Sheet 1 | | |
75°N,182°E | Polus magnetis. Hunc altero fine tabulae in sua latitudine repetitum vides, quemadmodum et reliquas descriptiones extremitates, quae hoc tabulae latus finiunt, quod ideo factum est ut utriusque termini ad alterum continuato clarius oculis subjecta esset. | Magnetic Pole. Ye see it repeated at the other end of the chart in the proper latitude as also the other extremities of the representation which terminate at this side of the chart; this was done in order that the continuity of each of the two ends with the other shall more clearly be set before your eyes. |
75°N,205°E | Deserta regio et plana in qua equi sylvestres sunt plurimi, et oves item sylvestres, quales Boethus in descriptione regni Scotiae narrat esse in una Hebridum insularum. | Desert and flat region in which are very many wild horses and also wild sheep such as Boece declares, in his description of the kingdom of Scotland, are to be found in one of the isles of the Hebrides. |
Sheet 2 | | |
64°N,275°E | Hic mare est dulcium aquarum, cujus terminum ignorari Canadenses ex relatu Saguenaiensium aiunt. | Here is the sea of sweet waters, of which, according to the report of the inhabitants of Saguenai, the Canadians say that the limits are unknown. |
56°N,290°E | Hoc fluvio facilior est navigatio in Saguenai. | By this river navigation towards Saguenai is easier. |
Sheet 3 | | |
70°N,300°E | Anno Domini 1500 Gaspar Corterealis Portogalensis navigavit ad has terras sperans a parte septentrionali invenire transitum ad insulas Moluccas, perveniens autem ad fluvium quem a devectis nivibus vocant Rio nevado, propter ingens frigus altius in septentrionem pergere destitit, perlustravit autem littora in meridiem usque ad C. Razo. | In the year of Our Lord 1500 Gaspar Corte-Real, a Portuguese, sailed towards these lands hoping to find, to the Northward, a passage towards the Molucca Isles, but coming near the river which, on account of the snow which it carries in its course, is called Rio Nevado, he abandoned the attempt to advance further North on account of the great cold, but followed the shore Southward as far as Cape Razo. |
70°N,300°E | Anno 1504 Britones primi ioveoerunt littora novae Franciae circa ostia sinus S. Laurentii. | In the year 1504 some Bretons first discovered the shores of New France about the mouth of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. |
70°N,300°E | Anno 1524 Joannes Verrazzanus Florentinus nomine regis Gall: Francisci primi ex portu Diepa profectus 17 Martii ad littus meridionale novae Fraciae pervenit circa 34 gradum latitud: atque inde versus orientem omne littus perlustravit usque ad Britonum promontorium. | In the year 1524 the Florentine, Giovanni Verrazzano, sailed in the name of the King of France, Francis I, on 17 March from the port of Dieppe, reached the south coast of New France in about the 34th degree of latitude and thence followed the whole coast to the eastward as far as the Cape of the Bretons. |
70°N,300°E | Anno 1534 duce classis Jacobo Cartier lustrata fuit nova Francia et proximo anno regi Galliae conquiri coepit. | In the year 1534, Jacques Cartier being leader of the fleet, New France was examined and, in the following year, its conquest for the King of France was undertaken. |
75°N,335°E | Groclant insula cujus incolae Suedi sunt origine. | Isle of Groclant the inhabitants of which are Swedes by origin. |
64°N,355°E | Hekelfort prom: perpetuo fumos saepe etiam flammas eructans | Hekelfort Promontory which continually vomits forth smoke and frequently even flames. |
58°N,345°E | Drogeo, Dus Cimes Callis. | Drogeo, the Dus Cimes of the French. |
Sheet 4 | | |
73°N,48°E | Semes saxum et promontorium, quod praetereuntes nautae projecto munere pacant ne tempestate obruantur. | The rock and promontory of Semes, which the seamen who double it appease by casting presents to it, in order that they shall not be victims of tempests. |
73°N,52°E | Swentinoz hoc est sacrum promontorium. Charybdis singulis sex horis aquas absorbeus ac magno cum sonitu revomens. | Swentinoz, that is the Sacred Promontory. Charybdis which every six hours engulfs the waters and then casts them forth with a terrible clamour. |
Sheet 5 | | |
70°N,95°E | Camenon poyas, hoc est orbis terrae cingulum mons, Hyperboreus veteribus, Riphaeus Plinio. | Camenon poyas, that is the mountain which serves as a belt for the Universe, the Hyperboreas of the ancients and the Ripheus of Pliny. |
68°N,115°E | Lytarnis primum Celticae promont: Plinio. | Lytarmis, according to Pliny, the first promontory of Celtica. |
62°N,112°E | Samogedi id est se mutuo comedentes. | Samogeds, that is the people who devour each other. |
60°N,105°E | Oby fluvius sesquidiei remigatione latus. | The River Oby the width of which is such that a day and a half is required to cross it in a rowing boat. |
59°N,105°E | Perosite ore angusto, odore coctae carnis vitam sustentant. | Perosite, with narrow mouths, who live on the odour of roast flesh. |
66°N,105°E | Per hunc sinum mare Caspium erumpere crediderunt Strabo, Dionysius poeta, Plinius, Solinus et Pomponius Mela, fortasse lacu illo non exiguo, qui Obi fluvium effundit, opinionem suggerente. | Strabo, the poet Dionysius, Pliny, Solinus and Pomponius Mela believed that the Caspian Sea opened out into this gulf, this idea being suggested perhaps by the somewhat vast lake from which the Obi River flows. |
Sheet 6 | | |
78°N,130°E | In septentrionalibus partibus Bargu insulae sunt, inquit M. Paulus Ven: lib.1, cap.61, quae tantum vergunt ad aquilonem, ut polus arcticus illis videatur ad meridiem deflectere. | In the northern parts of Bargu there are islands, so says Marco Polo, the Venetian, Bk.1, chap.61, which are so far to the north that the Arctic pole appears to them to deviate to the southward. |
77°N,175°E | Hic erit polus maguetis, si meridianus per insulam Corvi primus dici debeat. | It is here that the magnetic pole lies if the meridian which passes through the Isle of Corvo be considered as the first. |
72°N,170°E | Hic polum magnetis esse et perfectissimum magnetem qui reliquos ad se trahat certis rationibus colligitur, primo meridiano quem posui concesso . | From sure calculations it is here that lies the magnetic pole and the very perfect magnet which draws to itself all others, it being assumed that the prime meridian be where I have placed it. |
68°N,170°E | Hic in monte collocati sunt duo tubicines aerei, quos verisimile est Tartarorum in perpetuam vindicatae libertatis memoriam eo loci posuisse, qua per summos montes in tutiora loca commigrarunt. | At this place, on a mountain, are set two flute-players in bronze who probably were put here by the Tartars as an everlasting memorial of the attainment of their freedom at the place at which, by crossing some very high mountains, they entered countries where they found greater safety. |
59°N,160°E | Tenduc regnum in quo Christiani ex posteritate Presbiteri Joannis regnabant tempore M. Pauli Ven: anno D. I290. | The Kingdom of Tenduc over which Christian descendants of Prester John reigned in the time of Messer Polo, the Venetian, in the year 1280. |
Sheet 7 | | |
°N,°E | Nova Guinea quae ab Andrea Corsali Florentino videtur dici Terra de piccinacoli. Forte Iabadii insula est Ptolomeo si modo insula est, nam sitne insula an pars continentis australis ignotum adhuc est. | New Guinea which seemingly was called by Andrea Corsalis, the Florentine, the Land of the Dwarfs. Perchance it is the Isle of Jabadiu of Ptolemy if it really be an isle, for it is not yet known whether it be an isle or a part of the Southern Continent. |
°N,°E | Insulae duae infortunatae, sic a Magellano appellatae, quod nec homines nec victui apta haberent. | The two Unfortunate Isles, so called by Magellan, for that they held neither men nor victuals. |
Sheet 9 | | |
28°N,315°E | Anno D. 1492, 11 Octobris Christophorus Columbus novam Indian nomine regis Castellae detexit, prima terra quam conquisivit fuit Haiti. | In the year of Our Lord 1492 on 11 October Christopher Columbus, in the name of the King of Castille, discovered the New Indies. The first land conquered by him was Haiti. |
8°N,275°E | Maranon fluvius inventus fuit a Vincentio Yanez Pincon an: 1499, et an: 1542 totus a foutibus fere, ad ostia usque navigatus a Francisco Oregliana leucis 1660, mensibus 8, dulces in mari servat aquas usque ad 40 leucas. | The River Maranon was discovered by Vicente Yáñez Pinzón in 1499, and in 1542 it was descended in its entirety, almost from its sources to its mouth, by Francisco Oregliana, over a course of 1,660 leagues during 8 months. It maintains its sweet waters in the sea for 40 leagues from the coast. |
12°S,350°E | Portus regalis in quem Franci et Britanni mercatum navigant. | Port Royal to which the French and the English repair for trade. |
Sheet 11 | | |
55°N,110°E | Care desertum per quod in Cathaium eunt ac redeunt Tartari. | The desert of Cara by which the Tartars pass when going to Cathay or returning therefrom. |
52°N,115°E | Karakithay id est nigra Kathaya. | Karakithai, that is to say Black Cathay. |
40°N,115°E | Pamer altissima pars totius continentis. M. Paul Ven : lib.5 | Pamer, the highest part of the whole continent, M. Polo, the Venetian, Bk.9. |
45°N,85°E | Mare de Sala, vel de Bachu, Ruthenis Chualenske more, olim Casitum et Hircanum. | The Sala or Bachu Sea, the Chualenske more of the Ruthenians, formerly Caspian and Hircanian Sea. |
5°N,115°E | Zeilam insula Tearisim incolis dicta, Ptol : Nauigeris. | Isle of Zeilam called by the inhabitants Tenarisim, the Nanigeris of Ptolemy. |
8°N,88°E 5°S,110°E | Mare Rubrum quod et Aethiopicum Dionyso, juxta quem et Pomp: Melam ad Taprobauam usque extenditur. | The Red Sea which Dionysius calls also the Ethiopic Sea. According to Dionysius and Pom. Meta it extends as far as Taprobana. |
Sheet 12 | | |
55°N,165°E | Cianganor id est lacus albus forte eadem est Coccoranagora Ptol : | Cianganor, which is to say White Lake, perhaps the same as Ptolemy's Coccoranagora. |
50°N,175°E | Tamos promont: Melae, quod ab Orosio videtur dici Samara. | The Promontory of Tamos according to Mela, which seems to be called Samara by Orosius. |
47°N,137°E | Lacus salsus in quo margaritarum magna copia est. | Salt lake in which pearls exist in extreme abundance. |
38°N,127°E | Formicae hic aurum effodientes homines sunt. | Here there are men who unearth the gold of ants. |
42°N,155°E | Magnus sinus Ptol: Chrise Pliu: hodie mare Cin, a Cin regno (quod est Mangi) sic an apanitis appellato. | The Great Gulf of Ptolemy, the Chrise of Pliny, now Sea of Ci, thus called by the Japanese of the Kingdom Chin (namely Mangi). |
35°N,168°E | Japan dicta Zipangri a M. Paulo Veneto, olim Chrise. | Japan, called Zipagri by M. Polo the Venetian. Formerly Chrise. |
25°N,154°E | Bergatera insula a donde se haze la benjaga. | Bergatera Isle whence gum benjamin is got. |
18°N,163°E | Barussae insulae praecipuae sunt 5 istae Mindanao Cailon Subut cum reliquis duabus Circium versus, Sindae autem 3 praecipuae Celebes Gilolo et Ambon. | The principal Barusse Isles are the 5 following : Mindanao, Cailon, Subut and two others to the northwestward; the three principal Sinde isles are Celebes, Gilolo and Ambon. |
13°S,170°E | Moluccae vocantur 5 insulae ordine positae juxta Gilolo, quarum suprema Tarenate, sequentes deinceps Tidore Motir Machiam et infima Bachian. | Five islauds set in a row beside Gilolo are called Moluccas, the highest is Tarenata, thereafter come Tidore, Motir, Machiam and the lowest is Bachian. |
Sheet 13 | | |
74°N,190°E | LATIN | ENGLISH |
77°N,180°E | LATIN | ENGLISH |
80°N,220°E | Oceanus 19 ostiis inter has insulas irrumpens 4 euripos facit quibus indesinenter sub septentrionem fertur, atque ibi in viscera terrae absorbetur. Rupes quae polo est ambitum circiter 33 leucarum habet. | The ocean breaking through by 19 passages between these isles forms four arms of the sea by which, without cease, it is carried northward there being absorbed into the bowels of the Earth. The rock which is at the pole has a circumference of about 33 leagues. |
80°N,100°E | Hic euripus 5 habet ostia et propter angustiam ac celerem fluxum nunquam | This arm of the sea has five passages and, on account of its straitness and of the speed of the current it never freezes. |
80°N,350°E | Hic euripus 3 ingreditur ostiis et quotannis at 3 circiter menses congelatus manet, latitudinem habet 37 leucarum. | This arm of the sea enters by three passages and yearly remains frozen about 3 months; it has a width of 37 leagues. |
80°N,70°E | Pygmae hic habitant 4 ad summum pedes longi, quaemadmodum illi quos in Gronlandia Screlingers vocant. | Here live pygmies whose length is 4 feet, as are also those who are called the Skræling in Greenland. |
80°N,310°E | Haec insula optima est et saluberrima totius septentrionis. | This isle is the best and most salubrious of the whole Septentrion. |
Sheet 14 | | |
20°S,270°E | Hicuspiam longius intra mare in parallelo portus Hacari dicunt nonnulli Indi et Christiani esse insulas grandes et publica fama divites auro. | Somewhere about here further to seaward on the parallel of Port Hacari some Indians and Christians report that there are some large islands wherein, according to common report, gold abounds. |
40°S,295°E | Tale in his regionibus animal invenitur habens sub ventre receptaculum in quo tenellos fovet catulos, quos non nisi lactandi gratia promit. | In these parts an animal thus made is found, having under the belly a receptacle in which it keeps its young warm and takes them out but to suckle them. |
Sheet 15 | | |
18°S,340°E | Bresilia inventa a Portogallensibus anno 1504. | Brazil was discovered by the Portuguese in 1504. |
40°S,305°E | Indigenae passim per Indiam novam sunt antropophagi. | The natives of various parts of the New Indies are cannibals. |
45°S,315°E | Patagones gigantes, 1 et ad summum 13 spithamas longi. | Giant Patagonians, 11 and even 13 spans tall. |
Sheet 16 | | |
42°S,15°E | Hic in latitudine 42 gr: distantia 450 leucarum a capite bonae spei, et 6oo a promontorio S : Augustini inventum est promont: terrae australis ut annotavit Martinus Fernandus Denciso in sua Summa geographiae. | Here, in the 42nd degree of latitude, at a distance of 450 leagues from the Cape of Good Hope and 6oo from St. Augustin's Promontory, a headland of the Southern Lands was discovered, as stated by Martin Fernandez de Enciso in his Suma de Geographia. |
45°S,40°E | Psitacorum regio sic a Lusitanis huc lebegio vento appulsis, cum Callicutium peterent, appellata propter inauditam earum avium ibidem magnitudinem, porro cum hujus terrae littus ad 2000 miliarium prosecuti essent, necdum tamen finem invenerunt, unde australem continentem attigisse indubitatum est. | Region of the Parrots, so called by the Lusitanians, carried along by the libeccio when sailing towards Calicut, on account of the unprecedented size of these birds at that place. As they had followed the coast of this land unto the 2,000th mile without finding an end to it, there was no doubt but that they had reached the Southern Continent. |
Sheet 17 | | |
22°S,82°E | Haec insula quae ab incolis Madagascar, id est insula lunae, a nostris S. Laurentii vocatur, Plinio lib : 6 cap: 31 videtur esse Cerne, Ptol : est Menuthias. | This island, called by the inhabitants Madagascar, i.e. Isle of the Moon, is called by us St. Lawrence; it would appear to be the Cerne of Pliny, Bk.6, chapt.31, and the Menuthias of Ptolemy. |
37°S,85°E | Los Romeros insulae, in quibus Ruc avis vasto corpore certo anni tempore apparet. M. Paul Venet : lib:3 cap:40. | Los Romeros Isles in which, at a certain time of the year, the bird "Ruc" of vast body appears. Marco Polo, the Venetian, Bk.3, chapt.40. |
44°S,65°E | Vehemens admodum est fluxus maris versus ortum et occasum inter Madagascar et Romeros insulas, ita ut difficillima huc illinc sit navigatio, teste M.Paulo Ven: lib:3 cap:40, quare non admodum multum haec littora a Madagascar distare necesse est, ut contractiore alveo orientalis oceanus in occidentalem magno impetu se fundat et refundat. Astipulatur huic Cretici cujusdam Venetorum ad regem Portogalliae legati epistola, quae nudos hie degere viros habet. | Between Madagascar and Los Romeros Isles there is an extremely violent current of the sea in the East and West direction such that sailing therein is of great difficulty to go from the one to the others according to the testimony of M. Polo, the Venetian, Bk.3, chapt.40; hence necessarily these coasts cannot be very distant from Madagascar so that the eastern ocean should flow and spread through a more narrow bed into the western. This testimony is confirmed by the letter of a Cretan, the Ambassador of Venice to the King of Portugal, who says that naked men live there. |
Sheet 18 | | |
18°S,145°E | Beach provincia aurifera quam pauci ex alienis regionibus adeunt propter gentis inhumanitatem. | Beach, a province yielding gold, where few from foreign parts do come on account of the cruelty of the people. |
22°S,145°E | Maletur regnum in quo maxima est copia aromatum. | Maletur, a kingdom in which there is a great quantity of spices. |
28°S,164°E | Java minor producit varia aromata Europaeis nunquam visa, ut habet M.Paulus Ven : lib:3, cap:13. | Java Minor produces various spices which Europeans have never seen, thus saith Marco Polo, the Venetian, in Bk.3, Chapt.13. |