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Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Archaea
Kingdom: Euryarchaeota
Class: Thermoplasmata
Order: Thermoplasmatales
Family: Thermoplasmataceae
Genus: Thermoplasma
Darland et al. 1970
Type species
Thermoplasma acidophilum
Darland et al. 1970

In taxonomy, Thermoplasma is a genus of the Thermoplasmataceae. [1]


Thermoplasma is a genus of archaea. It belongs to the Thermoplasmata, which thrive in acidic and high-temperature environments. Thermoplasma are facultative anaerobes and respire using sulfur and organic carbon. They do not contain a cell wall but instead contain a unique membrane composed mainly of a tetraether lipoglycan containing atypical archaeal tetraether lipid attached to a glucose- and mannose-containing oligosaccharide. This lipoglycan is presumably responsible for the acid and thermal stability of the Thermoplasma membrane.

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  1. See the NCBI webpage on Thermoplasma. Data extracted from the "NCBI taxonomy resources". National Center for Biotechnology Information . Retrieved 2014-06-25.

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