Outline of globalization

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Eastern Telegraph Company 1901 chart of undersea telegraph cabling. An example of modern globalizing technology in the beginning of the 20th century. 1901 Eastern Telegraph cables.png
Eastern Telegraph Company 1901 chart of undersea telegraph cabling. An example of modern globalizing technology in the beginning of the 20th century.

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the broad, interdisciplinary subject of globalization:


Globalization (or globalisation) – processes of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. [1] Advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities. [2] Globalizing processes affect and are affected by business and work organization, economics, sociocultural resources, and the natural environment.

Global studies

World citizen badge World citizen badge.svg
World citizen badge

Global studies – interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary academic study of globalizing forces and trends. Global studies may include the investigation of one or more aspects of globalization, but tend to concentrate on how globalizing trends are redefining the relationships between states, organizations, societies, communities, and individuals, creating new challenges that cannot be solved by nations or markets alone. [3] Study of the factors contributing to globalization may originate in many academic concentrations, such as political science, economics, and sociology.


Animated map showing the development of colonial empires from 1492 to present Colonisation2.gif
Animated map showing the development of colonial empires from 1492 to present

History of globalization generally broken-down into three periods: Archaic, Proto-globalization, and Modern.

Globalization concepts

Links below are to articles, unless otherwise specified.

Since globalization is not an independent phenomenon but is highly interrelated with world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture, explanations of why globalization occurs and what the effects of globalization are or can be expected are related to theories ranging from economic development to revolutionary socialism.

Pyramid of Capitalist System, 1911 Industrial Worker publication advocating industrial unionism. It also shows the critique of capitalism. Pyramid of Capitalist System.jpg
Pyramid of Capitalist System, 1911 Industrial Worker publication advocating industrial unionism. It also shows the critique of capitalism.

Aspects of globalization

Global business organization

International business development and the organization of business and trade worldwide are fundamental aspects of globalization and the development of globalizing systems.

Singapore, the top country in the Enabling Trade Index, embraced globalization and became a highly developed country. 1 singapore city skyline dusk panorama 2011.jpg
Singapore, the top country in the Enabling Trade Index, embraced globalization and became a highly developed country.
Red: U.S. corporate profits after tax. Blue: U.S. nonresidential business investment, both as fractions of GDP, 1989-2012. Wealth concentration of corporate profits in global tax havens due to tax avoidance spurred by imposition of austerity measures can stall investment, inhibiting further growth. US corporate profits and business investment.png
Red: U.S. corporate profits after tax. Blue: U.S. nonresidential business investment, both as fractions of GDP, 1989–2012. Wealth concentration of corporate profits in global tax havens due to tax avoidance spurred by imposition of austerity measures can stall investment, inhibiting further growth.

Economic globalization

Economic globalization

Of the factors influencing the duration of economic growth in both developed and developing countries, income equality has a more beneficial impact than trade openness, sound political institutions, and foreign investment. Berg Ostry 2011 Chart 4.gif
Of the factors influencing the duration of economic growth in both developed and developing countries, income equality has a more beneficial impact than trade openness, sound political institutions, and foreign investment.

Economic globalization – increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, services, technology, and capital. International economic activities and institutions that influence or characterize economic globalization include:

Sociocultural globalization

All aspects of globalization are essentially sociocultural in nature. Here, aspects of the globalization of culture are detailed, including cultural diversity, cultural homogenization and its backlash, as well as multiculturalism, multilingualism, global civics, world governance and other political developments and social movements related to globalization.

Monument to Multiculturalism by Francesco Perilli in Toronto, Canada. Four identical sculptures are located in Buffalo City, South Africa; Changchun, China; Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Sydney, Australia. Reach Toronto.jpg
Monument to Multiculturalism by Francesco Perilli in Toronto, Canada. Four identical sculptures are located in Buffalo City, South Africa; Changchun, China; Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Sydney, Australia.
Shakira, a Colombian multilingual singer-songwriter, playing outside her home country Shakira Rio 03.jpg
Shakira, a Colombian multilingual singer-songwriter, playing outside her home country
A McDonald's in Osaka, Japan, exemplifies the McDonaldization of global society. McDonald's National Route Sekime Store 20050421.jpg
A McDonald's in Osaka, Japan, exemplifies the McDonaldization of global society.

Workforce globalization

Along with the globalization of business comes a new spatial division of labor, which occurs when production processes are no longer confined to national economies and labor becomes sourced from different parts of the globe. This global workforce has implications ranging from immigration policy to basic human and labor rights.

Brazilian multiple entry visa in a US passport, with immigration stamps from Brazil, France, and the United States Brazil visa and stamps.png
Brazilian multiple entry visa in a US passport, with immigration stamps from Brazil, France, and the United States
Entry tourist visa to China Tourist visa of the People's Republic of China.jpg
Entry tourist visa to China

Global natural environment

The natural environment can be contrasted with the built environment, comprising the areas and components that are strongly influenced by humans. In the age of globalization, few absolutely natural environments remain. Human challenges to the natural environment, such as climate change, cross-boundary water and air pollution, over-fishing of the ocean, and the spread of invasive species require at least transnational and, often, global solutions.

Deforestation of the Madagascar Highland Plateau has led to extensive siltation and unstable flows of western rivers. Madagascar highland plateau.jpg
Deforestation of the Madagascar Highland Plateau has led to extensive siltation and unstable flows of western rivers.
The three nested systems of sustainability - the economy wholly contained by society, wholly contained by the biophysical environment. Clickable. Nested sustainability-v2.gifEconomicSocialEnvironment
The three nested systems of sustainability – the economy wholly contained by society, wholly contained by the biophysical environment. Clickable.

Globalization issues

Processes of globalization present humankind with many issues that are considered problematic in at least one culture or society, and often multiple societies.

World Bank Protester, Jakarta, Indonesia Worldbank protest jakarta.jpg
World Bank Protester, Jakarta, Indonesia
The global digital divide: Computers per 100 people Global Digital Divide1.png
The global digital divide: Computers per 100 people

By location

Works about globalization

Persons influential in globalization

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Globalization</span> Spread of world views, products, ideas, capital and labor

Globalization, or globalisation, is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. The term globalization first appeared in the early 20th century, developed its current meaning sometime in the second half of the 20th century, and came into popular use in the 1990s to describe the unprecedented international connectivity of the post–Cold War world. Its origins can be traced back to 18th and 19th centuries due to advances in transportation and communications technology. This increase in global interactions has caused a growth in international trade and the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and culture. Globalization is primarily an economic process of interaction and integration that is associated with social and cultural aspects. However, disputes and international diplomacy are also large parts of the history of globalization, and of modern globalization.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economic development</span> Process and policies to improve economic well-being

In the economics study of the public sector, economic and social development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Feminist economics</span> Gender-aware branch of economics

Feminist economics is the critical study of economics and economies, with a focus on gender-aware and inclusive economic inquiry and policy analysis. Feminist economic researchers include academics, activists, policy theorists, and practitioners. Much feminist economic research focuses on topics that have been neglected in the field, such as care work, intimate partner violence, or on economic theories which could be improved through better incorporation of gendered effects and interactions, such as between paid and unpaid sectors of economies. Other feminist scholars have engaged in new forms of data collection and measurement such as the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM), and more gender-aware theories such as the capabilities approach. Feminist economics is oriented towards the goal of "enhancing the well-being of children, women, and men in local, national, and transnational communities."

The knowledge economy, or knowledge-based economy, is an economic system in which the production of goods and services is based principally on knowledge-intensive activities that contribute to advancement in technical and scientific innovation. The key element of value is the greater dependence on human capital and intellectual property as the source of innovative ideas, information and practices. Organisations are required to capitalise on this "knowledge" in their production to stimulate and deepen the business development process. There is less reliance on physical input and natural resources. A knowledge-based economy relies on the crucial role of intangible assets within the organisations' settings in facilitating modern economic growth.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economic system</span> System of ownership, production, and exchange

An economic system, or economic order, is a system of production, resource allocation and distribution of goods and services within a society. It includes the combination of the various institutions, agencies, entities, decision-making processes, and patterns of consumption that comprise the economic structure of a given community.

Dependency theory is the idea that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and exploited states to a "core" of wealthy states, enriching the latter at the expense of the former. A central contention of dependency theory is that poor states are impoverished and rich ones enriched by the way poor states are integrated into the "world system". This theory was officially developed in the late 1960s following World War II, as scholars searched for the root issue in the lack of development in Latin America.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">World-systems theory</span> Approach emphasizing the world-system as the primary unit of social analysis

World-systems theory is a multidisciplinary approach to world history and social change which emphasizes the world-system as the primary unit of social analysis. World-systems theorists argue that their theory explains the rise and fall of states, income inequality, social unrest, and imperialism.

International economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity from international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences and the international institutions that affect them. It seeks to explain the patterns and consequences of transactions and interactions between the inhabitants of different countries, including trade, investment and transaction.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Saskia Sassen</span> Dutch-American sociologist (born 1947)

Saskia Sassen is a Dutch-American sociologist noted for her analyses of globalization and international human migration. She is a professor of sociology at Columbia University in New York City, and the London School of Economics. The term global city was coined and popularized by Sassen in her 1991 work, The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Regional integration</span> International cooperation within a region of the world

Regional Integration is a process in which neighboring countries enter into an agreement in order to upgrade cooperation through common institutions and rules. The objectives of the agreement could range from economic to political to environmental, although it has typically taken the form of a political economy initiative where commercial interests are the focus for achieving broader socio-political and security objectives, as defined by national governments. Regional integration has been organized either via supranational institutional structures or through intergovernmental decision-making, or a combination of both.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy</span> Area of production, distribution, trade of, and consumption of goods and services

An economy is an area of the production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services. In general, it is defined as a social domain that emphasize the practices, discourses, and material expressions associated with the production, use, and management of resources. A given economy is a set of processes that involves its culture, values, education, technological evolution, history, social organization, political structure, legal systems, and natural resources as main factors. These factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions. In other words, the economic domain is a social domain of interrelated human practices and transactions that does not stand alone.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Criticism of the World Trade Organization</span> Criticism directed at the World Trade Organization

Since its creation in 1995, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has worked to maintain and develop international trade. As one of the largest international economic organizations, it has strong influence and control over trading rules and agreements, and thus has the ability to affect a country's economy immensely. The WTO policies aim to balance tariffs and other forms of economic protection with a trade liberalization policy, and to "ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible". Indeed, the WTO claims that its actions "cut living costs and raise standards, stimulate economic growth and development, help countries develop, [and] give the weak a stronger voice." Statistically speaking, global trade has consistently grown between one and six percent per annum over the past decade, and US$38.8 billion were allocated to Aid for Trade in 2016.

Global workforce refers to the international labor pool of workers, including those employed by multinational companies and connected through a global system of networking and production, foreign workers, transient migrant workers, remote workers, those in export-oriented employment, contingent workforce or other precarious work. As of 2012, the global labor pool consisted of approximately 3 billion workers, around 200 million unemployed.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Global apartheid</span>

Global apartheid is a term used to describe how Global North countries are engaged in a project of "racialization, segregation, political intervention, mobility controls, capitalist plunder, and labor exploitation" affecting people from the Global South. Proponents of the concept argue that a close examination of the global system reveals it to be a kind of apartheid writ large with striking resemblance to the system of racial segregation in South Africa from 1948 to 1994, but based on borders and national sovereignty.

Economic globalization is one of the three main dimensions of globalization commonly found in academic literature, with the two others being political globalization and cultural globalization, as well as the general term of globalization. Economic globalization refers to the widespread international movement of goods, capital, services, technology and information. It is the increasing economic integration and interdependence of national, regional, and local economies across the world through an intensification of cross-border movement of goods, services, technologies and capital. Economic globalization primarily comprises the globalization of production, finance, markets, technology, organizational regimes, institutions, corporations, and people.

Manfred Steger, professor of Global Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa argues that globalization has four main dimensions: economic, political, cultural, ecological, with ideological aspects of each category. David Held's book Global Transformations is organized around the same dimensions, though the ecological is not listed in the title. This set of categories relates to the four-domain approach of circles of social life, and Circles of Sustainability.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Alter-globalization</span> Social movement

Alter-globalization is a social movement whose proponents support global cooperation and interaction, but oppose what they describe as the negative effects of economic globalization, considering it to often work to the detriment of, or to not adequately promote, human values such as environmental and climate protection, economic justice, labor protection, protection of indigenous cultures, peace and civil liberties. The movement is related to the global justice movement.

Chantal J.M. Thomas, Cornell Law Professor at Cornell Law School, directs the Clarke Initiative for Law and Development in the Middle East and North Africa. She teaches in the areas of Law and Development, Law and Globalization, and International Economic Law. She is active in the areas of human rights and social justice, particularly in the Middle East.

Illicit trade is the production or distribution of a good or service that is considered illegal by a legislature. It includes trade that is strictly illegal in different jurisdictions, as well as trade that is illegal in some jurisdictions but legal in others.



  1. Albrow, Martin and Elizabeth King (eds.) (1990). Globalization, Knowledge and Society London: Sage. ISBN   978-0803983243 p. 8. "...all those processes by which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society."
  2. Stever, H. Guyford (1972). "Science, Systems, and Society." Journal of Cybernetics, 2(3):1–3. doi : 10.1080/01969727208542909
  3. Harth, Chris. (2005). 'Struggling to Grasp a Moving Target: Global Studies in the US and Emergent International Landscapes.' Interim Report Prepared for Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC.
  4. "Aggregate Demand, Instability and Growth" Review of Keynesian Economics, January 2013 (see also this review of the paper)
  5. Berg, Andrew G.; Ostry, Jonathan D. (2011). "Equality and Efficiency". Finance and Development. 48 (3). International Monetary Fund. Retrieved September 10, 2012.

Further reading