The following list of legendary kings of Britain (Welsh : Brenin y Brythoniaid, Brenin Prydain) derives predominantly from Geoffrey of Monmouth's circa 1136 work Historia Regum Britanniae ("the History of the Kings of Britain"). Geoffrey constructed a largely fictional history for the Britons (ancestors of the Welsh, the Cornish and the Bretons), partly based on the work of earlier medieval historians like Gildas, Nennius and Bede, partly from Welsh genealogies and saints' lives, partly from sources now lost and unidentifiable, and partly from his own imagination (see bibliography). Several of his kings are based on genuine historical figures, but appear in unhistorical narratives. A number of Middle Welsh versions of Geoffrey's Historia exist. All post-date Geoffrey's text, but may give us some insight into any native traditions Geoffrey may have drawn on.
Geoffrey's narrative begins with the exiled Trojan prince Brutus, after whom Britain is supposedly named, a tradition previously recorded in less elaborate form in the 9th century Historia Brittonum . Brutus is a descendant of Aeneas, the legendary Trojan ancestor of the founders of Rome, and his story is evidently related to Roman foundation legends.
The kings before Brutus come from a document purporting to trace the travels of Noah and his offspring in Europe, and once attributed to the Chaldean historian Berossus, but now considered to have been a fabrication by the 15th-century Italian monk Annio da Viterbo, who first published it. Renaissance historians like John Bale and Raphael Holinshed took the list of kings of "Celtica" given by pseudo-Berossus and made them into kings of Britain as well as Gaul. John Milton records these traditions in his History of Britain, although he gives them little credence.
Historia Brittonum, which is a history of the Celtic Britons written in north Wales in 829–30, claims that the Celtic Britons were descended from Trojans from the ancient city of Troy, who were the first to settle on the island of Britain. [1] It is also claimed in Historia Brittonum, as well as Historia Regum Britanniae by Geoffrey of Monmouth that the first king of the Britons was Brutus of Troy and that the island of Britain was named after him. [2] [3] [4]
Lucius was a legendary 2nd-century king of the Britons traditionally credited with introducing Christianity into Britain. Lucius is first mentioned in a 6th-century version of the Liber Pontificalis , which says that he sent a letter to Pope Eleutherius asking to be made a Christian. The story became widespread after it was repeated in the 8th century by Bede in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People , who added the detail that after Eleutherius granted Lucius' request, the Britons followed their king in conversion and maintained the Christian faith until the Diocletianic Persecution of 303. Later writers expanded the legend, giving accounts of missionary activity under Lucius and attributing to him the foundation of certain churches. [5]
There is no contemporary evidence for a king of this name. In 1904 Adolf von Harnack proposed that there had been a scribal error in Liber Pontificalis with 'Britanio' being written as an erroneous expansion for 'Britio', a citadel of Edessa, present day Şanlıurfa in Turkey. The name of the king of Edessa contemporaneous with Pope Eleutherius was Lucius Aelius Aurelius Abgar VIII. [5]
Des grantz geanz ("Of the Great Giants"), a 14th-century Anglo-Norman poem, contains a variant story regarding Albion, the oldest recorded name for Britain, and also contains a slightly different list of kings. [6] [7] The poem states that a colony of exiled Greek royals led by a queen called Albina first founded Britain but before their settlement "no one dwelt there". [8] Albina subsequently gave her name first to Britain, which was later renamed Britain after Brutus. The poem also attempts by euhemerism to rationalise the legends of giants; Albina is thus described as being "very tall", but is presented as a human queen, a descendant of a Greek king, not a mythological creature.
The Albina myth is also found in some later manuscripts of Wace's Roman de Brut (1155), attached as a prologue. [9]
Scota, in Scottish mythology, and pseudohistory, is the name given to the mythological daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh to whom the Gaels and Scots traced their ancestry. Scota first appeared in literature from the 11th or 12th century and most modern scholars interpret the legends surrounding her to have emerged to rival Geoffrey of Monmouth's claims that the descendants of Brutus (through Albanactus) founded Scotland. [10] [11] However some early Irish sources also refer to the Scota legends and not all scholars regard the legends as fabrications or as political constructions. [12] In the Scottish origin myths, Albanactus had little place and Scottish chroniclers (e.g., John of Fordun and Walter Bower) claimed that Scota was the eponymous founder of Scotland and the Scots long before Albanactus, during the time of Moses.
Geoffrey synchronises some of his monarchs with figures and events from the Bible, Greek, Roman and Irish legends, and recorded history. These are given in the "Synchronisation" column of the table below. Geoffrey dated Brutus' arrival in Britain (and subsequent founding of the Trojan-British monarchy) to 1115 BC. [13] Geoffrey's book was later retold by Wace (in French) and Layamon (in Middle English); the final column represents Layamon's version.
Kingdom | Synchronisation | Layamon's Brut | ||||
England | Scotland | Wales | Cornwall | Other | Bible | |
Brutus I (24 years) | Corineus | Aeneas Silvius (1112–1081 BC) | Eli (12th century BC) | = | ||
Locrinus (10 years) | Albanactus | Kamber | Gwendolen | = | ||
Gwendolen (15 years) | = | |||||
Maddan (40 years) | Gwendolen | Aeneas Silvius (1112–1081 BC), Homer (8th/7th century BC) | Samuel | Madan | ||
Mempricius (20 years) | Eurystheus | Saul (r. 1049–1010 BC) | Membriz | |||
Ebraucus (40 to 60 years) | David (r. 1010–970 BC) | Ebrauc | ||||
Brutus II Greenshield (12 years) | Brutus Greenshield | |||||
Leil (25 years) | Solomon (r. 971–931 BC) | Leil | ||||
Rud Hud Hudibras (39 years) | Haggai, Amos, Joel, Azariah | Ruhudibras | ||||
Bladud (20 years) | Elijah (9th century BC) | Bladud | ||||
Leir (60 years) | Leir | |||||
Cordelia (5 years) | Cordoille | |||||
Marganus I (north of the Humber) and Cunedagius (south of the Humber) (2 years) | Morgan & Cunidagius | |||||
Cunedagius (33 years) | Romulus (8th century BC) | Isaiah, Hosea (8th century BC) | Cunidagius | |||
Rivallo | Riwald | |||||
Gurgustius | Gurgustius | |||||
Sisillius I | Silvius | |||||
Jago | Lago | |||||
Kimarcus | Mark | |||||
Gorboduc | Gorbodiago | |||||
War between Ferrex and Porrex I | Ferreus & Porreus | |||||
Civil war; Britain divided under five unnamed kings | ||||||
Pinner | Staterius | Rudaucus | Cloten | |||
Dunvallo Molmutius | ||||||
Dunvallo Molmutius (40 years) | Donwallo Molineus | |||||
Brennius (north of the Humber) and Belinus (south of the Humber) | Sack of Rome (387 BC) | Belin & Brennes | ||||
Belinus | ||||||
Gurguit Barbtruc | Partholón | Gurguint | ||||
Guithelin | Guncelin | |||||
Marcia (regent) | ||||||
Sisillius II | Sillius | |||||
Kinarius | Rumarus | |||||
Danius | Damus | |||||
Morvidus | Morbidus | |||||
Gorbonianus | Gorbonian | |||||
Archgallo | Argal | |||||
Elidurus (5 years) | Elidur | |||||
Archgallo (restored) (10 years) | Argal | |||||
Elidurus (restored) | Elidur | |||||
Peredurus (north of the Humber) and Ingenius (south of the Humber) (7 years) | Peredur, Jugenes | |||||
Peredurus | ||||||
Elidurus (restored) | Elidur | |||||
A son of Gorbonianus | Lador | |||||
Marganus II | Morgan | |||||
Enniaunus | Ænmaunus | |||||
Idvallo | Iwallo | |||||
Runo | Rime | |||||
Gerennus | Goronces | |||||
Catellus | Catulus | |||||
Millus | Coillus | |||||
Porrex II | Porex | |||||
Cherin | = | |||||
Fulgenius | Fulgenius | |||||
Edadus | Aldus | |||||
Andragius | Androgus | |||||
Urianus | Urrian | |||||
Eliud | = | |||||
Cledaucus | Cledus | |||||
Clotenus | Doten | |||||
Gurgintius | Gurguiricius | |||||
Merianus | Merian | |||||
Bledudo | ||||||
Cap | Cap | |||||
Oenus | Oein | |||||
Sisillius III | Sillius | |||||
Beldgabred | Blaðgabreast | |||||
Archmail | Arkinaus | |||||
Eldol | Ældolf | |||||
Redon | Redion | |||||
Redechius | Redært | |||||
Samuil Penessil (or Samuil, followed by Penessil) | Famul-Penicel | |||||
Pir | Pir | |||||
Capoir | Capor | |||||
Digueillus | Eligille | |||||
Heli (40 years) | Heli | |||||
Lud | Lud | |||||
Cassibelanus | Julius Caesar's invasions of Britain (55–54 BC) | Cassibelaune | ||||
Tenvantius | Tennancius | |||||
Cunobeline | Augustus (30 BC – 14 AD) | Jesus (3 BC – 33 AD) | Kinbelin | |||
Guiderius | Togodumnus (d. AD 43) during Claudius's conquest of Britain | Wiðer | ||||
Arvirargus | Claudius (10 BC – AD 54), Vespasian (AD 9–79) | Mark the Evangelist, Paul of Tarsus (1st century AD) | ||||
Marius | ||||||
Coilus | ||||||
Lucius (d. AD 156) | Pope Eleuterus (174–189) | |||||
Interregnum; war between Severus and Sulgenius | Septimius Severus (Roman emperor 193–211) | |||||
Geta | Publius Septimius Geta (Roman emperor 209–211) | |||||
Bassianus (Caracalla) | Caracalla (Roman emperor 211–217) | |||||
Carausius | Carausian Revolt (289–296) | |||||
Allectus | Allectus assassinated Carausius in 293 | |||||
Asclepiodotus (10 years) | Asclepiodotus and Constantius Chlorus retook Britain in 296 | |||||
Coel | ||||||
Constantius (11 years) | Constantius Chlorus, Roman emperor 293–306 | |||||
Constantine I | Constantine I, Roman emperor 306–337 | |||||
Octavius | ||||||
Trahern | ||||||
Octavius (restored) | ||||||
Maximianus (with Dionotus later as regent) | Caradocus, then Dionotus | Magnus Maximus, Roman usurper-emperor 383–388 | ||||
Gracianus Municeps | ||||||
Interregnum; end of Roman rule | ||||||
Constantine II | Constantine III, Roman usurper-emperor 407–411 | |||||
Constans | Constans II, Roman usurper-emperor 409–411 | |||||
Vortigern | ||||||
Vortimer | Germanus of Auxerre (378–448), Battle of Aylesford (455) | |||||
Aurelius Ambrosius | ||||||
Uther Pendragon | ||||||
Arthur | Battle of Badon (c. AD 500), St. Dubricius (c. AD 465 – c. 550) | |||||
Constantine III | ||||||
Aurelius Conanus (2 years) | Aurelius Caninus, 6th-century king of Gwent or Powys; Cynan Garwyn (582–610), king of Powys | |||||
Vortiporius (4 years) | Vortiporius, 6th-century king of Dyfed | |||||
Malgo | Maelgwn Gwynedd, 6th-century king of Gwynedd | |||||
Keredic | ||||||
Interregnum; Saxons occupy England | Margaduc (Demetia) and Cadvan (Venedotia) | Blederic | Augustine of Canterbury (arrived in Britain in 597) | |||
Cadvan | Cadfan ap Iago, 6th/7th-century king of Gwynedd | |||||
Cadwallo | Cadwallon ap Cadfan, 7th-century king of Gwynedd, d. 634 | |||||
Cadwallader (d. AD 689) | Cadwaladr ap Cadwallon, 7th-century king of Gwynedd |
After the death of Cadwallader, the kings of the Brythons were reduced to such a small domain that they ceased to be kings of the whole Brythonic-speaking area. Two of his relatives, Yvor and Yni, led the exiles back from Brittany, but were unable to re-establish a united kingship. The Anglo-Saxon invaders ruled the south-eastern part of the island of Great Britain, which would become England, after that point in time under the Bretwaldas and later the kings of England. The heirs to the Celtic-British throne continued through the Welsh kings of Gwynedd until that line was forced to submit itself to the Plantagenets in the 13th century. Princes and lords of Gwynedd ruled until the reign of Dafydd III, who ruled from 1282 to 1283. His death marked the end of the house of Brutus. Owen Tudor, grandfather of Henry VII of England, was a maternal descendant of the kings of Gwynedd; Henry's marriage with Elizabeth of York thus signified the merging of the two royal houses (as well as the feuding houses of York and Lancaster).
Annius of Viterbo in 1498 claimed to have found ancient fragments from Berossus detailing the earliest settlement of 'Celtica', including the British Isles, by Samothes, a son of Japheth, son of Noah, after the Great Flood. These fragments were later revealed to have been forged by Annius himself, and are now known as "Pseudo-Berossus". The fragments can be found in Asher (1993) and include a king list. Before being revealed as a hoax, the list found its way into John Bale's Illustrium majoris Britanniae scriptorum (1548), John Caius' Historia Cantabrigiensis Academiae (1574), William Harrison's Description of England (1577), Holinshed's Chronicles (1587) and Anthony Munday's A briefe chronicle (1611). [14]
Iolo Morganwg, between 1801 and 1807, published a series of Welsh Triads he claimed to have discovered in manuscript form, with the help of the antiquarian William Owen Pughe. These were later revealed to be a mixture of forgeries by Morganwg and Williams' alterations to authentic triads. [15] [16] Exactly how much "authentic" content there is of Morganwg's published work remains disputed by scholars today. Morganwg's triads describe the earliest occupation of Britain (Prydain) and contain a pseudo-historical reign of kings, beginning with Hu Gadarn, the "Plough King". [17]
Hu Gadarn is described by Morganwg in his triads as being the earliest inhabitant of Britain having travelled from the "Summerland, called Deffrobani, where Constantinople now stands" in 1788 BC. [18] He is credited as having founded the first civilisation in Britain and introduced agriculture. Morganwg's Barddas (1862, p. 348) further states that this king is descended from Hu, but that, after a huge flood (see Afanc), only two people, Dwyfan and Dwyfach, survived from whom the later inhabitants of Britain descended. The Welsh clergyman Edward Davies included this myth in his Celtic Researches on the Origin, Traditions and Languages of the Ancient Britons (1804):
First, the bursting of the lake of waters, and the overwhelming of the face of all lands, so that all mankind drowned, excepting Dwyvan and Dwyvach, who escaped in a naked vessel and from then the Island of Britain was re-peopled.
Several 19th-century Christian authors—for example, Henry Hoyle Howorth [19] —interpreted this myth to be evidence for the Biblical flood of Noah, yet in Morganwg's chronology Dwyfan and Dwyfach are dated to the 18th or 17th century BC, which does not fit the Biblical estimate for the Noachian deluge. [20]
Tea Tephi is a legendary princess found described in British Israelite literature from the 19th century. [21] [22] Revd F. R. A. Glover, M.A., of London in 1861 published England, the Remnant of Judah, and the Israel of Ephraim in which he claimed Tea Tephi was one of Zedekiah's daughters. Since King Zedekiah of Judah had all his sons killed during the Babylonian Captivity, no male successors could continue the throne of King David, but, as Glover noted, Zedekiah had daughters who escaped death (Jeremiah 43:6). Glover believed that Tea Tephi was a surviving Judahite princess who had escaped and travelled to Ireland, and who married a local High King of Ireland in the 6th century BC who subsequently became blood linked to the British monarchy. [23] This theory was later expanded upon by Rev. A.B. Grimaldi, who published in 1877 a successful chart entitled Pedigree of Queen Victoria from the Bible Kings and later by W.M.H. Milner in his booklet The Royal House of Britain an Enduring Dynasty' (1902, revised 1909). Charles Fox Parham also authored an article tracing Queen Victoria's lineage back to King David (through Tea Tephi) entitled Queen Victoria: Heir to King David's Royal Throne. [24]
The Tea Tephi-British monarchy link is also found in J. H. Allen's Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright (1902, p. 251). A central tenet of British Israelism is that the British monarchy is from the Davidic line and the legend of Tea Tephi from the 19th century attempted to legitimise this claim. Tea Tephi, however, has never been traced to an extant Irish source before the 19th century and critics assert she was purely a British Israelite invention. [25] A collection of alleged bardic traditions and Irish manuscripts which detail Tea Tephi were published by J. A. Goodchild in 1897 as The Book of Tephi. the work is, however, considered pseudo-historical or a forgery.
There is though a queen called Tea in Irish mythology who appears in the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland. [26] She is described as the wife of Érimón a Míl Espáine (Milesian) and dated to 1700 BC (Geoffrey Keating: 1287 BC). These dates are inconsistent with the British Israelite literature which dates Tea Tephi to the 6th century BC, but later British Israelites, such as Herman Hoeh (Compendium of World History, 1970), claimed that the Milesian Royal House (including Tea) was from an earlier blood descendant of the Davidic Line who entered Britain around 1000 BC (citing Ruaidhrí Ó Flaithbheartaigh's reduced chronology). [27] Linked to Glover's original claims of Tea Tephi, are Grimaldi and Milner's theory that Jeremiah himself in the company of his scribe Baruch ben Neriah travelled to Ireland with Tea Tephi and that they are found described in Irish folklore and old Irish manuscripts. Some British Israelites identify Baruch ben Neriah with a figure called Simon Berac or Berak in Irish myth, while Jeremiah with Ollom Fotla (or Ollam, Ollamh Fodhla). [28] However, like Tea Tephi, there has long been controversy about these identifications, mainly because of conflicting or inconsistent dates. In 2001, the British-Israel-World Federation wrote an article claiming they no longer subscribed to these two identifications, but still strongly stick to the belief that the British monarchy is of Judahite origin. [25] [29] In an earlier publication in 1982, Covenant Publishing Co. admitted that Tea Tephi could not be traced in Irish literature or myth and may have been fabricated by Glover, but they clarified they still believed in the Milesian Royal House-Davidic Line bloodline connection (popularised by Hoeh). [30] Herbert Armstrong (1986) also took up this legendary connection. [31]
Geoffrey of Monmouth was a Catholic cleric from Monmouth, Wales, and one of the major figures in the development of British historiography and the popularity of tales of King Arthur. He is best known for his chronicle The History of the Kings of Britain which was widely popular in its day, being translated into other languages from its original Latin. It was given historical credence well into the 16th century, but is now considered historically unreliable.
Brutus, also called Brute of Troy, is a mythical British king. He is described as a legendary descendant of the Trojan hero Aeneas, known in medieval British legend as the eponymous founder and first king of Britain. This legend first appears in the Historia Brittonum, an anonymous 9th-century historical compilation to which commentary was added by Nennius, but is best known from the account given by the 12th-century chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Historia Regum Britanniae.
The Matter of Britain is the body of medieval literature and legendary material associated with Great Britain and Brittany and the legendary kings and heroes associated with it, particularly King Arthur. The 12th-century writer Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae is a central component of the Matter of Britain.
Tasciovanus was a historical king of the Catuvellauni tribe before the Roman conquest of Britain.
Cassivellaunus was a historical British military leader who led the defence against Julius Caesar's second expedition to Britain in 54 BC. He led an alliance of tribes against Roman forces, but eventually surrendered after his location was revealed to Julius Caesar by defeated Britons.
Gwendolen, also known as Gwendolin, or Gwendolyn was a legendary ruler of ancient Britain. She came to power in 1115BC.
Leir was a legendary king of the Britons whose story was recounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his pseudohistorical 12th-century History of the Kings of Britain. According to Geoffrey's genealogy of the British dynasty, Leir reigned around the 8th century BC, around the time of the founding of Rome. The story was modified and retold by William Shakespeare in his Jacobean tragedy King Lear.
Sisillius I was a legendary king of the Britons as accounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth. He came to power in 753 BC.
The Molmutine Laws were the laws said to have been instituted over the Britons by Dyfnwal Moelmud, who is also referred by the Latin form of his name, Dunvallo Molmutius. The Laws were most famously described by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Historia Regum Britanniae. Little remains known of these laws, with surviving Welsh codes simply noting that Dyfnwal's laws were largely superseded by the new codes instituted by Hywel Da. Hywel was said, however, to have retained Dyfnwal's units of measurement.
Ingenius is a legendary king of the Britons as recounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth's pseudohistorical work Historia Regum Britanniae, written c. 1138 CE. Ingenius was the fourth son of King Morvidus and the brother of Gorbonianus, Archgallo, Elidurus, and Peredurus. He came to power in 317BC.
Catellus was a legendary king of the Britons, as recounted in Geoffrey of Monmouth's work Historia Regum Britanniae. He came to power in 269 BC.
Porrex II was a legendary king of the Britons as recounted in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae. He came to power in 257 BC.
Historia regum Britanniae, originally called De gestis Britonum, is a fictitious historical account of British history, written around 1136 by Geoffrey of Monmouth. It chronicles the lives of the kings of the Britons over the course of two thousand years, beginning with the Trojans founding the British nation and continuing until the Anglo-Saxons assumed control of much of Britain around the 7th century. It is one of the central pieces of the Matter of Britain.
Peredur is the name of a number of men from the boundaries of history and legend in sub-Roman Britain. The Peredur who is most familiar to a modern audience is the character who made his entrance as a knight in the Arthurian world of Middle Welsh prose literature.
Innogen is a character in the Historia Regum Britanniae and subsequent medieval British pseudo-history. She was said to have been a Greek princess, the daughter of King Pandrasus, and to have become Britain's first Queen consort as the wife of Brutus of Troy, the purported first king of Britain who was said to have lived around the 12th century BC. Her sons Locrinus, Camber, and Albanactus went on to rule Loegria, Cambria, and Alba respectively.
Guiderius is a legendary British king according to Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae and related texts. He can probably be identified as deriving from the historical Togodumnus.
Hafren is a legendary British princess who was drowned in the River Severn by her repudiated stepmother Gwendolen. The legend appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's pseudohistorical chronicle Historia Regum Britanniae. According to Geoffrey, Hafren is the eponym of the Severn, which bears one of Britain's most ancient river names.
Brut y Brenhinedd is a collection of variant Middle Welsh versions of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Latin Historia Regum Britanniae. About 60 versions survive, with the earliest dating to the mid-13th century. Adaptations of Geoffrey's Historia were extremely popular throughout Western Europe during the Middle Ages, but the Brut proved especially influential in medieval Wales, where it was largely regarded as an accurate account of the early history of the Celtic Britons.
Walter of Oxford was a cleric and writer. He served as archdeacon of Oxford in the 12th century. Walter was a friend of Geoffrey of Monmouth, who claimed he got his chief source for the Historia Regum Britanniae from Walter.
Gogmagog was a legendary giant in the Matter of Britain. According to Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, he was a giant inhabitant of Cornwall, who was thrown off a cliff during a wrestling match with Corineus.