Ips pini

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Ips pini
Ips pini adult in gallery.jpg
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Infraorder: Cucujiformia
Family: Curculionidae
Genus: Ips
I. pini
Binomial name
Ips pini

Ips pini, also known as the pine engraver or North American pine engraver, is a species of typical bark beetle in the family Curculionidae found primarily in North America. These beetles are subcategorized by the distinctive geographic ranges in which they are found. A key distinguishing feature of different populations is how they produce the enantiomeric composition of ipsdienol, the major pheromone produced by males of this species.


Male pine engravers are a serious pest to pine trees and are most often observed among mature red pine plantations and other weakened or recently deceased trees. They construct nuptial chambers in the bark of these weak pine or spruce trees. Under conditions such as drought or overcrowding, they can become more aggressive and infest healthy trees. Similarly, when humans try to get rid of them by trying to burn their habitat, they reproduce even more. As trees get wider, their population ends up competing with other species, but because Ips pini is more resistant to the temperatures and chemicals used to exterminate them, they often edge out their competition.

Adult identification

Adult I. pini beetles are relatively small, ranging from three to five millimeters in length. However, some individuals can grow up to six millimeters. [1] A notable structural feature of these beetles is their elytral declivity, which is distinctively concave and equipped with spines at the terminal end. Additionally, pine engravers have a predominantly dark coloration, displaying varying shades of brown and black. [2]


Ips pini are polygynous. After mating, the females create ovipositional chambers off of the nuptial chamber and lay eggs within the gallery. These galleries are meticulously carved beneath the bark of trees, often extending slightly into the sapwood. This behavior is intrinsic to their species and contributes to their common name, reflecting their unique nesting habits. [1] During the winter months, the adult Ips pini beetles typically seek refuge in the needle litter found on the forest floor or beneath the bark of trees that have been infested. This behavior is part of their survival strategy during the colder periods. As the warmth of early spring begins to thaw the winter chill, the male beetles emerge from their winter hideouts and actively begin tunneling into trees that are exhibiting signs of weakness or stress. This activity marks the commencement of the mating season. Subsequently, the release of pheromones by the males acts as a powerful attractant for the females, drawing them towards the males' newly established territories within the trees. Upon locating the males, the females join them, initiating the mating process. An unusual aspect of Ips pini reproductive behavior is that many females enter the mating season with a reserve of sperm stored within their spermatheca, a specialized storage organ. This stored sperm is the result of previous mating sessions. Males, aware of this, engage in repeated copulation with the females. The purpose of this persistent mating behavior is to ensure the displacement of the sperm from previous matings, thereby increasing the likelihood that the current male will sire the offspring. This process of repeated mating typically spans a duration of 5 to 7 days, during which males aim to secure almost complete paternity of the ensuing offspring. [3] This detailed account of the mating rituals and reproductive strategies of Ips pini beetles sheds light on the complex interactions and behaviors that govern their life cycle and ensure the continuation of their species.

Parental Care

The establishment of enduring pair bonds in pine engraver beetles is often associated with both male parental care and the assurance of paternity. Throughout the prolonged opposition period, males form lasting associations with females, engaging in the removal of frass as the females lay their eggs within the host tree's tissue. Two hypotheses were put to the test to explore the benefits of this behavior: firstly, that frass removal contributes to increased offspring production through a form of care, and secondly, that it plays a role in paternity assurance. However, field experiments involving the removal of males failed to provide evidence of their impact on offspring production across several measured parameters. In laboratory trials where virgin females were reciprocally mated with sterile and fertile males, a gradual increase in last-male paternity was observed over time. Additionally, field observations revealed that female pine engravers often retain sperm from prior matings when seeking entry into a male's breeding gallery. This observed pattern, coupled with the female's ability to store sperm, suggests that males must sustain prolonged access to mating opportunities with females to ensure higher paternity success. [4] Furthermore, although duration of paternal care and male reproductive success are positively correlated, a size correlation is also uncovered: large males tend to leave their mates and brood much quicker than their smaller counterparts.

Life cycle

Life Cycle Stage Identification

The eggs laid by adult female I. pini are oblong, are approximately 1.0 millimeters in length and 0.5 millimeters in width, and have a distinctive white, pearl-like color. The larvae tend to curl up in C-shaped forms and are most clearly identified by their red-colored heads in contrast to their white bodies. As these larvae progress in their developmental stages, they grow approximately 3/16 of an inch, demonstrating significant increase in size across their larval stage. [5] As the larvae mature into the pupal stage, they become a waxy-white color, which signifies a key phase in their transition towards adulthood. The pupae maintain a size that is comparatively similar to the adult beetles, indicating the nearing completion of their metamorphosis. [6]

The life cycle stages begin with an egg, progressing to the larva, transforming into the pupa, and culminating in the adult beetle [2] Their life span typically lasts around 8 weeks. [7] The prevailing environmental and climatic conditions notably influence the ability of these beetles to complete multiple generations within a year. In certain instances or years, depending on the favorability of these conditions, the beetles typically go through two cycles but may achieve as many as four reproductive cycles annually. Adult Ips pini beetles commence their active phase within the early stages of tree life. This phase is characterized by the emergence of infestations in trees, which may be freshly damaged or have sustained damage during the winter months. Such infestations serve as a visible indicator of the beetles' activity and their impact on forest ecosystems. The colonization process initiated by male Ips pini beetles is a critical step in their life cycle. Males selectively identify host trees deemed suitable for reproduction and proceed to bore into these trees. Their first task upon entry is to construct a nuptial chamber beneath the bark, designed to house the eggs. Following the establishment of this chamber, males then engage in the production of aggregation pheromones, with ipsdienol being a primary component, to attract females to the site. Once fertilization occurs and eggs are laid, the brood's development transitions from larvae to adults over a span of approximately 40 to 55 days. During this period, the developing larvae feed on the inner bark of the host tree, creating intricate patterns that are not merely by-products of their feeding but can also lead to the tree's demise. This pattern of feeding and development underscores the intricate relationship between the Ips pini beetles and their host trees, highlighting the impact these beetles can have on forest health and the ecological balance within their habitats.


The Ips pini beetles are characterized by an exceptionally high degree of adaptability, a trait that is vividly reflected across various aspects of their existence. This adaptability is evident in the phenotypic plasticity observed in their life history traits, which vary significantly with geographical latitude and elevation. Such variations manifest in their cold tolerance capabilities and in the number of generations, or voltinism, they can produce within a given time frame. Moreover, these beetles demonstrate an impressive breadth in their geographical distribution and the range of host species they infest, underscoring their ability to thrive in diverse environments. This adaptability extends to their ecology, behavior, and physiological responses, which are finely tuned to the local biotic and abiotic conditions of their respective habitats. In addition to these attributes, Ips pini beetles are known for their production of ipsdienol, a pheromone critical to their communication and mating behaviors. The stereochemistry of ipsdienol production exhibits variation among local and regional populations of these beetles, suggesting a nuanced adaptation to their specific environmental contexts (for further details, consult the section on geography). For instance, populations in the Midwestern and Eastern regions have been found to produce another compound, lanierone. While lanierone may not inherently possess attractive properties, its presence significantly enhances the attractiveness of the primary pheromone, ipsdienol. This synergistic interaction between lanierone and ipsdienol exemplifies the complex chemical ecology of Ips pini beetles and their sophisticated adaptation mechanisms to optimize mating success within their varied ecological niches. [3]


The Ips pini beetle has developed a complex system of communication that relies on the use of various semiochemicals, with the primary means of communication being the aggregation pheromone ipsdienol. This particular chemical plays a crucial role in the life of these beetles, enabling them to orchestrate coordinated attacks on host trees and to facilitate the attraction of females for mating purposes. The importance of ipsdienol in the ecological and reproductive strategies of these beetles cannot be overstated, as it is instrumental in ensuring their survival and proliferation. Research has indicated the existence of certain compounds, such as nonanal and verbenone, which possess the potential to disrupt these beetles' aggregation behaviors. This discovery highlights the sophisticated and nuanced nature of the communication systems employed by Ips pini beetles, which are capable of influencing their behavior and ecological interactions in significant ways. [2] The chemical strategies employed by these beetles also exhibit geographic specificity, with variations in the chemical composition of ipsdienol observed across three major geographic regions within North America. Specifically, the Eastern populations of Ips pini are known to produce and respond predominantly to the (+) enantiomer of ipsdienol. In contrast, the Western populations show a preference for synthesizing and responding to the (-) enantiomer of this pheromone. Meanwhile, populations in the broadly defined region of the northern Rocky Mountains exhibit responses to a mix of both (+) and (-) enantiomers, demonstrating a remarkable adaptability and specificity in their chemical communication strategies. [8] Further insights into the complexity of these communication systems have been provided by electrophysiological studies, which have shown that beetles from the Eastern and Western populations possess receptor features capable of distinguishing between the two enantiomeric forms of ipsdienol. These findings suggest that, despite the lack of differences in the receptor fields of these populations, the specificity of the central nervous system plays a critical role in mediating the behavioral effects elicited by different isomer mixtures of the pheromone. [9] This level of specificity underscores the intricate relationship between chemical communication and behavioral ecology in Ips pini beetles, reflecting a highly evolved adaptation to their respective environmental niches.

Pheromone synthesis and regulation

Recent research has provided significant insights into the pheromone synthesis and regulatory mechanisms in Ips pini, highlighting the pivotal role of juvenile hormone III (JH III) in this process. Studies utilizing radiotracer techniques have uncovered that JH III can directly induce the de novo synthesis of pheromones, specifically ipsdienol, by modulating the incorporation of radiolabeled acetate into this aggregation pheromone. These findings reveal that JH III's regulation of pheromone production operates at critical steps between acetyl-CoA and mevalonate in the biosynthesis pathway. Further investigations have demonstrated that JH III significantly upregulates the mRNA transcript and enzyme activity of HMG-CoA reductase (HMG-R), a key enzyme in the mevalonate pathway, leading to a marked increase in pheromone production. This body of work not only elucidates the complex hormonal regulation underlying pheromone production in Ips pini, but also opens avenues for potential applications in pest management strategies through the manipulation of pheromone biosynthesis pathways. [10]


Pine engraver, Ips pini Ips pini.jpg
Pine engraver, Ips pini

Ips pini boasts a broad geographical distribution that spans across the North American continent, extending from the northern reaches of Canada and Alaska, all the way down to the northern territories of Mexico. This species is predominantly found within the vast expanses of coniferous forests that blanket North America, with a particular association to conifer trees of smaller diameters, ranging from 12 to 20 centimeters, such as pine or spruce trees. These trees are typically either in a state of decline, having been compromised by the adverse effects of storms or the impacts of logging activities. Such conditions often lead to an uptick in the beetle population, as the increased availability of compromised trees provides an abundance of breeding material, thereby facilitating population growth. The climate plays a significant role in this dynamic as well, with more favorable climatic conditions potentially influencing the number of generations the beetle population is able to produce within a given year. Furthermore, Ips pini beetles possess the capability to act as vectors for a particular type of blue stain fungus, which plays a crucial role in the beetles' ability to kill their host trees. This process involves the fungus clogging the water transportation systems within the tree, effectively disrupting the tree's ability to transport water. The presence of this fungus, in conjunction with the beetle's activities, manifests in visible symptoms on the trees, including foliage that turns yellow, red, and brown, as well as the appearance of boring dust and pitch tubes on the bark. These symptoms are indicative of the beetle's presence and its detrimental effect on tree health, highlighting the significant impact that Ips pini beetles can have on coniferous forests across their North American habitat. [11]

Tree damage

The initial signs that Ips pini beetles are residing within trees are most commonly observed through the discoloration of the foliage, where needles on the infested trees begin to turn yellow or brown. These beetles have a predisposition to avoid healthy trees as targets for infestation, as such trees do not meet the beetles' requirements for optimal breeding and living conditions. Instead, Ips pini beetles are more likely to direct their efforts towards trees that are in a weakened, stressed, or declining state, including those that are nearing death. However, in situations where there is a significant surge in the beetle population, they may occasionally infest healthy trees due to the increased competition for breeding sites. Trees that are particularly vulnerable to beetle attacks are those that have been compromised by various stress factors, such as drought, construction activities, overcrowding, the shock of transplantation, flooding, disease, or infestations by other insects. [5] Further indicators of an Ips pini beetle infestation include the observation of fading tree tops in larger trees or the entire crowns of smaller trees. While pitch tubes on the trunk are a common sign, the presence of boring dust accumulated in the bark's crevices and at the base of the tree is also a telltale symptom. Additionally, the infestation is often marked by numerous small, round emergence holes, approximately ⅛ inch in diameter, on the tree trunks. Upon removing the bark near these emergence holes, a complex network of tunnels is usually visible in the wood beneath. The wood surrounding these tunnels often takes on a blue-grey hue, a result of the colonization by specific fungi, typically species belonging to Ceratocystis. [5] The behavior and impact of Ips pini beetles on trees are also influenced by climate conditions. For instance, years characterized by extremely low spring soil moisture levels can lead to an increased likelihood of overwintering beetles attacking and killing living trees, which may otherwise appear healthy. This highlights the complex interaction between environmental conditions and beetle behavior, underscoring the potential for climate change to exacerbate the challenges posed by Ips pini beetle infestations. [1]

Ongoing research

Ongoing research of these beetles aims to better understand and link the connections between the behavior, ecology, and control systems, particularly focusing on their semiochemical communication systems. Additionally, further research on the pheromone synthesis and regulation in Ips pini could explore several promising areas to deepen understanding and enhance applications for pest management. One area involves investigating the downstream effects of HMG-CoA reductase induction on pheromone diversity and specificity. Understanding how variations in enzyme activity influence the composition and concentration of pheromones could reveal new aspects of beetle communication and behavior. Additionally, research could focus on identifying and characterizing other enzymes and genes involved in the pheromone biosynthesis pathway, providing a more comprehensive view of the genetic and biochemical mechanisms governing pheromone production.

Exploring the ecological implications of pheromone production, such as the impact on Ips pini's interactions with predators, competitors, and symbiotic species, could yield insights into the broader ecological web. Investigating the role of environmental factors and stressors in modulating pheromone synthesis and JH III levels could also offer valuable information on how changing climates and habitats affect beetle populations and dynamics. Moreover, the development of synthetic pheromones or inhibitors based on the understanding of JH III's role in pheromone production presents a practical avenue for pest management strategies. Such approaches could lead to more targeted and environmentally friendly methods for controlling Ips pini populations, reducing reliance on broad-spectrum insecticides. Finally, comparative studies with other beetle species or insects that produce similar or different types of pheromones could provide evolutionary insights and highlight conserved or divergent regulatory mechanisms. This could further our understanding of insect endocrinology and pheromone biology across different taxa, offering broader applications for biological control and conservation efforts. [10]

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  1. 1 2 3 "Pine Ips Species (Engraver Beetles) Attracted to green slash" (PDF).
  2. 1 2 3 Pureswaran, Deepa S.; Gries, Regine; Borden, John H.; Pierce, Jr., Harold D. (1 December 2000). "Dynamics of pheromone production and communication in the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, and the pine engraver, Ips pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)". Chemoecology. 10 (4): 153–168. Bibcode:2000Checo..10..153P. doi:10.1007/PL00001818. ISSN   1423-0445.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. 1 2 Hulcr, Jiri; Atkinson, Thomas H.; Cognato, Anthony I.; Jordal, Bjarte H.; McKenna, Duane D. (1 January 2015), Vega, Fernando E.; Hofstetter, Richard W. (eds.), "Chapter 2 - Morphology, Taxonomy, and Phylogenetics of Bark Beetles", Bark Beetles, San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 41–84, doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-417156-5.00002-2, ISBN   978-0-12-417156-5 , retrieved 1 March 2024
  4. academic.oup.com https://academic.oup.com/beheco/article/8/3/318/187748 . Retrieved 18 March 2024.{{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  5. 1 2 3 Pellitteri, Phil; Williamson, Chris. "Ips Bark Beetle". Wisconsin Horticulture.
  6. "Ips engraver beetles - Scolytinae". entnemdept.ufl.edu. Retrieved 1 March 2024.
  7. "QUICK GUIDE SERIES FM 2020-6 Piñon Ips Bark Beetle" (PDF). Colorado State Forest Service.
  8. "Recent Advances in Phytochemistry | Book series | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier". www.sciencedirect.com. Retrieved 1 March 2024.
  9. Locke, Michael; Smith, David Spencer (19 March 1980). Insect Biology in the Future. Academic Press. ISBN   978-0-12-454340-9 . Retrieved 1 March 2024.
  10. 1 2 "Encyclopedia of Hormones". ScienceDirect. Retrieved 1 March 2024.
  11. "Pine engraver beetle". Forests Pests.

Further reading