Miss Austria

Last updated
Miss Austria Corporation
Miss Österreich
MISSion Austria
Type Beauty pageant
Headquarters Steyr
Official language
National Director
Kerstin Rigger
Website Official website

Miss Austria is a national Beauty pageant in Austria.



Began in 1929 the Miss Österreich managed by Illustriate Kronen Zeitug Agency. Since then the winner went to International Pageant of Pulchritude or famously called as Miss Universe. Lisl Goldarbeiter, Miss Austria 1929 of Vienna won the first International competition.

Note: In the pageant of Miss Austria, the first and second placed candidates of each federal state take part. So in the final there are 18 delegates from the 9 Bundesländer.

Franchise holders

The Miss Austria winner traditionally goes to Miss Universe and Miss World competitions, it sometimes could be allocated to Miss Europe. A Runner-up will take over if the winner does not qualify to represent Austria on World stage. In Schachermayer directorship between 2015 and 2017 the Miss Austria result divided into Top 3 classification winners. Before announcing the grand winner of Miss Austria, the Top 3 automatically awarded as Miss Earth Austria, Miss World Austria and lastly, Miss Universe Austria.

Number of wins under
Miss Austria
Miss Europe5
Miss World2
International Pageant of Pulchritude1
Miss Universe0
Miss International0
Miss Earth0
Here High Achievement from Miss Austria delegates between 1929 and 2013:
  • Miss Europe (1950, 1958, 1959, 1978, 1980) - Began 2006 the Miss Austria did not send a contestant to Miss Europe, after the organization absence for long time.
  • Miss International (1963, 1972, 1982) - Since 1995 Austria does not present representative at Miss International.
  • Miss World (1969, 1987)
  • Miss Earth (2013) - Began 2018 a delegate from Austria had selected by another franchise holder.
  • Miss Universe (1977)
  • International Pageant of Pulchritude (1929)


YearMiss AustriaProvince/StateNotes
1927 Hilde Ptack Vienna
1929 Lisl Goldarbeiter Vienna Miss Universe 1929
International Pageant of Pulchritude
1930Ingeborg von Grienberger Styria
1931Hertha van Haentjens Vienna
1948Ingrid Jonaszin Vienna
1949 Nadja Tiller Vienna
1950Hanni Schall Vienna Miss Europe 1950
1951 Nadja Tiller Vienna Did not compete
1952Inge Fröwis Vorarlberg
1953Lore Felger Wien
1954Sonja Waltraude Edelmann Vienna
1955Felicitas von Goebel Vienna
1956Traudl Eichinger Burgenland
1957Hannerl Melcher Vienna
1958Hanni Ehrenstrasser Vienna Miss Europe 1958
1959Christl Spazier [3] Vienna Miss Europe 1959
1960Luise Kammermeier Burgenland
1961Heidi Fischer Vienna
1962Dorli Lazek Vienna
1963Erika Kammbach Burgenland Did not compete
1964Evi Rieck Lower Austria Did not compete
1965Carin Schmidt Salzburg
1966Brigitte Krüger Salzburg
1967Christl Bartu [4] Vorarlberg
1968 Eva Rueber-Staier Styria Miss World 1969
1969Evi Kurtz Styria
1970Sonja Milnaric Tyrol Did not compete
1971Roswita WinklerLower AustriaDid not compete
1972Ursula Bacher [5] Carinthia
1973Roswitha Kobald [6] Styria
1974Evelyn Engleder Upper Austria
1975Rosemarie HolzschuhLower Austria
1976Heidi Passian Lower Austria
1977 Eva Maria Düringer Vorarlberg Miss Europe 1978
1978Doris Anwander Vorarlberg
1979Karin Zorn Styria Miss Europe 1980
1980Helga ScheidlLower AustriaDid not compete
1981Edda SchnellLower Austria
1982Elisabeth Kawan Styria
1983 Mercedes Stermitz Styria
1984Michaela Nußbaumer Vorarlberg
1985Elfride Heindl Styria Did not compete
1986Ulli Harb Styria Did not compete
1987Marielle Moosmann Vorarlberg Did not compete
1988Sabine Grundner Carinthia Did not compete
1989Nicole Natter Vorarlberg Did not compete
1990Susanne HausleitnerStyriaDid not compete
1991Christine HeissVorarlbergDid not compete
1992Tamara Mock Vorarlberg Did not compete
1993Jutta Mirnig Carinthia
1994Eva Medosch Vienna Did not compete
1995Dagmar Perl Styria Did not compete
1996Sonja Horner Upper Austria Did not compete
1997Susanne Nagele Tyrol
1998Sabine Lindorfer Upper Austria
1999Sandra Köbl Vorarlberg
2000Patricia Kaiser Upper Austria
2001Daniela Rockenschaub Upper Austria
2002Céline Roscheck Lower Austria Did not compete
2003Tanja Duhović Vienna Did not compete
2004Silvia Hackl Upper Austria Did not compete
2005Isabella Stangl Salzburg Did not compete
2006Tatjana Batinić Vienna
2007Christine Reiler Lower Austria
2008Marina Schneider Tyrol Did not compete
2009Anna Hammel Upper Austria
2010Valentina Schlager Carinthia Did not compete
2011Carmen Stamboli Vienna Did not compete
2012 Amina Dagi Vorarlberg
2013 Ena Kadic Tyrol
2014 Julia Furdea Upper Austria
2015Annika Grill Upper Austria
2016Dragana Stankovic Lower Austria
2017Celine Schrenk Lower Austria
2018Daniela Zivkov Upper Austria Dethroned
Did not compete
Izabela Ion Vorarlberg Successor
2019Larissa Robitschko Styria Did not compete
2021/2022Linda Lawal Upper Austria Did not compete
2023Valentina Bleckenwegner Upper Austria Did not compete

Big Four pageants representatives

The following women have represented Austria in the Big Four international beauty pageants, the four major international beauty pageants for women. [7] [8] These are Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Earth. [9] [10] [11]

Miss Universe Austria

  •   : Declared as Winner
  •   : Ended as runner-up or top 5/6 qualification
  •   : Ended as one of the finalists or semifinalists
  •   : Ended as special awards winner
The Miss Austria competes at Miss Universe pageant. Between 2005-2012, Austria did not participate at the Miss Universe pageant due to lack sponsorship. In 2013, Miss Austria Organization regained the license to compete at the Miss Universe pageant. In 2018, the organization returned the local franchise to the MUO organization.[ citation needed ]
YearProvinceMiss Universe AustriaPlacement at Miss UniverseSpecial AwardsNotes
2025 TBA
Did not compete between 2018—2024
2017 Lower Austria Celine SchrenkUnplaced
2016 Upper Austria Dajana DzinicUnplacedReceived the title of "Miss Universe Austria" in the Top 3 finale
2015 Vorarlberg Amina Dagi UnplacedAppointed as "Miss Universe Austria 2015" after the Miss Austria 2015 allocated to Miss World — Amina Dagi was Miss Austria 2012
2014 Upper Austria Julia Furdea Unplaced
2013 Upper Austria Doris Hofmann UnplacedSilvia Schachermayer Directorship
Did not compete between 2005—2012
2004 Vienna Daniela StriglUnplacedVladimir Kraljević (Miss Universe Croatia Organization) Directorship
Did not compete between 2000—2003
1999 Vienna Katja GiebnerUnplaced
Did not compete between 1994—1998
1993 Vienna Rosemary BrucknerUnplaced
1992 Vienna Karin FriedlUnplacedEmil Bauer Directorship
1991 Did not compete
1990 Vienna Sandra LuttenburgerUnplaced
1989 Vienna Bettina BergholdUnplaced
1988 Vienna Maria SteinhartUnplaced
1987 Vienna Kristina SebestyenUnplaced
1986 Vienna Manuela RedtenbacherUnplaced
1985 Vienna Martina HaidenUnplaced
1984 Vorarlberg Michaela NußbaumerUnplaced
1983 Styria Mercedes StermitzUnplaced
1982 Styria Elisabeth KawanUnplaced
1981 Vienna Gudrun GollobUnplaced
1980 Vienna Isabel Stefanie MullerUnplaced
1979 Styria Karin ZornUnplaced
1978 Vorarlberg Doris AnwanderUnplaced
1977 Vorarlberg Eva Düringer1st Runner-up
1976 Lower Austria Heidi PassianUnplaced
1975 Lower Austria Rosemarie HolzschuhUnplaced
1974 Upper Austria Evelyn EnglederUnplaced
1973 Styria Roswitha KobaldUnplaced
1972 Carinthia Ursula BacherUnplaced
1971 Vienna Edeltraud NeubauerUnplaced
1970 Vienna Evi Ifriede KurzUnplaced
1969 Styria Eva Rueber-Staier Top 12
1968 Salzburg Brigitte KrügerUnplaced
1967 Vorarlberg Christl BartuUnplaced
1966 Vienna Renate PolacekUnplaced
1965 Salzburg Carin SchmidtUnplaced
  • Miss Photogenic
1964 Vienna Gloria MackhUnplaced
1963 Vienna Gertraud BerglerTop 15
1962 Vienna Christa Linder Top 15
1961 Vorarlberg Ingrid BayerUnplaced
1960 Vienna Elizabeth Hodacs2nd Runner-up
1959 Vienna Christl SpazierUnplaced
1958 Did not compete
1957 Vienna Hannerl MelcherTop 16Erich Reindl Directorship
Did not compete between 1954—1956
1953 Vienna Lore FelgerTop 16Illustriate Kronen Zeitug Agency

Miss World Austria

  •   : Declared as Winner
  •   : Ended as runner-up or top 5/6 qualification
  •   : Ended as one of the finalists or semifinalists
  •   : Ended as special awards winner
YearProvinceMiss World AustriaPlacement at Miss WorldSpecial AwardsNotes
Did not compete since 2019—Present
2018 Vorarlberg Izabela IonUnplacedSelected as the new Miss Austria 2018; Ion previously placed as the 1st Runner-up
2017 Vienna Sarah ChvalaUnplacedReceived the title of "Miss World Austria" in the Top 3 finale
2016 Lower Austria Dragana StankovicUnplaced
2015 Upper Austria Annika GrillUnplaced
2014 Upper Austria Julia Furdea Unplaced
2013 Tyrol Ena Kadic Unplaced
2012 Vorarlberg Amina Dagi UnplacedLater Miss Universe Austria 2015
2011 Vienna Julia HoferUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
2010 Did not compete
2009 Upper Austria Anna HammelUnplaced
2008 Vienna Kathrin Krahfuss UnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
2007 Lower Austria Christine ReilerTop 16
2006 Vienna Tatjana BatinićUnplaced
Did not compete between 2002—2005
2001 Upper Austria Daniela RockenschaubUnplaced
2000 Upper Austria Patricia KaiserUnplaced
1999 Vorarlberg Sandra KöblUnplaced
1998 Upper Austria Sabine LindorferUnplaced
1997 Tyrol Susanne NageleUnplaced
1996 Vienna Bettina BuxbaumerUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1995 Vienna Elizabeth UnfriedUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1994 Vienna Bianca EngelUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1993 Carinthia Jutta MirnigUnplaced
1992 Vienna Kerstin KinbergUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1991 Vienna Andrea Isabella PfeifferUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1990 Vienna Carina FriedbergerUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1989 Vienna Marion AmannUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1988 Vienna Alexandra WerbanschitzTop 15Runner-up / Appointed
1987 Styria Ulla Weigerstorfer Miss World 1987 Runner-up / Appointed
1986 Vienna Chantal Schreiber2nd Runner-upRunner-up / Appointed
1985 Gabriele MaxonusUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1984 Upper Austria Heidemarie PilgerstorferTop 15Runner-up / Appointed
1983 Styria Mercedes StermitzTop 15
1982 Did not compete
1981 Vorarlberg Beatrix KopfUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1980 Sonya-Maria SchleppTop 15Runner-up / Appointed
1979 Styria Karin Zorn6th Runner-up
1978 Vorarlberg Doris AnwanderTop 15
1977 Vorarlberg Eva DüringerTop 15
1976 Monika MuhlbauerUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1975 Lower Austria Rosemarie HolzschuhUnplaced
1974 Upper Austria Evelyn EnglederUnplaced
1973 Roswitha KobaldUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1972 Carinthia Ursula Bacher3rd Runner-up
1971 Waltraud LucasTop 15Runner-up / Appointed
1970 Rosemarie ReschUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1969 Styria Eva Rueber-Staier Miss World 1969
1968 Brigitte KrügerTop 15
1967 Vorarlberg Christl BartuUnplaced
1966 Did not compete
1965 Ingrid KopetzkyUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1964 Vienna Dorli LazekUnplaced
1963 Sonja RussUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1962 Inge JaklinUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1961 Hella WolfsgruberTop 15Runner-up / Appointed
1960 Did not compete
1959 Helga KnofelUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1958 Did not compete
1957 Lilo FischerUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1956 Margaret ScherzUnplacedRunner-up / Appointed
1955 Vienna Felicitas von GoebelTop 15

Miss Earth Austria

  •   : Declared as Winner
  •   : Ended as runner-up or top 5/6 qualification
  •   : Ended as one of the finalists or semifinalists
  •   : Ended as special awards winner
Began 2016 Miss Earth Austria becomes a major title of Miss Austria Organization. In 2018 the Miss Earth Austria moved to another franchise holder.
YearProvinceMiss Earth AustriaPlacement at Miss EarthSpecial AwardsNotes
2017 Upper Austria Bianca KronsteinerUnplacedReceived the title of "Miss Earth Austria" in the Top 3 finale
2016 Lower Austria Kimberly BudinskyUnplacedReceived the title of "Miss Earth Austria" in the Top 3 finale

Different spelling of names:

  1. "Silvia Hackl: Sopherl hat oberste Priorität". www.oe24.at (in German). 13 August 2013. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
  2. "Miss Austria 2019: Larissa Robitschko" . Retrieved 12 July 2019.
  3. In lists of international contests the spelling Spatzier appears, moreover letter turnings as Spaitzer.
  4. In the participants' list of Miss World Christina Barth.
  5. In the participants' lists of Miss World, Universe und Europe Pacher.
  6. This way in all lists mentioned above. Miss Austria Corporation spells Roswita.
  7. Jun, Kwanwoo (3 December 2003). "Lost in Storm's Debris: A Beauty Pageant". The Wall Street Journal . Retrieved 9 November 2015.
  8. Kenya, News (15 July 2011). "Beauty with scandals". Standard Digital News . Retrieved 9 November 2015.{{cite news}}: |first= has generic name (help)
  9. Vietnam, News (8 October 2008). "Những scandal của Miss World". Vietnam Express . Retrieved 9 November 2015.{{cite news}}: |first= has generic name (help)
  10. Ibrahim, Lynda (13 September 2013). "The misses and missuses of the world". The Jakarta Post . Retrieved 9 November 2015.
  11. Lowe, Aya (25 January 2016). "Philippines' Miss Universe returns home, ignites dreams". Channel NewsAsia . Retrieved 25 January 2016.


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