Transfusion therapy (Sickle-cell disease)

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Red blood cells (erythrocytes) from donors contain normal hemoglobin (HbA), and transfusion of normal red blood cells into people with sickle cell disease reduces the percentage of red cells in the circulation containing the abnormal hemoglobin (HbS). [1] Although transfusion of donor red blood cells can ameliorate and even prevent complications of sickle cell disease in certain circumstances, transfusion therapy is not universally beneficial in sickle cell disease. [2]


Types of transfusion therapy

There are two main types of transfusion, simple red cell transfusion and exchange transfusion.

Simple transfusion

Involves transfusing red blood cells without removing any of the patient’s blood. [3] It is used when the patient's hemoglobin is much lower than normal, for example an aplastic crisis. [4]

Exchange transfusion

Exchange transfusion involves removal of the patient’s blood and replacement with donor red blood cells. [3] It is used to treat life-threatening complications of sickle cell disease such as stroke or acute chest crisis. [4]

There are three main benefits of an exchange transfusion compared to a simple transfusion, these relate primarily to the ability to remove hemoglobin S containing red blood cells: [5]

  1. Higher percentage of normal (donor) hemoglobin (HbA) containing red cells after the transfusion
  2. Larger volumes of donor blood can be given without increasing the hematocrit to levels that excessively increase blood viscosity
  3. Reduced net transfused volume of red blood cells, which reduces iron overload. [3]

However, there are also potential risks associated with an exchange transfusion:

  1. Red cell alloimmunization due to increased donor exposure
  2. Higher costs
  3. Need for specialized equipment
  4. Need for good venous access. [3]

Automated red cell exchange

The exchange is performed using a machine (pheresis). This method rapidly and substantially reduces the concentration of sickle cells within the blood without increasing the overall hematocrit or blood viscosity.[ citation needed ]

Manual red cell exchange

The exchange is performed manually. It refers to manually phlebotomizing a percentage of the patient’s blood prior to or concomitantly with giving a red cell transfusion.[ citation needed ]

Frequency of red cell transfusions

Red cell transfusions can be further classified as episodic or chronic. [3]

Episodic transfusion

Episodic transfusion is used either acutely in response to a complication of sickle cell disease such as acute chest syndrome or to prevent complications prior to surgery. [3]

Chronic transfusion

Chronic transfusion is used when sustained, low levels of HbS are needed to prevent sickle cell-related complications, most commonly stroke in children. [3]

Indications for red blood cell transfusion

Transfusion therapy for sickle-cell disease entails the use of red blood cell transfusions in the management of acute cases of sickle cell disease and as a prophylaxis to prevent complications by decreasing the number of red blood cells (RBC) that can sickle by adding normal red blood cells.[ citation needed ]

Prevention of complications


In children prophylactic chronic red blood cell (RBC) transfusion therapy has been shown to be efficacious to a certain extent in reducing the risk of first stroke or silent stroke when transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography shows abnormal increased cerebral blood flow velocities. In those who have sustained a prior stoke event it also reduces the risk of recurrent stroke and additional silent strokes. [6] [7] [8] There is no evidence for the use of red blood cell transfusion in adults to prevent primary stroke, although it is recommended to prevent secondary stroke. [8] [9] [10] [11]


In children and adults red blood cell transfusion to increase the hemoglobin level to 100 g/L has been shown to decrease the risk of sickle cell-related complications. [2] However, this has not been seen in all studies, and has only been demonstrated for African haplotypes of Hemoglobin SS. [12] [13]

Respiratory problems

In children who have been given transfusions to prevent stroke there was also a reduction in the number of children who developed acute chest crises. [13] There is no evidence about whether or not red cell transfusions prevent chronic lung complications. [14]

Treatment of complications

Aplastic crisis

This should be suspected if there is a significant drop in the hemoglobin level compared to the patient's usual hemoglobin level which is associated with a low level of reticulocytes. This is usually due to infection with erythrovirus B19 (previously known as parvovirus B19). [11] The anemia is usually severe with an average drop in hemoglobin of 40 g/L, and is usually treated with a simple transfusion. [11]

Splenic and hepatic sequestration

Acute splenic and hepatic sequestration associated with severe anemia requires a simple transfusion to raise the hemoglobin. [3] [11]

Acute chest crisis

Red cell transfusions are used to treat patients with acute chest crisis and respiratory compromise. [9] [2] Exchange transfusion is recommended for those patients who have a higher hemoglobin (> 90g/L), those who have not improved after a simple transfusion, or those who have severe respiratory compromise. [11]


Red cell alloimmunisation is common in people with sickle cell disease who receive transfusions in Europe and North America. [4] This is because there are ethnic differences in the frequencies of blood group antigens. [4] Blood donors are usually Caucasian whereas the blood transfusion recipients usually have an African or Afro-Caribbean ancestry. [4] [15] Extended phenotype matching of red blood cells (matching Rh and Kell blood groups as well as ABO) decreases the risk of alloimmunisation, but it still occurs. [4]

Iron overload

Each unit of transfused blood has approximately 250 mg of iron, with each successive transfusion, patients receiving chronic transfusion therapy accumulate iron in various tissues in the body as the body has no way to excrete the excess, this is a cause of increased morbidity and mortality. [16] The effects of iron overload are countered by chelation therapy [17] Guidelines recommend if patients are receiving regular or intermittent transfusions they should be monitored for iron overload. [4]

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Anemia is a condition in which blood has a lower-than-normal amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin. Anemia in pregnancy is a decrease in the total red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy. Anemia is an extremely common condition in pregnancy world-wide, conferring a number of health risks to mother and child. While anemia in pregnancy may be pathologic, in normal pregnancies, the increase in RBC mass is smaller than the increase in plasma volume, leading to a mild decrease in hemoglobin concentration referred to as physiologic anemia. Maternal signs and symptoms are usually non-specific, but can include: fatigue, pallor, dyspnea, palpitations, and dizziness. There are numerous well-known maternal consequences of anemia including: maternal cardiovascular strain, reduced physical and mental performance, reduced peripartum blood reserves, increased risk for peripartum blood product transfusion, and increased risk for maternal mortality.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Transfusion-dependent anemia</span>

Transfusion-dependent anemia is a form of anemia characterized by the need for continuous blood transfusion. It is a condition that results from various diseases, and is associated with decreased survival rates. Regular transfusion is required to reduce the symptoms of anemia by increasing functional red blood cells and hemoglobin count. Symptoms may vary based on the severity of the condition and the most common symptom is fatigue. Various diseases can lead to transfusion-dependent anemia, most notably myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and thalassemia. Due to the number of diseases that can cause transfusion-dependent anemia, diagnosing it is more complicated. Transfusion dependence occurs when an average of more than 2 units of blood transfused every 28 days is required over a period of at least 3 months. Myelodysplastic syndromes is often only diagnosed when patients become anemic, and transfusion-dependent thalassemia is diagnosed based on gene mutations. Screening for heterozygosity in the thalassemia gene is an option for early detection.

A granulocyte transfusion is a medical procedure in which granulocytes are infused into a person's blood. Granulocyte transfusions were historically used to prevent and treat infections in people with neutropenia, but the practice declined in popularity in the 1980s. Interest in the procedure increased in the 1990s due to the development of more effective methods for harvesting granulocytes and a growing population of people with severe neutropenia from chemotherapy. However, the treatment's efficacy remains poorly understood and its use is controversial.

Sickle cell retinopathy can be defined as retinal changes due to blood vessel damage in the eye of a person with a background of sickle cell disease. It can likely progress to loss of vision in late stages due to vitreous hemorrhage or retinal detachment. Sickle cell disease is a structural red blood cell disorder leading to consequences in multiple systems. It is characterized by chronic red blood cell destruction, vascular injury, and tissue ischemia causing damage to the brain, eyes, heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen, and musculoskeletal system.


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