List of compilers

Last updated

This page is intended to list all current compilers, compiler generators, interpreters, translators, tool foundations, assemblers, automatable command line interfaces (shells), etc.


Ada compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
PTC ObjectAda PTC, Inc. YesYesYes Proprietary
GCC GNAT GNU Project YesYesYes GPLv3+
GNAT LLVMAdaCoreYesYesYes GPLv3+
GreenHills Ada Optimizing Compiler Green Hills Software YesYesNo Proprietary
PTC ApexAda PTC, Inc.NoYesYes Proprietary
SCORE Ada DDC-I YesYesYes Proprietary
Symbolics Ada Symbolics NoNo Symbolics Genera Proprietary
Tandem Ada [1] Tandem Computers NoYesGuardian, NonStop Kernel Proprietary

ALGOL 60 compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
ALGOL 60 RHA (Minisystems) LtdNoNo DOS, CP/M Free for personal use
ALGOL 60 (Whetstone) Randell and RussellNoNo KDF9 Un­known
ALGOL 60 (Kidsgrove)Hawkins and HuxtableNoNo KDF9 Un­known
Persistent S-algol Paul Cockshott YesNo DOS Copyright only
MCP Unisys NoNo MCP Proprietary
Algol 60 Claude Pair  [ fr ] [2] NoNo IBM 1620  ?
Algol 60 Jean-Claude Boussard [3] NoNo IBM 7090  ?

ALGOL 68 compilers

cf. ALGOL 68s specification and implementation timeline

NameYearPurposeStateDescriptionTarget CPULicensingImplementation Language
ALGOL 68 r0 1968StandardIntlIFIP WG 2.1 Final ReportSpecification – AugustACM
ALGOL 68-R R1970MilitaryUK ICL 1900 ALGOL 60
EPOS ALGOL E1971Scientific
ALGOL 68RS RS1972MilitaryUKPortable compiler systemICL 2900/Series 39, Multics, VMS & C generator (1993) Crown Copyright ALGOL 68RS
Mini ALGOL 681973ResearchNL "An interpreter for simple Algol 68 Programs" Portable interpreter Mathematisch Centrum ALGOL 60
ALGOL 68C C1975ScientificUKCambridge Algol 68 ICL, IBM 360, PDP 10 & Unix, Telefunken, Tesla & Z80(1980) [4] CambridgeALGOL 68C
ALGOL 68 Revised Report r1 1975StandardIntlIFIP WG 2.1 Revised ReportSpecificationACM
Odra Algol 681976practical usesUSSR/PolandOdra 1204/IL Soviet ALGOL 60
FLACC F1977Multi-purposeCARevised Report complete implementation with debug featuresSystem/370lease, Chion CorporationAssembler
Leningrad ALGOL 68 L1980TelecommunicationsUSSRFull Language + ModulesIBM, DEC, CAMCOH, PS 1001 & PC Soviet
Interactive ALGOL 68 I1983UK Incremental compilation PCNoncommercial shareware
ALGOL 68S S1985ScientificIntlSun version of ALGOL 68 Sun-3, Sun SPARC (under SunOS 4.1 & Solaris 2), Atari ST (under GEMDOS), Acorn Archimedes (under RISC OS), VAX-11 under Ultrix-32
Algol68toC [5] (ctrans)1985ElectronicsUKctrans from ELLA ALGOL 68RS Portable C generator  Open sourced & Public Domained 1995ALGOL 68RS
Algol 68 GenieG2001Full LanguageNLIncludes standard collateral clausePortable interpreter GPL C

Assemblers (Intel *86)

AssemblerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
FASM Tomasz GrysztarYesYesYes BSD
Turbo Assembler Borland YesNoNo Proprietary
A86 assemblerEric IsaacsonYesNoNo Proprietary
Microsoft Macro Assembler Microsoft YesNoNo Proprietary
Netwide Assembler Simon Tatham and Julian HallYesYesYes BSD
High Level Assembly (HLA) Randall Hyde YesYesYesPublic domain
GNU Assembler The GNU Project YesYesYes GPLv3

Assemblers (Motorola 68*)

AssemblerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
Assembler Motorola YesNoNo Proprietary
Devpac HiSoft Systems NoNo Amiga, Atari ST Proprietary
GNU Assembler The GNU Project YesYesYes GPLv3
rmac James Hammons, George Nakos, Landon DyerYesYesYes Freeware

Assemblers (Zilog Z80)

AssemblerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
Microsoft MACRO-80 Microsoft NoNoYes Proprietary
Zeus Assembler Neil Mottershead, Simon BrattelNoNoYes Proprietary
Prometheus Proxima software NoNoNo Proprietary

Assemblers (other)

AssemblerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
TMS 9900 assembler Texas Instruments YesYesYes Proprietary
GNU Assembler The GNU Project YesYesYes GPLv3
TAL (Tandem Application Language)Tandem ComputersNoYesGuardian, NonStop KernelProprietary
pTAL (The Application Language)Tandem ComputersNoYesNonStop Kernel, NonStop OSProprietary
epTAL (The Application Language)HPENoYesNonStop OSProprietary

BASIC compilers

CompilerAuthorWorking stateWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense typeStandard conformance
Minimal BASIC Full BASIC
AppGameKit The Game CreatorsCurrentYesYesNo Proprietary  ? ?
BASIC-PLUS-2 Digital Equipment Corporation now HPE CurrentNo ? RSTS/E, RSX-11M, VMS Proprietary  ? ?
B4X Erel UzielCurrentYesYes (Android, iOS)Yes (JVM) Apache 2.0 NoNo
BlitzMax Blitz ResearchDiscontinuedYesYes (Linux, macOS)No zlib License NoNo
DarkBASIC The Game CreatorsInactiveYesNoNo MIT License NoNo
ECMA-55 Minimal BASIC compiler [6] John Gatewood HamCurrentNo Linux No GPLv2 YesNo
FreeBASIC FreeBASIC Development TeamCurrentYesYes DOS, FreeBSD, Linux GPLv2+ Partial [7] No
FutureBASIC Brilor SoftwareCurrentNo macOS Classic Mac OS Proprietary PartialNo
Gambas Benoît Minisini CurrentNoYesNo GPLv2+ NoNo
GFA BASIC Frank Ostrowski AbandonedYesNo Amiga, Atari ST, DOS Proprietary NoNo
Mercury RemObjects CurrentYesYes (Linux, macOS, Android, iOS)Yes (WebAssembly) Proprietary NoNo
PowerBASIC (formerly Turbo Basic)PowerBASIC, Inc.InactiveYesNoDOS Proprietary  ? ?
PureBasic Fantaisie SoftwareCurrentYesYesYes Proprietary NoNo
QB64 Galleon CurrentYesYesYes LGPLv2.1 PartialNo
QuickBASIC Microsoft DiscontinuedNoNoDOS Proprietary PartialNo
Tandem BASIC Tandem Computers HistoricNoNoGuardian, NonStop Kernel, NonStop OS Proprietary NoNo
True BASIC True BASICCurrentYesNoNo Proprietary YesPartial [8]
VSI BASIC for OpenVMS VMS Software, Inc.CurrentNoNoOpenVMS Proprietary NoNo
Xojo (formerly REALbasic)Xojo Inc. (formerly Real Software)CurrentYesYesYes Proprietary NoNo

BASIC interpreters

InterpreterAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
BASIC-PLUS Digital Equipment Corporation NoNo RSTS/E Proprietary
BBC BASIC (SDL 2.0) Richard T. RussellYesYes Android, iOS, macOS, Raspberry Pi OS, Web browser zlib License
Bywater BASIC (bwBASIC) Ted CampbellNoYes ? GPL
Liberty BASIC Shoptalk SystemsYesNoNo Proprietary
GW-BASIC Microsoft NoNo MS-DOS Proprietary
QBasic Microsoft NoNo MS-DOS Proprietary
Chipmunk Basic Ronald H. Nicholson, Jr.YesYesYes Freeware
TI Basic Texas Instruments NoNo TI-99/4A Proprietary
TI Extended Basic Texas Instruments NoNo TI-99/4A Proprietary
MiniBasic Malcolm McLeanYesYesYesfree for any use
Rocky Mountain BASIC [Trans Era]YesNo HP 9000 Proprietary
BasMichael HaardtNoYesNo MIT License
Yabasic Marc-Oliver IhmYesYes Haiku MIT License
SmallBASIC SmallBASICYesYes Android, macOS GPLv3+
SuperBASIC Jan Jones NoNo Sinclair QL Proprietary
thinBasic thinBasic YesNoNo Proprietary
PC-BASICRob HagemansYesYes macOS GPLv3+
Level I BASIC Steve LeiningerNoNo TRS-80 ROM Proprietary
Level II BASIC Microsoft NoNo TRSDOS, NewDos/80, MultiDOS, DosPlus, LDOS Proprietary
Level III BASIC Microsoft NoNo TRSDOS, NewDos/80, MultiDOS, DosPlus, LDOS Proprietary

C compilers

CompilerAuthorMicrosoft WindowsUnix-likeOther OSs Bare machine License typeStandard conformance
C89 C99 C11 C17
Acorn C/C++ Acorn and Codemist NoNo RISC OS  ? Proprietary YesYesNoYes
AMD Optimizing C/C++ Compiler (AOCC) AMD NoYesNo ? Proprietary YesYesYesYes
Aztec C Manx Software SystemsNoNo CP/M, CP/M-86, DOS, Classic Mac OS  ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Amsterdam Compiler Kit Andrew Tanenbaum and Ceriel Jacobs NoYesYes ? BSD  ? ? ? ?
BDS C BD SoftwareNoNo CP/M  ? Public domain  ? ? ? ?
C++Builder Embarcadero YesYes (iOS, Android)No ? Proprietary YesYesPartial ?
Ch SoftIntegration, IncYes macOS, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, QNX Yes ? Freeware YesYesNo ?
Clang LLVM ProjectYesYesYes ? UoI/NCSA YesYesYesYes
CompCert INRIA YesYesNo ? Freeware (source code available for non-commercial use) or GPL YesPartialNo ?
Digital Mars Digital MarsYesNoNo ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Digital Research C [9] Digital Research  ? ?CP/M, DOS ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Edison Design Group Edison Design Group YesYesYes ? Proprietary YesYesYesYes
GCC C GNU Project MinGW, Cygwin, WSL YesIBM mainframe, AmigaOS, VMS, RTEMS, DOS [10] Yes GPL YesPartial [lower-roman 1] Partial [lower-roman 1] Partial [lower-roman 1]
IAR C/C++ Compilers IAR Systems Yes{{yes [note 1] }}No ? Proprietary YesYesYesYes
Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
Intel Yes Linux No ? Freeware (optional priority support)YesYesYes [11] Yes
Intel C++ Compiler Classic
Intel Yes Linux, macOS No ? Freeware (optional priority support)YesPartial [12] Partial [12]  ?
Interactive C KISS Institute for Practical RoboticsYes Unix, macOS, Linux, IRIX, Solaris, SunOS No ? Freeware PartialNoNo ?
keil C/C++ Compilers Keil (company) YesYesNo ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Lattice C Lifeboat Associates NoYes DOS, OS/2, Commodore, Amiga, Atari ST, Sinclair QL  ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
lcc Chris Fraser and David Hanson YesYesYes ? Freeware (source code available for non-commercial use)YesNoNo ?
Mark Williams C Mark Williams Company Yes Coherent Yes ? Proprietary - Coherent Compiler 3-clause BSD[ clarification needed ] ? ? ? ?
MCP Unisys NoNo MCP  ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
MikroC Compiler Mikroelektronika YesYesYes ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
MPW C Apple NoNo Classic Mac OS  ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Open64 AMD, SGI, Google, HP, Intel, Nvidia, PathScale, Tsinghua University and othersNoYesYes ? GPL  ? ? ? ?
Pacific C Hi-tech software NoNo DOS  ? Freeware [13]  ? ? ? ?
Pelles C Pelle Orinius YesNoNo ? Freeware NoYesYesYes
Personal C Compiler (PCC) DeSmet NoNo DOS  ? GPL [14] Yes [lower-roman 2] NoNoNo
PGCC The Portland Group YesYesUn­known ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Portable C Compiler Stephen C. Johnson, Anders Magnusson and othersYesYesYes ? BSD YesPartialNo ?
QuickC Microsoft YesNoNo ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Ritchie C Compiler (PDP-11) Dennis Ritchie and John Reiser; converted to cross-compiler by Doug Gwyn YesYesYes ? Freeware PartialPartialPartialPartial
SAS/C SAS Institute YesYesYes IBM mainframe, AmigaOS, 68K, 88K ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Alan Snyder's Portable C Compiler Alan Snyder and current Maintainer larsbrinkhoff|Snyder-C-compiler NoYesNo ? MIT License  ? ? ? ?
The SubC Compiler Nils M Holm|SubC NoYesNo ? Public Domain  ? ? ? ?
SCORE C (tcc) DDC-I YesYesYes ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
SEGGER Compiler [15] SEGGER Microcontroller YesYesYes ? Proprietary YesYesPartialPartial
Small-C Ron Caine, James E. Hendrix, Byte magazineYesYes CP/M, DOS  ? Public domain PartialNoNo ?
Small Device C Compiler Sandeep Dutta and othersYesYesUn­knownYes GPL  ? ? ? ?
Symbolics C Symbolics NoNo Symbolics Genera  ? Proprietary  ?NoNoNo
Tandem C [16] Tandem Computers NoYesGuardian, NonStop Kernel, NonStop OS No Proprietary  ? ?NoNo
Tasking Altium Yes Linux, MacOS No ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
THINK C, Lightspeed CTHINK TechnologiesNoNo Classic Mac OS  ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
Tiny C Compiler Fabrice Bellard YesYesNo ? LGPL YesPartialPartial ?
(Borland) Turbo C Embarcadero YesNoYes ? Proprietary - V 2.01 freely available ? ? ? ?
VBCC Volker Barthelmann YesYesYes ? Freeware (source code available, modification not allowed)YesPartialNo ?
Microsoft Visual C++ Microsoft YesNoNo ? Proprietary (Freeware)YesNo [17] Partial [lower-roman 3] Yes [lower-roman 3]
Oracle C compiler Oracle No Solaris, Linux No ? Proprietary (Freeware)YesYesYesNo
Watcom C/C++,
Open Watcom C/C++
Watcom Yesexperimental DOS, OS/2  ? Sybase Open Watcom Public License YesPartialNo ?
Wind River (Diab) Compiler Wind River Systems YesYesYes ? Proprietary  ? ? ? ?
XL C, XL C/C++ IBM No AIX, Linux z/OS, z/VM  ? Proprietary YesYesPartial ?
Zig cc Zig Software Foundation YesYesYes ? MIT License  ? ? ? ?


  1. 1 2 3 Complete except for floating point.
  2. ANSI 89 compliant from version 3.1h and up
  3. 1 2 Visual Studio v16.8.

C++ compilers

CompilerAuthor Operating System [lower-roman 1] License type IDE Standard conformance
Windows Unix-like Other C++11 C++14 C++17 C++20 C++23
AMD Optimizing C/C++ Compiler (AOCC) AMD NoYesNo Proprietary (Freeware)NoYesYesYesPartialPartial
C++Builder (classic Borland, bcc*) Embarcadero (CodeGear)Yes (bcc32) macOS (bccosx) [18] No Proprietary (Free Community Edition) [19] YesYes [20] [21] NoNo ? ?
C++Builder (modern, bcc*c) Embarcadero (LLVM) [22] Yes (bcc32c,bcc64,
iOS⟩ (bccios*), ⟨Android⟩ (bcca*) [18] No Proprietary (Freeware - 32bit CLI, [23] Free Limited Commercial Edition) [19] YesYes [lower-roman 2] [20] [21] Yes [24] Yes [25]  ? ?
Turbo C++ (tcc) Borland (CodeGear)YesNo DOS Freeware YesNoNoNo ? ?
CINT CERN YesYes BeBox, DOS, etc. X11/MIT YesNoNoNo ? ?
Cfront Bjarne Stroustrup NoYesNo ?NoNoNoNo ? ?
Clang (clang++) LLVM Project YesYesYes UoI/NCSA Xcode, QtCreator (optional)Yes [lower-roman 2] [26] [27] [21] YesYesPartialPartial
Comeau C/C++ Comeau Computing YesYesYes Proprietary NoNo [lower-roman 3] NoNo ? ?
Cray C/C++ (CC) Cray NoNoNo Proprietary NoYes [lower-roman 4] [28] [29] Yes [lower-roman 4] YesPartialNo
Digital Mars C/C++ (dmc) Digital Mars YesNo DOS Proprietary NoPartial [30] [21] NoNo ? ?
EDG C++ Front End (eccp, edgcpfe) Edison Design Group YesYesYes Proprietary NoYes [lower-roman 3] [31] [21] YesYesPartialPartial
EKOPath (pathCC) PathScale and othersNoYesYesMixed (Proprietary,
Open–source & GPL)
NoYes [lower-roman 5] [32] PartialNo ? ?
GCC (g++) GNU Project MinGW, MSYS2,
Cygwin, Windows Subsystem
YesYes GPLv3 QtCreator, Kdevelop, Eclipse,
NetBeans, Code::Blocks, Dev-C++, Geany
Yes [lower-roman 5] [33] [34] [21] YesYesPartialPartial
HP aC++ (aCC) Hewlett-Packard No HP-UX No Proprietary NoPartial [35] [21] NoNo ? ?
IAR C/C++ Compilers (icc*) IAR Systems YesNo⟨Yes⟩ Proprietary IAR Embedded WorkbenchYes [36] YesPartial ? ?
Intel C++ Compiler (icc) Intel Yes Linux, macOS, FreeBSD; ⟨Android (x86)⟩No Proprietary (Freeware) [37] Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode Yes [lower-roman 3] [38] [21] Yes [39] Yes [40] PartialPartial
KAI C++ (KCC)Kuck & Associates, Inc.
⟨subsumed by Intel
No TOPS-20, Digital Unix, HP-UX, Linux (x86),
IRIX 5.3 & 6.x, Solaris 2.x, UNICOS
No Proprietary NoNo [lower-roman 3] [41] NoNo ? ?
Microtec C/C++ (mcc) MentorSiemensYesYesYes Proprietary EDGE Developer SuiteNoNoNo ? ?
EDGE C/C++ [lower-roman 6] MentorSiemensYesYesYes Proprietary EDGE Developer SuiteNoNoNo ?
Open64 (openCC) HP, AMD, Tsinghua University and othersNoYesNo Modified GPLv2 NoNo [lower-roman 5] [lower-roman 7] [42] NoNo ? ?
PGC++ (pgc++) PGINvidiaUnsupported [43] Linux, macOS No Proprietary Eclipse, Xcode, Visual Studio Yes [lower-roman 3] [44] [21] YesPartial ? ?
ProDev WorkShop Silicon Graphics No IRIX 5.3 & 6.x Yes Proprietary Yes ? ? ? ? ?
RealView Compilation Tools (armcc) KeilArmYesYes⟨Yes⟩ Proprietary RealView Development SuiteNo [lower-roman 3] [45] NoNo ? ?
Arm Compiler (armcc) KeilArmYesYes⟨Yes⟩ Proprietary μVision, DS-5Yes [lower-roman 3] [46] [47] NoNo ? ?
Arm Compiler (armclang) KeilArm⟩ (LLVM)YesNo⟨Yes⟩ Proprietary μVision, DS-5Yes [lower-roman 2] [48] [49] YesNo ? ?
Salford C++ Compiler Silverfrost YesNoNo Proprietary Yes ? ? ? ? ?
SAS/C C++ SAS Institute Windows NT/95 AIX, Solaris/SunOS, Linux IBM mainframe, DOS Proprietary No ? ? ? ? ?
SCORE C++ (tpp) DDC-I YesYesYes Proprietary YesYesNoNo ? ?
SEGGER Compiler SEGGER Microcontroller YesYesYes Proprietary YesYesPartialPartial ? ?
Oracle C++ Compiler (CC) Oracle No Linux, Solaris No Proprietary (Freeware) Oracle Developer Studio, NetBeans Yes [50] [51] [21] YesNo ? ?
Tandem C++ [52] Tandem Computers NoYesNonStop Kernel, NonStop OS Proprietary Eclipse ?NoNo ?
TenDRA (tcc) TenDRA Project NoYesNoBSDNoNo [53] NoNo ? ?
VectorC Codeplay YesNoPS2⟩, ⟨PS3⟩, etc. Proprietary Visual Studio, CodeWarrior Partial [54] NoNo ? ?
Visual C++ (cl) Microsoft Yes Linux, macOS; ⟨Android⟩, ⟨iOS DOS Proprietary (Free for Individuals and Enterprise under $1M Profit Cap) [55] Visual Studio, QtCreator Yes [56] [57] [21] YesYes [58] Yes [59] Partial
XL C/C++ (xlc++) IBM No Linux (Power), AIX z/OS, z/VM Proprietary Eclipse Yes [60] [61] [62] [63] YesNoNoNo
Diab Compiler (dcc) Wind RiverTPG CapitalYes Linux, Solaris VxWorks Proprietary Wind River Workbench No [lower-roman 3] [64] NoNo ? ?


  1. List of host operating systems and/or ⟨cross-compilation targets⟩.
  2. 1 2 3 Uses a Clang Front End. [26] [27]
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Uses an EDG Front End. [31]
  4. 1 2 The Cray C++ Libraries do not support wide characters and only support a single locale.
  5. 1 2 3 Uses a GCC Front End. [33] [34]
  6. The EDGE C/C++ compiler is based on the Microtec C/C++ compiler.
  7. Last Open64 v5.0 uses GCC 4.2 as its Front End, which doesn't support any C++11. [33] [34]

C# compilers

CompilerAuthorTypeWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Visual C# MicrosoftJITYes iOS No Proprietary Yes
Visual C# Express MicrosoftJITYesNoNo Freeware Yes
Mono Xamarin JITYesYesYes GPLv2 Yes
Portable.NET DotGNU AOTYesYesNo GPL No
SharpDevelop IC#Code Team.JITYesNoNo LGPL Yes
Roslyn .NET FoundationJIT/AOTYesPartialNo Apache 2.0 [65] No
RemObjects C# RemObjects AOTYesYes (Linux, macOS, Android, iOS)Yes (WebAssembly) Proprietary Yes
IL2CPP Unity Technologies AOTYesYesYes Proprietary No
IL2CPU COSMOS AOTYesYesYes BSD licenses [66] No
Bartok Microsoft Research AOTYesNoNo Proprietary No
RyuJIT .NET Foundation.JITYesYesYes MIT License [67] Yes
CoreRT .NET Foundation.AOT/JITYesYesYes MIT License [68] Yes
bflat [69] Michal StrehovskýAOTYesYesYes GPL [70] No

COBOL compilers

CompilerAuthorOperating systemLicense type IDE?Standard conformance
WindowsUnix-likeOther COBOL-85 COBOL 2002
IBM COBOL IBM Yes AIX, Linux z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE Proprietary IBM Developer for z/OSYesPartial
NetCOBOL Fujitsu, GTSoftware YesYesNo Proprietary YesYesPartial
GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL)Keisuke Nishida, Roger While, Simon SobischYesYesYes GPL OpenCobolIDE, GIX, HackEdit YesPartial
gcobol [71] COBOLworxYesYesYes GPL NoYes [72] Planned [72]
Otterkit [73] [74] Gabriel GonçalvesYesYesYes (Common Language Infrastructure) Apache 2.0 YesPartial Release candidate
Visual COBOL Micro Focus YesYesYes Proprietary YesYesNo
isCOBOL Evolve Veryant YesYesYes Proprietary Eclipse YesPartial
HP COBOL Hewlett-Packard NoNo OpenVMS Proprietary NetBeans YesNo
MCP Unisys NoNo MCP Proprietary CANDE Yes [75] No
Tandem COBOL [76] [16] Tandem Computers NoNoGuardian, NonStop Kernel, NonStop OS Proprietary Eclipse, Micro Focus COBOL Workbench [77]  ? ?
PDP-11 COBOL Digital Equipment Corporation NoNo RSTS/E, RSX-11M Proprietary  ?NoNo
COBOL-85 Digital Equipment Corporation NoNo RSTS/E, RSX-11M, VMS Proprietary  ? ? ?
Austec CobolEsmond & David Pitt and Derek Trusler, Austec International Inc.NoYesYes Proprietary NoPartialPartial

Common Lisp compilers

CompilerAuthorTargetWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Allegro Common Lisp Franz, Inc.Native codeYesYesYes Proprietary Yes
Armed Bear Common Lisp Peter Graves JVM YesYesYes GPL Yes
CLISP GNU Project BytecodeYesYesYes GPL No
Clozure CL Clozure AssociatesNative codeYesYesNo LGPL Yes
CMU Common Lisp Carnegie Mellon University Native code, BytecodeNoYesNo Public domain Yes
Corman Common Lisp Corman TechnologiesNative codeYesNoNo MIT license Yes
Embeddable Common Lisp Juanjo Garcia-RipollBytecode, CYesYesYes LGPL Yes
GNU Common Lisp GNU Project CYesYesNo GPL No
LispWorks LispWorks LtdNative codeYesYesNo Proprietary Yes
mocl WukixNative codeNoYesYes Proprietary No
Movitz Frode V. FjeldNative code, own OSNoNoYes BSD No
Open Genera Symbolics Ivory emulator, own OSNoNoYes Proprietary Yes
Scieneer Common Lisp Scieneer Pty LtdNative codeNoYesNo Proprietary No
Steel Bank Common Lisp sbcl.orgNative codeYesYesYes Public domain Yes

D compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
D (DMD) Digital Mars and othersYes32-bit Linux, macOS, FreeBSD No Boost
D for .NET  ?YesYes ? ? ?
LDC LLVMYesYesNomultiple Open Source license depending on moduleNo

DIBOL/DBL compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
DIBOLDigital Equipment CorporationNoNoRSTS/E, VMS Proprietary No
Synergy DBL [78] [79] [80] SynergexYesYesYes Proprietary Yes

ECMAScript interpreters

Eiffel compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
EiffelStudio Eiffel Software / Community developed (SourceForge)YesYesYes GPL Yes
LibertyEiffel (fork of SmartEiffel)D. Colnet and community ?Yes ? GPLv2  ?
SmartEiffel D. Colnet ?Yes ? GPLv2  ?

Forth compilers and interpreters

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
Win32Forth [81] Andrew McKewan, Tom Zimmer, et. al.YesNoNopublic domain
VFX Forth [82] [83] MPEYesYesYes ?
SwiftForth [84] Forth Inc.YesYesNo Proprietary
SP-ForthAndrey CherezovYesYes ?GPL3
Retro Forth [85] Charles ChildersYesYes ? ISC license
pForth Phil BurkYesYesYespublic domain
Open Firmware  ? ? ? ?BSD license
iForth [86] Marcel HendrixYesYesNo Proprietary
Gforth Bernd Paysan and Anton ErtlYesYesNoGPL3
colorForth Charles H. Moore  ? ? ?public domain
ciforth [87] [88] [89] Albert van der HorstYesYesNoGPL
Atlast [90] John Walker  ?YesNopublic domain
Collapse OS [91] Virgil DuprasNoYesYes ?
FreeForth [92]  ?YesYes (Linux) ?public domain
ByteForth [93]  ? ? ? ? ?
noForth [94]  ? ? ?RISC-V baremetal ?

Fortran compilers

CompilerAuthorWorking stateOperating systemLicense type IDE?
AMD Optimizing C/C++ Compiler (AOCC) AMD CurrentNoYesNo Freeware No
PDP-11 FORTRAN IV Digital Equipment Corporation DiscontinuedNoNoYes Proprietary No
PDP-11 FORTRAN-IV-Plus Digital Equipment Corporation DiscontinuedNoNoYes Proprietary No
Fortran 77 Digital Equipment Corporation DiscontinuedNo ? RSTS/E, VMS Proprietary  ?
Fortran H (equivalent to Fortran IV) IBM DiscontinuedNoNoYes Proprietary No
Oracle Fortran Oracle DiscontinuedNo Linux, Solaris No Freeware Oracle Developer Studio
PGFORTRAN The Portland Group DiscontinuedYes Linux onlyYes Proprietary Visual Studio on Windows
PathScale Compiler Suite SiCortex DiscontinuedNo Linux onlyNo Proprietary Yes
Absoft Pro Fortran AbsoftDiscontinuedYes Linux, macOS Yes Proprietary Yes
G95 Andy VaughtInactiveYesYesYes GPL No
VS/9 Fortran IV Unisys DiscontinuedNoNoYes Proprietary No
GNU Fortran GNU Project CurrentYesYesYes GPLv3 Photran (part of Eclipse), Simply Fortran, Lahey Fortran
Intel Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort) Intel CurrentYes Linux and macOS No Freeware, optional priority supportYes (plugins), Visual Studio on Windows, Eclipse on Linux, XCode on Mac
Intel Fortran Compiler (beta) (ifx) Intel CurrentYes Linux No Freeware, optional priority supportYes (plugins), Visual Studio on Windows, Eclipse on Linux
Open64 Google, HP, Intel, Nvidia, PathScale, Tsinghua University and othersFinishedNoYesYesGPLNo
Classic Flang LLVM ProjectCurrentYesYesYes NCSA Yes
LLVM Flang LLVM ProjectCurrentYesYesYes NCSA Yes
FTN95 SilverfrostCurrentYesNoNo Proprietary Yes
NAG Fortran Compiler Numerical Algorithms Group  ?YesYesNo Proprietary Yes
Tandem Fortran [16] Tandem Computers DiscontinuedNo ?Guardian, NonStop Kernel, NonStop OS Proprietary No
VS Fortran IBM CurrentNoNo z/OS, z/VSE and z/VM Proprietary Eclipse
XL Fortran IBM CurrentNo Linux (Power and AIX No Proprietary Eclipse
sxf90 / sxmpif90 NEC  ?NoYes SUPER-UX Proprietary Yes
MCP Unisys DiscontinuedNoNo MCP Proprietary CANDE
Open Watcom Sybase and Open Watcom ContributorsCurrentYesYes DOS, OS/2 Sybase Open Watcom Public Licenseon Windows, OS/2
Symbolics Fortran Symbolics DiscontinuedNoNo Symbolics Genera Proprietary Yes
Cray Cray CurrentYesYesYes Proprietary Yes

Go compilers

CompilerWorking state Operating system License type
Windows Unix-like Other
Gc CurrentYesYesYes BSD 3-Clause
Gccgo Current MinGW, Cygwin YesYes GPL
RemObjects Gold CurrentYes Linux, macOS, Android, iOS Yes (WebAssembly) Proprietary
llgoDropped [95] NoYesNo NCSA
GopherjsCurrentYesYesYes BSD 2-Clause

Haskell compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense typeActively maintained?
HBC Lennart Augustsson
Thomas Johnsson
 ?YesNoOpen sourceNo
GHC GHC YesYesNoOpen sourceYes
YHC YHC YesYesNoOpen sourceNo
JHC John MeachamYesYesNoOpen sourceYes

ISLISP compilers and interpreters

NameAuthorWorking stateTargetWritten inOperating systemLicense typeStandard conformance
Windows Unix-like Other
Easy-ISLisp [96] Kenichi SasagawaCurrent C, bytecode C, Lisp No Linux, macOS, OpenBSD No BSD 2-Clause Yes
OpenLisp EligisCurrent C, bytecode C, Lisp Yes macOS, Linux, BSD, AIX, Solaris, QNX  ? Proprietary Yes
dayLISP [97] Matthew DensonInactive Java bytecode Java, Lisp YesYesYes (JVM) BSD 3-Clause Partial
Iris [98] Masaya Taniguchi [99] Inactive Bytecode Go YesYesYes MPL 2.0 Yes
Iris web REPL [100] Masaya Taniguchi [101] Inactive JavaScript Go, JavaScriptYesYesYes MPL 2.0 Yes
Kiss [102] Yuji MinejimaInactive Bytecode C, Lisp YesYes ? GPLv3+ Partial
OKI ISLISP [103] Kyoto University and Oki Electric Industry Co.Finished Bytecode CYesNoNo Freeware Yes
PRIME-LISPMikhail SemenovDiscontinued Bytecode C# YesNoNo Shareware, freely redistributable binariesNo
ISLisproidHiroshi GomiDiscontinued Bytecode Java No Android No Proprietary  ?

Java compilers

CompilerAuthorWorking stateWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Edison Design Group Edison Design GroupDiscontinuedYesYesYes Proprietary No
gcj GNU Project InactiveNoYesNo GPL No
javac Sun Microsystems (Owned by Oracle)CurrentYesYesYes BCL Yes
javac OpenJDK Sun Microsystems (Owned by Oracle)CurrentYesYesYes GPLv2 Yes
ECJ (Eclipse Compiler for Java) Eclipse project ?YesYesYes EPL Yes
Jikes IBM Inactive ?Yes ? IPL  ?
Power J [104] Sybase (Owned by SAP)DiscontinuedYes ? ? ?Yes
Iodine RemObjects CurrentYesYes (Linux, macOS, Android, iOS)Yes (WebAssembly) Proprietary Yes

Lisaac compiler

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Lisaac Benoit Sonntag, et al.YesYesYes GPL3  ?

Pascal compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Amsterdam Compiler Kit Andrew Tanenbaum
Ceriel Jacobs
Delphi Embarcadero (CodeGear)YesYes (Linux, Mac OS)Yes (iOS, Android) Proprietary Yes
Oxygene (formerly Delphi Prism) RemObjects YesYes (Linux, macOS, Android, IOS)Yes (WebAssembly) Proprietary Yes
Free Pascal Florian Paul KlämpflYesYesYes (OS/2, FreeBSD, Solaris, Haiku, Android, DOS, etc. [note 2] )GPLFPIDE, Lazarus, Geany (on Ubuntu)
GNU Pascal GNU Project YesYesYesGPLNo
Kylix Borland
NoYes (Linux)No Proprietary Yes
Turbo Pascal for Windows Borland
Yes (3.x)NoNo Proprietary Yes
Microsoft Pascal Microsoft NoNoYes (DOS) Proprietary Yes
Symbolics Pascal Symbolics NoNo Symbolics Genera Proprietary Yes
Tandem Pascal [16] Tandem Computers No ?Guardian, NonStop Kernel Proprietary  ?
VSI Pascal VMS Software Inc NoNoYes (OpenVMS) Proprietary Yes
Turbo Pascal CodeGear
Vector Pascal Glasgow University YesYesNoOpenSourceNo
Virtual Pascal Vitaly MiryanovYesYesYes (OS/2)FreewareYes
MCP Unisys NoNo MCP Proprietary CANDE

Perl interpreters

InterpreterAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
ActivePerl interpreter ActiveState YesYesYes Noncommercial or Proprietary
Perl interpreterWall/Perl developersYesYesYes Artistic or GPL v1

PHP compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Phalanger Devsense YesNoPartial Apache 2.0 Yes
PeachPie iolevel YesYesYes Apache 2.0 Yes

PL/I compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
IBM Enterprise PL/I for z/OS IBM NoNo z/OS Proprietary No
IBM PL/I for AIX IBM No AIX No Proprietary No
IBM PL/I(F) IBM NoNo z/OS Freeware No
IBM VisualAge PL/I Enterprise for OS/2 and Windows NT IBM YesNo OS/2 Proprietary No
Iron Spring PL/I for Linux and OS/2Iron Spring SoftwareNo Linux OS/2 Warp and EComStation Proprietary; library source is LGPL No
Micro Focus Open PL/I Micro Focus YesYesNo Proprietary Yes

Python compilers and interpreters

CompilerAuthorTargetWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Cython C YesYesYes PSFL No
IronPython CLI YesYesYes (CLI) Apache 2.0 No
Jython JVM YesYesYes (JVM) PSFL No
Nuitka Kay Hayen C, C++ YesYesYes Apache 2.0 No
Numba Anaconda LLVM (JIT)YesYesYes BSD 2-Clause No
Psyco Armin Rigo
Christian Tismer
x86-32 (JIT)YesYesYes MIT No
Pyjs JavaScript YesYesYes Apache 2.0  ?
PyPy Own VM (JIT)YesYesYes MIT No
Shed Skin C++ YesYesYes GPLv3 and BSD No

Ruby compilers and interpreters

CompilerAuthorTargetWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
YARV Koichi Sasada bytecode YesYesYes Ruby License No
IronRuby Microsoft .NET YesYesYes Apache 2.0No
Mruby Yukihiro Matsumoto bytecodeYesYesYes MIT No
TruffleRuby Oracle native, JVMYesYesYes EPL, GPL No

Rust compilers

CompilerAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSs Bare machine License type
rustc Rust Foundation YesYesYesYes Apache License
GCC Rust [105] GNU Project MinGW, Cygwin, WSL YesIBM mainframe, AmigaOS, VMS, RTEMS, DOS Yes GPL

Scheme compilers and interpreters

CompilerAuthorTargetWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Bigloo Manuel Serranonative, bytecode YesYes ? GPL (compiler) and LGPL (runtime)No
Chez Scheme R. Kent Dybvig nativeYesYesNo Apache 2.0No
Chicken The Chicken TeamCYesYes ? BSD No
Common LarcenyWilliam Clinger, Lars HansenCLIYesYesYes (Common Language Infrastructure)Larceny License [106] No
Gambit Marc FeeleyCYesYes ? LGPL No
GNU Guile GNU Project bytecodeYesYes ? LGPL No
Ikarus Abdulaziz GhuloumnativeYesYes ? GPL No
IronScheme Llewellyn PritchardCLIYesYesYes (Common Language Infrastructure) Ms-PL No
JScheme Ken Anderson, Tim Hickey, Peter NorvigbytecodeYesYesYes (JVM) zlib License No
Kawa Per BothnerbytecodeYesYesYes (JVM) MIT No
LarcenyWilliam Clinger, Lars HansennativeYesYes ?Larceny License [106] No
MIT/GNU Scheme GNU Project nativeYesYes ? GPL No
Petit LarcenyWilliam Clinger, Lars HansenC ?Yes ?Larceny License [106] No
Racket PLT Inc.bytecode + JIT YesYesNo [107] LGPL DrRacket
RSchemeDonovan KolblyC, bytecode ?Yes ?Open sourceNo
Scheme 48 Richard Kelsey, Jonathan ReesC, bytecodeYesYes ? BSD No
SCM Aubrey Jaffer CYesYes AmigaOS, Atari ST, Classic Mac OS, DOS, OS/2, NOS/VE, OpenVMS LGPL No
SISC Scott G. Miller, Matthias RadestockbytecodeYesYesYes (JVM) GPL and MPL No
Stalin Jeffrey Mark SiskindC ?Yes ? LGPL No
STklos Erick Gallesiobytecode ?Yes ? GPL No
SXM [108] Sergei EgorovbytecodeYesYes ?Free for non-commercial useNo
InterpreterAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Gauche Shiro KawaiYesYes ? BSD No
Petite Chez Scheme R. Kent Dybvig YesYesNo Apache 2.0No
TinyScheme  ? ? ?Yes BSD No

Smalltalk compilers

CompilerAuthorTargetWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type IDE?
Pharo Pharo TeamVMYesYesYes MIT License Yes
GNU Smalltalk GNU Smalltalk projectbytecode + JIT YesYesNo GPL No
VisualWorks Cincom Systems  ?YesYesYes Proprietary Yes
Smalltalk MT ObjectConnectnativeYesNoNo Proprietary Yes

Tcl interpreters

InterpreterAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
ActiveTcl ActiveState YesYesYes Noncommercial or Proprietary
Tclsh MKS and many othersYesYesYes Proprietary and/or free
Wish MKS and many othersYesYesYes Proprietary and/or free

Command language interpreters

InterpreterAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
DCL (Digital Control Language) Digital NoNo OpenVMS, RSX-11M, RSTS/E Proprietary
TACL (The Application Control Language)Tandem ComputersNoNoGuardian, NonStop Kernel, NonStop OSProprietary

Rexx interpreters

InterpreterAuthorWindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type
Amiga ARexx Commodore NoNoYes Proprietary
ObjectRexx IBMYes?Yes Proprietary
Open Object Rexx OO OrganisationYesNoNoCPL
Regina Rexx NoYes ?GPL

CLI compilers

CompilerAuthorWorking stateOperating systemLicense type IDE?
WindowsUnix-likeOther OSs
Visual Studio MicrosoftCurrentYesNoNo Proprietary Yes
Mono MonoCurrentYesYesNo MIT Yes
Delphi Prism RemObjectsCurrentYesYesYes Proprietary Yes
Portable.NET DotGNU InactiveYesYesNo GPL Un­known

Source-to-source compilers

This list is incomplete. A more extensive list of source-to-source compilers can be found here.

CompilerAuthorTarget InputTarget Output Auto-Parallelizer WindowsUnix-likeOther OSsLicense type Framework?
DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit Semantic Designs C/C++, COBOL, PL/I, many othersArbitrary languagesNoYesYesYes Proprietary Yes
EDG Front End Edison Design Group C/C++, Java, Fortran C NoYesYesYes Proprietary Yes
ROSE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory C, Fortran, and more C/C++, Fortran, and moreYesNoYesYes BSD Yes
PIPS Parallélisation interprocédurale de programmes scientifiques Mines ParisTech C, Fortran C, Fortran YesNoYesYes GPL Yes

Free/libre and open source compilers

Production quality, free/libre and open source compilers.

Research compilers

Research compilers are mostly not robust or complete enough to handle real, large applications. They are used mostly for fast prototyping new language features and new optimizations in research areas.

See also


  1. Was added in version 9.30. The tools and license include the suffix "bx".
  2. Further details on supported hosts and targets may be found on the lists of official installers and supported targets.

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