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Bowhunter in Utah 171114-F-LS255-0011.JPG
Bowhunter in Utah

Bowhunting (or bow hunting) is the practice of hunting game animals by archery. Many indigenous peoples have employed the technique as their primary hunting method for thousands of years, and it has survived into contemporary use for sport and hunting.


Modern history

Picture of Pope taken while grizzly hunting at Yellowstone Saxton Pope and grizzly.jpg
Picture of Pope taken while grizzly hunting at Yellowstone

The last of the Yahi tribe, an indigenous man known as Ishi, came out of hiding in California in 1911. [1] [2] His doctor, Saxton Pope, learned many of Ishi's traditional archery skills, and popularized them. [3] [4] The Pope and Young Club, founded in 1961 and named in honor of Pope and his friend, Arthur Young, became one of North America's leading bowhunting and conservation organizations. Founded as a nonprofit scientific organization, the Club was patterned after the Boone and Crockett Club and advocated responsible bowhunting by promoting quality, fair chase hunting, and sound conservation practices. Modern game archery owes much of its success to Fred Bear, an American bow hunter and bow manufacturer. [5]


Arrows, bows and sights are commonly of the more modern varieties. However, all effective variations, including crossbows and wooden bows launching wooden arrows with stone points, are used. Arrowheads are chosen to ensure lethality. Broadheads feature blades that jut out from the shaft at an angle to cause more damage to the target; some models have retractable blades that only deploy once they hit the target.

Hunting crossbow Crossbow Hunting.jpg
Hunting crossbow

Big game hunting requires a draw weight of more than 35 pounds-force (16 kilograms-force ). For larger game such as elk or moose, more than 50 lbf (23 kgf) is suggested. Most male American archers can draw a bow rated at 50–60 lbf (23–27 kgf), most women 30–40 lbf (14–18 kgf). [6]

Lighter arrows, all else equal, will give a higher speed and a flatter trajectory. [7] Arrows with greater mass carry more momentum, and penetrate better in large animals; a minimum mass of 650 grains (40 grams ) is recommended for animals such as deer, pigs, etc and 900 gr (60 g) for the largest game. [8]

Methods of hunting

In contrast to a rifle hunter, who may shoot effectively from ranges in excess of 200 yards (180 m); archers usually restrict shots to 2.3 to 42 yards (2 to 38 m). [9] The distance depends upon individual ability, the target animal, the bow strength, terrain, arrow and weather. The bow hunter may walk along the ground slowly, looking for game and stalking it carefully in the final approach. This type of slow, methodical stalking, is called "spot and stalk." Hunters often wear camouflage clothing and walk upwind (with the wind in their face) so that game ahead of them cannot smell them.

In "stand hunting," the hunter waits for game to come to them, usually near food, water, or known trails. Brush and other natural materials may be placed for cover, or a "ground blind" that looks like a camouflage tent may be used. [10] They usually "pop" up and can be set up from folded in a few minutes. The hunter may wait on a wooden or metal stand elevated in a tree, from three to six meters (3.5 to 6.5 yd).

Bowhunting for fish is called bowfishing. Bowfishing equipment usually adds a line attached to a spool or a reel as well as a specially designed, heavier, barbed arrow. Most bow-fishers do not use sights, but if they do have sights they are different from standard ones to allow for refraction. [11]

Bowhunting often has different seasons and restrictions from firearm hunting, and they differ significantly between areas. Legal and cultural approaches specific to the area must be taken into consideration by the hunter.


Legal status of bowhunting in Europe with countries allowing bowhunting in green Bogenjagd in Europa.png
Legal status of bowhunting in Europe with countries allowing bowhunting in green

Nations including Denmark, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria use bow and arrow hunting as a hunting tool in modern game management. Some European countries, including the United Kingdom, prohibit bowhunting. [12] Bowhunting, like target archery, was revived in the UK during the Victorian era, [13] but has been banned since 1965. [14] Recently a law was passed in Estonia that would allow bowhunting of small game. [15]

United States and Canada

In the United States and Canada, as with other styles of hunting, bowhunting is regulated by individual provinces and states. Regulations often address issues such as which area to hunt in, what time of year (season), and which sex and species of game may be taken. In many cases, a special archery season is set aside, to minimize interference from rifle hunters. While bowhunting can run into rifle hunting seasons, hunter orange is typically required to be worn during the cross over seasons. In addition, in an effort to maximize game recovery and shot lethality, there are often technical regulations, such as a minimum draw weight, minimum width of head, and lack of barbs. [16]

In general most bow hunting for big game begins in late August or early September in northern states and Canadian provinces, and slightly later in southern states.

New Zealand

Organized bow hunting began in New Zealand in 1945. The New Zealand government regulates bowhunting. [17] An annual 3 day field shoot tournament is held every Queen's Birthday Weekend at various locations throughout New Zealand. Bowhunters must have permission to hunt on private land, and they cannot hunt in DOC lands, national parks, or any other reserves without a permit. All native species are protected; only introduced species are legal quarry.

There are no special seasons for bowhunters or for hunting with a firearm. [18] There is an active bow hunters' society. [19]


Bowhunting is practiced in Australia and is not specifically subject to regulation by law. Only non-native species are recognized as game by the Australian Bowhunters Association. However, native species may be killed during government-authorized culls. [20]

The states of Victoria and New South Wales both regulate bowhunting. In Victoria hunting is regulated through the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE). [21] In New South Wales this is done through the Department of Primary Industry. [22] At the current time there are no specific hunting regulations in other states and territories. [23]

In July 2013 the New South Wales Government disbanded the Game Council, and temporarily suspended licensed hunting in NSW State forests. [24]

While both Victoria and New South Wales place licensing requirements on would-be bowhunters, the sport is self-regulated. The Australian Bowhunters Association and local clubs assess hunters through the Bowhunter Proficiency Certificate (BPC) which is designed to ensure that animals are killed according to humane principles. [25]


Zimbabwe has legally permitted hunting with compound bows since 1989 as an exception, and since 1999 under formal legislation. Minimum arrow weights and bow draws are mandated. Bowhunting is only allowed on private or tribal lands, but not in national parks. Bowhunters must be accompanied by licensed guides or professional hunters. [26] Bowhunting of elephants is mostly conducted in Zimbabwe. [27] Following international outrage over the illegal hunt for Cecil, the lion, in 2015 the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority banned all bowhunting unless specifically authorized, as well as other hunting restrictions. [28]


Duck in Newport Beach, California injured by arrow. Newport20230330.jpg
Duck in Newport Beach, California injured by arrow.
Duck injured by crossbow arrows in Colorado Springs. CDOW20101109.jpg
Duck injured by crossbow arrows in Colorado Springs.

Some are deeply opposed to bow hunting in particular, on the grounds of cruelty. The organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals states that "quick kills are rare, and many animals suffer prolonged, painful deaths when hunters severely injure but fail to kill them." [29]

Wounding rates

A study conducted by the Oklahoma Fish and Wildlife Agencies found that approximately 50% of deer that were shot were never recovered, noting that this rate was similar to data from other studies. Some deer survived for up to 5–7 days before succumbing to their wounds. "71% to 82% of all shots taken" miss the target [30] and "shot placement is, for all practical purposes, random". [31]

In another study from Maryland, archers who had passed a pre-season accuracy test claimed that 82% of deer hit were recovered within 24 hours. [32]

Danish licensed bowhunters are required to complete a report every time that they kill a roe deer. (To become a licensed bowhunter in Denmark it is necessary to pass a very demanding proficiency test, including a test of accuracy in which five of six arrows must hit within the vital area of game targets ranging from roe deer to pheasant in size at unknown distances up to 25 meters (27 yd). Only 2% of Danish bowhunters use traditional equipment.) For 1999–2004, these reports showed that 576 arrows were released at roe deer. 92.5% of these shots resulted in a dead roe deer being collected by the hunter, and 2.6% are documented as misses. In 5% of reports the deer was hit and wounded (as indicated by bodily fluids on the ground or on the arrow), but not recovered by the hunter. The European Bowhunters Association states that "this percentage compares favorably with other means of harvesting roe deer in Europe." [33]

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Archery</span> Using a bow to shoot arrows

Archery is the sport, practice, or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows. The word comes from the Latin arcus, meaning bow. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity. A person who practices archery is typically called an archer, bowman, or toxophilite.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Arrow</span> Shafted projectile that is shot with a bow

An arrow is a fin-stabilized projectile launched by a bow. A typical arrow usually consists of a long, stiff, straight shaft with a weighty arrowhead attached to the front end, multiple fin-like stabilizers called fletchings mounted near the rear, and a slot at the rear end called a nock for engaging the bowstring. A container or bag carrying additional arrows for convenient reloading is called a quiver.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bow and arrow</span> Ranged weapon system

The bow and arrow is a ranged weapon system consisting of an elastic launching device (bow) and long-shafted projectiles (arrows). Humans used bows and arrows for hunting and aggression long before recorded history, and the practice was common to many prehistoric cultures. They were important weapons of war from ancient history until the early modern period, where they were rendered increasingly obsolete by the development of the more powerful and accurate firearms. Today, bows and arrows are mostly used for hunting and sports.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Game (hunting)</span> Wild animals under pursuit or taken in hunting

Game or quarry is any wild animal hunted for animal products, for recreation ("sporting"), or for trophies. The species of animals hunted as game varies in different parts of the world and by different local jurisdictions, though most are terrestrial mammals and birds. Fish caught non-commercially are also referred to as game fish.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bowfishing</span> Fishing with archery equipment

Bowfishing is a fishing technique that uses specialized archery equipment to impale and retrieve fish. A bowfisher will use a bow or crossbow to shoot fish through the water surface with a barbed arrow tethered to a line, and then manually retrieve the line and arrow back, in modern times usually with a reel mounted on the bow. Unlike other popular forms of fishing where baiting and exploiting the fish's instinctual behaviors are important, bowfishing is similar to spearfishing and relies purely on the fisherman's own visual perception and marksmanship, and usually do not involve using other tools such as hand net.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fred Bear</span> American bow hunter (1902–1988)

Fred Bear was an American bow hunter and manufacturer. Although he did not start bow hunting until he was 29 and did not master the skill for many years, he is widely regarded as a pioneer in the bow hunting community. Bear was a world traveler, film producer, and the founder of Bear Archery. He died in Gainesville, Florida and is inducted in the Bowhunters Hall of Fame.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Big–game hunting</span> Hunting of large animals

Big-game hunting is the hunting of large game animals for trophies, taxidermy, meat, and commercially valuable animal by-products. The term is often associated with the hunting of Africa's "Big Five" games, and Indian rhinoceros and Bengal tigers on the Indian subcontinent.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Howard Hill</span> American archer (1899–1975)

Howard Hill was an expert bowman who for over two decades, from the early 1930s into the 1950s, was often introduced or billed as "The World's Greatest Archer". He established the record for winning the most bow-and-arrow field tournaments in succession, a total of 196 competitions. In addition, Hill served as a supporting actor, trick-shot performer, and technical adviser on archery for Hollywood shorts and feature films. He also produced and directed documentaries and instructional films on bowhunting, and in the 1950s published two books on the subject, Hunting the Hard Way and Wild Adventure.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Deer hunting</span> Practice/activity of hunting deer

Deer hunting is hunting deer for meat and sport, and, formerly, for producing buckskin hides, an activity which dates back tens of thousands of years. Venison, the name for deer meat, is a nutritious and natural food source of animal protein that can be obtained through deer hunting. There are many different types of deer around the world that are hunted for their meat. For sport, often hunters try to kill deer with the largest and most antlers to score them using inches. There are two different categories of antlers. They are typical and nontypical. They measure tine length, beam length, and beam mass by each tine. They will add all these measurements up to get a score. This score is the score without deductions. Deductions occur when the opposite tine is not the same length as it is opposite. That score is the deducted score.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Field archery</span> Competitive archery under field hunting conditions

Field archery is any archery discipline that involves shooting at outdoor targets of varying and often unmarked distance, typically in woodland and rough terrain.

The crossbow often has a complicated legal status due to its potential use for lethal purposes, and its similarities with both firearms and other archery weapons. The crossbow is, for legal purposes, often categorized as a firearm by various legal jurisdictions, despite the fact that no combustion is required to propel the projectile.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Saxton Pope</span> American hunter and physician

Saxton Temple Pope was an American doctor, teacher, author and outdoorsman. He is most famous as the father of modern bow hunting, and for his close relationship with Ishi, the last member of the Yahi tribe and the last known American Indian to be raised largely isolated from Western culture.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Archery Trade Association</span>

The Archery Trade Association (ATA), is the trade group representing manufacturers, retailers, distributors, sales representatives and others working in the archery and bowhunting industry. The ATA has served its members since 1953. It is dedicated to making the industry profitable by decreasing business overhead, reducing taxes and government regulation, and increasing participation in archery and bowhunting.

This is a list of archery terms, including both the equipment and the practice. A brief description for each word or phrase is also included.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Corey Schell</span> American archer

Corey Schell is an American professional bowhunter and archer. He received national exposure from Kicking Bear One-on-One as well as being on National pro-staffs for Bowtech Archery (former), HOYT (former), HHA Sports (former), Easton Archery, SKB Cases, Spot-Hogg, Athens Archery, Alpen Optics, Flex Fletch, Pine Ridge Archery, Advanced Treestand Technologies, Under Armour, Schmidty's Specialty Strings, HUK Fishing, NOMAD and Firenock. He is also the CEO of Unscripted Outdoors which produces the web based show Hunt Nasty TV and has appeared on the TV show Midwest Whitetail.

Abe Walsh is an American author who has written extensively about his hunting, fishing and back-country adventures. He has written for over 25 magazine titles, and authored or ghost-written several hardcover books on the subject. He has also appeared on-camera on television hunting shows.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Professional hunter</span>

A professional hunter is a person who hunts and/or manages game by profession. Some professional hunters work in the private sector or for government agencies and manage species that are considered overabundant, others are self-employed and make a living by selling hides and meat, while still others guide clients on big-game hunts.

Modern competitive archery involves shooting arrows at a target for accuracy and precision from a set distance or distances. This is the most popular form of competitive archery worldwide and is called target archery. A form particularly popular in Europe, North America, and South America is field archery, shot at targets generally set at various distances in a wooded setting. There are also several other lesser-known and historical forms, as well as archery novelty games.

Australia has a population of about 26 million while the Commonwealth Government estimating there are 640,000 recreational hunters in the country. There are around 6 million legally owned guns in Australia, ranging from airguns to single-shot, bolt-action, pump-action, lever-action or semi-automatic firearms.

Fair chase is a term used by hunters to describe an ethical approach to hunting big game animals. North America's oldest wildlife conservation group, the Boone and Crockett Club, defines "fair chase" as requiring the targeted game animal to be wild and free-ranging. "Wild" refers to an animal that is naturally bred and lives freely in nature. "Free-ranging" means an animal that is not restrained by traps or artificial barriers, so it has a fair chance of successfully escaping from the hunt.


  1. Allely, Steve; et al. (2008), The Traditional Bowyer's Bible, Volume 4, The Lyons Press, ISBN   978-0-9645741-6-8
  2. Kroeber, Theodora (2004), Ishi in Two Worlds: a biography of the last wild Indian in North America, Berkeley: University of California Press, ISBN   978-0-520-24037-7
  3. Pope, Saxton (1925), Hunting with the Bow and Arrow, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons
  4. Pope, Saxton (1926), Adventurous Bowmen: field notes on African archery, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons
  5. Bertalan, Dan (2007). Traditional Bowyers Encyclopedia: The Bowhunting and Bowmaking World of the Nation's Top Crafters of Longbows and Recurves. Skyhorse Pub. p. 73. ISBN   9781602390461 . Retrieved 1 June 2018.
  6. "Bow Sizing Guide". Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  7. "Carbon Arrow University - Speed & Kinetic Energy". Archived from the original on 24 September 2013. Retrieved 26 September 2013.
  8. Dr. Ed Ashby. "ARROW LETHALITY Part IV: The Physics of Arrow Penetration". Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  9. "Dr. Ashby Reports 1996 Dr. W.E (Ed) Ashby" (JPG). Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  10. Woodrow, Ross (September 2013). "Ground blinds are worth considering". TR Tribune. Archived from the original on 28 September 2013. Retrieved 1 June 2018.
  11. Jon. "Bowfishing equipment tips". Archived from the original on 28 September 2013. Retrieved 1 June 2018.
  12. "Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (c. 69)" . Retrieved 6 May 2009. if any person… uses for the purpose of killing or taking any wild animal ... any bow or cross-bow ... he shall be guilty of an offence.
  13. Archer's Craft. Adrian E Hodgkin. Llanerch Press; Facsimile of 1951 edition (31 May 1996). ISBN   1-897853-80-7. ISBN   978-1-897853-80-1
  14. "Bowhunting, The Alternative Calibre - About". Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  15. "Jahiseadus sai riigikogus napi heakskiidu - Eesti uudised". 17 April 2014. Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  16. "Deer and Bear Hunting Regulations - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation". 7 November 2014. Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  17. "DOC Hunting Guide" (PDF). p. 5. Retrieved 6 May 2009.
  18. New Zealand Department of Conservation. "Activity Finder - Hunting" . Retrieved 6 May 2009.
  19. "New Zealand Bowhunters Society". Archived from the original on 19 January 2008. Retrieved 6 May 2009.
  20. "More Bowhunting Information". Australian Bowhunters Association. 13 June 2009. Archived from the original on 17 February 2011. Retrieved 1 June 2018.
  21. Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment. "Game Hunting in Victoria". Archived from the original on 30 May 2009. Retrieved 6 May 2009.
  22. "New South Wales Game Council". Archived from the original on 19 May 2009. Retrieved 6 May 2009.
  23. Australian Bowhunters Association. "More Bowhunting Information". Archived from the original on 5 January 2009. Retrieved 6 May 2009.
  24. "Government abolishes Game Council NSW". Archived from the original on 25 July 2013. Retrieved 30 July 2013.
  25. Australian Bowhunters Association. "Bowhunting in Australia". Archived from the original on 5 January 2009. Retrieved 6 May 2009.
  26. "Bowhunting in Zimbabwe". Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  27. "Bowhunting in Zimbabwe". Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  28. Merritt Clifton. "Death of Cecil: Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife responds – Animals 24-7". Retrieved 2 April 2017.
  29. Stephen S. Ditchkoff; et al. (1998). "Wounding Rates of White-Tailed Deer With Traditional Archery Equipment". Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Retrieved 29 January 2014. A member of the Maine Bow Hunters Alliance estimates that 50 percent of animals who are shot with crossbows are wounded but not killed. A study of 80 radio-collared white-tailed deer found that of the 22 deer who had been shot with "traditional archery equipment," 11 were wounded but not recovered by hunters.
  30. "ARROW LETHALITY. Part I: Introduction - The Need for Knowledge" (PDF). 1996. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 September 2013. Retrieved 22 August 2012. "Researchers in Wisconsin". As quoted in Dr Ed Ashby,
  31. Horace Gore - Whitetail Project Director, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (1996). "ARROW LETHALITY. Part I: Introduction - The Need for Knowledge" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 September 2013. Retrieved 22 August 2012. As quoted in Dr Ed Ashby
  32. "2008 Proc. Annu. Conf. SEAFWA Wounding Rates of White-tailed Deer with Modern Archery Equipment" (PDF). Quality Deer Management Association staff. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 September 2013. Retrieved 26 September 2013.
  33. Anders Gejer; Richard Cadwalader (May 2005). "Evaluation of the Danish Bowhunting Association, the Danish National Forest and Nature Agency's Statistics on Roedeer (Capreolus Capreolus) shot with bow and arrow in Denmark between 1 October 1999 – 15 January 2004" (PDF). European Bowhunters Association. Retrieved 29 January 2014.

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