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Super Dual Auroral Radar Network
Established1993;32 years ago (1993)
PurposeResearch of the Ionosphere
Affiliations Flag of Australia (converted).svg La Trobe University
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg University of Saskatchewan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg NSSC, CAS
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg PRIC
Flag of France.svg IRAP
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg British Antarctic Survey
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg University of Leicester
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Lancaster University
Flag of Italy.svg INAF
Flag of Japan.svg Nagoya University
Flag of Japan.svg NICT
Flag of Japan.svg NIPR
Flag of Norway.svg UNIS
Flag of South Africa.svg SANSA
Flag of South Africa.svg University of KwaZulu-Natal
Flag of the United States.svg Virginia Tech
Flag of the United States.svg Applied Physics Laboratory
Flag of the United States.svg Dartmouth College
Flag of the United States.svg University of Alaska Fairbanks
A SuperDARN radar site located in Saskatoon, Canada SuperDARN.jpg
A SuperDARN radar site located in Saskatoon, Canada

The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) is an international scientific radar network [1] [2] consisting of 35 [3] high frequency (HF) radars located in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. SuperDARN radars are primarily used to map high-latitude plasma convection in the F region of the ionosphere, but the radars are also used to study a wider range of geospace phenomena including field aligned currents, magnetic reconnection, geomagnetic storms and substorms, magnetospheric MHD waves, mesospheric winds via meteor ionization trails, and interhemispheric plasma convection asymmetries. [2]


The SuperDARN collaboration is composed of radars operated by JHU/APL, Virginia Tech, Dartmouth College, the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Leicester, Lancaster University, La Trobe University, the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory at Nagoya University, the British Antarctic Survey and the Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology (INAF-IAPS Italy).


In the 1970s and 1980s, the Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment (STARE) very high frequency (VHF) coherent scatter radars were used to study field aligned E region ionospheric irregularities. Using two radars with overlapping fields of view, it was possible to determine the 2D velocity vector of E region ionospheric plasma flow. [2] However, irregularities were only observed when the radar wavevector was perpendicular to the magnetic field in the scattering region.

This meant that there was a problem with operating at VHF since VHF frequencies don't allow for very much refraction of the transmitted radar wave vector; thus, the perpendicularity requirement could not be easily met at high latitudes. At HF frequencies, however, refraction of the radar wave vector is greater, and this allows for the perpendicularity requirement to be met at high latitudes. Refraction of radio waves in the ionosphere is a complicated non-linear phenomenon governed by the Appleton–Hartree equation.

In 1983, a steerable-beam HF radar with 16 log-periodic antennas began operations at Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada. [1] Comparing measurements of F region ionospheric plasma velocity from the Goose Bay radar with the Sondestrom Incoherent Scatter Radar revealed that the Goose Bay radar was capable of measuring the F region plasma convection velocity. A magnetically conjugate radar was constructed in Antarctica at Halley Research Station in 1988 as part of the Polar Anglo–American Conjugate Experiment (PACE). PACE provided simultaneous conjugate studies of ionospheric and magnetospheric phenomena. [2]

From PACE, which was only able to determine a single component of the 2D ionospheric velocity, it became apparent that determining the 2D ionospheric velocity would be advantageous. Combining velocity measurements from Goose Bay with a second coherent-scatter radar in Schefferville in 1989 allowed for a 2D determination of the F region ionospheric velocity.

This work led to SuperDARN, a network of HF radars with pairs of radars having overlapping fields of view. This arrangement allowed for the determination of the full 2D ionospheric plasma convection velocity. Due to the advancement of data assimilation models, radars recently added to the network do not necessarily have overlapping fields of view. Using data from all SuperDARN radars in the northern or southern hemisphere, an ionospheric plasma convection pattern—a map of high-latitude plasma velocity at F region altitudes (300 km)—can be determined. [2]

Primary Goals

The primary goals of SuperDARN are to determine or study:


SuperDARN radars operate in the HF band between 8.0  MHz (37 m) and 22.0 MHz (14 m). [2] In the standard operating mode each radar scans through 16 beams of azimuthal separation of ~3.24°, with a scan taking 1 min to complete (~3 seconds integration per beam).

Each beam is divided into 75 (or 100) range gates each 45 km in distance, and so in each full scan the radars each cover 52° in azimuth and over 3000 km in range; an area encompassing the order of 1 million square km.

The radars measure the Doppler velocity (and other related characteristics) of plasma density irregularities in the ionosphere.

Since Linux became popular, it has become the default operating system for the SuperDARN network. The operating system (superdarn-ros.3.6) is currently licensed under the LGPL).

SuperDARN sites

The following is a list of SuperDARN sites, based on a list maintained by Virginia Tech College of Engineering. [5]

As of 2009, an expansion project was underway for expanding the network into the middle latitudes, including the addition of sites in Hays, Kansas (near Fort Hays State University), Oregon, and the Azores, in order to support mapping outside of the auroral regions during large magnetic storms. [6]


PI Institute
Northern Hemisphere
Adak Island Eastade Flag of the United States.svg Adak Island, Alaska 51°53′34″N176°37′43″W / 51.8929°N 176.6285°W / 51.8929; -176.6285 46.0° Flag of the United States.svg University of Alaska Fairbanks
Adak Island Westadw 51°53′35″N176°37′52″W / 51.8931°N 176.6310°W / 51.8931; -176.6310 −28.0°
Blackstonebks Flag of the United States.svg Blackstone, Virginia 37°06′07″N77°57′01″W / 37.1019°N 77.9502°W / 37.1019; -77.9502 -40.0° Flag of the United States.svg Virginia Tech
Christmas Valley Eastcve Flag of the United States.svg Christmas Valley, Oregon 43°16′13″N120°21′24″W / 43.2703°N 120.3567°W / 43.2703; -120.3567 54.0° Flag of the United States.svg Dartmouth College
Christmas Valley Westcvw 43°16′15″N120°21′31″W / 43.2707°N 120.3585°W / 43.2707; -120.3585 −20.0°
Clyde Rivercly Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Clyde River, Nunavut 70°29′12″N68°30′13″W / 70.4867°N 68.5037°W / 70.4867; -68.5037 −55.6° Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg University of Saskatchewan
Fort Hays Eastfhe Flag of the United States.svg Hays, Kansas 38°51′31″N99°23′19″W / 38.8585°N 99.3886°W / 38.8585; -99.3886 45.0° Flag of the United States.svg Virginia Tech
Fort Hays Westfhw 38°51′32″N99°23′25″W / 38.8588°N 99.3904°W / 38.8588; -99.3904 −25.0°
Goose Baygbr Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador 53°19′04″N60°27′51″W / 53.3179°N 60.4642°W / 53.3179; -60.4642 5.0°
Hankasalmihan Flag of Finland.svg Hankasalmi 62°18′50″N26°36′19″E / 62.3140°N 26.6054°E / 62.3140; 26.6054 −12.0° Flag of the United Kingdom.svg University of Leicester
Hokkaido Easthok Flag of Japan.svg Rikubetsu, Hokkaido 43°31′54″N143°36′52″E / 43.5318°N 143.6144°E / 43.5318; 143.6144 25.0° Flag of Japan.svg Nagoya University
Hokkaido Westhkw 43°32′14″N143°36′27″E / 43.5372°N 143.6075°E / 43.5372; 143.6075 −30.0°
Iceland Eastice Flag of Iceland.svg Þykkvibær 63°46′28″N20°32′30″W / 63.7744°N 20.5416°W / 63.7744; -20.5416 23.0° Flag of the United States.svg Dartmouth College
Iceland Westicw 63°46′26″N20°32′45″W / 63.7740°N 20.5458°W / 63.7740; -20.5458 -52.0°
Inuvikinv Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Inuvik, Northwest Territories 68°24′46″N133°46′08″W / 68.4129°N 133.7690°W / 68.4129; -133.7690 26.4° Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg University of Saskatchewan
Jiamusi Eastjme Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Jiamusi, Heilongjiang 46°46′00″N130°29′09″E / 46.7666°N 130.4859°E / 46.7666; 130.4859 44.0° Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg NSSC, CAS
Kapuskasingkap Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Kapuskasing, Ontario 49°23′34″N82°19′19″W / 49.3929°N 82.3219°W / 49.3929; -82.3219 −12.0° Flag of the United States.svg Virginia Tech
King Salmonksr Flag of the United States.svg King Salmon, Alaska 58°41′30″N156°39′32″W / 58.6918°N 156.6588°W / 58.6918; -156.6588 −20.0° Flag of Japan.svg NICT
Kodiakkod Flag of the United States.svg Kodiak, Alaska 57°36′43″N152°11′29″W / 57.6119°N 152.1914°W / 57.6119; -152.1914 30.0° Flag of the United States.svg University of Alaska Fairbanks
Longyearbyenlyr Flag of Norway.svg Longyearbyen, Svalbard 78°09′13″N16°03′39″E / 78.1535°N 16.0607°E / 78.1535; 16.0607 23.7° Flag of Norway.svg UNIS
Þykkvibærpyk Flag of Iceland.svg Þykkvibær 63°46′22″N20°32′40″W / 63.7728°N 20.5445°W / 63.7728; -20.5445 30.0° Flag of the United Kingdom.svg University of Leicester
Prince Georgepgr Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Prince George, British Columbia 53°58′52″N122°35′31″W / 53.9812°N 122.5920°W / 53.9812; -122.5920 −5.0° Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg University of Saskatchewan
Rankin Inletrkn Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Rankin Inlet, Nunavut 62°49′41″N92°06′47″W / 62.8281°N 92.1130°W / 62.8281; -92.1130 5.7°
Saskatoonsas Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 52°09′26″N106°31′50″W / 52.1572°N 106.5305°W / 52.1572; -106.5305 23.1°
Scheffervillesch Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Schefferville, Quebec 54°48′N66°48′W / 54.8°N 66.8°W / 54.8; -66.8 15.0° Flag of France.svg CNRS/LPCE
Siziwang Eastsze Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Siziwang, Inner Mongolia 41°49′58″N111°56′01″E / 41.8327°N 111.9337°E / 41.8327; 111.9337 42.0° Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg NSSC, CAS
Siziwang Westszw 41°49′58″N111°55′51″E / 41.8327°N 111.9309°E / 41.8327; 111.9309 -36.0°
Stokkseyristo Flag of Iceland.svg Stokkseyri 63°51′37″N21°01′52″W / 63.8603°N 21.0310°W / 63.8603; -21.0310 −59.0° Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Lancaster University
Wallops Islandwal Flag of the United States.svg Wallops Island, Virginia 37°51′27″N75°30′36″W / 37.8576°N 75.5099°W / 37.8576; -75.5099 35.9° Flag of the United States.svg Applied Physics Laboratory
Southern Hemisphere
PI Institute
Buckland Parkbpk Flag of Australia (converted).svg Buckland Park, South Australia 34°37′37″S138°27′57″E / 34.6270°S 138.4658°E / -34.6270; 138.4658 146.5° Flag of Australia (converted).svg La Trobe University
Dome C Eastdce Blank flag.svg Concordia Station 75°05′24″S123°21′00″E / 75.090°S 123.350°E / -75.090; 123.350 115.0° Flag of Italy.svg INAF
Dome C Northdcn 75°05′10″S123°21′35″E / 75.086°S 123.3597°E / -75.086; 123.3597 -28.0°
Falkland Islandsfir Flag of the Falkland Islands.svg Falkland Islands 51°49′53″S58°58′45″W / 51.8314°S 58.9793°W / -51.8314; -58.9793 178.3° Flag of the United Kingdom.svg British Antarctic Survey
Halley*hal Blank flag.svg Halley Research Station 75°37′12″S26°13′09″W / 75.6200°S 26.2192°W / -75.6200; -26.2192 165.0°
Kerguelenker Flag of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands.svg Kerguelen Islands 49°21′03″S70°15′59″E / 49.3507°S 70.2665°E / -49.3507; 70.2665 168.0° Flag of France.svg IRAP/CNRS/IPEV
McMurdomcm Blank flag.svg McMurdo Station 77°50′15″S166°39′21″E / 77.8376°S 166.6559°E / -77.8376; 166.6559 300.0° Flag of the United States.svg University of Alaska Fairbanks
SANAE*san Blank flag.svg SANAE IV Station 71°40′37″S2°49′42″W / 71.6769°S 2.8282°W / -71.6769; -2.8282 173.2° Flag of South Africa.svg SANSA
South Polesps Blank flag.svg South Pole Station 89°59′42″S118°17′28″E / 89.995°S 118.291°E / -89.995; 118.291 75.7° Flag of the United States.svg University of Alaska Fairbanks
Syowa East*sye Blank flag.svg Showa Station 69°00′31″S39°36′01″E / 69.0085°S 39.6003°E / -69.0085; 39.6003 106.5° Flag of Japan.svg NIPR
Syowa South*sys 69°00′39″S39°35′24″E / 69.0108°S 39.5900°E / -69.0108; 39.5900 159.0°
Tigertig Flag of Australia (converted).svg Bruny Island, Tasmania 43°23′59″S147°12′58″E / 43.3998°S 147.2162°E / -43.3998; 147.2162 180.0° Flag of Australia (converted).svg La Trobe University
Unwinunw Flag of New Zealand.svg Awarua, near Invercargill 46°30′47″S168°22′34″E / 46.5131°S 168.3762°E / -46.5131; 168.3762 227.9°
Zhongshanzho Blank flag.svg Zhongshan Station 69°22′36″S76°22′05″E / 69.3766°S 76.3681°E / -69.3766; 76.3681 72.5° Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg PRIC

*: Part of the Southern Hemisphere Auroral Radar Experiment


Northern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere

Annual SuperDARN Workshops

Each year the SuperDARN scientific community gather to discuss SuperDARN science, operations, hardware, software and other SuperDARN related issues. Traditionally, this workshop has been hosted by one of the SuperDARN PI groups, often at their home institution, or at another location such as a site close to a radar installation. A list of the SuperDARN workshop locations and their host institutions is provided below:

YearVenueHost Institution
2025Blacksburg, Virginia, USAVirginia Polytechnic Institute of Technology (VT)
2024Beijing, ChinaNational Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2023Drakensburg, South AfricaUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal
2022OnlineNational Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2021OnlineUniversity of Saskatchewan
2020OnlineUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal
2019Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi, JapanNational Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
2018Banyuls-sur-Mer, FranceL'Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP)
2017San Quirico D'Orcia, Siena, ItalyInstitute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology (IAPS) of the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)
2016Fairbanks, Alaska, USAGeophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
2015Leicester, UKRadio and Space Plasma Physics Group (RSPP), University of Leicester
2014Longyearbyen, Svalbard, NorwayThe University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)
2013Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, CanadaUniversity of Saskatchewan
2012Shanghai, ChinaPolar Research Institute of China
2011Hanover, New Hampshire, USADartmouth College
2010Hermanus, South AfricaSANSA Space Science (previously the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory, HMO)
2009Cargèse, Corsica, FranceLe Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
2008Newcastle, New South Wales, AustraliaSchool of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle
2007Abashiri, Hokkaido, JapanInstitute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University
2006Chincoteague, USAJohns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
2005Cumbria, UKBritish Antarctic Survey (BAS)
2004Saskatoon, CanadaUniversity of Saskatchewan
2003Kiljava, Finland
2002Valdez, Alaska, USAGeophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
2001Venice, Italy
2000Beechworth, Victoria, AustraliaLa Trobe University
1999Reykjavik, Iceland
1998Tokyo, JapanNational Institute of Polar Research (NIPR)
1997Ithala Game Reserve, South Africa
1996Ellicott City, MD, USA
1995Madingley Hall, Cambridge, UK

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In the height region between about 85 and 200 km altitude on Earth, the ionospheric plasma is electrically conducting. Atmospheric tidal winds due to differential solar heating or due to gravitational lunar forcing move the ionospheric plasma against the geomagnetic field lines thus generating electric fields and currents just like a dynamo coil moving against magnetic field lines. That region is therefore called ionospheric dynamo region. The magnetic manifestation of these electric currents on the ground can be observed during magnetospheric quiet conditions. They are called Sq-variations and L-variations (L=lunar) of the geomagnetic field. Additional electric currents are generated by the varying magnetospheric electric convection field. These are the DP1-currents and the polar DP2-currents. Finally, a polar-ring current has been derived from the observations which depends on the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field. These geomagnetic variations belong to the so-called external part of the geomagnetic field. Their amplitudes reach at most about 1% of the main internal geomagnetic field Bo.

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  1. 1 2 Greenwald, R.A. (1 February 1995). "DARN/SuperDARN". Space Science Reviews. 71 (1–4): 761–796. Bibcode:1995SSRv...71..761G. doi:10.1007/BF00751350. S2CID   197458551.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chisham, G. (1 January 2007). "A decade of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN): scientific achievements, new techniques and future directions". Surveys in Geophysics. 28 (1): 33–109. Bibcode:2007SGeo...28...33C. doi: 10.1007/s10712-007-9017-8 .
  3. Ruohoniemi, M.J. "VT SuperDARN Home: Virginia Tech SuperDARN" . Retrieved 23 February 2015.
  4. "Gravity wave", Wikipedia, 8 December 2022, retrieved 17 February 2023
  5. "Radar Information". Virginia Tech . Retrieved 3 January 2025.
  6. "APL Part of International Team Expanding Space Weather Radar Network". Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. 30 August 2009. Retrieved 7 January 2015.
  7. "SuperDARN Workshop 2016". SuperDARN Workshop 2016. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Retrieved 10 August 2016.

Research papers

Research papers related to SuperDARN and related technologies

Real time display of SuperDarn radar

Each participating university should be listed here. As these are ongoing research sites, these links are subject to change.

Northern Hemisphere Stations

Southern Hemisphere Stations