List of peerages inherited by women

Last updated

In the peerages of the British Isles, most titles have traditionally been created for men and with remainder to male heirs. However, some titles are created with special remainders to allow women to inherit them. Some of the oldest English baronies were created by writ and pass to female heirs when a peer dies with daughters and no sons, while some titles are created with a man's family in mind, if he is without sons and unlikely to produce any. The following is a list of women who have inherited titles with the British peerages.


14th century

Date inheritedDate of death
or other loss of title
TitleNameOther titles
by marriage
Preceded in title bySucceeded in title by
21 October 131419 October 13562nd Baroness Geneville Joan de Geneville (Mortimer) Countess of March Geoffrey de Geneville, grandfather Roger Mortimer, son
6 June 133310 December 13634th Countess of Ulster Elizabeth de Burgh (Plantagenet) Duchess of Clarence William de Burgh, father Philippa, daughter
4 August 133824 March 13992nd Countess of Norfolk Margaret of Norfolk Baroness Segrave
by first marriage
Baroness Manny
by second marriage
Duchess of Norfolk
by creation
Thomas of Brotherton, father Thomas Mowbray, grandson
31 May 134929 September 13493rd Baroness Wake of Liddell Margaret Wake (Comyn) Countess of Kent Thomas Wake, brother John, son
26 December 13527 August 13854th Countess of Kent
5th Baroness Wake of Liddell
Joan Plantagenet (Montacute) (Holland) Countess of Salisbury
by second marriage
Princess of Wales
by third marriage
John Plantagenet, brother Thomas Holland, son
10 December 13635 January 13825th Countess of Ulster Philippa of Clarence Countess of March Elizabeth de Burgh, mother Roger Mortimer, son
13723 April 13842nd Baroness Manny Anne Hastings Countess of Pembroke Walter de Manny, father John Hastings, son

15th century

Date inheritedDate of death
or other loss of title
TitleNameOther titles
by marriage
Preceded in title bySucceeded in title by
1437 de facto
1458 Countess of Lennox Isabella Duchess of Albany Donnchadh, fatherExtinct
3 November 142814625th Countess of Salisbury Alice (Montacute) Neville Thomas Montacute, father Richard Neville, son
25 November 1431
suo jure
14858th Baroness FitzWalter Elizabeth FitzWalterLady Dinham
by second marriage
Walter FitzWalter, 7th Baron FitzWalter, father John Radcliffe, 9th Baron FitzWalter, son
11 June 14463 January 144815th Countess of Warwick Anne de Beauchamp Henry de Beauchamp, father Anne Neville and Richard Neville, aunt and uncle
3 January 144820 September 149216th Countess of Warwick Anne (de Beauchamp) Neville Countess of Salisbury Anne de Beauchamp, niece Edward Plantagenet, grandson
145014688th Baroness Ferrers of Chartley Anne Ferrers (Devereux)William de Ferrers, father Walter Devereux, husband

John Devereux, son
30 December 146012 May 15297th Baroness Harington Cecily Bonville (Grey) (Stafford) Marchioness of Dorset
by first marriage
Countess of Wiltshire
by second marriage
William Bonville, father Thomas Grey, son
18 February 14612nd Baroness Bonville William Bonville, great-grandfather
14 January 147619 November 14818th Countess of Norfolk Anne de Mowbray (Plantagenet) Duchess of York
Duchess of Norfolk
John Mowbray, fatherExtinct
Baroness Mowbray
Baroness Segrave
John Howard, cousin
16 July 149127 August 15073rd Baroness Herbert Elizabeth (Herbert) Somerset Countess of Worcester William Herbert, father Henry Somerset, son

16th century

Date inheritedDate of death
or other loss of title
TitleNameOther titlesPreceded in title bySucceeded in title by
died 27 May 1541
8th or 2nd Countess of Salisbury Margaret Pole Edward Plantagenet, brotherForfeit
152619 September 158012 Baroness Willoughby de Eresby Catherine Willoughby (Brandon) (Bertie) Duchess of Suffolk William Willoughby, father Peregrine Bertie, son
13 March 154017 April 1543
died 28 January 1571
7th Baroness Bourchier Anne Bourchier (Parr) Henry Bourchier, father Walter Devereux, cousin
14 April 15871 May 159116th Baroness de Ros Elizabeth (Manners) Cecil Edward Manners, father William Cecil, son

17th century

Date inheritedDate of death
or other loss of title
TitleNameOther titles
by marriage
Preceded in title bySucceeded in title by
30 October 1605
claimed 1628
22 March 167614th Baroness de Clifford Anne Clifford (Sackville) (Herbert) Countess of Dorset
by first marriage
Countess of Pembroke and Montgomery
by second marriage
George Clifford, father Nicholas Tufton, grandson
14 October 161817 September 16372nd Baroness Clifton Katherine Clifton (Stewart) (Hamilton) Countess of March
Duchess of Lennox
by first marriage
Countess of Abercorn
by second marriage
Gervase Clifton, father James Stewart, son
1632October 164919th Baroness de Ros Katherine (Manners) Villiers (MacDonnell) Duchess of Buckingham
by first marriage
Countess of Antrim
Marchioness of Antrim
by second marriage
Francis Manners, father George Villiers, son
165124 May 165413th Baroness Furnivall Alethea (Talbot) Howard Countess of Arundel Gilbert Talbot, father Henry Howard, son
12 September 16511698
died 17 October 1716
3rd Duchess of Hamilton Anne Hamilton (Douglas) William Hamilton, uncle James Hamilton, son
22 November 165111 March 16613rd Countess of Buccleuch Mary Scott Countess of Tarras Francis Scott, father Anne Scott, sister
11 September 16535 June 16982nd Countess of Dysart
2nd Baroness Huntingtower
Elizabeth (Murray) (Tollemache) Maitland Duchess of Lauderdale William Murray, father Lionel Tollemache, son
11 March 16616 February 17324th Countess of Buccleuch Anne Scott Duchess of Buccleuch
by creation
Mary Scott, sister Francis Scott, grandson
25 March 166723 April 16866th Baroness Wentworth Henrietta Wentworth Thomas Wentworth, grandfatherAnne Lovelace, aunt
July 167911 March 17053rd Countess of Wemyss Margaret Wemyss (Mackenzie) Lady Burntisland
by first marriage
Countess of Cromartie
by second marriage
David Wemyss, father David Wemyss, son
28 July 16857 February 17232nd Countess of Arlington Isabella (Bennet) FitzRoy (Hanmer) Duchess of Grafton Henry Bennet, father Charles FitzRoy, son
23 April 168616977th Baroness Wentworth Anne Lovelace Baroness Lovelace Henrietta Wentworth, nieceMartha Johnson, granddaughter
19 June 169717 November 17057th Baroness Mordaunt Mary Howard Duchess of Norfolk Henry Mordaunt, father Charles Mordaunt, cousin
confirmed 1702
17458th Baroness Wentworth Martha Johnson Anne Lovelace, grandmotherEdward Noel, first cousin twice removed

18th century

Date inheritedDate of death
or other loss of title
TitleNameOther titles
by marriage
Preceded in title bySucceeded in title by
171426 June 17184th Baroness Strange Henrietta Stanley Countess of Anglesey
by first marriage
Baroness Ashburnham
by second marriage
William Stanley, fatherHenrietta Ashburnham, daughter
171719 August 175814th Countess of Erroll Mary Hay (Falconer) Charles Hay, brother James Hay, great-nephew
25 December 171713 March 174115th Baroness Ferrers of Chartley Elizabeth (Shirley) Compton Countess of Northampton Robert Shirley, grandfather Abeyant (later Charlotte Townshend, daughter)
26 June 171817325th Baroness Strange Henrietta Ashburnham Henrietta Stanley, mother James Stanley, great-uncle
16 June 172224 October 17332nd Duchess of Marlborough Henrietta Godolphin Countess of Godolphin John Churchill, father Charles Spencer, nephew
29 January 17375 December 17562nd Countess of Orkney Anne (Douglas-Hamilton) O'Brien Countess Inchiquin George Douglas-Hamilton, father Mary O'Brien, daughter
5 June 174010 January 17972nd Marchioness Grey Jemima (Campbell) Yorke Countess of Hardwicke Henry Grey, grandfatherExtinct
4th Baroness Lucas Amabel Hume-Campbell, daughter
14 September 174917522nd Viscountess Cobham Hester (Grenville) Temple Countess Temple
by creation
Richard Temple, brother Richard Grenville-Temple, son
17493 September 177016th Baroness Ferrers of Chartley Charlotte (Compton) Townshend Viscountess Townshend Elizabeth Compton, mother
abeyant 1741-1749
George Townshend, son
3 October 17547th Baroness Compton James Compton, father
7 February 17505 December 17762nd Baroness Percy Elizabeth (Seymour) Percy Duchess of Northumberland Algernon Seymour, father Hugh Percy, son
15 December 17538 December 17546th Baroness Clifford Charlotte (Boyle) Cavendish Marchioness of Hartington Richard Boyle William Cavendish, son
5 December 175610 May 17913rd Countess of Orkney Mary O'Brien Countess Inchiquin Anne O'Brien, mother Mary FitzMaurice, daughter
8 January 176413 October 18058th Baroness Strange Charlotte Murray Duchess of Atholl James Murray, father John Murray, son
176629 January 183919th Countess of Sutherland Elizabeth (Sutherland) Leveson-Gower Marchioness of Stafford
Duchess of Sutherland
William Sutherland, father George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, son
27 April 178214 March 17932nd Baroness Dynevor Cecil de Cardonnel William Talbot, 1st Earl Talbot, father George Talbot Rice, son
16 May 177827 January 1784de jure 12th Baroness Darcy de Knayth
9th Baroness Conyers
Amelia (Darcy) Osborne Marchioness of Carmarthen Robert Darcy, father George Osborne, son
28 April 17868 January 18406th Countess of Loudoun Flora Mure-Campbell Marchioness of Hastings James Mure-Campbell, father George Rawdon-Hastings, son
2 October 178911 April 180816th Baroness Botreaux
15th Baroness Hungerford
13th Baroness de Moleyns
13th Baroness Hastings de Hastings
12th Baroness Hastings de Hungerford
Elizabeth (Hastings) Rawdon Countess of Moira Francis Hastings, brother Francis Rawdon-Hastings, son
10 May 179130 December 18314th Countess of Orkney Mary (O'Brien) FitzMaurice Mary O'Brien, mother Thomas FitzMaurice, grandson

19th century

Date inheritedDate of death
or other loss of title
TitleNameOther titles
by marriage
Preceded in title bySucceeded in title by
18069 January 183121st Baroness de Ros Charlotte (Boyle Walsingham) FitzGerald-de Ros abeyant 1687-1806 (previously George Villiers, cousin) Henry FitzGerald-de Ros, son
29 October 181018 November 185820th Baroness Grey de Ruthyn Barbara Rawdon-Hastings Marchioness of Hastings Henry Yelverton, father Henry Rawdon-Hastings, son
17 June 181312 April 18232nd Baroness Barham Diana Noel Charles Middleton, father Charles Noel, son
25 February 18162 January 18319th Viscountess Massereene Harriet Skeffington Viscountess Ferrard Chichester Skeffington, father John Skeffington, son
9 March 182122 September 18407th Countess of Dysart Louisa Tollemache Manners Wilbraham Tollemache, brother Lionel Tollemache, grandson
10 March 182311 November 18672nd Baroness Keith Margaret Elphinstone de Flahault Comtesse de Flahault George Elphinstone, fatherExtinct
18377th Lady Nairne
not recognised
William Nairne, cousin Emily Petty-Fitzmaurice, daughter
14 February 183522 January 18552nd Baroness Basset Frances Basset Francis Basset, fatherExtinct
185616 May 186011th Baroness Wentworth Anne Isabella Byron Baroness Byron Thomas Noel, uncle
abeyant 18151856
Byron Noel-King, grandson
186823 January 187410th Countess of Loudoun Edith Rawdon-Hastings Henry Rawdon-Hastings, brother Charles Clifton, son
188817 November 192613th Baroness Conyers Marcia Pelham Countess of Yarborough Sackville Lane-Fox, father
abeyant 1895-1896
Sackville Pelham, son
19037th Baroness Fauconberg Joan Neville
abeyant 14901903
26 March 188917 October 194411th Lady Kinloss Mary Morgan-Grenville Richard Temple-Grenville, father Mary Freeman-Grenville, granddaughter
189631 August 197111th Baroness Beaumont Mona (Stapleton) Fitzalan-Howard Baroness Howard of Glossop Miles Stapleton, father
abeyant 1888-1892
Miles Stapleton-Fitzalan-Howard, son

20th century

Date inheritedDate of death
or other loss of title
TitleNameOther titles
by marriage
Preceded in title bySucceeded in title by
190329 April 192916th Baroness Darcy de Knayth Violet Herbert Countess of Powis Sackville Lane-Fox, father
abeyant 1490-1903
Mervyn Herbert, son
28 August 190618 June 191714th Baroness Wentworth Ada King-Milbanke Ralph King-Milbanke, father Anne Blunt, aunt
29 April 19074 May 193925th Baroness de Ros Mary (FitzGerald-de Ros) Dawson Countess of Dartrey Dudley FitzGerald-de Ros, father Una Ross, daughter
abeyant 19391943
190828 August 194512th Lady Herries of Terregles Gwendolen Fitzalan-Howard Duchess of Norfolk Marmaduke Constable-Maxwell, father Bernard Fitzalan-Howard, son
16 January 190921 December 19192nd Baroness Amherst of Hackney Mary Cecil Lady William Cecil William Tyssen-Amherst, father William Alexander Evering Cecil, son
1 February 190928 May 1962The 2nd Baroness Burton Nellie Lisa Bass Michael Bass, 1st Baron Burton, father Michael Baillie, 3rd Baron Burton, grandson
12 January 191226 February 19592nd Duchess of Fife HH Princess Alexandra of Fife HRH Princess Arthur of Connaught Alexander Duff, father James Carnegie, nephew
25 March 191324 December 19362nd Viscountess Wolseley Frances Garnet Wolseley Garnet Joseph Wolseley, fatherExtinct
21 January 191418 August 19262nd Baroness Strathcona and Mount Royal Margaret Howard Donald Alexander Smith, father Donald Sterling Palmer Howard, son
14 November 19149 October 19442nd Countess Roberts Aileen Roberts Frederick Roberts, fatherAda Lewin, sister
12 November 191530 September 196912th Countess of Seafield Nina Studley-Herbert James Ogilvie-Grant, fatherIan Ogilvie-Grant, son
18 June 191715 December 191715th Baroness Wentworth Anne Blunt Ada King-Milbanke, niece Judith Blunt-Lytton, daughter
15 December 19178 August 195716th Baroness Wentworth Judith Blunt-Lytton Anne Blunt, mother Noel Lytton, son
3 July 191820 July 19582nd Viscountess Rhondda Margaret Mackworth David Alfred Thomas, fatherExtinct
17 May 192024 February 196012th Countess of Loudoun Edith Abney-Hastings Charles Clifton, uncle Barbara Abney-Hastings, daughter
7 March 192123rd Baroness Botreaux
20th Baroness Hastings
Charles Rawdon-Hastings, uncle
abeyant 1920-1921
7th Baroness Stanley Ferdinando Stanley
abeyant 1594-1921
23 February 192112 December 197414th Baroness Strange Elizabeth Philipps Viscountess St Davids Jestyn Philipps, son
22nd Baroness Hungerford
21st Baroness de Moleyns
Charles Clifton, uncle
abeyant 1920-1921
20 March 19259 February 19662nd Baroness Ravensdale Irene Curzon, 2nd Baroness Ravensdale Baroness Ravensdale of Kedleston
created for life
George Curzon, father Nicholas Mosley, nephew
19352 June 197510th Countess of Dysart Wenefryde Scott William Tollemache, uncleRosamund Greaves, daughter
24 January 194116 May 197823rd Countess of Erroll Diana Hay (Moncreiffe) Josslyn Hay, father Merlin Hay, son
March 194324 February 200818th Baroness Darcy de Knayth Davina Ingrams Mervyn Herbert, fatherCaspar Ingrams, son
19439 October 195626th Baroness de Ros Una Dawson Ross Mary Dawson, mother Georgiana Maxwell, granddaughter
abeyant 19561958
17 October 194430 September 201212th Lady Kinloss Mary Freeman-Grenville Mary Morgan-Grenville, grandmother Teresa Freeman-Grenville, daughter
9 October 194419553rd Countess Roberts Ada Lewin Aileen Roberts, sisterExtinct
16 April 195617 April 198211th Lady Ruthven of Freeland Bridget (Hore-Ruthven) (Howard) Monckton Countess of Carlisle
by first marriage
Viscountess Monckton of Brenchley
by second marriage
Walter Hore-Ruthven, father Charles Howard, son
195821 April 198327th Baroness de Ros Georgiana Maxwell Una Ross, grandmother
abeyant 1956-1958
Peter Maxwell, son
24 February 19601 November 200213th Countess of Loudoun Barbara (Huddleston) Abney-Hastings Edith Abney-Hastings, mother Michael Abney-Hastings, son
1 February 19639 December 201924th Countess of Sutherland Elizabeth Sutherland George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, uncleAlistair Charles St. Clair Sutherland, eldest son  
30 December 19656 July 199520th Lady Sempill Ann Forbes-Sempill William Forbes-Sempill, fatherJames Chant-Sempill, son
26 May 196621 September 197411th Countess of Kintore Ethel Sydney Keith-Falconer Viscountess Stonehaven Arthur George Keith-Falconer, brother James Ian Baird, son
22 July 19694 May 197410th Baroness Wharton Elisabeth Kemeys-Tynte John Kemeys-Tynte, brother Myrtle Robertson, daughter
abeyant 19741990
197025 December 201227th Baroness Dacre Rachel Douglas-Home Thomas Brand, father
abeyant 1965-1970
James Douglas-Home, son
22 April 197119902nd Baroness Portal of Hungerford Rosemary Portal Charles Portal, fatherExtinct
19 April 197227 May 200214th Baroness Dudley Barbara Hamilton Ferdinando Dudley Henry Lea Smith, brotherJim Anthony Hill Wallace, son
31 January 197525 November 201414th Lady Herries of Terregles Anne Cowdrey Baroness Cowdrey of Tonbridge Bernard Fitzalan-Howard, father Mary Mumford, sister
21 April 1975 31st Countess of Mar Margaret (Lane) of Mar James of Mar, father 
198211 March 200516th Baroness Strange Cherry Drummond of Megginch John Drummond, father Adam Drummond, son
29 March 198328th Baroness Willoughby de Eresby Nancy Jane Marie Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby James Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, father 
1975200311th Countess of Dysart Rosamund Greaves Wenefryde Scott, mother Katherine Grant, sister
27 August 197913 June 20172nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma Patricia Knatchbull Baroness Brabourne Louis Mountbatten, father Norton Knatchbull, son
31 August 19793 September 202421st Lady Saltoun Flora Fraser Alexander Fraser, father Katharine Fraser, daughter
19 December 19858th Baroness Braye Mary Penelope Verney-Cave
199015 May 200011th Baroness Wharton Myrtle Robertson Elisabeth Kemeys-Tynte, mother
abeyant 19741990
Myles Robertson, son
30 June 199523 January 202316th Baroness Berners Pamela Vivien Kirkham Vera Ruby Williams, mother
abeyant 1992-1995
Rupert Kirkham, son
May 199911th Baroness Arlington Jennifer Nelson Forwood John FitzRoy, uncle
abeyant 1936-1999

21st century

Date inheritedDate of death
or other loss of title
TitleNameOther titlesPreceded in title bySucceeded in title by
14 October 20023rd Baroness Simon of Wythenshawe Matilda Simon formerly Baron Simon of Wythenshawe, but title changed after her gender transition. Roger Simon, father
17 December 20038 November 201112th Countess of Dysart Katherine Grant Rosamund Greaves, sister John Grant, son
25 June 200413 July 202410th Baroness Howard de Walden Mary Hazel Caridwen CzerninJohn Osmael Scott-Ellis, father
abeyant 1999–2004
Peter Czernin, son
17 May 20122 March 20139th Baroness Fauconberg
15th Baroness Conyers
Diana Miller Countess of Mértola Sackville George Pelham, father
abeyant 1948–2012
titles abeyant
30 September 201213th Lady Kinloss Teresa Freeman-Grenville Mary Freeman-Grenville, mother
8 May 201429th Baroness Dacre Emily Douglas-HomeJames Douglas-Home, father
25 November 20147 April 201715th Lady Herries of Terregles Mary Mumford Anne Cowdrey, sister Jane Kerr, sister
7 April 201716th Lady Herries of Terregles Jane Kerr Marchioness of Lothian Mary Mumford, sister
18 September 20199th Lady Balfour of Burleigh Victoria Bruce-WinklerRobert Bruce, father
3 September 202422nd Lady Saltoun Katharine Fraser Flora Fraser, mother

See also

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