Animal Politics Foundation

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The Animal Politics Foundation (APF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 that promotes the defense of animal rights in international politics. [1]



In 2012, the Party for the Animals created the Animal Politics Foundation (APF). The projects and activities of the APF focus on strengthening the international movement, creating links, sharing knowledge and expanding and strengthening the network. APF organizes round tables and conferences that focus on the exchange of knowledge and public relations. The Animal Politics Foundation wants animal rights to be included in the democratic process around the world. It achieves it based on a vision that includes the whole planet considering the interests of man, the animal, nature and the environment in their respective context. In this regard, the APF focuses not only on people who are already politically active, but through its activities, it hopes to inspire a larger audience to work for animal rights within the political system and democracy.


Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium DierAnimal
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Partido Animais
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Animal Protection Party of Canada
Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus Animal Party Cyprus
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Veganerpartiet
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Animal Justice Party of Finland
Flag of France.svg  France Animal Party
Flag of England.svg  England Animal Welfare Party
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Human Environment Animal Welfare Party
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Party for Animal Welfare
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Partito Animalista Italiano
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Justice for All Party
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Party for the Animals
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal People-Animals-Nature
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Animal Welfare Party
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Animalist Party Against Mistreatment to Animals
Flag of the United States.svg  United States Humane Party
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden The Animals' Party
Flag of Switzerland.svg   Switzerland Party for the animals Switzerland
Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan Trees Party


  1. "International movement". Party for the Animals. Retrieved 2020-07-14.

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