвентистов седьмого дня
1998 Protestantism
55°48′56.54″N37°49′50.22″E / 55.8157056°N 37.8306167°E / 55.8157056; 37.8306167 (Seventh-Day Adventist Church)
Tserkov' Uspeniia Bogoroditsy v Kosine.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Kosino
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Косине
1826 Russian Orthodox Kosino-Ukhtomsky
55°43′8.5″N37°51′25.4″E / 55.719028°N 37.857056°E / 55.719028; 37.857056 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Veshnyaki 05.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Veshnyaki
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Вешняках
1646 Russian Orthodox Veshnyaki
55°43′25.2″N37°47′54.5″E / 55.723667°N 37.798472°E / 55.723667; 37.798472 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Church of Our Lady's Protection in Izmaylovo 13.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Izmailovo
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Измайлове
1679 Russian Orthodox Izmailovo
55°47′28″N37°45′53″E / 55.79111°N 37.76472°E / 55.79111; 37.76472 (Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Mary)
Tserkov' ikony Znamenie v Perove.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Perovo
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» в Перове
1705 Russian Orthodox Perovo
55°44′35.1″N37°46′22.7″E / 55.743083°N 37.772972°E / 55.743083; 37.772972 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign")
Church of Saint Tikhon of Moscow in Kosino 05.jpg Church of Saint Tikhon in Kosino
Храм святителя Тихона, патриарха Всероссийского, в Косине
1980 Russian Orthodox Kosino-Ukhtomsky
55°43′8.76″N37°51′26.59″E / 55.7191000°N 37.8573861°E / 55.7191000; 37.8573861 (Church of Saint Tikhon)
Church of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk in Sokolniki 05.jpg Church of Saint Tikhon in Sokolniki
Храм святителя Тихона Задонского в Сокольниках
1863 Russian Orthodox Sokolniki
55°48′6″N37°40′59″E / 55.80167°N 37.68306°E / 55.80167; 37.68306 (Church of the Saint Tikhon)
Holy Trinity Church in Hospital of Saint Vladimir 22.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity at the St. Vladimir Children's Hospital
Храм Живоначальной Троицы при детской больнице святого Владимира
1883 Russian Orthodox Sokolniki
55°47′15″N37°41′43″E / 55.78750°N 37.69528°E / 55.78750; 37.69528 (Kirche der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit)
Goliyanovo, Moscow - Church 03.jpg Church of the Venerable Zosima and Savvaty of Solovki in Golyanovo
Храм Преподобных Зосимы и Савватия Соловецких в Гольянове
1842 Russian Orthodox Golyanovo
55°49′6″N37°48′51″E / 55.81833°N 37.81417°E / 55.81833; 37.81417 (Church of the Venerable Zosima and Savvatiy of Solovki)


List of churches in the Southeastern Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple in Ryazanka 02.jpg Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple of Jerusalem on the Ryazanka
Храм Введения во храм Пресвятой Богородицы на Рязанке
2009 Russian Orthodox Ryazanski
55°43′6″N37°46′41.5″E / 55.71833°N 37.778194°E / 55.71833; 37.778194 (Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple of Jerusalem)
Moscow, Presentation Church in Lefortovo (1).jpg Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple of Jerusalem on the Saltykov Bridge
Храм Введения во храм Пресвятой Богородицы у Салтыкова моста
1825 Russian Orthodox Lefortovo
55°45′26″N37°40′47″E / 55.75722°N 37.67972°E / 55.75722; 37.67972 (Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple of Jerusalem)
Tserkov' Ioanna Kronshtadskogo v Zhulebine.jpg Church of Blessed John of Kronstadt in Zhulebino
Храм праведного Иоанна Кронштадского в Жулебине
1999 Russian Orthodox Vykhino-Zhulebino
55°41′33.9″N37°51′6.1″E / 55.692750°N 37.851694°E / 55.692750; 37.851694 (Church of Blessed John of Kronstadt)
Tserkov' Mat Mar'iam na Dubrovke.jpg Church of the Mat Maryam
Храм Мат Марьям
1998 Assyrian Yuzhnoportovy
55°43′7″N37°40′24″E / 55.71861°N 37.67333°E / 55.71861; 37.67333 (Church of the Mat Maryam)
Nikolsky temple.JPG Church of Saint Nicholas in the Monastery of Saint Nicholas in Pererva
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Николо-Перервинском монастыре
1700 Russian Orthodox Pechatniki
55°40′9.5″N37°43′7.4″E / 55.669306°N 37.718722°E / 55.669306; 37.718722 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Rogozhskoe St.Nicholas main 01.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas on the Rogozhskoye Cemetery
Храм Николая Чудотворца на Рогожском кладбище
1776 Russian Orthodox Nizhegorodsky
55°44′25″N37°42′9″E / 55.74028°N 37.70250°E / 55.74028; 37.70250 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of Saint Peter and Paul in Lefortovo 04.jpg Church of Apostles Peter and Paul in Lefortovo
Храм апостолов Петра и Павла в Лефортове
1711 Russian Orthodox Lefortovo
55°45′55.3″N37°42′0.5″E / 55.765361°N 37.700139°E / 55.765361; 37.700139 (Church of Apostels Peter and Paul)
Tserkov' Voskreseniia Slovushchego pri gorodskoi bol'nitse No.  29.jpg Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem at the Community Hospital Nr. 29
Храм Воскресения Словущего при Городской больнице № 29
1903 Russian Orthodox Lefortovo
55°46′1.1″N37°42′6″E / 55.766972°N 37.70167°E / 55.766972; 37.70167 (Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ)
Nekrasovka Church of Sergius.jpg Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh in Nekrasovka
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского в Некрасовке
2001 [Note 4] Russian Orthodox Nekrasovka
55°40′56.24″N37°54′51.72″E / 55.6822889°N 37.9143667°E / 55.6822889; 37.9143667 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple in Ryazanka 02.jpg Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh on the Ryazanka
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского на Рязанке
2005 Russian Orthodox Ryazanski
55°43′4.5″N37°46′39.1″E / 55.717917°N 37.777528°E / 55.717917; 37.777528 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Church of the Theotokos of Blachernae in Kuzminki 05.JPG Church of the Theotokos icon of Blachernae in Kuzminki
Храм Влахернской иконы Божией Матери в Кузьминках
1774 Russian Orthodox Kuzminki
55°41′26.1″N37°47′25.4″E / 55.690583°N 37.790389°E / 55.690583; 37.790389 (Church of the Theotokos icon Blachernae)
Nikolsky temple2.JPG Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos at the bell tower of the Monastery of Saint Nicholas in Pererva
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в колокольне Николо-Перервинского монастыря
1650 Russian Orthodox Pechatniki
55°40′10.8″N37°43′10.8″E / 55.669667°N 37.719667°E / 55.669667; 37.719667 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Moscow, Shosseynaya 82C3 July 2009 01.JPG Cathedral of the Theotokos Iverskaya of Iviron at the Monastery of Saint Nicholas in Pererva
Собор Иверской иконы Божией Матери в Николо-Перервинском монастыре
1908 Russian Orthodox Pechatniki
55°40′9.4″N37°43′10.9″E / 55.669278°N 37.719694°E / 55.669278; 37.719694 (Cathedral of the Theotokos Iverskaya of Iviron)
Tserkov' Vsekh Skorbiashchikh Radost' na Kalitnikovskom kladbishche.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Joy of all who Sorrow" on the Kalitniki Cemetery
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Joy of all who Sorrow» на Калитниковском кладбище
1838 Russian Orthodox Nizhegorodsky
55°43′58.7″N37°41′20.9″E / 55.732972°N 37.689139°E / 55.732972; 37.689139 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Joy of all who Sorrow")
Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Kapotnya 03.JPG Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Kapotnya
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в Капотне
1870 Russian Orthodox Kapotnya
55°38′21.3″N37°47′30.9″E / 55.639250°N 37.791917°E / 55.639250; 37.791917 (Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos)
Khram "Utoli moia pechali" v Mar'ine (iiun' 2015).JPG Church of the Theotokos icon "Quench my Sorrow" in Maryino
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Утоли моя печали» в Марьине
2001 Russian Orthodox Maryino
55°38′53.8″N37°44′51″E / 55.648278°N 37.74750°E / 55.648278; 37.74750 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Quench my Sorrow")
Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery.JPG Church of the Theotokos icon of Tolga at the Monastery of Saint Nicholas in Pererva
Храм Толгской иконы Божией Матери в Николо-Перервинском монастыре
1735 Russian Orthodox Pechatniki
55°40′8.7″N37°43′11.6″E / 55.669083°N 37.719889°E / 55.669083; 37.719889 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Tolga)
Church of Saint Tikhon of Moscow in Lyublino 02.jpg Church of the Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow in Lyublino
Храм святителя Тихона, патриарха Всероссийского, в Люблине
2003 Russian Orthodox Lyublino
55°41′1.3″N37°45′48.9″E / 55.683694°N 37.763583°E / 55.683694; 37.763583 (Church of the Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow)
Tserkov' Zhivonachal'noi Troitsy v Karacharove 2.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Karacharovo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Карачарове
1774 Russian Orthodox Nizhegorodsky
55°43′53.7″N37°43′56.8″E / 55.731583°N 37.732444°E / 55.731583; 37.732444 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Moscow, Trinity Church in Lefortovo (1).jpg Church of the Holy Trinity on the Saltykov Bridge
Храм Живоначальной Троицы у Салтыкова моста
1817 Russian Orthodox Lefortovo
55°45′26″N37°40′47″E / 55.75722°N 37.67972°E / 55.75722; 37.67972 (Church of the Holy Trinity)


List of churches in the Southern Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Tserkov' Aleksiia pri Klinike Moskovskoi patriarkhii.jpg Church of the Metropolitan Alexius of Moscow at the Central Hospital of the Moscow Patriarchy
Храм святителя Алексия, митрополита Московского, при Центральной клинической больнице Московской патриархии
1904 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′56.89″N37°35′35.76″E / 55.7158028°N 37.5932667°E / 55.7158028; 37.5932667 (Church of the Metropolitan Alexius of Moscow)
Ascension Church. Kolomenskoe, Moscow1.jpg Church of the Ascension of Christ in Kolomenskoye
Храм Вознесения Господня в Коломенском
1532 Russian Orthodox Nagatinsky Zaton
55°40′2″N37°40′15″E / 55.66722°N 37.67083°E / 55.66722; 37.67083 (Church of the Ascension of Christ)
Church of the Orthodox Ruler Dmitry Donskoy in Sadovniki
Храм благоверного князя Дмитрия Донского в Садовниках
2005 Russian Orthodox Nagatino-Sadovniki
55°39′35.83″N37°38′57.48″E / 55.6599528°N 37.6493000°E / 55.6599528; 37.6493000 (Kirche des Gutgläubigen Fürsten Dimitri Donskoy)
Church of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist in Brateyevo
Храм Усекновения главы Иоанна Предтечи в Братееве
2000 Russian Orthodox Brateyevo
55°37′53.54″N37°45′53.42″E / 55.6315389°N 37.7648389°E / 55.6315389; 37.7648389 (Church of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist)
JohnBaptist-front.JPG Church of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist in Dyakovo
Храм Усекновения главы Иоанна Предтечи в Дьякове
1547 Russian Orthodox Nagatinsky Zaton
55°39′50.3″N37°40′8.5″E / 55.663972°N 37.669028°E / 55.663972; 37.669028 (Church of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist)
Kolomenskoe GeorgeBellTower.JPG Church of the Martyr Saint George in Kolomenskoye
Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца в Коломенском
16th century Russian Orthodox Nagatinsky Zaton
55°40′1.5″N37°40′11.9″E / 55.667083°N 37.669972°E / 55.667083; 37.669972 (Church of the Martyr Saint George)
Danilovcem02.jpg Church of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the Danilov Cemetery
Храм Сошествия Святого Духа на Даниловском кладбище
1838 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′13.4″N37°36′32.4″E / 55.703722°N 37.609000°E / 55.703722; 37.609000 (Church of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit)
Donskoy monastery 06.jpg Church of the Archangel Michael at the Donskoy Monastery
Храм Архангела Михаила в Донском монастыре
1714 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′48.4″N37°36′6.5″E / 55.713444°N 37.601806°E / 55.713444; 37.601806 (Church of the Archangel Michael)
Khram Arkhistratiga Bozhiia Mikhaila v Tsaritsyno.JPG Church of the Archangel Michael in Tsaritsyno
Храм Архистратига Божия Михаила в Царицыно
2015 Russian Orthodox Tsaritsyno
55°37′20.7″N37°40′16.5″E / 55.622417°N 37.671250°E / 55.622417; 37.671250 (Church of the Archangel Michael)
Tserkov' Nikolaia Chudotvortsa v Biriuliove.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Biryulyovo
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Бирюлёве
1912 Russian Orthodox Biryulyovo West
55°35′23.5″N37°39′4″E / 55.589861°N 37.65111°E / 55.589861; 37.65111 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Nicholas Church Moscow Saburovo.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Saburovo
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Сабурове
1595 Russian Orthodox Moskvorechye-Saburovo
55°38′23.1″N37°42′0.3″E / 55.639750°N 37.700083°E / 55.639750; 37.700083 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Moscow 05-2012 Resurrection Church in Danilovskaya.jpg Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem in Danilovskaya Sloboda
Храм Воскресения Словущего в Даниловской слободе
1837 Russian Orthodox Danilovsky
55°42′34.69″N37°37′47.99″E / 55.7096361°N 37.6299972°E / 55.7096361; 37.6299972 (Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ)
Church of Saint Seraphim of Sarov in Donskoye Cemetery 05.jpg Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov and the Orthodox Ruler Anna of Kashin at the Donskoy Cemetery
Храм преподобного Серафима Саровского и благоверной княгини Анны Кашинской на Донском кладбище
1910 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′43.7″N37°36′10.5″E / 55.712139°N 37.602917°E / 55.712139; 37.602917 (Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov and the Orthodox Ruler Anna of Kashin)
Danilov convent 02.jpg Cathedral of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils at the Danilov Monastery
Собор Святых отцов Семи Вселенских Соборов в Даниловом монастыре
1752 Russian Orthodox Danilovsky
55°42′38.5″N37°37′52.6″E / 55.710694°N 37.631278°E / 55.710694; 37.631278 (Cathedral of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils)
Danilov convent 01.jpg Church of the Venerable Simeon Stylites at the Danilov Monastery
Храм преподобного Симеона Столпника в Даниловом монастыре
1732 Russian Orthodox Danilovsky
55°42′40.5″N37°37′50.8″E / 55.711250°N 37.630778°E / 55.711250; 37.630778 (Church of the Venerable Symeon Stylites)
Church of the Deposition of the Robe in Donskaya 10.jpg Church of the Deposition of the Robe at the Donskaya
Храм Ризоположения на Донской
1705 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°43′12.1″N37°36′15.4″E / 55.720028°N 37.604278°E / 55.720028; 37.604278 (Church of the Deposition of the Robe)
Big Cathedral of the Theotokos of the Don (Donskoy Monastery) 10.jpg Big Cathedral of the Theotokos icon of the Don at the Donskoy Monastery
Большой собор Донской иконы Божией Матери в Донском монастыре
1698 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′52.4″N37°36′7.8″E / 55.714556°N 37.602167°E / 55.714556; 37.602167 (Church of the Theotokos icon of the Don at the Donskoy Monastery)
Small Cathedral of the Theotokos of the Don (Donskoy Monastery) 20.jpg Small Cathedral of the Theotokos icon of the Don at the Donskoy Monastery
Малый собор Донской иконы Божией Матери в Донском монастыре
1593 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′50.3″N37°36′9.1″E / 55.713972°N 37.602528°E / 55.713972; 37.602528 (Church of the Theotokos icon of the Don at the Donskoy Monastery)
Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos at the Kotlyakovo Cemetery
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы на Котляковском кладбище
2005 Russian Orthodox Tsaritsyno
55°37′19.15″N37°38′20.47″E / 55.6219861°N 37.6390194°E / 55.6219861; 37.6390194 (Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos)
Church of the Theotokos icon Derzhavnaya in Chertanovo
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Державная» в Чертанове
2010 Russian Orthodox Chertanovo Centre
55°38′6.02″N37°36′10.39″E / 55.6350056°N 37.6028861°E / 55.6350056; 37.6028861 (Church of the Theotokos icon with the Globus Cruciger)
Kolomenskoe ChurchofOur LadyofKazanWinter.JPG Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of Kazan" in Kolomenskoye
Храм Казанской иконы Божией Матери в Коломенском
1653 Russian Orthodox Nagatinsky Zaton
55°40′7.2″N37°40′4.2″E / 55.668667°N 37.667833°E / 55.668667; 37.667833 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of Kazan")
Church of icon <<Life-bearing Source>> of the Most Holy Theotoko in Tsaritsyno 5.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Life-giving Spring" in Tsaritsyno
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Живоносный Источник» в Царицыне
1722 Russian Orthodox Tsaritsyno
55°37′1″N37°40′53″E / 55.61694°N 37.68139°E / 55.61694; 37.68139 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Life-giving Spring")
Tserkov' v Starom Simonove.jpg Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Staroye Simonovo
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в Старом Симонове
1510 Russian Orthodox Danilovsky
55°42′40″N37°39′14.5″E / 55.71111°N 37.654028°E / 55.71111; 37.654028 (Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos)
Hrampokrova.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos on the Gorodnya
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы на Городне
1722 Russian Orthodox Chertanovo South
55°36′11.9″N37°37′40.2″E / 55.603306°N 37.627833°E / 55.603306; 37.627833 (Church of the Protection of the Theotokos)
Tserkov' Tikhvinskoi ikony pri Klinike Moskovskoi patriarkhii.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin at the Central Hospital of the Moscow Patriarchy
Храм Тихвинской иконы Божией Матери при Центральной клинической больнице Московской Патриархии
1904 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′58.24″N37°35′37.85″E / 55.7161778°N 37.5938472°E / 55.7161778; 37.5938472 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin)
Donskoi2.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin above the Northern Gate of the Donskoy Monastery
Храм Тихвинской иконы Божией Матери над северными вратами Донского монастыря
1714 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′56.3″N37°36′6.2″E / 55.715639°N 37.601722°E / 55.715639; 37.601722 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin)
Simonov church 01.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin at the former Simonov Monastery
Храм Тихвинской иконы Божией Матери в бывшем Симоновом монастыре
1683 Russian Orthodox Danilovsky
55°42′50″N37°39′25.7″E / 55.71389°N 37.657139°E / 55.71389; 37.657139 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Tikhvin)
Church of the Theotokos icon "Troyeruchitsa"
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Троеручица»
2005 Russian Orthodox South Orekhovo-Borisovo
55°36′21.76″N37°43′16.43″E / 55.6060444°N 37.7212306°E / 55.6060444; 37.7212306 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Troyeruchitsa")
Church of the Apostle Thomas on the Kantemirovskaya
Храм апостола Фомы на Кантемировской
2006 [Note 4] Russian Orthodox Moskvorechye-Saburovo
55°38′33.38″N37°39′14.24″E / 55.6426056°N 37.6539556°E / 55.6426056; 37.6539556 (Church of the Apostle Thomas)
Danilov convent 05.jpg Cathedral of the Holy Trinity at the Danilov Monastery
Собор Живоначальной Троицы в Даниловом монастыре
1838 Russian Orthodox Danilovsky
55°42′38.8″N37°37′47.4″E / 55.710778°N 37.629833°E / 55.710778; 37.629833 (Cathedral of the Holy Trinity)
Khramovyi kompleks Patriarshego Podvor'ia Zhivonachal'noi Troitsy v Orekhovo-Borisovo.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity at the Borisovo Ponds
Храм Живоначальной Троицы на Борисовских прудах
2004 Russian Orthodox Orekhovo-Borisovo North
55°37′38.6″N37°42′42.8″E / 55.627389°N 37.711889°E / 55.627389; 37.711889 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Tserkov' Troitsy v Borisove.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Borisovo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Борисове
1887? Russian Orthodox Orekhovo-Borisovo North
55°37′47.3″N37°43′43.5″E / 55.629806°N 37.728750°E / 55.629806; 37.728750 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Church of the Holy Trinity in Chertanovo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Чертанове
2005 Russian Orthodox Chertanovo Centre
55°36′57.89″N37°35′2.51″E / 55.6160806°N 37.5840306°E / 55.6160806; 37.5840306 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
2nd Kozhevhichesky - Trinity 07.JPG Church of the Holy Trinity in Kozhevnichesky
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Кожевниках
1689 Russian Orthodox Danilovsky
55°43′37.1″N37°38′53.7″E / 55.726972°N 37.648250°E / 55.726972; 37.648250 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Moscow, Donskoy barbican Aug 2009 04.JPG Church of the Blessed Zechariah and Elizabeth at the Bell Tower of the Donskoy Monastery
Храм праведных Захария и Елисаветы в колокольне Донского монастыря
1732 Russian Orthodox Donskoy
55°42′51.4″N37°36′0.7″E / 55.714278°N 37.600194°E / 55.714278; 37.600194 (Church of the Blessed Zechariah and Elizabeth)
Shuvoe Trinity Church 8223.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity or Shuvoe Trinity Church
Храм Святыя Троицы
1924 Old Believers
(Old-Rite Church)
Kurovskoe Edinoverie John Climacus 8260.jpg Church of John Climacus in Kurovskoye
Единоверческая церковь Иоанна Лествичника в Куровском
2000 Russian Orthodox (Yedinovertsy) Orekhovo-Zuyevsky


List of churches in the Southwestern Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Church of Saint Anastasia of Sirmium in Tyoply Stan
Храм великомученицы Анастасии Узорешительницы в Тёплом Стане
2003 Russian Orthodox Tyoply Stan
55°37′31.6″N37°29′26.1″E / 55.625444°N 37.490583°E / 55.625444; 37.490583 (Church of Saint Anastasia of Sirmium)
Andrew monastery in Moscow, Russia 03.jpg Church of the Martyr Andrew Stratelates at the former Andrew Monastery
Храм мученика Андрея Стратилата в бывшем Андреевском монастыре
1675 Russian Orthodox Gagarinski
55°42′43.4″N37°34′33.1″E / 55.712056°N 37.575861°E / 55.712056; 37.575861 (Church of the Martyr Andrew Stratelates)
Boris and Gleb.jpg Church of the Orthodox Rulers Boris and Gleb in Zyuzino
Храм благоверных князей Бориса и Глеба в Зюзине
1688 Russian Orthodox Zyuzino
55°39′31″N37°34′48″E / 55.65861°N 37.58000°E / 55.65861; 37.58000 (Church of the Orthodox Rulers Boris and Gleb)
Tserkov' Voskreseniia Khristova v Andreevskom monastyre.jpg Church of the Resurrection of Christ at the former Andrew Monastery
Храм Воскресения Христова в бывшем Андреевском монастыре
1701 Russian Orthodox Gagarinski
55°42′42″N37°34′28.9″E / 55.71167°N 37.574694°E / 55.71167; 37.574694 (Church of the Resurrection of Christ)
Tserkov' Rozhdestva Khristova v Cherneve.jpg Church of the Nativity of Christ in Chernyovo
Храм Рождества Христова в Чернёве
1722 Russian Orthodox South Butovo
55°32′15.2″N37°31′29.7″E / 55.537556°N 37.524917°E / 55.537556; 37.524917 (Church of the Nativity of Christ)
Tserkov' Troitsy v Kon'kove.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Konkovo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Конькове
1694 Russian Orthodox Konkovo
55°38′17.87″N37°31′9.47″E / 55.6382972°N 37.5192972°E / 55.6382972; 37.5192972 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Tserkov' Zhivonachal'noi Troitsy v Starykh Cheriomushkakh 01.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Starye Cheryomushki
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Старых Черёмушках
1732 Russian Orthodox Akademicheski
55°41′29.1″N37°35′39.6″E / 55.691417°N 37.594333°E / 55.691417; 37.594333 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Tserkov' Troitsy v Vorontsovo.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Vorontsovo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Воронцове
1807 Russian Orthodox Obruchevsky
55°40′4.3″N37°32′26.4″E / 55.667861°N 37.540667°E / 55.667861; 37.540667 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Kazanskaia tserkov' v Uzkom.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of Kazan" in Uzkoye
Храм Казанской иконы Божией Матери в Узком
1704 Russian Orthodox Yasenevo
55°37′17.5″N37°32′12.1″E / 55.621528°N 37.536694°E / 55.621528; 37.536694 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of Kazan")
Cheremushki Estate Flickr 07.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign" at the Institute of Theoratical and Practical Physics
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» при Институте Теоретической и Экспериментальной Физики
1747 Russian Orthodox Kotlovka
55°40′45.35″N37°35′16.43″E / 55.6792639°N 37.5878972°E / 55.6792639; 37.5878972 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign")
Znamenskaia tserkov' v Zakhar'ine 01.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Zakharjino
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» в Захарьине
1672 Russian Orthodox South Butovo
55°29′47″N37°35′16″E / 55.49639°N 37.58778°E / 55.49639; 37.58778 (Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign")
Andrew monastery in Moscow, Russia 02.jpg Church of the Apostle John at the former Andrew Monastery
Храм апостола Иоанна Богослова в бывшем Андреевском монастыре
1748 Russian Orthodox Gagarinski
55°42′42.6″N37°34′31.2″E / 55.711833°N 37.575333°E / 55.711833; 37.575333 (Church of the Apostle John)
Church of the Venerable Joseph of Volokolamsk
Храм преподобного Иосифа Волоцкого
2006 [Note 4] Russian Orthodox Obruchevsky
55°39′32.21″N37°31′31.15″E / 55.6589472°N 37.5253194°E / 55.6589472; 37.5253194 (Church of the Venerable Joseph of Volokolamsk)
Church of Saint Pantaleon in South Butovo
Храм великомученика Пантелеимона в Южном Бутове
2010 Russian Orthodox South Butovo
55°31′53.75″N37°29′54.04″E / 55.5315972°N 37.4983444°E / 55.5315972; 37.4983444 (Church of Saint Pantaleon)
Tserkov' Paraskevy Piatnitsy v Kachalove.jpg Church of the Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa in Kachalovo
Храм мученицы Параскевы Пятницы в Качалове
1694 Russian Orthodox North Butovo
55°34′17.7″N37°34′50.7″E / 55.571583°N 37.580750°E / 55.571583; 37.580750 (Church of the Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa)
Tserkov' Petra i Pavla v Iaseneve.jpg Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo
Храм апостолов Петра и Павла в Ясеневе
1753 Russian Orthodox Yasenevo
55°36′0″N37°32′57.3″E / 55.60000°N 37.549250°E / 55.60000; 37.549250 (Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul)
Khram Pokrova Presviatoi Bogoroditsy v Iasenevo - panoramio.jpg Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Yasenevo
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Ясеневе
2015 Russian Orthodox Yasenevo
55°36′54″N37°32′24″E / 55.61500°N 37.54000°E / 55.61500; 37.54000 (Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin)


List of churches in the Western Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Church of the Venerable Andrey Rublev in Ramenki
Храм преподобного Андрея Рублёва в Раменках
2000 Russian Orthodox Ramenki
55°41′40.59″N37°29′42.63″E / 55.6946083°N 37.4951750°E / 55.6946083; 37.4951750 (Church of the Venerable Andrey Rublev)
Tserkov' Blagoveshcheniia Bogoroditsy v Fedos'ine.jpg Church of the Annunciation in Fedossyino
Храм Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы в Федосьине
1854 Russian Orthodox Novo-Peredelkino
55°38′31″N37°20′12.4″E / 55.64194°N 37.336778°E / 55.64194; 37.336778 (Church of the Annunciation)
Tserkov' sviatitelia Dimitriia Rostovskogo v Ochakove.jpg Church of the Metropolitan Dimitry of Rostov in Otshakovo
Храм святителя Димитрия Ростовского в Очакове
1759 Russian Orthodox Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye
55°41′23.4″N37°26′34.3″E / 55.689833°N 37.442861°E / 55.689833; 37.442861 (Church of the Metropolitan Dimitry of Rostov)
Church of the Martyr George at the Moscow regional centre of the Ministry of Emergencies
Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца при Московском региональном центре МЧС РФ
1998 Russian Orthodox Fili-Davydkovo
55°43′35.61″N37°28′54.31″E / 55.7265583°N 37.4817528°E / 55.7265583; 37.4817528 (Church of the Martyr Saint George)
Church of the Martyr Saint George on the Poklonnaya Hill
Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца на Поклонной горе
1995 Russian Orthodox Dorogomilovo
55°43′56.6″N37°30′43.7″E / 55.732389°N 37.512139°E / 55.732389; 37.512139 (Church of the Martyr Saint George)
Kuntsevocem-church.jpg Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands at Setun (at the Kuntsevo Cemetery)
Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа на Сетуни (на Кунцевском кладбище)
1676 Russian Orthodox Mozhaysky
55°42′34.9″N37°25′10.7″E / 55.709694°N 37.419639°E / 55.709694; 37.419639 (Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands)
Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands at the Volynskoye hospital
Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа при Волынской больнице
1999 Russian Orthodox Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye
55°43′4.65″N37°28′50.33″E / 55.7179583°N 37.4806472°E / 55.7179583; 37.4806472 (Church of the nHoly Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands)
Church of Righteous John the Russian in Kuntsevo
Храм святого праведного Иоанна Русского в Кунцеве
2004 Russian Orthodox Kuntsevo
55°44′4.9″N37°24′22.2″E / 55.734694°N 37.406167°E / 55.734694; 37.406167 (Church of Saint John the Russian)
Church of the Archangel Michael at the military base in Yekaterinovka
Храм Архангела Михаила при военной базе в Екатериновке
1999 Russian Orthodox Krylatskoye
55°46′11.4″N37°22′45.3″E / 55.769833°N 37.379250°E / 55.769833; 37.379250 (Church of the Archangel Michael)
Tserkov' Arkhangela Mikhaila v Tropariove3.jpg Church of the Archangel Michael in Troparyovo
Храм Архангела Михаила в Тропарёве
1693 Russian Orthodox Troparyovo-Nikulino
55°39′21″N37°28′45″E / 55.65583°N 37.47917°E / 55.65583; 37.47917 (Church of the Archangel Michael)
Tserkov' Rozhdestva Presviatoi Bogoroditsy v Krylatskom 02.jpg Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Krylatskoye
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в Крылатском
1877 Russian Orthodox Krylatskoye
55°45′20.3″N37°25′33.2″E / 55.755639°N 37.425889°E / 55.755639; 37.425889 (Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos)
Tserkov' Nikolaia Chudotvortsa v Troekurove.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Troyekurovo
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Троекурове
1706 Russian Orthodox Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye
55°42′10.6″N37°24′41.1″E / 55.702944°N 37.411417°E / 55.702944; 37.411417 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Fili 04.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Fili
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Филях
1694 Russian Orthodox Filyovsky park
55°45′2.5″N37°30′37″E / 55.750694°N 37.51028°E / 55.750694; 37.51028 (Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Mary)
Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov in the Fili meadow
Храм преподобного Серафима Саровского в Филёвской пойме
2004 Russian Orthodox Filyovsky park
55°45′48.6″N37°28′40.8″E / 55.763500°N 37.478000°E / 55.763500; 37.478000 (Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov)
Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov in Kuntsevo
Храм преподобного Серафима Саровского в Кунцеве
2006 Russian Orthodox Mozhaysky
55°43′22.7″N37°26′3.1″E / 55.722972°N 37.434194°E / 55.722972; 37.434194 (Church of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov)
Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh in Solntsevo
Храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского в Солнцеве
2010 Russian Orthodox Solntsevo
55°39′3.03″N37°23′27.14″E / 55.6508417°N 37.3908722°E / 55.6508417; 37.3908722 (Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh)
Moscow, Orans in Kuntsevo 01.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Our Lady of the Sign" in Kuntsevo
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» в Кунцеве
1913 Russian Orthodox Filyovsky park
55°44′15.8″N37°27′45″E / 55.737722°N 37.46250°E / 55.737722; 37.46250 (Church of the Our Lady of the Sign icon)
Tserkov' Spasa Preobrazheniia v Peredelkine.jpg Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus in Peredelkino
Храм Спаса Преображения в Переделкине
1819 Russian Orthodox Novo-Peredelkino
55°39′27″N37°20′50.2″E / 55.65750°N 37.347278°E / 55.65750; 37.347278 (Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus)
Pyhan Kolminaisuuden kirkko Vorobjovossa.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity on the Sparrow Hills
Храм Живоначальной Троицы на Воробьёвых горах
1813 Russian Orthodox Ramenki
55°42′38.1″N37°32′25.5″E / 55.710583°N 37.540417°E / 55.710583; 37.540417 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Tserkov' v Troitskom-Golenishcheve.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Troitse-Golenishchevo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Троице-Голенищеве
1644 Russian Orthodox Ramenki
55°43′19″N37°31′18″E / 55.72194°N 37.52167°E / 55.72194; 37.52167 (Church of the Holy Trinity)


List of churches in the Northwestern Okrug
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Church of the Orthodox Ruler Alexander Nevsky at the military basis Kurkino
Храм благоверного князя Александра Невского при воинской части в Куркине
1996 Russian Orthodox Kurkino
55°53′38.41″N37°23′17.43″E / 55.8940028°N 37.3881750°E / 55.8940028; 37.3881750 (Church of the Orthodox Ruler Alexander Nevsky)
Kristuksen syntyman kirkko Mitinossa (2).jpg Church of Christ's Nativity in Roshdestveno
Храм Рождества Христова в Рождествене
1904 Russian Orthodox Mitino
55°51′38.6″N37°22′3.8″E / 55.860722°N 37.367722°E / 55.860722; 37.367722 (Church of Christ's Nativity)
Tserkov' Kosmy i Damiana na Pravoberezhnoi.jpg Church of the Saints Cosmas and Damian in Kozmodemyanskoye
Храм Космы и Дамиана в Космодемьянском
1730 Russian Orthodox Northern Tushino
55°52′49.3″N37°27′19.2″E / 55.880361°N 37.455333°E / 55.880361; 37.455333 (Church of the Saints Cosmas and Damian)
Tserkov' Uspeniia Bogoroditsy v Troitse-Lykove.jpg Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Troitse-Lykovo
Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Троице-Лыкове
1852 Russian Orthodox Strogino
55°47′25.64″N37°24′20.31″E / 55.7904556°N 37.4056417°E / 55.7904556; 37.4056417 (Church of the Domition of the Holy Virgin Mary)
Church of Saint Pantaleon at the hospital of the Russian Railways
Храм великомученика Пантелеимона при больнице Российских железных дорог
2000 Russian Orthodox Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo
55°49′9.31″N37°27′22.29″E / 55.8192528°N 37.4561917°E / 55.8192528; 37.4561917 (Church of Saint Panthaleon)
Tserkov' Pokrova Bogoroditsy v Brattseve.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Brattsevo
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Братцеве
1672 Russian Orthodox Southern Tushino
55°51′10.9″N37°24′5″E / 55.853028°N 37.40139°E / 55.853028; 37.40139 (Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Mary)
Kolokol'nia khrama Pokrova v Pokrovskom-Glebove.jpg Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in Pokrovskoye-Glebovo
Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Покровском-Глебове
1628 Russian Orthodox Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo
55°48′52.9″N37°28′17.9″E / 55.814694°N 37.471639°E / 55.814694; 37.471639 (Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Mary)
Tserkov' ikony Skoroposlushnitsa na Khodynskom pole.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon "Fast Novice" on the Khodynka Field
Храм иконы Божией Матери «Скоропослушница» на Ходынском поле
1902 Russian Orthodox Shchukino
55°47′52.7″N37°29′28.9″E / 55.797972°N 37.491361°E / 55.797972; 37.491361 (Church of the Blessed-Viring icon "Fast Novice")
Kurkino - tserkov' Vladimirskoi ikony Bozhiei materi.jpg Church of the Theotokos icon of Vladimir in Kurkino
Храм Владимирской иконы Божией Матери в Куркине
1678 Russian Orthodox Kurkino
55°53′23″N37°22′50″E / 55.88972°N 37.38056°E / 55.88972; 37.38056 (Church of the Theotokos icon of Vladimir)
Tushino Church of Transfiguration.jpg Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus in Tushino
Храм Спаса Преображения в Тушине
1875 Russian Orthodox Southern Tushino
55°49′54.7″N37°24′7.7″E / 55.831861°N 37.402139°E / 55.831861; 37.402139 (Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus)
Khram Zhivonachal'noi Troitsy v Khorosheve.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity in Khoroshovo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Хорошёве
1598 Russian Orthodox Khoroshyovo-Mnyovniki
55°46′34″N37°27′24.5″E / 55.77611°N 37.456806°E / 55.77611; 37.456806 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
HolyTrinityChurch TroitseLykovo2.JPG Church of the Holy Trinity in Troitse-Lykovo
Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Троице-Лыкове
1702 Russian Orthodox Strogino
55°47′19.4″N37°24′22.6″E / 55.788722°N 37.406278°E / 55.788722; 37.406278 (Church of the Holy Trinity)
Tushinskie evangelisty - panoramio.jpg Tushino Pentecostal Church
Тушинские евангелисты
1957 Pentecostal Mitino
55°50′20.59″N37°24′35.11″E / 55.8390528°N 37.4097528°E / 55.8390528; 37.4097528 (Church of the Holy Trinity)


List of churches in Zelenograd
PictureNameYear of completionDenominationDistrict
Evangelical Baptist church, Zelenograd 2.jpg Evangelical Baptist church in Zelenograd
Церковь Евангельских христиан-баптистов
2006 Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists Silino
55°59′31.09″N37°10′59.74″E / 55.9919694°N 37.1832611°E / 55.9919694; 37.1832611 (Church of Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow)
Tserkov' Nikolaia v Rzhavkakh.jpg Church of Saint Nicholas in Rzhavki
Храм Николая Чудотворца в Ржавках
1827 Russian Orthodox Savyolki
55°59′43.2″N37°14′36.9″E / 55.995333°N 37.243583°E / 55.995333; 37.243583 (Church of Saint Nicholas)
Tserkov' Filareta v Zelenograde.jpg Church of Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow in Zelenograd
Храм святителя Филарета, митрополита Московского, в Зеленограде
1994 Russian Orthodox Silino
55°59′29.7″N37°10′50.9″E / 55.991583°N 37.180806°E / 55.991583; 37.180806 (Church of Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow)

See also


  1. Also called "Cathedral of the Protection of Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat" (Собор Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы на Рву)
  2. Also "Menshikov Tower" (Меншикова башня)
  3. after a faithful reconstruction; originally 1916, destroyed 1935, the rest removed in the 1960s
  4. 1 2 3 4 Provisional church, to make way for a new construction
  5. Only the church bells preserved; services take place there

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  1. 1 2 3 "Московская (городская) епархия / Организации / Патриархия.ru". Патриархия.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 2024-05-27.
  2. 1 2 Simone Hillmann. "Religionen in Moskau" [Religion in Russia](PDF) (in German). Moskultinfo. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 April 2013. Retrieved 4 February 2012.
  3. 1 2 Aljona Legostajewa. "Das multikonfessionelle Moskau" [The Multi-Confessional Moscow] (in German). Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Archived from the original on 12 February 2013. Retrieved 4 February 2012.
  4. Watch 1991, pp. 74, 147–149.
  5. "Реализация программы строительства 200 храмов в Москве должна быть максимально открытой для общества, отмечают в Русской Православной Церкви / Новости / Патриархия.ru".
  6. "Первый из 200 новых московских храмов увенчан крестами / Новости / Патриархия.ru".

Further reading