Slavery in New Mexico existed among the Native American (Indian) tribes prior to the arrival of the first Europeans. In 1542, the Spanish king banned the enslavement of the Indians of the Americas in Spanish colonies, but the ban was mostly ineffective. The enslavement of Indians was common during the Spanish exploration and colonization of New Mexico from 1540 to 1821. Slaves of the Spanish included a few of the Pueblos living in the Spanish colony, but most slaves were captured from other Indian tribes in the region. Women were more valued than men as slaves. Slaves were not only valued for their labour, but were also a prestige item among the more prominent and prosperous of the Spanish colonists. Enslavement of an individual was not always permanent. Slaves, especially women, often gained kinship relationships with their owners. The offspring and descendants of enslaved persons were called genizaros and made up one-third of New Mexico's population in the early 19th century. In the Spanish caste system genizaros had low status, but were important for frontier defense and cultural contacts with Indian tribes. Forced labor and debt peonage were also features of slavery in New Mexico. Some Indians captured and enslaved in New Mexico were sent south to work in Mexican mines or even to distant places like Cuba to work on sugar plantations.
Spanish, mixed-blood people, and other Indians were frequently captured and enslaved by the Comanche and other Plains Indians. Many of the slaves were integrated into Indian tribes; some were ransomed or purchased by Spaniards and Franciscan missionaries.
After Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821, all slavery was declared illegal but institutions of involuntary servitude continued. New Mexico became United States territory in 1846 and slavery became legal until the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865. Very few African-Americans lived in New Mexico; most slaves were Native Americans. [1]
The first Europeans to visit New Mexico were Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and his army. In 1541, Coronado used two slaves he found at Pecos Pueblo as guides for his expedition to Quivira in present-day Kansas. The slaves were probably Wichita and Pawnee Indians who had been captured or purchased by the people of the Pecos Pueblo. A Teyas Indian female slave accompanying Coronado escaped from the Spaniards, but had the bad luck to be recaptured in present-day Texas by Luis de Moscoso who was leading the Hernando de Soto Expedition. Moscoso took her to Mexico where she presumably remained the rest of her life. These stories are evidence that slavery and trade in slaves by the Native American people of New Mexico existed prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. [2]
In 1542, King Carlos I of Spain enacted the "New Laws of the Indies for the Good Treatment and Preservation of the Indians" outlawing slavery in Spain's American colonies. However, the New Law was often violated on the remote frontiers of New Spain. Spanish settlement of New Mexico, led by Juan de Oñate, began in 1598. Only a few Pueblo Indians living in or near the Spanish settlements were enslaved. Many Pueblos quickly became nominal Christians and they were protected from slavery, albeit with their labor exploited and their freedom restricted, by Roman Catholic Franciscan missionaries who were independent of the colony's governor. [3] Pueblos were sometimes enslaved by court order. The 1659 court case of Juan Suñi, a young Hopi man accused of stealing food and trinkets in the governor's mansion, resulted in a sentence of ten years of enslavement. [4]
Indian slaves in the 17th century became colonial New Mexico's most valuable product, [5] but the Indian population of the Americas declined precipitously, mostly from Old World diseases but partly because of slavery and war, after contact with Europeans. The Pueblos in New Mexico may have numbered 60,000 in the mid 16th century, but by 1680 their population was only 15,000. [6] [7] The Spanish colonies needed labor in silver mines hundreds of miles south of New Mexico and also employed slaves as servants, concubines, herders, farmers, and prestige items for households in New Mexico. In the 17th century, Apaches visited trade fairs in Spanish settlements with Wichita (Quiviran) captives for sale which settlers and Franciscans purchased as slaves. The Spanish also acquired Indian slaves by capturing Apaches and Utes who lived in areas surrounding the New Mexican settlements. Many were sold to mine owners southwards from New Mexico to help satisfy a large demand for mine workers; a slave purchased in New Mexico could be sold for more than double that price to mine owners in Chihuahua. Many slaves were also owned by Spanish settlers in New Mexico. In the late 18th century, some female Indian slaves were sent by the Spanish to Cuba. [8] [9] Slaves of African origin in colonial New Mexico probably numbered less than a dozen and by 1800 they had been absorbed into the general population. [10]
Enslaving Indians and selling them or exploiting their labor was one of the few ways Spanish governors in New Mexico could profit from their appointment to this remote province of New Spain. As scholar Frank McNitt wrote, "Governors were a greedy and rapacious lot whose single-minded interest was to wring as much personal wealth from the province as their terms allowed. They exploited Indian labor for transport, sold Indian slaves in New Spain, and sold Indian products...and other goods manufactured by Indian slave labor." [11]
The Spanish justified their slave raids as a "just war" against hostile Indians. The slave raids resulted in retaliatory raids by Indians, bringing death or captivity to many Spanish and Pueblos and impoverishing the colony. [12] Although slaves were protected by the Laws of the Indies, [13] many of them complained of mistreatment. Slaves were baptized as Christians and given Christian names, but often left the church if they escaped from the Spanish. Spanish officials and missionaries generally supported slavery, believing the "redeemed" captives were better off after being converted to Christianity. [14]
In 1680, the Pueblos of New Mexico revolted against Spanish rule, killed or captured 422 Spaniards and expelled the remaining 1,946, including 426 Indian "servants" (most of whom were probably slaves) from New Mexico. The reasons for the revolt included the disruption of Pueblo trade with Apaches caused by Spanish slaving raids. The rebels also demanded that slaves living among the Spanish be released. Among the promises made by the rebels to encourage men to join the revolt was that for each Spaniard they killed they would receive one woman as a wife. Women and children in New Mexico were commodities to be traded among warring factions. Author James F. Brooks points out that a difference between African-American slavery in the southern United States and slavery in New Mexico is that slaves in New Mexico were integrated over time into the ethnic group in which they were captive. Through violence, the slave trade in women and children "knit diverse peoples into webs of painful kinship." [15]
The Spanish reclaimed New Mexico beginning in 1692. In reconquering the capital of Santa Fe the Spanish enslaved 400 Pueblo women and children who were among the defeated rebels. However, the returning Spaniards recognized the limits of what their Pueblo subjects would endure. Early in the 18th century relations between Pueblos and Spaniards improved in response to raids on New Mexico by Apaches, Navajos, and Utes. Moreover, uniting the Spaniards and Pueblos, a new and dangerous threat to the colony appeared, the nomadic Comanche. [16] [17] [18]
In the words of historian Pekka Hämäläinen, the Comanches "were racially color-blind people who saw in almost every stranger a potential kinsperson, but they nevertheless built the largest slave economy in the colonial Southwest." [19] In the 18th century, the Comanches pushed the Apaches off the Great Plains and built a proto-empire that stretched 600 km (370 miles) from north to south from the Arkansas River in Colorado to near the Rio Grande River in Texas. By the mid-18th century, the Comanche dominated the weaker tribes living on the plains east of New Mexico. [20] They numbered 10,000 to 15,000 in 1750 and their population was growing rapidly as it was augmented by a large number of slaves and former slaves integrated into the tribe. [21] By contrast the population of New Mexico (including the area of El Paso, Texas) was only slowly increasing, totaling 17,000 in 1750 and consisting of 5,000 "Spanish" (which included mestizos and Indian servants and slaves) and 12,000 Pueblo Indians. [22] Comanche numbers began declining in 1780 due to recurrent epidemics of European diseases. The Comanches possessed huge horse herds and dealt also in bison robes and deer skins. They needed additional labor to achieve their economic interests, and they obtained it by slave raids and trade in slaves. [23]
Comanche raids on New Mexico began in the 1710s and continued until 1786 when Comanches and New Mexicans negotiated a durable peace. Comanche raiding in Texas and south of the Rio Grande would begin again in the 1790s, but New Mexico and the Comanches remained on friendly terms, New Mexico being a reliable source of supply, a purveyor of gifts to the Comanches to keep the peace, and an ally in fighting their common enemy, the Apaches. Estimates of the number of Indian captives among the Comanches in the early 1800s range from 900 to 2,500. [24] In addition to the captive slaves who remained with the Comanches, they ransomed many. A common vehicle to trade Comanche slaves for New Mexican goods was the trade fair held in Taos every July and August. The Comanches arrived at the fair with their captive slaves and sold them to the Spanish in exchange for maize, ammunition, tobacco, cloth, and other manufactured goods. [25] Women slaves sold for more than double the price of male slaves. [26]
Brooks estimates that 5,000 Indian captives of many different tribes were ransomed or purchased by the Spanish in New Mexico between 1700 and 1880, the Comanches being the largest purveyors of slaves. Newly acquired Indian slaves were baptized and given Spanish names, usually those of their masters. The offspring of an enslaved woman was called a "coyote". The father was often the slave's owner. Slaves served their purchaser for ten to twenty years. The ransomed slaves, their offspring, and their descendants in New Mexico were called genízaros. They worked primarily as domestic servants, sheep herders, and other laborers. Although no longer slaves, genizaros were the lowest class of Spanish society. By the end of the 18th century, genizaros were estimated to comprise about one third of the entire population of New Mexico which totaled 29,041 in 1793. [20] [27] [28]
The settlements of Tomé and Belén just south of Albuquerque, were described by Juan Agustin Morfi in 1778:
In all the Spanish towns of New Mexico there exists a class of Indians called genizaros. These are made up of captive Comanches, Apaches, etc. who were taken as youngsters and raised among us, and who have married in the province ... They are forced to live among the Spaniards, without lands or other means to subsist except the bow and arrow which serves them when they go into the back country to hunt deer for food ... They are fine soldiers, very warlike ... Expecting the genizaros to work for daily wages is a folly because of the abuses they have experienced, especially from the Spanish authorities in the past ... In two places, Belen and Tome, some sixty families of genizaros have congregated. [29]
Pueblo people, usually exempt from being slaves, were sometimes enslaved by court order. The 1659 court case of Juan Suñi, a young Hopi man accused of stealing food and trinkets in the governor's mansion, resulted in a sentence of ten years of enslavement. [30]
Because they had few rights under the casta laws of the Spanish, acceptance of land grants and resettlement on the dangerous frontiers of New Mexico was the principal way for genízaros to become landowners. In 1754, to deal with the Indian raids and the faltering colony, New Mexico governor Tomás Vélez Cachupín gave 34 genízaro families a land grant in Abiquiú in exchange for them taking a prominent role in defense of the northern frontier of New Mexico. [31] The 1786 peace treaty with the Comanches permitted the Spanish to expand eastward out of the narrow confines of the Rio Grande Valley onto the Great Plains. In 1794, San Miguel del Vado near the Pecos River was the first genizaro settlement on the plains and it was followed by several more along the Pecos River. [32]
After Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821, Mexico enacted the Treaty of Córdoba, which decreed that indigenous tribes within its borders were citizens of Mexico. Officially, the newly independent Mexican government proclaimed a policy of social equality for all ethnic groups, and the genízaros were officially considered equals to their vecino (villagers of mainly mixed racial background) and Pueblo neighbors. [33] This never was completely put into practice. The Mexican slave trade continued to flourish. The average price for a boy slave was $100, while girls brought $150 to $200. [34] Girls demanded a higher price because they were thought to be excellent house keepers and they were frequently used as sex slaves.
In the period of Mexican and early American rule (1821–1880), most of the genízaros and captive servants in New Mexico were of Navajo ancestry. Author Brugge estimates that 2,465 Navajos were captive servants during the 1860s as well as 1,000 from other tribes. [35] During negotiations with the United States military, Navajo spokesmen raised the issue of Navajos being held as servants in Spanish/Mexican households. When asked how many Navajos were among the Mexicans, they responded (with exaggeration): "over half the tribe". [36] Most of the captives never returned to the Navajo nation but remained as the lower classes in the Hispanic villages. [36] Members of different tribes intermarried in these communities.
After New Mexico territory passed to American rule following the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Mexican–American War in 1848, the issue of slavery in the new territory became a major issue, with the Whigs wanting to keep Mexico's ban on slavery and the Democrats wanting to introduce it. In the Compromise of 1850, it was decided that New Mexico Territory would be able to choose its own stance on slavery by popular sovereignty. In 1859, New Mexico passed the Act for the Protection of Slave Property. This was partially because Territorial Governor William Carr Lane and Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court Grafton Baker owned black slaves. [37] Many local citizens had seen the issue in different terms; soon after the Treaty had been signed, a group of prominent New Mexicans went on record in opposition to slavery, in their petition to congress to change the military government to a temporary territorial form. They were likely motivated by their desire for self-government, and the fact that the slave state of Texas claimed much of New Mexico east of the Rio Grande, and that many believed that it was planning to invade again as it had in 1841 and 1843. [38] [39] However, black slaves never numbered more than a dozen during these years. [1]
On June 19, 1862, Congress prohibited slavery in all US territories. New Mexico citizens petitioned the US Senate for compensation for 600 Indian slaves that were going to be set free. [40] The Senate denied their request and sent federal agents to enforce the abolition of slavery. The Spanish practice of peonage, a type of involuntary servitude, became a legal workaround to the abolition of slavery. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution legally abolished both slavery and involuntary servitude in December, 1865 (except as a punishment for convicts, which remains legal under the Constitution to this day). When Special Indian Agent J.K. Graves visited in June 1866, he found that slavery was still widespread, often in the form of peonage. Many of the federal agents had captive servants; in his report, Graves estimated that there were 400 slaves in Santa Fe alone. [41] On March 2, 1867, Congress passed the Peonage Act of 1867, which specifically targeted enforcement against the practice in New Mexico.
Slavery in New Mexico and the southwestern United States persisted into the 20th century in isolated cases. In 1909, trader Louisa Wade Wetherill inherited 32 Ute slaves, all women, from a rich Navajo leader. She gave the women a herd of sheep and sent them on their way, but they gave away their sheep and came back destitute to her trading post. She built them hogans and permitted them to live nearby, feeding them and giving them work when they asked for it. [42]
Today, some have argued that New Mexico has had slavery in the form of human trafficking. In cooperation with New Mexico attorney general, Life Link has created the 505 Get Free initiative, which promotes a hotline to report trafficking. [43] Santa Fe, New Mexico, has also supported the initiative, both with funding and requirements for advertising the hotline. [44] The Border Violence Unit has special training to combat human trafficking in the state. [45] In 2015, New Mexico received a $1.5 million grant to combat human trafficking. [46] On July 29, 2016, the city of Albuquerque held the New Mexico World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, which included speakers, entertainers and participation of SOLD: The Human Trafficking Experience. [47]
The Long Walk of the Navajo, also called the Long Walk to Bosque Redondo, was the deportation and ethnic cleansing of the Navajo people by the United States federal government and the United States army. Navajos were forced to walk from their land in western New Mexico Territory to Bosque Redondo in eastern New Mexico. Some 53 different forced marches occurred between August 1864 and the end of 1866. In total, 10,000 Navajos and 500 Mescalero Apache were forced to the internment camp in Bosque Redondo. During the forced march and internment, up to 3,500 people died from starvation and disease over a four-year period. In 1868, the Navajo were allowed to return to their ancestral homeland following the Treaty of Bosque Redondo. Some anthropologists state that the "collective trauma of the Long Walk ... is critical to contemporary Navajos' sense of identity as a people".
The Pueblo Revolt of 1680, also known as Popé's Rebellion or Po'pay's Rebellion, was an uprising of most of the indigenous Pueblo people against the Spanish colonizers in the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México, larger than present-day New Mexico. Incidents of brutality and cruelty, coupled with persistent Spanish policies such as those that occurred in 1599 and resulted in the Ácoma Massacre, stoked animosity, gave rise to the eventual Revolt of 1680. The persecution and mistreatment of Pueblo people who adhered to traditional religious practices was the most despised of these. Scholars consider it the first Native American religious traditionalist revitalization movement. The Spaniards were resolved to abolish "pagan" forms of worship and replace them with Christianity. The Pueblo Revolt killed 400 Spaniards and drove the remaining 2,000 settlers out of the province. The Spaniards returned to New Mexico twelve years later.
The term Navajo Wars covers at least three distinct periods of conflict in the American West: the Navajo against the Spanish ; the Navajo against the Mexican government ; and the Navajo (Diné) against the United States. These conflicts ranged from small-scale raiding to large expeditions mounted by governments into territory controlled by the Navajo. The Navajo Wars also encompass the widespread raiding that took place throughout the period; the Navajo raided other tribes and nearby settlements, who in return raided into Navajo territory, creating a cycle of raiding that perpetuated the conflict.
The Comancheria or Comanchería, also known as the Comancherian Empire was a region of New Mexico, west Texas and nearby areas occupied by the Comanche before the 1860s. Historian Pekka Hämäläinen has argued that the Comancheria formed an empire at its peak, and this view has been echoed by other historians.
Comanche history – in the 18th and 19th centuries the Comanche became the dominant tribe on the southern Great Plains. The Comanche are often characterized as "Lords of the Plains." They presided over a large area called Comancheria which they shared with allied tribes, the Kiowa, Kiowa-Apache, Wichita, and after 1840 the southern Cheyenne and Arapaho. Comanche power and their substantial wealth depended on horses, trading, and raiding. Adroit diplomacy was also a factor in maintaining their dominance and fending off enemies for more than a century. They subsisted on the bison herds of the Plains which they hunted for food and skins.
Genízaros was the name for detribalized Native Americans (Indians) from the 17th to 19th century in the Spanish colony of New Mexico and neighboring regions of the American southwest. Genízaros were usually women and children who had been captured in war by the Spanish or purchased from Indian tribes who had held them captive as slaves. To circumvent Spanish laws forbidding slavery, the purchaser of a genízaro had the obligation to introduce them to Christianity and Spanish customs. Genízaros worked as indentured servants, shepherds, and laborers. They occupied the lowest rung of status-conscious Spanish society in New Mexico but slowly assimilated and intermarried into Spanish and later Mexican (1821-1846) and American society. The descendants of genízaros are also called genízaros and the word has become a term of pride for the descendants of the original Indian captives and slaves. In 1793, genízaros were estimated to have comprised up to one-third of the 29,041 people living under Spanish rule in New Mexico.
Las Trampas or just Trampas, is an unincorporated hamlet in Taos County, New Mexico. Founded in 1751 to settle the Las Trampas Land Grant, its center retains the original early Spanish colonial defensive layout as well as the 18th-century San José de Gracia Church, one of the finest surviving examples of Spanish colonial church architecture in the United States. The village center was designated a National Historic Landmark District in 1967. The population in 2023 was 43.
The Comancheros were a group of 18th- and 19th-century traders based in northern and central New Mexico. They made their living by trading with the nomadic Great Plains Indian tribes in northeastern New Mexico, West Texas, and other parts of the southern plains of North America. The name "Comancheros" comes from the Comanche tribe, in whose territory they traded. They traded manufactured goods, flour, tobacco, and bread for hides, livestock and slaves from the Comanche. As the Comancheros did not have regular access to weapons and gunpowder, there is disagreement about how much they traded these with the Comanche.
The history of New Mexico is based on archaeological evidence, attesting to the varying cultures of humans occupying the area of New Mexico since approximately 9200 BCE, and written records. The earliest peoples had migrated from northern areas of North America after leaving Siberia via the Bering Land Bridge. Artifacts and architecture demonstrate ancient complex cultures in this region.
Abiquiú is a census-designated place in Rio Arriba County, in northern New Mexico in the southwestern United States, about 53 miles (85 km) north of Santa Fe. As of 2010, the population was 231. Abiquiú's one school, an elementary school, is part of the Española Public Schools.
Slavery among Native Americans in the United States includes slavery by and enslavement of Native Americans roughly within what is currently the United States of America.
During and after the European colonization of the Americas, European settlers practiced widespread enslavement of Indigenous peoples. In the 15th century, the Spanish introduced chattel slavery through warfare and the cooption of existing systems. A number of other European powers followed suit, and from the 15th through the 19th centuries, between two and five million Indigenous people were enslaved, which had a devastating impact on many Indigenous societies, contributing to the overwhelming population decline of Indigenous peoples in the Americas.
The Comanche–Mexico Wars was the Mexican theater of the Comanche Wars, a series of conflicts from 1821 to 1870. The Comanche and their Kiowa and Kiowa Apache allies carried out large-scale raids hundreds of miles deep into Mexico. The raids were stimulated by the desire of Comanches to accumulate wealth through plunder, principally horses, mules, and Mexican captives for ransom or slaves who became integrated into the tribe. The raids escalated proportionally to Mexico's inability to defend its citizens during the turbulent years after it gained independence in 1821 and a large and growing market in the United States for stolen Mexican horses and cattle.
The Apache–Mexico Wars, or the Mexican Apache Wars, refer to the conflicts between Spanish or Mexican forces and the Apache peoples. The wars began in the 1600s with the arrival of Spanish colonists in present-day New Mexico. War between the Mexicans and the Apache was especially intense from 1831 into the 1850s. Thereafter, Mexican operations against the Apache coincided with the Apache Wars of the United States, such as during the Victorio Campaign. Mexico continued to operate against hostile Apache bands as late as 1915.
The Hispanos of New Mexico, also known as New Mexican Hispanics or Nuevomexicanos, are Hispanic residents originating in the historical region of Santa Fe de Nuevo México, today the US state of New Mexico, southern Colorado, and other parts of the Southwestern United States including Arizona, Nevada, Texas, and Utah. They are descended from Oasisamerica groups and the settlers of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, the First Mexican Empire and Republic, the Centralist Republic of Mexico, and the New Mexico Territory.
Gervasio Cruzat y Góngora was Governor of New Mexico between 1731 and 1736 at a time when it was a province of New Spain, as well as governor of Presidio of Pensacola, in Florida, between 1740 and 1742. He assisted the bishop of Durango, taking evidence for him in his contest with the Franciscans.
Panis was a term used for slaves of the First Nations descent in Canada, a region of New France. First Nation slaves were generally called Panis, with most slaves of First Nations descent having originated from Pawnee tribes. The term later became synonymous with "Indian slave" in the French colony, with a slave from any tribe being called Panis.
Mapuche slavery was commonplace in 17th-century Chile and a direct consequence of the Arauco War. When Spanish conquistadors initially subdued the indigenous inhabitants of Chile, there was no slavery but a form of involuntary servitude called encomienda. However, this form of forced labour was harsh and many Mapuche would end up dying in the Spanish gold mines during the 16th century.
The history of slavery in Colorado began centuries before Colorado achieved statehood when Spanish colonists of Santa Fe de Nuevo México (1598–1848) enslaved Native Americans, called Genízaros. Southern Colorado was part of the Spanish territory until 1848. Comanche and Utes raided villages of other indigenous people and enslaved them.
Spanish peace treaties with the Comanche in 1785 and 1786 resulted in a permanent peace between the Comanche and the Spanish colony in New Mexico and a lengthy, albeit interrupted, peace between the Comanche and the Spanish in Texas. Since their first contacts with the Spanish in 1706, the Comanches had raided the colonies and been a threat to their continued existence. In the 1780s several factors combined to give both sides the incentive to negotiate peace treaties which resulted in expanded trade between the Spanish and the Comanche and a combined effort to defeat their mutual enemy, the Apache.
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