Miss International Puerto Rico

Last updated

Miss International Puerto Rico
Type Beauty pageant
Headquarters San Juan
Membership Miss International
Official language
Miguel Deliz

Miss International Puerto Rico (previously called Miss Puerto Rico) is a national beauty pageant in Puerto Rico.



The first Puerto Rican delegate in Miss International was Carmen Sara Látimer, sent in 1960. Since 1960, Puerto Rico has produced two winners (Laurie Simpson in 1987 and Valerie Hernandez in 2014), one 3rd runner-up and ten semi-finalists. The Miss Puerto Rico pageant had the Miss International franchise from 1960 to 1997, after a two-year hiatus, a new pageant was created called Miss Puerto Rico Turismo that sent representatives until 2007 when a new organization acquired the franchise (Creative Options Inc. – Fernando Oquendo Vega). Nuestra Belleza Puerto Rico acquired the License in 2016 - President Miguel Deliz.


The Miss International [1] pageant began in 1960 and since then Puerto Rico has had 15 representatives classify in the finals including: 2 winners, 1 runner-up and 12 semi-finalists.

Since 2016 - Currently, the copyright of Miss International Puerto Rico has been transferred to Nuestra Belleza Puerto Rico.

Color key

The winner of Miss International Puerto Rico represents her country at the Miss International. On occasion, when the winner does not qualify (due to age) for either contest, a runner-up is sent.

YearMiss International Puerto RicoPlacementSpecial Awards
2024 Zahira Marie Pérez Gerena
2023 Amanda Paola Pérez SolísTop 15
2022 Paola Gonzalez Torres
Due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, no competition held between 2020—2021
2019 Ivana Carolina Irizarry FritanyTop 15
2018 Yarelis Yvette Salgado Rodríguez
2017 Beverly Marie Rodríguez de León Did not compete
2016 Gabriela Berríos Pagán
Nuestra Belleza Puerto Rico is under a new organisation since 2016.
2015 Wilmary Monción Román
2014 Valerie Hernández Matías Miss International 2014
2013 Ashley Beth Pérez CalderónTop 15
2012 Ashley Michelle Ruiz Rodríguez
2011 Desiree Del Rio De Jesús3rd Runner-upMiss Active
2010 Aideliz Hidalgo Betances Top 15
2009 Mónica Cristina Pastrana González
2008 Miriam Pabón CarriónTop 12
2007 Haydil Rivera EscobalesTop 15
2006 Sharon Haydée Gómez DíazTop 12
2005 Dinorah Collazo
2004 Meredith Herrera Morales
2003 Dignelis Taymí Jiménez Hernández
2002 Mariela Lugo Marín
2001 Lorena Otero Pérez
2000 Rosiveliz Diaz Rodriguez
1998 Jacqueline NegrónDid not compete
1997 Ymak Farah Fagundo SotoTop 15
1996 Lydia Guzmán López
1995 Maria Del Rocío Arroyo Rivera
1994 Alice Marina Lee
1993 Brenda Esther Robles Cortés
1992 Dayanara TorresTop 15
1991 Lizaura Quiñones Torres
1990 Ana Rosa Brito Suárez
1989 Michele Cotto
1988 Yolanda Martínez
1987 Laurie Tamara Simpson Rivera Miss International 1987
1986 Elizabeth Robison LatalladiTop 15
1984 Sandra Beauchamp RocheDid not compete
1977 Marta HernándezMiss Photogenic
1976 Yvonne Torres GarcíaTop 15
1975 Gladys Salgado Castillo
1972 Miriam LópezMiss Congeniality
1971 Doris L. Morales
1968 Elsa Maria Schroeder Méndez
1967 Maria Felisa Seda
1965 Iraida Palacios
1964 Zoé Sandra Foy Santiago
1963 Aida Mercado CorderoTop 15
1962 Agnes Toro Garratón
1961 Ivette Monagas
1960 Carmen Sara Látimer
