A list of universities and colleges in Northern Cyprus. Northern Cyprus, officially the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is a state with limited recognition that comprises the northern portion of the island of Cyprus.
Name | District | Since | Name in Turkish | Webpage | Type |
Cyprus West University | Gazimağusa District | 2015 | Kıbrıs Batı Üniversitesi | cwu.edu.tr | Private |
American University of Cyprus | Lefkoşa District | 2014 | Kıbrıs Amerikan Üniversitesi | auc.edu.tr | Private |
Anadolu University Nicosia Campus | Lefkoşa District | 1982 | Anadolu Üniversitesi Lefkoşa Kampüsü | anadolu.edu.tr | Public - RoT |
Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design | Girne District | 2017 | Arkın Yaratıcı Sanatlar ve Tasarım Üniversitesi | arucad.edu.tr | Private |
Atatürk Teacher Training Academy | Lefkoşa District | 1937 | Atatürk Öğretmen Akademisi | aoa.edu.tr | Public |
Bahçeşehir Cyprus University | Lefkoşa District | 2017 | Bahçeşehir Kıbrıs Üniversitesi | baucyprus.edu.tr | Private |
University of City Island | Gazimağusa District | 2016 | Ada Kent Üniversitesi | adakent.edu.tr | Private |
Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University | Güzelyurt District | 2016 | Kıbrıs Sağlık ve Toplum Bilimleri Üniversitesi | kstu.edu.tr | Private |
Cyprus International University | Lefkoşa District | 1997 | Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi | ciu.edu.tr | Private |
Cyprus Science University | Girne District | 2013 | Kıbrıs İlim Üniversitesi | csu.edu.tr | Private |
Cyprus Social Sciences University | Lefkoşa District | 2015 | Kıbrıs Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi | kisbu.edu.tr | Private |
Eastern Mediterranean University | Gazimağusa District | 1979 | Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi | emu.edu.tr | Public |
European Leadership University | Gazimağusa District | 2017 | Avrupa Liderlik Üniversitesi | elu.edu.tr | Private |
European University of Lefke | Lefke District | 1989 | Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi | lefke.edu.tr | Public |
Final International University | Girne District | 2015 | Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi | final.edu.tr | Private |
Girne American University | Girne District | 1985 | Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi | gau.edu.tr | Private |
International Business Management School | Lefkoşa District | 2011 | Uluslararası İşletmecilik Meslek Okulu | bms.edu.tr | Private |
Istanbul Technical University TRNC Education-Research Campus | Gazimağusa District | 2011 | İTÜ-KKTC Eğitim-Araştırma Yerleşkeleri | kktc.itu.edu.tr | Public - RoT |
University of Kyrenia | Girne District | 2013 | Girne Üniversitesi | kyrenia.edu.tr | Private |
University of Mediterranean Karpasia | Lefkoşa District | 2012 | Akdeniz Karpaz Üniversitesi | akun.edu.tr | Private |
Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus | Güzelyurt District | 2005 | Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampüsü | ncc.metu.edu.tr | Public - RoT |
Near East University | Lefkoşa District | 1988 | Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi | neu.edu.tr | Private |
Netkent Mediterranean Research and Science University | Lefkoşa District | 2014 | Netkent Akdeniz Araştırma ve Bilim Üniversitesi | netkent.edu.tr | Private |
University of the West of Scotland | Lefkoşa District | 2016 | Batı İskoçya Üniversitesi, Kıbrıs | uwsincyprus.eu | Public - UK |
You can find the complete list of North Cyprus Universities on RocApply [1]
Name | District | Since | Name in Turkish | Webpage | Type |
Police School | Nicosia District | 1969 | Polis Okulu | polisokulu.gov.ct.tr | Public |
Öngel Cosmetology College | Nicosia District | 2006 | Öngel Kozmetoloji Koleji | ongelkolej.com | Private |
Cyprus, officially the Republic of Cyprus, is an island country in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It is geographically a part of West Asia, but its cultural ties and geopolitics are overwhelmingly Southeast European. Cyprus is the third largest and third-most populous island in the Mediterranean. It is east of Greece, north of Egypt, south of Turkey, and west of Lebanon and Syria. Its capital and largest city is Nicosia. The northeast portion of the island is de facto governed by the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Nicosia is the divided capital city of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus. It is the southeasternmost of all EU member states' capital cities.
Northern Cyprus, officially the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), is a de facto state that comprises the northeastern portion of the island of Cyprus. It is recognised only by Turkey, and its territory is considered by all other states to be part of the Republic of Cyprus.
The special territories of members of the European Economic Area (EEA) are the 32 special territories of EU member states and EFTA member states which, for historical, geographical, or political reasons, enjoy special status within or outside the European Union and the European Free Trade Association.
This is a list of the extreme points of the European Union — the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location.
Turkish Cypriots or Cypriot Turks are ethnic Turks originating from Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots are mainly Sunni Muslims. Following the Ottoman conquest of the island in 1571, about 30,000 Turkish settlers were given land once they arrived in Cyprus. Additionally, many of the island's local Christians converted to Islam during the early years of Ottoman rule. Nonetheless, the influx of mainly Muslim settlers to Cyprus continued intermittently until the end of the Ottoman period. Today, while Northern Cyprus is home to a significant part of the Turkish Cypriot population, the majority of Turkish Cypriots live abroad, forming the Turkish Cypriot diaspora. This diaspora came into existence after the Ottoman Empire transferred the control of the island to the British Empire, as many Turkish Cypriots emigrated primarily to Turkey and the United Kingdom for political and economic reasons.
North Nicosia or Northern Nicosia is the capital and largest city of the de facto state of Northern Cyprus. It is the northern part of the divided city of Nicosia, and is governed by the Nicosia Turkish Municipality. As of 2011, North Nicosia had a population of 61,378 and a metropolitan area with a population of 82,539.
Northern Cyprus nationality law governs the acquisition, transmission, and loss of Northern Cyprus citizenship. Naturalized Northern Cyprus citizens are persons granted citizenship by the de facto Government of Northern Cyprus, which is recognized only by Turkey.
The Turkish invasion of Cyprus began on 20 July 1974 and progressed in two phases over the following month. Taking place upon a background of intercommunal violence between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, and in response to a Greek junta-sponsored Cypriot coup d'état five days earlier, it led to the Turkish capture and occupation of the northern part of the island.
Ercan International Airport is the primary civilian airport of the Northern Cyprus. It is located about 13 km (8.1 mi) east of Nicosia, near the village of Tymbou. The airport currently only serves flights from and to Turkey, but it is fully compliant with international standards and able to handle direct flights from other destinations in the future.
Turkish Australians or Australian Turks are Australians who have emigrated from Turkey or who have Turkish ancestral origins.
This page list topics related to Cyprus.
Education in Northern Cyprus is organized by the Ministry of National Education and Culture. 5 years of primary education is mandatory. As of 2015, Kemal Dürüst is the Minister of National Education and Culture.
There are 29 sports federations in Northern Cyprus and 13,838 people registered in them as of 2008. Taekwondo-karate-aikido-kurash is the most popular sport with 6054 athletes. It is followed by association football, shooting and hunting.
Cyprus International University is an English-language private university in Northern Cyprus. It is located in the capital, North Nicosia and was established in 1997.
The Turkish settlers, also referred to as the Turkish immigrants, are a group of Turkish people from Turkey who have settled in Northern Cyprus since the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974. It is estimated that these settlers and their descendants now make up about half the population of Northern Cyprus. The vast majority of the Turkish settlers were given houses and land that legally belong to Greek Cypriots by the government of Northern Cyprus, who is solely recognised by Turkey. The group is heterogeneous in nature and is composed of various sub-groups, with varying degrees of integration. Mainland Turks are generally considered to be more conservative than the highly secularized Turkish Cypriots, and tend to be more in favor of a two-state Cyprus. However, not all settlers support nationalist policies.
An international embargo against Northern Cyprus is currently in place in several areas. The embargo is supported by the policy of the United Nations and its application by the European Union is in line with a European Court of Justice (ECJ) decision taken in 1994.
Life expectancy for men in Northern Cyprus is 78 years and for women 83 years.
The COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Cyprus was a part of the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.