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The value judgment controversy (German: Werturteilsstreit) is a Methodenstreit , a quarrel in German sociology and economics, around the question whether the social sciences are a normative obligatory statement in politics and its measures applied in political actions, and whether their measures can be justified scientifically. [1]

The quarrel took place in the years before World War I, between the members of the Verein für Socialpolitik . Main opponents were Max Weber, Werner Sombart and Gustav Schmoller.

The Zweite Werturteilsstreit is the debate between the supporter of the Kritische Theorie and the Kritischer Rationalismus during the 1960s – better known as Positivismusstreit .


  1. Hans Albert: Ökonomische Ideologie und politische Theorie, Göttingen 1972. p. 10.

Further reading