List of winners of the National Jewish Book Award

Last updated

This is a list of the winners of the National Jewish Book Award by category. The awards were established in 1950 to recognize outstanding Jewish Literature. [1] [2] They are awarded by the Jewish Book Council, a New-York based non-profit organization dedicated to the support and promotion of Jewish literature since 1944. [2] [3] [4] [5]


American Jewish History

The awards in the American Jewish History category, Celebrate 350, are presented to authors or editors of non-fiction books about the Jewish experience in North America. [6]

American Jewish History Award winners [6]
2005 The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Jerome Karabel
2006Emma Lazarus Esther Schor
2007Spiritual Radical: Abraham Joshua Heschel in America, 1940-1972Edward K. Kaplan
2008Exiles on Main Street: Jewish American Writers and American Literary CultureJulian Levinson
2009We Remember with Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence after the Holocaust, 1945-1962 Hasia R. Diner [7]
2010The Rebbe: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson Samuel Heilman
2011The Benderly Boys and American Jewish EducationJonathan B. Krasner
2012Messianism, Secrecy and Mysticism: A New Interpretation of Early American Jewish Life Laura Arnold Leibman
2013 FDR and the Jews Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman [8]
2014The Rag Race: How Jews Sewed Their Way to Success in America and the British EmpireAdam D. Mendelsohn
2015Beyond Sectarianism: The Realignment of American Orthodox Judaism Adam S. Ferziger
2016Kosher USA: How Coke Became Kosher and Other Tales of Modern Food Roger Horowitz
2017Jews on the Frontier: Religion and Mobility in Nineteenth-Century AmericaShari Rabin
2018The New American Judaism: How Jews Practice Their Religion Today Jack Wertheimer [9]
2019The Foundations of American Jewish LiberalismKenneth D. Wald
2020The Art of the Jewish Family: A History of Women in Early New York in Five Objects Laura Arnold Leibman [10] [11]
2021 A Fortress in Brooklyn: Race, Real Estate, and the Making of Hasidic Williamsburg Nathaniel Deutsch and  Michael Casper [12]
2022American Shtetl: The Making of Kiryas Joel, a Hasidic Village in Upstate New YorkNomi M. Stolzenberg and David N. Myers [13]
2023Walkers in the City: Jewish Street Photographers of Midcentury New York Deborah Dash Moore [14]
2024A Cold War Exo­dus: How Amer­i­can Activists Mobi­lized to Free Sovi­et JewsShaul Kel­ner

Anthologies and Collections

The awards in the Anthologies and Collections category are presented to editors of books of essays, biographies, short stories, or other collected works by one or more authors. [15] The National Jewish Book Award in the Anthologies and Collections category was not awarded in 2014, 2017, 2018 and there was only one winner for the 2002-2003 period.

Anthologies and Collections award winners [15]
2002 - 2003Cultures of the Jews: A New History David Biale
2004I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl Judea Pearl
2005Who We Are: On Being (and Not Being) a Jewish American WriterDerek Rubin
2006Writing a Modern Jewish History: Essays in Honor of Salo W. Baron Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
2007Antisemitism: The Generic Hatred: Essays in Memory of Simon WiesenthalMichael Fineberg
2009Rethinking European Jewish HistoryJeremy Cohen
2010The Cambridge Guide to Jewish History, Religion, and CultureJudith Reesa Baskin
2011Gender and Jewish HistoryMarion A. Kaplan
2012Jewish Jocks: An Unorthodox Hall of Fame Franklin Foer
20131929: Mapping the Jewish World Hasia R. Diner
2015Dear Mendl, Dear Reyzl: Yiddish Letter Manuals from Russia and AmericaAlice Nakhimovsky
2016Makers of Jewish Modernity: Thinkers, Artists, Leaders, and the World They MadeJacques Picard
2019What We Talk about When We Talk about HebrewNaomi B. Sokoloff and Nancy E. Berg [16]

Autobiography and Memoir

The awards in the Autobiography and Memoir category, the Krauss Family Awards in Memory of Simon & Shulamith (Sofi) Goldberg, are presented to authors of a family history, autobiography, personal memoir either of a Jew or family of being significantly related to the Jewish experience. [17] There was no winner of the National Jewish Book Award in the Autobiography and Memoir category for 1987, 1988, 2002 to 2006. [17]

Autobiography and Memoir award winners [17] [18]
1984Ben-Gurion: Prophet of Fire Dan Kurzman [19]
1985Martin Buber's Life and Work: The Later Years, 1945-1965Maurice Friedman
1986Chaim Weizmann, The Making of a Zionist Leader Jehuda Reinharz [20] [21]
1989 Fear No Evil Natan Sharansky [22] [23] [24] [25]
1990From That Place and Time: A Memoir, 1938-1947 Lucy S. Dawidowicz [26] [27]
1991Daydreams and Nightmares: Reflections on a Harlem Childhood Irving Louis Horowitz [28]
1992Mostly Morganthaus: A Family History Henry Morgenthau III
1993On Clowns: The Dictator and the Artist Judea Pearl [29] [30] [30] [31]
1994A Spy in Canaan: My Life As a Jewish-American Businessman Spying for Israel in Arab LandsHoward H. Schack
1995In This Dark House: A MemoirLouise Kehoe
1996 Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood Binjamin Wilkomirski [32] [33] [34]
1997Miriam's Kitchen: A Memoir Elizabeth Ehrlich
1998Jacob, Menachem und Mimoun. Ein Familienepos Marcel Bénabou [35]
1999King David's Harp: Autobiographical Essays by Jewish Latin American WritersStephen A. Sadow
2000A Scholar's Odyssey Cyrus H. Gordon
2001The Rebbe's DaughterMalkah Shapiro
2007A Guest in My Own Country: A Hungarian Life George Konrad [36] [18] [37] [38]
2008Marie Syrkin: Values Beyond the SelfCarole S. Kessner
2009The Fall of a Sparrow: The Life and Times of Abba Kovner Dina Porat
2010The Man On Devil’s Island Ruth Harris
2011 MetaMaus: A Look Inside a Modern Classic, Maus Art Spiegelman [39] [40]
2012Howard Fast: Life and Literature in the Left Lane Gerald Sorin
2013An American Bride in Kabul: A Memoir Phyllis Chesler [41] [42] [43]
2014The Impossible Exile: Stefan Zweig at the End of the WorldGeorge Prochnik
2015After the Holocaust the Bells Still RingJoseph Polak
2016But You Did Not Come Back: A Memoir Marceline Loridan-Ivens [44] [45] [46] [47]
2017The Choice Edith Eger
2018My Country, My Life: Fighting for Israel, Searching for Peace Ehud Barak
2019Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love Dani Shapiro [48] [49] [50]
2020When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father’s War and What RemainsAriana Neumann
2021The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir Sherry Turkle
2022Chosen: A Memoir of Stolen BoyhoodStephen Mills
2023Happily: A Personal History-with Fairy TalesSabrina Orah Mark [14]
2024The Gates of Gaza: A Sto­ry of Betray­al, Sur­vival and Hope on Israel’s Borderlands Amir Tibon


The awards in the Biography category, In Memory of Sara Berenson Stone, are presented to authors of a biography that is significantly related to the Jewish experience. [51] There were no winners of the National Jewish Book Award in the Biography category between 1986 and 2018. [51]

Biography award winners [51]
1984Ben-Gurion: Prophet of Fire Dan Kurzman [52] [53]
1985Martin Buber's Life and Work: The Later Years, 1945-1965Maurice Friedman [54]
1986Chaim Weizmann, The Making of a Zionist Leader Jehuda Reinharz [55]
2018Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel’s ClassroomAriel Burger [56]
2019Touched with Fire: Morris B. Abram and the Battle against Racial and Religious DiscriminationDavid E. Lowe
2020From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish HistoryNancy Sinkoff
2021To Repair a Broken World: The Life of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah Dvora Hacohen
2022The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World Jonathan Freedland
2023Bruno Schulz: An Artist, a Murder, and the Hijacking of History Benjamin Balint [14]
2024Leonard Cohen: The Man Who Saw the Angels FallChristophe Lebold

Biography and Autobiography

Biography and Autobiography award winners [57]
2005Ester and Ruzya: How My Grandmothers Survived Hitler's War and Stalin's Peace Masha Gessen [58] [59] [60]
2006 The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million Daniel Mendelsohn [61] [62]

Book Club Award

The awards in the Book Club Award category, the Miller Family Awards in Memory of Helen Dunn Weinstein and June Keit Miller, are presented to authors of an outstanding work of fiction or nonfiction that inspires meaningful conversation about Jewish life, identity, practice, or history. [63]

Book Club Award winners [63]
2016And After the Fire Lauren Belfer [64] [65]
2017The Weight of Ink Rachel Kadish [66] [67]
2018The Girl from BerlinRichard H. Balson
2019 The World That We Knew Alice Hoffman [68] [69]
2020The Lost ShtetlMax Gross
2021The Hidden Palace Helene Wecker
2022ShaynaMiriam Ruth Black
2023 The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store James McBride [14]
2024The Last DekrepitzerHoward Langer

Children's and young adults' literature

Children's and young adults' literature award winners [70]
2004Wonders and Miracles: A Passover Companion Eric A. Kimmel [71] [72] [73]
2005Real Time Pnina Moed Kass [74]
2006 The Book Thief Markus Zusak [75] [76] [77]
2007Homeland: The Illustrated History of the State of Israel Marv Wolfman
2008The Diary of Laura's Twin Kathy Kacer
2009The Other Half of Life: A Novel Based on the True Story of the MS St. LouisKim Ablon Whitney
2010 Under a Red Sky: Memoir of a Childhood in Communist Romania Haya Leah Molnar [78]
2011Deadly Julie Chibbaro [79]
2012Meet at the Ark at EightUlrich Hub [80]
2013The War within These Walls Aline Sax [81]
2014Spinoza: The Outcast ThinkerDevra Lehmann [82]

Children's Literature

The awards in the Children's Literature category are presented to authors (or editors) and illustrators of a Jewish-themed children book (age 0 to 11 years old). [83]   The name the awards were known by changed on several occasions over the years: [83]

There was no National Jewish Book Award for the Children's Literature category in 1956, 1957, 1968, 1969 and for the years 2004 to 2014. In 1970, there were two winners of the National Jewish Book Award in the Children's Literature category and only one winner for the 2002-2003 period. [83]

Children's Literature award winners [83]
1952 All-of-a-Kind Family Sydney Taylor Helen John [84] [85] [86]
1953Stories of King David Lillian S. Freehof [87]
1954The Jewish People: Book III Deborah Pessin
1958The Junior Jewish EncyclopediaNaomi Ben-Asher and Hayim Leaf
1959Border Hawk: August Bondi Lloyd Alexander Bernard Krigstein [88]
1960Keys to a Magic Door: Isaac Leib PeretzSylvia Rothchild
1961Discovering IsraelRegina To
1962Ten and a Kid Sadie Rose Weilerstein
1963Return to FreedomJosephine Kamm
1964A Boy of Old Prague Sulamith Ish-Kishor Ben Shahn
1965Worlds Lost and Found: Discoveries in Biblical ArcheologyAzriel Louis Eisenberg and Dov Peretz ElkinsCharles Pickard [89]
1966The Dreyfus AffairBetty Schechter
1967The Story of Israel Meyer Levin
1970Martin Buber: Wisdom in Our Time; The Story of an Outstanding Jewish Thinker and HumanistCharlie May Simon
1970The Story of Masadah, by Yigael Yadin: Retold for Young ReadersGerald Gottlieb
1971Journey to America Sonia Levitin Charles Robinson [90]
1972The Master of Miracle: A New Novel of the Golem Sulamith Ish-Kishor Arnold Lobel
1973 The Upstairs Room Johanna Reiss [91] [92]
1974Uncle Misha's PartisansYuri Suhl
1975The Holocaust: A History of Courage and ResistanceBea Stadtler and Morrison David BialDavid S. Martin
1976Haym Salomon Liberty's SonShirley Gorson Milgrim
1977Rifka Grows UpChaya M. Burstein
1978Never to Forget: The Jews of the Holocaust Milton Meltzer [93] [94]
1980Dita Saxova Arnošt Lustig [95]
1981A Russian Farewell Leonard Everett Fisher
1982 The Night Journey Kathryn Lasky
1983King of the Seventh Grade Barbara Cohen [96]
1984The Jewish Kids CatalogChaya M. Burstein
1985Good If It Goes Gary Provost and Gail Levine-Friedus [97]
1986In Kindling Flame: The Story of Hannah Senesh, 1921-1944Linda Atkinson
1987Monday in Odessa Eileen Bluestone Sherman
1988The Return Sonia Levitin [98] [99]
1989 The Devil's Arithmetic Jane Yolen [100] [101]
1990 Number the Stars Lois Lowry [102] [103] [104]
1991Becoming Gershona Nava Semel and Seymour Simckes (trans.) [105]
1992The Man from the Other Side Uri Orlev   and Hillel Halkin, (trans.) [106]
1993 Letters from Rifka Karen Hesse
1994Golden Windows and Other Stories of Jerusalem Adèle Geras [107]
1995Under the Domim Tree Gila Almagor and Hillel Schenker [108]
1996Next Year in Jerusalem: 3000 Years of Jewish Stories Howard Schwartz
1997The Golem: A VersionBarbara Rogasky Trina Schart Hyman
1998Heeding the Call: Jewish Voices in America's Civil Rights Struggle Norman H. Finkelstein
1999With All My Heart, With All My Mind: Thirteen Stories About Growing Up JewishSandy Asher (ed.)
2000The Day the Rabbi Disappeared: Jewish Holiday Tales of Magic Howard Schwartz
2001Forged in Freedom: Shaping the Jewish-American Experience Norman H. Finkelstein
2002-2003Jewish Holidays All Year Round: A Family Treasury Ilene Cooper Elivia Savadier
2015Oskar and the Eight BlessingsTanya Simon and Richard Simon Mark Siegel [109] [110]
2016I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her MarkDebbie LevyElizabeth Baddeley [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116]
2017The Language of Angels Richard Michelson Karla Gudeon [117]
2018All Three StoogesErica S. Perl
2019Gittel’s Journey: An Ellis Island Story Lesléa Newman Amy June Bates [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [127]


Children's picture book

The awards in the Children's Picture Book category are presented to authors and illustrators. The award was known as the Marcia and Louis Posner Awardfrom 1989 to 1993 and as Louis Posner Memorial Award from 1994 to 2001 [128] There were no winners of the National Jewish Book Award in the Children's Picture Book category in 1984, 1995 and 1996. [128]

Children's Picture Book award winners [128]
1983Yussel's Prayer: A Yom Kippur Story Barbara Cohen
1985Mrs. Moskowitz and the Sabbath Candlesticks Amy Schwartz
1986Brothers: A Hebrew LegendFlorence B. Freedman Andrew Parker
1987Poems for Jewish HolidaysMyra LivingstonLloyd Bloom
1988Exodus Miriam Chaikin Charles Mikolaycak
1989Just Enough Is Plenty: A Hanukkah TaleBarbara Diamond Goldin Seymour Chwast [129]
1990BerchickEsther Silverstein BlancTennessee Dixon
1991Hanukkah!Roni SchotterMarylin Hafner
1992Chicken ManMichelle Edwards
1993Elijah's Angel: A Story for Chanukah and Christmas Michael J. Rosen Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson [130]
1994The Always Prayer Shawl Sheldon Oberman Ted Lewin
1997Marven of the Great North Woods Kathryn Lasky Kevin Hawkes
1998You Never Know: A Legend of the Lamed-vavniks Francine Prose Mark Podwal
1999 Joseph Had a Little Overcoat Simms Taback [131] [132]
2000Moishe's Miracle: A Hanukkah StoryLaura Krauss MelmedDavid Slonim
2001The Littlest PairSylvia RoussHolly Harmon
2023Two New YearsRichard HoLynn Scurfield [14]
2024Shar­ing ShalomDanielle SharkanSeli­na Alko

Contemporary Jewish life and practices

The awards in the Contemporary Jewish Life and Practices category are presented to authors of a non-fiction book about current tools and resources for Jewish living. The award was known as the Mimi Frank Award In Memory of Becky Levythe in 2002-2003 and as the Myra H. Kraft Memorial Awards since 2011. [133]

Contemporary Jewish Life and Practices award winners [133]
1988Mixed Blessings: Overcoming the Stumbling Blocks in an Interfaith Marriage Paul Cowan
1989Broken Alliance: The Turbulent Times Between Blacks and Jews in America Jonathan Kaufman
1990Prayer & Community: The Havurah in American JudaismRiv-Ellen Prell
1991Maintaining Consensus: The Canadian Jewish Polity in the Postwar WorldDaniel Judah Elazar
1992Tradition in a Rootless World: Women Turn to Orthodox Judaism Lynn Davidman
1993Against All Odds: Holocaust Survivors and the Successful Lives They Made in America William B. Helmreich
1994A People Divided: Judaism in Contemporary America Jack Wertheimer
2002To Do the Right and the Good: A Jewish Approach to Modern Social Ethics Elliot N. Dorff [134] [135]
2004The Blessing of a Broken Heart Sherri Mandell [136] [137] [138]
2005The Book of Customs: A Complete Handbook for the Jewish YearScott-martin Kosofsky
2006FRAGMENTED FAMILIES: Patterns of Estrangement and ReconciliationEllen Sucov
2007Inventing Jewish Ritual Vanessa L. Ochs [139] [140]
2008Conscience: The Duty to Obey and the Duty to Disobey Harold M. Schulweis [141] [142] [143]
2009Saving Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a War That May Never End Daniel Gordis [144] [145] [146] [147] [148]
2010Walking Israel: A Personal Search for the Soul of a Nation Martin Fletcher [149] [150]
2011A Guide to Jewish Practice, Vol. 1: Everyday Living David A. Teutsch
2012Davening: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Prayer Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
2013Kaddish: Women's VoicesMichal Smart
2015All Who Go Do Not Return: A Memoir Shulem Deen [151] [152] [153] [154]
2016Changing the World from the Inside Out: A Jewish Approach to Personal and Social Change David Jaffe [155] [156] [157]
2017The Torah of MusicJoey Weisenberg
2018The Going: A Meditation on Jewish LawLeon Wiener Dow
2019 How to Fight Anti-Semitism [158] [2] Bari Weiss
2020Judaism for the World: Reflections on God, Life, and Love Arthur Green
2021 People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present Dara Horn
2022On Repentance And Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World Danya Ruttenberg
2023Loving Our Own Bones: Disability Wisdom and the Spiritual Subversiveness of Knowing Ourselves WholeJulia Watts Belser [14]
2024The Mad­woman in the Rabbi’s Attic: Reread­ing the Women of the TalmudGila Fine

Contemporary Jewish thought and experience

The awards in the Contemporary Jewish thought and experience category, the Maurice Amado Foundation Award, are presented to authors of books about the contemporary Jewish experience.

Contemporary Jewish thought and experience award winner
2002-2003A Jew in America: My Life and A People's Struggle for Identity Arthur Hertzberg [159] [160] [161] [162] [163]

Debut fiction

The awards in the Debut Fiction category, the Goldberg Prizes, are presented to authors for their first published novel or short-story collection with Jewish content. The awards were known as the Foundation for Jewish Culture Goldberg Prize from 2011 to 2014. There were no prizes awarded from 2004 to 2009. [164]

Debut Fiction award winners [164]
2002-2003In the Image Dara Horn [165] [166]
2010Rich BoySharon Pomerantz
2011 Boxer, Beetle Ned Beauman [167] [168] [169] [170]
2012The Sensualist Daniel Torday
2013The Lion Seeker Kenneth Bonert [171] [172] [173]
2014The Mathematician's Shiva Stuart Rojstaczer [174] [175]
2015The BoatmakerJohn Benditt
2016 Anna and the Swallow Man Gavriel Savit
2017Barren IslandCarol Zoref
2018The Book of Dirt Bram Presser [176] [177] [178]
2019Naamah Sarah Blake [179] [180] [181]
2020Florence Adler Swims ForeverRachel Beanland
2021A Play for the End of the WorldJai Chakrabarti
2022AbominationAshley Goldberg
2023All-Night PharmacyRuth Madievsky [14]
2024The Safe­keep Yael van der Wouden

Eastern European studies

The awards in the Eastern European Studies category, the Ronald S. Lauder Awards, are presented to authors of books about Eastern Europe. There were no winners in this category in 2001, 2003, and 2004. [182]

Eastern European Studies award winners [182]
2000Polin: A Journal of Polish-Jewish Studies: Special Issue on Ethnic Stereotypes Antony Polonsky [183]
2002Stalin's Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee Joshua Rubenstein
2005The Jewish Century Yuri Slezkine [184] [185] [186]
2006Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generation's Life and Death in Marxism, 1918-1968 Marci Shore [187] [188] [189]
2007An Anthology of Jewish-Russian Literature: Two-Centuries of Dual Identity in Prose And Poetry Maxim Shrayer [190]

Education and Jewish identity

The awards in the Education and Jewish Identity category are presented to authors of nonfiction works, textbooks excluded, that focuses on the theory, history, or practice of Jewish education and identity. There were no winners in this category in 2007, 2009, and 2011. The award has been presented in memory of Dorothy Kripke since 2008. [191]

Education and Jewish Identity award winners [191]
2006Building Jewish Roots: The Israel ExperienceFaydra Shapiro
2008What We Now Know About Jewish EducationRoberta Louis Goodman
2010Sacred Strategies: Transforming Synagogues from Functional to VisionaryIsa Aron
2012Development, Learning, and Community: Educating for Identity in Pluralistic Jewish High SchoolsJeffrey Kress
2013Educating in the divine image : gender issues in Orthodox Jewish day schoolsChaya Rosenfeld Gorsetman
2015Pastrami on Rye: An Overstuffed History of the Jewish DeliTed Merwin
2016Next Generation Judaism: How College Students and Hillel Can Help Reinvent Jewish OrganizationsMike Uram
2017The Origin of the Jews: The Quest for Roots in a Rootless Age Steven Weitzman
2018The "Talmud": A Biography Barry Scott Wimpfheimer
2019Antisemitism: Here and Now Deborah Lipstadt [2] [192] [193]
2020Hebrew Infusion Sarah Bunin Benor , Jonathan B. Krasner and Sharon Avni
2021Jewish Cultural Studies Simon J. Bronner
2022My Second-Favorite CountrySivan Zakai
2023Israel 201: Your Next-Level Guide to the Magic, Mystery, and Chaos of Life in the Holy Land Joel Chasnoff and Benji Lovitt [14]
2024Uncom­fort­able Con­ver­sa­tions with a JewEmmanuel Acho and Noa Tish­by

English poetry

The awards in the English Poetry category are presented to the authors of Jewish poetry in English. There were no winners in this category from 1952 to 1958, in 1961, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1970 and from 1972 to 1976. At its inception, in 1951, the award was known as the Florence Dovner Memorial Poetry Award. From 1959 to 1977, it was known as the Harry and Florence Kovner Memorial Poetry Award. [194]

English poetry award winners [194]
1951Jerusalem Has Many FacesJudah Stampfer
1959Come Under the Wings: A Midrash on RuthGrace Goldin
1960The Spoken ChoiceAmy K. Blank
1962Works and Days and other Poems. Irving Feldman
1966The Darkening GreenRuth Finer Mintz
1969The Marriage Wig and Other Poems Ruth Whitman
1971Traveler through timeRuth Finer Mintz
1977From the Backyard of the Diaspora. Myra Sklarew

Jewish Book of the Year

The award for Jewish Book of the Year, the Everett Family Foundation Award, is presented to authors and editors of Jewish books. [195]

Jewish Book of the Year award winners [195]
2002 Six Days of War Michael B. Oren [196] [197] [198]
2004American Judaism: A History Jonathan D. Sarna [199] [200]
2005 A Tale of Love and Darkness Amos Oz [201] [202] [203] [204]
2006A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 1: You Shall Be Holy Joseph Telushkin [205]
2007How to Read the Bible: A Guide to Scripture, Then and Now James L. Kugel [206]
2008The Torah: A Women's Commentary Tamara Cohn Eskenazi
2009Louis D. Brandeis: A LifeMelvin Urofsky [207] [208] [209]
2010When They Come for Us, We'll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle to Save Soviet JewryGal Beckerman
2011 Jerusalem: The Biography Simon Sebag Montefiore [210] [211] [212]
2012City of Promises: A History of the Jews of New York Deborah Dash Moore [213] [214]
2013Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation Yossi Klein Halevi [215] [216] [217] [218]
2014Jewish Lives SeriesIleene Smith (editorial director)
2015Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel, 1917-1947 Bruce Hoffman [219] [220] [221]
2016 Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn Daniel Gordis [222] [223] [147] [148]
2017Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel Francine Klagsbrun [224] [225] [226]
2018Hunting the Truth: Memoirs of Beate and Serge Klarsfeld Beate Klarsfeld [227] [228] [229]
2019America's Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today Pamela Nadell [230] [231] [232]
2020Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times Joseph Telushkin
2021To Repair a Broken World: The Life of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah Dvora Hacohen
2022Koshersoul: The Faith and Food Journey of an African American Jew Michael W. Twitty [233]
2023Time’s Echo: The Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Music of Remembrance Jeremy Eichler [14]
202410/7: 100 Human StoriesLee Yaron


The JJ Greenberg Memorial Award, named after a former President of the Jewish Book Council, is awarded to authors of a novel or short-story collection of exemplary literary merit, with Jewish content. [234]

Fiction award winners [234]
1950The Wall John Hersey [235] [236]
1951The Son of the Lost Son Soma Morgenstern [237]
1952Quiet Street Zelda Popkin
1953The Juggler Michael Blankfort [238] [239]
1954In the Morning Light Charles Angoff [240]
1955Blessed Is The LandLouis Zara [241] [242] [243]
1957Raquel: The Jewess of Toledo Lion Feuchtwanger [244]
1958The Assistant Bernard Malamud
1960 Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories Philip Roth
1961The Human Season Edward Lewis Wallant
1962Wedding BandSamuel Yellen
1963 The Slave Isaac Bashevis Singer
1964The King's Persons Joanne Greenberg
1965The Town Beyond the Wall Elie Wiesel
1966The Stronghold Meyer Levin
1967The Well Chaim Grade
1969Memory of Autumn Charles Angoff
1970Waiting for the News Leo Litwak
1972 The Pagan Rabbi and Other Stories Cynthia Ozick
1973Somewhere Else Robert Kotlowitz
1974Judah the Pious Francine Prose
1975White Eagle, Dark SkiesJean Karsavina
1976Other People's LivesJohanna Kaplan
1977Bloodshed and Three Novellas Cynthia Ozick
1978 The Yeshiva Chaim Grade
1979Leah's JourneyGloria Goldreich
1980The Apathetic Bookie Joint Daniel Fuchs
1981O My America!Johanna Kaplan
1982Ellis Island and Other Stories Mark Helprin
1983Temple Robert Greenfield
1984An Admirable Woman Arthur A. Cohen
1985 Invisible Mending Frederick Busch
1986The Unloved: From the Diary of Perla S. (Jewish Lives) Arnošt Lustig
1988 The Counterlife Philip Roth
1989The Immortal Bartfuss Aharon Appelfeld
1990Five Seasons A. B. Yehoshua
1991 The Gift of Asher Lev Chaim Potok
1992Rosendorf Quartet Nathan Shaham
1993Mr. Mani A. B. Yehoshua
1994 The Prince of West End Avenue Alan Isler
1995Mazel Rebecca Goldstein
1996GangstersEvan Zimroth
1997 The Actual Saul Bellow
1998The Iron Tracks Aharon Appelfeld
1999The Wedding Jester Steve Stern
2000 The Human Stain Philip Roth
2001 Everything Is Illuminated Jonathan Safran Foer
2002-2003 The Russian Debutante's Handbook Gary Shteyngart
2004Portrait of My Mother, Who Posed Nude in Wartime: StoriesMarjorie Sandor
2005The Final Solution. A Story of Detection Michael Chabon
2006The World to Come Dara Horn
2007A Pigeon and a Boy Meir Shalev
2008Songs for the Butcher's Daughter Peter Manseau
2009Gratitude Joseph Kertes
2010 To the End of the Land David Grossman
2011Until the Dawn's Light Aharon Appelfeld
2012The Innocents Francesca Segal
2013Between Friends Amos Oz
2014The Betrayers David Bezmozgis
2014 To Rise Again at a Decent Hour Joshua Ferris
2015The Last Flight of Poxl West Daniel Torday
2016 The Gustav Sonata Rose Tremain
2017 A Horse Walks Into a Bar David Grossman
2018The Last Watchman of Old Cairo Michael David Lukas
2019Fly Already: Stories Etgar Keret [2] [245]
2020 Apeirogon Colum McCann
2021 The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family Joshua Cohen
2022Signal Fires Dani Shapiro
2023 The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store James McBride [14]
2024Songs for the Bro­ken­heart­ed Ayelet Tsabari

Food Writing and Cookbook

The awards in the Food Writing and Cookbook category, the Jane and Stuart Weitzman Family Award, are presented to authors of cookbooks or works of food writing that explores Jewish identity, history, and culture. [246]

Food Writing and Cookbook award winners [246]
2019Jewish Cuisine in Hungary. A Cultural History with 83 Authentic RecipesAndras Koerner [2]
2020Now for Something SweetMonday Morning Cooking Club
2021Bene Appétit: The Cuisine of Indian Jews Esther David
2022Cooking alla Giudia: A Celebration of the Jewish Food of ItalyBenedetta Jasmine Guetta
2023Kibbitz and Nosh: When We All Met At Dubrow's CafeteriaMarcia Bricker Halperin [14]
2024For­bid­den: A 3,000-Year His­to­ry of Jews and the PigJor­dan D. Rosenblum

Hebrew Fiction in Translation

Hebrew Fiction in Translation award winners [247]
2022LoveMaayan EitanMaayan Eitan
2023Operation BethlehemYariv InbarDalit Shmueli [14]
2024The Hebrew Teacher Maya Arad Jessica Cohen


The awards in the History category, the Gerrard and Ella Berman Memorial Award, are presented to authors of non-fiction books concerning Jewish history. [248]

History award winners [248]
2006Becoming Eichmann: Rethinking the Life, Crimes, and Trial of a "Desk Murderer" David Cesarani [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254]
2007Churchill's Promised Land: Zionism and StatecraftMichael Makovsky
2008 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War Benny Morris [255] [256] [257]
2009Family Properties: Race, Real Estate, and the Exploitation of Black Urban America Beryl Satter [258] [259]
2010Early Modern Jewry: A New Cultural History David B. Ruderman [260] [261]
2011The Anatomy of Israel's SurvivalHirsh Goodman
2012Israel: A History (The Schusterman Series in Israel Studies) Anita Shapira [262] [263]
2013My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel Ari Shavit [264] [265] [266] [267]
2014The Golden Age Shtetl: A New History of Jewish Life in East Europe Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern [268] [269] [270] [271]
2015Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama Dennis Ross [272]
2016The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel Uri Bar-Joseph [273] [274] [275] [276]
2017The Many Deaths of Jew Süss: The Notorious Trial and Execution of an Eighteenth-Century Court JewYair Mintzker
2018 Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations Ronen Bergman [277] [278] [279]
2019The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America Daniel Okrent [280] [281] [282] [283]
2020The Art of the Jewish Family: A History of Women in Early New York in Five Objects Laura Arnold Leibman
2021The House of Fragile Things: Jewish Art Collectors and the Fall of FranceJames McAuley
2022An Unchosen People: Jewish Political Reckoning in Interwar PolandKenneth B. Moss
2023Time’s Echo: The Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Music of RemembranceJeremy Eichler [14]
2024Read­ing Her­zl in Beirut: The PLO Effort to Know the EnemyJonathan Marc Gribetz


Holocaust award winners [284]
1966Analytical Franco-Jewish Gazetteer, 1939-1945 Zosa Szajkowski
1968And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight: The Eichmann Trial, Jewish Catastrophe, and Hannah Ahrendt's NarrorativeJacob Robinson
1969The Holocaust: the Destruction of European Jewry, 1933-1945 Nora Levin
1969The Story of the Jewish Catastrophe in Europe. Experimental Edition 1967Judah Pilch
1970Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre, (Fun Yiddishin Theater) YIDDISH ONLY Volume V OnlyZalme Zylberzweig
1972The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration & the Holocaust 1938-1945Henry L. Feingold
1975Judenrat : the Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe Under Nazi Occupation Isaiah Trunk
1976Jerusalem of Lithuania: illustrated and documetedLeyzer Ran
1978The Survivor: An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps Terrence Des Pres
1979Deliverance Day: The Last Hours at DachauMichael Selzer
1980Less Than Slaves: Jewish Forced Labor and the Quest for Compensation Benjamin B. Ferencz
1981The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary Randolph L. Braham
1982Vichy France and the Jews Michael R. Marrus
1983 None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948 Irving M. Abella
1984Quality of Witness: A Romanian Diary, 1937-1944 Emil Dorian
1985 The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941-1945 David S. Wyman
1987 The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide Robert Jay Lifton
1988The Italians and the Holocaust: Persecution, Rescue, and Survival Susan Zuccotti
1989Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold WarChristopher Simpson
1990A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw GhettoAbraham Lewin
1991The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 Leni Yahil
1992Women in the Holocaust Dalia Ofer
1993The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and MeaningJames E. Young
1994Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland Christopher R. Browning
1995We Are Children Just the Same: Vedem, the Secret Magazine by the Boys of TerezinPaul R. Wilson (trans.)
1996Auschwitz Debórah Dwork
1997The Years of Persecution: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1933-1939 Saul Friedländer [285]
1998Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi GermanyMarion A. Kaplan
1999Reading the Holocaust Inga Clendinnen
2000Hitler's Austria: Popular Sentiment in the Nazi Era, 1938-1945Evan Burr Bukey
2002-2003Resilience and Courage: Women, Men and the Holocaust Nechama Tec
2004The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942 Christopher R. Browning
2005History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier Deborah E. Lipstadt
2006 The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust Jeffrey Herf
2007Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State Götz Aly
2008The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest's Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews Patrick Desbois
2009 The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945, Volume 1, Early Camps, Youth Camps, and Concentration Camps and Subcamps under the SS-Business Administration Main Office (WVHA) (A & B) Geoffrey P. Megargee
2010Remembering Survival. Inside a Nazi Slave-labor Camp Christopher R. Browning
2011 Nazis on the Run: How Hitler's Henchmen Fled Justice Gerald Steinacher
2012Collect and Record!: Jewish Holocaust Documentation in Early Postwar Europe (Oxford Series on History and Archives)Laura Jockusch
2013The Geographical Encyclopedia of the Holocaust in Hungary Randolph L. Braham
2014Violins of Hope: Violins of the Holocaust--Instruments of Hope and Liberation in Mankind's Darkest HourJames A. Grymes [286]
2015The Crime and the Silence: Confronting the Massacre of Jews in Wartime Jedwabne Anna Bikont
2016Holocaust, Genocide, and the Law: A Quest for Justice in a Post-Holocaust World Michael Bazyler
2017The Book Smugglers: Partisans, Poets, and the Race to Save Jewish Treasures from the Nazis David E. Fishman [287] [288]
2018Anatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz Omer Bartov
2019The Unwanted: America, Auschwitz, and a Village Caught In BetweenMichael Dobbs
2020The Unanswered Letter: One Holocaust Family’s Desperate Plea for HelpFaris Cassell
2021The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed Wendy Lower
2022The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World Jonathan Freedland
2023Time’s Echo: The Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Music of RemembranceJeremy Eichler [14]
2024Occu­pied Words: What the Holo­caust Did to YiddishHan­nah Pollin-Galay

Holocaust Memoir Award

Holocaust Memoir award winners [289]
2022One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World Michael Frank [290]
2023The Ghost TattooTony Bernard [14]
2024War­saw Testament Samuel Kassow

Illustrated children's book

The awards in the Illustrated Children's Book category, the Louis Posner Memorial Awards, are presented jointly to authors and illustrators of Jewish illustrated children's book. [291]

Illustrated Children's Book award winners [291]
2004Luba: The Angel of Bergen-BelsenMichelle R. McCann and Luba Tryszynska-Frederick [292] [293]
2005The Travels of Benjamin of Tudela: Through Three Continents in the Twelfth Century Uri Shulevitz [294] [295] [296] [297]
2006The White Ram: A Story of Abraham and Isaac Mordicai Gerstein [298] [299]
2007Even HigherRichard Ungar [300]
2008The Mysterious Guests: A Sukkot Story Eric A. Kimmel Katya Krenina [301] [302] [303] [304]
2009JPS illustrated children's Bible Ellen Frankel Avi Katz
2010The Rooster Prince of BeslovAnn Redisch Stampler Eugene Yelchin [305] [306]
2011The Golem's Latkes Eric A. Kimmel Aaron Jasinski [307] [308] [302] [303]
2012The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other Sandy Eisenberg Sasso Joani Keller Rothenberg [309] [310] [311]
2013Hanukkah Bear Eric A. Kimmel Mike Wohnoutka [312] [302] [303]
2014The Patchwork Torah (Sukkot & Simchat Torah)Allison OfananskyElsa Oriol [313]


Israel award winners
1974The Question of Palestine: British-Jewish-Arab Relations 1914-1918Isaiah Friedman
1975 The Forgotten Friendship: Israel and the Soviet Bloc, 1947-53 Arnold Krammer
1976American Zionism from Herzl to the Holocaust Melvin I. Urofsky
1977A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time Howard Sachar [314]
1978Letters to an American Jewish friend: A Zionist's polemic Hillel Halkin
1979Raquela: A Woman of Israel Ruth Gruber
1980The Habima, Israel's National Theater, 1917-1977: A Study of Cultural NationalismEmanuel Levy [315]
1982Egypt and Israel Howard Sachar [314]
1983Among Lions: The Definitive Account of the 1967 Battle for JerusalemJ. Robert Moskin
1984Israel in the Mind of AmericaPeter Grose
1985 From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine Joan Peters
1986The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict: Making America's Middle East Policy, from Truman to ReaganSteven L. Spiegel
1987A Walker in Jerusalem Samuel C. Heilman
1988Ben-Gurion: The Burning Ground, 1886-1948 Shabtai Teveth
1989Stealing Home: Israel Bound and ReboundHaim Chertok
1990A Mandate for Terror: The United Nations and the PloHarris Okun Schoenberg
1991The Vatican and Zionism: Conflict in the Holy Land, 1895-1925Sergio I. Minerbi
1992The Road Not Taken: Early Arab-Israeli Negotiations Itamar Rabinovich
1993Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948 Anita Shapira
1994Elusive Prophet: Ahad Ha'am and the Origins of Zionism Steven J. Zipperstein
1995Beyond The Promised Land: Jews And Arabs On The Hard Road To A New Israel Glenn Frankel
1996The Controversy of Zion: Jewish Nationalism, the Jewish State, and the Unresolved Jewish Dilemma Geoffrey Wheatcroft
1997Rubber Bullets: Power and Conscience in Modern Israel Yaron Ezrahi
1998Israel's Place in the Middle East: A Pluralist PerspectiveNissim Rejwan
1999The Multiple Identities of the Middle East Bernard Lewis
2000One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate Tom Segev

Jewish education

The awards in the Jewish Education category, the Leon Jolson Awards, are presented to authors of books on the subject. [316]

Jewish Education award winners [316]
1994Studies in Jewish Education, volume 5 Educational Issues and Classical Jewish TextsHoward Deitcher and Abraham J. Tannenbaum
1997Succeeding at Jewish Education: How One Synagogue Made It Work Joseph B. Reimer [317]
1998First Fruit: A Whizin Anthology of Jewish Family EducationRonald Wolfson
1999Transmission and Transformation: A Jewish Perspective on Moral EducationCarol K. Ingall
2001Reclaiming GoodnessHanan Alexander
2004Textual Knowledge: Teaching the Bible in Theory and in PracticeBarry W. Holtz

Jewish family literature

The awards in the Jewish Family Literature category, in memory of Dorothy Kripke, are presented to authors of books on the subject. [318]

Jewish Family Literature award winners [318]
2005A Box of CandlesLaurie A. Jacobs
2006Lilith's Ark: Teenage Tales of Biblical Women Deborah Bodin Cohen
2007Power of Song: And Other Sephardic TalesRita Roth
2008Genesis-The Book With Seventy Faces: A Guide for the FamilyEsther Takac
2009Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Spring and Summer Holidays: Passover, Shavuot, The Omer, Tisha B'AvPaul Steinberg

Jewish folklore and anthropology

The awards in the Jewish folklore and anthropology category, the Raphael Patai Award, are presented to authors and editors of books on the subject. [319]

Jewish Folklore and Anthropology award winners [319]
1993Hasidic People: A Place in the New WorldJerome Mintz [320]
1994Folklore of the Sephardic Jews, volume III Samuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman
1995Chosen Tales: Stories Told by Jewish Storytellers Peninnah Schram

Jewish history

Jewish History award winners
1963The Promised City: New York's Jews, 1870-1914, Revised edition Moses Rischin
1973 A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, 768-900 Arthur J. Zuckerman
1974The Jews of Poland: A Social and Economic History of the Jewish Community in Poland from 1100 to 1800Bernard D. Weinryb
1976The Myth of the Jewish Race Raphael Patai
1977World of Our Fathers Irving Howe
1978On the Edge of Destruction : Jews of Poland between the Two World Wars Celia Stopnicka Heller
1980The Jews of Georgian England, 1714-1830: Tradition and Change in a Liberal Society Todd M. Endelman
1981Jewish Self-Government in Medieval Egypt: The Origins of the Office of Head of the Jews, Ca. 1065–1126 Mark R. Cohen
1982The World of a Renaissance Jew: The Life and Thought of Abraham Ben Mordecai Farissol David B. Ruderman
1983 Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi
1984Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews: The Transformation of Jewish society in Russia, 1825-1855 Michael Stanislawski
1985Encounter with Emancipation: The German Jews in the United States, 1830-1914Naomi Wiener Cohen
1986Religious Conflict in Social Context: The Resurgence of Orthodox Judaism in Frankfurt am Main, 1838-1877Robert Liberles
1987Power & Powerlessness in Jewish History David Biale
1988European Jewry and the First Crusade Robert Chazan
1989Response to Modernity: A History of the Reform Movement in Judaism Michael A. Meyer
1990The Road to Modern Jewish Politics: Political Tradition and Political Reconstruction in the Jewish Community of Tsarist RussiaEli Lederhendler
1991The Pursuit of Heresy: Rabbi Moses Hagiz and the Sabbatian Controversies Elisheva Carlebach Jofen
1992The Making of the Jewish Middle Class: Women, Family, and Identity in Imperial GermanyMarion A. Kaplan
1993Jews in Christian America: The Pursuit of Religious EqualityNaomi W. Cohen
1994Antisemitism in America Leonard Dinnerstein
1995The Wonders of America: Reinventing Jewish Culture 1880-1950Jenna Weissman Joselit
1996Founder of Hasidism: A Quest for the Historical Ba'al Shem Tov Moshe Rosman
1997German-Jewish History in Modern Times, volume 4: Renewal and Destruction, 1918–1945 Michael A. Meyer
1998Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation: Conversos and Community in Early Modern Amsterdam (The Modern Jewish Experience)Miriam Bodian
1999Berlin Metropolis: Jews and the New Culture, 1890-1918 [exhibition]Emily D. Bilski
2002 Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews: A History James Carroll
2002-2003Irving Howe: A Life of Passionate Dissent Gerald Sorin
2004And the Dead Shall RiseSteve Oney
2005Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430-1950 Mark Mazower

Jewish Thought

Jewish Thought award winners
1949Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Harry Austryn Wolfson
1950The Jews in Medieval Germany: A Study of Their Legal and Social StatusGuido Kisch
1964Judaism: Profile of a Faith Ben-Zion Bokser
1965Ancient Jewish PhilosophyIsrael Efros
1966The Higher Freedom: A New Turning Point in Jewish HistoryDavid Polish
1967Understanding Genesis Nahum M. Sarna
1968The Origins of the Modern Jew: Jewish Identity and European Culture in Germany, 1749-1824 Michael A. Meyer
1969Quest for Past and Future: Essays in Jewish Theology Emil L. Fackenheim
1970Israel: An Echo of Eternity Abraham Joshua Heschel
1971The Religion of Ethical Nationhood: Judaism's Contribution to World Peace Mordecai Menahem Kaplan
1972Jewish WorshipAbraham E. Millgram
1973Souls on Fire: Portraits and Legends of Hasidic Masters Elie Wiesel
1973Two Living Traditions: Essays on Religion and the BibleSamuel Sandmel
1974The Mask Jews Wear: The Self-Deceptions of American Jewry Eugene B. Borowitz
1975Major Themes in Modern Philosophies of Judaism Eliezer Berkovits
1976Contemporary Reform Responsa Solomon Bennett Freehof
1977Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest David Hartman
1978The Jewish Mind Raphael Patai
1979Love and Sex: A Modern Jewish Perspective Robert Gordis
1980Gershom Scholem: Kabbalah and Counter-History David Biale
1981Introduction to the Code of Maimonides Isadore Twersky
1982 The Art of Biblical Narrative Robert Alter
1983Hispano-Jewish Culture in Transition: The Career and Controversies of RamahBernard Septimus
1984Post-Holocaust Dialogues: Critical Studies in Modern Jewish Thought Steven T. Katz
1985Halakhic Man Joseph B. Soloveitchik
1986A Living Covenant: The Innovative Spirit in Traditional Judaism David Hartman
1987Galut: Modern Jewish Reflection on Homelessness and Homecoming Arnold M. Eisen
1988The Orphaned Adult: Confronting the Death of a Parent Marc D. Angel
1989Commandments and Concerns Michael Rosenak
1990Jewish Preaching, 1200-1800: An AnthologyMarc Saperstein
1991Sacred Fragments: Recovering Theology for the Modern Jew Neil Gillman
1992Freud's Moses: Judaism Terminable and Interminable Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi
1993Women as Ritual Experts Susan Starr Sered
1994The Kiss of God: Spiritual and Mystical Death in Judaism Michael Fishbane [321]
1996Moses and Civilization: The Meaning Behind Freud`s MythRobert A. Paul
1997Stalking Elijah: Adventures with Today's Jewish Mystical Masters Rodger Kamenetz
1998Engendering Judaism: An Inclusive Theology and Ethics Rachel Adler [322]
1999Religious Thought of Hasidism: Text and Commentary Norman Lamm
2000A Letter in the Scroll: Understanding Our Jewish Identity and Exploring the Legacy of the World's Oldest Religion Jonathan Sacks [323] [324]
2001When a Jew Dies: The Ethnography of a Bereaved Son Samuel C. Heilman

Jewish-Christian relations

The awards in the Jewish-Christian Relations category, the Charles H. Revson Foundation Awards, are presented to authors of books on the subject. [325]

Jewish-Christian Relations award winners [325]
1995Spiritual Pilgrimage: Texts on Jews and Judaism, 1979-1995 Pope John Paul II
1996The Mystery of Romans: The Jewish Context of Paul's LetterMark D. Nanos
1997The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara David I. Kertzer [326]
1998Abraham Geiger and the Jewish Jesus Susannah Heschel [327] [328]
1999Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews: A Jewish Life and the Emergence of Christianity Paula Fredriksen [329]
2000 Under His Very Windows: The Vatican and the Holocaust in Italy Susan Zuccotti [330] [331] [332]
2002Jazz Age Jews Michael Alexander [333] [334]

Mentorship Award

This award seeks to recognize individuals employed in traditional publishing or working independently as editors, agents, publicists, publishers, literary critics and have exhibited substantial engagement with Jewish authors.

Mentorship award winners [335]
2017 Gary Rosenblatt
2018 Susan Shapiro
2019Dena W. Neusner
2020Deborah Harris
2021Bonny V. Fetterman
2022 Ellen Frankel
2023Altie Karper
2024 Aaron Lansky

Middle Grade Literature

Middle Grade Literature award winners [336]
2020The Blackbird GirlsAnne Blankman
2021Linked Gordon Korman
2022The Prince of Steel PierStacy Nockowitz
2023The Dubious Pranks of Shaindy GoodmanMari Lowe [14]
2024Finn and Ezra’s Bar Mitz­vah Time LoopJoshua S. Levy

Modern Jewish thought and experience

Modern Jewish Thought and Experience award winners
2004The Zohar: Pritzker Edition volume 1 Daniel C. Matt
2006The Rabbi's Wife: The Rebbetzin in American Jewish Life Shuly Rubin Schwartz
2007My People's Prayer Book Series Lawrence A. Hoffman
2008Emil L. Fackenheim: A Jewish Philosopher's Response to the Holocaust (Philosophy) David Patterson
2009Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Jonathan Sacks
2010The Koren Mesorat Harav Kinot Joseph B. Soloveitchik
2011The Choice To Be: A Jewish Path to Self and SpiritualityJeremy Kagan
2012Koren Talmud Bavli, Vol. 1:Tractate Berakhot, Hebrew/English, Standard (Color) (English and Hebrew Edition) Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz
2013The Koren Pesah Mahzor = [Mahzor Koren le-Fesah] Jonathan Sacks [337]
2005After Emancipation: Jewish Religious Responses To ModernityDavid Harry Ellenson
2014Ani Tefilla Weekday Siddur: Ashkenaz (Hebrew/English Edition)Jay Goldmintz
2015Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence Jonathan Sacks
2018Does Judaism Condone Violence?: Holiness and Ethics in the Jewish Tradition Alan L. Mittleman
2019Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the SovietsElissa Bemporad
2020Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times Jonathan Sacks
2021Torah in a Time of Plague: Historical and Contemporary Jewish ResponsesErin Leib Smokler (ed.)
2022Figuring Jerusalem: Politics and Poetics in the Sacred Center Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi
2023The Eleventh Plague: Jews and Pandemics from the Bible to COVID-19Jeremy Brown [14]
2024Tablets Shat­tered: The End of an Amer­i­can Jew­ish Cen­tu­ry and the Future of Jew­ish LifeJoshua Leifer



Nonfiction award winners [338]
1995The Beginning of Desire Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg [339]
1996Shalom, Friend: The Life and Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin David Horovitz
1997Unfinished People: Eastern European Jews Encounter America Ruth Gay [340]
1998Kaddish Leon Wieseltier
1999Yosl Rakover Talks to God Zvi Kolitz
2000Jew vs. Jew: The Struggle for the Soul of American Jewry Samuel G. Freedman [341]
2001 Etz Hayim: Torah and Commentary David L. Lieber [342]



The awards in the Poetry category, the Berru Award in Memory of Ruth and Bernie Weinflash, are presented to authors of books of verse consisting primarily of poems of Jewish concern. [343]

Poetry award winners [343]
2005Everything is Burning: Poems Gerald Stern
2007The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492 Peter Cole
2009The Book of Seventy (Pitt Poetry Series) Alicia Ostriker
2011Wait: Poems C. K. Williams
2013Who Touches Everything Peter Waldor
2015Gabriel: A Poem Edward Hirsch [344]
2016"Almost Complete Poems" Stanley Moss
2017Waiting for the Light (Pitt Poetry Series) Alicia Ostriker [345]
2018Holy Moly Carry Me (American Poets Continuum) Erika Meitner
2019 Deaf Republic Ilya Kaminsky
2020Nautilus and Bone Lisa Richter
2021The Book of Anna Joy Ladin [346]
2022Today in the Taxi Sean Singer
2023When There Was LightCarlie Hoffman [14]
2024The Sto­ry of Your Obsti­nate SurvivalDaniel Kha­lastchi


References award winners [347]
1999The Hebrew Folktale: History, Genre, MeaningEli Yassif [348]
2000Reader's Guide to JudaismMichael Terry (ed.)
2002The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the HolocaustShmuel Spector (ed.-in-chief) and Geoffrey Wigoder (consulting ed.) [349]
2005Tree of Souls: The Mythology of Judaism Howard Schwartz
2007The Cambridge History of Judaism, Vol. 4: The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period Steven T. Katz


Scholarship award winners
1983The Friars and the Jews: Evolution of Medieval Anti-JudaismJeremy Cohen
1984A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza, Vol. IV: Daily Life Shelomo Dov Goitein
1985The Wars of the Lord (Vol. 1) Levi ben Gershom
1986Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel Michael Fishbane
1987Sifre: A Tannaitic Commentary on the Book of Deuteronomy Reuven Hammer
1988Medieval Jewish Seals from EuropeDaniel M. Friedenberg
1989Kabbalah: New Perspectives Moshe Idel
1990"Be Fertile and Increase, Fill the Earth and Master It": The Ancient and Medieval Career of a Biblical TextJeremy Cohen
1991History, Religion, and Antisemitism (Centennial Book) Gavin I. Langmuir
1992From Tradition to Commentary: Torah and Its Interpretation in the Midrash Sifre to DeuteronomySteven D. Fraade
1993Jewish Education and Society in the High Middle Ages Ephraim Kanarfogel
1994Jewish Law: History, Sources, Principles Menachem Elon
1995Through a Speculum That Shines Elliot R. Wolfson
1996Your Voice Like a Ram's Horn: Themes and Texts in Traditional Jewish PreachingMarc Saperstein
1997Revelation Restored: Divine Writ and Critical Responses David Weiss Halivni
1998Entering the High Holy Days: A Guide to Origins, Themes, and Prayers Reuven Hammer
1999Living Letters of the Law: Ideas of the Jew in Medieval ChristianityJeremy Cohen
2000The Modern Jewish Canon: A Journey through Language and Culture Ruth R. Wisse [350] [351]
2001Imperialism and Jewish Society: 200 B.C.E. to 640 C.E. Seth Schwartz
2002-2003The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies Martin Goodman
2004The Jewish Study Bible: Featuring the Jewish Publication Society Tanakh Translation Adele Berlin
2005Language, Eros, Being: Kabbalistic Hermeneutics and Poetic Imagination Elliot R. Wolfson
2006Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life Jon D. Levenson
2007Ben: Sonship and Jewish Mysticism Moshe Idel
2008The Kuzari and the Shaping of Jewish Identity, 1167-1900Adam Shear
2009Subversive Sequels in the Bible Judy Klitsner
2010From Continuity to Contiguity: Toward a New Jewish Literary Thinking (Stanford Studies in Jewish History and C) Dan Miron
2011Becoming the People of the Talmud: Oral Torah as Written Tradition in Medieval Jewish CulturesTalya Fishman
2012The Chosen Few: How Education Shaped Jewish History, 70-1492Maristella Botticini
2013Maimonides: Life and Thought Moshe Halbertal
2014Outside the Bible, 3-Volume Set: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture Louis H. Feldman , James L. Kugel and Lawrence H. Schiffman
2015What's Divine about Divine Law?: Early Perspectives Christine Hayes
2016Anti-Jewish Riots in the Crown of Aragon and the Royal Response 1391 – 1392Benjamin R. Gampel
2017Pious Irreverence: Confronting God in Rabbinic Judaism (Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion)Dov Weiss
2018Historical Atlas of Hasidism Marcin Wodziński
2019Rashi’s Commentary on the Torah: Canonization and Resistance in the Reception of a Jewish ClassicEric Lawee
2020Time and Difference in Rabbinic JudaismSarit Kattan Gribetz
2021Jews and Their Roman Rivals: Pagan Rome’s Challenge to Israel Katell Berthelot
2022The Heresy of Jacob Frank: From Jewish Messianism to Esoteric Myth Jay Michaelson
2023Fractured Tablets: Forgetfulness and Fallibility in Late Ancient Rabbinic CultureMira Balberg [14]
2024Baby­lon­ian Jews and Sasan­ian Impe­ri­al­ism in Late AntiquitySim­cha Gross

Sephardic and Ashkenazic Culture and Customs

The awards in the Sephardic and Ashkenazic Culture and Customs from 1997 to 2000, the Mimi Frank Award In Memory of Becky Levy, and in 2001, the Maurice Amado Foundation Award are presented to authors of books on the subjects. [352]

Sephardic and Ashkenazic Culture and Customs award winners [352]
1997The Book of Jewish Food: An Odyssey from Samarkand to New York Claudia Roden [353] [354]
1998A Time to Be BornMichele Klein
1999A Drizzle of Honey: The Life and Recipes of Spain's Secret JewsDavid M. Gitlitz and Linda Kay Davidson [355]
2000Synagogues Without JewsRivka Dorfman [356]
2001The Jewish Cultural TapestrySteven M. Lowenstein

Sephardic Culture

The awards in the Sephardic Culture category, the Mimi Frank Award In Memory of Becky Levy, are presented to authors and editors of books that explore the traditions and practices unique to Sephardic Jews. [357]

Sephardic Culture award winners [357]
2005The Schocken Book of Modern Sephardic Literature Ilan Stavans (ed.)
2006Folktales of the Jews, Vol. 1: Tales from the Sephardic Dispersion Dan Ben-Amos
2007Aromas of Aleppo: The Legendary Cuisine of Syrian JewsPoopa Dweck [358] [359] [360] [361]
2008Greece: A Jewish History Katherine Elizabeth Fleming
2009We Look Like the Enemy: The Hidden Story of Israel's Jews from Arab Lands Rachel Shabi
2010Yehuda Halevi (Jewish Encounters Series) Hillel Halkin
2011Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century PalestineMichelle Campos
2012Poverty and Welfare among the Portuguese Jews in Early Modern Amsterdam (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)Tirtsah Levie Bernfeld
2013Mixing Musics: Turkish Jewry and the Urban Landscape of a Sacred SongMaureen Jackson
2014Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History, 1700 – 1950Julia Phillips Cohen and Sarah Abrevaya Stein (eds.)
2015Double Diaspora in Sephardic Literature: Jewish Cultural Production Before and After 1492David A. Wacks [362]
2016Extraterritorial Dreams: European Citizenship, Sephardi Jews, and the Ottoman Twentieth Century Sarah Abrevaya Stein [363]
2017Across Legal Lines: Jews and Muslims in Modern Morocco Jessica M. Marglin
2018Dominion Built of Praise: Panegyric and Legitimacy Among Jews in the Medieval MediterraneanJonathan Decter [364] [365]
2019Lethal Provocation: The Constantine Murders and the Politics of French AlgeriaJoshua Cole
2020Forging Ties, Forging Passports: Migration and the Modern Sephardi DiasporaDevi Mays
2021The Memory Work of Jewish SpainDaniela Flesler and Adrián Pérez Melgosa
2022One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World Michael Frank
2023Kantika Elizabeth Graver [14]
2024Entwined Home­lands, Empow­ered Dias­po­ras: His­pan­ic Moroc­can Jews and Their Glob­al­iz­ing CommunityAvi­ad Moreno

Sephardic Studies

The awards in the Sephardic Studies category, the Maurice Amado Foundation Awards, were presented to authors and translators of Sephardic studies books from 1992 to 2000. In 2001, the award's name changed to the Jewish Book Council Award. [366]

Sephardic Studies award winners [366]
1992The Compunctious Poet: Cultural Ambiguity and Hebrew Poetry in Muslim Spain Ross Brann [367]
1993The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience Jane S. Gerber
1994North African Jewry in the Twentieth Century: The Jews of Morocco, Tunisia, and AlgeriaMichael M. Laskier
1995The Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth-Century Spain Benzion Netanyahu
1996Secrecy and Deceit: The Religion of Crypto-JewsDavid M. Gitlitz [368]
1998The Geonim of Babylonia and the Shaping of Medieval Jewish CultureRobert Brody
1999Heretics or Daughters of Israel?: The Crypto-Jewish Women of CastileRenee Levine Melammed
2000Reluctant Cosmopolitans: The Portuguese Jews Of Seventeenth-century AmsterdamDaniel M. Swetschinski
2001Book of Tahkemoni: Jewish Tales from Medieval Spain (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization) Judah Alharizi with David Simha Segal (trans.)

Visual Arts

Visual Arts award winners
1981Purim: The Face and the Mask Yeshiva University Museum
1982Art of the HolocaustJanet Blatter
1983Israel in Antiquity: From David to HerodAndrew S. Ackerman
1984 A Vanished World Roman Vishniac
1985The Rothschild Mahzor - Florence, 1492 Evelyn M. Cohen
1986Synagogues of Europe: Architecture, History, Meaning Carol Herselle Krinsky
1987Jewish Folk Art: From Biblical Days to Modern TimesJoy Ungerleider-Mayerson
1988The Jewish Image in American FilmLester D. Friedman
1989A Sign and a Witness: 2,000 Years of Hebrew Books and Illuminated ManuscriptsLeonard Singer Gold
1990The Jews in AmericaDavid Cohen
1991Ketubbah: Jewish Marriage Contracts of the Hebrew Union College Skirball Museum and Klau LibraryShalom Sabar
1992Painting a Place in America: Jewish Artists in New York, 1900-1945: A Tribute to the Educational Alliance Art School Norman L. Kleeblatt
1993The Jews: A Treasury of Art and LiteratureSharon R. Keller
1994Jewish Papercuts: A History and GuideJoseph Shadur
1995Jewish ArtGrace Cohen Grossman
1996And I Shall Dwell Among Them: Historic Synagogues of the World Neil Folberg [369]
1997Judaica at the Smithsonian : Cultural Politics as Cultural ModelGrace Cohen Grossman
2004Diaspora: Homelands in Exile (2 Volume Set) Frédéric Brenner
2005Jewish Women and Their Salons: The Power of Conversation (Jewish Museum)Emily D. Bilski
2007Gilded Lions and Jeweled Horses: The Synagogue to the Carousel, Jewish Carving TraditionsMurray Zimiles
2009Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning, and American Art, 1940-1976 Norman L. Kleeblatt
2011Alias Man Ray: The Art of Reinvention (Jewish Museum)Mason Klein
2013Kabbalah in Art and ArchitectureAlexander Gorlin
2015Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink: Jewish Illuminated Manuscripts Marc Michael Epstein
2017Arthur Szyk: Soldier in Art Irvin Ungar
2019Edith Halpert, The Downtown Gallery, and the Rise of American ArtRebecca Shaykin
2022Let There Be Light: The Real Story of Her Creation Liana Finck
2024101 Trea­sures from the Nation­al Library of IsraelRaquel Uke­les, Hezi Ami­ur, Yoel Finkel­man, Ste­fan Litt, and Samuel Thrope

Women's Studies

Women's Studies award winners
1998Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia (2-volume set) Paula E. Hyman
2000Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in IsraelSusan Martha Kahn
2002Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of Their Stories Tikva Frymer-Kensky
2004Gender and Israeli Society: Women's Time (Journal of Israeli History)Hannah Naveh
2005 The Modern Jewish Girl's Guide to Guilt Ruth Andrew Ellenson
2006Why Aren't Jewish Women Circumcised?: Gender and Covenant in Judaism Shaye J. D. Cohen
2007Feminism Encounters Traditional Judaism: Resistance and Accommodation Tova Hartman
2008A Jewish Woman's Prayer Book Aliza Lavie [370]
2009Mitzvah Girls: Bringing Up the Next Generation of Hasidic Jews in BrooklynAyala Fader
2010Memoirs of a Grandmother: Scenes from the Cultural History of the Jews of Russia in the Nineteenth Century, Volume One Pauline Wengeroff and Shulamit S. Magnus [371]
2011The JPS Bible Commentary: Ruth Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky
2012The Men's Section: Orthodox Jewish Men in an Egalitarian World Elana Maryles Sztokman
2013Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace: American Jewish Women's Activism, 1890-1940 Melissa R. Klapper
2014A Question of Tradition: Women Poets in Yiddish, 1586-1987 Kathryn Hellerstein
2015Birth, Sex and Abuse: Women's Voices Under Nazi RuleBeverley Chalmers
2016The Sacred Calling: Four Decades of Women in the RabbinateRebecca Einstein Schorr
2018Never a Native Alice Shalvi
2019Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement Naomi Seidman
2020The Art of the Jewish Family: A History of Women in Early New York in Five Objects Laura Arnold Leibman
2021The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s GhettosJudy Battalion
2022Biblical Women and Jewish Daily Life in the Middle Ages Elisheva Baumgarten
2023Between Two Worlds: Jewish War Brides after the HolocaustRobin Judd [14]
2024Holy Rebel­lion: Reli­gious Fem­i­nism and the Trans­for­ma­tion of Judaism and Wom­en’s Rights in IsraelRonit Irsahi and Tanya Zion-Wal­doks

Writing Based on Archival Material

Award for Writing Based on Archival Material winners
2008Robbing the Jews: The Confiscation of Jewish Property in the Holocaust, 1933-1945 Martin C. Dean
2009The Holocaust in the Soviet Union Yitzhak Arad
2010The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Jonathan Schneer
2011Odessa: Genius and Death in a City of Dreams Charles King
2012The History of the Holocaust in Romania Jean Ancel
2013Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in MinskElissa Bemporad
2014Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern EraJulia Phillips Cohen
2015The Burdens of Brotherhood: Jews and Muslims from North Africa to France Ethan B. Katz
2016Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece Devin E. Naar
2017Confessions of the Shtetl: Converts from Judaism in Imperial Russia, 1817 – 1906Ellie R. Schainker
2018Rescue Board: The Untold Story of America's Efforts to Save the Jews of EuropeRebecca Erbelding
2019A Mortuary of Books: The Rescue of Jewish Culture after the HolocaustElisabeth Gallas with Alex Skinner (trans.)
2020Blood Libel: On the Trail of an Antisemitic MythMagda Teter
2021International Jewish Humanitarianism in the Age of the Great WarJaclyn Granick
2022A "Jewish Marshall Plan": The American Jewish Presence in Post-Holocaust FranceLaura Hobson Faure
2023Between Two Worlds: Jewish War Brides after the HolocaustRobin Judd [14]
2024The Busi­ness of Tran­si­tion: Jew­ish and Greek Mer­chants of Saloni­ca from Ottoman to Greek RuleParis Papami­chos Chronakis

Yiddish Language and Culture

Yiddish Language and Culture award winners
1999Poyln: Jewish Life in the Old CountryMarek Web and Alter Kacyzne
2000The Moscow State Yiddish Theater: Jewish Culture on the Soviet StageJeffrey Veidlinger
2001Yiddish: A Nation of WordsMiriam Weinstein

Yiddish Literature

Yiddish Literature award winners
1980Tsṿishn shmeykhl un ṭrerPeretz Miransky
1981Pathways in Yiddish LiteratureHyman Bass
1982Never Say Die: A Thousand Years of Yiddish in Jewish Life and LettersJoshua A. Fisherman
1983Kanader TidisherZamlbukhChaim Spilberg and Yaacov Zippe
1984Tsu Di Himlen Arof Chaim Leib Fox
1985Fun Ash Un Fayer Iz Dayn KroynShea Tenebaum

Young Adult Literature

Young Adult Literature award winners
2015The Hired Girl Laura Amy Schlitz
2016On Blackberry HillRachel Mann
2017Refugee Alan Gratz
2019Someday We Will Fly Rachel DeWoskin
2020 The Way Back Gavriel Savit
2021Rebel DaughterLori Banov Kaufmann
2022It's My Whole Life: Charlotte Salomon: An Artist in Hiding During World War IISusan Wider
2023The Blood Years Elana K. Arnold [14]
2024Night OwlsA. R. Vishny


Uncategorized winners
1949 My Glorious Brothers Howard Fast
1959 Exodus Leon Uris
2019America's Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today Pamela Nadell

See also


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