List of countries by Corruption Perceptions Index

Last updated

Map of the Corruption Perceptions Index, 2024, as scored by Transparency international. A higher score indicates greater transparency (i.e., less corruption). The score ranges are:
Less Corrupt
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More Corrupt
No Data Map of Countries by Corruption Perceptions Index (2024).svg
Map of the Corruption Perceptions Index, 2024, as scored by Transparency international. A higher score indicates greater transparency (i.e., less corruption). The score ranges are:
Less Corrupt
More Corrupt
  No Data

This is a list of countries by Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) as published by Transparency International, including scores and rankings. The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) assesses countries by their perceived levels of public sector [1] corruption, as assessed by experts and business executives. [2] The CPI generally defines corruption as an "abuse of entrusted power for private gain". [3] :2 The index is published annually by the non-governmental organisation Transparency International since 1995. [4]


The 2024 CPI, published in February 2025, currently ranks 180 countries "on a scale from 100 (very clean) to 0 (highly corrupt)" based on the situation between 1 May 2023 and 30 April 2024. Denmark, Finland, Singapore, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden, (all scoring above 80 over the last four years), are perceived as the least corrupt nations in the world — ranking consistently high among international financial transparency — while the most apparently corrupt is South Sudan (scoring 8), along with Somalia (9) and Venezuela (10). [5]

Scores since 2012

Since 2012, the Corruption Perceptions Index has been scored from 100 (very clean) to 0 (highly corrupt).


ScoresPerceived as less corruptPerceived as more corrupt
Since 201299–9089–8079–7069–6059–5049–4039–3029–2019–109–0


#Nation or Territory2024 [6] 2023 [5] 2022 [7] 2021 [8] 2020 [9]
Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i]
1Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 9090908888
2Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 888787-188+285
3Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 84+28383-185-185+1
4Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 83-185-187-18888
5Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 81+578+177-18180
5Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 81-1848485+384
5Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 81+182+18284-485+1
8Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 80-282-183-185-185+1
9Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 78-179808282
10Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 77+475-175+573-777+1
10Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 77+972-574-174+475-6
10Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 77+177-177+374+772-2
13Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 7676+274-174+475+1
13Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 76+573-274+473+371
15Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 75-376+274-175-277+1
15Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 75-67879+180-180
17Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 74-275-27676-177+5
18Flag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan 72+868-16868-168+1
18Flag of Seychelles.svg  Seychelles 72+471+37070+466
20Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 71-373+27373+174+1
20Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 71+371-273-77877+1
22Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 69-673+27373-376+2
23Flag of Barbados.svg  Barbados 68+169+5656564+1
23Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 68+468+167-369-371
25Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 67-571+271-974+276-3
25Flag of France.svg  France 67-471+172+171+169
25Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 67+367-36868+365
28Flag of the Bahamas.svg  Bahamas 65+264646463-1
28Flag of the United States.svg  United States 65-36969+367-267-2
30Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 64+362-263+559-160
30Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 64+263-163+162+161+6
32Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 63-366-26767-267+1
32Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 63+261-162+161+160
32Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 63+460-160+159+459-1
35Flag of Cape Verde.svg  Cape Verde 62-564+560+458+258
36Flag of Dominica.svg  Dominica 60+656+35555+355
36Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 60+656-15657-660
38Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 59-260+359-359+657+2
38Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 59+25858-963-163
38Flag of Saint Lucia.svg  Saint Lucia 59+75555-356+356+3
38Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 59+1552+151-25353-1
42Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica 58+355+354-958+357+2
43Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana 57-459-460+1055-1060-1
43Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 57-961-162-162+161-3
43Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda 57+653+551-253-354+2
46Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 56+353+252+153-1057-1
46Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 56-55756+85454-5
46Flag of Grenada.svg  Grenada 56+353+252+15353-1
46Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 56-1060-160-161-262-2
50Flag of Fiji.svg  Fiji 55+352-453-455+10
50Flag of Oman.svg  Oman 55+2043-144-1352-754+7
52Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 54-1056-156+156+1053-1
53Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain 53+2342-744+94242-1
53Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 53-453-856+45556-1
53Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 53-654-255-356+356-4
56Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius 51-151+250-854+353+4
57Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 5050+447+148-551-6
57Flag of Vanuatu.svg  Vanuatu 50-448-148+645+943-11
59Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 494952+749+150+1
59Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan 49+446-247-349+249
59Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia 494949-149-151-1
59Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 49-1254+253+752+449-1
63Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 47-147+146-549+249+17
63Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 47-65050+64747
65Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait 46-246+1442-443+542+7
65Flag of Malta.svg  Malta 46-1051-151-554+353-2
65Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro 46-246+245-146+345-1
65Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 46-24646+345+344+1
69Flag of Benin.svg  Benin 45+143+243+642+541-3
69Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast 45+1840+1237+636-136+2
69Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg  São Tomé and Príncipe 45-245-245+145-347+1
69Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal 45+143+243+143-645-1
73Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica 44-44444+144-144+5
73Flag of Kosovo.svg  Kosovo 44+1041+141+339+1736-3
73Flag of East Timor.svg  Timor-Leste 44-343+742+541+440+7
76Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 43-945+543+642-944+5
76Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4342-1145+145+1242+2
76Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova 4342+1539+1436+1034+5
76Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg  Solomon Islands 43-643+742-443+542-1
80Flag of Albania.svg  Albania 42+1837+336+935-636+2
80Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana 42+1043+243+143+243+5
82Flag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso 41+141-642+142+840-1
82Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 41-642-1145-146-147-3
82Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 41-642+142-443-444+1
82Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 41+141-1143-244-144+1
82Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania 41+540+738-739+738+2
82Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago 41-642+142+541+440-1
88Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 40+539+836+137-838+19
88Flag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia 40-1242+940+239+2435-5
88Flag of Suriname.svg  Suriname 40-140-240+239+738-24
88Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 40-541-642+1039+1736-8
92Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 39-540+439-439+539+4
92Flag of Guyana.svg  Guyana 39-540-240+239-441+2
92Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 39-540-240-1544-144+5
92Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia 39+237+1833+13333-4
96Flag of The Gambia.svg  Gambia 38+237+1234-83737-6
96Flag of India.svg  India 38-339-84040+140-6
96Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives 38-339-84040-1043+55
99Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 37-137-438+238-1842-12
99Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia 37-137-438-739+738+2
99Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 37+1634-534-1438+637-17
99Flag of Lesotho.svg  Lesotho 37-639+637-338-1341+2
99Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 37-238-338-739-140-6
104Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 36+435+1532+530+928
105Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 35-136-336-538-238-3
105Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 35-136+1233+632-533+9
107Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 34-336+1233+133-1336+2
107Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 34-336-1038+238-238+12
107Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi 34+834-53435+1930-6
107Flag of Nepal.svg    Nepal 34+135+234+73333-4
107Flag of Niger.svg  Niger 34+1732-232+131-132-3
107Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 34+135-736+935-636-3
107Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 34+834-1436-538-1040+5
114Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 33-1637-739-941-1947+3
114Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina 33-635+23435+135-10
114Flag of Laos.svg  Laos 33+2228-1031+230+629-4
114Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia 33+733-533-635+135-5
114Flag of Panama.svg  Panama 33-635-736+436+635-10
114Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 33+134+133+133-234-2
114Flag of Sierra Leone.svg  Sierra Leone 33-635+234+534+233+2
121Flag of Angola.svg  Angola 3233-533+2029+627+4
121Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 32-634-1436+436-1339+1
121Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 32+531-332+530-431+13
121Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka 32-634-1436+137-838-1
121Flag of Togo (3-2).svg  Togo 32+531+430-230+629-4
121Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan 3233+531+1428+626+7
127Flag of Djibouti.svg  Djibouti 31+33030-230+1427-16
127Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea 31+629-330-631+1827-5
127Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 31-633-2036+436-1138+7
130Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 30-2235+2230-133333-11
130Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador 30-431-1033-134-1136+9
130Flag of Mauritania.svg  Mauritania 303030+1028-629+3
133Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia 2829-731+230-431-1
133Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea 28+826+625+325-1328-7
135Flag of Eswatini.svg  Eswatini 27-53030-832-533-4
135Flag of Gabon.svg  Gabon 27+12829-1231+530-6
135Flag of Liberia.svg  Liberia 27+1025-326-629+128
135Flag of Mali.svg  Mali 27+128+128-129-730+1
135Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 27-229+72728-1631-4
140Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon 2627+226+227+525+4
140Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq 26+1423+32323+321+2
140Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar 26+525-326+526+225+9
140Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 26-143131-23131+6
140Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria 26+525+524+424-525-3
140Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda 26+126+126+227-227-5
146Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala 25+823-42425-125-3
146Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan 25-526-127+427-2031+2
146Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique 25-125-326+526+225-3
149Flag of the Central African Republic.svg  Central African Republic 2424+124+424-826+7
149Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay 24-1328+128-930+928
151Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh 23-224-22526-126
151Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg  Congo 23+722+621-221+319
151Flag of Iran.svg  Iran 23+224-225+325-125-3
154Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan 2222+323-2930+130-3
154Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras 2223+3232324-11
154Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon 22-424+124+424-525-12
154Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 22-1326-428-129-730+8
158Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia 2122-824+723+321+2
158Flag of Chad.svg  Chad 21+420+519-320-421+2
158Flag of the Comoros.svg  Comoros 21+420+519-320-421-7
158Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea-Bissau 2122+621-221+319+3
158Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe 21-924+8232324+1
163Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  Democratic Republic of the Congo 20-120+420+319+118-2
164Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan 19-220-122425-125+4
165Flag of the Taliban.svg  Afghanistan 17-320-1224+2416-919+8
165Flag of Burundi.svg  Burundi 17-320+917-219-419
165Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan 17+518-319+219-419
168Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti 16+417-117-720+618-2
168Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar 16-620-523-1728-328-7
170Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 15+217-117+316-418+2
170Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan 15-82022+220+1016-1
172Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua 1417-519-320-522+2
173Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg  Equatorial Guinea 13-117-117+117+216-1
173Flag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea 13-1221+122-122-121
173Flag of Libya.svg  Libya 13-318+117+117+117-5
173Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen 13+31616-216+215+1
177Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg  Syria 1213+1131314
178Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 10-1131414-115-3
179Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia 9+11112-213+112+1
180Flag of South Sudan.svg  South Sudan 8-313+113+211-112
Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei Darussalam 60


#Nation or Territory2019 [10] 2018 [11] 2017 [12] 2016 [13] 2015 [14] 2014 [15] 2013 [16] 2012 [17]
Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score
1Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 87+187-1899091+191-19190
1Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 8788+188-19091929190
3Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 86858589908989-290
4Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 85-185+384-2888987-189+188
4Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 85-185+384+1848584-28687
4Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 85-18585+286+186-186+285-186
7Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 8484-485+385-1888686+285
8Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 82828283+184-18383+184
9Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 80+280+181-281+181+17978+179
9Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 8081-182+281-385+282+280+180
11Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 78+376-177+178-179-17978-182
12Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 77-180-382+281+181+37876+374
12Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 77-381-182+182+18381-18184
12Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 77+276+275+175-176+772+369-169
12Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 77+177777979-280-281-285
16Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 76-276-177+277+375-174-275-177
17Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 7575-175-177777675+175
18Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 7473+371+170+170+469+168+464
18Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 7473+17473-175-174+472+469
20Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 73-273+27372-275-376+374-174
21Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 71+270-271+366-170+37069+168
21Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 71+27070-2717473-273+172
23Flag of the United States.svg  United States 69-171-675+274-276+174+27373
23Flag of France.svg  France 69-272+2706970+469-57171
25Flag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan 6868+167+16565+365+163+263
26Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 67+167-167-266-170-273+171-272
27Flag of Seychelles.svg  Seychelles 66+166+860+455+455+354+452
28Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 65+363-263+26162+56161+161
29Flag of the Bahamas.svg  Bahamas 6465-165-46671-27171
30Flag of Barbados.svg  Barbados 62-56868+661-1474-27576
30Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 6264-16362-164+363+26263
30Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 62+1158+157-158-458+160+259-1065
30Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 62+362-463+261-971+569+168-168
34Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana 616161+160-663+263-16465
35Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei Darussalam 60-463+162+958-360+855
35Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 60+3595959-259+458+357+554
35Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 60-161-262-464+461+660-261+360
35Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 60+160-261-361+360+658+357-661
39Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 59+258-158-56062-262+362
39Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 59+657+654+153-954+155+255-156
41Flag of Cape Verde.svg  Cape Verde 58+457+355-1059+255+357-25860
41Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 58-56060-76263+761+260+358
41Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 58-359+457+555-1561-16363-266
44Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica 56+456-1059+358-155+854+153-154
44Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 56-358+556-257+452+352+449-452
44Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 56-358-158+457-656+655+553+549
44Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 56-659+457+555-956+1551+448-349
48Flag of Saint Lucia.svg  Saint Lucia 55+255-255-1360-1171-27171
48Flag of Dominica.svg  Dominica 55-357-357-459+258+15858
50Flag of Malta.svg  Malta 54+154-556+155-1360+1055+156-257
51Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 53+1047+147-749-150-352+250+149
51Flag of Grenada.svg  Grenada 53+252-152-656
51Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda 53-35655+254-754+1249-653+153
51Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 53+749-149+546-1452+749+846+344
51Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 53+252+150+647+144+84343+342
56Flag of Oman.svg  Oman 52-352+1544-445-445+445-34747
56Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia 52-453+15152-853+1049+248+148
56Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius 5251-250-454-553+354+452-957
59Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 50-250-35051-451+450+747+146
60Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan 48-249+148-248-1253+1049+1145-848
60Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 48+745-848+1044-1146+1143+1140+1436
60Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 48+147+147-247-447+74646-548
63Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 47-348-349-249-551+1148-448+546
64Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg  São Tomé and Príncipe 464646-246+442+1042-44242
64Flag of Vanuatu.svg  Vanuatu 4646+743
66Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 45+194039+1036+1132+134-134-435
66Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro 45+145-34645-344+1542-944+841
66Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal 45+145-145-245-344+843+841+1736
66Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 45+444-244+1140+2732+1331+42931
70Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 44-646+245-948-751-254-154-155
70Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 44+343-243-745-344+644+542-343
70Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 44-947-248-248+146+114343-344
70Flag of Suriname.svg  Suriname 44+343+441-1345+2436+1236-636-637
74Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica 43-444-244+1539-1441+1638-23838
74Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 43-143+142+141+138+340-241-241
74Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 43+342-643+441-64143+841-241
77Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain 42+2236+436-3343-2051+549+248-451
77Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg  Solomon Islands 42-744+1539-1342
77Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 42+2835+235+633-1835-13736+1134
80Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana 41-241+340-1143-1447+548+246+145
80Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 41-743+840+937-236-839+1137-337
80Flag of India.svg  India 41-241+340-240-338+938+93636
80Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 41+739-1041+240+437+1736-204039
80Flag of Benin.svg  Benin 41+54039+1036-1237-339+143636
85Flag of Guyana.svg  Guyana 40+837-238+1734+1129+530+1227-328
85Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago 40-741-141+2435-2939+1338-238-339
85Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 40+438+737-637-236+1934+732+432
85Flag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso 40-741-442-242+438+938-23838
85Flag of Lesotho.svg  Lesotho 40-741-442+939-2244-64949+945
85Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait 40-741+739-1041-2049+1244+243-344
91Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 39-439-1041-542-140+741-642+839
91Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 39-1341+340-641-942-245-1150+149
93Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka 38-438+238+436-1237+238+637-1240
93Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 38+2134+332+331-1432+433-835+1632
93Flag of East Timor.svg  Timor-Leste 38+1235-1438+1035+2228+1028-1430-633
96Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia 37+1834-735+134-633+833+133+233
96Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 37+2133-1035+633-231+831-331+731
96Flag of The Gambia.svg  Gambia 37-337+3730+1526-2228+329+128-2234
96Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 37+336-337-637-737+11373636
96Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania 37+336+436+1332+130+231-833-935
101Flag of Kosovo.svg  Kosovo 36-837-839+1036+733+833+133-634
101Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 36-236-337+535-2538+938+1735-1437
101Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 36+435-937+535-1336-338-23838
101Flag of Panama.svg  Panama 36-837+337-938-1539+2237+835-1938
101Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina 36-1238+238-839-738+439-84242
106Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 35-135-937-1740-338-743+342-343
106Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia 35-1337+1036-1638-1539+839+338+1136
106Flag of Albania.svg  Albania 35-736-838-839+536+2233+631-333
106Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 35-135+1232-934-2036+637+2032+432
106Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 35-135+733-434-2036+1236-636+1134
106Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast 35-135-236+534-232+932+212729
106Flag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia 35-1337+1435-1737-2442-245+34443
113Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 34+1131-231+929-828+329+1426-728
113Flag of Nepal.svg    Nepal 34+1131-231+929-127-429-1031+2327
113Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 34-1436+1234-1035-635-1038+936+1134
113Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia 34-835-937-938-1138+938-238+537
113Flag of Eswatini.svg  Eswatini 34-2438-439-1643+133937
113Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador 34-835+733-1736-2339+839+33838
119Flag of Sierra Leone.svg  Sierra Leone 33+1030+130-730-4293130+431
120Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova 32-333+531+130-2133+135-135-836
120Flag of Niger.svg  Niger 32-634-233-1135-334+535+334+733
120Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 32-33332-132+130+929+128+1227
123Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi 31-332+231-231-931-133-1937-337
123Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia 31+929-2033+133-1534+535+334-134
123Flag of Gabon.svg  Gabon 31+131-732-1635-334-437+1234-435
126Flag of Djibouti.svg  Djibouti 30-231-231+130-2534+934-133636
126Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan 30+629+329+128-1328+1327+1424+424
126Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan 30+2625-3031+130-429+729+128+1227
126Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 30-632+1030+129-127+1226+22526
130Flag of Laos.svg  Laos 29+229+329-1230+1625+625-526+2021
130Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea 29+828+1027-627-325+625+524+424
130Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar 29+229-230+628+1122+921+121+1515
130Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 29+828-329-1230-1231-835+334-134
130Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives 29-631-1233-1736
130Flag of Mali.svg  Mali 29-1032+231-632-2135+2032+1228-2234
130Flag of Togo (3-2).svg  Togo 29-130-1232-132-1032+2029-329+530
137Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 28+128-329-429-1229+1727-928+628
137Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea 28+128-329+128+325+625-125+625
137Flag of Mauritania.svg  Mauritania 28+727-128-127-3131+1330-530+431
137Flag of Liberia.svg  Liberia 28-1732+231-3237-737+1137-1138-841
137Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon 28+128+528-728-1328+1327-928+130
137Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 28+727-128+226-625+625-927+327
137Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda 28+1226+22625-1225+326-226-1029
137Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay 28-529+329-1230+727+20242425
137Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 28-830+629-1531-1833+1332+829-532
146Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria 26-227+427-12282627+825-527
146Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique 26+1223-525-1127-3131+83130+431
146Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala 26-227-128-728-1328-832+829-1033
146Flag of Iran.svg  Iran 26-828-830+129-127+627+825-1128
146Flag of Angola.svg  Angola 26+1919+219-318-115-219-823+422
146Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh 26+326-628+226-625+625-927+826
146Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras 26-1429+329-1230-1231+1529+1426-728
153Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon 25-125+125-826-1527+627+82526
153Flag of the Central African Republic.svg  Central African Republic 25-426+723+320-1424+524-62526
153Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan 25+523-122-121-319+1318+217+217
153Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan 25-125+921-1025-1526+1623+222+322
153Flag of the Comoros.svg  Comoros 25-927+427+524-1726+626-1528+628
158Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe 24+222-322-322-421+621+121+620
158Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar 24-625+324-1026-2228+1028-628-932
160Flag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea 23-324+820-118-1018+1218-620-1025
161Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua 22-925-126-626-1527+328-628+329
162Flag of Chad.svg  Chad 20+31920-620-1222+722+919+219
162Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia 20-12021-521-621+621+420-322
162Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq 20+618+118-317-516+916+116-218
165Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan 19-420+619-132218+1517-117+217
165Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg  Republic of the Congo 1919-421-220-1323+623+22226
165Flag of Burundi.svg  Burundi 19+517-1322+220-921+920-221+819
168Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti 18-720-422+220-117+319+219+219
168Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  Democratic Republic of the Congo 18-72021-521-922+72222+621
168Flag of Libya.svg  Libya 18+217+117-114-916+518+615-1221
168Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea Bissau 18+416-117-316-1017+319+21925
172Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 17+414-517+312-78+78+188
173Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan 16-116+316-514-512+811+111-113
173Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg  Afghanistan 16-116+515-815-311+612+38-18
173Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg  Equatorial Guinea 16-116-117-81920
173Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 16-518+118-317-817+319-120+519
177Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen 15-114-116-514-1618+719+618-1123
178Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg  Syria 131314-513-1918+520+917-2426
179Flag of South Sudan.svg  South Sudan 12-113+112-411-1215+815+214
180Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia 9109-410-98+78+18-18

Scores from 1998-2011

From 1998-2011, the Corruption Perceptions Index was scored from 10.0 (very clean) to 0.0 (very clean). The scores were rounded to a single decimal space.


ScoresPerceived as less corruptPerceived as more corrupt


#Nation or Territory2011 [18] 2010 [19] 2009 [20] 2008 [21] 2007 [22] 2006 [23] 2005 [24] 2004 [25] 2003 [26]
Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i]
1Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
2Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 9.4+29.2+28.9-19-49.49.6+19.6-19.79.7
2Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 9.4-19.3+19.3-19.39.4+39.59.5-19.59.5-1
4Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 9.39.2-19.2-29.3+39.3+
5Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 9.2-49.3+29.2+19.29.3+
6Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 9+48.6+18.6+37.9-58.7-
7Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 8.98.8-18.9+18.99+28.7+28.6-18.7-38.9
8Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 8.88.7-399+
8Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
10Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 8.7-48.9+28.7+18.78.7+58.58.4-28.5-18.7-4
11Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 8.58.5+18.2-18.3+18.4-18.6+28.58.4-28.7-4
12Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 8.4+18.4-18.28.1+28.3+18.38.3+18-28
13Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 8.3-28.5-38.7-18.9-19.2-59.69.7+29.5-19.6+2
14Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 8+37.87.7+17.3-17.57.6+47.3+36.9-37-1
14Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 8+17.9-187.9+27.888.2-18.2+17.7+2
16Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 7.8+47.6-37.7-17.7-48.4-
16Flag of Barbados.svg  Barbados 7.8+17.8+37.4+27+16.9+16.76.9-37.3
16Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 7.8-17.9+17.9-48.1+38.1-48.6-18.7+38.4+18+1
19Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 7.5-588+27.7+17.5+17.4+17.4-27.5+17.5+5
19Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 7.5+37.1-17.1-37.3+37.1-17.3-17.4-27.57.6+3
21Flag of the Bahamas.svg  Bahamas 7.3
22Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 7.2-37.7+37+66.5+4665.9+65.2-65.6
22Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 7.2-17.2+46.7-26.9-17-27.3+17.3-17.47.4-3
24Flag of the United States.svg  United States 7.1-27.1-37.5-17.3+27.27.3-37.67.5+17.5-2
25Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 7-16.9+16.7-26.9+26.7+36.4+45.9-46.2+55.5-1
25Flag of Saint Lucia.svg  Saint Lucia 7-37-17.1+36.8
25Flag of France.svg  France 76.8-16.9-16.9-47.3-17.47.5+47.1+16.9+2
28Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 6.86.3+26.5+55.9-15.7-36.2-16.2-16.1+85.2
29Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 6.4-36.5+16.66.6+16.5-46.7+36.4+46+25.5-4
30Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 6.3-26.3-16.6+46.4+85.3-25.65.7-15.4-96.1
31Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 6.2-16.1+26.1-46.5-36.7-26.87-17.1+16.9-3
32Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 6.1+45.8+15.6+25.7-55.75.9-25.9+35.6-55.7-1
32Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 6.16+35.8-36.1-46.5-26.66.5+16.3-26.6
32Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana 6.1+15.8+45.6-15.8+25.4-15.6-55.9-16-15.7-6
35Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 5.9-86.46.6-16.7+16.6+16.4+36.16-25.9-2
36Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5.8-56.4-36.5+26.1
36Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 5.8-66.1+26.1+16-36.1+45.9-66.3-26.4-57-3
38Flag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan 5.7-15.7+125-45.2+15-146
39Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 5.6-65.8+25.8+15.8
39Flag of Malta.svg  Malta 5.65.6+65.2-95.8-35.8-56.4-36.66.8
41Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 5.5+45.3+45+94.6+34.23.7+93.4-33.5-33.6-19
41Flag of Cape Verde.svg  Cape Verde 5.5+75.1-25.1+15.1+24.9
42Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5.4-25.4-25.5+15.6+35.1-15.1-25+74.5+34.3-10
44Flag of Dominica.svg  Dominica 5.2+25.2-125.9-16+45.6+164.5
44Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei Darussalam 5.2-65.5+15.5
46Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius 5.1-55.4+15.4-15.5+124.7-115.1+94.2+34.1-64.4-8
46Flag of Macau.svg  Macau 5.1+45-75.35.4-95.7-86.6
46Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain 5.1+44.9-45.1-35.4+35-105.75.8-25.8-76.1
49Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda 5+204+203.3+133+92.8+102.5-383.1
50Flag of Seychelles.svg  Seychelles 4.84.8+44.8+14.8+24.5+63.6-84-74.4
50Flag of Oman.svg  Oman 4.8-65.3-55.5+25.5+124.7-145.4-116.3+16.1-36.3
50Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 4.8-15+34.9+64.6-74.8-54.8-24.84.6-34.7-5
50Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica 4.8-95.3+25.3+45.1-15+94.1-44.2-104.9+94.3-10
54Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait 4.6+24.5+104.1-14.3-54.3-144.8-14.7-14.6-95.3
54Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 4.6-14.7-75.1+15.1-85.3+25.2-15+24.8-24.8-7
56Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan 4.5-24.7-55-25.1+64.7-135.3-35.75.3+64.6-3
57Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 4.4-34.7+94.3+173.5-13.4-93.33.4+13.4-254.5
57Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia 4.4+24.4-34.5+54.5-44.5-24.1-84.3+74.1-134.7-13
57Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 4.4-14.6-44.9-75.2-45.2+54.8+14.3+44.2+33.9-2
Flag of Fiji.svg  Fiji 455
60Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 4.3-14.4-34.5-95.1-45.1+15-55.15-25.2-4
61Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 4.2-24.4+24.4-34.6+64.1-43.8+53.5+123.23.1-13
61Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 4.2+14.3-64.5-45-14.8-24.7+24.2+643.8-5
61Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 4.2+123.7-124.4+44.3-44.2+53.5-73.8+33.7-194.6
64Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 4.1-84.5-14.7-14.9-115.1+84.6-54.5-24.6+44.4-12
64Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 4.1+93.8-74.1+13.9+123.4+202.8+312.3+32-91.8-39
66Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 4-44.3-64.5-45-34.94.7-24.3+104+23.7-7
66Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro 4+73.7-43.9+163.4-13.3
66Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 4+34.1-34.1-44.4+24.1+53.4+13.4-33.5-83.7-8
69Flag of Samoa.svg  Samoa 3.94.1-134.5+64.4-54.5
69Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 3.93.9-64.3-84.8-145.2+44.9-55+24.8-75.3-4
69Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana 3.9-14.1+13.9-23.9+23.7+13.3-53.5-13.6+63.3-20
69Flag of North Macedonia.svg  FYR Macedonia 3.9-24.1+43.8+13.6+123.3+212.7-22.7-62.7+92.3-43
73Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 3.8-74.3-14.2-34.4-14.2-104.6-84.9-454.9-3
73Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 3.8-43.7+63.7+53.5-83.5-23.3-83.7-33.9-53.9-9
75Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 3.6-23.7-23.8-13.8-13.7+153.1+13+22.9-42.8-6
75Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 3.6+33.5+13.6-73.63.5-23.3+83.2-73.4-53.4-7
77Flag of Vanuatu.svg  Vanuatu 3.5+13.6+173.2+142.9-113.1
77Flag of Lesotho.svg  Lesotho 3.5+83.5+43.3+33.2-83.3-53.2-93.4
77Flag of The Gambia.svg  Gambia 3.5+213.2+82.9+521.9-152.3-222.5-182.7-132.8+22.5
80Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 3.4+73.5-33.4-43.5+43.3-213.6-43.8+53.6+63.3-6
80Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 3.4+73.5-123.7-33.63.5-23.3-53.5+23.5-83.7-14
80Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 3.4+113.4-23.3-93.5-83.5+73.2-13.2-13.2-73.3-18
80Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 3.4+53.5-143.8-144.7-14.6-24.4-74.3+24.3+14.3-6
80Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador 3.4-23.6+63.4-173.94-104-64.24.2+83.7+3
80Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 3.4-23.5-33.7-53.8-23.8-93.9-44+53.8-13.7-2
Flag of Grenada.svg  Grenada 3.4-133.566
86Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka 3.3+153.2-43.1-53.2+23.2-103.1-63.2-113.5-13.4-14
86Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 3.3+13.5-43.5+23.4-63.4+113
86Flag of Panama.svg  Panama 3.3-83.6+63.4+13.4+93.2-103.1-193.5-33.7+43.4+1
86Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica 3.3+53.3+83-33.1-123.3-233.7+33.6+103.3-173.8-12
86Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 3.3-83.6-73.8+13.6-84.1-74-24-14.13.9-9
91Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia 3.2+193-113+162.8+82.6-122.6-42.6-52.6-102.5-15
91Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago 3.2-133.6+13.6-73.6+73.43.2-203.8-84.2-84.6-10
91Flag of Liberia.svg  Liberia 3.23.3+63.1+412.4+122.1-132.2
91Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.2+73.2+13-73.2-83.3+92.9-52.9-63.1-123.3
95Flag of Tonga.svg  Tonga 3.1+153-113+392.4+371.7
95Flag of Eswatini.svg  Swaziland 3.1+103.2-263.6-73.6+123.3+372.5-182.7
95Flag of Kiribati.svg  Kiribati 3.1+63.2+102.8-153.1-123.3
95Flag of India.svg  India 3.1-43.3-73.4+13.4-133.5-23.3+182.9+22.8-72.8-12
95Flag of Albania.svg  Albania 3.1-43.3+43.2-103.4+202.9+62.6+152.4-182.5-162.5-11
100Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania 3+272.7-12.6-243-83.2-12.9-52.9+22.8+22.5-21
100Flag of Suriname.svg  Suriname 3-253.7-33.63.5+183-123.2-294.3
100Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg  Sao Tome and Principe 3+103+12.8+102.7-32.7
100Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 3+53.1-163.3-173.63.5-23.3-53.5-13.63.6-7
100Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi 3-133.4+23.3+262.8+32.7-132.7-82.8-72.8-72.8-15
100Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar 3+272.6-283-143.4+93.2-103.1+132.8-153.1+62.6+10
100Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 3+162.8-52.8+152.6+172.3-132.4+72.2-42-111.9-26
100Flag of Gabon.svg  Gabon 3+162.8-102.9-103.1-123.3+63-22.9-143.3
100Flag of Djibouti.svg  Djibouti 3-23.2+132.8-93+32.9
100Flag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso 3+53.1-263.6+13.5+252.9-263.2-93.4-5
100Flag of Benin.svg  Benin 3+162.8-102.9-103.1+222.7+32.5-332.9-113.2
100Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 3+102.9-42.9+32.9-42.9-122.9+42.8+112.5-162.5-22
Flag of Belize.svg  Belize 2.9-103-333.5-43.7-23.8-144.546
Flag of Yugoslavia (1992-2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006).svg  Serbia and Montenegro 2.82.7+92.3106
112Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 2.9+152.7-72.7+12.7+22.6-122.6-42.6-52.6-22.4-15
112Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal 2.9+42.9-173-143.4-143.6-13.3+83.2+73-93.2-10
112Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova 2.9+42.9-273.3+202.9+22.8-323.2+92.9+262.3-142.4-7
112Flag of Kosovo.svg  Kosovo 2.9+42.8
112Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 2.9-73.1+62.8+42.8-102.9-353.33.4+73.2-73.3-8
112Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 2.9-22.9+12.8-193.2+73-153.1+132.82.7-92.6
118Flag of Mali.svg  Mali 2.8+52.7-122.8-153.1+222.7-192.8-112.9-113.2+13
118Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia 2.8-22.8+42.7-183+32.92.7+122.5+52.2-162.3-17
120Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg  Solomon Islands 2.7+32.8-122.8-22.9+22.8
120Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique 2.7+72.7+32.5-42.6-152.8-122.8-22.8-72.8-42.7-5
120Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia 2.7+72.7-72.7-183-332.8-1433-42
120Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 2.7-102.9+102.7+252.2+52.1-392.6-42.6+152.2-222.4-12
120Flag of Iran.svg  Iran 2.7+342.2+141.8-272.3-102.5-262.7-172.9-12.9-93
120Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala 2.7-193.2-173.4+123.1+152.82.6+62.5+52.2-222.4-19
120Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia 2.7+32.7-32.7+62.6+122.4-82.4+72.2-232.3-222.5-33
120Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 2.7+142.5+122.2+52-12.1-122.3-212.5-52.4+12.2-24
120Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh 2.7+232.4-42.4+82.1+152-62+21.7-131.5-121.3-31
Flag of Palestine.svg  Palestine 2.6+12.5-30378
129Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg  Syria 2.6+52.5-82.6+212.1-92.4-452.9-233.4+13.4-53.4
129Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 2.6+172.4-72.4+22.3-102.5-102.5-42.5-152.6-102.5-15
129Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras 2.6+142.4-132.5-42.6+52.5-102.5-142.6+72.3-82.3-35
129Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 2.6-243-63+33-332.8-143+22.9-173.3-11
129Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 2.6-22.6-72.7-112.9-103-62.9-52.9-63.1-43-2
134Flag of Sierra Leone.svg  Sierra Leone 2.5+122.42.2+121.9-82.1-82.2-162.4-122.3-12.2
134Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 2.5+122.3-72.4-52.5+42.4+42.2+22.1-152.1-372.5-15
134Flag of Niger.svg  Niger 2.52.6-282.9+92.8+82.6+152.3-122.4-42.2
134Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua 2.52.5-42.5+42.5-112.6-122.6-42.6-102.7-92.6-7
134Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives 2.5+122.3-162.5-152.8-313.3
134Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon 2.52.5-42.5-283-33-363.6+203.1+142.7-193
134Flag of Guyana.svg  Guyana 2.5-113.7+32.62.6-32.6-22.5-42.5
134Flag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea 2.5-72.6-12.62.6-152.8-182.9+142.6-52.6
134Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon 2.5+202.2-82.2-52.3-32.42.3-12.2-82.1-51.8-35
143Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda 2.4-92.5-42.5-42.6-152.8-62.7+122.5-152.6+112.2-20
143Flag of Togo (3-2).svg  Togo 2.4+32.4-352.8+102.7+222.3-132.4
143Flag of East Timor.svg  Timor Leste 2.4-92.5+122.2-12.2-222.6-122.6
143Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2.4+112.1-82.2+12.1-42.3-222.5+52.4-362.8-42.7-15
143Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria 2.42.4-132.5-92.7+262.2-52.2+101.9-81.6-121.4-31
143Flag of Mauritania.svg  Mauritania 2.4+32.3-162.5-152.8+82.6-393.1
143Flag of the Comoros.svg  Comoros 2.4+112.1-112.3-92.5-112.6
143Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 2.4-92.5+52.4+122-12.1+12.1-442.6-333.3-214.2-17
143Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan 2.4-92.4+92.3+151.9-82.1-202.4+72.2+31.9-161.8-29
152Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 2.3-62.42.2-122.5-162.7-192.8+82.6+152.2-162.3-21
152Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan 2.3+22.1+42-72-12.1-82.2+22.1-112-91.8
154Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe 2.2-82.42.2+201.8-162.1-202.4-232.6+72.3-82.3-35
154Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay
154Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea
154Flag of Nepal.svg    Nepal 2.22.2-112.3-222.7+102.5-102.5-42.5-272.8
154Flag of Laos.svg  Laos 2.22.1+42-72+171.9-572.6-343.3
154Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 2.22.1-82.2+12.1+32.1-82.2+22.1-152.1-71.9-26
154Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea-Bissau 2.22.1+81.9-41.9-112.2
154Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast
154Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg  Republic of the Congo 2.22.1+81.9-41.9-82.1-82.2-122.3-162.3-12.2
154Flag of the Central African Republic.svg  Central African Republic 2.22.1+42-72+112-322.4
164Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen 2.1-102.22.1-132.3-102.5-202.6-82.7+92.4-242.6
164Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan 2.12-21.9+41.8-162.1-82.2-122.3-82.2-42.1-31
164Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea 2.12+41.8+51.6-51.9-81.9
164Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia 2.1-102.1+42+81.8-42-112.1-212.3
168Flag of Libya.svg  Libya 2-142.2-242.5-42.6+52.5-262.7+122.5-92.5+102.1
168Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  Democratic Republic of the Congo 2-42-21.9+91.7-31.9-122-122.1-112
168Flag of Chad.svg  Chad 2+31.7+41.6-21.6-11.8-162+21.7-161.7
168Flag of Angola.svg  Angola 21.9-61.9-41.9-112.2-52.2+92-182-91.8-26
172Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 1.9+31.5-131.9-41.9+42-242.3-82.3-162.3-142.4-19
172Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg  Equatorial Guinea 1.9-41.91.8+31.7-31.9-172.1+11.9
172Flag of Burundi.svg  Burundi 1.9-21.8-21.8-101.9-272.5-12.42.3
175Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq 1.81.5+11.5+21.31.5-181.9-232.2-82.1-162.2
175Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti 1.8-212.2+141.8+91.41.6-141.8-81.8-101.5-141.5-42
177Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan 1.6-51.6+21.7-81.8+91.7-242.1-142.2-232.3-142.4-32
177Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan 1.6-51.6-41.8-21.8-42-202.2+131.8-222
177Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan 1.6-51.6+41.5-31.6-11.8-162-122.1-222.2-162.3
180Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar 1.5-41.4+21.41.3+11.4-191.9-51.8-131.7-131.6
180Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg  Afghanistan 1.5-41.4+31.3-31.5-41.8-552.5
182Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia 1-41.1+21.11-11.4-352.1
182Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 1


#Nation or Territory2002 [27] 2001 [28] 2000 [29] 1999 [30] 1998 [31]
Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i]
1Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 9.79.910+19.49.6
2Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 9.5+
2Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
4Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 9.49.2+29.1-19.29.3
5Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 9.3+19-
5Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 9.3-19.2+29.1+19.19.1+2
7Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 9+18.8+18.9-199-2
7Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 9+28.7+
7Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 98.9-29.29.2+19.2-1
10Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 8.7+38.3-38.7+38.6-28.7+3
11Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 8.68.5+28.3-18.7-18.7-3
12Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 8.58.4-18.6-28.9+18.9+1
12Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 8.5-28.6-49.1+38.9-19-1
14Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 8.27.9+17.77.7+17.8+2
15Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
16Flag of the United States.svg  United States 7.77.6-27.8+47.5-17.5-1
17Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 7.5+17.57.4+16.9+16.8+3
18Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 7.3-27.6+66.6-26.8-17.1-4
18Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 7.3+27.4-37.6-38+17.9-2
20Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 7.1+27-27+26.6+16.1+1
20Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 7.1+17.1+26.4+265.8-4
20Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 7.1+46.6+16.1+45.3-15.4-2
23Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 6.9-57.5+17.2-47.7-18.2-2
24Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana 6.4+266-26.1-16.1
25Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 6.36.3-26.4-26.7+16.5-3
25Flag of France.svg  France 6.3-26.7-26.7+16.6-16.7-1
27Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 6+75.2-65.5-36
28Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia 5.7+25.45.4-15.35.3
29Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.6-25.9+15.55.6+15.3+2
29Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 5.6-15.6-15.75.7-15.7
31Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 5.2-25.5+104.6-14.7+14.6-9
32Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 5.1+35.1+64.4+14.3-13
33Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago 4.9-25.3
33Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 4.9+354.8-45.1-35.3+3
33Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 4.9-25.35.2+25-5
36Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 4.8-55.3+15.2+25-15
36Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 4.8+24.8-455-25.2+1
36Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 4.8+24.8+54.1+73.8
36Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 4.8+74.1+153.4-113.9
40Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 4.5+24.2+64+23.8-74.2-9
40Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius 4.54.5-34.7-14.9-35
40Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan 4.5-34.9+24.6+24.4-34.7-8
40Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica 4.54.5-105.4+25.1-55.6-5
44Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 4.2-24.2-74.9+14.94.9-11
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia 4.3
45Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 4-14.1-14.1+14.2-54.6-10
45Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 4-14.1-34.4-14.5+14.5
45Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica 4+53.8-13.8
45Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 4+23.9+53.5+113.3+32.9
45Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 4+14+33.9-44.1+14-10
50Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana 3.9+93.4-73.5+113.3-83.3
51Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 3.8-43.9+43.7+232.7
52Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka 3.7
52Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovak Republic 3.7-13.7+13.5+13.7-63.9
52Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 3.7-154.7+84.1+53.7
52Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 3.7+73.4-23.4+13.4+132.7
52Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 3.7-53.9-54.3-34.6-24.8-10
57Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 3.6-63.7+83.3-13.4-33.3-8
57Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 3.6-73.8+103.2+122.9+72.2-29
59Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia 3.5+13.2
59Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 3.5+43.1
59Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 3.5-23.5+63.1-53.4-63.5-11
62Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador 3.4-83.6-114.1+63.9+23.6
62Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 3.4-83.6+93.13.3+32.9-25
64Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 3.2-103.6-43.8+43.63.4-16
64Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 3.2-33.2-13.2+83.2-73-22
Flag of North Macedonia.svg  FYR Macedonia 3.3
66Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal 3.1-12.9-133.5+63.4-33.3
67Flag of Panama.svg  Panama 3-163.7
68Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan 2.9+32.7+82.4+151.8
68Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi 2.9-73.2-184.1+24.14.1
70Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 2.8-133.5-53.5+193-103-19
71Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe 2.7-62.93-204.1-24.2
71Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania 2.7+112.2-62.5+171.9-121.9
71Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2.7+82.3+32.12.4-62.4-27
71Flag of India.svg  India 2.72.7-22.8+32.9-62.9-21
71Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras 2.72.7+231.8-111.7
Flag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso 3
71Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast 2.7+62.4-62.7+42.6-163.1
77Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia 2.6-22.6-183.4-13.5-43.5
77Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 2.6-82.8-12.9-53.3-23-24
77Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 2.6-122.9+42.8-153.6+13.3-15
77Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 2.6+22.3+82.2-162.7-23
81Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 2.5-122.8+22.7+42.6+22.3-33
81Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua 2.5-42.4-73.1-93
81Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala 2.5-162.9+33.2-93.1
81Flag of Albania.svg  Albania 2.5+32.3
85Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 2.4-102.6+12.5-12.6-12.5-31
85Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 2.4-22.1+41.5-122.6-62.8
85Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 2.4-12.3
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 2.5+42.5
88Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 2.3-172.7-63+192.3
89Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti 2.2
89Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 2.2-102.3-52.6+82.4-52.3-38
89Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon 2.2-522+151.5-141.4-36
89Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia 2.2-52-132.7+92.5-112.8-18
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyz Republic 2.2
Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique 2.2-253.5
93Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda 2.1-51.9-82.3+72.2-142.6-30
93Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova 2.1-303.1+112.6+12.6
95Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan 2-112+31.5+91.7
96Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 1.9-122-22.1+82-162.5-22
96Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 1.9-81.9-31.7+111.7-162-34
98Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay 1.7-82-61.5
98Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar 1.7
98Flag of Angola.svg  Angola 1.7-131.7
101Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria 1.6-1111.2+81.6-171.9-29
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 1.3+12-29361
102Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh 1.2-110.4-40

Scores from 1995-1997

From 1995-1997, the Corruption Perceptions Index was scored from 0.00 (highly corrupt) to 10.00 (very clean). The scores were rounded to two decimal spaces.


ScoresPerceived as less corruptPerceived as more corrupt


#Nation or Territory1997 [32] 1996 [33] 1995 [34]
Score Δ [i] Score Δ [i] Score
1Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 9.48+29.059.12
2Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 9.23-39.439.55
2Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 9.94+19.339.32
4Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland
5Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 9.359.08+38.87
5Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 8.66-28.8-49.26
7Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 9.03+38.718.69
7Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 8.61
7Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 9.18.968.87
10Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 8.22-28.448.57
11Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 8.86+28.6-38.8
12Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 8.61-38.768.76
12Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 8.92-18.87+48.61
14Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 7.287.01-17.12
15Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 7.61-17.597.13
16Flag of the United States.svg  United States 7.61-17.667.79
17Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 6.05-26.8-77.94
18Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 7.97-17.71
18Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
20Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 5.9+84.31-64.35
20Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 6.57-47.05+36.72
20Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.25-66.84-16.85
23Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 8.28-18.45
24Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana
25Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 6.97+36.535.56
25Flag of France.svg  France 6.66-16.96-17
27Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia
28Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
29Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.02-24.98-45.08
29Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia
31Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 5.03+43.42-12.99
32Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 4.14
33Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago
33Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 5.01-65.32-35.28
33Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 5.18+34.86-34.12
36Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
36Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 4.95-105.68-25.62
36Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania
36Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus
40Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 4.29-75.024.29
40Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius
40Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan 4.89
40Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica 6.45
44Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 5.35+35.01+24.04
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia
45Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 5.08-55.57
45Flag of Peru.svg  Peru
45Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica
45Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
45Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 3.56+42.96-32.7
50Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana
51Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
52Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka
52Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovak Republic
52Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
52Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia
52Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 5.2-25.37
57Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 2.66-93.3-63.18
57Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 2.23-82.73-113.44
59Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia
59Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic
59Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 2.88+92.43-102.16
62Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador
62Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 2.84
64Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 3.21-53.54-44.1
64Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 3.06-23.33-32.79
Flag of North Macedonia.svg  FYR Macedonia
66Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal
67Flag of Panama.svg  Panama
68Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan
68Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi
70Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 2.81-73.41-115.24
71Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe
71Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania
71Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2.27-22.58
71Flag of India.svg  India 2.75+12.63-112.78
71Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras
Flag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso
71Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast
77Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia
77Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 3.44
77Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 3.05+42.69-82.77
77Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 2.53+51-142.25
81Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 2.77+42.5-102.66
81Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua
81Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala
81Flag of Albania.svg  Albania
85Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 2.79
85Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
85Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
88Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan
89Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti
89Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 3.19
89Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon 2.46
89Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia 2.05-153.4
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyz Republic
Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique
93Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda 2.71
93Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova
95Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan
96Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 2.21
96Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 2.72-12.65-41.94
98Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay
98Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar
98Flag of Angola.svg  Angola
101Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria 1.76+20.69
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia
102Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh 2.29



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  2. "Corruption Perceptions Index: Frequently Asked Questions". Transparency International. 2024. Archived from the original on 3 June 2024. Retrieved 20 July 2024.
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