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M-84 VS.jpg
Serbian Army M-84 tank
Type Main battle tank
Place of origin Yugoslavia
Service history
In service1985–present
Wars Persian Gulf War
Yugoslav Wars
Production history
Designer Military Technical Institute
Manufacturer Đuro Đaković
Produced1984‒1991 (Yugoslavia)
1991‒1999 (Serbia and Montenegro)
1992‒2003 (Croatia modernized version)
2004‒2020 (Serbia modernized version)
No. built~650
Mass41.5 tonnes
Length6.86 m (9.53m with the gun)
Width3.57 m
Height2.19 m
Crew3 (commander, gunner, driver)

Armor composite alloy; including high-hardness steel, glass-reinforced plastic, RHA steel, and either sand or granite in the front of turret (M-84A).
125 mm 2A46 smoothbore gun
1× 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun
1× 12.7mm anti-aircraft gun
5× smoke grenade launchers
Enginediesel V-46TK
1,000 hp (750 kW)
Power/weight24.10 hp/tonne
Suspension torsion bar
Fuel capacity1200 + 400l
700 km
Maximum speed 68 km/h

The M-84 is a Yugoslav main battle tank, a variant of the Soviet T-72 tank. The M-84 is still in service in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Kuwait.


Development and production


The M-84 is based on the Soviet T-72M, the export variant of T-72A, with many improvements, including a domestic fire-control system that the T-72M lacked, improved composite armor, and a 1,000-hp engine. [1] The M-84 entered service with the Yugoslav People's Army in 1984, and the improved M-84A version entered service a few years later. Other variants were introduced later, most being modernization packages.

Production in Yugoslavia

About 240 Yugoslav factories directly participated in the production of the M-84, and about 1,000 others participated indirectly. [2] The manufacturer was chosen by Josip Broz Tito to be the Đuro Đaković in Croatia, over other proposed manufacturers in Serbia: Goša FOM Smederevska Palanka and Mašinska Industrija Niš, at that time the biggest producers of locomotives and wagons in Yugoslavia. [3] The biggest manufacturers directly involved in production of the M84 main battle tank in SFR Yugoslavia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia among former republics were:

Production and development in Serbia


  • Military Technical Institute, Belgrade - primary designer of tanks, designer and developer of reactive armor and other armor, materials like high quality steel for armor, tank ammunition, tank engines, modernization suits and designer of tank crew training and simulation system - TOPOT [4]

Producers in Serbia

The M-84ASA, a Serbian version of the M-84, was unveiled in 2004. It has a new fire control system, Kontakt-5 ERA armor, AT-11 Sniper anti-tank missiles, Agava-2 thermal sight, and the Shtora defensive suite. It is very similar to the Russian T-90S in appearance and in capability. The latest prototype version from Serbia, M-84AS1, unveiled in 2017, has a new fire control system with domestic laser and radar warning system, RCWS 12.7mm and soft active protection suite with a new version of domestic explosive reactive armor (ERA). A later prototype of the same tank unveiled in 2020 has better-shaped ERA M19 reactive armour, some new situational awareness equipment, and new ammunition. [19]


About 150 M-84 tanks were exported to Kuwait. The disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s prevented further exports of the M-84. [1] Sales of the M84 including negotiations of contracts with foreign partners were done through Yugoimport SDPR, at that time acting as a Yugoslav state agency. Production and delivery was performed by Đuro Đaković.



The M-84A is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore cannon derived from the Soviet 2A46. The fume extractor positioned in the middle of the barrel is shielded with a thermal coating that minimizes deformation of the barrel from high temperatures and ensures it is cooled at the same rate during rapid firing. The M-84 uses an automatic loader, which enables it to sustain a firing rate of 8 rounds per minute.

The cannon's 40 rounds of ammunition are stowed in the hull of the tank beneath the turret. This concept was inherited from the original Soviet design for the T-72, and is both a strength and weakness of the tank. The lower hull beneath the turret is one of the least likely place to be hit and penetrated by antitank rounds or mines, but in the event of penetration and secondary detonation of the ammunition the crew and tank are unlikely to survive the resulting catastrophic explosion.

Along with its primary armament, the M-84 is also armed with one 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, and one 12.7mm anti-aircraft gun mounted on the commander's turret.

All versions of the M-84 have a crew of three. The commander sits on the right side of the turret, the gunner on the left, and the driver sits centrally at the front of the vehicle. Like most Soviet-derived vehicles, the M-84 series of tanks have an autoloader rather than a manual loader.


The basic tank has a cast steel turret with maximal thickness of 410mm; later, in the M-84A version, a segment made out of a non-metal, most likely rubber and boron carbide (see Chobham armour), was sandwiched between layers of steel. The glacis uses laminate armor, glass in plastic resin between two steel plates; in the A version a 16mm steel plate was welded on the glacis. Total armor protection ranges between 550mm-650mm for the glacis and 560mm-700mm for the turret. During the wars in Yugoslavia the M-84's frontal armor proved very effective against any type of AT threat.[ citation needed ] Side or rear hits often result in a catastrophic ammo explosion.

Twelve smoke grenades are positioned in front of the turret in banks of five and seven grenades. Night vision and gunner's sights are positioned on the top-right side of the turret. The M-84 has a searchlight used in short-range combat situations.

The M-84 tank has nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection capabilities.


The base M-84 engine is a 12-cylinder water-cooled V46-6 diesel engine, rated at 574 kW (780 hp). The improved M-84A has a more powerful, V46-TK 735 kW (1,000 hp) engine. With maximum fuel load of 1,200 litres the tank's range is 450 km, extendable to 650 km, with external fuel tanks.

The Croatian-made variants have enhanced power plants. The M-84A4 Sniper model has a German-built 820 kW (1,100 hp) engine, while the M-84D has an 895 kW (1,200 hp) engine, the most powerful of all M-84 variants. The M-84D also has greater fuel capacity (1,450 litres).

The tank can ford 1.2 meters of water, increasing to 5 meters with a snorkel.


Operational history

Desert Storm

Kuwaiti M-84 during Operation Desert Shield. Kuwaiti M-84, Operation Desert Storm.jpg
Kuwaiti M-84 during Operation Desert Shield.

Prior to the Persian Gulf War, Kuwait ordered 170 M-84ABs, 15 M-84ABI ARVs and 15 M-84ABK command tanks, from Yugoslavia. Four M-84A tanks were delivered; however, the Iraqi Army soon captured them after the occupation. Further deliveries were stopped for the duration of the war. The Kuwaiti 35th Al-Shaheed Armored Brigade was equipped with 70 M-84s. [1] During the retaking of the country, the 35th Brigade did not directly take part in battles with Iraqi tanks because of the M-84's similarity to Iraqi T-72 or Asad Babils. The M-84 was however very effective against T-62s and T-55s but some unconfirmed reports claim that a few of them were damaged, but recovered and repaired.

Yugoslav Wars


During the Ten-Day War, the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) attempted to regain control over border crossings, airports and other strategic positions in Slovenia. The Slovenian Territorial Defence had no armoured units of its own and JNA M-84s were commonly used to break through barricades. Slovenia inherited all the M-84s within its territory, once the ceasefire and Slovenia's independence was accepted.[ citation needed ]


The M-84 saw action in the Battle of Vukovar, where the JNA and Serbian forces deployed large columns of main battle tanks in urban areas without the adequate support of the infantry. Tanks and APCs found themselves extremely exposed and suffered significant losses mainly to RPGs. It was noted by anti tank crews that the M-84s were extremely durable in comparison to other vehicles fielded by the JNA. One account from a team in the Battle of Vukovar noted that a single M-84 took 5 rounds from various launchers and direction with a 6th only knocking out its engine forcing its crew to bail out (its main gun being destroyed by a "lucky" AT shot from an RPG-7).

Bosnia and Herzegovina

During the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina, M-84s saw little action, the mainstay of all three warring parties being the T-55. At the beginning of the war, JNA units stationed in Bosnia and Herzegovina had passed their equipment to the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS). The VRS had several dozen M-84s, with the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina managing to capture only three M-84s. A number of M-84 tanks were used during the Siege of Sarajevo, as well as during smaller localised conflicts. The number of M-84 tanks destroyed during the Bosnian war is unknown.

Preševo Valley

The M-84 was used by Yugoslav ground forces in Oraovica village during Insurgency in the Preševo Valley.


Map with M-84 operators in blue with former operators in red M-84 operators.png
Map with M-84 operators in blue with former operators in red
Croatian Army M-84A4 M-84 DanOSRH2011.JPG
Croatian Army M-84A4
Kuwaiti M-84AB Kuwaiti Tanks.JPEG
Kuwaiti M-84AB
Slovenian M-84 Slom84.jpg
Slovenian M-84

Current operators

Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia
Serbian M-84AS2 M84AS2.jpg
Serbian M-84AS2
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia

Former operators

Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (1992-2006).svg Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Flag of Yugoslavia (1992-2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006).svg Serbia and Montenegro
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1998).svg Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Flag of the Republika Srpska.svg  Republika Srpska
State Flag of Serbian Krajina (1991).svg Republic of Serbian Krajina

Flag of Macedonia (1992-1995).svg  Republic of Macedonia / Flag of North Macedonia.svg  Republic of Macedonia / Flag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia

Flag of Iraq (1963-1991).svg  Iraq

See also

Designation sequence

T-72 – M-84 – M-91 Vihor – M-84DM-95 Degman & M-84AS

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