2010 in arthropod paleontology

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List of years in arthropod paleontology
In paleontology
In reptile paleontology
In paleobotany
In paleoentomology
In paleomalacology
In archosaur paleontology
In mammal paleontology
In paleoichthyology

This list of fossil arthropods described in 2010 is a list of new taxa of trilobites, fossil insects, crustaceans, arachnids and other fossil arthropods of every kind that have been described during the year 2010. The list only includes taxa at the level of genus or species.



Newly named Dinocaridids

Amplectobelua stephenensis [1]

Sp nov


Daley & Budd

Middle Cambrian

Burgess Shale Formation

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada

A radiodont

Amplectobelua stephenensis (frontal appendage) 20191221 Radiodonta frontal appendage Amplectobelua stephenensis.png
Amplectobelua stephenensis (frontal appendage)

Caryosyntrips [1]

Gen et sp nov


Daley & Budd

Middle Cambrian

Burgess Shale Formation

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada

A radiodont, type species C. serratus

Caryosyntrips serratus (frontal appendage) 20191221 Radiodonta frontal appendage Caryosyntrips serratus.png
Caryosyntrips serratus (frontal appendage)

Tamisiocaris [2] [3]

Gen et sp nov


Daley & Peel


Buen Formation
Kinzers Formation [4]

Flag of Greenland.svg  Greenland
Flag of the United States.svg  United States [4]

A suspension-feeding radiodont. [3] The type species is T. borealis

Tamisiocaris borealis (frontal appendage) 20191228 Radiodonta frontal appendage Tamisiocaris borealis.png
Tamisiocaris borealis (frontal appendage)

Newly named crustaceans


Aciculopoda [5]

Fam, gen et Sp nov


Feldmann & Schweitzer


Flag of the United States.svg  USA

Oldest known shrimp.

Chenops [6]

Gen et sp nov


Hegna & Ren


Yixian Formation

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

A notostracan

Chenops yixianensis Chenops yixianensis.jpg
Chenops yixianensis

Jeholops [6]

Gen et sp nov


Hegna & Ren


Yixian Formation

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

A notostracan

Jeholops (left) Jeholops Chenops.jpg
Jeholops (left)

Nasunaris [7]

Gen et sp nov


Siveter, Briggs, Siveter, & Sutton


Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK

An ostracod

Pseudotealliocaris holthuisi [8]

Sp nov

Jr synonym

Irham, Schram & Vonk


Leitchfield Formation

Moved to the genus Tealliocaris in 2013 [9]

Newly named insects


Bohemiatupus elegans [16]

gen et sp nov


Prokop & Nel


Kladno Formation

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Camptoneurites soyanensis [17]

gen et sp nov


Aristov, Storozhenko, & Cui


Soyana locality

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A Notopteran

Cantabroraphidia [18]

gen et sp nov


Pérez-de la Fuente, Nel,
Peñalver, & Delclòs


Las Peñosas Formation, Cave of El Soplao

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

A mesoraphidiid snakefly;
The type species is C. marcanoi

Cantabroraphidia marcanoi ZooKeys-204-001-g012 Cantabroraphidia marcanoi.jpg
Cantabroraphidia marcanoi

Cascopleciidae [19]

fam, gen et sp nov



Early Cretaceous

Burmese amber

Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar

A flower-visiting Bibionomorpha fly.
Type genus Cascoplecia , type species C. insolitis

Cascoplecia Cascoplecia fossil in Burmese amber.jpg

Crepidodera decolorata [20]

sp nov


Nadein & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Rovno amber

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

A flea beetle

Deinodryinus? aptianus [21]

sp nov


Olmi, Rasnitsyn, & Guglielmino


Khurilt rock unit

Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia

A dryinid wasp.

Deinodryinus? aptianus ZooKeys-130-495-g001 Deinodryinus aptianus.jpg
Deinodryinus? aptianus

Ektatotricha [22]

gen et sp nov


Chatzimanolis, Engel, Newton, & Grimaldi

Middle Cretaceous

Burmese amber

Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar

Electroatopos [22]

gen et sp nov


Chatzimanolis, Engel, Newton, & Grimaldi

Middle Cretaceous

Burmese amber

Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar

Epiaeschna pseudoheros [23]

Sp nov


Nel & Petrulevicius


Les Figons

Flag of France.svg  France

An Aeshnid dragonfly

Epiaeschna pseudoheros Epiaeschna pseudoheros holotype MNHN.F.R63848 part side indirect lighting.jpg
Epiaeschna pseudoheros

Holcorpa dillhoffi [24]

sp nov




McAbee fossil site

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada

A holcorpid scorpionfly

Iberoevania [25]

gen et sp nov


Peñalver, Ortega-Blanco, Nel, & Delclòs

Early Cretaceous


Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

An evaniid

Jerseyempheria [26]

gen et sp nov


Azar, Nel, & Petrulevicius


New Jersey amber

Flag of the United States.svg  USA

A empheriid psocodean

Kachinus [22]

gen et sp nov


Chatzimanolis, Engel, Newton, & Grimaldi

Middle Cretaceous

Burmese amber

Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar

Lichnomesopsyche [27]

gen et sp nov


Ren, Labandeira, & Shih

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

A mesopsychid mecopteran

Limnoxenus olenus [28]

Sp nov


Fikacek, Prokop, & Nel


Niveau du gypse d'Aix Formation

Flag of France.svg  France

A water scavenger beetle

Limnoxenus olenus Limnoxenus olenus holotype MNHN.F.A32835 part side indirect lighting.jpg
Limnoxenus olenus

Manobiomorpha [20]

gen et sp nov


Nadein & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Rovno amber

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

A flea beetle

Mendozachorista [11]

fam, gen et sp nov


Brauckmann, Gallego, Hauschke,
Martins-Neto, Groening, Ilger, & Lara

Late Triassic

Llantenes Formation

Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina

The species is M. volkheimeri

Mesokristensenia [12]

fam, gen et sp nov


Huang, Nel, & Minet

Middle Jurassic

Daohugou Beds

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

Microcostaphron [10]

gen et sp nov


Ortega-Blanco, Rasnitsyn, & Delclòs

Early Cretaceous

Álava amber

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

The species is M. parvus

Nylanderia pygmaea [29]

Comb nov



Middle Eocene

European amber

Flag of Europe.svg  Europe

A formicine ant,
new combination for Paratrechina pygmaea

Nylanderia pygmaea Nylanderia pygmaea NHMW-WBE5-3 profile.jpg
Nylanderia pygmaea

Paleophaedon [20]

gen et sp nov


Nadein & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Rovno amber

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

A chrysomeline leaf beetle

Parazila [13]

gen et sp nov


Vršanský, Ren, & Shih

Late Jurassic

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A fly

Psyllototus [20]

gen et sp nov


Nadein & Perkovsky

Late Eocene

Rovno amber

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

A flea beetle

Radiophron [10]

fam, gen et sp nov


Ortega-Blanco, Rasnitsyn, & Delclòs

Early Cretaceous

Álava amber

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

The species is R. ibericus

Raptorapax [30]

gen et sp nov


Petrulevicius, Azar, & Nel

Early Cretaceous


Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon

A rhachiberothid lacewing

Sociala [14]

fam, gen et sp nov





Flag of France.svg  France

A cockroach

Sapho legrandi [23]

Sp nov


Nel & Petrulevicius


Les Figons

Flag of France.svg  France

A Calopterygid damselfly

Sapho legrandi Sapho legrandi holotype MNHN.F.R63847 part side direct lighting.jpg
Sapho legrandi

Tyulkinia [17]

gen et sp nov


Aristov, Storozhenko, & Cui


Tyulkino locality

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A Notopteran

Vitimopsyche kozlovi [27]

gen et sp nov


Ren, Labandeira, & Shih

Early Cretaceous

Jehol Biota

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

A mesopsychid mecopteran

Vosila [13]

fam, gen et sp nov


Vršanský, Ren, & Shih

Middle Jurassic

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

A fly

Weiwoboa [15]

Fam, gen et sp nov


Lin, Szwedo, Huang, & Stroiński

Lower Eocene

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

Newly named spiders


Eoplectreurys [31]


  • Selden
  • Huang

Middle Jurassic

Daohugou Beds

The oldest known haplogyne spider.


Newly named trilobites

Pseudocybele paranasuta [32]

Sp nov


McAdams & Adrain

Early Ordovician

Fillmore Limestone

Flag of the United States.svg  United States

A member of the family Pliomeridae.


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    1. 1 2 Allison C. Daley; Graham E. Budd (2010). "New anomalocaridid appendages from the Burgess Shale, Canada". Palaeontology. 53 (4): 721–738. Bibcode:2010Palgy..53..721D. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2010.00955.x .
    2. Allison C. Daley; John S. Peel (2010). "A possible anomalocaridid from the Cambrian Sirius Passet lagerstätte, North Greenland". Journal of Paleontology . 84 (2): 352–355. Bibcode:2010JPal...84..352D. doi:10.1666/09-136R1.1. S2CID   130637114.
    3. 1 2 Jakob Vinther; Martin Stein; Nicholas R. Longrich; David A. T. Harper (2014). "A suspension-feeding anomalocarid from the Early Cambrian" (PDF). Nature. 507 (7493): 496–499. Bibcode:2014Natur.507..496V. doi:10.1038/nature13010. PMID   24670770. S2CID   205237459.
    4. 1 2 Stephen Pates; Allison C. Daley (2019). "The Kinzers Formation (Pennsylvania, USA): the most diverse assemblage of Cambrian Stage 4 radiodonts" (PDF). Geological Magazine. 156 (7): 1233–1246. Bibcode:2019GeoM..156.1233P. doi:10.1017/S0016756818000547. S2CID   134299859.
    5. Rodney Feldmann; Carrie Schweitzer (2010). "The oldest shrimp (Devonian: Famennian) and remarkable preservation of soft tissue". Journal of Crustacean Biology . 30 (4): 629–635. doi: 10.1651/09-3268.1 .
    6. 1 2 Thomas A. Hegna; Ren Dong (2010). "Two new "notostracans", Chenops gen. nov. and Jeholops gen. nov. (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: ?Notostraca) from the Yixian Formation, Northeastern China". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 886–894. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..886H. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00232.x. S2CID   85023596.
    7. Siveter, D. J.; Briggs, D. E. G.; Siveter, D. J.; Sutton, M. D. (2010). "An exceptionally preserved myodocopid ostracod from the Silurian of Herefordshire, UK". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 277 (1687): 1539–44. doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.2122. PMC   2871837 . PMID   20106847.
    8. Irham, Mohammad; Schram, Frederick R.; Vonk, Ronald (2010-01-01). "A new species of Pygocephalomorpha (Eumalacostraca, Peracarida) from the Leitchfield Formation, Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) of Grayson County, Kentucky, U.S.A." Studies on Malacostraca: 343–355. ISBN   978-90-04-17429-0.
    9. Clark, Neil D.L. (2013-12-20). "Tealliocaris: a decapod crustacean from the Carboniferous of Scotland". Palaeodiversity. 6: 107–133. S2CID   83091612.
    10. 1 2 3 Jaime Ortega-Blanco; Alexander P. Rasnitsyn; Xavier Delclòs (2010). "A new family of ceraphronoid wasps from Early Cretaceous Álava Amber, Spain" (PDF). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 55 (2): 265–276. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0014. S2CID   58934033 . Retrieved 14 January 2011.
    11. 1 2 Carsten Brauckmann; Oscar F. Gallego; Norbert Hauschke; Rafael G. Martins-Neto; Elke Groening; Jan-M. Ilger; María B. Lara (2010). "First Late Triassic Record of a Paleoentomofauna from South America (Malargüe Basin, Mendoza Province, Argentina)". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 915–924. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..915B. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00230.x. hdl: 11336/102089 . S2CID   128834962.
    12. 1 2 Huang Diying; André Nel; Joël Minet (2010). "A New Family of Moths from the Middle Jurassic (Insecta: Lepidoptera)". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 874–885. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..874D. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00233.x. S2CID   85206571.
    13. 1 2 3 4 Peter Vršanský; Ren Dong; Shih ChungKun (2010). "Nakridletia ord.n. – enigmatic insect parasites support sociality and endothermy of pterosaurs". Amba Projekty . 8 (1): 1–16.
    14. 1 2 Peter Vršanský (2010). "Cockroach as the Earliest Eusocial Animal". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 793–808. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..793V. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00261.x. S2CID   85762425.
    15. 1 2 Lin Qibin; Jacek Szwedo; Huang Diying; Adam Stroiński (2010). "Weiwoboidae fam. nov. of 'Higher' Fulgoroidea (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) from the Eocene Deposits of Yunnan, China". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 751–755. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..751L. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00263.x. S2CID   130439050.
    16. Prokop, J.; Nel, A. (2010). "New griffenfly, Bohemiatupus elegans from the Late Carboniferous of western Bohemia in the Czech Republic (Odonatoptera: Meganisoptera: Meganeuridae)" (PDF). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 46 (1–2): 183–188. doi:10.1080/00379271.2010.10697655. S2CID   84698984 . Retrieved 26 August 2011.
    17. 1 2 Danil S. Aristov; Sergey Yu. Storozhenko; Cui Yingying (2010). "Review of the Permian Camptoneuritidae (Insecta: Grylloblattida)". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 756–761. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..756A. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00245.x . S2CID   130440552.
    18. Pérez-de la Fuente, R.; Nel, A.; Peñalver, E.; Delclòs, X. (2010). "A new Early Cretaceous snakefly (Raphidioptera: Mesoraphidiidae) from El Soplao amber (Spain)" (PDF). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 46 (1–2): 108–115. doi:10.1080/00379271.2010.10697644. S2CID   84967744.
    19. Poinar Jr., George (2010). "Cascoplecia insolitis (Diptera: Cascopleciidae), a new family, genus, and species of flower-visiting, unicorn fly (Bibionomorpha) in Early Cretaceous Burmese amber". Cretaceous Research. 31 (1): 71–76. Bibcode:2010CrRes..31...71P. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2009.09.007.
    20. 1 2 3 4 Konstantin Nadein; Evgeny Perkovsky (2010). "New Taxa of Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Rovno Amber, Late Eocene". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 772–782. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..772N. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00259.x. S2CID   85383059.
    21. Guglielmino, A.; Olmi, M. (2011). "Revision of fossil species of Deinodryinus, with description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)". ZooKeys (130): 495–504. Bibcode:2011ZooK..130..495G. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.130.1326 . PMC   3260777 . PMID   22259295.
    22. 1 2 3 Stylianos Chatzimanolis; Michael S. Engel; Alfred F. Newton; David A. Grimaldi (2010). "New ant-like stone beetles in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Coleoptera:Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae)". Cretaceous Research. 31 (1): 77–84. Bibcode:2010CrRes..31...77C. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2009.09.009.
    23. 1 2 Nel, A; Petrulevicius, J.F. (2010). "Afrotropical and Nearctic genera of Odonata in the French Oligocene: biogeographic and paleoclimatic implications (Insecta: Calopterygidae, Aeshnidae)". Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 46 (1–2): 228–236. doi: 10.1080/00379271.2010.10697662 .
    24. Archibald, SB (2010). "Revision of the scorpionfly family Holcorpidae (Mecoptera), with description of a new species from Early Eocene McAbee, British Columbia, Canada" (PDF). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 46 (1–2): 173–182. doi:10.1080/00379271.2010.10697654. S2CID   85039877. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2015-06-01.
    25. Enrique Peñalver; Jaime Ortega-Blanco; André Nel; Xavier Delclòs (2010). "Mesozoic Evaniidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) in Spanish Amber: Reanalysis of the Phylogeny of the Evanioidea". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 809–827. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..809P. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00257.x. S2CID   83716591.
    26. Dany Azar; André Nel; Julian F. Petrulevicius (2010). "First Psocodean (Psocodea, Empheriidae) from the Cretaceous Amber of New Jersey". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 762–767. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..762A. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00255.x. S2CID   129505225.
    27. 1 2 Ren Dong; Conrad C. Labandeira; Shih ChungKun (2010). "New Mesozoic Mesopsychidae (Mecoptera) from Northeastern China". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 720–731. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..720D. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00244.x. S2CID   86743175.
    28. Fikacek, M.; Prokop, J.; Nel, A. (2010). "Fossil water scavenger beetles of the subtribe Hydrobiusina (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) from the Late Oligocene locality of Aix-en-Provence (France)". Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. 50: 445–458.
    29. LaPolla, J.S.; Dlussky, G.M. (2010). "Review of fossil Prenolepis genus-group species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)". Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 112 (2): 258–273. doi:10.4289/0013-8797-112.2.258. S2CID   86102815.
    30. Julian F. Petrulevicius; Dany Azar; André Nel (2010). "A New Thorny Lacewing (Insecta: Neuroptera: Rhachiberothidae) from the Early Cretaceous Amber of Lebanon". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84 (4): 828–833. Bibcode:2010AcGlS..84..828P. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2010.00242.x. S2CID   129372839.
    31. Selden, Paul A.; Huang Diying (2010). "The oldest haplogyne spider (Araneae: Plectreuridae), from the Middle Jurassic of China". Naturwissenschaften. 97 (5): 449–459. Bibcode:2010NW.....97..449S. doi:10.1007/s00114-010-0649-z. PMID   20140419. S2CID   24576304.
    32. Neo E. B. McAdams; Jonathan M. Adrain (2010). "A new species of the Lower Ordovician pliomerid trilobite Pseudocybele and its biostratigraphic significance" (PDF). Zootaxa. 2550: 21–38. doi:10.5281/zenodo.196803. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-02-18. Retrieved 2018-02-17.