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Subdivisions of Indonesia |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
(full list; cities by GDP; cities by population; regencies by population) |
Level 3 |
(kecamatan, distrik, kapanewon, or kemantren) |
Level 4 |
(desa or kelurahan) |
The province of North Maluku in Indonesia is divided into regencies which in turn are divided administratively into districts, known as Kecamantan.
The districts of North Maluku, with the regency each falls into, are as follows:
Administrative villages (desa) listed for each district: [1] [2]
Regency | District | Languages in district | Administrative villages |
Halmahera Barat | Ibu | Ake Boso, Akesibu, Gam Ici, Gamlamo (Gam Lamo), Kampung Baru, Kie Lei (Kie Ici), Maritango, Naga, Soana Masungi, Tahafo, Tobaol, Togola Sanger/Sangir, Togola Wayolo/Wayoli, Tongute Goin, Tongute Ternate, Tongute Ternate Selatan, Tungute Sungi (Tongute Sungi) | |
Halmahera Barat | Ibu Selatan | Adu, Baru, Bataka, Gamkonora, Gamsida, Gamsungi, Jere, Nanas, Ngalo Ngalo, Ngawet, Sarau, Talaga, Tobelos, Tobobol (Tabobol), Tosoa, Tuguaer | |
Halmahera Barat | Ibu Utara | Aru Jaya, Barona (Borona), Duono, Goin, Pasalulu, Podol, Sangaji Nyeku, Soasangaji, Tengowango (Teongowango), Todoke, Togoreba Sungi (Tugureba Sungi), Togoreba Tua, Togowo, Tolisaor, Tuguis, Tukuoku | |
Halmahera Barat | Jailolo | Acango, Akediri, Bobanehena, Bobo, Bobo Jiko, Buku Bualawa, Buku Maadu, Buku Matiti (Bukumatiti), Galala, Gam Lamo (Gamlamo), Gamtala, Guaemaadu (Guaimaadu), Guaria (Guaeria), Gufasa, Hate Bicara, Hoku Hoku Kie (Huku-Huku Kie), Idam Dehe (Idamdehe), Idamdehe Gamsungi, Jalan Baru, Kuripasai, Lolory (Loloy / Lolori), Marmabati (Marimbati), Matui, Pateng, Payo, Pornity (Porniti), Saria, Soakonora, Tauro, Tedeng, Toboso (Taboso / Tobosa / Tabaso), Todowangi (Todowongi), Tuada, Ulo | |
Halmahera Barat | Jailolo Selatan | Akeara, Akejailolo (Ake Jailolo), Akelaha, Bangkit Rahmat, Biamaahi, Bobane Dano, Braha, Dodinga, Domato, Gamlenge, Hijrah, Moiso, Ratem, Rioribati, Sidangoli Gam, Sidongoli Dehe (Sidangoli Dehe), Suka Damai, Taba Damai (DB), Tataleka, Tewe, Toniku, Tuguraci | |
Halmahera Barat | Loloda | Aruku, Baja, Bakun, Bakun Pante (Bakun Pantai), Bantoli (Bantol), Barataku, Bilote, Bosala, Buo, Gam Kahe (Gamkahe), Jange Lili (Jangailulu), Jano, Kahatola, Kedi, Laba Besar, Laba Kecil, Linggua, Puma Dadar (Pumadada), Salu, Soasio (Soa-Sio), Tasye, Tolofuo, Tomodo, Tosomolo, Totala, Totala Jaya, Tuguis | |
Halmahera Barat | Sahu | Balisoan Utara, Balisoang (Balisoan), Dere, Golo, Goro Goro, Jara Kore (Jaraoke), Lako Akederi (Lako Akediri), Lako Akelamo, Peot, Ropu Tengah Balu (Ropu Tengah Hulu), Sasur, Sasur Pantai, Susupu, Tacici, Tacim, Taraudu, Taruba, Todahe, Worat Worat | |
Halmahera Barat | Sahu Timur | Air Panas, Akelamo, Aketola, Awer, Campaka, Gamiyel (Gamnyial), Gamomeng, Gamsugi (Gamsungi), Goal, Golago Kusuma, Hoku Hoku Gam, Idam Gamlamo (Idamgamlamo), Loce, Ngaon, Sidodadi, Taba Campaka, Taraudu Kusu, Tibobo | |
Halmahera Selatan | Bacan | Amasing Kali, Amasing Kota, Amasing Kota Barat, Amasing Kota Utara, Awanggoa, Belang Belang, Hidayat, Indomut, Kaputusan, Labuha, Marabose, Suma Tinggi, Sumae, Tomori | |
Halmahera Selatan | Bacan Barat | Indari, Kokotu, Kusubibi, Nang, Nondang, Tawabi, Wiring | |
Halmahera Selatan | Bacan Barat Utara | Geti Baru, Geti Lama, Gilalang, Jojame, Lolarogurua (Gorua Lolaro / Lolorogurua), Nusa Babullah (Nusa Babi), Sidopo, Yaba | |
Halmahera Selatan | Bacan Selatan | Dgandasuli (Gandasuli), Kubung, Kupal, Makian (Kampung Makian), Mandawong (Mandaong), Panamboang, Papaloang, Sawadai, Tembal, Tuwokona (Tuakona) | |
Halmahera Selatan | Bacan Timur | Babang, Bori, Goro Goro, Kaireu, Nyonyifi, Sabatang, Sali Kecil, Sayoang, Timlonga, Wayamiga | |
Halmahera Selatan | Bacan Timur Selatan | Liaro, Pigaraja, Silang, Tabajaya, Tabangame, Wayakuba, Wayaua | |
Halmahera Selatan | Bacan Timur Tengah | Bibinoi, Songa, Tabapoma, Tawa, Tomara, Tutupa, Wayatim | |
Halmahera Selatan | Gane Barat | Balitata, Bumi Rahmat, Cango, Doro, Koititi, Lemo Lemo, Oha, Papaceda, Saketa, Tabamasa | |
Halmahera Selatan | Gane Barat Selatan | Awis, Dowora, Gane Dalam, Jibubu, Pasipalele (Pasi Palele), Sekely, Tawa, Yamli (Yamly) | |
Halmahera Selatan | Gane Barat Utara | Batulak, Boso, Dolik, Fulai (Jikolamo/Fulay), Gumirah (Gumira), Moloku, Nurjihat, Posi Posi, Samat, Samo, Suka Damai, Tokaka | |
Halmahera Selatan | Gane Timur | Akelamo, Batonam, Foya, Foya Tobaru, Kebun Raja, Kotalow, Lalubi, Maffa, Sumber Makmur, Tanjung Jere, Tobaru, Wosi | |
Halmahera Selatan | Gane Timur Selatan | Gaimu, Gane Luar, Kuwo, Ranga Ranga, Sawat | |
Halmahera Selatan | Gane Timur Tengah | Bisui, Lelewi, Luim, Matuting, Matuting Tanjung, Tabahidayah, Tabahijrah, Tagia (Tagea) | |
Halmahera Selatan | Kasiruta Barat | Arumamang, Bisori, Doko (Doku), Imbu Imbu, Kukupang (Kakupang), Lata Lata, Marikapal, Palamea, Sengga Baru, Sidanga | |
Halmahera Selatan | Kasiruta Timur | Jeret, Kasiruta Dalam, Kou Balabala (Koubalabala), Loleo Jaya, Loleo Mekar (Loleomekar), Marituso (Maritosu), Tawa, Tutuhu (Tutuha) | |
Halmahera Selatan | Kayoa | Bajo, Buli, Dorolamo, Gafi, Gunange, Guruapin, Karamat, Kida, Laigoma, Lelei, Ligua, Siko, Talimau, Tawabi | |
Halmahera Selatan | Kayoa Barat | Bokimiake, Busua, Fofao, Hatejawa | |
Halmahera Selatan | Kayoa Selatan | Laluin, Ngute Ngute, Orimakurunga, Pasir Putih, Posi Posi, Sagawele | |
Halmahera Selatan | Kayoa Utara | Ake Jailolo, Gayap, Laromabati (Loromabati), Modayama, Ngokomalako, Wayasipang | |
Halmahera Selatan | Kepulauan Botanglomang | Bajo, Batutaga, Kampung Baru, Paisumbaos (Pasimbaos), Prapakanda, Sawanakar (Sawangakar/Sawangkang), Tanjung Obit, Toin | |
Halmahera Selatan | Kepulauan Joronga | Gonone, Kakupang (Kukupang), Kurunga, Liboba Hijrah, Pulau Gala, Tawabi, Yomen | |
Halmahera Selatan | Makian Barat | Bobawae, Malapat, Mateketen, Ombawa, Sebelei, Talapaon, Tegono | |
Halmahera Selatan | Mandioli Selatan | Bahu, Galala, Jiko (Jeko), Lele, Tabalema, Yoyok | |
Halmahera Selatan | Mandioli Utara | Akedabo, Bobo, Indong, Leleongusu (Loleongusu), Pelita (Pelita Jaya), Waya | |
Halmahera Selatan | Obi | Air Mangga Indah, Akegula, Anggai, Baru, Buton, Jikotamo, Kawasi, Laiwui, Sambiki | |
Halmahera Selatan | Obi Barat | Alam Kenanga, Alam Pelita, Jikohai (Jikohay), Manatahan, Soa Sangaji (Soasangaji), Tapa | |
Halmahera Selatan | Obi Selatan | Bobo, Fluk, Gambaru, Loleo, Mano, Ocimaloleo, Soligi, Wayaloar | |
Halmahera Selatan | Obi Timur | Kello (Kelo), Sum, Susepe (Sosepe), Wooi | |
Halmahera Selatan | Obi Utara | Cap, Galala, Madopolo (Madapolo), Madopolo Barat (Madapolo Barat), Madopolo Timur (Madapolo Timur), Pasir Putih, Waringi | |
Halmahera Selatan | Pulau Makian | Dalam, Dauri, Gitang, Gorup, Gurua, Kyowor, Matentengin, Ploili, Rabutdaiyo, Sangapati, Suma, Waigitang, Wailoa, Walo, Waykion | |
Halmahera Tengah | Patani | Baka Jaya, Kipai, Wailegi, Yeisowo, Yondeliu | |
Halmahera Tengah | Patani Barat | Banemo, Bobane Indah, Bobane Jaya, Mareala (Moreala), Sibenpope (Sibenpopo) | |
Halmahera Tengah | Patani Timur | Damuli, Masure, Nursifa, Palo, Peniti, Sakam | |
Halmahera Tengah | Patani Utara | Bilifitu, Gemia, Maliforo, Pantura Jaya, Tepeleo, Tepeleo Batudua | |
Halmahera Tengah | Pulau Gebe | Elfanun, Kacepi, Kapaleo, Sanafi, Sonof Kacepo, Umera, Umiyal, Yang | |
Halmahera Tengah | Weda | Fidy Jaya, Goeng, Nurweda, Nusliko, Sidanga, Weda / Wedana, Were | |
Halmahera Tengah | Weda Selatan | Air Salobar, Kluting Jaya, Lembah Asri, Loleo, Sosowomo, Sumber Sari, Tilope (Tiloppe), Wairoro Indah | |
Halmahera Tengah | Weda Tengah | Kobe, Kulo Jaya, Lililef Sawai (Lelilef Sawai), Lililef Waibulan (Lelilef Waibulen), Sawai Itepo, Woejerana, Woekob | |
Halmahera Tengah | Weda Timur | Dotte, Kotalo, Messa, Yeke | |
Halmahera Tengah | Weda Utara | Fritu, Gemaf, Kiya, Sagea, Waleh | |
Halmahera Timur | Kota Maba | Maba Sangaji (Gotowasi), Soa Laipoh, Soa Sangaji, Soagimalaha (Soa Gimalaha), Tewil, Wai Lukum (Wailukum) | |
Halmahera Timur | Maba | Baburino, Buli, Buli Asal, Buli Karya, Gamesan, Geltoli, Pekaulan, Sailal, Teluk Buli, Wayafly (Wayafli / Wayamli) | |
Halmahera Timur | Maba Selatan | Bicoli, Gotowasi, Kasuba, Loleo Lamo (Loloelamo), Momole, Pateley (Petelei), Sil, Sowoli, Waci | |
Halmahera Timur | Maba Tengah | Babasaram, Bangul, Bebsili, Beringin Lamo (Baringin), Dorolamo, Gaifoli, Marasipno, Maratana (Marathana Jaya ), Miaf, Tatangapu, Wayamli (Wayamly), Yawanli | |
Halmahera Timur | Maba Utara | Doromoi, Dorosago (Dorosagu), Jara-jara (Jarajara), Lili, Lolasita, Patlean, Patlean Jaya, Pumlanga, Sosolat, Wasileo | |
Halmahera Timur | Wasile | Batu Raja, Bulapapo (Gulapapo), Bumi Restu, Cemara Jaya, Mekar Sari, Subaim, Waisuba | |
Halmahera Timur | Wasile Selatan | Ake Jawi, Bina Gara (Binagara), Bukutio, Ekor, Ekorino, Fayaul, Ino Jaya, Jiko Moi, Loleba, Minamin, Nanas, Nusa Ambu (Nusa Ambo), Nusa Jaya, Pintatu, Saolat, Saramake (Saramaake), Sondo-Sondo, Tabanalow (Tabanalou / Tabanoli), Talaga Jaya, Tanure, Tomares, Waijoi, Wasile, Yawal | |
Halmahera Timur | Wasile Tengah | Boki Miake (Bokimaake), Foli (Foly), Hate Tabako (Hatetabako), Kakaraino, Lolobata, Nyaolako, Puao, Silalaysang (Silalayang) | |
Halmahera Timur | Wasile Timur | Akedaga (Ake Daga), Daka Ino, Dodaga, Rawamangun, Sidomulyo, Tobo Ino (Toboino), Tutuling Jaya, Woka Jaya | |
Halmahera Timur | Wasile Utara | Bololo, Dowongi Jaya, Helaitetor, Iga, Labi Labi, Majiko Tongone, Marimoi, Tatam | |
Halmahera Utara | Galela | Barataku, Mamuya, Pune, Simau, Soa Sio, Towara (Torawa), Toweka | |
Halmahera Utara | Galela Barat | Dokulamo, Duma, Gotalamo, Kira, Makete, Ngidiho, Roko, Samuda (Samudra), Soatobaru | |
Halmahera Utara | Galela Selatan | Bale, Igobula, Ori, Seki, Soakonora, Togawa, Togawabesi | |
Halmahera Utara | Galela Utara | Beringin Jaya, Bobisingo (Bobi Singo), Dodowo, Jare (Jere), Jere Tua, Lalonga, Limau, Pelita, Salimuli, Saluta, Togasa, Tutumaloleo | |
Halmahera Utara | Kao | Biang, Goruang, Jati, Kao, Kukumutuk, Kusu, Kusu Lofra, Patang, Popon, Sasur, Soa Sangaji Dim-Dim (Soasangaji Dim Dim), Sumber Agung, Waringin Lamo, Waringin Lelewi | |
Halmahera Utara | Kao Barat | Bailengit, Beringin Agung, Gaga Apok (Gagaapok), Kai, Leleseng (Lelesang), Makarti, Margomolyo (Margomoyo), Momoda, Ngoali, Parseba, Pitago, Sangaji Jaya, Soa Hukum, Soa Maetek (Soamaetek), Takimo, Toboulamo, Tolabit, Toliwang, Torawat, Tuguis, Wonosari | |
Halmahera Utara | Kao Teluk | Akelamo Raya (Akelamo Kao), Barumadehe, Bobane Igo (Bobaneigo), Dum Dum, Gamsungi, Kuntum Mekar, Makaeling, Pasir Putih, Tetewang, Tiowor, Tobanoma | |
Halmahera Utara | Kao Utara | Bobale, Bori, Boulamo, Daru, Doro, Dowongimaiti, Gamlaha, Gulo, Pediwang (Pidiwang), Tunuo, Warudu, Wateto | |
Halmahera Utara | Loloda Kepulauan | Cera, Dagasuli, Dama, Dedeta, Dowonggila, Fitako, Jikolamo, Salube, Tobo Tobo, Tuakara | |
Halmahera Utara | Loloda Utara | Apule (Apulea), Asimiro (Asmiro), Dorume, Dotia (Doitia), Galao, Gisik, Igo, Kailupa, Kapa Kapa, Momojiu, Ngajam, Pacao (Pocao), Podol, Posi Posi, Supu, Tate, Teru-Teru, Wori Moi | |
Halmahera Utara | Malifut | Balisosang, Bobawa, Bukit Tinggi, Gayok, Mailoa, Malapa, Matsa, Ngofa Bobawa (Ngofabobawa), Ngofa Gita (Ngofagita), Ngofa Kiaha (Ngofakiaha), Peleri, Sabaleh, Samsuma, Soma, Sosol / Malifut (Sosol), Tabobo (Tobobo), Tafasoho, Tagono, Tahane, Talapao, Terpadu, Wangeotek (Wangeotak) | |
Halmahera Utara | Tobelo | Gamsungi, Gosoma, Gura, Kakara (Kakara A), Kumo, MKCM, Rawajaya, Tagalaya, Wari, Wari Ino | |
Halmahera Utara | Tobelo Barat | Birinoa, Kusuri, Sukamaju, Togoliua, Wangongira | |
Halmahera Utara | Tobelo Selatan | Efi Efi, Gamhoku, Kakara B, Kupa Kupa, Kupa Kupa Selatan, Leleoto, Lemah Ino, Paca, Pale, Talaga Paca, Tioua, Tobe, Tomahalu (Toma Halu) | |
Halmahera Utara | Tobelo Tengah | Kali Upa, Kalipitu, Lina Ino, Mahia (Wosi/Wosia Tengah), Pitu, Tanjung Niara (Wosi/Wosia Selatan), Upa, WKO, Wosi (Wosia) | |
Halmahera Utara | Tobelo Timur | Gonga, Katana, Mawea, Meti, Todokuiha, Yaro | |
Halmahera Utara | Tobelo Utara | Gorua, Gorua Selatan, Gorua Utara, Kokota Jaya (Kokotua Jaya), Luari, Popilo, Popilo Utara (Popila Utara), Ruko, Tolonua Selatan, Tolonuo | |
Kepulauan Sula | Mangoli Barat | Dofa, Johor (Johor Perda), Lekokadai, Lekosula, Lelyaba, Pas Ipa, Pelita | |
Kepulauan Sula | Mangoli Selatan | Auponhia, Buya, Kaporo, Waikafia, Wailab | |
Kepulauan Sula | Mangoli Tengah | Buruakol, Capalulu, Jere, Mangoli, Paslal, Urifola, Wai U, Wailoba, Waitulia | |
Kepulauan Sula | Mangoli Timur | Karamat Titdoy, Kau/Kou (Kow), Naflo, Waitamela, Waitina | |
Kepulauan Sula | Mangoli Utara | Falabisahaya, Minaluli, Modapia, Modapuhi, Modapuhi Trans, Pastabulu, Saniahaya | |
Kepulauan Sula | Mangoli Utara Timur | Kawata, Pelita Jaya, Waisakai, Waisum | |
Kepulauan Sula | Sanana | Fagudu, Falahu, Fatcei, Fogi, Mangon, Pastina, Umaloya, Wai Ipa, Waibau, Waihama, Wailau | |
Kepulauan Sula | Sanana Utara | Bajo, Fokalik, Fukweu, Malbufa, Man-Gega, Pohea, Wainin | |
Kepulauan Sula | Sulabesi Barat | Kabau Darat, Kabau Pantai, Nahi, Ona, Paratina, Wai Ina | |
Kepulauan Sula | Sulabesi Selatan | Fuata, Skom, Wai Tamua, Waigai, Wainib | |
Kepulauan Sula | Sulabesi Tengah | Bega, Fat Iba, Manaf, Soamole, Waiboga, Waiman | |
Kepulauan Sula | Sulabesi Timur | Baleha, Fatkauyon, Sama, Waigoiyofa, Wailia, Waisepa | |
Pulau Morotai | Morotai Jaya | Aru, Bere Bere Kecil, Cempaka, Cendana, Gorugo, Hapo, Libano, Loleo, Pangeo, Podimor Padange, Sopi, Sopi Majiko, Titigogoli, Towara | |
Pulau Morotai | Morotai Selatan | Aha, Daeo, Daeo Majiko, Darame, Daruba, Dehegila, Falila, Galo Galo, Gotalamo, Joubela, Juanga, Koloray (Kolorai), Mandiri, Momojiu, Morodadi, Muhajirin, Nakamura, Pandanga (Pandangan), Pilowo, Sabala, Sabatai Baru, Sabatai Tua, Totodoku, Wawama, Yayasan | |
Pulau Morotai | Morotai Selatan Barat | Aru Burung, Aru Irian, Bobula, Cio Dalam, Cio Gerong, Cio Maloleo, Cucumare, Leo Leo, Lou Madoro, Ngele Ngele Besar, Ngele Ngele Kecil, Posi-Posi (Posi Posi Rao), Raja, Sami Nyamau (Saminyamau), Tiley (Tiley Kusu), Tiley Pantai, Tutuhu (Tuthu), Usbar Pantai, Waringin, Wayabula | |
Pulau Morotai | Morotai Timur | Buho Buho, Doku Mira, Gamlamo, Gosoma Maluku, Hino, Lifao, Mira, Rahmat, Sambiki Baru, Sambiki Tua (Sambiki), Sangowo, Sangowo Barat, Sangowo Timur, Seseli Jaya, Wewemo | |
Pulau Morotai | Morotai Utara | Bere Bere, Bido, Goa Hira, Gorua, Gorua Selatan, Kenari, Korago, Loleo Jaya, Lusuo (Losuo), Maba, Sakita, Tanjung Saleh, Tawakali, Yao | |
Pulau Taliabu | Lede | Balohang (Balahong), Langganu, Lede, Todoli, Tolong | |
Pulau Taliabu | Tabona | Fayaunana, Habunuha, Kabunu, Kataga, Peleng, Tabona, Wolio | |
Pulau Taliabu | Taliabu Barat | Bobong, Holbota, Kawalo, Kilong, Kramat, Limbo, Loho Bubba, Meranti Jaya (Maranti Jaya), Pancoran, Ratahaya, Talo, Wayo, Woyo | |
Pulau Taliabu | Taliabu Barat Laut | Beringin Jaya, Kasango, Nggele, Onemay (Oneway), Salati | |
Pulau Taliabu | Taliabu Selatan | Bahu, Bapenu, Galebo, Kilo, Maluli, Nggaki, Nggoli, Pancado, Sumbong | |
Pulau Taliabu | Taliabu Timur | Parigi, Penu, Samuya, Tubang | |
Pulau Taliabu | Taliabu Timur Selatan | Belo, Kamaya, Kawadang, Losseng, Mantarara, Sofan, Waikadai, Waikadai Sula, Waikoka | |
Pulau Taliabu | Taliabu Utara | Air Bulan, Air Kalimat, Bua Mbono (Mbono), Dege, Gela, Hai, Jorjoga, London, Mananga, Minton, Natang Kuning, Nunca, Nunu, Padang, Sahu, Tanjung Una, Tikong, Ufung, Wahe | |
Ternate | Kota Ternate Selatan | Bastiong Karance, Bastiong Talangame, Fitu, Gambesi, Jati, Jati Perumnas, Kalumata, Kayu Merah, Mangga Dua, Mangga Dua Utara, Ngade, Sasa, Tanah Tinggi, Tanah Tinggi Barat, Toboko, Tobona (Tabona), Ubo-Ubo | |
Ternate | Kota Ternate Tengah | Gamalama, Kalumpang, Kampung Pisang, Kota Baru, Makassar Barat (Makasar Barat), Makassar Timur (Makasar Timur), Maliaro, Marikurubu, Moya, Muhajirin, Salahuddin, Santiong, Stadion, Takoma, Tanah Raja | |
Ternate | Kota Ternate Utara | Akehuda, Dufa Dufa, Kasturian, Salero, Sangaji, Sangaji Utara, Sango, Soa, Soa Sio, Tabam, Tafure, Tarau, Toboleu, Tubo | |
Ternate | Moti | Figur, Moti Kota, Tadenas, Tafaga, Tafamutu, Takofi | |
Ternate | Pulau Batang Dua | Bido, Lelewi, Mayau, Pantai Sagu, Perum Bersatu, Tifure | |
Ternate | Pulau Hiri | Dorari Isa, Faudu, Mado, Tafraka, Togolobe, Tomajiko | |
Ternate | Pulau Ternate | Afe Taduma, Bula, Dorpedu, Foramadiahi, Jambula, Kastela, Kulaba, Loto, Rua, Sulamadaha, Takome, Tobololo, Togafo | |
Tidore Kepulauan | Oba | Bale, Gita, Koli, Kosa, Kususinopa, Payahe, Sigela Yef, Talagamori, Talasi, Todopa, Toseho, Tului, Woda | |
Tidore Kepulauan | Oba Selatan | Hager, Lifofa, Maidi, Nuku, Selamalofo, Tagalaya, Wama | |
Tidore Kepulauan | Oba Tengah | Akedotilou, Akeguraci, Akelamo, Akesai, Aketobatu, Aketobololo, Baringin Jaya, Fanaha, Lola, Siokona, Tadupi, Tauno, Togeme, Yehu | |
Tidore Kepulauan | Oba Utara | Ake Kolano, Ampera, Balbar, Bukit Durian, Galala, Garojou, Gosale, Guraping, Kaiyasa, Kusu, Oba, Sofifi, Somahode | |
Tidore Kepulauan | Tidore | Folarora, Gamtufkange, Goto, Gurabunga, Indonesiana, Seli, Soadara, Soasio, Tambula, Tomagoba, Topo, Topo Tiga, Tuguwaji | |
Tidore Kepulauan | Tidore Selatan | Dokiri, Gurabati, Mare Gam (Maregam), Mare Kofo (Marekofo), Toloa, Tomalou, Tongowai, Tuguiha | |
Tidore Kepulauan | Tidore Timur | Cobodoe, Dowora, Doyado, Jiko Cobo, Kalaodi, Mafututu, Tosa | |
Tidore Kepulauan | Tidore Utara | Afa Afa, Bobo (Bobo Menjadi), Fobaharu, Gubu Kusuma, Jaya, Maitara, Maitara Selatan, Maitara Tengah, Maitara Utara, Mareku, Ome, Rum, Rum Balibunga, Sirongo Folaraha |
The Bacan Islands, formerly also known as the Bachans, Bachians, and Batchians, are a group of islands in the Moluccas in Indonesia. They are mountainous and forested, lying south of Ternate and southwest of Halmahera. The islands are administered by the South Halmahera Regency of North Maluku Province. They formerly constituted the Sultanate of Bacan.
North Maluku is a province of Indonesia. It covers the northern part of the Maluku Islands, bordering the Pacific Ocean to the north, the Halmahera Sea to the east, the Molucca Sea to the west, and the Seram Sea to the south. The provincial capital is Sofifi on the largest island of Halmahera, while the largest city is the island city of Ternate. The population of North Maluku was 1,038,087 in the 2010 census, making it one of the least-populous provinces in Indonesia, but by the 2020 Census the population had risen to 1,282,937.
Morotai Island Regency is a regency of North Maluku province, Indonesia, located on Morotai Island. It covers an area of 2,337.15 km2. The population was 52,860 at the 2010 Census and 74,436 at the 2020 Census.
Halmahera, formerly known as Jilolo, Gilolo, or Jailolo, is the largest island in the Maluku Islands. It is part of the North Maluku province of Indonesia, and Sofifi, the capital of the province, is located on the west coast of the island.
The Obi Islands are a group of 42 islands in the Indonesian province of North Maluku, north of Buru and Ceram, and south of Halmahera. With a total area of 3,048.08 km2, they had a population of 41,455 at the 2010 Census and 50,760 at the 2020 Census.
Sofifi is a town on the west coast of the Indonesian island of Halmahera, and since 2010 has been the capital of the province of North Maluku. It is located in North Oba District of the city of Tidore Islands. At the 2020 Census, the town had a population of 2,498, while North Oba District had a population of 19,552. Previously, Ternate had been the province's capital.
Tobelo is a North Halmahera language spoken on the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera and on parts of several neighboring islands. The Tobelo-speaking heartland is in the six administrative districts of Tobelo, located on the western shore of Kao Bay and forming the central part of Halmahera Utara Regency. Other Tobelo-speaking areas are the five districts of Wasile on the southern and eastern shores of Kao Bay, and the northern half of Morotai Island. The district capital, also known as Tobelo, serves as a regional commercial and administrative center and is the largest settlement on Halmahera.
Sultanate of Tidore was a sultanate in Southeast Asia, centered on Tidore in the Spice Islands. It was also known as Duko, its ruler carrying the title Kië ma-kolano. Tidore was a rival of the Sultanate of Ternate for control of the spice trade, and had an important historical role as binding the archipelagic civilizations of Indonesia to the Papuan world.
South Halmahera Regency is a regency of North Maluku Province, Indonesia. It lies partly on Halmahera Island and partly on smaller islands to the west and south of Halmahera. It covers a land area of 8,779.320 km2, and at the 2010 Census it had a population of 198,911 people, while the 2020 Census showed that this had risen to 248,395. The capital lies at the town of Labuha on Bacan Island.
Central Halmahera Regency is a regency in North Maluku Province, Indonesia. It covers a land area of 2,485.76 km2, and had a population of 42,815 at the 2010 Census and 56,802 at the 2020 Census. The capital lies at Weda.
The North Halmahera languages are a family of languages spoken in the northern and eastern parts of the island of Halmahera and some neighboring islands in Indonesia. The southwestern part of the island is occupied by the unrelated South Halmahera languages, which are a subgroup of Austronesian. They may be most closely related to the languages of the Bird's Head region of West Papua, but this is not well-established.
The 2019 North Maluku earthquake, a shallow 7.2 magnitude earthquake, struck the island of Halmahera, North Maluku, Indonesia on 14 July 2019 at 18:10 local time with its epicentre located at South Halmahera. It struck at a shallow depth of 10 km (6.2 mi) near Labuha, a small port town located in Bacan Island. The earthquake produced a non-destructive 20 cm tsunami, which struck Labuha just minutes after the shaking started. 14 people were killed by the earthquake while 129 people were injured, and more than 50,000 people were displaced. The earthquake inflicted a total damage of Rp 238 billion.
Ciri Leliatu (Ciriliyati) or Sultan Jamaluddin was the first Sultan of Tidore in Maluku Islands, who reigned at a time when Islam made advances in this part of Indonesia because of contacts brought about by the increased trade in spices. He is also sometimes credited with the first Tidorese contacts with the Papuan Islands.
Sultan Saifuddin, also known as Golofino was the eleventh Sultan of Tidore in Maluku islands. Reigning from 1657 to 1687, he left Tidore's old alliance with the Spanish Empire and made treaties with the Dutch East India Company (VOC), which now became hegemonic in Maluku for the next century. Tidore was forced to extirpate the clove trees in its territory and thus ceased to be a spice Sultanate. In spite of this, Saifuddin and his successors were able to preserve a degree of independence due to the trade in products from the Papuan Islands and New Guinea.
Nuku was the nineteenth Sultan of Tidore in Maluku Islands, reigning from 1797 to 1805. He is also known under the names Sultan Muhammad al-Mabus Amiruddin Syah, Saifuddin, Jou Barakati, and Kaicili Paparangan(Prince of Battles). He led a resistance against Dutch colonialism in Maluku and Papua from 1780 which was eventually successful. Being a leader with great charisma, he gathered discontents from several ethnic groups and strove to restore Maluku to its pre-colonial division into four autonomous kingdoms. Nuku used global political conflict lines by allying with the British against the French-affiliated Dutch and helped them conquer the Dutch stronghold in Ternate in 1801. In modern Indonesia he is commemorated as a pahlawan nasional.
The Sultanate of Jailolo was a premodern state in Maluku, modern Indonesia that emerged with the increasing trade in cloves in the Middle Ages. Also spelt Gilolo, it was one of the four kingdoms of Maluku together with Ternate, Tidore, and Bacan, having its center at a bay on the west side of Halmahera. Jailolo existed as an independent kingdom until 1551 and had separate rulers for periods after that date. A revivalist Raja Jailolo movement made for much social and political unrest in Maluku in the 19th century. In modern times the sultanate has been revived as a symbolic entity.
Gurabesi was a legendary Papuan leader from Biak in West New Guinea, present-day Indonesia, who had a large role in tying part of the Papuans to the Islamic Sultanate of Tidore. He is commonly believed to have flourished in the 15th or early 16th century, although other sources point at a later date. His story symbolizes the beginnings of communication between the Malayo-Islamic and Papuan cultures.