List of cities in Tajikistan

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Map of Tajikistan LocationTajikistan.svg
Map of Tajikistan

This is a list of cities in Tajikistan .

The largest metropolitan area in Tajikistan is that of the capital Dushanbe, with 1,563,400 inhabitants (2024 est.). [1] Thirteen percent of the population of the country lives in the region of the capital.


Cities of more than 10,000 people, listed by population

The following table includes all cities larger than 10,000 people, with their names in English, and the corresponding names in Cyrillic and Perso-Arabic script. Because of transliteration difficulties, some are known by more than one spelling. The population is from the censuses of 12 January 1989, 20 January 2000 and 21 September 2010, as well as estimates for 1 January 2015 and 2020. The population figures are for the city proper, and do not include adjacent communities. In addition, the administrative division in which the city lies is named, usually a region, or an autonomous region in the case of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAR). There is also the capital district, and the Districts under Central Government Jurisdiction (Nohiyahoi tobei jumhuri, here abbreviated NTJ), which do not belong to a region, and are directly under the central government. Finally, the district in which the city lies is given.

RankNameTajik CyrillicTajik Persian1989 census [2] 2000 census [3] 2010 census [4] 2015 estimate [5] 2020 estimate [1] Administrative divisionDistrict
1. Dushanbe 1*Душанбеدوشنبه595,820561,895724,800788,700863,400 Dushanbe Capital district
2. Khujand 2Хуҷандخجند160,458147,061162,800172,700183,600 Sughd Khujand **
3. Bokhtar (Qurghonteppa)Бохтарباختر قرغان‌تپه58,50560,50875,500102,900111,800 Khatlon Bokhtar **
4. Kulob Кӯлобکولاب74,45677,69295,000101,200106,300 Khatlon Kulob **
5. Istaravshan Истаравшанاستروشن45,76350,36954,70059,90065,600 Sughd Istaravshan **
6. Tursunzoda Турсунзoдaتورسون‌زاده40,59337,79446,70052,40055,700 NTJ Tursunzoda *
7. Konibodom Конибодомکان بادام37,84144,69146,50049,70052,500 Sughd Konibodom **
8. Isfara Исфараاسفره34,52436,85042,90046,90051,700 Sughd Isfara **
9. Panjakent Панҷакентپنج‌کنت27,90332,57238,50040,60043,300 Sughd Panjakent **
10. Vahdat Ваҳдатوحدت45,73144,69140,60042,20043,200 NTJ Vahdat *
11. Yovon Ёвонیاوان20,14820,00029,40033,20036,700 Khatlon Yovon District
12. Buston Бустонچکلاو33,73122,00026,00029,80034,000 Sughd Buston **
13. Norak Нoрaкنورک20,75219,25624,80028,10031,400 Khatlon Norak **
14. Danghara Данғараدنغره16,89818,16722,70025,00031,100 Khatlon Danghara District
15. Khorugh Хоруғخاروغ20,31827,42128,10028,90030,500 GBAR Khorugh **
16. Hisor Ҳисорحصار20,22020,00024,40026,90029,100 NTJ Hisor **
17. Farkhor Фархoрفرخار17,91519,48621,50022,90025,300 Khatlon Farkhor District
18. Somoniyon Сомониёнسامانیان16,623n/a20,10022,60025,200 NTJ Rudaki District
19. Hulbuk Ҳулбукواسع14,98919,42120,60022,70024,500 Khatlon Vose' District
20. Moskovskiy Маскавماسکوا16,75618,07421,30022,50023,300 Khatlon Hamadoni District
21. Ghafurov Бобоҷон Ғафуровباباجان غفوروف18,91614,88716,90018,40020,600 Sughd Ghafurov District
22. Zafarobod Зафарободظفرآباد11,191n/a14,80017,20020,600 Sughd Zafarobod District
23. Mirzo Tursunzoda Мирзо Турсунзодаمیرزا تورسن‌زادهn/an/a15,70017,90020,500 NTJ Rudaki District
24. Balkh Балхبلخ13,354n/a15,50017,50019,000 Khatlon J. Balkhi District
25. Dusti Дустӣدوستی8,88610,46014,50016,50018,800 Khatlon Jayhun District
26. Navkat Навкатناو13,86312,96415,10016,90018,700 Sughd Spitamen District
27. Shaydon Шайдонاشت9,60511,03913,20015,30018,200 Sughd Asht District
28. Guliston Гулистонگلستان12,81910,00014,30015,10018,000 Sughd Guliston **
29. Levakant Левакантسربند14,00610,87414,20015,80017,700 Khatlon Levakant **
30. Istiqlol Истиқлолتباشر20,16612,23714,20015,90017,600 Sughd Istiqlol **
31. Shahritus Шаҳритусشهر توز11,61811,85714,70015,80017,200 Khatlon Shahrituz District
32. Ghonchi Ғончӣ7,3838,2929,60011,80017,000 Sughd Devashtich District
33. Mehrobod Мехрободمهرآباد15,10412,65813,30014,80016,600 Sughd J. Rasulov District
34. Adrasmon Адрасмoнادرسمان11,298n/a13,50014,60015,800 Sughd Guliston **
35. Buston Бӯстонبوستان12,178n/a12,10013,60015,500 Sughd Mastchoh District
36. Vakhsh Вахшوخش10,587n/a13,00014,10014,900 Khatlon Vakhsh District
37. Roghun Роғунراغون8,4577,93413,80015,00014,900 NTJ Roghun *
38. Sharora Шарораشراره5,1549,00011,40012,70014,300 NTJ Hisor *
39. Mu'minobod Мӯъминободمؤمن‌آباد9,76411,20812,20013,00014,100 Khatlon Mu'minobod District
40. Abdurahmoni Jomi Абдураҳмони Ҷомӣعبدالرحمن جامی9,7049,13211,50012,70013,800 Khatlon Jomi District
41. Panj Панҷپنج9,2777,96710,40011,70012,500 Khatlon Panj District
42. Mehnatobod Меҳнатободمحنت‌آباد7,191n/a9,30010,80012,400 Sughd Zafarobod District
43. Nu'mon Roziq Нуъмон Розиқنعمان رازقn/an/a10,70011,60012,400 NTJ Vahdat *
44. Obikiik Обикиикn/an/a6,6008,50012,300 Khatlon Khuroson District
45. Qubodiyon Қубодиёнقبادیانn/an/a5,200n/a12,200 Khatlon Qubodiyon District
46. Homid Aliev Ҳомид Алиевحامد علیف5,890n/a9,00010,00011,400 Sughd Zafarobod District
47. Sovet Совет7,5357,8349,0009,90010,800 Khatlon Temurmalik District
48. Fayzobod Файзободفیض‌آبادn/an/a8,7009,40010,400 NTJ Fayzobod District
49. Navobod Навобод5,945n/a8,2009,10010,200 NTJ Rudaki District

1: Name from 1929 to 1961: Stalinabad
2: Name from 1939 to 1992: Leninabad
*Cities under central government jurisdiction
**Cities under regional jurisdiction

See also

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  1. 1 2 "Population of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 1 January 2020" (PDF) (in Russian). Statistics office of Tajikistan. Retrieved 3 October 2020.
  2. 1989 census results Archived 2012-01-18 at the Wayback Machine
  3. "Tajikistan: Cities & Urban Settlements". Archived from the original on 18 October 2020.
  4. "The size and distribution of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan Vol. I" (PDF) (in Russian). Statistics office of Tajikistan. 2012. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 July 2020.
  5. "Population of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 1 January 2015" (PDF) (in Russian). Statistics office of Tajikistan. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 July 2015.