![]() | This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: Lack of context in many examples/notes; better sources needed.(December 2020) |
Disability |
The following is a list of terms, used to describe disabilities or people with disabilities, which may carry negative connotations or be offensive to people with or without disabilities.
Some people consider it best to use person-first language, for example "a person with a disability" rather than "a disabled person." [1] However identity-first language, as in "autistic person" or "deaf person", is preferred by many people and organizations. [2]
Language can influence individuals' perception of disabled people and disability. [3] Views vary with geography and culture, over time, and among individuals. Many terms that some people view as harmful are not viewed as hurtful by others, and even where some people are hurt by certain terms, others may be hurt by the replacement of such terms with what they consider to be euphemisms (e.g., "differently abled" or "special needs"). Some people believe that terms should be avoided if they might hurt people; others hold the listener responsible for misinterpreting terms used without harmful intent.[ citation needed ] For example, crazy should be avoided in describing persons or their behaviors, but is less likely to cause offense if used as an intensifier as in "crazy speed". [4]
For some terms, the grammar structure of their use determine if they are harmful. The person-first stance advocates for saying "people with disabilities" instead of "the disabled" or "a person who is deaf" instead of "a deaf person". [5] [6] [7] However, some advocate against this, saying it reflects a medical model of disability whereas "disabled person" is more appropriate and reflects the social model of disability. [8] On the other hand, there is also a grammar structure called identity-first language that construes disability as a function of social and political experiences occurring within a world designed largely for nondisabled people. [9]
Term | Notes | References |
A few sandwiches short of a picnic | Used of people perceived as having reduced or limited mental faculties. Numerous derivatives with no known original (e.g. "a few books short of a library"). | [ citation needed ] |
Able-bodied | There is an implied value judgement comparing a person with a disability versus one without | [10] |
Abnormal | [11] | |
Addict | [12] | |
Afflicted | [10] | |
Attention-seeking | Used of people who are suffering emotionally | [13] |
Autistic | Or Autism, when used as an insult | [14] |
Term | Notes | References |
Batty | [15] | |
Birth defect | [10] | |
Blind | Especially when used metaphorically (e.g., "blind to criticism") or preceded by "the", although "the blind" is considered acceptable by many blind people and organizations such as the National Federation of the Blind. | [6] [16] [17] [18] |
Bonkers | [15] | |
Brain damaged | [19] |
Term | Notes | References |
Challenged | [20] | |
Crazy | [6] [16] [21] [22] | |
Crazy cat lady | Used of mentally ill and neurotic women, particularly single women and spinsters who hoard cats. | [23] |
Cretin | [ citation needed ] | |
Cripple | "A person with a physical or mobility impairment". Its shortened form ("crip") has been reclaimed by some people with disabilities as a positive identity. | [6] [7] [17] [24] |
Confined to a wheelchair | Implies helplessness, and that someone is to be pitied. | [7] |
Term | Notes | References |
Daft | People considered nonsensical or feckless | [15] [23] |
Deaf and dumb or Deaf-mute | [6] [16] [17] [22] | |
Deaf to X | [15] | |
Defective | Or other uses of "defect" | [10] |
Deformed | [6] | |
Delusional | [25] | |
Demented | People with dementia | [10] |
Deranged or mentally deranged | [6] | |
Derp | Considered by some sites to refer to people with intellectual disabilities | [23] |
Differently abled | [7] [23] | |
Dim or dim-witted | [25] | |
DALYs/DFLYs/QALYs: Disability or Quality Adjusted (or Free) Life Years | Suggests that a nondisabled person's life years are worth more than a disabled person's | [26] |
The Disabled or Disabled people | May be offensive to some, [1] [17] [22] who may prefer "person with a disability" or "people with health conditions or impairments". [7] However, many people prefer "disabled person" or "disabled people", in part due to the social model of disability. [27] [28] [29] | |
Disorder | [30] | |
Dotard | [31] | |
Downie | Used of people with Down Syndrome. A Dutch profanity sometimes appearing in English as "downy" and generally considered derogatory | [32] |
Dumb | Especially when preceded by "the" | [17] [22] |
Dummy and dumb | Used of people with mental disabilities, or more generally people perceived as stupid or ignorant. Once used to describe people incapable of speaking, suggestive of an insulting mannequin-like or ventriloquist's dummy-like appearance. | [33] [34] |
Dwarf | [10] |
Term | Notes | References |
Epileptic | [35] | |
Exceptional | [36] |
Term | Notes | References |
Feeble-minded or Feeb | [6] [16] | |
Fit | In reference to an epileptic seizure | [6] |
Flid | People with phocomelia from birth mother's use of thalidomide | [37] |
Freak | [25] [38] |
Term | Notes | References |
Gimp or gimpy | A limp or a person with a limp | [21] [22] |
Term | Notes | References |
Handicapped | Especially when preceded by "the" or "physically" | [7] [16] [17] |
Handicapable | [20] | |
Hare lip | [6] | |
Hearing-impaired | [39] | |
Homebound | [40] | |
Hunchback, or "humpback" | Especially when referring to people with scoliosis or kyphosis. Generated controversy after the 1990s release of The Hunchback of Notre Dame (see Quasimodo below). | [41] [42] [43] [44] |
Hyper | [20] | |
Hyper-sensitive | [45] | |
Hysterical | Typically used in reference to women | [46] |
Term | Notes | References |
Imbecile | Was originally the diagnostic term used for people with IQ scores between 30 and 50 when the IQ test was first developed in the early 1900s. It is no longer used professionally. Before the IQ test was developed in 1905, "imbecile" was also commonly used as a casual insult towards anyone perceived as incompetent at doing something. | [47] [48] [6] |
Incapacitated | [6] | |
Idiot | Was originally the diagnostic term used for people with IQ scores under 30 when the IQ test was first developed in the early 1900s. It is also no longer used professionally. Before the IQ test was developed in 1905, "idiot" was also commonly used as a casual insult towards anyone perceived as incompetent at doing something. | [47] [48] [6] |
Illiterate | Now considered imprecise and blames the person for something caused by the condition of the educational system. | [49] |
Inmate | When referring to a psychiatric admission | [12] |
Insane | [25] | |
Inspirational or inspiring | When used about somebody doing a very ordinary activity, a phenomenon of spectacle known as "inspiration porn" that is based on pity; not to be confused with legitimate public activities of mass spectacle such as Special Olympics or Paralympics, which celebrate talent without pity or mockery. | [50] |
Invalid | [6] [16] |
Term | Notes | References |
Junkie | [12] |
Term | Notes | References |
Lame | In reference to difficulty walking or moving. The term has since been adopted into urban slang to generally refer to something or someone as "meaningless" or "without worth", e.g. "He told us a lame excuse for why he had not done the work." | [6] [21] [22] |
Losing one's mind | [25] | |
Losing / Lost one's marbles | [ citation needed ] | |
LPC – Likely to become a public charge | [51] | |
Lunatic or looney | [6] |
Term | Notes | References |
Mad, madman, manwomen | Some individuals with mental illness tend to use this term to change the negative stigma surrounding it (see Mad Pride) | [6] [12] [25] [52] |
Mad as a hatter or Mad hatter | Derogatory term (referring to a mentally ill person or a person with brain damage and dementia caused by heavy metal poisoning) popularized especially due to the fictional character of the same name | [53] |
Maniac | [6] | |
Mental, mentally deficient, mental case or mentally ill | [6] [15] [16] [22] | |
Midget | [16] | |
Mong, Mongol, Mongoloid, or Mongolism | Used of people with Down syndrome | [6] [16] [20] [54] |
Moron, moronic | [6] [15] | |
Munchkin | See "Midget" above. A term derived from the 1930s feature film The Wizard of Oz which had a cast of Little Persons. | [55] |
Mute | [20] | |
Mutant | referring to someone with an uncommon genetic mutation | [56] |
Term | Notes | References |
Narc, narcissist | Does not mean the same as abuser | [13] [57] |
Not the brightest bulb / Not the sharpest tool in the shed | Mentally disabled derogatory term | [ citation needed ] |
Nut, nuts, or nutter, nuthouse, etc. | [23] [25] |
Term | Notes | References |
Out to lunch | Mentally disabled derogatory term | [58] [59] |
Term | Notes | References |
Patient | [6] | |
Paraplegic | [10] | |
Psycho(tic) | [16] | |
Psychopath | A dated term used for a person with a mental illness | [60] |
Term | Notes | References |
Quasimodo | Translates to "half-formed" or more commonly "deformed", and made infamous by the fictional character Quasimodo, a deformed man with kyphosis who later appeared in a popular Disney film in the 1990s (see Hunchback above) | [43] |
Term | Notes | References |
Retard/Retarded | Before the 1990s this was considered acceptable by most non-disabled people and organizations. [61] Also known as the r-word. [62] | [6] [7] [21] [22] |
Term | Notes | References |
Scatterbrained | [63] | |
Schizo | Especially as an adjective, meaning "erratic" or "unpredictable" or, for the former two, to refer to an individual | [64] [65] [66] [67] |
Schizophrenic | When referring to an individual | [10] |
(has a) Screw loose | British slang term that originally meant eccentric, neurotic or slightly mentally ill; generally considered offensive to mentally ill people | [68] [69] |
Senile | [10] | |
Slow | [70] | |
Sluggish | [63] | |
Sociopath | [60] | |
Spastic/Spaz | Especially in the UK and Ireland. Previously referred to muscle spasticity or a person with cerebral palsy, which may involve muscle spasms. Also used to insult someone uncoordinated or making jerking movements. | [6] [17] [22] |
Special | [20] | |
Special needs | [71] | |
SPED | An acronym of "special ed" (short for "special education") | [72] |
Stone deaf | [73] [ better source needed ] | |
Stricken | [11] | |
Stupid | [74] | |
Subnormal | [20] | |
Supercrip | [75] | |
Sufferer | [7] [76] |
Term | Notes | References |
Tard | Short for "retard"; see retard above. | [77] |
Thick | [78] | |
Tone deaf | [73] |
Term | Notes | References |
Unclean | [79] | |
Unfortunate | [45] | |
Unhinged | [80] |
Term | Notes | References |
Victim of an ailment | [6] [16] [22] [76] | |
Vegetable | [81] | |
Vegetative state | [82] [83] |
Term | Notes | References |
Wacko | [11] | |
Wheelchair bound and "confined to a wheelchair" | Preferred use is "person who uses a wheelchair" | [6] [7] [16] [17] [22] |
Window licker | [84] [85] |
Term | Notes | References |
Yuppie flu | Used as a pejorative term for chronic fatigue syndrome. This originated from the media stereotype of people with CFS as ambitious, young, and affluent, rather than having a genuine illness. | [86] |
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal, and later sexual orientation and gender identity. In addition, unlike the Civil Rights Act, the ADA also requires covered employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities, and imposes accessibility requirements on public accommodations.
A euphemism is an innocuous word or expression used in place of one that is deemed offensive or suggests something unpleasant. Some euphemisms are intended to amuse, while others use bland, inoffensive terms for concepts that the user wishes to downplay. Euphemisms may be used to mask profanity or refer to topics some consider taboo such as mental or physical disability, sexual intercourse, bodily excretions, pain, violence, illness, or death in a polite way.
Singular they, along with its inflected or derivative forms, them, their, theirs, and themselves, is a gender-neutral third-person pronoun. It typically occurs with an indeterminate antecedent, to refer to an unknown person, or to refer to every person of some group, in sentences such as:
Jargon or technical language is the specialized terminology associated with a particular field or area of activity. Jargon is normally employed in a particular communicative context and may not be well understood outside that context. The context is usually a particular occupation, but any ingroup can have jargon. The key characteristic that distinguishes jargon from the rest of a language is its specialized vocabulary, which includes terms and definitions of words that are unique to the context, and terms used in a narrower and more exact sense than when used in colloquial language. This can lead outgroups to misunderstand communication attempts. Jargon is sometimes understood as a form of technical slang and then distinguished from the official terminology used in a particular field of activity.
Disability is the experience of any condition that makes it more difficult for a person to do certain activities or have equitable access within a given society. Disabilities may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory, or a combination of multiple factors. Disabilities can be present from birth or can be acquired during a person's lifetime. Historically, disabilities have only been recognized based on a narrow set of criteria—however, disabilities are not binary and can be present in unique characteristics depending on the individual. A disability may be readily visible, or invisible in nature.
Merriam-Webster, Incorporated is an American company that publishes reference books and is mostly known for its dictionaries. It is the oldest dictionary publisher in the United States.
A demonym or gentilic is a word that identifies a group of people in relation to a particular place. Demonyms are usually derived from the name of the place. Demonyms are used to designate all people of a particular place, regardless of ethnic, linguistic, religious or other cultural differences that may exist within the population of that place. Examples of demonyms include Cochabambino, for someone from the city of Cochabamba; Tunisian for a person from Tunisia; and Swahili, for a person of the Swahili coast.
Deaf-mute is a term which was used historically to identify a person who was either deaf and used sign language or both deaf and could not speak. The term continues to be used to refer to deaf people who cannot speak an oral language or have some degree of speaking ability, but choose not to speak because of the negative or unwanted attention atypical voices sometimes attract. Such people communicate using sign language. Some consider it to be a derogatory term if used outside its historical context; the preferred term today is simply deaf.
The disability rights movement is a global social movement that seeks to secure equal opportunities and equal rights for all people with disabilities.
The social model of disability identifies systemic barriers, derogatory attitudes, and social exclusion, which make it difficult or impossible for disabled people to attain their valued functionings. The social model of disability diverges from the dominant medical model of disability, which is a functional analysis of the body as a machine to be fixed in order to conform with normative values. As the medical model of disability carries with it a negative connotation, with negative labels associated with disabled people. The social model of disability seeks to challenge power imbalances within society between differently-abled people and seeks to redefine what disability means as a diverse expression of human life. While physical, sensory, intellectual, or psychological variations may result in individual functional differences, these do not necessarily have to lead to disability unless society fails to take account of and include people intentionally with respect to their individual needs. The origin of the approach can be traced to the 1960s, and the specific term emerged from the United Kingdom in the 1980s.
People-first language (PFL), also called person-first language, is a type of linguistic prescription which puts a person before a diagnosis, describing what condition a person "has" rather than asserting what a person "is". It is intended to avoid marginalization or dehumanization when discussing people with a chronic illness or disability. It can be seen as a type of disability etiquette but person-first language can also be more generally applied to any group that would otherwise be defined or mentally categorized by a condition or trait.
In medicine, the adjective spastic refers to an alteration in muscle tone affected by the medical condition spasticity, which is a well-known symptomatic phenomenon seen in patients with a wide range of central neurological disorders, including spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as conditions such as "spastic colon." The word is derived via Latin from the Greek spastikos.
Ableism is discrimination and social prejudice against people with physical or mental disabilities. Ableism characterizes people as they are defined by their disabilities and it also classifies disabled people as people who are inferior to non-disabled people. On this basis, people are assigned or denied certain perceived abilities, skills, or character orientations.
Lydia X. Z. Brown is an American autistic disability rights activist, writer, attorney, and public speaker who was honored by the White House in 2013. They are the chairperson of the American Bar Association Civil Rights & Social Justice Disability Rights Committee. They are also Policy Counsel for Privacy & Data at the Center for Democracy & Technology, and Director of Policy, Advocacy, & External Affairs at the Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network. In 2022, they unsuccessfully ran for the Maryland House of Delegates in District 7A, losing to state delegate Kathy Szeliga and delegate-elect Ryan Nawrocki.
Reliable information about disability in North Korea, like other information about social conditions in the country, is difficult to find. As of 2016, North Korea is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Crip, slang for cripple, is a term in the process of being reclaimed by disabled people. Wright State University suggests that the current community definition of crip includes people who experience any form of disability, such as one or more impairments with physical, mental, learning, and sensory, though the term primarily targets physical and mobility impairment. People might identify as a crip for many reasons. Some of these reasons are to show pride, to talk about disability rights, or avoid ranking types of disability.
Around 35,000 people in Belize have a disability. There are efforts to raise awareness about people with disabilities in Belize and counter social stigma. Several non-governmental organizations, including Special Olympics, help increase awareness and the government sponsors an annual Disability Week. Services for people with disabilities is limited and most areas of the country have limited accessibility.
Doomscrolling or doomsurfing is the act of spending an excessive amount of time reading large quantities of news, particularly negative news, on the web and social media. Doomscrolling can also be defined as the excessive consumption of short-form videos or social media content for an excessive period of time without stopping. The concept was coined around 2020, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Horror films have frequently featured disability, dating to the genre's earliest origins in the 1930s. Various disabilities have been used in the genre to create or augment horror in audiences, which has attracted commentary from some critics and disability activists.
At its core, "dotard" makes a judgement about a person's mental health, which is not a particularly wise thing to be doing to your peers as you dance through life.
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