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Temporal range: Kimmeridgian–Tithonian
Possible Berriasian record
Opisthias rarus Gilmore, 1909.jpg
Jaw of Opisthias rarus
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Rhynchocephalia
Clade: Opisthodontia
Genus: Opisthias
Gilmore 1909
Type species
Opisthias rarus
Gilmore, 1905 [1]

Opisthias is a genus of sphenodont reptile. The type species, Opisthias rarus, is known from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) of western North America. [2] [3]



Opisthias is primarily known from remains found in the Late Jurassic of the United States, with remains found in the Morrison Formation (Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming), [2] [3] [1] present in stratigraphic zones 2 and 4–6. [4] Other remains suggested to be closely related to Opisthias are also known from the Late Jurassic Alcobaça Formation of Portugal. [5] [6] A undescribed crushed skull (DINO 16454) from the Morrison Formaiton has been attributed to this genus by some sources, though this has been strongly disputed by others. [7]

A lower jaw is also known from the Berriasian aged Lulworth Formation of the United Kingdom, which appears to be distinct from the type North American species. [8] A fragmentary dentary possibly attributable to Opisthias is also known from the Berriasian aged Angeac-Charente bonebed in France. [9]


Opisthias has been interpreted as a generalist, with its tooth morphology indicating had an ability to process plant material. [10]

See also

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  1. 1 2 "Opisthias Gilmore 1909 (rhynchocephalian)". Paleobiology Database.
  2. 1 2 Foster J (2007). "Table 2.1: Fossil Vertebrates of the Morrison Formation.". Jurassic West: The Dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation and Their World. Indiana University Press. pp. 58–59.
  3. 1 2 Herrera-Flores, J.A.; Stubbs, T.L.; Sour-Tovar, F. (2022). "Redescription of the type specimens for the Late Jurassic rhynchocephalian Opisthias rarus and a new specimen of Theretairus antiquus from Quarry 9, Morrison Formation, Wyoming, USA". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 67 (3): 623–630. doi: 10.4202/app.00929.2021 .
  4. Foster J (2007). "Appendix". Jurassic West: The Dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation and Their World. Indiana University Press. pp. 327–329.
  5. Herrera-Flores JA, Stubbs TL (July 2018). "A re-evaluation of the taxonomy and diversity of the Late Jurassic sphenodontian Opisthias rarus Gilmore 1909 (Lepidosauria: Rhynchocephalia)[oral presentation]". 13th Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota.
  6. Malafaia, E.; Ortega, F.; Escaso, F.; Dantas, P.; Pimentel, N.; Gasulla, J. M.; Ribeiro, B.; Barriga, F.; Sanz, J. L. (2010). "Vertebrate fauna at the Allosaurus fossil-site of Andrés (Upper Jurassic), Pombal, Portugal". Journal of Iberian Geology. 36 (2): 193–204. Bibcode:2010JIbG...36..193M. doi: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2010.v36.n2.7 . ISSN   1698-6180.
  7. DeMar, David G.; Jones, Marc E. H.; Carrano, Matthew T. (2022-12-31). "A nearly complete skeleton of a new eusphenodontian from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Wyoming, USA, provides insight into the evolution and diversity of Rhynchocephalia (Reptilia: Lepidosauria)". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 20 (1): 2093139. doi: 10.1080/14772019.2022.2093139 . hdl: 2440/136608 . ISSN   1477-2019.
  8. Herrera-Flores J (2020). Randall C (ed.). "New insights on an enigmatic sphenodontian jaw from Dorset". Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. 141: 41–43.
  9. Ronan Allain, Romain Vullo, Lee Rozada, Jérémy Anquetin, Renaud Bourgeais, et al.. Vertebrate paleobiodiversity of the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Angeac-Charente Lagerstätte (southwestern France): implications for continental faunal turnover at the J/K boundary. Geodiversitas, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle Paris, In press. ffhal-03264773f
  10. Apesteguía S, Gómez RO, Rougier GW (October 2014). "The youngest South American rhynchocephalian, a survivor of the K/Pg extinction". Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 281 (1792): 20140811. doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.0811. PMC   4150314 . PMID   25143041.