2023 opinion polling on the Joe Biden administration

Last updated

This is a list of opinion polls taken on the presidency of Joe Biden in 2023. To navigate between years, see opinion polling on the Joe Biden administration.


According to analysis by Gallup, Biden's average approval rating in 2023 was 39.8%. Compared with presidents going back to Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Gallup Poll only recorded one president, Jimmy Carter, as having a lower average approval rating in their third year (37.4%). Notably, this is the first year in which Joe Biden's average approval rating was lower than his predecessor's at the same point in their terms (Donald Trump's average in 2019 was 42.0%). [1] Biden's low approval ratings in 2023 were attributed to continued disapproval over the economy, immigration, and Biden's age as well as his response to the outbreak of the Israel–Hamas war in October. [2] [3] [4]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for CBS News)January 4–6, 202344%56%0%2,144online All adults [5]
YouGov (for The Economist )January 8–10, 202347%45%7%1,500online All adults [6]
Quinnipiac University January 11–15, 202338%53%9%1,466telephone Registered voters [7]
Ipsos January 13–15, 202340%53%7%1,035online All adults [8]
Harris (for Harvard University)January 18–19, 202342%56%2%2,050online Registered voters [9]
Emerson College January 19–21, 202344%48%8%1,015IVR/online Registered voters [10]
Marist College January 23–26, 202342%49%9%1,327telephone/online All adults [11]
YouGov (for The Economist )January 29–31, 202341%52%7%1,319online Registered voters [12]
Monmouth University January 26–30, 202343%48%9%805telephone All adults [13]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for CBS News)February 1–4, 202345%55%0%2,030online All adults [14]
Ipsos (for Reuters)February 3–5, 202341%52%7%1,029online All adults [15]
Quinnipiac University February 9–14, 202340%55%5%1,429telephone Registered voters [16]
Marist College (for NPR & PBS)February 13–16, 202346%46%8%1,352telephone/online All adults [17]
Harris (for Harvard University)February 15–16, 202342%55%3%1,838online Registered voters [18]
YouGov (for The Economist )February 20–21, 202344%50%6%1,500online All adults [19]
Emerson College February 24–25, 202344%50%6%1,060IVR/online Registered voters [20]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
Ipsos (for Reuters)March 3–5, 202342%52%6%1,023online All adults [21]
Quinnipiac University March 9–13, 202339%55%6%1,600telephone Registered voters [22]
Monmouth University March 16–20, 202341%51%8%805telephone All adults [23]
YouGov (for The Economist )March 19–21, 202343%51%6%1,500online All adults [24]
YouGov (for CBS News)March 20–22, 202345%55%0%2,117online All adults [25]
Marist College (for NPR & PBS)March 20–23, 202342%49%9%1,327telephone/online All adults [26]
Harris (for Harvard University)March 22–23, 202343%55%2%2,905online Registered voters [27]
Quinnipiac University March 23–27, 202338%57%5%1,635telephone Registered voters [28]
Investor's Business Daily/TIPPMarch 29–31, 202345%45%10%1,365online All adults [29]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for The Economist )April 1–4, 202344%50%6%1,500online All adults [30]
YouGov (for CBS News)April 12–14, 202343%57%0%2,065online All adults [31]
Harris (for Harvard University)April 18–19, 202343%54%3%1,845online Registered voters [32]
Ipsos (for Reuters)April 21–24, 202341%54%5%1,005online All adults [33]
YouGov (for The Economist )April 22–25, 202347%48%6%1,500online All adults [34]
Emerson College April 24–25, 202341%49%10%1,100IVR/online Registered voters [35]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for The Economist )April 29–May 2, 202344%49%7%1,500online All adults [36]
Investor's Business Daily/TIPPMay 3–5, 202343%49%8%1,480online All adults [37]
Ipsos (for Reuters)May 5–7, 202340%54%6%1,022online All adults [38]
YouGov (for Yahoo! News )May 5–8, 202343%48%9%1,584online All adults [39]
Harris (for Harvard University)May 17–18, 202343%54%3%2,004online Registered voters [40]
YouGov (for CBS News)May 17–19, 202341%59%0%2,188online All adults [41]
Quinnipiac University May 18–22, 202339%54%4%1,635telephone Registered voters [42]
Monmouth University May 18–23, 202341%53%6%981telephone All adults [43]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
Investor's Business Daily/TIPPMay 31–June 2, 202340%51%9%1,358online All adults [44]
Ipsos (for Reuters)June 2–5, 202341%54%5%1,056online All adults [45]
YouGov (for The Economist )June 3–6, 202344%53%6%1,315online Registered voters [46]
YouGov (for CBS News)June 7–10, 202341%59%0%2,480online All adults [47]
Quinnipiac University June 8–12, 202342%54%2%1,735telephone Registered voters [48]
Harris (for Harvard University)June 14–15, 202343%53%4%2,090online Registered voters [49]
Emerson College June 19–20, 202341%51%8%1,105IVR/online Registered voters [50]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for The Economist )July 1–5, 202338%55%7%1,350online Registered voters [51]
Redfield & Wilton StrategiesJuly 6, 202340%48%12%1,500online Registered voters [52]
Investor's Business Daily/TIPPJuly 5–7, 202338%51%13%1,341online All adults [53]
Ipsos (for Reuters)July 7–9, 202340%54%6%1,028online All adults [54]
YouGov (for The Economist )July 8–11, 202339%56%5%1,500online All adults [55]
Marquette University Law School July 7–12, 202342%57%1%1,005online All adults [56]
Monmouth University July 12–17, 202344%52%4%910telephone All adults [57]
Quinnipiac University July 13–17, 202340%53%3%1,809telephone Registered voters [58]
Harris (for Harvard University)July 19–20, 202342%55%3%2,068online Registered voters [59]
YouGov (for The Economist )July 22–25, 202345%52%5%1,306online Registered voters [60]
YouGov (for CBS News)Jul 26–28, 202340%60%0%2,181online All adults [61]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
Ipsos (for Reuters)July 28 – August 1, 202340%55%5%2,009online All adults [62]
YouGov (for The Economist )July 29 – August 1, 202340%56%4%1,500online All adults [63]
Noble Perspective Insights/The Center Square July 31 – August 3, 202340%54%6%2,500online Registered voters [64]
Investor's Business Daily/TIPPAugust 2–4, 202338%51%11%1,369online All adults [65]
Ipsos (for Reuters)August 4–6, 202340%54%6%1,032online All adults [66]
YouGov (for The Economist )August 5–8, 202341%53%6%1,500online All adults [67]
AP-NORCAugust 10–14, 202342%57%1,165online/phone All adults [68]
Quinnipiac University August 10–14, 202337%56%7%1,818phone All adults [69]
Léger August 11–14, 202343%54%3%1,002online All adults [70]
Marist College August 11–14, 202342%52%6%1,100online/phone Registered voters [71]
YouGov (for The Economist )August 12–15, 202340%53%7%1,500online All adults [72]
Emerson College August 16–17, 202342%47%11%1,000online/phone Registered voters [73]
YouGov (for Yahoo! News )August 17–21, 202341%54%6%1,665online All adults [74]
YouGov (for The Economist )August 19–22, 202341%54%5%1,500online All adults [75]
Gallup August 1–23, 202342%53%5%1,014phone All adults [76]
Public Policy Polling (for Congressional Integrity Project)August 23–24, 202344%50%6%606phone Registered voters [77]
SurveyMonkey (for CNBC)August 21–25, 202341%56%4,324online All adults [78]
NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ August 24–25, 202348%52%1,000 Registered voters [79]
HarrisX/The Messenger August 24–26, 202343%54%3%2,013online Registered voters [80]
Emerson College August 25–26, 202343%47%1,000online/phone Registered voters [81]
YouGov (for The Economist )August 26–29, 202338%55%6%1,500online All adults [82]
Fabrizio, Lee & Associates/GBAO (for The Wall Street Journal )August 24–30, 202342%57%1,500phone Registered voters [83]
The 19th/SurveyMonkey August 24–31, 202341%56%20,191online All adults [84]
SSRS/CNN August 25–31, 202339%61%0%1,503online/phone All adults [85]
Echelon InsightsAugust 28–31, 202341%57%2%1,022online Likely voters [86]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for The Economist )September 2–5, 202341%53%6%1,500online All adults [87]
YouGov (for CBS News)September 5–8, 202340%60%0%2,335online All adults [88]
YouGov (for Yahoo! News )September 14–18, 202342%55%3%1,097online Registered voters [89]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for The Economist )September 30 – October 3, 202340%55%5%1,500online All adults [90]
YouGov (for Yahoo! News )October 12–16, 202342%55%3%1,123online Registered voters [91]
YouGov (for CBS News)October 16–19, 202340%60%0%1,878online All adults [92]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for The Economist )November 5–7, 202340%54%6%1,500online All adults [93]
YouGov (for Yahoo! News )November 9–13, 202340%58%2%1,062online Registered voters [94]


Polling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSegment polledRef.
YouGov (for CBS News)December 6–8, 202341%59%0%2,144online All adults [95]
YouGov (for The Economist )December 9–12, 202339%55%6%1,500online All adults [96]

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