Athletics at the 2008 Summer Paralympics

Last updated

at the XIII Paralympic Games
Beijing China Beijing-National-Stadium-01.jpg
Host stadium (shown in 2009)
Venue Beijing National Stadium
Dates8–17 September
Competitors1028 from 111 nations

Athletics at the 2008 Summer Paralympics were held in Beijing National Stadium from September 8 to September 17. There were 160 gold medals in this sport.



Athletes are given a classification depending on the type and extent of their disability. The classification system allows athletes to compete against others with a similar level of function.

The athletics classifications are:

The class numbers are given prefixes of "T", "F" and "P" for track, field and pentathlon events, respectively.


For each of the events below, medals are contested for one or more of the above classifications.

Track events - Men

Track events - Women

Field events - Men

Field events - Women

Participating countries

There were 1028 athletes (696 male, 332 female) from 111 countries taking part in the athletics competitions.

Medal summary

Medal table

This ranking sorts countries by the number of gold medals earned by their athletes (in this context a nation is an entity represented by a National Paralympic Committee). The number of silver medals is taken into consideration next and then the number of bronze medals. If, after the above, countries are still tied, equal ranking is given and they are listed alphabetically. [1]

1Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)38281884
2Flag of Australia.svg  Australia  (AUS)109726
3Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa  (RSA)102416
4Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada  (CAN)101819
5Flag of the United States.svg  United States  (USA)914528
6Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia  (TUN)99321
7Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine  (UKR)97824
8Flag of Germany.svg  Germany  (GER)59721
9Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya  (KEN)5319
10Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil  (BRA)44715
11Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba  (CUB)43411
12Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco  (MAR)4138
13Flag of Russia.svg  Russia  (RUS)37616
14Flag of France.svg  France  (FRA)35614
15Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico  (MEX)3137
16Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia  (CRO)3104
17Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland  (IRL)3003
18Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain  (GBR)27817
19Flag of Japan.svg  Japan  (JPN)27312
20Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand  (THA)25411
21Flag of Poland.svg  Poland  (POL)24612
22Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria  (ALG)23712
23Flag of Iran.svg  Iran  (IRI)2316
24Flag of Finland.svg  Finland  (FIN)2114
25Flag of Austria.svg  Austria  (AUT)2103
Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria  (NGR)2103
27Flag of Greece.svg  Greece  (GRE)12710
28Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland  (SUI)1258
29Flag of Belarus (1995-2012).svg  Belarus  (BLR)1203
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia  (LAT)1203
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands  (NED)1203
32Flag of Spain.svg  Spain  (ESP)1157
33Flag of Azerbaijan (1991-2013).svg  Azerbaijan  (AZE)1146
34Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark  (DEN)1102
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia  (KSA)1102
36Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic  (CZE)1089
37Flag of South Korea (1997-2011).svg  South Korea  (KOR)1034
38Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong  (HKG)1012
39Flag of Angola.svg  Angola  (ANG)0303
40Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus  (CYP)0202
41Flag of Argentina (1861-2010).svg  Argentina  (ARG)0112
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria  (BUL)0112
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt  (EGY)0112
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela  (VEN)0112
45Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia  (COL)0101
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan  (JOR)0101
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania  (LTU)0101
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand  (NZL)0101
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan  (PAK)0101
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea  (PNG)0101
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal  (POR)0101
Flag of Serbia (2004-2010).svg  Serbia  (SRB)0101
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia  (SLO)0101
54Flag of Italy.svg  Italy  (ITA)0011
Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica  (JAM)0011
Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia  (NAM)0011
Totals (56 entries)162168160490

Men's events

100 m100 m T11
Lucas Prado
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
José Sayovo
Flag of Angola.svg  Angola
Tresor Makunda
Flag of France.svg  France
100 m T12
Josiah Jamison
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Adekunle Adesoji
Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria
Yang Yuqing
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
100 m T13
Jason Smyth
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland
Alexy Labzin
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Luis Felipe Gutiérrez
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
100 m T35
Yang Sen
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Fu Xinhan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Teboho Mokgalagadi
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
100 m T36
Roman Pavlyk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Ben Rushgrove
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
So Wa Wai
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong
100 m T37
Fanie van der Merwe
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Ma Yuxi
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Sofiane Hamdi
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
100 m T38
Evan O'Hanlon
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Zhou Wenjun
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Mykyta Senyk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
100 m T42
Earle Connor
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Heinrich Popow
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
John McFall
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
100 m T44
Oscar Pistorius
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Jerome Singleton
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Brian Frasure
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
100 m T46
Heath Francis
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Francis Kompaon
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea
Yohansson Nascimento
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
100 m T52
Dean Bergeron
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Beat Bosch
Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland
Andre Beaudoin
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
100 m T53
Josh George
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Mickey Bushell
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Yu Shiran
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
100 m T54
Leo-Pekka Tähti
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland
Saichon Konjen
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Supachai Koysub
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
200 m200 m T11
Lucas Prado
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
José Sayovo
Flag of Angola.svg  Angola
Arian Iznaga
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
200 m T12
Hilton Langenhoven
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Li Yansong
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Yang Yuqing
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
200 m T13
Jason Smyth
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland
Alexy Labzin
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vugar Mehdiyev
Flag of Azerbaijan (1991-2013).svg  Azerbaijan
200 m T36
So Wa Wai
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong
Roman Pavlyk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Che Mian
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
200 m T37
Fanie van der Merwe
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Sofiane Hamdi
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Ma Yuxi
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
200 m T38
Evan O'Hanlon
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Zhou Wenjun
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Mykyta Senyk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
200 m T44
Oscar Pistorius
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Jim Bob Bizzell
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Ian Jones
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
200 m T46
Heath Francis
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Antonis Aresti
Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus
Ettiam Calderon
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
200 m T52
Dean Bergeron
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Beat Bosch
Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland
Peth Rungsri
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
200 m T53
Yu Shiran
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Richard Colman
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Hong Suk-Man
Flag of South Korea (1997-2011).svg  South Korea
200 m T54
Zhang Lixin
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Saichon Konjen
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Leo-Pekka Tähti
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland
400 m400 m T11
Lucas Prado
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
José Sayovo
Flag of Angola.svg  Angola
Oleksandr Ivaniukhin
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
400 m T12
Li Yansong
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Matthias Schroder
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Luís Gonçalves
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
400 m T13
Luis Manuel Galano
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Freddy Durruthy
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Ioannis Protos
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
400 m T36
Roman Pavlyk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Artem Arefyev
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Che Mian
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
400 m T38
Farhat Chida
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Abbes Saidi
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Andriy Onufriyenko
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
400 m T44
Oscar Pistorius
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Jim Bob Bizzell
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Ian Jones
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
400 m T46
Heath Francis
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Antonis Aresti
Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus
Samuel Colmenares
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela
400 m T52
Tomoya Ito
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Toshihiro Takada
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Dean Bergeron
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
400 m T53
Hong Suk-Man
Flag of South Korea (1997-2011).svg  South Korea
Li Huzhao
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Richard Colman
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
400 m T54
Zhang Lixin
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
David Weir
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Saichon Konjen
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
800 m800 m T12
Abderrahim Zhiou
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Lazaro Raschid Aguilar
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Odair Santos
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
800 m T13
Abdelillah Mame
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
Peter Gottwald Jr.
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Zine Eddine Sekhri
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
800 m T36
Artem Arefyev
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
He Chengen
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Pavel Kharagezov
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
800 m T37
Michael McKillop
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland
Brad Scott
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Djamel Mastouri
Flag of France.svg  France
800 m T46
Marcin Awizen
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Samir Nouioua
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Abderrahman Ait Khamouch
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
800 m T52
Tomoya Ito
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Toshihiro Takada
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Thomas Geierspichler
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
800 m T53
Li Huzhao
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Josh George
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Hong Suk-Man
Flag of South Korea (1997-2011).svg  South Korea
800 m T54*
David Weir
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Kurt Fearnley
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Prawat Wahoram
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
1500 m1500 m T11
Zhang Zhen
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Samwel Mushai Kimani
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Jason Dunkerley
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
1500 m T13
Henry Kiprono Kirwa
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Lazaro Raschid Aguilar
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Ignacio Avila
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
1500 m T46
Abraham Cheruiyot Tarbei
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Abderrahman Ait Khamouch
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Samir Nouioua
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
1500 m T54
David Weir
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Prawat Wahoram
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Kurt Fearnley
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
5000 m5000 m T11
Zhang Zhen
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Francis Thuo Karanja
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Henry Wanyoike
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
5000 m T13
Henry Kiprono Kirwa
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Youssef Benibrahim
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
Odair Santos
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
5000 m T46
Abraham Cheruiyot Tarbei
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Mohamed Fouzai
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Mario Santillan
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
5000 m T54
Prawat Wahoram
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Kurt Fearnley
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
David Weir
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
10000 m10000 m T12
Henry Kiprono Kirwa
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Abderrahim Zhiou
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Odair Santos
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
MarathonMarathon T12
Qi Shun
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Elkin Serna
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia
Ildar Pomykalov
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Marathon T46
Mario Santillan
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Tito Sena
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Walter Endrizzi
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Marathon T52
Thomas Geierspichler
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
Hirokazu Ueyonabaru
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Toshihiro Takada
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Marathon T54
Kurt Fearnley
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Hiroki Sasahara
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Ernst van Dyk
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
4 × 100 m relay4 × 100 m T11–T13
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)
Liu Xiangkun
Li Qiang
Yang Yuqing
Li Yansong
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela  (VEN)
Yoldani Silva
Ricardo Santana
Oduver Daza
Fernando Ferrer
Flag of France.svg  France  (FRA)
Tresor Makunda
Pasquale Gallo
Stéphane Bozzolo
Ronan Pallier
4 × 100 m T35–T38
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia  (AUS)
Evan O'Hanlon
Darren Thrupp
Christopher Mullins
Timothy Sullivan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)
Che Mian
Zhou Wenjun
Yang Chen
Ma Yuxi
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia  (TUN)
Fares Hamdi
Abbes Saidi
Mohamed Charmi
Farhat Chida
4 × 100 m T42–T46
Flag of the United States.svg  United States  (USA)
Jim Bob Bizzell
Brian Frasure
Casey Tibbs
Jerome Singleton
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil  (BRA)
André Luiz Oliveira
Yohansson Nascimento
Claudemir Santos
Alan Oliveira
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia  (AUS)
Heath Francis
Stephen Wilson
Aaron Chatman
Paul Raison
4 × 100 m T53–T54
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)
Zong Kai
Zhao Ji
Zhang Lixin
Li Huzhao
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand  (THA)
Supachai Koysub
Saichon Konjen
Prawat Wahoram
Pichet Krungget
Flag of South Korea (1997-2011).svg  South Korea  (KOR)
Hong Suk-Man
Jung Dong-Ho
Kim Gyu-Dae
Yoo Byung-Hoon
4 × 400 m relay4 × 400 m T53–T54
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)
Cui Yanfeng
Zhao Ji
Li Huzhao
Zhang Lixin
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand  (THA)
Supachai Koysub
Prawat Wahoram
Pichet Krungget
Saichon Konjen
Flag of France.svg  France  (FRA)
Julien Casoli
Pierre Fairbank
Alain Fuss
Denis Lemeunier
High jumpHigh jump F44/46
Jeff Skiba
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Aaron Chatman
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Chen Hongjie
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Long jumpLong jump F11
Li Duan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Lex Gillette
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Athanasios Barakas
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Long jump F12
Hilton Langenhoven
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Osamah Alshanqiti
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia
Oleg Panyutin
Flag of Azerbaijan (1991-2013).svg  Azerbaijan
Long jump F37–38
Farhat Chida
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Haider Ali
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan
Ma Yuxi
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Long jump F42/44
Wojtek Czyz
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Atsushi Yamamoto
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Casey Tibbs
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Long jump F46
Arnaud Assoumani
Flag of France.svg  France
David Roos
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Li Kangyong
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Triple jumpTriple jump F11
Li Duan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Zeynidin Bilalov
Flag of Azerbaijan (1991-2013).svg  Azerbaijan
Javier Porras
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Triple jump F12
Osamah Alshanqiti
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia
Ivan Kytsenko
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Vladimir Zayets
Flag of Azerbaijan (1991-2013).svg  Azerbaijan
Club throwClub throw F32/51
Mourad Idoudi
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Stephen Miller
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Jan Vanek
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Discus throwDiscus throw F11–12
Vasyl Lishchynskyi
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Sebastian Baldassarri
Flag of Argentina (1861-2010).svg  Argentina
Oleksandr Iasynovyi
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Discus throw F32/51
Mourad Idoudi
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Jože Flere
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia
Martin Zvolánek
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Discus throw F33–34/52
Aigars Apinis
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia
Chris Martin
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Roman Musil
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Discus throw F35–36
Guo Wei
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Wang Wenbo
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Reginald Benade
Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Discus throw F37–38
Javad Hardani
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Mykola Zhabnyak
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Xia Dong
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Discus throw F42
Fanie Lombard
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Mehrdad Karamzadeh
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Wang Lezheng
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Discus throw F44
Jeremy Campbell
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Jackie Christiansen
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Daniel Greaves
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Discus throw F53–54
Fan Liang
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Draženko Mitrović
Flag of Serbia (2004-2010).svg  Serbia
Toshie Oi
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Discus throw F55–56
Leonardo Diaz
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Ali Mohammadyari
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Tanto Campbell
Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica
Discus throw F57–58
Alexey Ashapatov
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Zheng Weihai
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Rostislav Pohlmann
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Javelin throwJavelin throw F11–12
Zhu Pengkai
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Branimir Budetić
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Miroslaw Pych
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Javelin throw F33–34/52
Faouzi Rzig
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Mohamed Krid
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Jean-Pierre Talatini
Flag of France.svg  France
Javelin throw F35–36
Guo Wei
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Pawel Piotrowski
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Nicholas Newman
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Javelin throw F37–38
Xia Dong
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Zhang Xuelong
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Javad Hardani
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Javelin throw F42/44
Gao Mingjie
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Evengy Gudkov
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Gao Changlong
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Javelin throw F53–54
Markku Niinimäki
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland
Abdolreza Jokar
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Luis Alberto Zepeda Félix
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Javelin throw F55–56
Pieter Gruijters
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Zhang Yingbin
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Yaser Abdelaziz El Sayed
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt
Javelin throw F57–58
Mohammad Reza Mirzaei
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Mahmoud Ramadan Ellatar
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt
Rostislav Pohlmann
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Shot putShot put F11–12
David Casinos
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Vladimir Andryushchenko
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vasyl Lishchynskyi
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Shot put F32
Karim Betina
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Mourad Idoudi
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Mounir Bakiri
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Shot put F33–34/52
Kamel Kardjena
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Aigars Apinis
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia
Kyle Pettey
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Shot put F35–36
Guo Wei
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Edgars Bergs
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia
Pawel Piotrowski
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Shot put F37–38
Xia Dong
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Tomasz Blatkiewicz
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Thomas Loosch
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Shot put F40
Paschalis Stathelakos
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Mathias Mester
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Hocine Gherzouli
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Shot put F42
Darko Kralj
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Maxim Narozhnyy
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Fanie Lombard
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Shot put F44
Jackie Christiansen
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Paul Raison
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Gerdan Fonseca
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Shot put F53–54
Mauro Maximo
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Markku Niinimäki
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland
Che Jon Fernandes
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Shot put F55–56
Olokhan Musayev
Flag of Azerbaijan (1991-2013).svg  Azerbaijan
Krzysztof Smorszczewski
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Martin Němec
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Shot put F57–58
Alexey Ashapatov
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Jamil Elshebli
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan
Anastasios Tsiou
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
PentathlonPentathlon P12
Hilton Langenhoven
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Thomas Ulbricht
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Mahmoud Khaldi
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Pentathlon P44
Jeremy Campbell
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Jeff Skiba
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Urs Kolly
Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland

Women's events

100 m100 m T11
Wu Chunmiao
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Terezinha Guilhermina
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Ádria Santos
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
100 m T12
Oxana Boturchuk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Libby Clegg
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Eva Ngui
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
100 m T13
Sanaa Benhama
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
Ilse Hayes
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Alexandra Dimoglou
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
100 m T36
Wang Fang
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Claudia Nicoleitzik
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Hazel Simpson
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
100 m T37
Lisa McIntosh
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Viktoriya Kravchenko
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Maria Seifert
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
100 m T38
Inna Dyachenko
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Sonia Mansour
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Margarita Koptilova
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
100 m T42
Perla Bustamante
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Annette Roozen
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Christine Wolf
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
100 m T44
April Holmes
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Amélie Le Fur
Flag of France.svg  France
Wang Juan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
100 m T46
Yunidis Castillo
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Elena Chistilina
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Alicja Fiodorow
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
100 m T52
Michelle Stilwell
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Tomomi Yamaki
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Teruyo Tanaka
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
100 m T53
Huang Lisha
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Jessica Galli
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Ilana Duff
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
100 m T54
Chantal Petitclerc
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Liu Wenjun
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Dong Hongjiao
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
200 m200 m T11
Terezinha Guilhermina
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Wu Chunmiao
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Jerusa Santos
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
200 m T12
Assia El'Hannouni
Flag of France.svg  France
Oxana Boturchuk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Eva Ngui
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
200 m T13
Sanaa Benhama
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
Nantenin Keita
Flag of France.svg  France
Alexandra Dimoglou
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
200 m T36
Wang Fang
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Claudia Nicoleitzik
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Hazel Simpson
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
200 m T37
Lisa McIntosh
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Viktoriya Kravchenko
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Maria Seifert
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
200 m T38
Inna Dyachenko
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Sonia Mansour
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Margarita Koptilova
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
200 m T44
Katrin Green
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Kate Horan
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
Stefanie Reid
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
200 m T46
Yunidis Castillo
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Alicja Fiodorow
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Julie Smith
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
200 m T52
Michelle Stilwell
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Tomomi Yamaki
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Pia Schmid
Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland
200 m T53
Huang Lisha
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Jessica Galli
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Zhou Hongzhuan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
200 m T54
Chantal Petitclerc
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Tatyana McFadden
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Manuela Schar
Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland
400 m400 m T12
Assia El'Hannouni
Flag of France.svg  France
Oxana Boturchuk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Terezinha Guilhermina
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
400 m T13
Sanaa Benhama
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
Alexandra Dimoglou
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Nantenin Keita
Flag of France.svg  France
400 m T53
Jessica Galli
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Zhou Hongzhuan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Anjali Forber-Pratt
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
400 m T54
Chantal Petitclerc
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Tatyana McFadden
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Diane Roy
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
800 m800 m T12–13
Somaya Bousaid
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Assia El'Hannouni
Flag of France.svg  France
Elenna Pautova
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
800 m T53
Zhou Hongzhuan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Jessica Galli
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Amanda McGrory
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
800 m T54
Chantal Petitclerc
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Tatyana McFadden
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Diane Roy
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
1500 m1500 m T13
Somaya Bousaid
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Assia El'Hannouni
Flag of France.svg  France
Elenna Pautova
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
1500 m T54
Chantal Petitclerc
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Shelly Woods
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
Edith Hunkeler
Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland
5000 m5000 m T54 †
Amanda McGrory
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Diane Roy
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Shelly Woods
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain
MarathonMarathon T54
Edith Hunkeler
Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland
Amanda McGrory
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Sandra Graf
Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland
4 × 100 m4 × 100 m T53–T54
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)
Dong Hongjiao
Liu Wenjun
Huang Lisha
Zhang Ting
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia  (AUS)
Madison de Rozario
Christie Dawes
Angie Ballard
Jemima Moore
Flag of the United States.svg  United States  (USA)
Tatyana McFadden
Anjali Forber-Pratt
Amanda McGrory
Jessica Galli
Long jumpLong jump F12
Oksana Zubkovska
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Volha Zinkevich
Flag of Belarus (1995-2012).svg  Belarus
Liu Miaomiao
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Long jump F13
Ilse Hayes
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa
Anthi Karagianni
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Svitlana Gorbenko
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Long jump F42
Christine Wolf
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Annette Roozen
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Ewa Zielinska
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Long jump F44
Andrea Scherney
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
Amélie Le Fur
Flag of France.svg  France
Astrid Hofte
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Discus throwDiscus throw F12–13
Tamara Sivakova
Flag of Belarus (1995-2012).svg  Belarus
Zhang Liangmin
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Elizabeth Almada
Flag of Argentina (1861-2010).svg  Argentina
Discus throw F32–34/51–53
Tetyana Yakybchuk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Frances Herrmann
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Yousra Ben Jemaa
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Discus throw F35–36
Wu Qing
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Kath Proudfoot
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Alla Malchyk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Discus throw F37–38 ††
Mi Na
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Amanda Fraser
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Li Chunhua
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Discus throw F40
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Raoua Tlili
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Najat El Garaa
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
Discus throw F42–46
Wang Jun
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Yang Yue
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Zheng Baozhu
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Discus throw F54–56
Marianne Buggenhagen
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Wang Ting
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Jana Fesslova
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Discus throw F57–58
Eucharia Njideka Iyiazi
Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria
Stela Eneva
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
Nadia Medjemedj
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Javelin throwJavelin throw F33–34/52–53
Antonia Balek
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Louadjeda Benoumessad
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Birgit Pohl
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Javelin throw F35–38
Wu Qing
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Shirlene Coelho
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Renata Chilewska
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Javelin throw F42–46
Yao Juan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Andrea Hegen
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Madeleine Hogan
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Javelin throw F54–56
Martina Monika Willing
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Hania Aidi
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Daniela Todorova
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
Javelin throw F57–58
Qing Suping
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Nakhumicha Zakayo
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Jeny Velazco
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Shot putShot put F12–13
Tang Hongxia
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Tamara Sivakova
Flag of Belarus (1995-2012).svg  Belarus
Jodi Willis-Roberts
Flag of Australia.svg  Australia
Shot put F32–34/52–53
Antonia Balek
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Birgit Pohl
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Maria Stamatoula
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Shot put F35–36
Alla Malchyk
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Wu Qing
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Renata Chilewska
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Shot put F37–38
Mi Na
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Aldona Grigaliuniene
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania
Eva Berna
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Shot put F40
Raoua Tlili
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Laila El Garaa
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
Shot put F42–46
Zheng Baozhu
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Zhong Yongyuan
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Michaela Floeth
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Shot put F54–56
Eva Kacanu
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Martina Monika Willing
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Marianne Buggenhagen
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Shot put F57–58
Eucharia Njideka Iyiazi
Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria
Angeles Ortiz Hernandez
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Nadia Medjemedj
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria

Diane Roy was initially awarded the gold, Shelly Woods the silver and Amanda McGrory the bronze in the women's 5000  m T54. However a re-run of the race was ordered by the International Paralympic Committee following protests by the Australian, US and Swiss teams after 6 competitors were involved in a crash on the penultimate lap. [3] The re-run race resulted in the same three athletes winning medals but in a different order. [4]

†† Rebecca Chin of Great Britain was originally awarded the silver medal in the women's discus throw F37-38 event. Following a challenge to her classification, Chin was deemed ineligible for the event, stripped of her medal, and her results were erased. [5]

See also

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John Charles Smith, known professionally as JohnBoy Smith, is a British parathlete and wheelchair racer of Romany descent who competes in the T54 category sprint events.


  1. "Athletics Medal Standings - the Official Website of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games". Archived from the original on 2008-09-11. Retrieved 2008-09-10.
  2. "Gold for Weir after appeal U-turn". BBC Sport. 2008-09-14. Archived from the original on 16 September 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-16.
  3. "Woods forced to give back medal". BBC Sport. 2008-09-08. Archived from the original on 10 September 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-08.
  4. "Woods battles to bronze in re-run". BBC Sport. 2008-09-12. Archived from the original on 15 September 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-12.
  5. Davies, Gareth A (2008-09-15). "Rebecca Chin stripped of Paralympic silver by 'failing' system". The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 2008-09-18. Retrieved 2010-05-17.