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3G MIMO describes MIMO techniques which have been considered as 3G standard techniques.


MIMO, as the state of the art of intelligent antenna (IA), improves the performance of radio systems by embedding electronics intelligence into the spatial processing unit. Spatial processing includes spatial precoding at the transmitter and spatial postcoding at the receiver, which are dual each other from information signal processing theoretic point of view. Intelligent antenna is technology which represents smart antenna, multiple antenna (MIMO), self-tracking directional antenna, cooperative virtual antenna and so on.


Spatial precoding of intelligent antenna includes spatial beamforming and spatial coding. In wireless communications, spatial precoding has been developing for high reliability, high rate and lower interference as shown in the following table.

Summary of 3G MIMO

The table summarizes the history of 3G MIMO techniques candidated for 3G standards. Although the table additionally contains the future part but the contents are not clearly filled out since the future is not precisely predictable.

Generation3G3G evolutionBeyond 3GFuture
StandardWCDMAHSPA/HSPA+/LTEIMT-AdvancedBeyond IMT-Adv
Total rate384kbit/s14/42/65~250Mbit/s1Gbit/s>10Gbit/s
Bandwidth5 MHz5 MHz/20 MHz20~100 MHz>100 MHz
Requirement ParadigmHigh reliability (High quality)High rate (High capacity)Lower interferenceHigh intelligence
MethodSpatial diversitySpatial multiplexingSpatial cancellationAmbient intelligence
Spatial coding (SC)Spatial diversity codingSpatial multiplexing codingSpatial cancellation codingAmbient intelligence coding
Spatial beamforming (SB)Single-stream beamformingMulti-stream beamformingInterference nulling beamformingAmbient intelligence beamforming
ExamplesSC: Alamouti coding, SB: TxAASC: BLAST coding, SB: SVDSC: DPC, SB: MU-BFSuch as cooperative MIMO

IA in ad hoc networking

IA technology enables client terminals, which have either multiple antennas or a self-tracking directional antenna, to communicate to each other with as high as possible signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR). Assume that there is a source terminal, a destination terminal, and some candidate interference terminals. Compared to conventional approaches, an advanced IA based terminal will perform spatial precoding (spatial beamforming and/or spatial coding) not only to enhance the signal power at the destination terminal but also to diminish the interfering power at interference terminals. As a human does, the advanced IA terminal is given to know that occurring high interference to other terminals will eventually degrade the performance of the associated wireless network.

Principal Issues of Research

The following items list the issues of the multiple antenna research aims to improve the performance of radio communications.

Principal Definitions


Here are the definition of principal keywords to clarify the objective and the operations of intelligent antenna.

Intelligent antenna Antenna technology that uses some sort of electronic intelligence to enhance wireless system performance. Electronic intelligence is implemented by spatial pre/post-coding techniques such as spatial information coding and spatial signal beamforming. Smart antenna has been more widely used to represent the similar meaning.
Smart antenna In the narrow sense, antenna technology that employs array antennas with beamforming techniques to enhance wireless system performance. In the wide sense, equivalent terminology to intelligent antenna.
MIMO Wide sense and well-known: MIMO is the state of the art of IA and SA.
  • Narrow sense: Antenna systems that employ multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver.

Reference Web Sites

The following items list the web sites related to the multiple antenna research.

TypesAntenna configurationBasic solutionAdvanced solution
Diversityd > wavelengthRx: MRC, MMSE, etc., Tx: STTD, CLTDBLAST (spatial multiplexing)
Phased Arrayd < wavelengthSwitched beamsSteered beams

See also

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Many antennas is a smart antenna technique which overcomes the performance limitation of single user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques. In cellular communication, the maximum number of considered antennas for downlink is 2 and 4 to support 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) and IMT Advanced requirements, respectively. Since the available spectrum band will probably be limited while the data rate requirement will continuously increase beyond IMT-A to support the mobile multimedia services, it is highly probable that the number of transmit antennas at the base station must be increased to 8–64 or more. The installation of many antennas at single base stations introduced many challenges and required development of several high technologies: a new SDMA engine, a new beamforming algorithm and a new antenna array.

WSDMA is a high bandwidth channel access method, developed for multi-transceiver systems such as active array antennas. WSDMA is a beamforming technique suitable for overlay on the latest air-interface protocols including WCDMA and OFDM. WSDMA enabled systems can determine the angle of arrival (AoA) of received signals to spatially divide a cell sector into many sub-sectors. This spatial awareness provides information necessary to maximise Carrier to Noise+Interference Ratio (CNIR) link budget, through a range of digital processing routines. WSDMA facilitates a flexible approach to how uplink and downlink beamforming is performed and is capable of spatial filtering known interference generating locations.

The first smart antennas were developed for military communications and intelligence gathering. The growth of cellular telephone in the 1980s attracted interest in commercial applications. The upgrade to digital radio technology in the mobile phone, indoor wireless network, and satellite broadcasting industries created new opportunities for smart antennas in the 1990s, culminating in the development of the MIMO technology used in 4G wireless networks.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Robert W. Heath Jr.</span> American electrical engineer and professor

Robert W. Heath Jr. is an American electrical engineer, researcher, educator, wireless technology expert, and a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. He is also the president and CEO of MIMO Wireless Inc. He was the founding director of the Situation Aware Vehicular Engineering Systems initiative.

Per-user unitary rate control (PU2RC) is a multi-user MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output) scheme. PU2RC uses both transmission pre-coding and multi-user scheduling. By doing that, the network capacity is further enhanced than the capacity of the single-user MIMO scheme.

David J. Love is an American professor of engineering at Purdue University. He has made numerous contributions to wireless communications, signal processing, information theory, and coding. Much of his research has centered on understanding how feedback and other forms of side information can be utilized during communication.


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