List of fungi of South Africa – F

Last updated

This is an alphabetical list of fungal taxa as recorded from South Africa. Currently accepted names have been appended.



Genus: Fabraea Sacc. 1881 accepted? as Leptotrochila P. Karst., (1871)

Genus: Farysia Racib. 1909

Genus: Favolus Fr., (1828)

Genus: Favotrichophyton (Castell. & Chalm.) Neveu-Lem. 1921 accepted as Trichophyton Malmsten, (1848)


Genus: Femsjonia Fr. 1849 accepted as Ditiola Fr., (1822)

Genus: Ferrarisia Sacc. 1919


Family: Fistuliniodeae [1] *

Genus: Fistulina Bull. 1791


Genus: Flammula (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871


Genus: Fomes (Fr.) Fr. 1849

Genus Fomitella


Genus: Fracchiaea Sacc. 1873


Genus: Fumago Pers. 1822


Genus: Fusarium Link 1809

Genus: Fusella Sacc. 1886

Genus: Fusicladium Bonord. 1851 accepted as Venturia Sacc., (1882)

Genus: Fusicoccum Corda 1829,

See also

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