Provinces of Indonesia

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Provinces of Indonesia
Provinsi di Indonesia
Indonesia, administrative divisions - en - monochrome.svg
CategoryFirst-level administrative division of a decentralized unitary state
Location Republic of Indonesia
  • 18 August 1945
Number 38
Populations South Papua (542,100) – West Java (50,345,200) in mid 2024
Areas Jakarta 661 km2 (255 sq mi) – Central Kalimantan 153,444 km2 (59,245 sq mi)

Provinces are the first-level administrative divisions of Indonesia. They were formerly called first-level provincial regions (provinsi daerah tingkat I), before the Reform era. Provinces have a local government, consisting of a governor (Gubernur) and a regional legislative body (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Provinsi). The governor and members of local representative bodies are elected by popular vote for five-year terms, but governors can only serve for two terms. Provincial governments have the authority to regulate and manage their own government affairs, subject to the limits of the central government. The average land area of all 38 provinces in Indonesia is about 49,800 km2 (19,200 sq mi), and they had an average population of 7,410,626 people in mid-2024.


Indonesia is divided into 38 provinces, nine of which have special autonomous status. The terms for special status are "Istimewa" and "Khusus", which translate to "special", or "designated". Provinces are further divided into regencies and cities (formerly called second-level region regencies/cities, or kabupaten/kotamadya daerah tingkat II), which are in turn subdivided into districts (kecamatan). Proposals for the creation of additional provinces (by the splitting of existing ones) have been considered by the Indonesian government, but further action has been suspended since 2013 under a moratorium. However, in 2022, nine years later, Central Papua, Highland Papua, South Papua, and Southwest Papua were created and became the youngest provinces in the country. The enactment of the Law on State Capital in 2022 established a future provincial-level city, Nusantara, which would officially become the 39th province after a presidential decree on relocating the state capital is issued, and it would replace Jakarta as the nation's capital city. [1]


Article 18 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution states that "the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is divided into provincial regions and those provincial regions are divided into regencies and city, whereby every one of those provinces, regencies, and municipalities has its regional government, which shall be regulated by laws."

According to the Law on Regional Government (UU 23/2014) the authority of the Provincial Government includes:

  1. Development planning and control;
  2. Planning, utilization, and community peace;
  3. Implementation of public order and public peace;
  4. Provision of public facilities and infrastructure;
  5. Handling the health sector;
  6. Education and allocation of potential human resources;
  7. Handling social problems across regencies/cities;
  8. Services in the field of manpower across regencies/cities;
  9. Facilitating the development of cooperatives, small and medium enterprises, including across districts/cities;
  10. Environmental control;
  11. Defense services, including across regencies/cities;
  12. Population and civil registration services;
  13. Government general administration services;
  14. Investment administration services, including across regencies/cities;
  15. The implementation of other basic services that cannot be carried out by regencies/cities; and
  16. Other mandatory affairs mandated by laws and regulations.

The authority of the provincial government are government affairs which are located across regencies/municipalities, government affairs whose users are across regencies/municipalities, government affairs whose benefits or negative impacts lie across regencies/municipalities, government affairs which use more resources. efficient if carried out by the province.

Each province has a local government, headed by a governor and a legislative body (DPRD). The governor and members of local representative bodies are elected by popular vote for five-year terms, but governors can only serve for two terms. The general election to elect members of the DPRDs is conducted simultaneously with the national general election. Previously, the general elections for Governor and Vice Governor were not held simultaneously. However, since 2015 regional head elections have been held simultaneously. Under the plan, simultaneous partial local elections were held in February 2017, June 2018 and December 2020, culminating in simultaneous elections for all local executive posts in November 2024 and then every five years.

Current provinces

Click on a province name to go to its main article
Code Coat of arms Name [2] [3] City Geographical
(mid 2024)
per km2
(mid 2024) [5]
2nd Level
# ISO [6]
Coat of arms of Aceh.svg
Aceh Aceh Banda Aceh Sumatra 56,8355,554,80098518
Coat of arms of North Sumatra.svg
North Sumatra Sumatera Utara Medan Sumatra 72,46115,588,500215825
Coat of arms of West Sumatra.svg
West Sumatra Sumatera Barat Padang Sumatra 42,1205,836,200139712
Coat of arms of Riau.svg
Riau Riau Pekanbaru Sumatra 89,9366,728,10075210
Coat of arms of Jambi.svg
Jambi Jambi Jambi Sumatra 49,0273,724,3007629
Coat of arms of South Sumatra.svg
South Sumatra Sumatera Selatan Palembang Sumatra 86,7728,837,300102413
Coat of arms of Bengkulu.svg
Bengkulu Bengkulu Bengkulu Sumatra 20,1282,112,20010519
Coat of arms of Lampung.svg
Lampung Lampung Bandar Lampung Sumatra 33,5709,419,600281213
Coat of arms of Bangka Belitung Islands.svg
Bangka Belitung Islands Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Pangkal Pinang Sumatra 16,6901,531,5009216
Coat of arms of Riau Islands.svg
Riau Islands Kepulauan Riau Tanjung Pinang Batam Sumatra 8,2702,183,30026425
Coat of arms of Jakarta.svg
Special Capital Region of Jakarta Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Central Jakarta
(de facto) [a]
East Jakarta Java 66110,684,90016,16551
Coat of arms of West Java.svg
West Java Jawa Barat Bandung Bekasi Java 37,04550,345,2001,359918
Coat of arms of Central Java.svg
Central Java Jawa Tengah Semarang Java 34,33737,892,3001,104629
Coat of arms of Yogyakarta.svg
Special Region of Yogyakarta Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Java 3,1713,759,5001,18614
Coat of arms of East Java.svg
East Java Jawa Timur Surabaya Java 48,03741,814,500870929
Coat of arms of Banten.svg
Banten Banten Serang Tangerang Java 9,35312,431,4001,32944
Coat of arms of Bali.svg
Bali Bali Denpasar Lesser Sunda Islands 5,5904,433,30079318
Coat of arms of West Nusa Tenggara.svg
West Nusa Tenggara Nusa Tenggara Barat Mataram Lesser Sunda Islands 19,6765,646,00028728
Coat of Arms of East Nusa Tenggara NEW.png
East Nusa Tenggara Nusa Tenggara Timur Kupang Lesser Sunda Islands 46,4475,656,000122121
Coat of arms of West Kalimantan.svg
West Kalimantan Kalimantan Barat Pontianak Kalimantan 147,0375,695,50039212
Coat of arms of Central Kalimantan.svg
Central Kalimantan Kalimantan Tengah Palangka Raya Kalimantan 153,4442,809,70018113
Coat of arms of South Kalimantan.svg
South Kalimantan Kalimantan Selatan Banjarbaru Banjarmasin Kalimantan 37,1354,273,400115211
Coat of arms of East Kalimantan.svg
East Kalimantan [b] Kalimantan Timur Samarinda Kalimantan 126,9814,045,9003237
Coat of arms of North Kalimantan.svg
North Kalimantan Kalimantan Utara Tanjung Selor Tarakan Kalimantan 70,101739,8001114
Coat of arms of North Sulawesi.svg
North Sulawesi Sulawesi Utara Manado Sulawesi 14,5002,701,800186411
Coat of arms of Central Sulawesi.svg
Central Sulawesi Sulawesi Tengah Palu Sulawesi 61,6063,121,80051112
Coat of arms of South Sulawesi.svg
South Sulawesi Sulawesi Selatan Makassar Sulawesi 45,3319,463,400209321
Coat of arms of Southeast Sulawesi.svg
Southeast Sulawesi Sulawesi Tenggara Kendari Sulawesi 36,1602,793,10077215
Coat of arms of Gorontalo.svg
Gorontalo Gorontalo Gorontalo Sulawesi 12,0251,227,80010215
Coat of arms of West Sulawesi.svg
West Sulawesi Sulawesi Barat Mamuju Sulawesi 16,5951,503,200916
Coat of arms of Maluku.svg
Maluku Maluku Ambon Maluku Islands 46,1581,945,6004229
Coat of arms of North Maluku.svg
North Maluku Maluku Utara Sofifi Ternate Maluku Islands 32,9991,355,6004128
Coat of arms of Papua 2.svg
Papua Papua Jayapura Western New Guinea 82,6811,060,6001318
Coat of arms of West Papua.svg
West Papua [c] Papua Barat Manokwari Western New Guinea 60,275578,700107
Lambang Papua Selatan.png
South Papua Papua Selatan Salor Merauke Western New Guinea 117,849542,10054
Lambang Papua Tengah.png
Central Papua Papua Tengah Wanggar Timika Western New Guinea 61,0731,472,900248
Lambang Papua Pegunungan.svg
Highland Papua Papua Pegunungan Jayawijaya Western New Guinea 51,2131,467,000298
Logo Papua Barat Daya1.png
Southwest Papua Papua Barat Daya Sorong Western New Guinea 39,123627,1001615

Special autonomy

The decentralization of some power and autonomy to provinces is called for by Article 18 of the Constitution of Indonesia, and this article was expanded through amendments in October 1999 in the period following the fall of Suharto. [7] :35–37 Some provinces have been granted additional autonomy beyond this, although Indonesia is not a federated state. The form this special autonomy takes is not standardized, with provinces gaining different formulations of specific autonomy based on particular political imperatives. [7] :38–39

Geographical units

The provinces are officially grouped into seven geographical units for statistical and national planning purposes, but without administrative function. [14]

Geographical unit Provinces Population
(mid-2024) [15]
Largest cityHighest point
Sumatra Aceh, the Bangka Belitung Islands, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, North Sumatra, Riau, the Riau Islands, South Sumatra, and West Sumatra 61,515,800 Medan Mount Kerinci
3,805 m (12484 ft)
Java Banten, Central Java, East Java, the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, and West Java 156,927,800 Jakarta Mount Semeru
3,678 m (12067 ft)
Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara 15,735,300 Denpasar Mount Rinjani
3,726 m (12,224 ft)
Kalimantan Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and West Kalimantan 17,564,300 Samarinda Mount Bukit Raya
2,278 m (7,474 ft)
Sulawesi Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and West Sulawesi 20,811,100 Makassar Latimojong
3,478 m (11,411 ft)
Maluku Islands Maluku and North Maluku 3,301,200 Ambon Mount Binaiya
3,027 m (9,931 ft)
Papua (Western New Guinea) Central Papua, Highland Papua, Papua, South Papua, Southwest Papua, and West Papua 5,748,400 Jayapura Puncak Jaya
4,884 m (16,024 ft)

Former provinces

Evolution of Indonesia's provinces from 1945 until North Kalimantan's establishment in 2012 Indonesia provinces 1945-2012.gif
Evolution of Indonesia's provinces from 1945 until North Kalimantan's establishment in 2012
Old map of Sumatra (1950).svg
Old map of Sulawesi (1960).svg
Three-province Sumatra (1948–56) (L) and two-province Sulawesi (1960–64) with present-day regency borders

Upon the independence of Indonesia, eight provinces were established. West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Maluku still exist as of today despite later divisions, while Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Nusa Tenggara, formerly Lesser Sunda (Sunda Kecil) were fully liquidated by dividing them into new provinces. The province of Central Sumatra existed from 1948 to 1957, while East Timor was annexed as a province from 1976 until its power transfer to UNTAET in 1999 prior to its independence as a country in 2002.

Special Region of Surakarta
(Daerah Istimewa Surakarta) [16]
Surakarta 1945–1946 Central Java
Sumatra [17] Bukittinggi / Medan 1945–1948 Central Sumatra
North Sumatra
South Sumatra
Kalimantan [18] Banjarmasin 1945–1956 East Kalimantan
South Kalimantan
West Kalimantan
Nusa Tenggara [19] Singaraja 1945–1958 Bali
East Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara
Sulawesi [20] Makassar / Manado 1945–1960North-Central Sulawesi
South-Southeast Sulawesi
Central Sumatra
(Sumatera Tengah) [17] [21]
Bukittinggi 1948–1957 Jambi
West Sumatra
North-Central Sulawesi
(Sulawesi Utara-Tengah) [22]
Manado 1960–1964 North Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
South-Southeast Sulawesi
(Sulawesi Selatan-Tenggara) [22]
Makassar 1960–1964 South Sulawesi
Southeast Sulawesi
East Timor
(Timor Timur) [23]
Dili 1976–1999 Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

New provinces made from currently-existing provinces

Old map of Maluku (before 1999).svg
Old map of Papua (before 2001).svg
Pre-1999 Maluku (L) and Irian Jaya (now Papua, R) with present-day regency borders
Provinces in Western New Guinea, after the split of Papua Province into four provinces in June 2022 and after the split of West Papua Province into two provinces in December 2022 Indonesian administrative divisions in Western New Guinea (2023).svg
Provinces in Western New Guinea, after the split of Papua Province into four provinces in June 2022 and after the split of West Papua Province into two provinces in December 2022
New province
(current name)
YearNew province
(then name)
Province of origin
Special Region of Yogyakarta 1950Yogyakarta Central Java
Aceh 1956Aceh North Sumatra
Central Kalimantan 1958Central Kalimantan South Kalimantan
Jakarta Special Capital Region 1959Greater Jakarta West Java
Lampung 1964Lampung South Sumatra
Bengkulu 1967BengkuluSouth Sumatra
North Maluku 1999North Maluku Maluku
Banten 2000BantenWest Java
Bangka Belitung Islands 2000Bangka Belitung IslandsSouth Sumatra
Gorontalo 2000GorontaloNorth Sulawesi
Riau Islands 2002Riau Islands Riau
West Papua 2003West Irian Jaya Irian Jaya
West Sulawesi 2004West Sulawesi South Sulawesi
North Kalimantan 2012North Kalimantan East Kalimantan
Central Papua 2022Central Papua Papua
Highland Papua 2022Highland PapuaPapua
South Papua 2022South PapuaPapua
Southwest Papua 2022Southwest Papua West Papua

Renamed provinces

YearOld name
Old name
New name
New name
Current name
1954Sunda KecilLesser SundaNusa TenggaraNusa Tenggaranon-existent
1959AcehAcehDaerah Istimewa AcehAceh Special Region Aceh
1961Jakarta RayaGreater JakartaDaerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta RayaGreater Jakarta Special Capital Region Jakarta Special Capital Region
1973Irian BaratWest IrianIrian JayaIrian Jaya Papua
1990Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta RayaGreater Jakarta Special Capital RegionDaerah Khusus Ibukota JakartaJakarta Special Capital RegionSpecial Capital Region of Jakarta
2001Daerah Istimewa AcehAceh Special RegionNanggroë Aceh DarussalamState of Aceh, the Abode of PeaceAceh
2002Irian JayaIrian JayaPapuaPapuaPapua
2007Irian Jaya BaratWest Irian JayaPapua BaratWest Papua West Papua
2009Nanggroë Aceh DarussalamState of Aceh, the Abode of PeaceAcehAcehAceh

Former provincial capitals

See also


  1. Jakarta is a city with province-level Capital Special Region comprising five Kota Administrasis (administrative cities/municipalities) and one Kabupaten Administrasi (administrative regency). It has no de jure capital, but many governmental buildings are located at Central Jakarta.
  2. Figures adjusted to take account of the separation of Tarakan city and four regencies, as confirmed by Badan Pusat Statistik, to form the new province of North Kalimantan, listed separately in this table.
  3. West Papua was created from the western portion of Papua province in February 2003, initially under the name of Irian Jaya Barat, and was renamed Papua Barat (West Papua) on 7 February 2007. The split remains controversial. In November 2004, the Constitutional Court of Indonesia ruled that the split violated Papua's autonomy laws. However, since the western province had already been created, it should remain separate from Papua. The ruling also aborted the creation of another proposed province, Central Irian Jaya, because the proposed split had not yet been completed. ISO 3166-2 codes have subsequently been published for all of the newly-created provinces in Indonesian Papua.


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    2. "Data Wilayah – Kementerian Dalam Negeri – Republik Indonesia". Archived from the original on 2012-02-22. Retrieved 2011-02-16.
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    4. Badan Pusat Statistik/Statistics Indonesia, Jakarta, 2025.
    5. Badan Pusat Statistik/Statistics Indonesia, Jakarta, 2025.
    6. ISO 3166-2:ID (ISO 3166-2 codes for the provinces of Indonesia)
    7. 1 2 3 4 5 Ahmad Ainun Najib; Indarja (April 2023). "Special Autonomy Dilemma in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia". Syiah Kuala Law Journal. 7 (1): 32–49. doi:10.24815/sklj.v7i1.28611 (inactive 16 January 2025).{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of January 2025 (link)
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    14. ISO 3166-2:ID
    15. Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 2025.
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