List of crustaceans of Ireland

Last updated

Diagram of a typical crustacean (Euphausia superba), showing the usual bodyplan. Krillanatomykils.jpg
Diagram of a typical crustacean ( Euphausia superba ), showing the usual bodyplan.

There are 1,774 species of crustaceans recorded in Ireland. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]


Crustaceans are arthropods of the subphylum Crustacea. Most are aquatic, such as shrimp, barnacles, lobsters, crayfish, krill, but some are also adapted for land living, such as woodlice and crabs.

Class Branchiopoda (water fleas, etc.)

Order Anomopoda

Family Bosminidae

Family Chydoridae

41 species including

Family Eurycercidae

Eurycercus lamellatus

Eurycercus glacialis

Family Ilyocryptidae

Family Daphniidae

Female adult Daphnia longispina with eggs; a freshwater water flea Daphnia longispina - female, adult with asexual eggs.jpg
Female adult Daphnia longispina with eggs; a freshwater water flea

12 species including

Family Macrothricidae

8 species

Order Ctenopoda

Family Sididae

3 species

Family Holopediidae

1 species

Order Haplopoda

Family Leptodoridae

1 species

Order Onychopoda

Family Polyphemidae

1 species

Family Cercopagididae

2 species

Family Podonidae

4 species

Class Malacostraca

Order Leptostraca

Family Nebaliidae

2 species including

Order Stomatopoda

Family Nannosquillidae

1 species

Family Squillidae

1 species

Order Amphipoda

Family Aoridae

15 species including

Family Ampeliscidae

15 species including

Family Ampithoidae

6 species including

Family Calliopiidae

Family Caprellidae (skeleton shrimps, ghost shrimps)

Japanese skeleton shrimp Caprella mutica 2.jpg
Japanese skeleton shrimp

11 species including

Family Cheirocratidae

1 species

Family Corophiidae

14 species including

Family Crangonyctidae

1 species

Family Eusiridae

6 species

Family Calliopidae

1 species

Family Dexaminidae

8 species including

Family Eulimnogammaridae

Family Gammaridae

15-16 species

Gammarus lacustris Gammarus lacustris.jpg
Gammarus lacustris

Family Gammarellidae

2 species

Family Megaluropidae

1 species

Family Talitridae (landhoppers, sandhoppers, sand fleas)

Orchestia gammarellus Orchestia gammarellus IMG 1470.jpg
Orchestia gammarellus

6 species

Family Melphidippidae

2 species

Family Haustoriidae

1 species

Family Hyperiidae

Hyperia galba, part of the zooplankton Hyperia galba.jpg
Hyperia galba , part of the zooplankton

7 species including

Family Hyalidae

6 species

Family Ischyroceridae

14 species including

Family Leucothoidae

4 species

Family Colomastigidae

1 species

Family Cressidae

1 species

Family Stenothoidae

10 species including

Family Lysianassidae

42 species including

Family Synopiidae

2 species

Family Argissidae

1 species

Family Iphimediidae

6 species

Family Stegocephalidae

1 species

Family Acanthonotozomellidae

1 species

Family Epimeriidae

1 species

Family Liljeborgiidae

3 species

Family Pardaliscidae

1 species

Family Melitidae

13 species including

Family Niphargidae

3 species

Perioculodes longimanus Perioculodes longimanus.jpg
Perioculodes longimanus
Synchelidium maculatum Synchelidium maculatum.jpg
Synchelidium maculatum

Family Oedicerotidae

11 species including

Family Pleustidae

5 species

Family Amphilochidae

5-6 species including

Family Cyproideidae

1 species

Family Phoxocephalidae

8-9 species

Family Photidae

8 species including

Family Pontoporeiidae

Bathyporeia elegans, an unpigmented amphipod Bathyporeia elegans.jpg
Bathyporeia elegans , an unpigmented amphipod

7 species

Family Urothoidae

3 species

Family Isaeidae

2 species including

Family Microprotidae [ check spelling ]

1 species

Family Cheluridae

1 species

Family Dulichiidae

2 species

Family Podoceridae

3 species

Family Phtisicidae

2 species

Family Mimonectidae

2? species

Family Scinidae

10 species

Family Lanceolidae

5 species

Family Vibiliidae

4 species

Family Cystisomatidae

4 species

Family Dairellidae

1 species

Family Phronimidae

1 species

Family Phrosinidae

3 species

Family Pronoidae


Family Brachyscelidae

1 species

Family Tryphanidae

1 species

Family Platyscelidae

1 species

Order Bathynellacea

Family Bathynellidae

1 species

Order Cumacea (hooded shrimp, comma shrimp)

Family Bodotriidae

Male Bodotria scorpioides Bodotria scorpioides (male).jpg
Male Bodotria scorpioides

9 species including

Family Diastylidae

12 species including

Family Leuconidae

2 species

Family Nannastacidae

6 species

Family Pseudocumatidae

2 species

Family Lampropidae

2 species

Order Euphausiacea

Family Bentheuphausiidae

1 species

Family Euphausiidae

13 species

Order Decapoda

Family Aristeidae

1 species

Family Benthesicymidae

2 species

Family Solenoceridae

1 species

Family Sergestidae

3 species

Family Stenopodidae

1 species

Family Pasiphaeidae

4 species

Family Oplophoridae

9 species

Family Bresiliidae

1 species

Family Nematocarcinidae

2 species

Family Palaemonidae

6 species

Family Processidae

2 species

Family Lithodidae

2 species

Family Chirostylidae

3 species

Family Homolidae

1 species

Family Cymonomidae

1 species

Family Glyphocrangonidae

1 species

Family Laomediidae

1 species

Family Polychelidae

8 species

Family Akanthophoreidae

Family Alpheidae (snapping shrimp, pistol shrimp, alpheid shrimp)

3 species including

Family Astacidae (freshwater crayfish)

1 species

Family Atelecyclidae

Atelecyclus rotundatus Atelecyclus rotundatus.jpg
Atelecyclus rotundatus

1 species

Family Thiidae

1 species

Family Axiidae

2 species including

Family Callianassidae

2 species including

Family Calliopiidae

Family Cancridae

Cancer pagurus Cancer pagurus.jpg
Cancer pagurus

2 species including

Family Corystidae

Corystes cassivelaunus Corystes cassivelaunus 1.jpg
Corystes cassivelaunus

1 species

Family Crangonidae

11 species including

Family Diogenidae (left-handed hermit crabs)

South-claw hermit crab in a Nassarius reticulatus shell Diogenes pugilator.jpg
South-claw hermit crab in a Nassarius reticulatus shell

1 species

Family Epialtidae

Family Galatheidae

Galathea intermedia, a squat lobster Galathea intermedia.jpg
Galathea intermedia , a squat lobster

10 species including

Family Goneplacidae

Angular crab Goneplax rhomboides.jpg
Angular crab

1 species

Family Grapsidae (marsh crabs, shore crabs, talon crabs)

Eriocheir sinensis EriocheirSinensis1.jpg
Eriocheir sinensis

2 species including

Family Hippolytidae (broken-back shrimp, anemone shrimp)

13 species including

Family Inachidae

Scorpion spider crab Inachus dorsettensis.jpg
Scorpion spider crab

Family Leucosiidae

Bryer's nut crab Ebalia tumefacta.jpg
Bryer's nut crab

5 species including

Family Majidae

Spiny spider crab Maja squinado.jpg
Spiny spider crab

17 species including

Family Nephropidae (lobsters)

Homarus gammarus, common lobster KreeftbijDenOsse.jpg
Homarus gammarus , common lobster

3 species including

Family Paguridae

Pagurus bernhardus (common hermit crab, soldier crab) Pagurus bernhardus.jpg
Pagurus bernhardus (common hermit crab, soldier crab)

11 species including

Family Parapaguridae

1 species

Family Oregoniidae

Hyas araneus Spider Crabs Fighting.JPG
Hyas araneus

Family Palaemonidae

Family Palinuridae

2 species including

  • Palinurus elephas (European spiny lobster, crayfish, cray, common spiny lobster, Mediterranean lobster, red lobster)

Family Pandalidae

5 species including

Family Pilumnidae

Family Pinnotheridae

2 species including

Family Pirimelidae

1 species

Family Porcellanidae (porcelain crab)

2 species

Family Portunidae (swimming crabs)

Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus depurator.jpg
Liocarcinus depurator

14 species including

Family Geryonidae

3 species

Family Thoridae (broken-back shrimp, anemone shrimp)

Family Upogebiidae

2 species

Family Xanthidae (mud crabs, pebble crabs, rubble crabs)

Xantho hydrophilus, a nocturnal herbivore crab. Xantho incisus.jpg
Xantho hydrophilus , a nocturnal herbivore crab.

6 species including

Order Isopoda

Family Anthuridae

Family Arcturidae

3 species

Family Armadillidiidae (pill bugs, roly polies, doodle bugs)

7 species

Armadillidium vulgare Armadillidium vulgare 001.jpg
Armadillidium vulgare

Family Asellidae

Asellus aquaticus Waterlouse (Asellus aquaticus).jpg
Asellus aquaticus

Family Atylidae

Family Cirolanidae

Eurydice pulchra (speckled sea louse) Eurydice pulchra.jpg
Eurydice pulchra (speckled sea louse)

10 species

Family Idoteidae

Adult Idotea granulosa Idotea granulosa (adult - dorsal).jpg
Adult Idotea granulosa

8 species

Family Janiridae

10 species

Family Ligiidae

1 species

Family Limnoriidae (gribble worms)

2 species

Family Munnidae

4 species

Family Oniscidae

1 species

Family Philosciidae

1 species

Family Porcellionidae

8 species

Porcellio scaber (common rough woodlouse) Porcellio-scaber-29-04-2008-083.jpg
Porcellio scaber (common rough woodlouse)

Family Sphaeromatidae

Family Trichoniscidae

13 species

Family Paramunnidae

2 species

Family Pleurogonidae

2 species

Family Thambematidae

1 species

Family Desmosomatidae

2 species

Family Eurycopidae

6 species

Family Ischnomesidae

2 species

Family Munnopsididae

2 species

Family Bopyridae

7 species

Family Hemioniscidae

1 species

Family Phryxidae

3 species

Family Styloniscidae

1 species

Family Halophilosciidae

1 species

Family Platyarthridae

1 species

Family Cylisticidae

1 species

Family Leptanthuridae

1 species

Family Ancinidae

1 species

Family Aegidae

6 species

Family Dendrotiidae

2 species

Family Haploniscidae

10 species

Family Ilyarachnidae

1 species

Order Mysida (opossum shrimps)

Family Petalophthalmidae

3 species

Family Mysidae

66 species including

Gastrosaccus spinifer, a slender opossum shrimp. Gastrosaccus spinifer.jpg
Gastrosaccus spinifer , a slender opossum shrimp.

Order Tanaidacea (tanaids)

Family Tanaidae

1 species

Family Paratanaidae

2 species

Family Anarthruridae

3 species

Family Typhlotanaidae

2 species

Family Nototanaidae


Family Neotanaidae

2 species

Family Apseudidae

1 species

Family Sphyrapidae

2 species

Class Maxillopoda

Order Arguloida

Family Argulidae (carp lice, fish lice)

Argulus foliaceus (common fish louse) Argulus foliaceus 2.jpg
Argulus foliaceus (common fish louse)

2 species including

Order Misophrioida

Family Misophriidae

1 species

Order Calanoida

Family Calocalanidae

5 species including

Family Diaptomidae

6 species including

Family Temoridae

4 species

Family Metridinidae

10 species

Family Centropagidae

6 species

Family Lucicutiidae

8 species

Family Heterorhabdidae

12 species

Family Augaptilidae

28 species

Family Arietellidae

6 species

Family Nullosetigeridae

2 species

Family Pseudocyclopidae

2 species

Family Candaciidae

6 species

Family Pontellidae

4 species

Family Parapontellidae

1 species

Family Bathypontiidae

1 species

Family Acartiidae

4 species

Family Clausocalanidae

5 species

Family Calanidae

7 species

Family Mecynoceridae

1 species

Family Eucalanidae

4 species

Family Megacalanidae

3 species

Family Paracalanidae

3 species

Family Spinocalanidae

7 species

Family Aetideidae

35 species

Family Euchaetidae

12 species

Family Phaennidae

12 species

Family Scolecitrichidae

22 species

Family Diaixidae

2 species

Family Stephidae

3 species

Family Tharybidae

3 species

Family Pseudocyclopiidae

1 species

Order Kentrogonida

Family Sacculinidae

1 species

Order Apygophora

Family Trypetesidae

2 species

Order Cyclopoida

Family Enteropsidae

Family Oithonidae

6 species

Family Cyclopinidae

8 species

Family Oithonidae

6 species

Family Cyclopinidae

8 species

Family Cyclopidae

41 species

Family Notodelphyidae

23 species

Family Ascidicolidae

12 species

Order Harpacticoida

Family Cylindropsyllidae

3 species

Family Dactylopusiidae

Family Harpacticidae

Adult male Tigriopus brevicornis (tigger-pod) Adult Male harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus brevicornis.jpg
Adult male Tigriopus brevicornis (tigger-pod)

12 species

Family Longipediidae

6 species

Family Canuellidae

2 species

Family Aegisthidae

2 species

Family Ectinosomatidae

16-17 species

Family Darcythompsoniidae

2 species

Family Euterpinidae

1 species

Family Tachidiidae

5 species

Family Thompsonulidae

1 species

Family Tisbidae

18 species

Family Porcellidiidae

4-5 species

Family Peltidiidae

8 species

Family Clytemnestridae

2 species

Family Tegastidae

4 species

Family Thalestridae

34 species

Family Ambunguipedidae

1 species

Family Balaenophilidae

1 species

Family Parastenheliidae

1 species

Family Diosaccidae

38 species

Family Metidae

1 species

Family Ameiridae

23 species

Family Paramesochridae

5 species

Family Tetragonicipitidae

6 species

Family Canthocamptidae

26 species

Family Orthopsyllidae

1 species

Family Leptastacidae

2 species

Family Cletodidae

8 species

Family Huntemanniidae

1 species

Family Rhizothricidae

3 species

Family Argestidae

2 species

Family Laophontidae

36 species

Family Laophontopsidae

1 species

Family Normanellidae

2 species

Family Ancorabolidae

3 species

Order Mormonilloida

Family Mormonillidae

2 species

Order Poecilostomatoida

Family Ergasilidae

3 species

Family Rhynchomolgidae

4 species

Family Macrochironidae

1 species

Family Sabelliphilidae

4 species

Family Lichomolgidae

16-17 species

Family Pseudanthessiidae

5 species

Family Oncaeidae

14 species

Family Sapphirinidae

2 species

Family Clausidiidae

3 species

Family Synaptiphilidae

1 species

Family Mytilicolidae

3 species

Family Anthessiidae

1 species

Family Myicolidae

1 species

Family Corycaeidae

2-3 species

Family Bomolochidae

2 species

Family Taeniacanthidae

2 species

Family Chondracanthidae

6 species

Family Splanchnotrophidae

3 species

Family Philichthyidae

1 species

Family Lamippidae

2 species

Family Synapticolidae

1 species

Family Phyllodicolidae

1 species

Family Herpyllobiidae

1 species

Order Siphonostomatoida

Family Rataniidae

1 species

Family Asterocheridae

16 species

Family Artotrogidae

1 species

Family Dyspontiidae

5 species

Family Nanaspididae

1 species

Family Micropontiidae

1 species

Family Cancerillidae

2 species

Family Nicothoidae

8 species

Family Melinnacheridae

1 species

Family Caligidae

18 species including

Family Trebiidae

1 species

Family Pandaridae

3 species

Family Cecropidae

3 species

Family Dichelesthiidae


Family Hatschekiidae

1 species

Family Lernanthropidae

1 species

Family Pennellidae

6 species

Family Sphyriidae

2 species

Family Lernaeopodidae

10-11 species

Order Monstrilloida

Family Monstrillidae

7 species

Order Scalpellomorpha

Family Lepadidae

Lepas anatifera (pelagic gooseneck barnacle, smooth gooseneck barnacle) Lepas anatifera 1.jpg
Lepas anatifera (pelagic gooseneck barnacle, smooth gooseneck barnacle)

6 species

Order Scalpelliformes

Family Scalpellidae

4 species including

Order Sessilia (acorn barnacles)

Family Coronulidae

2 species

Family Tetraclitidae

1 species

Family Archaeobalanidae

3 species including

Family Balanidae

Balanus crenatus Balanus crenatus 2329.jpg
Balanus crenatus

6-7 species including

Family Chthamalidae

Chthamalus stellatus (Poli's stellate barnacle) Chthamalus stellatus.jpg
Chthamalus stellatus (Poli's stellate barnacle)

2 species

Family Pyrgomatidae

1 species

Family Verrucidae

1 species

Order Porocephalida

Family Linguatulidae

1 species

Order Platycopioida

Family Platycopiidae


Class Ostracoda (seed shrimps)

Order Myodocopida

Family Cylindroleberididae

2 species

Family Philomedidae


Order Halocyprida

Family Polycopidae

2 species

Order Podocopida

Family Bythocytheridae

2-3 species

Family Cytheridae


Family Cytherideidae

4 species

Family Krithidae

1 species

Family Cuneocytheridae

1 species

Family Cytheruridae

13 species

Family Hemicytheridae

5 species

Family Leptocytheridae

4 species

Family Limnocytheridae

5 species

Family Loxoconchidae

8 species

Family Neocytherideidae

1 species

Family Paradoxostomatidae

11 species

Family Trachyleberididae

6 species

Family Xestoleberididae

2 species

Family Darwinulidae

2 species

Family Candonidae

22 species including

Family Cyprididae

25 species including

Family Ilyocyprididae

2 species

Family Pontocyprididae

3 species

See also

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Crustaceans are a group of arthropods that are a part of the subphylum Crustacea, a large, diverse group of mainly aquatic arthropods including decapods, seed shrimp, branchiopods, fish lice, krill, remipedes, isopods, barnacles, copepods, opossum shrimps, amphipods and mantis shrimp. The crustacean group can be treated as a subphylum under the clade Mandibulata. It is now well accepted that the hexapods emerged deep in the Crustacean group, with the completed group referred to as Pancrustacea. The three classes Cephalocarida, Branchiopoda and Remipedia are more closely related to the hexapods than they are to any of the other crustaceans.


  1. "Species Browser".
  2. "Species Browser".
  3. "Irish Brown Crab - Species Information: Specialists in Irish brown crab, brown crab recipes, and preparing crab".
  4. "Crabs".
  5. "Crustacea".
  6. "SShore Angling & Charter Boat Fishing in Ireland - THE BAITS TO USE - CRAB".
  7. "Crab species". 22 August 2012.
  8. "Woodlouse (sub order Oniscidea) - Ireland's Wildlife". 23 June 2011.
  9. "Holdings: The Irish wood-lice, with descriptions and figures..."